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Mucilage Hazard on the Marmara Sea Coasts Between Tekirdağ and Istanbul

Yıl 2024, Sayı: 53, 25 - 31, 15.02.2024


In this study, which was carried out to determine the current status of the conditions causing mucilage in the Marmara Sea, ten seawater samples were taken from the study area. Heavy metal analyzes were performed on the samples taken with the ICP-OES device. And pH, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen analyzes were made instantly. Considering the heavy metal analysis results, it is seen that sea water criteria are met in the sample locations. When the analysis results are examined according to the Harmful Substances Prohibited from Being Spilled into Inland Waters and Marine Production Sites and the Acceptable Values for the Receiving Environment, it is seen that Ca, Mg and K values exceed the limit values in all locations. It is also noteworthy that the dissolved oxygen values are low in the sample locations.


  • Alldredge, A.L., Crocker, K.M. (1995). “Why do sinking mucilage aggregates accumulate in the water column?” Science of the Total Environment, 165:15–22.
  • Aksu A.E., Yaşar D. and Uslu O., (1997). “Assessment of marine pollution in ̇Izmir Bay: Heavy metal and organic compound concentrations in surficial sediments.
  • Aydın, M.E. (2021). “Musilage formation in Marmara Sea Possible causes and recommendations”.
  • Bayrak K., Kam E., Yümün Z.Ü., Önce M. (2022). “Investigation of Heavy Metal Concentrations in the Gul of İzmit (Marmara Sea) Altınova Shipyard Region”. Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section A: Chemistry. 9,4, 1263-1276.
  • Dinçer, A. R., Yümün, S., Önce, M., Yümün, Z.,Ü., (2019). “Investigation of inland pollution using Total Carbon (TC), Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Inorganic Carbon (IC), Total Nitrogen (TN) and TOC/TN ratios”. Applıed Ecology And Envıronmental Research.
  • Kam, E, Önce, M, (2016). "Pollution Potential of Heavy Metals in The Current Sea Sediments Between Bandirma (Balikesir) and Lapseki (Çanakkale) in the Marmara Sea". Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences 1 (3) : 141-148.
  • Kam, E, Yümün Z,Ü, (2021). “Geographical distribution of toxic elements in Northeast Marmara Sea sediments and analysis of toxic element pollution by various pollution index methods (Istanbul/Turkey).”Applıed Ecology And Envıronmental Research 19 (3), 1869-1893.
  • Kam, E., Yümün, Z. Ü., Açıkgöz, G., Önce, M. (2021). “Investigation of Sediment Records of Kulakçayiri Lake (Istanbul).” Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences 6 (3) : 135-142.
  • Karadurmuş U., Sari M., (2022), “Marine mucilage in the sea of Marmara and its effects on the marine ecosystem: mass deaths”, Turkish Journal of Zoology, 46(1), 93-102.
  • Kayhan, E. and Yön, Ertuğ, D. (2022). “Mucilage Problem and Its Characterization”. Voice of nature.4-16. Koncagül M., Erdem Dülger N., Yinanç A. (2022). Dünyada ve Marmara Denizi’nde Müsilaj Oluşumu ve Etkileri. European Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 5(2), 73-79.
  • Mecozzi M., Acquistucci R., Di Noto V., Pietrantonio E., Amici M., Cardarilli D., (2001). “Characterization of mucilage aggregates in Adriatic and Tyrrhenian Sea: structure similarities between mucilage samples and the insoluble fractions of marine humic substance,” Chemosphere, 44(4), 709-720.
  • Mosley, L., Hunter, K.H. (2003). “Forces between colloid particles in natural waters”. Environmental Science and Technology, 37:3303–3308.
  • Okay A. I., Demirbağ E., Kurt H., Okay N. and Kuşçu İ.,(1999). “An activite deep marine strike slip basin along the North Anatolian Fault in Turkey”, Tectonics, vol.18, no. 1, pp. 129-147.
  • Öztürk İ.D. and Ediger D. (2023). “Effects of mucilage on the optical properties of water column in the Sea of Marmara.” J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment. 29 (1), 73-86.
  • Özyurt, N.N., Bayarı, C.S., Doğdu, M., Arıkan, A., (2001), “Processes affecting physical and chemical properties of sea water in Akkuyu Bay (Mersin).” Journal of Earth Sciences, 24, 113-126. (In Turkish)
  • Polat E., Ünver H., Altınbaş M. (2023). “Mucilage Formation and Ecology. Artvin Çoruh University.” Journal of Natural Hazards and Environment. 9(2), 385-403.
  • Rouauda, V., Susperréguib, N., Fahya, A., Guyoneauda, R., Bichonc, S., Liénartc, C., Del Amoc, Y., Savoyec, N., Gaudinde, P., Durana, R., Lauga, B. (2019). “Dynamics of microbial communities across the three domains of life over an annual cycle with emphasis on marine mucilage in the Southern Bay of Biscay resolved by microbial fingerprinting”. Continental Shelf Research, 186: 127-137.
  • Smith A.D., Taymaz T., Oktay F., Yüce H., Alpar B., Başaran H., Jackson J.A., Kara S., Şimşek M. (1995). “High-resolution seismic profiling in the Sea of Marmara (northwest Turkey): Late Quaternary sedimentation and sea-level changes”. GSA Bulletin. 107(8), 923-936.
  • Tüfekçi V., Balkıs N., Beken C.P., Ediger D. ve Mantıkcı M. (2010). “Phytoplankton Composition and Environmental Conditions of the Mucilage Event in the Sea of Marmara”. Turkish Journal of Biology, Sayı: 34, 199 – 210.
  • T.R. Regulation -1: (Change: RG-17/12/2022-32046). Water Pollution Control Regulation, Characteristics of Domestic/Urban Wastewaters Allowable for Deep Sea Discharge and Characteristics of Industrial Wastewaters for Allowable Deep Sea Discharge. (In Turkish)
  • T.R. Regulation -2: Fisheries Regulation, (3) (10.03.1995-22223 Official Gazette): APPENDIX-5: List of Harmful Substances Prohibited to be Poured into Inland Waters and Production Places in the Seas and Acceptable Values of the Receiving Environment, 2- Acceptable Values of the Receiving Environment, A- Chemical Substances.
  • TS EN ISO 5667-3 Mart 2007 Water Quality-Sampling-Part 3: Guidelines for Conservation, Transport and Storage of Water Samples.
  • Yücel, M., Özkan, K., Fach, B., ve diğ. (2021). “Ecology of the Marmara Sea: Sea Saliva Formation, Interactions and Solution Suggestions”. Turkish Academy of Sciences, Ankara.
  • Yüksek, A. (2021). “Causes of sea saliva/mucilage in the Marmara Sea, Ecology of the Marmara Sea: Sea Saliva Formation, Interactions and Solution Suggestions”. 87-104. TUBA.2021.001.
  • Yümün Z.Ü. (2016). “The effects of heavy metal concentrations in the Çanakkale strait (Turkey): morphological differences in the Holocene foraminiferal assemblages.” Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences. 1,2, 77-88.
  • Yümün Z.Ü., Kam E., Önce M., Açıkgöz G. (2016). “Stratigraphic and Geochemical Characteristics of Kulakçayiri Lake (Istanbul/Turkey) And Its Vicinity.” Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences. 1,2, 69-75.
  • Yümün, Z. Ü., Önce, M. (2017). “Monitoring Heavy Metal Pollution in Foraminifera from The Gulf of Edremit (Northeaster Aegean Sea) Between İzmir, Balikesir And Canakkale (Turkey).” Journal of African Earth Sciences 130: 110-124.
  • Yümün, Z. Ü. (2017). “The Effect of Heavy Metal Pollution on Foraminifera in the Western Marmara Sea (Turkey).” Journal of African Earth Science 129: 346-365.
  • Yümün Z.Ü. and Kam E. (2019). “Analysis and Correlatıon of Element Concentratıons of Marine Sediments between Silivri (İstanbul) and Dardanelles by ICP-OES and LIBS Methods.” Journal of Europe Science and Technology. 17, 951-958.
  • Yümün, Z. Ü., Kam, E., Önce, M, (2019). “Analysis of Toxic Element with Icp-Oes and Libs Methods in Marine Sediments Around the Sea of Marmara in Kapidağ Peninsula.” Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences 4 (1) : 43-50.
  • Yümün Z. Ü. And Kam E. (2019). “Ecological analysis of heavy metal and radioactivity potential of Holocene sediments in Iznik Lake.” NUKLEONIKA, 64(3):103109.
  • Yümün Z.Ü., Kam E., Dinçer A.R., Önce M. Yümün S. (2021). “The investigation of toxic element pollution and radioactivity analyses of marine sediments in the Gulf of Gemlik.” Applıed Ecology And Envıronmental Research 19(2):881-900.
  • Yümün, Z.,Ü. and Kam, E., (2021). “Mucilage Problem and Solution Methods in The Sea of Marmara.”Turkish Academy of Science.
  • Yümün Z.Ü., Aslıyüksek H., Yentür M., M., Önce M. (2022). “Measurement of Heavy Metal Concentrations of Marine Sediments in Yalova Section of Marmara Sea By LIBS Method and Evaluation of Pollution By Principal Component Analysis.” Journal of Cihannuma Technology Engineering and Natural Sciences.1(1), 101-117.
  • Yümün Z.,Ü, Kam E., Önce M. (2023). “Causes of Sea Saliva (Mucilage) Formation in the Sea of Marmara and Precautions to be Taken.” Journal of Environment City and Climate.2(3), 98-115.
  • Yümün Z.Ü. and Önce-Nişancioğlu M. (2023). “The role of organic and inorganic substances in sediment pollution in the Marmara Sea between Gemlik (Bursa) and Bandırma (Balıkesir) and their effect on foraminifera.” Applıed Ecology And Envıronmental Research 21(4):3363-3390.

Tekirdağ ile İstanbul Arası Marmara Denizi'nde Müsilaj Tehlikesinin Araştırılması

Yıl 2024, Sayı: 53, 25 - 31, 15.02.2024


Marmara Denizi’nde müsilaja neden olan koşulların güncel durumunun belirlenmesi için yapılan bu çalışmada çalışma alanından on adet deniz suyu numunesi alınmıştır. Alınan numunlerde ICP-OES cihazı ile ağır metal analizleri yapılmıştır. Ve anlık olarak pH, sıcaklık, tuzluluk ve çözünmüş oksijen analizleri yapılmıştır. Ağır metal analiz sonuçlarına bakılığında numune lokasyonlarında deniz suyu kriterlerinin sağlandığı görülmektedir. İç Sulara Ve Denizlerdeki İstihsal Yerlerine Dökülmesi Yasak Olan Zararlı Maddeler Ve Alıcı Ortama Ait Kabul Edilebilir Değerlere göre analiz sonuçları incelendiğinde Ca, Mg ve K değerlerinin bütün lokasyonlarda sınır değerlerini aştığı görülmektedir. Ayrıca numune lokasyonlarında çözünmüş oksijen değerlerinin düşüklüğü dikkat çekicidir.


  • Alldredge, A.L., Crocker, K.M. (1995). “Why do sinking mucilage aggregates accumulate in the water column?” Science of the Total Environment, 165:15–22.
  • Aksu A.E., Yaşar D. and Uslu O., (1997). “Assessment of marine pollution in ̇Izmir Bay: Heavy metal and organic compound concentrations in surficial sediments.
  • Aydın, M.E. (2021). “Musilage formation in Marmara Sea Possible causes and recommendations”.
  • Bayrak K., Kam E., Yümün Z.Ü., Önce M. (2022). “Investigation of Heavy Metal Concentrations in the Gul of İzmit (Marmara Sea) Altınova Shipyard Region”. Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section A: Chemistry. 9,4, 1263-1276.
  • Dinçer, A. R., Yümün, S., Önce, M., Yümün, Z.,Ü., (2019). “Investigation of inland pollution using Total Carbon (TC), Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Inorganic Carbon (IC), Total Nitrogen (TN) and TOC/TN ratios”. Applıed Ecology And Envıronmental Research.
  • Kam, E, Önce, M, (2016). "Pollution Potential of Heavy Metals in The Current Sea Sediments Between Bandirma (Balikesir) and Lapseki (Çanakkale) in the Marmara Sea". Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences 1 (3) : 141-148.
  • Kam, E, Yümün Z,Ü, (2021). “Geographical distribution of toxic elements in Northeast Marmara Sea sediments and analysis of toxic element pollution by various pollution index methods (Istanbul/Turkey).”Applıed Ecology And Envıronmental Research 19 (3), 1869-1893.
  • Kam, E., Yümün, Z. Ü., Açıkgöz, G., Önce, M. (2021). “Investigation of Sediment Records of Kulakçayiri Lake (Istanbul).” Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences 6 (3) : 135-142.
  • Karadurmuş U., Sari M., (2022), “Marine mucilage in the sea of Marmara and its effects on the marine ecosystem: mass deaths”, Turkish Journal of Zoology, 46(1), 93-102.
  • Kayhan, E. and Yön, Ertuğ, D. (2022). “Mucilage Problem and Its Characterization”. Voice of nature.4-16. Koncagül M., Erdem Dülger N., Yinanç A. (2022). Dünyada ve Marmara Denizi’nde Müsilaj Oluşumu ve Etkileri. European Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 5(2), 73-79.
  • Mecozzi M., Acquistucci R., Di Noto V., Pietrantonio E., Amici M., Cardarilli D., (2001). “Characterization of mucilage aggregates in Adriatic and Tyrrhenian Sea: structure similarities between mucilage samples and the insoluble fractions of marine humic substance,” Chemosphere, 44(4), 709-720.
  • Mosley, L., Hunter, K.H. (2003). “Forces between colloid particles in natural waters”. Environmental Science and Technology, 37:3303–3308.
  • Okay A. I., Demirbağ E., Kurt H., Okay N. and Kuşçu İ.,(1999). “An activite deep marine strike slip basin along the North Anatolian Fault in Turkey”, Tectonics, vol.18, no. 1, pp. 129-147.
  • Öztürk İ.D. and Ediger D. (2023). “Effects of mucilage on the optical properties of water column in the Sea of Marmara.” J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment. 29 (1), 73-86.
  • Özyurt, N.N., Bayarı, C.S., Doğdu, M., Arıkan, A., (2001), “Processes affecting physical and chemical properties of sea water in Akkuyu Bay (Mersin).” Journal of Earth Sciences, 24, 113-126. (In Turkish)
  • Polat E., Ünver H., Altınbaş M. (2023). “Mucilage Formation and Ecology. Artvin Çoruh University.” Journal of Natural Hazards and Environment. 9(2), 385-403.
  • Rouauda, V., Susperréguib, N., Fahya, A., Guyoneauda, R., Bichonc, S., Liénartc, C., Del Amoc, Y., Savoyec, N., Gaudinde, P., Durana, R., Lauga, B. (2019). “Dynamics of microbial communities across the three domains of life over an annual cycle with emphasis on marine mucilage in the Southern Bay of Biscay resolved by microbial fingerprinting”. Continental Shelf Research, 186: 127-137.
  • Smith A.D., Taymaz T., Oktay F., Yüce H., Alpar B., Başaran H., Jackson J.A., Kara S., Şimşek M. (1995). “High-resolution seismic profiling in the Sea of Marmara (northwest Turkey): Late Quaternary sedimentation and sea-level changes”. GSA Bulletin. 107(8), 923-936.
  • Tüfekçi V., Balkıs N., Beken C.P., Ediger D. ve Mantıkcı M. (2010). “Phytoplankton Composition and Environmental Conditions of the Mucilage Event in the Sea of Marmara”. Turkish Journal of Biology, Sayı: 34, 199 – 210.
  • T.R. Regulation -1: (Change: RG-17/12/2022-32046). Water Pollution Control Regulation, Characteristics of Domestic/Urban Wastewaters Allowable for Deep Sea Discharge and Characteristics of Industrial Wastewaters for Allowable Deep Sea Discharge. (In Turkish)
  • T.R. Regulation -2: Fisheries Regulation, (3) (10.03.1995-22223 Official Gazette): APPENDIX-5: List of Harmful Substances Prohibited to be Poured into Inland Waters and Production Places in the Seas and Acceptable Values of the Receiving Environment, 2- Acceptable Values of the Receiving Environment, A- Chemical Substances.
  • TS EN ISO 5667-3 Mart 2007 Water Quality-Sampling-Part 3: Guidelines for Conservation, Transport and Storage of Water Samples.
  • Yücel, M., Özkan, K., Fach, B., ve diğ. (2021). “Ecology of the Marmara Sea: Sea Saliva Formation, Interactions and Solution Suggestions”. Turkish Academy of Sciences, Ankara.
  • Yüksek, A. (2021). “Causes of sea saliva/mucilage in the Marmara Sea, Ecology of the Marmara Sea: Sea Saliva Formation, Interactions and Solution Suggestions”. 87-104. TUBA.2021.001.
  • Yümün Z.Ü. (2016). “The effects of heavy metal concentrations in the Çanakkale strait (Turkey): morphological differences in the Holocene foraminiferal assemblages.” Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences. 1,2, 77-88.
  • Yümün Z.Ü., Kam E., Önce M., Açıkgöz G. (2016). “Stratigraphic and Geochemical Characteristics of Kulakçayiri Lake (Istanbul/Turkey) And Its Vicinity.” Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences. 1,2, 69-75.
  • Yümün, Z. Ü., Önce, M. (2017). “Monitoring Heavy Metal Pollution in Foraminifera from The Gulf of Edremit (Northeaster Aegean Sea) Between İzmir, Balikesir And Canakkale (Turkey).” Journal of African Earth Sciences 130: 110-124.
  • Yümün, Z. Ü. (2017). “The Effect of Heavy Metal Pollution on Foraminifera in the Western Marmara Sea (Turkey).” Journal of African Earth Science 129: 346-365.
  • Yümün Z.Ü. and Kam E. (2019). “Analysis and Correlatıon of Element Concentratıons of Marine Sediments between Silivri (İstanbul) and Dardanelles by ICP-OES and LIBS Methods.” Journal of Europe Science and Technology. 17, 951-958.
  • Yümün, Z. Ü., Kam, E., Önce, M, (2019). “Analysis of Toxic Element with Icp-Oes and Libs Methods in Marine Sediments Around the Sea of Marmara in Kapidağ Peninsula.” Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences 4 (1) : 43-50.
  • Yümün Z. Ü. And Kam E. (2019). “Ecological analysis of heavy metal and radioactivity potential of Holocene sediments in Iznik Lake.” NUKLEONIKA, 64(3):103109.
  • Yümün Z.Ü., Kam E., Dinçer A.R., Önce M. Yümün S. (2021). “The investigation of toxic element pollution and radioactivity analyses of marine sediments in the Gulf of Gemlik.” Applıed Ecology And Envıronmental Research 19(2):881-900.
  • Yümün, Z.,Ü. and Kam, E., (2021). “Mucilage Problem and Solution Methods in The Sea of Marmara.”Turkish Academy of Science.
  • Yümün Z.Ü., Aslıyüksek H., Yentür M., M., Önce M. (2022). “Measurement of Heavy Metal Concentrations of Marine Sediments in Yalova Section of Marmara Sea By LIBS Method and Evaluation of Pollution By Principal Component Analysis.” Journal of Cihannuma Technology Engineering and Natural Sciences.1(1), 101-117.
  • Yümün Z.,Ü, Kam E., Önce M. (2023). “Causes of Sea Saliva (Mucilage) Formation in the Sea of Marmara and Precautions to be Taken.” Journal of Environment City and Climate.2(3), 98-115.
  • Yümün Z.Ü. and Önce-Nişancioğlu M. (2023). “The role of organic and inorganic substances in sediment pollution in the Marmara Sea between Gemlik (Bursa) and Bandırma (Balıkesir) and their effect on foraminifera.” Applıed Ecology And Envıronmental Research 21(4):3363-3390.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Su Kalitesi ve Su Kirliliği
Bölüm Makaleler

Melike Önce 0000-0001-9621-3630

Sevil Yılmaz 0009-0006-3259-1492

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 11 Ocak 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Şubat 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 27 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Sayı: 53

Kaynak Göster

APA Önce, M., & Yılmaz, S. (2024). Mucilage Hazard on the Marmara Sea Coasts Between Tekirdağ and Istanbul. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(53), 25-31.