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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 82 - 95, 31.08.2020



  • Andreae, J and Matthews P. (2006). Evaluating the quality and standards of early years education and care in Pugh, G. and Duffy, B. (eds) Contemporary Issues in the Early Years (4th Edition). London: Sage.
  • Aubrey, C. (2008). Leading and Managing in the Early Years. London: Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Ball, C., 1999. Quality and professionalism in early childhood. In Abbott L. and Moylett, H., (eds),1999. Early education transformed. London: New Millennium Series.
  • Bisland, A. (2004). Developing leadership skills in young gifted students, Gifted Child Today. 27:1, pp 24- 27.
  • Blackmore, J. (1989). Educational Leadership : A feminist critique and reconstruction. In J. Smyth (ed) Critical perspectives on educational leadership. London: Falmer Press.
  • Bloom, P.J. (1997). Navigating the rapids: directors reflect on their career and professional development, Young Children, 52(7): 32-38.
  • Boardman, M. (2003). Changing Times: Changing challenges for early childhood leaders, Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 28(2), 20-25.
  • Booren, L. M., Downer, J. T., (2012). Observation of children’s interactions with teachers, peers and tasks across pre-school classroom activity setting. Early Education and Development, 23, 517-538.
  • Briggs, M. and Briggs, I. (2009). Developing Your Leadership in the Early Years. London: Continuum International Publishing Group.
  • Burnes, B. (1996). Managing Change: A Strategic Approach to Organizational Dynamics. London: Pitman.
  • Caldwell, B. (2003). Foreword, Early Childhood Professionals. Leading Today and Tomorrow, M Ebbeck and M. Waniganayake (eds), MacLennan and Petty Pty Ltd, Sydney.
  • Carli, L and Eagly, A. (2011). Gender and leadership, in A. Bryman, D. Collinson, D. Grint, B. Jackson and M. Uhl-Bien (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Leadership. London: Sage. Pp.103-117.
  • Celik, V. (2000). Educational Leadership. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Publications
  • Davies, B.( ed). (2005). The Essentials of School Leadership. London: Paul Chapman Publishing and Corwin Press.
  • Department for Education. (2010). Longitudinal Study of Early Years Professional Status: an exploration of progress, leadership and impact. Available at last accessed 21.07.2013, 13.36
  • Dunlop, A-W (2002), Scottish Nursery Teachers’ Concepts of Leadership, Paper presented at the Third Warwick International Early Years Conference, University of Warwick, 18–20 March, 2002
  • Dunlop, A-W (2005), Scottish Early Childhood Teachers’ Concepts of Leadership, Interim Report of Research in Progress, Glasgow: University of Strathclyde.
  • Dunlop, A-W (2008). A Literature Review on Leadership in the Early Years. Available at last access: 21.07.2013 at 14.17
  • Ebbeck, M. and Waniganayake, M. (2003). Early Childhood Professionals: Leading Today and Tomorrow. Sydney: MacLennan and Petty.
  • Fullan, M. (2001). Leading in a Culture of Change. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Geoghegan N., Petriwskyj, A., Bower, L. and Geoghegan, D. (2003). Eliciting dimensions of educational leadership in early childhood education. Australian Research in Early Childhood Education, vol 10, no.1, pp. 12-23.
  • Hallet, E. (2013). The Reflective Early Years Practitioner. London: Sage.
  • Hallet, E. and Roberts-Holmes, G. (2010). The contribution of the Early Years Professional Status role to quality improvement strategies in Gloucestershire; Final Report. Unpublished Manuscript. Institute of Education, University of London.
  • Harris, A, Day, C, Hadfield, M, Hopkins, D, Hargreaves, A, and Chapman, C (2002), Effective Leadership for School Improvement, London: Routledge.
  • Heikka, J. and Waniganayake, M. (2011). Pedagogical leadership from a distributed perspective within the context of early childhood education. International Journal of Leadership in Education: Theory and Practice, 14(4), 499-512.
  • HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) (2000). Improving leadership in Scottish Schools. Edinburgh Scottish Executive Education Department.
  • Jorde-Bloom, P. (1997). Leadership: defining the elusive. Leadership Quest, 1,.(1), 12-15.
  • Kagan, S L, and Hallmark, L G (2001), Cultivating leadership in early care and education, Child Care Information Exchange, 140, pp 7–10.
  • Karnes F. A. and Bean, S. M. (1996). Leadership and the gifted. Focus on Exceptional Children. 29(1), pp 1-13.
  • Law, S. and Glover, D. (2000). Educational Leadership and Learning. Practice, Policy and Research, Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • Lindon, J and Lindon, L. (2011). Leadership and Early Years Professionalism. Abingdon: Hodder Education.
  • Miller, L and Cable, C (2008). Looking for the future. In Miller L and Cable C (eds) Professionalism in the Early Years . Abingdon: Hodder Education.
  • Montie, J. E., Xiang, Z. and Schweinhart, L. S., (2006). Pre-school experience in 10 countries: cognitive and language performance at age 7. Childhood Research Quarterly, 21, 313-331.
  • Morda, R. and Waniganayake, M. (2010). Emergence of child leadership through play in early childhood. Ebbeck, M. and Waniganayake, M. (eds) Play in Early Childhood Education Learning in Diverse Contexts. Sydney: Oxford University Press.
  • Morgan, G. (1997). What is leadership? Walking around a definition. Working Papers’. The Centre for Career Development in Early Care and Education, Wheelock College, Boston.
  • Moyles, J (2006). Effective Leadership and Management in the Early Years, Maidenhead: Open University Press/McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Moyles, J. (2003). The role of play in the foundation stage. Foundation Stage conference, Cornwall Educational Development Service, Newquay, Cornwall.
  • Mujis, D., Aubrey, C., Harris, A. et al (2004). How do they manage? A review of the research on leadership in early childhood. Journal of Early Childhood Research 2(2): 157-169.
  • Nivala, V, and Hujala, E (eds) (2002), Leadership in early childhood education, Cross-cultural perspectives, Oulu, Finland: Department of Educational Sciences and Teacher Education, Early Childhood Education, University of Oulu, available at last accessed 21.07.2013, 14.31.
  • Osgood, J (2004). ‘Time to get down to business? The Responses of Early Years Practitioners to Entrepreneurial Approaches to Professionalism’, Journal of Early Childhood Research, 2(1), pp 5–24.
  • Owen, S. (2006). Training and workforce issues in the early years. In Pugh, G. and Duffy, B. (eds) Contemporary Issues in the Early Years (4th Edtion). London: Sage.
  • Pearn, M. and Kandola, P. (1993). Job Analysis: a Manager’s Guide, 2nd edition. London: Institute of Personnel Management.
  • Pugh, G. (2006). The policy agenda for early childhood services in Pugh, G. and Duffy, B. (eds) Contemporary Issues in the Early Years (4th Edition). London: Sage.
  • Rodd, J. (2006). Leadership in Early Childhood,3rd ed. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.
  • Saracho, O. N. and Spotek, B., (2006). Preschool teachers’ professional development. In Spodek, B. and Saracho, O. N. eds 2006. Handbook of research on the education of young children. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Scottish Executive (2004), Ambitious, Excellent Schools – Our Agenda for Action. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive Education Department
  • Scrivens, C. (2002). Constructions of leadership: does gender make a difference?- Perspectives from an English speaking country in Nivala, V. and Hujala, E. (eds). Leadership in Early Childhood Education: cross-cultural perspectives. Department of Educational Teacher Sciences and Teacher Education, University of Oulu Press.
  • Siraj-Blatchford, I, and Manni (2007). Effective Leadership in the Early Years Sector (ELEYS) Study – Research Report, London: Institute of Education, University of London/General Teaching Council for England.
  • Siraj-Blatchford, I., (2006). Quality teaching in the early years. In Anning, A, Cullen and J., Fleer, M., (Eds.). Early childhood education society and culture. London: Sage Publication.
  • Smith, A and Langston, A. (1999). Managing Staff in Early Years. London: Routledge.
  • Solly, K. (2003). What do early childhood leaders do to maintain and enhance the significance of the early years? Presentation on 22 May at the Institute of Education, University of London, London.
  • Sylva, K., Melhuis, E., Sammons P., Siraj-Blachford, I. and Taggat, B. (2004). The Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE) Project: Final Report. London: DfES.
  • Taggart, B., Edwards, A., Sammons, P., Elliot, K., Siraj-Blatchford, I., (2003). The Effective Provision of Pre-School Education [EPPE] Project: A Longitudinal Study funded by the DfES, Edinburgh.
  • Thornton, K R (2005). Courage, Commitment and Collaboration: Notions of Leadership in the New Zealand ECE ‘Centres of Innovation’, Victoria: University of Wellington (unpublished M.Ed thesis).
  • Waniganayake, M., Morda, R., Kapsalakis, A. (2000). Leadership in child care centres: Is it just another job?, Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 25,(1). 13-19.
  • West-Burnham, J. (1997) Managing Quality in Schools: Effective Strategies for Quality-Based School Improvement. London: Pitman.

A critical review: effective leadership in the early childhood services from policy and practice perspective

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 82 - 95, 31.08.2020


This critical review focuses on the importance of being leader and the effects of effective leadership in the early years settings. It will be examined the relevant literature, exploring research studies in accordance with effective leadership, the differences and similarities between management and leadership, the challenges of developing leadership in the early years. Followingly, gender in leadership and the importance of reflection for leaders in their practices will be discussed. This study aimed to put an emphasis on how leadership policy and practice are necessary for the early years settings to support early years education with powerful and valuable way. However, there is a little research about leadership in early childhood services in relevant Turkish literature. Therefore, this review will add a critical perspective to the growing Turkish early years education literature especially within some essential studies such as Effective Leadership in the Early Years Sector (ELEYS) (Siraj-Blatchford and Manni, 2007) and Effective Leadership and Management Scheme (ELMS) (Moyles, 2006) and The Effective Provision of Pre-school Education (EPPE) research (Taggart et al, 2003).


  • Andreae, J and Matthews P. (2006). Evaluating the quality and standards of early years education and care in Pugh, G. and Duffy, B. (eds) Contemporary Issues in the Early Years (4th Edition). London: Sage.
  • Aubrey, C. (2008). Leading and Managing in the Early Years. London: Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Ball, C., 1999. Quality and professionalism in early childhood. In Abbott L. and Moylett, H., (eds),1999. Early education transformed. London: New Millennium Series.
  • Bisland, A. (2004). Developing leadership skills in young gifted students, Gifted Child Today. 27:1, pp 24- 27.
  • Blackmore, J. (1989). Educational Leadership : A feminist critique and reconstruction. In J. Smyth (ed) Critical perspectives on educational leadership. London: Falmer Press.
  • Bloom, P.J. (1997). Navigating the rapids: directors reflect on their career and professional development, Young Children, 52(7): 32-38.
  • Boardman, M. (2003). Changing Times: Changing challenges for early childhood leaders, Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 28(2), 20-25.
  • Booren, L. M., Downer, J. T., (2012). Observation of children’s interactions with teachers, peers and tasks across pre-school classroom activity setting. Early Education and Development, 23, 517-538.
  • Briggs, M. and Briggs, I. (2009). Developing Your Leadership in the Early Years. London: Continuum International Publishing Group.
  • Burnes, B. (1996). Managing Change: A Strategic Approach to Organizational Dynamics. London: Pitman.
  • Caldwell, B. (2003). Foreword, Early Childhood Professionals. Leading Today and Tomorrow, M Ebbeck and M. Waniganayake (eds), MacLennan and Petty Pty Ltd, Sydney.
  • Carli, L and Eagly, A. (2011). Gender and leadership, in A. Bryman, D. Collinson, D. Grint, B. Jackson and M. Uhl-Bien (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Leadership. London: Sage. Pp.103-117.
  • Celik, V. (2000). Educational Leadership. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Publications
  • Davies, B.( ed). (2005). The Essentials of School Leadership. London: Paul Chapman Publishing and Corwin Press.
  • Department for Education. (2010). Longitudinal Study of Early Years Professional Status: an exploration of progress, leadership and impact. Available at last accessed 21.07.2013, 13.36
  • Dunlop, A-W (2002), Scottish Nursery Teachers’ Concepts of Leadership, Paper presented at the Third Warwick International Early Years Conference, University of Warwick, 18–20 March, 2002
  • Dunlop, A-W (2005), Scottish Early Childhood Teachers’ Concepts of Leadership, Interim Report of Research in Progress, Glasgow: University of Strathclyde.
  • Dunlop, A-W (2008). A Literature Review on Leadership in the Early Years. Available at last access: 21.07.2013 at 14.17
  • Ebbeck, M. and Waniganayake, M. (2003). Early Childhood Professionals: Leading Today and Tomorrow. Sydney: MacLennan and Petty.
  • Fullan, M. (2001). Leading in a Culture of Change. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Geoghegan N., Petriwskyj, A., Bower, L. and Geoghegan, D. (2003). Eliciting dimensions of educational leadership in early childhood education. Australian Research in Early Childhood Education, vol 10, no.1, pp. 12-23.
  • Hallet, E. (2013). The Reflective Early Years Practitioner. London: Sage.
  • Hallet, E. and Roberts-Holmes, G. (2010). The contribution of the Early Years Professional Status role to quality improvement strategies in Gloucestershire; Final Report. Unpublished Manuscript. Institute of Education, University of London.
  • Harris, A, Day, C, Hadfield, M, Hopkins, D, Hargreaves, A, and Chapman, C (2002), Effective Leadership for School Improvement, London: Routledge.
  • Heikka, J. and Waniganayake, M. (2011). Pedagogical leadership from a distributed perspective within the context of early childhood education. International Journal of Leadership in Education: Theory and Practice, 14(4), 499-512.
  • HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) (2000). Improving leadership in Scottish Schools. Edinburgh Scottish Executive Education Department.
  • Jorde-Bloom, P. (1997). Leadership: defining the elusive. Leadership Quest, 1,.(1), 12-15.
  • Kagan, S L, and Hallmark, L G (2001), Cultivating leadership in early care and education, Child Care Information Exchange, 140, pp 7–10.
  • Karnes F. A. and Bean, S. M. (1996). Leadership and the gifted. Focus on Exceptional Children. 29(1), pp 1-13.
  • Law, S. and Glover, D. (2000). Educational Leadership and Learning. Practice, Policy and Research, Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • Lindon, J and Lindon, L. (2011). Leadership and Early Years Professionalism. Abingdon: Hodder Education.
  • Miller, L and Cable, C (2008). Looking for the future. In Miller L and Cable C (eds) Professionalism in the Early Years . Abingdon: Hodder Education.
  • Montie, J. E., Xiang, Z. and Schweinhart, L. S., (2006). Pre-school experience in 10 countries: cognitive and language performance at age 7. Childhood Research Quarterly, 21, 313-331.
  • Morda, R. and Waniganayake, M. (2010). Emergence of child leadership through play in early childhood. Ebbeck, M. and Waniganayake, M. (eds) Play in Early Childhood Education Learning in Diverse Contexts. Sydney: Oxford University Press.
  • Morgan, G. (1997). What is leadership? Walking around a definition. Working Papers’. The Centre for Career Development in Early Care and Education, Wheelock College, Boston.
  • Moyles, J (2006). Effective Leadership and Management in the Early Years, Maidenhead: Open University Press/McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Moyles, J. (2003). The role of play in the foundation stage. Foundation Stage conference, Cornwall Educational Development Service, Newquay, Cornwall.
  • Mujis, D., Aubrey, C., Harris, A. et al (2004). How do they manage? A review of the research on leadership in early childhood. Journal of Early Childhood Research 2(2): 157-169.
  • Nivala, V, and Hujala, E (eds) (2002), Leadership in early childhood education, Cross-cultural perspectives, Oulu, Finland: Department of Educational Sciences and Teacher Education, Early Childhood Education, University of Oulu, available at last accessed 21.07.2013, 14.31.
  • Osgood, J (2004). ‘Time to get down to business? The Responses of Early Years Practitioners to Entrepreneurial Approaches to Professionalism’, Journal of Early Childhood Research, 2(1), pp 5–24.
  • Owen, S. (2006). Training and workforce issues in the early years. In Pugh, G. and Duffy, B. (eds) Contemporary Issues in the Early Years (4th Edtion). London: Sage.
  • Pearn, M. and Kandola, P. (1993). Job Analysis: a Manager’s Guide, 2nd edition. London: Institute of Personnel Management.
  • Pugh, G. (2006). The policy agenda for early childhood services in Pugh, G. and Duffy, B. (eds) Contemporary Issues in the Early Years (4th Edition). London: Sage.
  • Rodd, J. (2006). Leadership in Early Childhood,3rd ed. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.
  • Saracho, O. N. and Spotek, B., (2006). Preschool teachers’ professional development. In Spodek, B. and Saracho, O. N. eds 2006. Handbook of research on the education of young children. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Scottish Executive (2004), Ambitious, Excellent Schools – Our Agenda for Action. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive Education Department
  • Scrivens, C. (2002). Constructions of leadership: does gender make a difference?- Perspectives from an English speaking country in Nivala, V. and Hujala, E. (eds). Leadership in Early Childhood Education: cross-cultural perspectives. Department of Educational Teacher Sciences and Teacher Education, University of Oulu Press.
  • Siraj-Blatchford, I, and Manni (2007). Effective Leadership in the Early Years Sector (ELEYS) Study – Research Report, London: Institute of Education, University of London/General Teaching Council for England.
  • Siraj-Blatchford, I., (2006). Quality teaching in the early years. In Anning, A, Cullen and J., Fleer, M., (Eds.). Early childhood education society and culture. London: Sage Publication.
  • Smith, A and Langston, A. (1999). Managing Staff in Early Years. London: Routledge.
  • Solly, K. (2003). What do early childhood leaders do to maintain and enhance the significance of the early years? Presentation on 22 May at the Institute of Education, University of London, London.
  • Sylva, K., Melhuis, E., Sammons P., Siraj-Blachford, I. and Taggat, B. (2004). The Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE) Project: Final Report. London: DfES.
  • Taggart, B., Edwards, A., Sammons, P., Elliot, K., Siraj-Blatchford, I., (2003). The Effective Provision of Pre-School Education [EPPE] Project: A Longitudinal Study funded by the DfES, Edinburgh.
  • Thornton, K R (2005). Courage, Commitment and Collaboration: Notions of Leadership in the New Zealand ECE ‘Centres of Innovation’, Victoria: University of Wellington (unpublished M.Ed thesis).
  • Waniganayake, M., Morda, R., Kapsalakis, A. (2000). Leadership in child care centres: Is it just another job?, Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 25,(1). 13-19.
  • West-Burnham, J. (1997) Managing Quality in Schools: Effective Strategies for Quality-Based School Improvement. London: Pitman.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Derlemeler

Sevim Karaoğlu 0000-0002-2200-6046

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2020
Kabul Tarihi 24 Temmuz 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Karaoğlu, S. (2020). A critical review: effective leadership in the early childhood services from policy and practice perspective. Eurasian Journal of Teacher Education, 1(2), 82-95.

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