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Alternative Sustainable Binder for Concrete Construction: Wood Ash as a Cement Replacement

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 31, 594 - 608, 31.12.2021


The use of waste materials in concrete production has been highly encouraged recently to minimize the environmental problems. Portland cement is a high energy-intensive constituent material that contributes to CO2 emissions. Local waste materials are trending in concrete production due to shorter transportation distances that do not contribute to eCO2 emissions. Wood ash is one of the available wastes in Cyprus which is potentially disposed of through landfill. This study aimed to several various engineering properties (slump, bulk density, compressive strength, water permeability) performances of concrete mixes made with 95% Portland cement (PC) and 5% wood ash (WA) for 28 d target design strengths of 30 MPa and 45 MPa. In addition, further assessment was established to investigate the potential sustainability performance of the laboratory mixes from environmental (eCO2 emissions), economic and social (thermal conductivity and sound permeability) point of view. Studies of engineering properties, comprising slump, compressive strength and water permeability, showed either similar or slightly improved performances for WA mixes compared to PC mixes, while WA addition increased bulk density. Concerning sustainability performance, WA use decreased eCO2 emissions compared to conventional mixes. Social sustainability indicators had also enhanced performances for WA mixes indicating an encouraging approach for lower impact concrete production.

Destekleyen Kurum

European University of Lefke


The author would like to express his gratitudes to individuals; Mrs. Tuğçe Mani, Kemal Sergen and Metin Eray, and companies; Boğaziçi Endüstri Madencilik Ltd. and KASCON Ready-mix Concrete Company and Nayat Yapı Ltd. for their contribution to this research.


  • Abbasi, M., & Nilsson, F. (2016). Developing environmentally sustainable logistics: Exploring themes and challenges from a logistics service providers’ perspective. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 273-283.
  • Abdullahi, M. (2006). Characteristics of Wood ASH/OPC Concrete. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies, 9-16.
  • Akadiri, P., Chinyio, E., & Olomolaiye, P. (2012). Design of A Sustainable Building: A Conceptual Framework for Implementing Sustainability in the Building Sector. Buildings, 126-152.
  • Alyamac, K. E., Ghafari, E., & Ince, R. (2017). Development of eco-efficient self-compacting concrete with waste marble powder using the response surface method. Journal of Cleaner Production, 192-202.
  • Arenas, C., Vilches, L., Cifuentes, H., Leiva, C., Vale, J., & Fernandez-Pereira, C. (2011). Development of Acoustic Barriers Mainly Composed of Co-combustion Bottom Ash. World of Coal Ash (WOCA) Conference. Denver: University of Kentucky.
  • Asadi, I., Shafigh, P., & Mahyuddin, N. (2018). Concrete as a thermal mass material for building applications - A review. Journal of Building Engineering, 81-93.
  • Ashish, D. (2018). Feasibility of waste marble powder in concrete as partial substitution of cement and sand amalgam for sustainable growth. Journal of Building Engineering, 236-242.
  • Aydin, E., & Arel, H. Ş. (2019). High-volume marble substitution in cement-paste: Towards a better sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 117801.
  • Barbulescu, G., & Lafargue, R. (2016). Improving social sustainability through comfortable outdoor spaces. Constanta: Transsolar Academy.
  • Bostanci, S. C. (2019). Utilisation of wood ash for environmentally friendly concrete production. Fifth International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and. London: International Committee of the SCMT conferences.
  • Bostanci, S. C., Limbachiya, M., & Kew, H. (2018). Use of recycled aggregates for low carbon and cost effective concrete construction. Journal of Cleaner Production, 176-196.
  • Brundtland, G. (1987). Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. Oslo: United Nations.
  • Cheah, B. C., & Ramli, M. (2011). The implementation of wood waste ash as a partial cement replacement material in the production of structural grade concrete and mortar: An overview. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 669-685.
  • Cheah, C. B., & Ramli, M. (2012). Mechanical strength, durability and drying shrinkage of structural mortar containing HCWA as partial replacement of cement. Construction and Building Materials, 320-329.
  • Chowdury, S., Maniar, A., & Suganya, O. (2015). Strength development in concrete with wood ash blended cement and use of soft computing models to predict strength parameters. Journal of Advanced Research, 907-913.
  • Chowdury, S., Maniar, A., & Suganya, O. (2015). Strength development in concrete with wood ash blended cement and use of soft computing models to predict strength parameters. Journal of Advanced Research, 907-913.
  • Chowdury, S., Mishra, M., & Suganya, O. (2015). The incorporation of wood waste ash as a partial cement replacement material for making structural grade concrete: An overview. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 429-437.
  • Climate Change Secretariat. (2008). Kyoto Protocol Reference Manual on Accounting of Emissions and Assigned Amount. Bonn: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
  • da Luz Garcia, M. & Sousa-Coutinho, J. (2013). Strength and durability of cement with forest waste bottom ash. Construction and Building Materials, 897-910.
  • Demirboga, R. (2007). Thermal conductivity and compressive strength of concrete incorporation with mineral admixtures. Building and Environment, 2467-2471.
  • Desarnaulds, V., Costanzo, E., Carvalho, A., & Arlaud, B. (2005). Sustainability of acoustic materials and acoustic characterization of sustainable materials. Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, (pp. 1-8). Lisbon.
  • Ekinci, A., Hanafi, M., & Aydin, E. (2020). Strength, Stiffness, and Microstructure of Wood-Ash Stabilized Marine Clay. Minerals.
  • Elinwa, A., & Mahmood, Y. (2002). Ash from timber waste as cement replacement material. Cement Concrete Composites, 219-222.
  • Federal Highway Administration. (2016). Strategies for Improving Sustainability of Concrete Pavements. Washington: US Department of Transportation.
  • Hajek, P. (2017). Concrete Structures for Sustainability in a Changing World. Procedia Engineering, 207-214.
  • Hammond, G., & Jones, C. (2011). Inventory of Carbon and Energy Version 2.0. Bath: University of Bath.
  • Huising, D., Zhang, Z., Moore, J. C., Qiao, Q., & Li, Q. (2015). Recent advances in carbon emissions reduction: policies, technologies, monitoring, assessment and modeling. Journal of Cleaner Production, 1-12.
  • Ince, C. (2019). Reusing gold-mine tailings in cement mortars: Mechanical properties and socio-economic developments for the Lefke-Xeros area of Cyprus. Journal of Cleaner Production, 117871.
  • International Maritime Organization. (2014). Third IMO Greenhouse Gas Study 2014. Suffolk: International Maritime Organization.
  • Jeon, C., Amekudzi, A., & Guensler, R. (2013). Sustainability assessment at the transportation planning level: Performance measures and indexes. Transport Policy, 10-21.
  • Kalra, M., & Mehmood, G. (2018). A Review paper on the Effect of different types of coarse aggregate on Concrete. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (pp. 1-7). Bristol: IOP Publishing.
  • Kazmi, S., Munir, M., Wu, Y.-F., Hanif, A., & Patnaikuni, I. (2018). Thermal performance evaluation of eco-friendly bricks incorporating waste glass sludge. Journal of Cleaner Production, 1867-1880.
  • Khaliq, W., & Kodur, V. (2011). Thermal and mechanical properties of fiber reinforced high performance self-consolidating concrete at elevated temperatures. Cement and Concrete Research, 1112-1122.
  • Kizinevic, O., & Kizinevic, V. (2016). Utilisation of wood ash from biomass for the production of ceramic products. Construction and Building Materials, 264-273.
  • Leo Samuel, D., Dharmasastha, K., Shiva Nagendra, S., & Prakash Maiya, M. (2017). Thermal comfort in traditional buildings composed of local and modern construction materials. International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, 463-475.
  • Meddah, M. S. (2017). Recycled aggregates in concrete production: engineering properties and environmental impact. MATEC Web Conferences Sriwijaya International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (p. 05021). Paris: EDP Sciences.
  • Mishra, G. (2020). Elements or Components of Green Building-Material, Water, Energy Health. Retrieved June 29, 2020, from The Constructor – Civil Engineering Home for Civil Engineers:
  • Naik, T. R., Kraus, R. N., & Siddique, R. (2002). Demonstration of Manufacturing Technology for Concrete and CLSM Utilizing Wood Ash from Wisconsin. Milwaukee: The University of Wisconsin.
  • Naik, T. R., Kraus, R. N., & Siddique, R. (2003). Controlled Low-Strength Materials Containing Mixtures of Coal Ash and New Pozzolanic Material. ACI Materials Journal, 208-215.
  • Ngohpok, C., Satiennam, T., Klungboonkrong, P., & Chindaprasirt, P. (2018). Mechanical Properties, Thermal Conductivity, and Sound Absorption of Pervious Concrete Containing Recycled Concrete and Bottom Ash Aggregates. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 1369-1376.
  • Onuaguluchi, O., & Eren, Ö. (2016). Reusing copper tailings in concrete: corrosion performance and socioeconomic implications for the Lefke-Xeros area of Cyprus. Journal of Cleaner Production, 420-429.
  • Pavlikova, M., Zemanova, L., Pokorny, J., Zaleska, M., Jankovsky, O., Lojka, M., . . . Pavlik, Z. (2018). Valorization of wood chips ash as an eco-friendly mineral admixture in mortar mix design. Waste Management, 89-100.
  • Pedreño-Rojas, M., Morales-Conde, M., Pérez-Gálvez, F., & Rodríguez-Liñán, C. (2017). Eco-efficient acoustic and thermal conditioning using false ceiling plates made from plaster and wood waste. Journal of Cleaner Production, 690-705.
  • Plati, C. (2019). Sustainability factors in pavement materials, design, and preservation strategies: A literature review. Construction and Building Materials, 539-555.
  • Prabagar, S., Subasinghe, K., & Fonseka, K. W. (2015). Wood Ash as an Effective Raw Material For Concrete Blocks. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 228-233.
  • Ramos, T., Matos, A., & Sousa-Coutinho, J. (2013). Mortar with wood waste ash: Mechanical strength carbonation resistance and ASR expansion. Construction and Building Materials, 343-351.
  • Rissanen, J., Giosue, C., Ohenoja, K., Kinnunen, P., Marcellini, M., Ruello, M., Illikainen, M. (2019). The effect of peat and wood fly ash on the porosity of mortar. Construction and Building Materials, 421-430.
  • Rossit, G., & Lawson, M. (2012, September 21). Material LIFE: The Embodied Energy of Building Materials. Toronto.
  • Ruan, S., & Unluer, C. (2017). Influence of supplementary cementitious materials on the performance and environmental impacts of reactive magnesia cement concrete. Journal of Cleaner Production, 62-73.
  • Sanal, I. (2018). Discussion on the effectiveness of cement replacement for carbon dioxide (CO2) emission reduction in concrete. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 366-378.
  • Sanal, I. (2018). Significance of Concrete Production in Terms of Carbondioxide Emissions- Social and Environmental Impacts. Journal of Polytechnic, 369-378. DOI: 10.2339/politeknik.389590
  • Santos, B., Limbourg, S., & Carreira, J. (2015). The impact of transport policies on railroad intermodal freight competitiveness – The case of Belgium. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 230-244.
  • Scrivener, K. L., John, M. V., & Gartner, E. M. (2018). Eco-efficient cements: Potential economically viable solutions for a low-CO2 cemet-based materials industry. Cement and Concrete Research.
  • Shi, C., Qu, B., & Provis, J. (2019). Recent progress in low-carbon binders. Cement and Concrete Research, 227-250.
  • Shiau, T.-A., & Liu, J.-S. (2013). Developing an indicator system for local governments to evaluate transport sustainability strategies. Ecological Indicators, 361-371.
  • Siddique, R. (2012). Utilization of wood ash in concrete manufacturing. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 27-33.
  • The Cyprus Institute. (n.d.). Climate Change and Impact. Retrieved June 28, 2020, from The Cyprus Institute:
  • Timperley, J. (2018, September 13). Why cement emissions matter for climate change. Retrieved June 29, 2020, from Carbon Brief => Clear on Climate:
  • Turkish Standards Institution. (2009). TS 706 EN 12620+A1 - Aggregates for Concrete. . Ankara: Turkish Standards Institution.
  • Turkish Standards Institution. (2012). TS EN 197-1 - Cement - Part 1: Composition, Specification and Conformity Criteria for Common Cements. Ankara: Turkish Standards Institution.
  • Udoeyo, F., Inyang, H., Young, D., & Oparadu, E. (2006). Potential of Wood Waste Ash as an Additive in Concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 605-611. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0899-1561(2006)18:4(605).
  • United Nations. (2015, December 12). Paris Agreement. Paris, France: United Nations. Retrieved June 28, 2020
  • Venkataraman, M., Mishra, R., & Militky, J. (2017). Comparative analysis of high performance thermal insulation materials. Journal of Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology, 401-409. DOI: 10.15406/jteft.2017.02.00062.
  • World Green Building Council. (2020). Rating tools - World Green Building. Retrieved June 29, 2020, from Home - World Green Building:
  • Yilmaz, M., Tokyay, M., & Yaman, I. O. (2016). Cement Production by Cement-bonded Wood Particleboard Wastes. Advances in Cement Research, 233-240.
  • Zito, P., & Salvo, G. (2011). Toward an urban transport sustainability index: an European comparison. European Transport Research Review, 179-195.

Beton Üretiminde Alternatif Sürdürülebilir Bağlayıcı: Çimento Yerine Kısmi Odun Külü Kullanımı

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 31, 594 - 608, 31.12.2021


Çevre sorunlarının en aza indirilmesi için atık malzemelerin beton üretiminde kullanılması son zamanlarda oldukça teşvik edilmektedir. Portland çimentosu, CO2 emisyonlarına katkıda bulunan, yüksek enerji yoğun bileşenli bir malzemedir. Yerel atık malzemeler, eCO2 emisyonlarına katkıda bulunmayan daha kısa nakliye mesafeleri nedeniyle beton üretiminde trend oluyor. Odun külü, Kıbrıs'ta potansiyel olarak çöplük yoluyla bertaraf edilebilecek mevcut atıklardan biridir. Bu çalışma, 30 MPa ve 45 MPa'lık 28 d hedef tasarım dayanımları için %95 Portland çimentosu ve %5 odun külü ile yapılan beton karışımlarının çeşitli mühendislik özelliklerini (çökme, kütle yoğunluğu, basınç dayanımı, su geçirgenliği) performanslarını değerlendirmeyi amaçlamıştır. Ek olarak, laboratuvar karışımlarının çevresel (eCO2 emisyonları), ekonomik ve sosyal (termal iletkenlik ve ses geçirgenliği) açısından potansiyel sürdürülebilirlik performansını araştırmak için daha fazla değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Çökme, basınç dayanımı ve su geçirgenliğini içeren mühendislik özellikleri çalışmaları, WA karışımları için PC karışımlarına kıyasla benzer veya biraz daha iyi performans gösterirken, WA ilavesi kütle yoğunluğunu arttırdı. Sürdürülebilirlik performansı ile ilgili olarak, WA kullanımı, geleneksel karışımlara kıyasla eCO2 emisyonlarını azalttı. Sosyal sürdürülebilirlik göstergeleri, sürdürülebilir beton üretimi için umut verici bir yaklaşıma işaret eden WA karışımları için performansları da artırdı.


  • Abbasi, M., & Nilsson, F. (2016). Developing environmentally sustainable logistics: Exploring themes and challenges from a logistics service providers’ perspective. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 273-283.
  • Abdullahi, M. (2006). Characteristics of Wood ASH/OPC Concrete. Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies, 9-16.
  • Akadiri, P., Chinyio, E., & Olomolaiye, P. (2012). Design of A Sustainable Building: A Conceptual Framework for Implementing Sustainability in the Building Sector. Buildings, 126-152.
  • Alyamac, K. E., Ghafari, E., & Ince, R. (2017). Development of eco-efficient self-compacting concrete with waste marble powder using the response surface method. Journal of Cleaner Production, 192-202.
  • Arenas, C., Vilches, L., Cifuentes, H., Leiva, C., Vale, J., & Fernandez-Pereira, C. (2011). Development of Acoustic Barriers Mainly Composed of Co-combustion Bottom Ash. World of Coal Ash (WOCA) Conference. Denver: University of Kentucky.
  • Asadi, I., Shafigh, P., & Mahyuddin, N. (2018). Concrete as a thermal mass material for building applications - A review. Journal of Building Engineering, 81-93.
  • Ashish, D. (2018). Feasibility of waste marble powder in concrete as partial substitution of cement and sand amalgam for sustainable growth. Journal of Building Engineering, 236-242.
  • Aydin, E., & Arel, H. Ş. (2019). High-volume marble substitution in cement-paste: Towards a better sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 117801.
  • Barbulescu, G., & Lafargue, R. (2016). Improving social sustainability through comfortable outdoor spaces. Constanta: Transsolar Academy.
  • Bostanci, S. C. (2019). Utilisation of wood ash for environmentally friendly concrete production. Fifth International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and. London: International Committee of the SCMT conferences.
  • Bostanci, S. C., Limbachiya, M., & Kew, H. (2018). Use of recycled aggregates for low carbon and cost effective concrete construction. Journal of Cleaner Production, 176-196.
  • Brundtland, G. (1987). Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. Oslo: United Nations.
  • Cheah, B. C., & Ramli, M. (2011). The implementation of wood waste ash as a partial cement replacement material in the production of structural grade concrete and mortar: An overview. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 669-685.
  • Cheah, C. B., & Ramli, M. (2012). Mechanical strength, durability and drying shrinkage of structural mortar containing HCWA as partial replacement of cement. Construction and Building Materials, 320-329.
  • Chowdury, S., Maniar, A., & Suganya, O. (2015). Strength development in concrete with wood ash blended cement and use of soft computing models to predict strength parameters. Journal of Advanced Research, 907-913.
  • Chowdury, S., Maniar, A., & Suganya, O. (2015). Strength development in concrete with wood ash blended cement and use of soft computing models to predict strength parameters. Journal of Advanced Research, 907-913.
  • Chowdury, S., Mishra, M., & Suganya, O. (2015). The incorporation of wood waste ash as a partial cement replacement material for making structural grade concrete: An overview. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 429-437.
  • Climate Change Secretariat. (2008). Kyoto Protocol Reference Manual on Accounting of Emissions and Assigned Amount. Bonn: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
  • da Luz Garcia, M. & Sousa-Coutinho, J. (2013). Strength and durability of cement with forest waste bottom ash. Construction and Building Materials, 897-910.
  • Demirboga, R. (2007). Thermal conductivity and compressive strength of concrete incorporation with mineral admixtures. Building and Environment, 2467-2471.
  • Desarnaulds, V., Costanzo, E., Carvalho, A., & Arlaud, B. (2005). Sustainability of acoustic materials and acoustic characterization of sustainable materials. Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, (pp. 1-8). Lisbon.
  • Ekinci, A., Hanafi, M., & Aydin, E. (2020). Strength, Stiffness, and Microstructure of Wood-Ash Stabilized Marine Clay. Minerals.
  • Elinwa, A., & Mahmood, Y. (2002). Ash from timber waste as cement replacement material. Cement Concrete Composites, 219-222.
  • Federal Highway Administration. (2016). Strategies for Improving Sustainability of Concrete Pavements. Washington: US Department of Transportation.
  • Hajek, P. (2017). Concrete Structures for Sustainability in a Changing World. Procedia Engineering, 207-214.
  • Hammond, G., & Jones, C. (2011). Inventory of Carbon and Energy Version 2.0. Bath: University of Bath.
  • Huising, D., Zhang, Z., Moore, J. C., Qiao, Q., & Li, Q. (2015). Recent advances in carbon emissions reduction: policies, technologies, monitoring, assessment and modeling. Journal of Cleaner Production, 1-12.
  • Ince, C. (2019). Reusing gold-mine tailings in cement mortars: Mechanical properties and socio-economic developments for the Lefke-Xeros area of Cyprus. Journal of Cleaner Production, 117871.
  • International Maritime Organization. (2014). Third IMO Greenhouse Gas Study 2014. Suffolk: International Maritime Organization.
  • Jeon, C., Amekudzi, A., & Guensler, R. (2013). Sustainability assessment at the transportation planning level: Performance measures and indexes. Transport Policy, 10-21.
  • Kalra, M., & Mehmood, G. (2018). A Review paper on the Effect of different types of coarse aggregate on Concrete. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (pp. 1-7). Bristol: IOP Publishing.
  • Kazmi, S., Munir, M., Wu, Y.-F., Hanif, A., & Patnaikuni, I. (2018). Thermal performance evaluation of eco-friendly bricks incorporating waste glass sludge. Journal of Cleaner Production, 1867-1880.
  • Khaliq, W., & Kodur, V. (2011). Thermal and mechanical properties of fiber reinforced high performance self-consolidating concrete at elevated temperatures. Cement and Concrete Research, 1112-1122.
  • Kizinevic, O., & Kizinevic, V. (2016). Utilisation of wood ash from biomass for the production of ceramic products. Construction and Building Materials, 264-273.
  • Leo Samuel, D., Dharmasastha, K., Shiva Nagendra, S., & Prakash Maiya, M. (2017). Thermal comfort in traditional buildings composed of local and modern construction materials. International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, 463-475.
  • Meddah, M. S. (2017). Recycled aggregates in concrete production: engineering properties and environmental impact. MATEC Web Conferences Sriwijaya International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (p. 05021). Paris: EDP Sciences.
  • Mishra, G. (2020). Elements or Components of Green Building-Material, Water, Energy Health. Retrieved June 29, 2020, from The Constructor – Civil Engineering Home for Civil Engineers:
  • Naik, T. R., Kraus, R. N., & Siddique, R. (2002). Demonstration of Manufacturing Technology for Concrete and CLSM Utilizing Wood Ash from Wisconsin. Milwaukee: The University of Wisconsin.
  • Naik, T. R., Kraus, R. N., & Siddique, R. (2003). Controlled Low-Strength Materials Containing Mixtures of Coal Ash and New Pozzolanic Material. ACI Materials Journal, 208-215.
  • Ngohpok, C., Satiennam, T., Klungboonkrong, P., & Chindaprasirt, P. (2018). Mechanical Properties, Thermal Conductivity, and Sound Absorption of Pervious Concrete Containing Recycled Concrete and Bottom Ash Aggregates. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 1369-1376.
  • Onuaguluchi, O., & Eren, Ö. (2016). Reusing copper tailings in concrete: corrosion performance and socioeconomic implications for the Lefke-Xeros area of Cyprus. Journal of Cleaner Production, 420-429.
  • Pavlikova, M., Zemanova, L., Pokorny, J., Zaleska, M., Jankovsky, O., Lojka, M., . . . Pavlik, Z. (2018). Valorization of wood chips ash as an eco-friendly mineral admixture in mortar mix design. Waste Management, 89-100.
  • Pedreño-Rojas, M., Morales-Conde, M., Pérez-Gálvez, F., & Rodríguez-Liñán, C. (2017). Eco-efficient acoustic and thermal conditioning using false ceiling plates made from plaster and wood waste. Journal of Cleaner Production, 690-705.
  • Plati, C. (2019). Sustainability factors in pavement materials, design, and preservation strategies: A literature review. Construction and Building Materials, 539-555.
  • Prabagar, S., Subasinghe, K., & Fonseka, K. W. (2015). Wood Ash as an Effective Raw Material For Concrete Blocks. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 228-233.
  • Ramos, T., Matos, A., & Sousa-Coutinho, J. (2013). Mortar with wood waste ash: Mechanical strength carbonation resistance and ASR expansion. Construction and Building Materials, 343-351.
  • Rissanen, J., Giosue, C., Ohenoja, K., Kinnunen, P., Marcellini, M., Ruello, M., Illikainen, M. (2019). The effect of peat and wood fly ash on the porosity of mortar. Construction and Building Materials, 421-430.
  • Rossit, G., & Lawson, M. (2012, September 21). Material LIFE: The Embodied Energy of Building Materials. Toronto.
  • Ruan, S., & Unluer, C. (2017). Influence of supplementary cementitious materials on the performance and environmental impacts of reactive magnesia cement concrete. Journal of Cleaner Production, 62-73.
  • Sanal, I. (2018). Discussion on the effectiveness of cement replacement for carbon dioxide (CO2) emission reduction in concrete. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 366-378.
  • Sanal, I. (2018). Significance of Concrete Production in Terms of Carbondioxide Emissions- Social and Environmental Impacts. Journal of Polytechnic, 369-378. DOI: 10.2339/politeknik.389590
  • Santos, B., Limbourg, S., & Carreira, J. (2015). The impact of transport policies on railroad intermodal freight competitiveness – The case of Belgium. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 230-244.
  • Scrivener, K. L., John, M. V., & Gartner, E. M. (2018). Eco-efficient cements: Potential economically viable solutions for a low-CO2 cemet-based materials industry. Cement and Concrete Research.
  • Shi, C., Qu, B., & Provis, J. (2019). Recent progress in low-carbon binders. Cement and Concrete Research, 227-250.
  • Shiau, T.-A., & Liu, J.-S. (2013). Developing an indicator system for local governments to evaluate transport sustainability strategies. Ecological Indicators, 361-371.
  • Siddique, R. (2012). Utilization of wood ash in concrete manufacturing. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 27-33.
  • The Cyprus Institute. (n.d.). Climate Change and Impact. Retrieved June 28, 2020, from The Cyprus Institute:
  • Timperley, J. (2018, September 13). Why cement emissions matter for climate change. Retrieved June 29, 2020, from Carbon Brief => Clear on Climate:
  • Turkish Standards Institution. (2009). TS 706 EN 12620+A1 - Aggregates for Concrete. . Ankara: Turkish Standards Institution.
  • Turkish Standards Institution. (2012). TS EN 197-1 - Cement - Part 1: Composition, Specification and Conformity Criteria for Common Cements. Ankara: Turkish Standards Institution.
  • Udoeyo, F., Inyang, H., Young, D., & Oparadu, E. (2006). Potential of Wood Waste Ash as an Additive in Concrete. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 605-611. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0899-1561(2006)18:4(605).
  • United Nations. (2015, December 12). Paris Agreement. Paris, France: United Nations. Retrieved June 28, 2020
  • Venkataraman, M., Mishra, R., & Militky, J. (2017). Comparative analysis of high performance thermal insulation materials. Journal of Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology, 401-409. DOI: 10.15406/jteft.2017.02.00062.
  • World Green Building Council. (2020). Rating tools - World Green Building. Retrieved June 29, 2020, from Home - World Green Building:
  • Yilmaz, M., Tokyay, M., & Yaman, I. O. (2016). Cement Production by Cement-bonded Wood Particleboard Wastes. Advances in Cement Research, 233-240.
  • Zito, P., & Salvo, G. (2011). Toward an urban transport sustainability index: an European comparison. European Transport Research Review, 179-195.
Toplam 66 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Sevket Can Bostancı 0000-0002-1493-6147

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Sayı: 31

Kaynak Göster

APA Bostancı, S. C. (2021). Alternative Sustainable Binder for Concrete Construction: Wood Ash as a Cement Replacement. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(31), 594-608.