[1] Sanjid, A., Masjuki, H.H., Kalam, M.A., Ashrafur Rahman, S.M., Abedin, M.J., Palash, S.M., Production of palm and jatropha based biodiesel and investigation of palm-jatropha combined blend properties, performance, exhaust emission and noise in an unmodified diesel engine, Journal of Cleaner Production, 65 (2014), 295-303.
[2] Shahabuddin, M., Liaquat, A.M., Masjuki, H.H., Kalam, M.A., Mofijur, M., Ignition delay, combustion and emission characteristics of diesel engine fueled with biodiesel. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 21(2013), 623-632.
[3] Singh, S.P., Singh, D., Biodiesel production through the use of different sources and characterization of oils and their esters as the substitute of diesel: a review. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 14(2010), 200-216.
[4] Dassey, A.J., Hall, S.G., Theegala, C.S., An analysis of energy consumption for algal biodiesel production: comparing the literature with current estimates, Algal Res. 4(2014), 89-95.
[5] Ahmad, A.L., Yasin, N.H.M., Derek, C.J.C., Lim, J.K. Microalgae as a sustainable energy source for biodiesel production: a review, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 15 (2011), 584-593.
[6] Efe, Ş., Ceviz, M.A., Temur, H., Comparative engine characteristics of biodiesels from hazelnut, corn, soybean, canola and sunflower oils on DI diesel engine. Renewable Energy 119(2018), 142-151.
[7] Seraç, M. R., Aydın, S., Yılmaz, A., Şevik, S., Evaluation of comparative combustion,performance, and emission of soybean-based alternative biodiesel fuel blends in a CI engine, Renewable Energy, 148(2020), 1065-1073.
[8] Özsezen AN, Çanakçi M., An investigation of the effect of methyl ester produced from waste frying oil on the performance and emissions of an idi diesel engine. J Facul Eng Architect Gazi Univ. 23(2008), 2, 395–404.
[10] Yaşar, F., Evaluation of Renewable Energy Source Algae as Biodiesel, Feedstock European Journal of Technique (EJT), 9 (2019), 2, 298-311.
[11] Ozsezen, AN., Canakci, M., Determination of performance and combustion characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with canola and waste palm oil methyl esters, Energy Conversion and Management, 52(2011), 1, 108-116.
[12] Ong, H.C. Masjuki, H.H., Mahlia, T.M.I., Silitonga, A.S., Chonga, W.T., Yusaf, T.,Engine performance and emissions using Jatropha curcas, Ceiba pentandra and Calophyllum inophyllum biodiesel in a CI diesel engine, Energy, 69 (2014), 427-445.
[13] Brunt, M.F.J., Rai, H., Emtage, A.L., The calculation of heat release energy from cylinder pressure data, SAE Paper No. 981052, 1998.
[14] Hohenberg, GH., Advanced approaches for heat transfer calculations, SAE Paper No. 790825, 1979.
[15] Checkel, M. and Dale, J., Computerized Knock Detection from Engine Pressure Records, SAE Technical Paper, 860028, doi:10.4271/860028, 1986.
[16] Devarajan, Y., Munuswamy, D. B., & Mahalingam, A., Influence of nano-additive on performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine running on neat neem oil biodiesel, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(2018), 1-6.
[17] Bayındır, H., Işık, M. Z., Argunhan, Z., Yücel, H. L., & Aydın, H., Combustion, performance and emissions of a diesel power generator fueled with biodiesel-kerosene and biodiesel-kerosene-diesel blends, Energy, 123(2017), 241-251.
[18] Işık, M. Z., Bayındır, H., Iscan, B., & Aydın, H. The effect of n-butanol additive on low load combustion, performance and emissions of biodiesel-diesel blend in a heavy-duty diesel power generator, Journal of the Energy Institute, 90(2017), 2, 174-184.
[19] Çelebi, Y., Aydın, H., Investigation of the effects of butanol addition on safflower biodiesel usage as fuel in a generator diesel engine, Fuel, 222(2018), 385-393.
[20] Singh, M., Anjum, F., Yadav, V., Sheikh, M.Y., Mathur, Y.B., Analysis of Combustion on Compression Ignition Diesel Engine fuelled with blends of Neem Biodiesel. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2017, 04.
[21] Anandavelu, K., Alagumurthi, N., & Saravannan, C. G., Experimental investigation of using eucalyptus oil and diesel fuel blends in Kirloskar TV1 direct injection diesel engine. J Sustain Energy Environ, 2(2011), 3.
[22] Rajput RK. A textbook of automobile engineering. Laxmi; 2007.
[23] Heywood, J. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals. Macgraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1988.
[24] Sayin, C., Gumus, M., and Canakci, M., Effect of fuel injection pressure on the injection, combustion and performance characteristics of a DI diesel engine fueled with canola oil methyl esters-diesel fuel blends, Biomass and Bioenergy, 46(2012), 435-446.
[25] Oumer, A. N., Hasan, M. M., Baheta, A. T., Mamat, R., & Abdullah, A. A., Bio-based liquid fuels as a source of renewable energy: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 88(2018), 82-98.
[26] Haik, Y., Selim, M.Y.E., Abdulrehman, T., Combustion of algae oil methyl ester in an indirect injection diesel engine, Energy, 36 (2011) 1827-1835.
[27] Kumar, A., Shukla, S. K., & Tierkey, J. V., A review of research and policy on using different biodiesel oils as fuel for CI engine. Energy Procedia, 90(2016). 292-304.
[28] Lapuerta, M., Armas, O., Rodríguez-Fernández, J. Effects of biodiesel fuels on diesel engine emissions, Prog Energy Combust Sci, 34(2008), 198–223.
In this study, the ultimate aim is to provide objective scientific proof to promote biodiesel blends in constant areas (official institutions, hospital, school,) as a renewable fuel. For that, biodiesel obtained from animal, vegetable and microalgae oil by a method of transesterification and these biodiesels have been prepared by 10% blended with diesel fuel and has been named respectively as AB10, VB10 and MB10. The biodiesel blends have been compared with reference diesel fuel (ULSD) by taking combustion values in a diesel engine generator system under cold start, loadless and constant engine speed of 1500 rpm. Experimental results showed that using biodiesel blends in diesel engine had almost parallel cylinder gas pressure (CGP), cumulative heat release (CHR), heat release rate (HRR), knock density and mean gas temperature (MGT) compared to ULSD fuel operation in research diesel engine. In addition, CO, NOx and HC emissions decreased, CO2 increased compared to ULSD fuel at same experimental conditions.
[1] Sanjid, A., Masjuki, H.H., Kalam, M.A., Ashrafur Rahman, S.M., Abedin, M.J., Palash, S.M., Production of palm and jatropha based biodiesel and investigation of palm-jatropha combined blend properties, performance, exhaust emission and noise in an unmodified diesel engine, Journal of Cleaner Production, 65 (2014), 295-303.
[2] Shahabuddin, M., Liaquat, A.M., Masjuki, H.H., Kalam, M.A., Mofijur, M., Ignition delay, combustion and emission characteristics of diesel engine fueled with biodiesel. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 21(2013), 623-632.
[3] Singh, S.P., Singh, D., Biodiesel production through the use of different sources and characterization of oils and their esters as the substitute of diesel: a review. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 14(2010), 200-216.
[4] Dassey, A.J., Hall, S.G., Theegala, C.S., An analysis of energy consumption for algal biodiesel production: comparing the literature with current estimates, Algal Res. 4(2014), 89-95.
[5] Ahmad, A.L., Yasin, N.H.M., Derek, C.J.C., Lim, J.K. Microalgae as a sustainable energy source for biodiesel production: a review, Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 15 (2011), 584-593.
[6] Efe, Ş., Ceviz, M.A., Temur, H., Comparative engine characteristics of biodiesels from hazelnut, corn, soybean, canola and sunflower oils on DI diesel engine. Renewable Energy 119(2018), 142-151.
[7] Seraç, M. R., Aydın, S., Yılmaz, A., Şevik, S., Evaluation of comparative combustion,performance, and emission of soybean-based alternative biodiesel fuel blends in a CI engine, Renewable Energy, 148(2020), 1065-1073.
[8] Özsezen AN, Çanakçi M., An investigation of the effect of methyl ester produced from waste frying oil on the performance and emissions of an idi diesel engine. J Facul Eng Architect Gazi Univ. 23(2008), 2, 395–404.
[10] Yaşar, F., Evaluation of Renewable Energy Source Algae as Biodiesel, Feedstock European Journal of Technique (EJT), 9 (2019), 2, 298-311.
[11] Ozsezen, AN., Canakci, M., Determination of performance and combustion characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with canola and waste palm oil methyl esters, Energy Conversion and Management, 52(2011), 1, 108-116.
[12] Ong, H.C. Masjuki, H.H., Mahlia, T.M.I., Silitonga, A.S., Chonga, W.T., Yusaf, T.,Engine performance and emissions using Jatropha curcas, Ceiba pentandra and Calophyllum inophyllum biodiesel in a CI diesel engine, Energy, 69 (2014), 427-445.
[13] Brunt, M.F.J., Rai, H., Emtage, A.L., The calculation of heat release energy from cylinder pressure data, SAE Paper No. 981052, 1998.
[14] Hohenberg, GH., Advanced approaches for heat transfer calculations, SAE Paper No. 790825, 1979.
[15] Checkel, M. and Dale, J., Computerized Knock Detection from Engine Pressure Records, SAE Technical Paper, 860028, doi:10.4271/860028, 1986.
[16] Devarajan, Y., Munuswamy, D. B., & Mahalingam, A., Influence of nano-additive on performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine running on neat neem oil biodiesel, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(2018), 1-6.
[17] Bayındır, H., Işık, M. Z., Argunhan, Z., Yücel, H. L., & Aydın, H., Combustion, performance and emissions of a diesel power generator fueled with biodiesel-kerosene and biodiesel-kerosene-diesel blends, Energy, 123(2017), 241-251.
[18] Işık, M. Z., Bayındır, H., Iscan, B., & Aydın, H. The effect of n-butanol additive on low load combustion, performance and emissions of biodiesel-diesel blend in a heavy-duty diesel power generator, Journal of the Energy Institute, 90(2017), 2, 174-184.
[19] Çelebi, Y., Aydın, H., Investigation of the effects of butanol addition on safflower biodiesel usage as fuel in a generator diesel engine, Fuel, 222(2018), 385-393.
[20] Singh, M., Anjum, F., Yadav, V., Sheikh, M.Y., Mathur, Y.B., Analysis of Combustion on Compression Ignition Diesel Engine fuelled with blends of Neem Biodiesel. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2017, 04.
[21] Anandavelu, K., Alagumurthi, N., & Saravannan, C. G., Experimental investigation of using eucalyptus oil and diesel fuel blends in Kirloskar TV1 direct injection diesel engine. J Sustain Energy Environ, 2(2011), 3.
[22] Rajput RK. A textbook of automobile engineering. Laxmi; 2007.
[23] Heywood, J. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals. Macgraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1988.
[24] Sayin, C., Gumus, M., and Canakci, M., Effect of fuel injection pressure on the injection, combustion and performance characteristics of a DI diesel engine fueled with canola oil methyl esters-diesel fuel blends, Biomass and Bioenergy, 46(2012), 435-446.
[25] Oumer, A. N., Hasan, M. M., Baheta, A. T., Mamat, R., & Abdullah, A. A., Bio-based liquid fuels as a source of renewable energy: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 88(2018), 82-98.
[26] Haik, Y., Selim, M.Y.E., Abdulrehman, T., Combustion of algae oil methyl ester in an indirect injection diesel engine, Energy, 36 (2011) 1827-1835.
[27] Kumar, A., Shukla, S. K., & Tierkey, J. V., A review of research and policy on using different biodiesel oils as fuel for CI engine. Energy Procedia, 90(2016). 292-304.
[28] Lapuerta, M., Armas, O., Rodríguez-Fernández, J. Effects of biodiesel fuels on diesel engine emissions, Prog Energy Combust Sci, 34(2008), 198–223.
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