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Bir Kriz Yanıtı Olarak REPowerEU: Acil Çeşitlendirme ve Yeşil Geçiş

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 6 Sayı: Özel Sayı 1, 79 - 86, 24.08.2024


AB, Rusya'nın Şubat 2022'de Ukrayna'yı işgal etmesi nedeniyle bir enerji kriziyle karşı karşıya kalmıştır. AB, Rusya'nın fosil yakıtlarını ikame etmek için politik yanıtını REPowerEU Planı’nı oluşturarak Avrupa Yeşil Mutabakatı (AYM)) üzerine kurmuştur. Planın üç ana ayağı bulunmaktadır; enerji arzının çeşitlendirilmesi, yeşil enerji yatırımları ve enerji tasarrufunun teşvik edilmesi. Makale, REPowerEU Planı’nın hem dahili hem de harici olarak analiz ederek, planın performansına odaklanmaktadır. Makale, bu iki strateji arasındaki bağlantıları inceleyerek REPowerEU Planı’nın AYM üzerine nasıl inşa edildiğine dair bir arka plan sunmaktadır. Daha sonra makale planın üç ana sütuna odaklanmaktadır. İlk olarak, LNG ve boru hattı anlaşmalarına ve yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarına yönelik kritik hammadde anlaşmalarına atıfta bulunarak çeşitlendirme politikasına dair bir perspektif sağlanmaktadır. İkinci olarak makale, REPowerEU Planı'nın başlatılmasından bu yana AB'nin yeşil enerji yatırımlarına genel bir bakış sunmaktadır. Son olarak, enerji tasarrufu AB'nin iç pratikleri üzerinden analiz edilmektedir. Makale, Planı’nın enerji krizine müdahalede kısa vadeli ve uzun vadeli önlemlerin bir kombinasyonunu içerdiğini vurgulamaktadır. Plan, AYM’nin kapsayıcı hedeflerine daha geniş bir bağlamda katkıda bulunsa da öncelikli odak noktasının AB'nin enerji talebini güvence altına almak olduğunu vurgulamaktadır. Bu anlamda makale, yeşil geçiş ile acil ihtiyaçlar arasında bir dengesizlik bulunduğu sonucuna varmaktadır.


  • Dennison, S., Kardas, S. Piaskowska, G. and Zerka, P. (2023), “EU Energy Deals Tracker”, available at: (accessed 16 February 2024).
  • Dupont, C., Moore, B., Boasson, E.L, Gravey, V., Jordan, A., Kivimaa, P., Kulovesi, K., Kuzemko, C., Oberthür, S., Panchuk, D., Rosamond, J., Torney, D., Tosun, J. and von Homeyer, I. (2023), “Three Decades of EU Climate Policy: Racing Toward Climate Neutrality?”, WIREs Climate Change, 15(1), e863.
  • Engström, M. (2022), “A Green Deal, Open to the World”, available at: (accessed 13 March 2024).
  • European Commission (2019), “European Green Deal”, available at: (accessed 10 February 2024).
  • European Commission, (2020) “Amended Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Establishing the Framework for Achieving Climate Neutrality and Amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 (European Climate Law, 19 September 2020”, available at: (accessed 10 February 2024).
  • European Commission (2022), “Environment Action Programme to 2030”, available at: (accessed 10 February 2024).
  • European Commission (2022a), “REPowerEU Plan”, available at: (accessed 14 February 2024).
  • European Commission (2022b), “Questions and Answers on REPowerEU: Joint European Action for More Affordable, Secure and Sustainable Energy”, available at: (accessed 15 February 2024).
  • European Commission (2022c), “REPowerEU: Affordable, Secure and Sustainable Energy for Europe”, available at: (accessed 15 February 2024).
  • European Commission (2022d), “EU Energy Platform”, available at: (accessed 18 February 2024).
  • European Commission (2022e), “REPowerEU”, available at: (accessed 15 February 2024).
  • European Commission (2022f), “Factsheet on Financing REPowerEU”, available at: (accessed 22 February 2024).
  • European Commission (2023), “Statement by President Von der Leyen at the joint Press Conference with Brazilian President Lula da Silva”, available at:, (accessed 19 February 2024).
  • European Council (2023), “Infographic-Where does the EU’s Gas Come From?”, available at: (accessed 12 February 2024).
  • Fama, R. (2023), “REPowerEU: Next Generation EU’s Architecture Beyond the Pandemic”, REBUILD Centre-Working Paper 6, Dublin, January.
  • Giuli, M. & Oberthür, S. (2023), “Third Time Lucky? Reconciling EU Climate and External Energy Policy During Energy Security Crises”, Journal of European Integration, 45(3), 395-412.
  • Gravey, V., Jordan A. and Benson D. (2022), "Environmental Policy," Cini, M. and Borragan, N. P., European Union Politics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 374,386.
  • Homeyer, I., Oberthür S. & Dupont, C. (2022), “Implementing the European Green Deal During the Evolving Crisis”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 60(S1), 125-136.
  • International Energy Agency (2022), “Playing My Part: How to Save Money, Reduce Reliance on Russian Energy, Support Ukraine and Help the Planet”, available at: (accessed 26 February 2024).
  • Jordan, A., Gravey, V. and Adelle, C. (2021), “EU Environmental Policy,” Jordan, A. And Adelle, C., Environmental Policy in the EU: Actors, Institutions and Processes, Routledge, London, 4.
  • Karda, S. (2023), “Keeping the Lights on: The EU’s Energy Relationships Since Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine”, available at: (accessed 15 February 2024).
  • Kardas, S. (2023), “Conscious Uncoupling: Europeans’ Russian Gas Challenge in 2023” available at: (accessed 18 February 2024).
  • Selin, H. and VanDeveer, S. D. (2015), European Union and Environmental Governance, Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon; New York.
  • Siddi, M. & Prandin, F. (2023), “Governing the EU’s Energy Crisis: The European Commission’s Geopolitical Turn and Its Pitfalls”, Politics and Governance, 11(4), 286-296.
  • Von der Leyen, U. (2019), “A Union that Strives for More: My Agenda for Europe: Political Guidelines for the Next European Commission 2019-2024”, available at: 1/20190716RES57231.pdf (accessed 10 February 2024).
  • Wendler, F. (2023), “The European Green Deal After the Attack on Ukraine: Exogenous Shock Meets Policy-Making Stability”, Politics and Governance, 11(4), 352-364.

REPowerEU as a Crisis Response: Immediate Diversification and Green Transition

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 6 Sayı: Özel Sayı 1, 79 - 86, 24.08.2024


The EU has been facing an energy crisis on behalf of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. To substitute Russian fossil fuels, the EU has built its response on the European Green Deal (EGD), the REPowerEU plan. The plan has three main pillars: diversification of energy supplies, green energy investments, and promoting energy saving. The article focuses on the performance of the REPowerEU Plan by analyzing it both internally and externally. The article provides a background for how the REPowerEU Plan is built upon the EGD by examining the links between these two strategies. Then, the article focuses on these three pillars. First, the article provides an insight into the diversification policy by referencing LNG and pipeline agreements and critical raw material agreements for renewables. Second, the article provides an overview of the EU’s green energy investments since the initiation of the REPowerEU Plan. Third, energy saving is analyzed through the internal practices of the EU. The article emphasizes that the REPowerEU plan entails a combination of short-term and long-term measures in the energy crisis response. Though the plan has contributed to the EGD’s overarching goals in a broader context, its primary focus seems to secure the EU’s energy demand. In this sense, the article draws a conclusion that underlines the imbalance between the green transition and the immediate needs.


  • Dennison, S., Kardas, S. Piaskowska, G. and Zerka, P. (2023), “EU Energy Deals Tracker”, available at: (accessed 16 February 2024).
  • Dupont, C., Moore, B., Boasson, E.L, Gravey, V., Jordan, A., Kivimaa, P., Kulovesi, K., Kuzemko, C., Oberthür, S., Panchuk, D., Rosamond, J., Torney, D., Tosun, J. and von Homeyer, I. (2023), “Three Decades of EU Climate Policy: Racing Toward Climate Neutrality?”, WIREs Climate Change, 15(1), e863.
  • Engström, M. (2022), “A Green Deal, Open to the World”, available at: (accessed 13 March 2024).
  • European Commission (2019), “European Green Deal”, available at: (accessed 10 February 2024).
  • European Commission, (2020) “Amended Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Establishing the Framework for Achieving Climate Neutrality and Amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 (European Climate Law, 19 September 2020”, available at: (accessed 10 February 2024).
  • European Commission (2022), “Environment Action Programme to 2030”, available at: (accessed 10 February 2024).
  • European Commission (2022a), “REPowerEU Plan”, available at: (accessed 14 February 2024).
  • European Commission (2022b), “Questions and Answers on REPowerEU: Joint European Action for More Affordable, Secure and Sustainable Energy”, available at: (accessed 15 February 2024).
  • European Commission (2022c), “REPowerEU: Affordable, Secure and Sustainable Energy for Europe”, available at: (accessed 15 February 2024).
  • European Commission (2022d), “EU Energy Platform”, available at: (accessed 18 February 2024).
  • European Commission (2022e), “REPowerEU”, available at: (accessed 15 February 2024).
  • European Commission (2022f), “Factsheet on Financing REPowerEU”, available at: (accessed 22 February 2024).
  • European Commission (2023), “Statement by President Von der Leyen at the joint Press Conference with Brazilian President Lula da Silva”, available at:, (accessed 19 February 2024).
  • European Council (2023), “Infographic-Where does the EU’s Gas Come From?”, available at: (accessed 12 February 2024).
  • Fama, R. (2023), “REPowerEU: Next Generation EU’s Architecture Beyond the Pandemic”, REBUILD Centre-Working Paper 6, Dublin, January.
  • Giuli, M. & Oberthür, S. (2023), “Third Time Lucky? Reconciling EU Climate and External Energy Policy During Energy Security Crises”, Journal of European Integration, 45(3), 395-412.
  • Gravey, V., Jordan A. and Benson D. (2022), "Environmental Policy," Cini, M. and Borragan, N. P., European Union Politics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 374,386.
  • Homeyer, I., Oberthür S. & Dupont, C. (2022), “Implementing the European Green Deal During the Evolving Crisis”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 60(S1), 125-136.
  • International Energy Agency (2022), “Playing My Part: How to Save Money, Reduce Reliance on Russian Energy, Support Ukraine and Help the Planet”, available at: (accessed 26 February 2024).
  • Jordan, A., Gravey, V. and Adelle, C. (2021), “EU Environmental Policy,” Jordan, A. And Adelle, C., Environmental Policy in the EU: Actors, Institutions and Processes, Routledge, London, 4.
  • Karda, S. (2023), “Keeping the Lights on: The EU’s Energy Relationships Since Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine”, available at: (accessed 15 February 2024).
  • Kardas, S. (2023), “Conscious Uncoupling: Europeans’ Russian Gas Challenge in 2023” available at: (accessed 18 February 2024).
  • Selin, H. and VanDeveer, S. D. (2015), European Union and Environmental Governance, Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon; New York.
  • Siddi, M. & Prandin, F. (2023), “Governing the EU’s Energy Crisis: The European Commission’s Geopolitical Turn and Its Pitfalls”, Politics and Governance, 11(4), 286-296.
  • Von der Leyen, U. (2019), “A Union that Strives for More: My Agenda for Europe: Political Guidelines for the Next European Commission 2019-2024”, available at: 1/20190716RES57231.pdf (accessed 10 February 2024).
  • Wendler, F. (2023), “The European Green Deal After the Attack on Ukraine: Exogenous Shock Meets Policy-Making Stability”, Politics and Governance, 11(4), 352-364.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Avrupa Birliği Ekonomisi
Bölüm Makaleler

Anıl Ömer Taydaş 0009-0002-1031-8752

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Ağustos 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 22 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 6 Sayı: Özel Sayı 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Taydaş, A. Ö. (2024). REPowerEU as a Crisis Response: Immediate Diversification and Green Transition. Ekonomi İşletme Ve Maliye Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(Özel Sayı 1), 79-86.