BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster

Examining Studies Containing Digital Games in the Field of Science Education: A Bibliometric Analysis

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 285 - 298, 31.12.2024


The aim of this research is to try to reveal the general trend in this field by performing a bibliometric analysis of digital game studies in the field of science education. Thus, it was carried out in accordance with the descriptive research design, which allows the data obtained from the research to be made more meaningful by nature and presented in a way that can be easily understood by other researchers who will work in the field. Within the scope of the research, the Web of Science (WoS) database was accessed and the keyword "digital game in science education" was scanned in the title. In this context, in the scan carried out on 14.05.2024, it was seen that there were a total of 706 studies containing the relevant key concept since 2005. Within the scope of the study, research on digital games in science education was examined in terms of content and bibliometrics. As a result of the analysis, features such as general trends in the relevant field, authors who conducted studies and the distribution of studies by years are shown with tables, graphs and figures. In the research, it was determined that the distribution of the works in WoS by years was between "2005-2024" and the most productive author was "Gwo Jen Hwang". It was determined that the most studies in the distribution according to WoS categories were in the "Education/Educational Research" category. It has been concluded that the university with the most publications on the relevant subject is "National Taiwan University of Science and Technology" and the country with the most publications is "The United States of America". According to the common word analysis, it was observed that the most frequently repeated keyword in the studies was "digital games", according to the type of publication, the most studies were published in the article type, and in the distribution according.

Etik Beyan

In the study conducted, all rules specified in the “Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive” were followed. None of the actions specified in the second section of the directive titled “Actions Contrary to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics” were carried out. Since no data was obtained from any living being in any way within the scope of the scientific study conducted, there was no need for an ethics committee decision.


  • Ağırgöl, M. (2020). The effect of using educational digital games in science education on students' academic success, knowledge retention and attitude (Master's thesis, Institute of Science).
  • Ağırgöl, M., Kara, E., & Akgül, G. D. (2022). The effect of science course taught with educational digital games on students' knowledge retention, academic success and attitude. International Journal of Science and Education, 5(3), 157-176.
  • Akgül, G. D., & Kılıç, M. (2020). Opinions of science teacher candidates on educational digital games and code application. Journal of Science Education, 8(2), 101-120.
  • Al, U., & Tonta, Y. (2004). Citation analysis: Sources cited in Hacettepe University Librarianship Department Theses. Information World Journal, 5(1), 19-47.
  • Bakır, S., Zorluoğlu, S. L., & Ulusoy, T. (2023). Bibliometric Analysis of Studies in Science Education and Neuroscience. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Faculty of Education Journal, (67), 52-70.
  • Besimoğlu C. (2015) Agricultural research trends of agricultural faculties in Turkey: Bibliometric analysis of life sciences database publications between 1996-2011. Bilgi Dünyası, 16(2), 242-274.
  • Brito-Ochoa, M. P., Sacristán-Navarro, M. A. & Pelechano-Barahona, E. (2020). A bibliometric analysis of dynamic capacities in the field of family firms (2009-2019). European Journal of Family Business, 10(2), 69-81.
  • Chen, X., Yu, G., Cheng, G., & Hao, T. (2019). Research topics, author profiles, and collaboration networks in the top-ranked journal on educational technology over the past 40 years: a bibliometric analysis. Journal of Computers in Education, 6(4), 563-585.
  • Demir, E. & Çelik, M. (2020). Bibliometric profile of scientific studies in the field of science curriculum. Turkish Chemistry Association Journal Part C: Chemistry Education, 5(2), 131-182.
  • Demirel, Ö. (2002). The art of teaching: planning and evaluation in teaching. Ankara: Pegem Academy Publishing
  • Donthu, N., Kumar, S., Mukherjee, D., Pandey, N., & Lim, W. M. (2021). How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: An overview and guidelines. Journal of business research, 133, 285-296.
  • Dölek S. & Koç A. (2022). Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Studies on Educational Games. Journal of Sustainable Educational Studies, 3(3), 159-179; 2022.
  • Erden, M. (2007). İntroduction to educational sciences. Friend publications.
  • Ergin, B., & Ergin, E. (2022). Review of Studies on “Digital Games”: A Bibliometric Analysis. TRT Academy, 7(16), 824-851.
  • Ertürk, S. (1997). Program Development in Education. Ankara: Hacettepe University Publications.
  • Gui, Y., Cai, Z., Yang, Y., Kong, L., Fan, X., & Tai, R. H. (2023). Effectiveness of digital educational game and game design in STEM learning: a meta-analytic review. International Journal of STEM Education, 10(36).
  • Halaç, H. H., & Öğülmüş, V. (2023). Bibliometric Analysis of Theses Containing Digital Games. Düzce University Journal of Science and Technology, 11(2), 574-587.
  • Hao, T., Chen, X., & Song, Y. (2020). A topic-based bibliometric analysis of two decades of research on the application of technology in classroom dialogue. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 58(7), 1311-1341.
  • Hsiao, H. S., Chang, C. S., Lin, C. Y., & Hu, P. M. (2014). Development of children's creativity and manual skills within digital game‐based learning environment. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 30(4), 377-395.
  • Karaduman, M. & Aciyan, E. P. (2020). Digital games and addiction in the context of Baudrillard's simulation theory an evaluation on. Trakya University Journal of Social Sciences, 22(1), 453-472.
  • Karagöz, B., & Ateş, H. (2022). Trends in digital games -based learning research: Bibliometric analysis (2001-2021). Revise online Politica and Educational Gestures, e022168-e022168.
  • Karataş, E. (2014). Gamification in education: Research trends. Ahi Evran University Kırşehir Faculty of Education Journal, 15(2),315-333.
  • Khan, F. M., & Gupta, Y. (2021). A bibliometric analysis of mobile learning in the education sector. Interactive Technology and Smart Education.
  • Kim, B. (2015). Designing gamification in the right way. Library Technology Reports, 51(2), 29-35.
  • Kuzu, Y. & Kuzu, Ö. (2022). Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on Educational Games. Ahi Evran University Social Sciences Institute Journal, 8(3), 724-740.
  • Küçükaydın, M. A., & Durmaz, B. (2022). Games in Education: Bibliometric Analysis. In Handbook of Research on Acquiring 21st Century Literacy Skills Through Game-Based Learning (pp. 13-30). IGI Global.
  • Liu, D., Bhagat, K. K., Gao, Y., Chang, T. W., & Huang, R. (2017). The potentials and trends of virtual reality in education: A bibliometric analysis on top research studies in the last two decades. Virtual, augmented, and mixed realities in education, 105-130. Liu, S., & Zhang, S. (2021). A Bibliometric Analysis of Computer-assisted English Learning from 2001 to 2020. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 16(14), 53-67.
  • Orhan, S. İ., & Aydın, A. (2022). Analyzing the articles published in the fields of science (science, physics, chemistry, biology) and mathematics education using scientific mapping technique: A bibliometric analysis. Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Journal of Education Faculty, 19(3), 603-643. ... .org/10.33711/yyuefd.1083488
  • Özdil, N. (2021). A Look at Science Education Research Between 2000-2020: Bibliometric Analysis of Research from Turkey (Doctoral dissertation, Marmara University (Turkey)).
  • Özyurek, A. & Çavuş, Z. (2016). Investigation of Primary School Teachers' Use of Games as a Teaching Method. Kastamonu Education Journal, 24(5), 2157-2166.
  • Pala, F.K. & Erdem, M. (2011). A study on digital game preference and distributions between gender, level and learning style due to game preference. Ahi Evran University Kırşehir Faculty of Education Journal, 12(2), 53-71. /kefad/issue/59495/855160
  • Chen, P. Y., Hwang, G. J., Yeh, S. Y., Chen, Y. T., Chen, T. W., & Chien, C. H. (2021). Three decades of game-based learning in science and mathematics education: an integrated bibliometric analysis and systematic review. Journal of Computers in Education, 1-22.
  • Rehmat, A. P., & Bailey, J. M. (2014). Technology integration in a science classroom: Preservice teachers ' perceptions. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 23, 744-755.
  • Rodríguez Jiménez, C., Sanz Prieto, M., & Alonso García, S. (2019). Technology and higher education: A bibliometric analysis. Education Sciences, 9(3), 169-177.
  • Sağıroğlu, Ş., Bülbül, H. İ., Kılıç, A., Küçükali, M., Bayzan, Ş., & Samur, Y. (2022). Dijital games 1. Ankara: Nobel Academic publications.
  • Selwyn N. & Odabaşı H. F. (2017). Children and youth's struggles with digital life, H. F. Odabaşı (Editor), Child in Digital Life. Ankara. Pegem Academy.
  • Soute, I., Markopoulos, P. & Magielse, R. (2010). Head Up Games: combining the best of both worlds by combining traditional and digital games. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 14, 435-444.
  • Spires, H. A. (2015). Digital game‐based learning. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 59(2), 125-130.
  • Sung, H. Y. & Hwang, G. J. (2013). A collaborative, game-based learning approach to improve students' learning performance in science courses. Computers and education, 63, 43-51.
  • Taş, C. Y., & Taş, N. B. (2021). Are hypercasual games played only by young people? A study on the demographic characteristics of video game players. Iğdır University Journal of Social Sciences, 10, 22-35.
  • Tuncer, M., Dikmen, M., & Vural, M. (2022). Digital game addiction, behavioral problems and academic performance: A bibliometric mapping. Journal of Social, Human and Administrative Sciences, 5(7), 913–933.
  • Ukşul, E. (2016). Evaluation of scientific publications in the field of measurement and evaluation in education in Turkey with social network analysis: A bibliometric study (Unpublished master's thesis). Akdeniz University, Antalya.
  • Uluay, G. (2017). The effects of digital game design applications in science education on the academic achievement, problem solving skills and motivation of secondary school students. (Thesis No. 485868) [Doctoral dissertation, Gazi University]. National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education.
  • Uskan, S. B., & Bozkuş, T. (2019). The place of play in education. International Journal of Current Educational Research, 5(2), 123-131.
  • Van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2010). Software survey: VOS viewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping. Scientometrics, 84(2), 523-538.
  • Wang, L. H., Chen, B., Hwang, G. J., Guan, J. Q., & Wang, Y. Q. (2022). The effects of digital game-based STEM education on students' learning achievement: a meta-analysis. International Journal of STEM Education, 9(1), 26.
  • WEB-1, (2022). Digital in 2020 global overview.
  • WEB-2 (2022).
  • Yalçın, F. (2010). A study on determining the knowledge levels and misconceptions of primary school students on global warming and greenhouse effect. Master's Thesis. Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara
  • Yalçın, H. & Esen, M. (2016). Measuring science: The metrics of science. In H. Yalçın, M. Esen, S. Burmaoğlu, & M. F. Sorkun (Eds.), Being a Research University in the Age of Science, Technology and Innovation (pp. 101-128). Pegem Academy
  • Yeşiltaş, E., & Cevher, S. (2022). Trends in research on the use of digital games in education. E-International Journal of Educational Research, 13(4), 39-56.
  • Yıldırım, B. (2015). Effect of educational games and feedback-correction on learning level and retention. Master's Thesis, Necmettin Erbakan University.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2011). Qualitative Research Methods in Social Sciences. Ankara: Seçkin Publishing.
  • Yurdakul, M., & Bozdoğan, A. E. (2022). Bibliometric evaluation based on Web of Science database: Articles on science education. Turkish Journal of Scientific Research, 7(1), 72-92.
  • Zan, B. U. (2012). Comparative bibliometric analysis study in scientific branches in Turkey. Unpublished doctoral thesis. Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Zupic, I., & Cater, T. (2015). Bibliometric methods in management and organization. Organizational Research Methods, 18(3), 429-472.

Fen Eğitimi Alanında Yapılan Dijital Oyun İçerikli Çalışmaların İncelenmesi: Bir Bibliyometrik Analiz

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 285 - 298, 31.12.2024


Bu araştırmanın amacı, fen eğitimi alanında yapılan dijital oyun içerikli çalışmaların bibliyometrik analizini gerçekleştirerek, bu alandaki genel eğilimi ortaya çıkarmaya çalışmaktır. Böylelikle araştırmadan elde edilen verilerin doğası gereği daha anlamlı hale getirilerek, alanda çalışma gerçekleştirecek olan diğer araştırmacılar tarafından da kolaylıkla anlaşılabilecek şekilde sunulmasına olanak sağlayan betimsel araştırma desenine uygun olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında Web of Science (WoS) veri tabanına erişim sağlanarak “fen eğitiminde dijital oyun” anahtar kelimesi başlıkta taranmıştır. Bu bağlamda 14.05.2024 tarihinde gerçekleştirilen taramada 2005 yılından itibaren ilgili anahtar kavramı içeren toplam 706 çalışma olduğu görülmüştür. Çalışma kapsamında fen eğitiminde dijital oyun ile ilgili araştırmalar, içerik açısından ve bibliyometrik olarak incelenmiştir. Yapılan incelemenin sonucu olarak ilgili alana ilişkin genel eğilimler, çalışma yapan yazarlar ve çalışmaların yıllara göre dağılımı gibi özellikler tablolar, grafikler ve şekiller ile gösterilmiştir. Araştırmada, WoS’ta yer alan çalışmaların yıllara göre dağılımının “2005-2024” yılları arasında, en üretken yazarın ise “Gwo Jen Hwang” olduğu belirlenmiştir. WoS kategorilerine göre dağılımda en fazla çalışmanın, “Eğitim/Eğitim Araştırmaları” kategorisinde olduğu belirlenmiştir. İlgili konuda en çok yayın yapan üniversitenin “National Taiwan University of Science and Technology”, en çok yayın yapılan ülkenin ise “Amerika Birleşik Devletleri” olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ortak kelime analizine göre araştırmalarda en sık tekrarlanan anahtar kelimenin “dijital oyunlar”, yayın türüne göre en fazla çalışmanın makale türünde ve yayın diline göre dağılımda ise çalışmaların ağırlıklı olarak “İngilizce” dilinde yayınlandığı gözlenmiştir.


  • Ağırgöl, M. (2020). The effect of using educational digital games in science education on students' academic success, knowledge retention and attitude (Master's thesis, Institute of Science).
  • Ağırgöl, M., Kara, E., & Akgül, G. D. (2022). The effect of science course taught with educational digital games on students' knowledge retention, academic success and attitude. International Journal of Science and Education, 5(3), 157-176.
  • Akgül, G. D., & Kılıç, M. (2020). Opinions of science teacher candidates on educational digital games and code application. Journal of Science Education, 8(2), 101-120.
  • Al, U., & Tonta, Y. (2004). Citation analysis: Sources cited in Hacettepe University Librarianship Department Theses. Information World Journal, 5(1), 19-47.
  • Bakır, S., Zorluoğlu, S. L., & Ulusoy, T. (2023). Bibliometric Analysis of Studies in Science Education and Neuroscience. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Faculty of Education Journal, (67), 52-70.
  • Besimoğlu C. (2015) Agricultural research trends of agricultural faculties in Turkey: Bibliometric analysis of life sciences database publications between 1996-2011. Bilgi Dünyası, 16(2), 242-274.
  • Brito-Ochoa, M. P., Sacristán-Navarro, M. A. & Pelechano-Barahona, E. (2020). A bibliometric analysis of dynamic capacities in the field of family firms (2009-2019). European Journal of Family Business, 10(2), 69-81.
  • Chen, X., Yu, G., Cheng, G., & Hao, T. (2019). Research topics, author profiles, and collaboration networks in the top-ranked journal on educational technology over the past 40 years: a bibliometric analysis. Journal of Computers in Education, 6(4), 563-585.
  • Demir, E. & Çelik, M. (2020). Bibliometric profile of scientific studies in the field of science curriculum. Turkish Chemistry Association Journal Part C: Chemistry Education, 5(2), 131-182.
  • Demirel, Ö. (2002). The art of teaching: planning and evaluation in teaching. Ankara: Pegem Academy Publishing
  • Donthu, N., Kumar, S., Mukherjee, D., Pandey, N., & Lim, W. M. (2021). How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: An overview and guidelines. Journal of business research, 133, 285-296.
  • Dölek S. & Koç A. (2022). Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific Studies on Educational Games. Journal of Sustainable Educational Studies, 3(3), 159-179; 2022.
  • Erden, M. (2007). İntroduction to educational sciences. Friend publications.
  • Ergin, B., & Ergin, E. (2022). Review of Studies on “Digital Games”: A Bibliometric Analysis. TRT Academy, 7(16), 824-851.
  • Ertürk, S. (1997). Program Development in Education. Ankara: Hacettepe University Publications.
  • Gui, Y., Cai, Z., Yang, Y., Kong, L., Fan, X., & Tai, R. H. (2023). Effectiveness of digital educational game and game design in STEM learning: a meta-analytic review. International Journal of STEM Education, 10(36).
  • Halaç, H. H., & Öğülmüş, V. (2023). Bibliometric Analysis of Theses Containing Digital Games. Düzce University Journal of Science and Technology, 11(2), 574-587.
  • Hao, T., Chen, X., & Song, Y. (2020). A topic-based bibliometric analysis of two decades of research on the application of technology in classroom dialogue. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 58(7), 1311-1341.
  • Hsiao, H. S., Chang, C. S., Lin, C. Y., & Hu, P. M. (2014). Development of children's creativity and manual skills within digital game‐based learning environment. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 30(4), 377-395.
  • Karaduman, M. & Aciyan, E. P. (2020). Digital games and addiction in the context of Baudrillard's simulation theory an evaluation on. Trakya University Journal of Social Sciences, 22(1), 453-472.
  • Karagöz, B., & Ateş, H. (2022). Trends in digital games -based learning research: Bibliometric analysis (2001-2021). Revise online Politica and Educational Gestures, e022168-e022168.
  • Karataş, E. (2014). Gamification in education: Research trends. Ahi Evran University Kırşehir Faculty of Education Journal, 15(2),315-333.
  • Khan, F. M., & Gupta, Y. (2021). A bibliometric analysis of mobile learning in the education sector. Interactive Technology and Smart Education.
  • Kim, B. (2015). Designing gamification in the right way. Library Technology Reports, 51(2), 29-35.
  • Kuzu, Y. & Kuzu, Ö. (2022). Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on Educational Games. Ahi Evran University Social Sciences Institute Journal, 8(3), 724-740.
  • Küçükaydın, M. A., & Durmaz, B. (2022). Games in Education: Bibliometric Analysis. In Handbook of Research on Acquiring 21st Century Literacy Skills Through Game-Based Learning (pp. 13-30). IGI Global.
  • Liu, D., Bhagat, K. K., Gao, Y., Chang, T. W., & Huang, R. (2017). The potentials and trends of virtual reality in education: A bibliometric analysis on top research studies in the last two decades. Virtual, augmented, and mixed realities in education, 105-130. Liu, S., & Zhang, S. (2021). A Bibliometric Analysis of Computer-assisted English Learning from 2001 to 2020. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 16(14), 53-67.
  • Orhan, S. İ., & Aydın, A. (2022). Analyzing the articles published in the fields of science (science, physics, chemistry, biology) and mathematics education using scientific mapping technique: A bibliometric analysis. Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Journal of Education Faculty, 19(3), 603-643. ... .org/10.33711/yyuefd.1083488
  • Özdil, N. (2021). A Look at Science Education Research Between 2000-2020: Bibliometric Analysis of Research from Turkey (Doctoral dissertation, Marmara University (Turkey)).
  • Özyurek, A. & Çavuş, Z. (2016). Investigation of Primary School Teachers' Use of Games as a Teaching Method. Kastamonu Education Journal, 24(5), 2157-2166.
  • Pala, F.K. & Erdem, M. (2011). A study on digital game preference and distributions between gender, level and learning style due to game preference. Ahi Evran University Kırşehir Faculty of Education Journal, 12(2), 53-71. /kefad/issue/59495/855160
  • Chen, P. Y., Hwang, G. J., Yeh, S. Y., Chen, Y. T., Chen, T. W., & Chien, C. H. (2021). Three decades of game-based learning in science and mathematics education: an integrated bibliometric analysis and systematic review. Journal of Computers in Education, 1-22.
  • Rehmat, A. P., & Bailey, J. M. (2014). Technology integration in a science classroom: Preservice teachers ' perceptions. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 23, 744-755.
  • Rodríguez Jiménez, C., Sanz Prieto, M., & Alonso García, S. (2019). Technology and higher education: A bibliometric analysis. Education Sciences, 9(3), 169-177.
  • Sağıroğlu, Ş., Bülbül, H. İ., Kılıç, A., Küçükali, M., Bayzan, Ş., & Samur, Y. (2022). Dijital games 1. Ankara: Nobel Academic publications.
  • Selwyn N. & Odabaşı H. F. (2017). Children and youth's struggles with digital life, H. F. Odabaşı (Editor), Child in Digital Life. Ankara. Pegem Academy.
  • Soute, I., Markopoulos, P. & Magielse, R. (2010). Head Up Games: combining the best of both worlds by combining traditional and digital games. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 14, 435-444.
  • Spires, H. A. (2015). Digital game‐based learning. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 59(2), 125-130.
  • Sung, H. Y. & Hwang, G. J. (2013). A collaborative, game-based learning approach to improve students' learning performance in science courses. Computers and education, 63, 43-51.
  • Taş, C. Y., & Taş, N. B. (2021). Are hypercasual games played only by young people? A study on the demographic characteristics of video game players. Iğdır University Journal of Social Sciences, 10, 22-35.
  • Tuncer, M., Dikmen, M., & Vural, M. (2022). Digital game addiction, behavioral problems and academic performance: A bibliometric mapping. Journal of Social, Human and Administrative Sciences, 5(7), 913–933.
  • Ukşul, E. (2016). Evaluation of scientific publications in the field of measurement and evaluation in education in Turkey with social network analysis: A bibliometric study (Unpublished master's thesis). Akdeniz University, Antalya.
  • Uluay, G. (2017). The effects of digital game design applications in science education on the academic achievement, problem solving skills and motivation of secondary school students. (Thesis No. 485868) [Doctoral dissertation, Gazi University]. National Thesis Center of the Council of Higher Education.
  • Uskan, S. B., & Bozkuş, T. (2019). The place of play in education. International Journal of Current Educational Research, 5(2), 123-131.
  • Van Eck, N. J., & Waltman, L. (2010). Software survey: VOS viewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping. Scientometrics, 84(2), 523-538.
  • Wang, L. H., Chen, B., Hwang, G. J., Guan, J. Q., & Wang, Y. Q. (2022). The effects of digital game-based STEM education on students' learning achievement: a meta-analysis. International Journal of STEM Education, 9(1), 26.
  • WEB-1, (2022). Digital in 2020 global overview.
  • WEB-2 (2022).
  • Yalçın, F. (2010). A study on determining the knowledge levels and misconceptions of primary school students on global warming and greenhouse effect. Master's Thesis. Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, Ankara
  • Yalçın, H. & Esen, M. (2016). Measuring science: The metrics of science. In H. Yalçın, M. Esen, S. Burmaoğlu, & M. F. Sorkun (Eds.), Being a Research University in the Age of Science, Technology and Innovation (pp. 101-128). Pegem Academy
  • Yeşiltaş, E., & Cevher, S. (2022). Trends in research on the use of digital games in education. E-International Journal of Educational Research, 13(4), 39-56.
  • Yıldırım, B. (2015). Effect of educational games and feedback-correction on learning level and retention. Master's Thesis, Necmettin Erbakan University.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2011). Qualitative Research Methods in Social Sciences. Ankara: Seçkin Publishing.
  • Yurdakul, M., & Bozdoğan, A. E. (2022). Bibliometric evaluation based on Web of Science database: Articles on science education. Turkish Journal of Scientific Research, 7(1), 72-92.
  • Zan, B. U. (2012). Comparative bibliometric analysis study in scientific branches in Turkey. Unpublished doctoral thesis. Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • Zupic, I., & Cater, T. (2015). Bibliometric methods in management and organization. Organizational Research Methods, 18(3), 429-472.
Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Fen Bilgisi Eğitimi
Bölüm Makale

İclal Alkan Sucu 0000-0002-7348-3280

Gülşah Demirci 0009-0006-1026-1070

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 1 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 8 Ekim 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Alkan Sucu, İ., & Demirci, G. (2024). Examining Studies Containing Digital Games in the Field of Science Education: A Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Education, Theory and Practical Research, 10(3), 285-298.