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DNA Damage and Antioxidant Defence Responses in The Brain and Liver Tissues of Rainbow Trout Infected With Different Bacteria

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 38, 386 - 391, 31.08.2022


Fish farming provides food and livelihood for many people around the world. The fact that trout is produced in many parts of the world and has a very rich content in terms of nutritional value increases the importance of trout. However, there are many problems in trout production due to bacterial factors, making fish production extremely difficult. Bacterial factors cause significant fish deaths and economic losses such as slowdown in growth. In addition to these, these factors also cause some damage to the DNA of fish and the formation of oxidations by disrupting the balance of free radicals in the tissues. Therefore, in this study; In the trout farms in our province, the trout with the main bacterial agents causing infection were determined and bacterial species (Staphylococcus epidermidis, Lactococcus garvieae and Bacillius subtilis) were determined by PCR. The brain and liver tissues of these fish were taken and the changes in antioxidant enzyme levels (SOD, CAT, GSH-Px), lipid peroxidation (MDA) and damage to their DNA (8-OHdG) compared to the control groups were investigated. In the study, it was determined that the antioxidant defense system enzyme levels in all three species of bacteria decreased in tissues, while lipid peroxidation and 8-OHdG levels increased.
As a result; Staphylococcus epidermidis, Lactococcus garvieae and Bacillius
subtilis bacteria caused changes in antioxidant enzyme levels, lipid peroxidation and 8-OHdG levels in trout brain and liver tissues.

Destekleyen Kurum

Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniv.

Proje Numarası



This study was supported by the project of Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Scientific Research Projects with FYL-2019-8202 project.


  • Aebi, H. (1984). Catalase in vitro, Method. Enzymol., 105, 121-126.
  • Alak, G., Parlaka, V., Yeltekin, A.Ç., Ucar A., Çomaklı, S., Topald, A., Atamanalp, M., Özkaraca, M. & Türkez H. (2019).The protective effect exerted by dietary borax on toxicity metabolism in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) tissues. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C. 216, 82–92.
  • Alak, G., Ucar, A., Yeltekin, A.Ç., Çomaklı, S., Parlak, V., Tas, I.H., Özkaraca, M., Kirmanoğlu, E.M., Bolat, İ., Atamanalp, M. & Türkez, H., (2018). Neuroprotective effects of dietary borax in the brain tissue of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to copper-induced toxicity. Fish Physiol Biochem, 44(5), 1409–1420.
  • Arda, M. (2000). Basic microbiology. (Extended Second Edition). Ankara: Medisan Publishing House Series.
  • Austin, B. & Austin, D.A. (1999). Bacterial Fish Pathogens Disease of Farmed and Wild Fish, Third (Revised) Edition, Praxis Publishing Chichester, U.K., 457.
  • M.D., Souzab, C.F., Santosa, R.C.V. & Baldisserotto, B. (2018).Streptococcus agalactiae alters cerebral enzymes of phosphoryl transfer network in experimentally infected silver catfish: Impairment on brain energy homeostasis. Aquacultur, 489, 105–109.
  • A., Goria, M., Ghittino, C., Zlotkin, A. & Bercovier, H. (1999). Biodiversity of Lactococcus garviae strains isolated from fish in Europe, Asia, and Australia. Appl Environ Microbiol, 65, 1005–1008.
  • De Martinis, B.S.& Bianchi, D.L.P.M. (2002). Methodology for urinary 8-hydroxy-2’- Deoxy guanosine analysis by HPLC with electrochemical detection. Pharmacol Res, 46(2),129-31.
  • M. (1998). Facts about the artifacts in the measurement of oxidative DNA base damage by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Free Radic Res, 29(6), 551-63.
  • L. & Gunzler, W.A. (1984). Assays of glutathione peroxidase. Methods in Enzymology., 105, 114–115.
  • Flohe, L. & Otting, F. (1984). Superoxide dismutase assays. Methods in Enzymology, 105, 93.
  • Güven, S. & Zorba, D.N.N. (2013). General Microbiology and Laboratory Guide. Nobel Academic Publishing Education Consultancy, Ankara.
  • Kumar, P., Jainb, K.K. & Sardar, P. (2018). Effects of dietary synbiotic on innate immunity, antioxidant activity and disease resistance of Cirrhinus mrigala juveniles Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 80, 124–132.
  • Mis, L., Comba, B., Uslu, S. & Yeltekin, A.Ç. (2018). Effect of Wheatgrass on DNA Damage, Oxidative Stress Index and Histological Findings in Diabetic Rats. Internatıonal Journal of Morphology, 36, 1235-1240.
  • Nemetz, T.G. & Shotts, E.B. (1993). Zoonotic Disease Chapter 17. Stroskopfmle(Ed):Fish Medicine W.B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia, London, p.214.
  • Öter, Ç. & Selçuk Zorer, Ö. (2020). Kinetic, isothermal and thermodynamic studies on Th(IV) adsorption by different modified activated carbons. Journal of Radio analytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 323, 341-351.
  • Paglia, D.E. & Valentina, W.N. (1967). Studies on the quantitative and qualitative characterization of erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase. J Lab Clin Med., 70, 158-169.
  • Pandey, S., Parvez, S., Sayeed, I., Haque, R., Bin-Hafeez, B. & Raisuddin S. (2003).Biomarkers of oxidative stress: a comparative study of river Yamuna fish Wallago atto. The Science of the Total Environment, 309, 105-115.
  • Placer, Z.A., Cushman, L.L. & Johnson, B.C. (1966). Estimation of product of lipid peroxidation (malonyldialdehyde) in biochemical systems. Analytical Biochemistry., 16, 359–364.
  • Roberts, R.J. & Shepherd, C.J. (1997). Handbook of Trout and Salmon Diseases, ThirdEd. Fishing News Books, Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, U.K. ISBN 0- 85238- 244-8. 84.
  • Satoh, K., Yoshino, J. & Akamatsu, T., et al. (2016). Evidence-based clinical practiceguidelines for peptic ulcer disease. J Gastroenterol., 51, 177- 94.
  • C.F., Baldissera, M.D., Santos, R.C.V., Raffin, R.P. & Baldisserotto, B. (2017). Nanotechnology improves the therapeutic efficacy of Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil in experimentally infected Rhamdia quelen with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Aquaculture, 473, 169-171.
  • T., Çağırgan, H. & Tokşen, E. (1997). Bacterial Fish Diseases. Journal of the Veterinary Control and Research Institute. Bornova, 20, 105- 27.
  • A.M., Rhody, N.R. & Walsh, C.J. (2018). Health Characteristics and BloodBacterial Assemblages of Healthy Captive Red Drum: Implications for Aquaculture and Fish Health Management. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health.30, 339–353.
  • Topal A., Alak G., Ozkaraca M., Yeltekin A.Ç., Comaklı S., Acıl G., Kokturk M. & Atamanalp M. (2017). Neurotoxic responses in brain tissues of rainbow trout exposed to imidacloprid pesticide: Assessment of 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine activity, oxidative stress and acetylcholinesterase activity. Chemosphere, 175, 186-191.
  • E., Rao, G., Remmen, H.V., Heydari, A.R. & Richardson, A. (1995). Activities of antioxidant enzymes in various tissues of male Fischer 344 rats are altered by food restriction. The Journal of Nutrition, 125 (2), 195–201.
  • R.P.E. & Francis-Floyd, R. (2002). Streptococcal Infections of Fish. CircularFA057, Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.
  • Yeltekin, A.Ç., Karapinar, Z. & Mis, L. (2018).The changes in the levels of elements in sheep with Contagious Ecthyma. Indian J. Anim. Res., 52 (1), 56-60.
  • Yeltekin, A.Ç. & Sağlamer, E. (2019). Toxic and Trace Element Levels in Salmo trutta macrostigma and Oncorhynchus mykiss Trout Raised in Different Environments, Polish Journal Of Environmental Studies, 28, 1613-1621.

Farklı Bakterilerle Enfekte Olan Gökkuşağı Alabalıklarının Beyin ve Karaciğer Dokularında Oluşan DNA Hasarı ve Antioksidan Değişimi

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 38, 386 - 391, 31.08.2022


Balık üretimi, dünya çapında birçok insan için yiyecek ve geçim kaynağı sağlamaktadır. Su ürünlerinden alabalığın dünyanın birçok yerinde üretilmesi ve besin değeri bakımından oldukça zengin bir içeriğe sahip olması alabalığın önemini artırmaktadır. Ancak, alabalık üretiminde bakteriyel etkenler sebebi ile birçok sorun yaşanmakta ve balık üretimini son derece zorlaştırmaktadır. Bakteriyel etmenler önemli ölçüde balık ölümlerine ve büyümede yavaşlama gibi ekonomik kayıplar neden olmaktadır. Bunların yanında, bu etmenler balıkların DNA'sında birtakım hasarlara ve dokularda serbest radikal dengesinin bozularak oksidasyonların oluşmasına da neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada; ilimizde bulunan alabalık çiftliklerinden enfeksiyon oluşturan başlıca bakteriyel ajanların bulunduğu alabalıklar belirlenerek ve PCR ile bakteri türleri (Staphylococcus epidermidis, Lactococcus garvieae ve Bacillius subtilis) tespit edilmiştir. Bu balıkların beyin ve karaciğer dokuları alınarak antioksidan enzim düzeylerindeki (SOD, CAT, GSH-Px) değişimler, lipit peroksidasyonları (MDA) ve DNA’larında meydana gelen hasarın (8-OHdG)) kontrol gruplarına göre değişimleri araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada bakterilerin üç türünde de antioksidan savunma sistemi enzim seviyelerinin genel olarak dokularda azaldığı, lipit perksidasyonunun ve 8-OHdG düzeylerinin ise arttığı tespit edilmiştir.
Sonuç olarak; Staphylococcus epidermidis, Lactococcus garvieae ve Bacillius
subtilis bakterilerinin, alabalık beyin ve karaciğer dokularında antioksidan enzim düzeylerinde, lipit peroksidasyonununda ve 8-OHdG düzeyinde değişimine sebep olduğu belirlenmiştir.

Proje Numarası



  • Aebi, H. (1984). Catalase in vitro, Method. Enzymol., 105, 121-126.
  • Alak, G., Parlaka, V., Yeltekin, A.Ç., Ucar A., Çomaklı, S., Topald, A., Atamanalp, M., Özkaraca, M. & Türkez H. (2019).The protective effect exerted by dietary borax on toxicity metabolism in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) tissues. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C. 216, 82–92.
  • Alak, G., Ucar, A., Yeltekin, A.Ç., Çomaklı, S., Parlak, V., Tas, I.H., Özkaraca, M., Kirmanoğlu, E.M., Bolat, İ., Atamanalp, M. & Türkez, H., (2018). Neuroprotective effects of dietary borax in the brain tissue of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to copper-induced toxicity. Fish Physiol Biochem, 44(5), 1409–1420.
  • Arda, M. (2000). Basic microbiology. (Extended Second Edition). Ankara: Medisan Publishing House Series.
  • Austin, B. & Austin, D.A. (1999). Bacterial Fish Pathogens Disease of Farmed and Wild Fish, Third (Revised) Edition, Praxis Publishing Chichester, U.K., 457.
  • M.D., Souzab, C.F., Santosa, R.C.V. & Baldisserotto, B. (2018).Streptococcus agalactiae alters cerebral enzymes of phosphoryl transfer network in experimentally infected silver catfish: Impairment on brain energy homeostasis. Aquacultur, 489, 105–109.
  • A., Goria, M., Ghittino, C., Zlotkin, A. & Bercovier, H. (1999). Biodiversity of Lactococcus garviae strains isolated from fish in Europe, Asia, and Australia. Appl Environ Microbiol, 65, 1005–1008.
  • De Martinis, B.S.& Bianchi, D.L.P.M. (2002). Methodology for urinary 8-hydroxy-2’- Deoxy guanosine analysis by HPLC with electrochemical detection. Pharmacol Res, 46(2),129-31.
  • M. (1998). Facts about the artifacts in the measurement of oxidative DNA base damage by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Free Radic Res, 29(6), 551-63.
  • L. & Gunzler, W.A. (1984). Assays of glutathione peroxidase. Methods in Enzymology., 105, 114–115.
  • Flohe, L. & Otting, F. (1984). Superoxide dismutase assays. Methods in Enzymology, 105, 93.
  • Güven, S. & Zorba, D.N.N. (2013). General Microbiology and Laboratory Guide. Nobel Academic Publishing Education Consultancy, Ankara.
  • Kumar, P., Jainb, K.K. & Sardar, P. (2018). Effects of dietary synbiotic on innate immunity, antioxidant activity and disease resistance of Cirrhinus mrigala juveniles Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 80, 124–132.
  • Mis, L., Comba, B., Uslu, S. & Yeltekin, A.Ç. (2018). Effect of Wheatgrass on DNA Damage, Oxidative Stress Index and Histological Findings in Diabetic Rats. Internatıonal Journal of Morphology, 36, 1235-1240.
  • Nemetz, T.G. & Shotts, E.B. (1993). Zoonotic Disease Chapter 17. Stroskopfmle(Ed):Fish Medicine W.B. Saunders Company. Philadelphia, London, p.214.
  • Öter, Ç. & Selçuk Zorer, Ö. (2020). Kinetic, isothermal and thermodynamic studies on Th(IV) adsorption by different modified activated carbons. Journal of Radio analytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 323, 341-351.
  • Paglia, D.E. & Valentina, W.N. (1967). Studies on the quantitative and qualitative characterization of erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase. J Lab Clin Med., 70, 158-169.
  • Pandey, S., Parvez, S., Sayeed, I., Haque, R., Bin-Hafeez, B. & Raisuddin S. (2003).Biomarkers of oxidative stress: a comparative study of river Yamuna fish Wallago atto. The Science of the Total Environment, 309, 105-115.
  • Placer, Z.A., Cushman, L.L. & Johnson, B.C. (1966). Estimation of product of lipid peroxidation (malonyldialdehyde) in biochemical systems. Analytical Biochemistry., 16, 359–364.
  • Roberts, R.J. & Shepherd, C.J. (1997). Handbook of Trout and Salmon Diseases, ThirdEd. Fishing News Books, Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, U.K. ISBN 0- 85238- 244-8. 84.
  • Satoh, K., Yoshino, J. & Akamatsu, T., et al. (2016). Evidence-based clinical practiceguidelines for peptic ulcer disease. J Gastroenterol., 51, 177- 94.
  • C.F., Baldissera, M.D., Santos, R.C.V., Raffin, R.P. & Baldisserotto, B. (2017). Nanotechnology improves the therapeutic efficacy of Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil in experimentally infected Rhamdia quelen with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Aquaculture, 473, 169-171.
  • T., Çağırgan, H. & Tokşen, E. (1997). Bacterial Fish Diseases. Journal of the Veterinary Control and Research Institute. Bornova, 20, 105- 27.
  • A.M., Rhody, N.R. & Walsh, C.J. (2018). Health Characteristics and BloodBacterial Assemblages of Healthy Captive Red Drum: Implications for Aquaculture and Fish Health Management. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health.30, 339–353.
  • Topal A., Alak G., Ozkaraca M., Yeltekin A.Ç., Comaklı S., Acıl G., Kokturk M. & Atamanalp M. (2017). Neurotoxic responses in brain tissues of rainbow trout exposed to imidacloprid pesticide: Assessment of 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine activity, oxidative stress and acetylcholinesterase activity. Chemosphere, 175, 186-191.
  • E., Rao, G., Remmen, H.V., Heydari, A.R. & Richardson, A. (1995). Activities of antioxidant enzymes in various tissues of male Fischer 344 rats are altered by food restriction. The Journal of Nutrition, 125 (2), 195–201.
  • R.P.E. & Francis-Floyd, R. (2002). Streptococcal Infections of Fish. CircularFA057, Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida.
  • Yeltekin, A.Ç., Karapinar, Z. & Mis, L. (2018).The changes in the levels of elements in sheep with Contagious Ecthyma. Indian J. Anim. Res., 52 (1), 56-60.
  • Yeltekin, A.Ç. & Sağlamer, E. (2019). Toxic and Trace Element Levels in Salmo trutta macrostigma and Oncorhynchus mykiss Trout Raised in Different Environments, Polish Journal Of Environmental Studies, 28, 1613-1621.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Fatih Kurt 0000-0003-3030-3048

Aslı Çilingir Yeltekin 0000-0003-0071-7434

Proje Numarası FYL-2019-8202
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 26 Temmuz 2022
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 38

Kaynak Göster

APA Kurt, F., & Çilingir Yeltekin, A. (2022). DNA Damage and Antioxidant Defence Responses in The Brain and Liver Tissues of Rainbow Trout Infected With Different Bacteria. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(38), 386-391.