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Süleymanpaşa (Tekirdağ) - Küçükçekmece Gölü (İstanbul) Arası Marmara Denizi Deşarj Noktalarının Kirlilik Yüklerinin Araştırılması

Yıl 2023, Sayı: 52, 294 - 301, 15.12.2023


Bu çalışmada, Tekirdağ ili ile Küçükçekmece Gölü (İstanbul) arası Marmara Denizi’ne yapılan atıksu deşarjlarının denizde oluşturabileceği kirlenmeler araştırılmıştır. Numuneler, deşarj noktalarının denize karışmadan ve denize karıştıktan sonraki lokasyonlardan alınmıştır ve değerlendirilmiştir. Su numunelerinin pH, tuzluluk, iletkenlik, çözünmüş oksijen ve inorganik kirleticiler (Al, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn) yönünden incelenmesi yapılmıştır. Bu incelemeler sonucunda ölçülen parametreler Su Kirliliği Kontrolü Yönetmeliği, Derin Deniz Deşarjına İzin Verilebilecek Evsel/Kentsel Atıksuların Özellikleri ve Derin Deniz Deşarjına İzin Verilebilecek Endüstriyel Atıksuların Özellikleri mevzuatlarına göre değerlendirilmiştir. Parametrelerin çoğunun yönetmelikte geçen sınır değerleri aşmadığı ancak Büyükçekmece ve Küçükçekmece göllerinden alınan numunelerde bor elementinin sınır değerlerin üzerinde olduğu gözlenmiştir. Bunun nedeni evsel atıksulardan gelen çamaşır beyazlatıcı, sabun, deterjan atıkları, sanayide kullanılan reaktanlar ve tarım alanlarında kullanılan gübre ve tarım ilaçları olabilir. Ayrıca bor minerallerinin suda çözünürlüklerinin yüksek olması evsel ve sanayi alanlarından geçen su kaynaklarının deşarj noktalarında bor konsantrasyonunun yüksek çıkmasına neden olduğu düşünülmektedir. Görüldüğü üzere Marmara Denizi’nin kirlenmesinin birinci nedeni sanayi ve evsel atık suların yeterince arıtılmadan denize deşarj edilmesidir. Bunun yanı sıra deniz trafiği açısından yoğun olan Marmara Denizi’nin sürekli izlenmesi ve kirlilik oluşturabilecek olumsuz davranışların önüne geçilmesi gerekmektedir. Ayrıca komşu kara alanlarda tarımsal faaliyetlerin yoğunluğuna bağlı olarak tarımsal gübreleme ve tarımsal ilaç kullanımının da etkili olduğunu görülmektedir.


  • Aktop, Y. and Çağatay, İ. T., (2020). Accumulation and Effects of Heavy Metals in Fish. Menba Kastamonu University Faculty of Fisheries Journal, 6(1), 37-44. (In Turkish)
  • Akdemir, F., (2014). XRF ande Trace Element Analysis of Water and Sediment of Lake Van with ICP-OES Techniques. PhD Thesis, Atatürk University, Institute of Science and Technology, Erzurum. (In Turkish)
  • Artüz, L. M., (2002). Ecology of Marmara and Straits and Changes. BU Marine Technology Symposium, February.
  • Atabeyoğlu, K. and Atamanalp M., (2010). Heavy Metal Studies on Molluscs (Molluska). Ataturk University Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 5 (1): 35-42.
  • Atlas, L. and Büyükgüngör, H., (2008). Heavy Metal Pollution in the Black Sea Shore and offshore of Turkey, Environmental Geology, 52, 475.
  • Balkıs, N. and Çağatay, M.N., (2001). Factors controlling metal distributions in the surface sediments of the Erdek Bay, Sea of Marmara, Turkey, Environment International, vol.27, pp. 1-13.
  • Çağatay, M.N., Algan, O., Balkıs, N., Balkıs, M., (1996). Distribution of carbonate and organic carbon contents in Late Quaternary sediments of the Southern Marmara Shelf, Turkish Journal of Marine Sciences, vol.2, pp. 67 –83, 1996.
  • Çağatay, M. N., Balkıs N., Sancar Ü., Çakır Z., Yücesoy F., Eryılmaz M., Sarı E., Erel L., Akçer S., and Biltekin D., Sedimentary geochemistry map of the Marmara Sea, Tübitak Project, 103Y053, Istanbul, 2006.
  • Dinçer, A.R, Yumun, S., Önce, M., Yümün, Z.Ü., (2019). Investıgatıon Of Inland Pollutıon Usıng Total Carbon (Tc), Total Organıc Carbon (Toc), Inorganıc Carbon (Ic), Total Nıtrogen (Tn) And Toc/Tn Ratıos. Applıed Ecology And Envıronmental Research.17(6). 14751-14765.
  • Kalafatoğlu, E., Örs, N. , Özdem, R.S.S., Koral, M., B-L-R F., (1997). Treatment of Wastewater of Boron Compounds Production Facilities. TÜBİTAK-MKE, Publication No: KM294. (In Turkish)
  • Kam, E. and Önce, M., (2016). Pollution potential of heavy metals in the current sea sediments between Bandirma (Balikesir) and Lapseki (Canakkale) in the Marmara Sea. Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences. 3(1). 141-148.
  • Dereli, M. E., Ertürk, A., Çakmakçı, M., (2017). The Effect Of Heavy Metals In Surface Water And Theır Relatıonshıp Wıth Eutrophıcatıon. Turkısh Journal Of Aquatıc Scıences. 32(4): 214-230.
  • Mülayim, A., Balkıs, N., Balkıs, H. and Aksu A., (2011). Distributions of total metals in the surface Sediments of the Bandirma and Erdek Gulfs, Marmara Sea, Turkey”, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry , vol.94, no.1, pp. 56-69.
  • Önce, M., Balnan, İ. and Kam, N., (2021). Determination of Heavy Metal Distribution of Yenikapı (Istanbul) Sea Sediments Using Libs Method. European Journal of Science and Technology.22, 60-64.
  • Özgür, S., (2006). Investigation of Pollution Loads of the Marmara Sea Basin. Degree Thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Gebze. (In Turkish)
  • Özyurt, N.N., Bayarı, C.S., Doğdu, M., Arıkan, A., (2001), Processes affecting physical and chemical properties of sea water in Akkuyu Bay (Mersin). Journal of Earth Sciences, 24, 113-126. (In Turkish)
  • Tao, Y., Yua, Z., Xiaona, H., Wei, M., (2012). Distribution and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in aquatic organisms of different trophic levels and potential health risk assessment from Taihu lake, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 81, 55-64.
  • Taşdemir, Y., (2002). Sea of Marmara: Pollutants and Measures to be Taken for the Environment. Uludag University, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 7: 39-45. (In Turkish)
  • Yipel, M., Tekeli, İ.O., (2016). Investigation of Heavy Metal Pollution of Surface Water Resources Spilled into the Sea between İskenderun-Samandağı. Fırat University Journal of Health Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 30 (2): 107-112.
  • Yümün, Z.Ü. and Kam, E. (2021). Mucilage Problem and Solution Methods in The Sea Of Marmara. 163. Ecology of the Marmara Sea: Formation and Interactions of Marine Mucilage, and Recommendations for Solutions. Turkish Academy of Science.
  • Yümün, Z.Ü., Kam, E., Dinçer, A.R., Önce, M., Yümün, S., (2021). The Investigation o Toxic Element Pollution and Radioactivity Analyses of Marine Sediments in the Gulf of Gemlik (Bursa, Turkey).
  • Yümün, Z. Ü., Aslıyüksek, H., Yentür, M. M., & Önce M., (2022). Measurement of Heavy Metal Concentrations of Marine Sediments in Yalova Section of Marmara Sea By Libs Method And Evaluation Of Pollution By Principal Component Analysis. Journal of Cihannuma Technology Engineering and Natural Sciences Academy, 1(1), 101- 117.
  • Yümün, Z.Ü. and Önce, M., (2017). Monitoring Heavy Metal Pollution İn Foraminifera From The Gulf Of Edremit (Northeaster Aegean Sea) Between İzmir, Balikesir And Çanakkale (Turkey), Journal of African Earth Sciences, Volume 130, Pages 110-124.
  • Yümün, Z. Ü., (2017). The Effect Of Heavy Metal Pollution On Foraminifera In The Western Marmara Sea (Turkey). Journal of African Earth Science. 129, 346-365.
  • Yümün, Z. Ü., Kam, E. and Önce, M., (2023). “The Reasons for Salivation and Solution Suggestions in the Light of the Findings of Sea Snail (Mucilage) Composition in the Marmara Sea”. Journal of Environmental Urbanism and Climate.Yıl: 2. Sayı: 3. ss. 98-115. (In Turkish)
  • Yümün, Z. U., Kam, E., Önce, M., (2019). Analysis of Toxic Element With Icp-Oes and lıbs Methods in Marine Sediments Around the Sea of Marmara in Kapıdağ Peninsula. Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences. 4(1). 43-50.
  • Yümün, Z.Ü. and Önce-Nişancioğlu, M., (2023). The role of organic and inorganic substances in sediment pollution in the Marmara Sea between Gemlik (Bursa) and Bandırma (Balıkesir) and their effect on foraminifera. Applıed Ecology And Envıronmental Research 21(4):3363-3390.
  • TS EN ISO 5667-3 Mart 2007 Water Quality-Sampling-Part 3: Guidelines for Conservation, Transport and Storage of Water Samples. (In Turkish)
  • Satılmış, M. M. and Tanas, A.R., (2017), Integrated Marine Pollution Monitoring Program 2014-2016 Marmara Sea Summary Report, TÜBİTAK MAM Printing House. Gebze/Kocaeli, 5148704 (ÇTÜE.16.330). (In Turkish)
  • T.R. Regulation -1: (Change: RG-17/12/2022-32046). Water Pollution Control Regulation, Characteristics of Domestic/Urban Wastewaters Allowable for Deep Sea Discharge and Characteristics of Industrial Wastewaters for Allowable Deep Sea Discharge. (In Turkish)
  • T.R. Regulation -2: Fisheries Regulation # (3) (10.03.1995-22223 Official Gazette): APPENDIX-5: List of Harmful Substances Prohibited to be Poured into Inland Waters and Production Places in the Seas and Acceptable Values of the Receiving Environment, 2- Acceptable Values of the Receiving Environment, A- Chemical Substances, (In Turkish)

Investigation of Pollution Loads of Marmara Sea Discharge Points between Suleymanpaşa (Tekirdag) and Kuçukçekmece Lake (İstanbul)

Yıl 2023, Sayı: 52, 294 - 301, 15.12.2023


In this study, the pollution that may be caused by wastewater discharges into the Marmara Sea between Tekirdağ provincial campus and Küçükçekmece Lake (Istanbul) was investigated. The samples were taken and evaluated from the locations after the discharge points, before and after mixing with the sea. The pH, salinity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and inorganic pollutants (Cu, Cd, Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, Pb, P, Hg, Fe, As, Mn, Zn, Al, Na, Mg, K, Ca, B, Bi, Sb) were examined. The parameters measured as a result of these investigations were evaluated according to the regulations of the Republic of Türkiye, Water Pollution Control Regulation, Properties of Domestic/Urban Wastewaters Allowable for Deep Sea Discharge and Characteristics of Industrial Wastewaters for Allowable Deep Sea Discharge. It was observed that most of the parameters did not exceed the limit values specified in the regulation, but the boron element was above the limit values in the samples taken from Büyükçekmece and Küçükçekmece lakes. The reason for this may be laundry bleach, soap, detergent wastes, reactants used in industry, and fertilizers and pesticides used in agricultural areas. In addition, it is thought that the high solubility of boron minerals in water causes the boron concentration to be high at the discharge points of water sources passing through domestic and industrial areas. As can be seen, the first reason for the pollution of the Sea of Marmara is the discharge of industrial and domestic wastewater into the sea without it being sufficiently treated. In addition, it is necessary to constantly monitor the Sea of Marmara, which is dense in terms of maritime traffic, and to prevent negative behaviors that may cause pollution. Furthermore, depending on the intensity of agricultural activities in neighboring land areas, it is seen that agricultural fertilization and agricultural spraying are impacting sea pollution.


  • Aktop, Y. and Çağatay, İ. T., (2020). Accumulation and Effects of Heavy Metals in Fish. Menba Kastamonu University Faculty of Fisheries Journal, 6(1), 37-44. (In Turkish)
  • Akdemir, F., (2014). XRF ande Trace Element Analysis of Water and Sediment of Lake Van with ICP-OES Techniques. PhD Thesis, Atatürk University, Institute of Science and Technology, Erzurum. (In Turkish)
  • Artüz, L. M., (2002). Ecology of Marmara and Straits and Changes. BU Marine Technology Symposium, February.
  • Atabeyoğlu, K. and Atamanalp M., (2010). Heavy Metal Studies on Molluscs (Molluska). Ataturk University Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 5 (1): 35-42.
  • Atlas, L. and Büyükgüngör, H., (2008). Heavy Metal Pollution in the Black Sea Shore and offshore of Turkey, Environmental Geology, 52, 475.
  • Balkıs, N. and Çağatay, M.N., (2001). Factors controlling metal distributions in the surface sediments of the Erdek Bay, Sea of Marmara, Turkey, Environment International, vol.27, pp. 1-13.
  • Çağatay, M.N., Algan, O., Balkıs, N., Balkıs, M., (1996). Distribution of carbonate and organic carbon contents in Late Quaternary sediments of the Southern Marmara Shelf, Turkish Journal of Marine Sciences, vol.2, pp. 67 –83, 1996.
  • Çağatay, M. N., Balkıs N., Sancar Ü., Çakır Z., Yücesoy F., Eryılmaz M., Sarı E., Erel L., Akçer S., and Biltekin D., Sedimentary geochemistry map of the Marmara Sea, Tübitak Project, 103Y053, Istanbul, 2006.
  • Dinçer, A.R, Yumun, S., Önce, M., Yümün, Z.Ü., (2019). Investıgatıon Of Inland Pollutıon Usıng Total Carbon (Tc), Total Organıc Carbon (Toc), Inorganıc Carbon (Ic), Total Nıtrogen (Tn) And Toc/Tn Ratıos. Applıed Ecology And Envıronmental Research.17(6). 14751-14765.
  • Kalafatoğlu, E., Örs, N. , Özdem, R.S.S., Koral, M., B-L-R F., (1997). Treatment of Wastewater of Boron Compounds Production Facilities. TÜBİTAK-MKE, Publication No: KM294. (In Turkish)
  • Kam, E. and Önce, M., (2016). Pollution potential of heavy metals in the current sea sediments between Bandirma (Balikesir) and Lapseki (Canakkale) in the Marmara Sea. Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences. 3(1). 141-148.
  • Dereli, M. E., Ertürk, A., Çakmakçı, M., (2017). The Effect Of Heavy Metals In Surface Water And Theır Relatıonshıp Wıth Eutrophıcatıon. Turkısh Journal Of Aquatıc Scıences. 32(4): 214-230.
  • Mülayim, A., Balkıs, N., Balkıs, H. and Aksu A., (2011). Distributions of total metals in the surface Sediments of the Bandirma and Erdek Gulfs, Marmara Sea, Turkey”, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry , vol.94, no.1, pp. 56-69.
  • Önce, M., Balnan, İ. and Kam, N., (2021). Determination of Heavy Metal Distribution of Yenikapı (Istanbul) Sea Sediments Using Libs Method. European Journal of Science and Technology.22, 60-64.
  • Özgür, S., (2006). Investigation of Pollution Loads of the Marmara Sea Basin. Degree Thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Gebze. (In Turkish)
  • Özyurt, N.N., Bayarı, C.S., Doğdu, M., Arıkan, A., (2001), Processes affecting physical and chemical properties of sea water in Akkuyu Bay (Mersin). Journal of Earth Sciences, 24, 113-126. (In Turkish)
  • Tao, Y., Yua, Z., Xiaona, H., Wei, M., (2012). Distribution and bioaccumulation of heavy metals in aquatic organisms of different trophic levels and potential health risk assessment from Taihu lake, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 81, 55-64.
  • Taşdemir, Y., (2002). Sea of Marmara: Pollutants and Measures to be Taken for the Environment. Uludag University, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 7: 39-45. (In Turkish)
  • Yipel, M., Tekeli, İ.O., (2016). Investigation of Heavy Metal Pollution of Surface Water Resources Spilled into the Sea between İskenderun-Samandağı. Fırat University Journal of Health Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 30 (2): 107-112.
  • Yümün, Z.Ü. and Kam, E. (2021). Mucilage Problem and Solution Methods in The Sea Of Marmara. 163. Ecology of the Marmara Sea: Formation and Interactions of Marine Mucilage, and Recommendations for Solutions. Turkish Academy of Science.
  • Yümün, Z.Ü., Kam, E., Dinçer, A.R., Önce, M., Yümün, S., (2021). The Investigation o Toxic Element Pollution and Radioactivity Analyses of Marine Sediments in the Gulf of Gemlik (Bursa, Turkey).
  • Yümün, Z. Ü., Aslıyüksek, H., Yentür, M. M., & Önce M., (2022). Measurement of Heavy Metal Concentrations of Marine Sediments in Yalova Section of Marmara Sea By Libs Method And Evaluation Of Pollution By Principal Component Analysis. Journal of Cihannuma Technology Engineering and Natural Sciences Academy, 1(1), 101- 117.
  • Yümün, Z.Ü. and Önce, M., (2017). Monitoring Heavy Metal Pollution İn Foraminifera From The Gulf Of Edremit (Northeaster Aegean Sea) Between İzmir, Balikesir And Çanakkale (Turkey), Journal of African Earth Sciences, Volume 130, Pages 110-124.
  • Yümün, Z. Ü., (2017). The Effect Of Heavy Metal Pollution On Foraminifera In The Western Marmara Sea (Turkey). Journal of African Earth Science. 129, 346-365.
  • Yümün, Z. Ü., Kam, E. and Önce, M., (2023). “The Reasons for Salivation and Solution Suggestions in the Light of the Findings of Sea Snail (Mucilage) Composition in the Marmara Sea”. Journal of Environmental Urbanism and Climate.Yıl: 2. Sayı: 3. ss. 98-115. (In Turkish)
  • Yümün, Z. U., Kam, E., Önce, M., (2019). Analysis of Toxic Element With Icp-Oes and lıbs Methods in Marine Sediments Around the Sea of Marmara in Kapıdağ Peninsula. Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences. 4(1). 43-50.
  • Yümün, Z.Ü. and Önce-Nişancioğlu, M., (2023). The role of organic and inorganic substances in sediment pollution in the Marmara Sea between Gemlik (Bursa) and Bandırma (Balıkesir) and their effect on foraminifera. Applıed Ecology And Envıronmental Research 21(4):3363-3390.
  • TS EN ISO 5667-3 Mart 2007 Water Quality-Sampling-Part 3: Guidelines for Conservation, Transport and Storage of Water Samples. (In Turkish)
  • Satılmış, M. M. and Tanas, A.R., (2017), Integrated Marine Pollution Monitoring Program 2014-2016 Marmara Sea Summary Report, TÜBİTAK MAM Printing House. Gebze/Kocaeli, 5148704 (ÇTÜE.16.330). (In Turkish)
  • T.R. Regulation -1: (Change: RG-17/12/2022-32046). Water Pollution Control Regulation, Characteristics of Domestic/Urban Wastewaters Allowable for Deep Sea Discharge and Characteristics of Industrial Wastewaters for Allowable Deep Sea Discharge. (In Turkish)
  • T.R. Regulation -2: Fisheries Regulation # (3) (10.03.1995-22223 Official Gazette): APPENDIX-5: List of Harmful Substances Prohibited to be Poured into Inland Waters and Production Places in the Seas and Acceptable Values of the Receiving Environment, 2- Acceptable Values of the Receiving Environment, A- Chemical Substances, (In Turkish)
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Su Kalitesi ve Su Kirliliği
Bölüm Makaleler

Zeki Ünal Yümün 0000-0003-0658-0416

Gamze Ekici 0000-0003-3811-6685

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Sayı: 52

Kaynak Göster

APA Yümün, Z. Ü., & Ekici, G. (2023). Süleymanpaşa (Tekirdağ) - Küçükçekmece Gölü (İstanbul) Arası Marmara Denizi Deşarj Noktalarının Kirlilik Yüklerinin Araştırılması. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(52), 294-301.