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Yıl 2008, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 117 - 132, 14.01.2013


Polonya, ‘Aile Yaşamı için Eğitim' adı altında cinsellikten uzak durmayı öngören bir sağlık eğitimi modelini benimsemektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı ergenlik çağındaki annelerin görüşlerinin bu modelin geliştirilmesi için katkı sağlayıp sağlayamayacağını saptamaktır. Araştırma, 14 ila 18 yaş arasındaki 14 ergen anne ile yapılan odak grup görüşmeleri kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiş; tartışma ise etkili ergen gebelik önleme programlarının özellikleri üzerine odaklanarak bu özellikler çerçevesi içinde yürütülmüştür. Polonya'daki üreme sağlığı eğitimi modeli görsel medyanın da yoğun bir şekilde kullanıldığı rahat bir ortamda yürütülmektedir. Öğretim, soru sorma fırsatının çok az olduğu tek yönlü bilgi aktarımı olarak tanımlanabilir. Doğum kontrolü ile ilgili çok az ya da hiç tartışma yapılmamaktadır. Nadiren yapılan tartışmalar ise tutarlı bir mesaj içermekten uzak olmakta ve öğretmen tarafından uygun görülen davranış biçiminin aktarılmasıyla son bulmaktadır. Özellikle ergenler arasındaki romantik ilişkilerde bağlılığın olmadığı vurgulanmaktadır. Bu sebeple verilen üreme sağlığı eğitimi dersleri aile yaşamı üzerinde öğretici bir etkiye sahip olamamaktadır. Polonya modeli cinsel anlamda aktif olan veya yakın zamanda aktif olması beklenen ergenlerin gereksinimlerini dikkate almalı, verilen mesajın tutarlılığı güçlü bir şekilde vurgulanmalı ve uygun pedagojik beceriler göz önünde bulundurularak bu model ile verilen eğitimin kalitesine özen gösterilmelidir.


  • Aarons, S. J., Jenkins, R. R., Raine, T. R., et al. (2000). Postponing Sexual Intercourse Among Urban Junior High School Students—a Randomized Controlled Evaluation. Journal of Adolescent Health, 27: 236–247.
  • Audigier, F. (1999). School disciplines, social representations, and the construction of the didactics of history, geography, and civics. Instructional Science, 27: 97–117.
  • Blum, R. W., and Nelson-Mmari, K. (2004). The Health of Young People in a Global Context. Journal of Adolescent Health, 35: 402-418.
  • Bowling, A. (2002). Research Methods in Health, Investigating health and health services. Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • Bracken, H., and Winikoff B. (2005). The State of Medical Abortion in Europe Today. Entre Nous: The European Magazine for Sexual and Reproductive Health, 59: 7-10.
  • Brückner, H., Martin, A., and Bearman, P. S. (2004). Ambivalence and Pregnancy: Adolescents' Attitudes, Contraceptive Use and Pregnancy. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 36(6): 248-257.
  • Cabezon, C., Vigil, P., Rojas, I., et al. (2005). Adolescent pregnancy prevention: an abstinence-centered randomized controlled intervention in a Chilean public high school. Journal of Adolescent Health, 36(1): 64-69.
  • Campbell, J. C., Pugh, L. C., Campbell, D., et al. (1995). The Influence of Abuse on Pregnancy Intention. Womens Health Issues, 5(4): 214-223.
  • Central Statistical Office (2006). Concise Statistical Yearbook. Warszawa: Zakład Wydawnictw Statystycznych.
  • Children in CEE/CIS database [database on the internet]. (2007a). Florence (Italy): UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre. [cited 14 July 2007]. Available from:
  • Children in CEE/CIS database [database on the internet]. (2007b). Florence (Italy): UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre. [cited 14 July 2007]. Available from: http://www.unicef-
  • Cooksey, E. C., Mott, F. L., and Neubauer, S. A. (2002). Friendships and Early Relationships: Links to Sexual Initiation Among American Adolescents Born to Young Mothers. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 34(3): 118-126.
  • Demographic and Social Statistics [database on the internet]. (2004). New York (NY): United Nations Statistics Division. [cited 1 Mar 2007]. Available from:
  • DiCenso, A., Guyatt, G., Willan, A., et al. (2002). Interventions to reduce unintended pregnancies among adolescents: systematic review of randomised controlled trials. British Medical Journal, 324(7351): 1426-1430.
  • Dodge, B., Sandfort, T. G. M., Yarber, W. L., et al. (2005). Sexual Health Among Male College Students in the United States and the Netherlands. American Journal of Health Behavior 2005;29(2):172-182.
  • Forste, R., and Haas, D. W. (2002). The Transition of Adolescent Males To First Sexual Intercourse: Anticipated or Delayed? Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 34(4): 184-190.
  • Gray, N. J., Klein, J. D., Noyce, P. R., et al. Health information-seeking behaviour in adolescence: the place of the internet. Social Science & Medicine, 60: 1467– 1478.
  • Hardy, S. A., and Raffaelli, M. (2003). Adolescent religiosity and sexuality: an investigation of reciprocal influences. Journal of Adolescence, 26: 731-739.
  • Hendrickx, K., Lodewijckx, E., Van Royen, P., et al. (2002). Sexual behaviour of second generation Moroccan immigrants balancing between traditional attitudes and safe sex. Patient Education and Counseling, 47: 89–94.
  • Holzner, B. M., and Oetomo, D. (2004). Youth, Sexuality and Sex Education Messages in Indonesia: Issues of Desire and Control. Reproductive Health Matters, 12(23): 40-49.
  • Izdebski, Z. (2003). Spojrzenie Seksuologa. In Z. Izdebski and A. Ostrowska, Seks po polsku: Zachowanie seksualne jako element stylu życia Polaków [Polish sex: Sexual behaviors as a lifestyle element of Poles] (11-97). Warszawa: Muza SA.
  • Jarząbek, G. (2001). Rozwój somatyczny i psychoseksualny [Somatic and Psychosexual Development]. Nowiny Lekarskie, 70(3): 211-230.
  • Jarząbek, G., Grys, E., Wachowiak-Ochmańska, K., et al. (2001). Ciąża u młodocianej. [Adolescent Pregnancy]. Now Lek, 70(3): 231-233.
  • Kellogg, N. D., Hoffman, T. J., and Taylor, E. R. (1999). Early Sexual Experiences Among Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents. Adolescence, 34(134): 293-303.
  • Ketting, E. (2005). Why do women still die of abortion in a country where abortion is legal? The case of the Russian Federation. Entre Nous: The European Magazine for Sexual and Reproductive Health, 59: 20-22.
  • King, H. (2000). Contraception for the under 20s. Current Obstetrics and Gynecology, 10: 157–161.
  • Kirby, D., and Coyle, K. (1997). School-based Programs to Reduce Sexual Risk- taking Behavior. Child and Youth Services Review, 19(5/6): 415-436.
  • Kopacz, M. (2006). Sexual Development and Behaviour Issues in Polish Teenage Magazines. Central European Journal of Public Health, 14(4): 193-199.
  • Krzysiek, J., Czop, A., Milewicz, T., et al. (1997). Ciąża u nieletnich—współczesny problem cywilizacyjny [Adolescent Pregnancy—A Problem Of Modern Civilization]. Sztuka Leczenia, 3(3): 43-50.
  • Landry, D. J., Darroch, J. E., Singh, S., et al. (2003). Factors Associated with the Content of Sex Education In U.S. Public Secondary Schools. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 35(6): 261-269.
  • Lazarus, J. V. (2005). Why IPPF Has Chosen Abortion As One Of The Five „A”s. Entre Nous: The European Magazine for Sexual and Reproductive Health, 59: 11-12.
  • Lech, M. M. (2002). Zapobieganie ciąży i rodzicielstwu u młodocianych [Preventing Adolescent Pregnancies and Parenthood]. Zdrowie Publiczne, 112(3): 420- 421.
  • Lew-Starowicz, Z. (1991). Seksualne tajemnice i problemy [Sexual Secrets and Problems]. Warszawa: Argo.
  • Lloyd, B., Lucas, K., and Fernbach, M. (1997). Adolescent girls’ constructions of smoking identities: implications for health promotion. Journal of Adolescence, 20: 43–56.
  • Moscovici, S. (1973). Foreword. In C. Herzlich (Ed.), Health and illness: A social psychological analysis (ix–xiv). London/New York: Academic Press.
  • Patton, D., Kolasa, K., West, S., et al. (1995). Sexual Abstinence Counseling of Adolescents By Physicians. Adolescence, 30(120): 963-969.
  • Pawowska, A., Filipp, E., Niemiec, K. T., et al. (2004). Contraceptive methods used by sexually active adolescents attending Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw, Poland. European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 9: 174.
  • Pawłowska, A., Filipp, E., Pietrasik, D., et al. (2005). Analiza przebiegu ciąży oraz wyników położniczych u nastolatek rodzących w Klinice Położnictwa i Ginekologii Instytutu Matki i Dziecka w Warszawie [An Analysis of Pregnancy Course and Obstetric Outcomes in Adolescents Delivering at the Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw]. Ginekologia Praktyczna, 13(4): 41-45.
  • Peterson-Sweeney, K. (2005). The Use of Focus Groups in Pediatric and Adolescent Research. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 19: 104-110.
  • Pub. L. No. 17, Stat. 78 (January 7, 1993). Ustawa o planowaniu rodziny, ochronie płodu ludzkiego i warunkach dopuszczalności przerywania ciąży [Family Planning, Protection of the Human Fetus, and Conditions Appropriate for Abortion Act].
  • Raine, T. R., Jenkins, R., Aarons, S. J., et al. (1999). Sociodemographic Correlates of Virginity in Seventh-Grade Black and Latino Students. Journal of Adolescent Health, 24: 304-312.
  • Roberts, A. B., Oyun, C., Batnasan, E., et al. (2005). Exploring the social and cultural context of sexual health for young people in Mongolia: implications for health promotion. Social Science & Medicine, 60: 1487–1498.
  • Rzepka, J., and Czeok, A. (1996) Rola wychowania seksualnego w edukacji zdrowotnej dzieci i młodzieży [The Role of Sex Education in the Health Education of Children and Adolescents]. Wychowanie Fizyczne i Zdrowotne, 4: 135-137.
  • Stewart, F. H., Shields, W. C., and Hwang, A. C. (2003). Why we should “just say no” to exclusive “abstinence-only” funding [editorial]. Contraception, 68: 231–232.
  • Stjerna, M. L., Lauritzen, S. O., and Tillgren, P. (2004). “Social thinking” and cultural images: teenagers’ notions of tobacco use. Social Science & Medicine, 59: 573–583.
  • Thomas, M. H. (2000). Abstinence-Based Programs for Prevention of Adolescent Pregnancies. Journal of Adolescent Health, 26: 5–17.
  • Thrush, D., Fife-Schaw, C., and Breakwell, G. M. (1997). Young people’s representations of others’ views of smoking: is there a link with smoking behaviour? Journal of Adolescence, 20: 57–70.
  • Trawińska, M. (1995). Raport z badań wychowanie prorodzinne i seksualne w szkole Polskiej [Study report concerning pro-family and sexuality education in Polish schools]. Warszawa: Agencja Promo-Lider.
  • Villarruel, A. M. (1998). Cultural Influences on the Sexual Attitudes, Beliefs, and Norms of Young Latina Adolescents. Journal of the Society of Pediatric Nurses, 3(2): 69-79.
  • Ware, N. C., Wyatt, M. A., and Tugenberg, T. (2005). Adherence, stereotyping and unequal HIV treatment for active users of illegal drugs. Social Science & Medicine, 61: 565-576.
  • Westall, J. (1997). Poor education linked with teen pregnancies. British Medical Journal, 314(7080): 537.
  • Wróblewska, W., Strzelecki, P., and Matysiak, A. (2003). Kodeks obyczajowości seksualnej wśród młodzieży na podstawie badania „Zachowania i postawy studentów w sferze seksualnej” [Code of Sexual Customs Among Adolescents, Based on the „Student Behaviours and Attitudes in the Sphere of Sexuality” Study]. In K. Slany, A. Małek, and I. Szczepaniak-Wiechy (Eds), Systemy wartości a procesy demograficzne (211-231). Kraków: Zakład Wydawniczy NOMOS.
  • Zarzeczna-Baran, M., and Balkowska, B. (2001). Matki nastoletnie i ich rodzice— charakterystyka ogólna [Adolescent mothers and their parents—general characteristics]. Annales Academiae Medicae Gedanensis, 31: 103-111.
  • Zarzeczna-Baran, M., and Balkowska, B. (2002). Teenage pregnancy: whose problem is it? [correspondence]. Family Practice, 19(2): 211.
Yıl 2008, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 117 - 132, 14.01.2013



  • Aarons, S. J., Jenkins, R. R., Raine, T. R., et al. (2000). Postponing Sexual Intercourse Among Urban Junior High School Students—a Randomized Controlled Evaluation. Journal of Adolescent Health, 27: 236–247.
  • Audigier, F. (1999). School disciplines, social representations, and the construction of the didactics of history, geography, and civics. Instructional Science, 27: 97–117.
  • Blum, R. W., and Nelson-Mmari, K. (2004). The Health of Young People in a Global Context. Journal of Adolescent Health, 35: 402-418.
  • Bowling, A. (2002). Research Methods in Health, Investigating health and health services. Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • Bracken, H., and Winikoff B. (2005). The State of Medical Abortion in Europe Today. Entre Nous: The European Magazine for Sexual and Reproductive Health, 59: 7-10.
  • Brückner, H., Martin, A., and Bearman, P. S. (2004). Ambivalence and Pregnancy: Adolescents' Attitudes, Contraceptive Use and Pregnancy. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 36(6): 248-257.
  • Cabezon, C., Vigil, P., Rojas, I., et al. (2005). Adolescent pregnancy prevention: an abstinence-centered randomized controlled intervention in a Chilean public high school. Journal of Adolescent Health, 36(1): 64-69.
  • Campbell, J. C., Pugh, L. C., Campbell, D., et al. (1995). The Influence of Abuse on Pregnancy Intention. Womens Health Issues, 5(4): 214-223.
  • Central Statistical Office (2006). Concise Statistical Yearbook. Warszawa: Zakład Wydawnictw Statystycznych.
  • Children in CEE/CIS database [database on the internet]. (2007a). Florence (Italy): UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre. [cited 14 July 2007]. Available from:
  • Children in CEE/CIS database [database on the internet]. (2007b). Florence (Italy): UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre. [cited 14 July 2007]. Available from: http://www.unicef-
  • Cooksey, E. C., Mott, F. L., and Neubauer, S. A. (2002). Friendships and Early Relationships: Links to Sexual Initiation Among American Adolescents Born to Young Mothers. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 34(3): 118-126.
  • Demographic and Social Statistics [database on the internet]. (2004). New York (NY): United Nations Statistics Division. [cited 1 Mar 2007]. Available from:
  • DiCenso, A., Guyatt, G., Willan, A., et al. (2002). Interventions to reduce unintended pregnancies among adolescents: systematic review of randomised controlled trials. British Medical Journal, 324(7351): 1426-1430.
  • Dodge, B., Sandfort, T. G. M., Yarber, W. L., et al. (2005). Sexual Health Among Male College Students in the United States and the Netherlands. American Journal of Health Behavior 2005;29(2):172-182.
  • Forste, R., and Haas, D. W. (2002). The Transition of Adolescent Males To First Sexual Intercourse: Anticipated or Delayed? Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 34(4): 184-190.
  • Gray, N. J., Klein, J. D., Noyce, P. R., et al. Health information-seeking behaviour in adolescence: the place of the internet. Social Science & Medicine, 60: 1467– 1478.
  • Hardy, S. A., and Raffaelli, M. (2003). Adolescent religiosity and sexuality: an investigation of reciprocal influences. Journal of Adolescence, 26: 731-739.
  • Hendrickx, K., Lodewijckx, E., Van Royen, P., et al. (2002). Sexual behaviour of second generation Moroccan immigrants balancing between traditional attitudes and safe sex. Patient Education and Counseling, 47: 89–94.
  • Holzner, B. M., and Oetomo, D. (2004). Youth, Sexuality and Sex Education Messages in Indonesia: Issues of Desire and Control. Reproductive Health Matters, 12(23): 40-49.
  • Izdebski, Z. (2003). Spojrzenie Seksuologa. In Z. Izdebski and A. Ostrowska, Seks po polsku: Zachowanie seksualne jako element stylu życia Polaków [Polish sex: Sexual behaviors as a lifestyle element of Poles] (11-97). Warszawa: Muza SA.
  • Jarząbek, G. (2001). Rozwój somatyczny i psychoseksualny [Somatic and Psychosexual Development]. Nowiny Lekarskie, 70(3): 211-230.
  • Jarząbek, G., Grys, E., Wachowiak-Ochmańska, K., et al. (2001). Ciąża u młodocianej. [Adolescent Pregnancy]. Now Lek, 70(3): 231-233.
  • Kellogg, N. D., Hoffman, T. J., and Taylor, E. R. (1999). Early Sexual Experiences Among Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents. Adolescence, 34(134): 293-303.
  • Ketting, E. (2005). Why do women still die of abortion in a country where abortion is legal? The case of the Russian Federation. Entre Nous: The European Magazine for Sexual and Reproductive Health, 59: 20-22.
  • King, H. (2000). Contraception for the under 20s. Current Obstetrics and Gynecology, 10: 157–161.
  • Kirby, D., and Coyle, K. (1997). School-based Programs to Reduce Sexual Risk- taking Behavior. Child and Youth Services Review, 19(5/6): 415-436.
  • Kopacz, M. (2006). Sexual Development and Behaviour Issues in Polish Teenage Magazines. Central European Journal of Public Health, 14(4): 193-199.
  • Krzysiek, J., Czop, A., Milewicz, T., et al. (1997). Ciąża u nieletnich—współczesny problem cywilizacyjny [Adolescent Pregnancy—A Problem Of Modern Civilization]. Sztuka Leczenia, 3(3): 43-50.
  • Landry, D. J., Darroch, J. E., Singh, S., et al. (2003). Factors Associated with the Content of Sex Education In U.S. Public Secondary Schools. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 35(6): 261-269.
  • Lazarus, J. V. (2005). Why IPPF Has Chosen Abortion As One Of The Five „A”s. Entre Nous: The European Magazine for Sexual and Reproductive Health, 59: 11-12.
  • Lech, M. M. (2002). Zapobieganie ciąży i rodzicielstwu u młodocianych [Preventing Adolescent Pregnancies and Parenthood]. Zdrowie Publiczne, 112(3): 420- 421.
  • Lew-Starowicz, Z. (1991). Seksualne tajemnice i problemy [Sexual Secrets and Problems]. Warszawa: Argo.
  • Lloyd, B., Lucas, K., and Fernbach, M. (1997). Adolescent girls’ constructions of smoking identities: implications for health promotion. Journal of Adolescence, 20: 43–56.
  • Moscovici, S. (1973). Foreword. In C. Herzlich (Ed.), Health and illness: A social psychological analysis (ix–xiv). London/New York: Academic Press.
  • Patton, D., Kolasa, K., West, S., et al. (1995). Sexual Abstinence Counseling of Adolescents By Physicians. Adolescence, 30(120): 963-969.
  • Pawowska, A., Filipp, E., Niemiec, K. T., et al. (2004). Contraceptive methods used by sexually active adolescents attending Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw, Poland. European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 9: 174.
  • Pawłowska, A., Filipp, E., Pietrasik, D., et al. (2005). Analiza przebiegu ciąży oraz wyników położniczych u nastolatek rodzących w Klinice Położnictwa i Ginekologii Instytutu Matki i Dziecka w Warszawie [An Analysis of Pregnancy Course and Obstetric Outcomes in Adolescents Delivering at the Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw]. Ginekologia Praktyczna, 13(4): 41-45.
  • Peterson-Sweeney, K. (2005). The Use of Focus Groups in Pediatric and Adolescent Research. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 19: 104-110.
  • Pub. L. No. 17, Stat. 78 (January 7, 1993). Ustawa o planowaniu rodziny, ochronie płodu ludzkiego i warunkach dopuszczalności przerywania ciąży [Family Planning, Protection of the Human Fetus, and Conditions Appropriate for Abortion Act].
  • Raine, T. R., Jenkins, R., Aarons, S. J., et al. (1999). Sociodemographic Correlates of Virginity in Seventh-Grade Black and Latino Students. Journal of Adolescent Health, 24: 304-312.
  • Roberts, A. B., Oyun, C., Batnasan, E., et al. (2005). Exploring the social and cultural context of sexual health for young people in Mongolia: implications for health promotion. Social Science & Medicine, 60: 1487–1498.
  • Rzepka, J., and Czeok, A. (1996) Rola wychowania seksualnego w edukacji zdrowotnej dzieci i młodzieży [The Role of Sex Education in the Health Education of Children and Adolescents]. Wychowanie Fizyczne i Zdrowotne, 4: 135-137.
  • Stewart, F. H., Shields, W. C., and Hwang, A. C. (2003). Why we should “just say no” to exclusive “abstinence-only” funding [editorial]. Contraception, 68: 231–232.
  • Stjerna, M. L., Lauritzen, S. O., and Tillgren, P. (2004). “Social thinking” and cultural images: teenagers’ notions of tobacco use. Social Science & Medicine, 59: 573–583.
  • Thomas, M. H. (2000). Abstinence-Based Programs for Prevention of Adolescent Pregnancies. Journal of Adolescent Health, 26: 5–17.
  • Thrush, D., Fife-Schaw, C., and Breakwell, G. M. (1997). Young people’s representations of others’ views of smoking: is there a link with smoking behaviour? Journal of Adolescence, 20: 57–70.
  • Trawińska, M. (1995). Raport z badań wychowanie prorodzinne i seksualne w szkole Polskiej [Study report concerning pro-family and sexuality education in Polish schools]. Warszawa: Agencja Promo-Lider.
  • Villarruel, A. M. (1998). Cultural Influences on the Sexual Attitudes, Beliefs, and Norms of Young Latina Adolescents. Journal of the Society of Pediatric Nurses, 3(2): 69-79.
  • Ware, N. C., Wyatt, M. A., and Tugenberg, T. (2005). Adherence, stereotyping and unequal HIV treatment for active users of illegal drugs. Social Science & Medicine, 61: 565-576.
  • Westall, J. (1997). Poor education linked with teen pregnancies. British Medical Journal, 314(7080): 537.
  • Wróblewska, W., Strzelecki, P., and Matysiak, A. (2003). Kodeks obyczajowości seksualnej wśród młodzieży na podstawie badania „Zachowania i postawy studentów w sferze seksualnej” [Code of Sexual Customs Among Adolescents, Based on the „Student Behaviours and Attitudes in the Sphere of Sexuality” Study]. In K. Slany, A. Małek, and I. Szczepaniak-Wiechy (Eds), Systemy wartości a procesy demograficzne (211-231). Kraków: Zakład Wydawniczy NOMOS.
  • Zarzeczna-Baran, M., and Balkowska, B. (2001). Matki nastoletnie i ich rodzice— charakterystyka ogólna [Adolescent mothers and their parents—general characteristics]. Annales Academiae Medicae Gedanensis, 31: 103-111.
  • Zarzeczna-Baran, M., and Balkowska, B. (2002). Teenage pregnancy: whose problem is it? [correspondence]. Family Practice, 19(2): 211.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Marek S. Kopacz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Ocak 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Aralık 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1

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