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Okul Öncesi Dönemde Uzaktan Eğitime İlişkin Ebeveyn Görüşlerinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 92 - 111, 30.04.2024


Tüm dünyada 2020 yılının başından itibaren etkisini gösteren Covid-19 salgınının bir sonucu olarak ülkemizde alınan geniş çaplı kapanma kararları, 2021 yılının ortalarına kadar uygulanmıştır. Kapanma kararları ile birlikte kısa bir süre ara verilen eğitim faaliyetlerine uzaktan eğitim çalışmaları yürütülerek yeniden başlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada pandemi sebebiyle alınan acil tedbirler kapsamında yeterince hazırlık çalışması yapılmadan geçilen uzaktan eğitim sürecinde eğitimin önemli bir paydaşı olan ailelerin yaşadıkları deneyimlerin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Nitel araştırma yaklaşımının kullanıldığı çalışmanın katılımcıları 2020-2021 eğitim öğretim yılında çocuğu okul öncesi eğitim almakta olan 27 ebeveynden oluşmaktadır. Çalışmanın verileri araştırmacı tarafından oluşturulan ve dokuz açık uçlu sorunun yer aldığı yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Telefonla yapılan görüşmeler kayıt altına alınmış ve toplanan veriler içerik analizi ile analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda evde kalınan dönemde çocuklarla daha çok annelerin ilgilendiği, uzaktan eğitimin bu süreçte çocukların sosyalleşme ihtiyacını karşıladığını düşünenler kadar herhangi bir etkisi olmadığını düşünen ebeveynlerin de olduğu, uzaktan eğitim sırasında çoğunlukla sorun yaşanmasa da en sık yaşanan sorunun internet bağlantısından kaynaklanan sorunlar olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca ebeveynlerin uzaktan eğitim dışındaki zamanda çocukları ile birlikte genellikle akademik içerikli etkinlikler yaptıkları, benzer şekilde en sık görülen kaygı durumunun yine çocuklarının akademik becerileri ile ilgili olduğu görülmüştür. Elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda gelecekte karşılaşılabilecek zorunlu evde kalma durumları ve okul öncesi dönemde uzaktan eğitim uygulamalarını iyileştirmek adına atılabilecek adımlara dair önerilerde bulunulmuştur.


  • AÇEV (2017). Involved fatherhood and its determinants in Turkey. Retrieved from
  • Akın, F., & Aslan, N. (2021). Distance education of preschool students in the Covid-19 pandemic: An action research. Journal of Critical Review of Educational Sciences, 2(1), 7-14.
  • Akkaş Baysal, E., Ocak, G. & Ocak, İ. (2020). Parents' views on eba and other distance education activities of preschool children during the Covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of Social Sciences Education, 6(2), 185-214.
  • Aktan Acar, E., Erbaş, Y. H., & Eryaman, M. Y. (2021). Examining preschool teachers' views on distance education during the Covid-19 pandemic process. Journal of Open Education Applications and Research, 7(4), 31-54.
  • Altın, F., & Gündoğdu, K. (2021). Investigation of distance education practices in preschool education in line with teachers' opinions: Problems and suggestions. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies, 7(2), 577-592.
  • Andrew, A., Cattan, S., Costa Dias, M., Farquharson, C., Kraftman, L., Krutikova, S., Phimister, A., & Sevilla, A. (2020). Inequalities in Children’s Experiences of Home Learning during the COVID-19 Lockdown in England. Fiscal Studies, 41(3), 653-683.
  • Aral, N., Aysu, B., & Kadan, G. (2020). Children in the Covid 19 process: Developmental needs and recommendations. ÇAKÜ Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 11(2), 360-379.
  • Aral, N., Fındık, E., Öz, S., Kurtoğlu Karataş, B., Güneş, L. C., & Kadan, G. (2021). Distance education in preschool period during Covid 19 pandemic: An experimental study. Turkish Studies-Education, 16(2), 1105-1124.
  • Aral, N., & Kadan, G. (2021). Investigation of the problems experienced by preschool teachers during the pandemic process. Journal of Kırşehir Ahi Evran University Institute of Health Sciences, 1(2), 99-114.
  • Arı Arat, C., & Ogelman, H. G. (2021). Reflection of the Covid-19 "stay at home" process on the daily lives of preschool children according to mothers' views. Children and Civilization, 6(11), 31-53.
  • Arslan, E. (2017). Cognitive development in early childhood. Chapter in development in early childhood (Ed. E. Deniz) (8th ed.). Pegem Academy.
  • Arslan, İ., & Karagül, S. (2020). A global threat (COVID-19 pandemic) and the journey to change. Üsküdar University Journal of Social Sciences, 10, 1-36.
  • Aslindah, A., & Sari, N. (2021). Kolaborasi orang tua dan guru paud dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran di masa pandemi Covid-19. Journal of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education, 4(2), 59–67.
  • Bakırcı, H., Doğdu, N., & Artun, H. (2021). Examining the professional gains and problems of science teachers in the distance education process during the Covid-19 pandemic period. Ahi Evran University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 7(2), 640-658.
  • Bartan, S. (2022). Preschool teachers' views on the distance education process implemented during the covid 19 pandemic period. Journal of The Institute of Education Sciences Dumlupınar University, 6(1), 1-24.
  • Benner, A. D., & Mistry, R. S. (2020). Child development during the Covid-19 pandemic through a life course theory lens. Child Development Perspectives, 14(4), 236-243.
  • Bonilla, M. T., Camo, J. G., Lanzaderas, R. A., Lanzaderas, A., & Bonilla, A. H. (2022). Parental involvement on child’s education at Home during COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Humanities and Education Development, 4(3), 6-13.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2021). Qualitative research methods. M. Bütün & S. B. Demir (Çev. Ed.) (6. Baskı). Siyasal Publishing.
  • Çetinkaya Aydın, G. (2020). Teachers in the process of COVID-19 pandemic. TEDMEM. Retrieved from
  • Drvodelic, M., & Domovic, V. (2022). Parents’ opinions about their children’s distance learning during the first wave of the covid-19 pandemic. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 12(3). 221-241. doi: 10.26529/cepsj.1131
  • Duran, M. (2020). The effects of covıd-19 pandemic on preschool education. International Journal of Educational Methodology, 7(2), 249-260.
  • Erkol, E. D. (2023). Teachers' views on the preschool education program implemented in the Covid-19 and later period. Journal of Advancements in Education, 1(1), 1-17.
  • Garad, A., Al-Ansi, A. M., & Qamari, I. N. (2021). The role of e-learning infrastructure and cognitive competence in distance learning effectiveness during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 40(1). 81–91.
  • Garcia, F., Serra, E., Garcia, O. F., Martinez, I., & Cruise, E. (2019). A third emerging stage for the current digital society? Optimal parenting styles in Spain, the United States, Germany, and Brazil. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(13), 1-20.
  • Gelir, İ., & Düzen, N. (2022). Children’s changing behaviours and routines, challenges and opportunities for parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Education, 3-13, 50(7), 907-917,
  • Hao, W. (2020). Remote learning in early childhood. Policy Update. National Association of State Boards of Education. Retrieved, 27(6).
  • Imran, N., Zeshan, M., & Pervaiz, Z. (2020). Mental health considerations for children & adolescents in COVID-19 pandemic. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 36, 67-72.
  • İnan, H. Z. (2020). Restructuring preschool education in the Covid-19 pandemic process. Millî Eğitim, 49(1), 831-849.
  • Jiao W. Y., Wang L. N., Liu J., Fang S.F., Jiao F.Y., Pettoello-Mantovani M., & Somekh E. (2020). Behavioral and emotional disorders in children during the Covid-19 epidemic. The Journal of Pediatrics, 221, 264-266.
  • Kanter, A. (2020). The effect of digital addiction on problem behaviors in preschool children. Researcher: Social Science Studies, 8(2), 207-221.
  • Kim, J. (2020). Learning and teaching online during Covid-19: Experiences of student teachers in an early childhood education practicum. International Journal of Early Childhood, 52, 145–158
  • Kolak, A., Markic, I., & Horvat, Z. (2023). Parents’ attitudes towards distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. South African Journal of Education, 42(3), 1-13.
  • Konca, A. S., & Çakır, T. (2021). Parents' opinions about transition from preschool education to primary school with distance education during the pandemic process. Journal of Education for Life, 35(2), 520-545.
  • Kurt Demirbaş̧, N. K., & Sevgili Koçak, S. (2020). Evaluation of the covid-19 pandemic process from the perspective of parents with children between the ages of 2-6. Journal of Eurasian Social and Economic Research, 7(6), 328-349.
  • Lau, E. Y. H., & Lee, K. (2021). Parents’ views on young children’s distance learning and screen time during COVID-19 class suspension in Hong Kong. Early Education and Development, 32(6), 863-880.
  • Listyaningrum, R. A., Widyaswari, M., Sari, N. N., & Yuniar, D. P. (2020). Analysis of the needs of parents in mentoring early childhood during learning from home. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 487, 223-229.
  • Marin, E. (2022). Adapting to a new education era: overcoming challenges in preschool education during pandemic times. Journal of Educational Sciences, 1(45), 88-102.
  • Merfeldaite, O., Prakapas, R., & Railiene, A. (2021). COVID-19 lessons: experience in organization of distance pre-school education. Digital Education Review, 40, 141-153.
  • Merriam, S. B. (2018). Qualitative research. A guide for design and application. Nobel Publication.
  • Özgem, K., Güldal Kan, Ş., Kuset, S., & Şaşmacıoğlu, E. (2020). Evaluation of the effect of distance education on children in pre-school period: Parental views. Near East University Journal of Education Faculty, 3(2), 94-103.
  • Ok, B., Torun, N., & Yazıcı, D. N. (2021). Examining the effects of the new normal on early childhood by taking parents' opinions. Journal of Education for Life, 35(2), 640-654.
  • Okatan, Ö., & Tagay, Ö. (2023). Being a preschool parent during the COVID-19 pandemic process. Buca Faculty of Education Journal, 56, 626-648.
  • Plotka, R., & Guirguis, R. (2023). Distance learning in early childhood during the COVID‐19 crisis: Family and educators’ experiences. Early Childhood Education Journal, 51,1359–1370.
  • Putri, R. S., Purwanto, A., Pramono, R., Asbari, M., Wijayanti, L. M., & Hyun, C. C. (2020). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on online home learning: an explorative study of primary schools in Indonesia. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(5), 4809-4818.
  • Shorer, M., & Leibovich, L. (2020). Young children’s emotional stress reactions during the COVID-19 outbreak and their associations with parental emotion regulation and parental playfulness. Early Child Development and Care, 192(6), 861-871.
  • Sujarwo, S., Kusumawardani, E., & Nurmalasari, Y. (2022). Does the motivation and parents involvement affected by distance learning media during pandemic covid 19? Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, 41(2), 481-493.
  • Tarkoçin, S., Alagöz, N., & Boğa, E. (2020). Investigation of preschool children's behavioral changes and awareness levels during the pandemic process (COVID-19) by referring to mothers' opinions. Turkish Studies, 15(6), 1017-1036.
  • Tozduman Yaralı, K., & Özkan Kunduracı, H. K. (2022). Distance education process realized during the covid-19 pandemic period in Turkey: Evaluation of preschool education. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Education Faculty, 61, 425-452.
  • Yenigün, E. (2022). Teachers' and parents' opinions on emergency distance education applications in preschool education (Kars province case) [Unpublished master's thesis]. Van Yüzüncü Yıl University.
  • Yıldırım, B. (2021). Preschool education in Turkey during the covid-19 pandemic: A phenomenological study. Early Childhood Education Journal, 49, 947–963.
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2011). Qualitative research methods in social sciences, (8th edition). Seçkin Publishing.
  • Yürek, E. (2021). Examination of the opinions of pre-school teachers and academicians in the field on the applicability of distance education in pre-school education. [Unpublished master's thesis]. Fatih Sultan Mehmet Foundation University.

Investigation of Parents' Views on Distance Education in Preschool Period

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 92 - 111, 30.04.2024


As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been affecting the whole world since the beginning of 2020, large-scale closure decisions taken in our country were implemented until mid-2021. Educational activities, which were interrupted for a short period of time with the closure decisions, were resumed by conducting distance education activities. This study aims to examine the experiences of families, who are an important stakeholder of education, during the distance education process, which was passed without adequate preparation work within the scope of emergency measures taken due to the pandemic. The participants of the study, in which a qualitative research approach was used, consisted of 27 parents whose children were receiving preschool education in the 2020-2021 academic year. The data of the study were collected using a semi-structured interview form created by the researcher, which included nine open-ended questions. Telephone interviews were recorded, and the data collected were analyzed using content analysis. As a result of the study, it was seen that mothers mostly took care of the children during the period when they stayed at home, that there were parents who thought that distance education did not have any effect as well as those who thought that distance education met the socialization needs of children in this process, and that although there were mostly no problems during distance education, the most common problem was the problems arising from the internet connection. In addition, it was observed that parents generally engaged in academic activities with their children outside of distance education, and the most common anxiety was related to their children's academic skills. In line with the results obtained, suggestions were made regarding the compulsory stay-at-home situations that may be encountered in the future and the steps that can be taken to improve distance education practices in preschool period.


  • AÇEV (2017). Involved fatherhood and its determinants in Turkey. Retrieved from
  • Akın, F., & Aslan, N. (2021). Distance education of preschool students in the Covid-19 pandemic: An action research. Journal of Critical Review of Educational Sciences, 2(1), 7-14.
  • Akkaş Baysal, E., Ocak, G. & Ocak, İ. (2020). Parents' views on eba and other distance education activities of preschool children during the Covid-19 pandemic. International Journal of Social Sciences Education, 6(2), 185-214.
  • Aktan Acar, E., Erbaş, Y. H., & Eryaman, M. Y. (2021). Examining preschool teachers' views on distance education during the Covid-19 pandemic process. Journal of Open Education Applications and Research, 7(4), 31-54.
  • Altın, F., & Gündoğdu, K. (2021). Investigation of distance education practices in preschool education in line with teachers' opinions: Problems and suggestions. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies, 7(2), 577-592.
  • Andrew, A., Cattan, S., Costa Dias, M., Farquharson, C., Kraftman, L., Krutikova, S., Phimister, A., & Sevilla, A. (2020). Inequalities in Children’s Experiences of Home Learning during the COVID-19 Lockdown in England. Fiscal Studies, 41(3), 653-683.
  • Aral, N., Aysu, B., & Kadan, G. (2020). Children in the Covid 19 process: Developmental needs and recommendations. ÇAKÜ Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 11(2), 360-379.
  • Aral, N., Fındık, E., Öz, S., Kurtoğlu Karataş, B., Güneş, L. C., & Kadan, G. (2021). Distance education in preschool period during Covid 19 pandemic: An experimental study. Turkish Studies-Education, 16(2), 1105-1124.
  • Aral, N., & Kadan, G. (2021). Investigation of the problems experienced by preschool teachers during the pandemic process. Journal of Kırşehir Ahi Evran University Institute of Health Sciences, 1(2), 99-114.
  • Arı Arat, C., & Ogelman, H. G. (2021). Reflection of the Covid-19 "stay at home" process on the daily lives of preschool children according to mothers' views. Children and Civilization, 6(11), 31-53.
  • Arslan, E. (2017). Cognitive development in early childhood. Chapter in development in early childhood (Ed. E. Deniz) (8th ed.). Pegem Academy.
  • Arslan, İ., & Karagül, S. (2020). A global threat (COVID-19 pandemic) and the journey to change. Üsküdar University Journal of Social Sciences, 10, 1-36.
  • Aslindah, A., & Sari, N. (2021). Kolaborasi orang tua dan guru paud dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran di masa pandemi Covid-19. Journal of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education, 4(2), 59–67.
  • Bakırcı, H., Doğdu, N., & Artun, H. (2021). Examining the professional gains and problems of science teachers in the distance education process during the Covid-19 pandemic period. Ahi Evran University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 7(2), 640-658.
  • Bartan, S. (2022). Preschool teachers' views on the distance education process implemented during the covid 19 pandemic period. Journal of The Institute of Education Sciences Dumlupınar University, 6(1), 1-24.
  • Benner, A. D., & Mistry, R. S. (2020). Child development during the Covid-19 pandemic through a life course theory lens. Child Development Perspectives, 14(4), 236-243.
  • Bonilla, M. T., Camo, J. G., Lanzaderas, R. A., Lanzaderas, A., & Bonilla, A. H. (2022). Parental involvement on child’s education at Home during COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Humanities and Education Development, 4(3), 6-13.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2021). Qualitative research methods. M. Bütün & S. B. Demir (Çev. Ed.) (6. Baskı). Siyasal Publishing.
  • Çetinkaya Aydın, G. (2020). Teachers in the process of COVID-19 pandemic. TEDMEM. Retrieved from
  • Drvodelic, M., & Domovic, V. (2022). Parents’ opinions about their children’s distance learning during the first wave of the covid-19 pandemic. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 12(3). 221-241. doi: 10.26529/cepsj.1131
  • Duran, M. (2020). The effects of covıd-19 pandemic on preschool education. International Journal of Educational Methodology, 7(2), 249-260.
  • Erkol, E. D. (2023). Teachers' views on the preschool education program implemented in the Covid-19 and later period. Journal of Advancements in Education, 1(1), 1-17.
  • Garad, A., Al-Ansi, A. M., & Qamari, I. N. (2021). The role of e-learning infrastructure and cognitive competence in distance learning effectiveness during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 40(1). 81–91.
  • Garcia, F., Serra, E., Garcia, O. F., Martinez, I., & Cruise, E. (2019). A third emerging stage for the current digital society? Optimal parenting styles in Spain, the United States, Germany, and Brazil. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(13), 1-20.
  • Gelir, İ., & Düzen, N. (2022). Children’s changing behaviours and routines, challenges and opportunities for parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Education, 3-13, 50(7), 907-917,
  • Hao, W. (2020). Remote learning in early childhood. Policy Update. National Association of State Boards of Education. Retrieved, 27(6).
  • Imran, N., Zeshan, M., & Pervaiz, Z. (2020). Mental health considerations for children & adolescents in COVID-19 pandemic. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 36, 67-72.
  • İnan, H. Z. (2020). Restructuring preschool education in the Covid-19 pandemic process. Millî Eğitim, 49(1), 831-849.
  • Jiao W. Y., Wang L. N., Liu J., Fang S.F., Jiao F.Y., Pettoello-Mantovani M., & Somekh E. (2020). Behavioral and emotional disorders in children during the Covid-19 epidemic. The Journal of Pediatrics, 221, 264-266.
  • Kanter, A. (2020). The effect of digital addiction on problem behaviors in preschool children. Researcher: Social Science Studies, 8(2), 207-221.
  • Kim, J. (2020). Learning and teaching online during Covid-19: Experiences of student teachers in an early childhood education practicum. International Journal of Early Childhood, 52, 145–158
  • Kolak, A., Markic, I., & Horvat, Z. (2023). Parents’ attitudes towards distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. South African Journal of Education, 42(3), 1-13.
  • Konca, A. S., & Çakır, T. (2021). Parents' opinions about transition from preschool education to primary school with distance education during the pandemic process. Journal of Education for Life, 35(2), 520-545.
  • Kurt Demirbaş̧, N. K., & Sevgili Koçak, S. (2020). Evaluation of the covid-19 pandemic process from the perspective of parents with children between the ages of 2-6. Journal of Eurasian Social and Economic Research, 7(6), 328-349.
  • Lau, E. Y. H., & Lee, K. (2021). Parents’ views on young children’s distance learning and screen time during COVID-19 class suspension in Hong Kong. Early Education and Development, 32(6), 863-880.
  • Listyaningrum, R. A., Widyaswari, M., Sari, N. N., & Yuniar, D. P. (2020). Analysis of the needs of parents in mentoring early childhood during learning from home. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 487, 223-229.
  • Marin, E. (2022). Adapting to a new education era: overcoming challenges in preschool education during pandemic times. Journal of Educational Sciences, 1(45), 88-102.
  • Merfeldaite, O., Prakapas, R., & Railiene, A. (2021). COVID-19 lessons: experience in organization of distance pre-school education. Digital Education Review, 40, 141-153.
  • Merriam, S. B. (2018). Qualitative research. A guide for design and application. Nobel Publication.
  • Özgem, K., Güldal Kan, Ş., Kuset, S., & Şaşmacıoğlu, E. (2020). Evaluation of the effect of distance education on children in pre-school period: Parental views. Near East University Journal of Education Faculty, 3(2), 94-103.
  • Ok, B., Torun, N., & Yazıcı, D. N. (2021). Examining the effects of the new normal on early childhood by taking parents' opinions. Journal of Education for Life, 35(2), 640-654.
  • Okatan, Ö., & Tagay, Ö. (2023). Being a preschool parent during the COVID-19 pandemic process. Buca Faculty of Education Journal, 56, 626-648.
  • Plotka, R., & Guirguis, R. (2023). Distance learning in early childhood during the COVID‐19 crisis: Family and educators’ experiences. Early Childhood Education Journal, 51,1359–1370.
  • Putri, R. S., Purwanto, A., Pramono, R., Asbari, M., Wijayanti, L. M., & Hyun, C. C. (2020). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on online home learning: an explorative study of primary schools in Indonesia. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(5), 4809-4818.
  • Shorer, M., & Leibovich, L. (2020). Young children’s emotional stress reactions during the COVID-19 outbreak and their associations with parental emotion regulation and parental playfulness. Early Child Development and Care, 192(6), 861-871.
  • Sujarwo, S., Kusumawardani, E., & Nurmalasari, Y. (2022). Does the motivation and parents involvement affected by distance learning media during pandemic covid 19? Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, 41(2), 481-493.
  • Tarkoçin, S., Alagöz, N., & Boğa, E. (2020). Investigation of preschool children's behavioral changes and awareness levels during the pandemic process (COVID-19) by referring to mothers' opinions. Turkish Studies, 15(6), 1017-1036.
  • Tozduman Yaralı, K., & Özkan Kunduracı, H. K. (2022). Distance education process realized during the covid-19 pandemic period in Turkey: Evaluation of preschool education. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Education Faculty, 61, 425-452.
  • Yenigün, E. (2022). Teachers' and parents' opinions on emergency distance education applications in preschool education (Kars province case) [Unpublished master's thesis]. Van Yüzüncü Yıl University.
  • Yıldırım, B. (2021). Preschool education in Turkey during the covid-19 pandemic: A phenomenological study. Early Childhood Education Journal, 49, 947–963.
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2011). Qualitative research methods in social sciences, (8th edition). Seçkin Publishing.
  • Yürek, E. (2021). Examination of the opinions of pre-school teachers and academicians in the field on the applicability of distance education in pre-school education. [Unpublished master's thesis]. Fatih Sultan Mehmet Foundation University.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Okul Öncesi Eğitim
Bölüm Makale

Seda Karaçelik 0000-0002-9181-3896

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 17 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Karaçelik, S. (2024). Investigation of Parents’ Views on Distance Education in Preschool Period. Journal of Education, Theory and Practical Research, 10(1), 92-111.