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Air Measuring Sensor, Design, Manufacture and Test to Measure the Amount of Air in the Invazive Mechanical Ventilator

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 38, 520 - 523, 31.08.2022


The corana virus that started in the city of Wuan in China has turned into a pandemic that affects the whole world. Since this disease affects the functioning of the lungs, the need for mechanical ventilators has increased rapidly in the world. The fact that all countries in the world are needed at the same time has caused an explosion in demand. The high demand and the low supply caused the need for spare parts and devices to increase, which revealed the need to solve the problem with domestic resources. During the pandemic period, the biggest problem was to be able to supply the venturi tube rather than producing it cheaper. In order to measure the amount of air in the invasive mechanical ventilator, a venturi tube with a suitable diameter was designed and a venturi meter was produced.


  • Azzopardi BJ, Teixeira SFCF, Pulford CI. “A quasi-one-dimensional model forgasrsolidsflow in venturis”. PowderTechnology, 102(3), 281–288, 1999.
  • Boyer C, Lemonnier H. “Design of a FlowMeteringProcessforTwo-PhaseDispersedFlows”. MultiphaseFlow, 22(4), 713-732, 1996.
  • Denghui H, Bofeng B. “Numericalinvestigation of wetgasflow in Venturimeter”. International Journal of Multiphase FlowMeasurementand Instrumentation, 34(12), 1119–1129, 2012.
  • Ghassemi H, Fasih FH. “Application of small size cavitatingventuri as flowcontrollerandflowmeter”. FlowMeasurementand Instrumentation, 22(5), 406–412, 2011.
  • Jinga J, Yuana Y, Duc S, Yina X, Yin R. “A CFD study of wetgasmeteringover-reading model underhighpressure”. FlowMeasurementand Instrumentation, 22(1), 33-42, 2019.
  • Kartashev AL, Kartasheva MA, Terekhin AA. “Modeling Operating Regimes in MultiphaseFlowmeterFlowPath Using CFD Methods”. International Conference on IndustrialEngineering, Chelyabinsk, The Russian Federation, 15-18 June 2017.
  • Lima JM, Yoonb BH, Ohc YK, Park AK. “Thehumidityeffect on airflowrates in a criticalflowventurinozzle”. FlowMeasurementand Instrumentation, 22(2), 402–405, 2011.
  • Monni G, Salve DM, Panella B. “Two-phaseflowmeasurements at highvoidfractionby a Venturimeter”. Progress in NuclearEnergy, 77, 167-175, 2014.
  • Titheradge P, Robert R, “Establishingsuitablediameters of venturitubesforuse in measuringhumanairflowandventilation”. Journal of ScienceandMedicine in Sport, 32–66, 2017.
  • Yanagihara S, Mochizuki O, Sato K, Saito K. “Variableareaventuri-typeexhaustgasflowmeter”. Technical Notes/JSAE Review, 20, 259-279, 1999.
  • Wrasse A, Bertoldi D, DosSantos NE, Morales EMR, Silva J, Da M. “Gas–Liquid Flow Rate Measurement Using a Twin-PlaneCapacitive Sensor and a VenturiMeter”. IEEE,7, 135933-135941, USA, 2019.

İnvazive Mekanik Ventilatörde Hava Miktarını Ölçmek için HavaÖlçme Sensörünün Tasarımı, İmalatı ve Testi

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 38, 520 - 523, 31.08.2022


Çinin Wuan kentinde başlayan korana virüsün yol açtığı Covid-19 Hastalığı bütün dünyayı etkileyen bir pandemiye dönüştü. Bu hastalık akciğerlerin çalışmasını etkilediği için mekanik ventilatör ihtiyacı dünyada hızlı bir şekilde artmıştır. Bütün dünya ülkelerinin aynı anda cihaza ihtiyaç duyulmaları talebin patlamasına neden olmuştur. Talebin yüksek olup arzın az olması yedek parça ve cihaz ihtiyacının artmasına neden olmuş bu da yerli imkânlarla konunun çözümünün gerekliğini ortaya koymuştur. Pandemi süresinde ventüri tüpünü daha ucuza üretmekten ziyade tedarik edebilmek en büyük problem olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. İnvazive mekanik ventilatörde hava miktarının ölçmek için uygun çapta venturi tüp tasarlanarak üretimi gerçekleştirilmiştir.


  • Azzopardi BJ, Teixeira SFCF, Pulford CI. “A quasi-one-dimensional model forgasrsolidsflow in venturis”. PowderTechnology, 102(3), 281–288, 1999.
  • Boyer C, Lemonnier H. “Design of a FlowMeteringProcessforTwo-PhaseDispersedFlows”. MultiphaseFlow, 22(4), 713-732, 1996.
  • Denghui H, Bofeng B. “Numericalinvestigation of wetgasflow in Venturimeter”. International Journal of Multiphase FlowMeasurementand Instrumentation, 34(12), 1119–1129, 2012.
  • Ghassemi H, Fasih FH. “Application of small size cavitatingventuri as flowcontrollerandflowmeter”. FlowMeasurementand Instrumentation, 22(5), 406–412, 2011.
  • Jinga J, Yuana Y, Duc S, Yina X, Yin R. “A CFD study of wetgasmeteringover-reading model underhighpressure”. FlowMeasurementand Instrumentation, 22(1), 33-42, 2019.
  • Kartashev AL, Kartasheva MA, Terekhin AA. “Modeling Operating Regimes in MultiphaseFlowmeterFlowPath Using CFD Methods”. International Conference on IndustrialEngineering, Chelyabinsk, The Russian Federation, 15-18 June 2017.
  • Lima JM, Yoonb BH, Ohc YK, Park AK. “Thehumidityeffect on airflowrates in a criticalflowventurinozzle”. FlowMeasurementand Instrumentation, 22(2), 402–405, 2011.
  • Monni G, Salve DM, Panella B. “Two-phaseflowmeasurements at highvoidfractionby a Venturimeter”. Progress in NuclearEnergy, 77, 167-175, 2014.
  • Titheradge P, Robert R, “Establishingsuitablediameters of venturitubesforuse in measuringhumanairflowandventilation”. Journal of ScienceandMedicine in Sport, 32–66, 2017.
  • Yanagihara S, Mochizuki O, Sato K, Saito K. “Variableareaventuri-typeexhaustgasflowmeter”. Technical Notes/JSAE Review, 20, 259-279, 1999.
  • Wrasse A, Bertoldi D, DosSantos NE, Morales EMR, Silva J, Da M. “Gas–Liquid Flow Rate Measurement Using a Twin-PlaneCapacitive Sensor and a VenturiMeter”. IEEE,7, 135933-135941, USA, 2019.
Toplam 11 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Mahmut Turhan 0000-0001-7633-4830

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 26 Temmuz 2022
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 38

Kaynak Göster

APA Turhan, M. (2022). İnvazive Mekanik Ventilatörde Hava Miktarını Ölçmek için HavaÖlçme Sensörünün Tasarımı, İmalatı ve Testi. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(38), 520-523. https://doi.org/10.31590/ejosat.1108820