Al-Ghazali's Theory of Causality
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 115 - 141, 25.10.2009
Binyamin Abrahamov
Yaşar Türkben
It has been widely accepted that the thought of al-Ghazali was broadly in line with the Ash'rite approach to theology. Thus many thinkers agree that al-Gazali rejected causality. According to Abrahamov, this is misconception, and there are many instances where Ghazali produces arguments and opinions which are not compatible with Ash'arism. The widely view held that al-Ghazali took a stand totally opposed to causality can be modified through a careful examination on al-Ghazali's Works
- ALON, İlai, “Al-Ghazali on Causality”, Journal of Ihe American Oriental Society, 100, 1980, ss. 397-405.
- AL-BAGHDADİ, Usul al-din, İstanbul, 1928.
- COURTENAY, J., “The Critique on Natural Causality in the Mutakallimun and nominalism”, The Harvard Theological Review, 66, 1973
- FAKHRY, M., Islamic Occasionalism, London, 1958
- FRANK, R. M., “Kalam and Philosophy, A Perspective from one Problem”, in Islamic Philosophical Theology, ed. P. Morewedge, Albany, 1979
- Gazali, Makâsıdu‟l felasife, ed. S. Dünya, Kahire,
- GARDET, L., “al-Asma' al-husna”, EI², cilt I, ss. 714-717.
- ...“Al-Kada‟ Wa‟l Kadar”,EI², vol. IV, ss. 365-36. Cf. Tehafüt, ss. 529-530. İng. çev. S. van den Bergh, ss. 323-324. Fakhry, a.g.e.,
- s. 126, n. 2. Courtenay, a.g.e., 87. Goodman, a.g.e., s. 111f. Değerli katkıları
- için Prof. S. Pines‟a teşekkür etmek istiyorum.
- GOODMAN, L. E., “Did al-Ghazali deny Causality”, Studia Islamica, 47, 1978, ss. 83-120
- GHAZALİ, el-Maksadü‟l esna fi şerhi esmaillahi‟l-hüsna, ed. Muhammad Mustafa Abu al-„Ala, Kahire, tarihsiz.
- ...İhya‟ulumi‟d- din, Kahire, 1967-68.
- ....el İktisad fi‟l İ‟tikad, Kahire, tarihsiz.
- ...Makâsıdu‟l felasife, ed. S. Dünya, Kahire, tarihsiz.
- ..Kitab-u‟l erbain‟in, Kahire, tarihsiz.
- LANE, E. W., An Arabic-English Lexicon, Book I, Part I-VIII, London 1863-1865,
- MACDONALD, D. B., “Continuous Re-Creation and Atomic Time in Muslim Scholastic Theology”, Isis, 9,1927.
- MADELUNG, W., Der Imam al-Qasim ibn Ibrahim und die Glaubenslehre der Zaiditen, Berlin, 1965.
- MARMURA, M. E., “Ghazali and Demonstrative Science”, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 3, 1965.
- İBN MEYMUN, Delaletu‟l hairin, ed. ve Fransızcaya tercüme eden S. Munk, Paris 1856, rep. Osnabrück, 1964.
- NETTLER, H. L., “Ibn Khaldun‟s Proof for God‟s Unity: A Problematic Passage in the Muqaddimah”, Jerusalem, Studies in Arabic and Islam I, 1979
- ORMSBY, E. L., An Islamic Version of Theodicy: The Dispute over al- Ghazdli‟s “Best of all Possible Worlds”, unpublished D. thesis, University Micro Inter. Ann Arbor, 1983.
- İBN RÜŞD, Tehafüt et-tehafüt, ed. M. Bouyges, Bibliothega Arabica Scholasticorum, vol. III, Beyrut, 1930.
- ... Menahic el-edille, ed. Mahmud Kasira, Kahire, 1969.
- SCHWARZ, M. “Acquisition (Kasb) in Early Kalam”, in Islamic Philosophy and The Classical Tradition, ed. S. M. Stern, A. Hourani, V. Brown, Oxford, 1972,
- ... “The Letter of al-Hasan al-Basri”, Oriens, 20,967, ss. 20-21.
- PİNES, S., Beitrage zur islamischen Alomenlehre, Berlin, 1936.
- TAYLOR, Richard. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. P. Edwards, New York, London 1967.
- WATT, W. M., The Formative Period of Islamic Thought, Edinburgh 1973.
- WENSİNCK, J., La Pensee de Ghazali, Paris, 1950.
- WOLFSON, H. A., The Philosophy of the Kalam, Cambridge, Mass. 1976.
- ...“The Hatirani in the Kalam and Ghazali as Inner Motive Powers of Human Actions”, Studies in Mysticism and Religion, presented to G. G. Scholem, Jerusalem, 1967.
- ... Religious Philosophy: A group of Essays, New York, 1965.
- ... Repercussions of the Kalam in Jewish Philosophy, Cambridge, Mass. 1979.
- ... “Judah Halevi on Causality and Miracles”, Meyer Waxman Jubilee Volume, Chicago, 1966.
Gazali'nin Nedensellik Teorisi
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 115 - 141, 25.10.2009
Binyamin Abrahamov
Yaşar Türkben
Gazali'nin Eş'arî kelam anlayışıyla genel olarak aynı çizgide olduğu büyük kesimler tarafından kabul görmektedir. Bundan ötürü birçok düşünür onun nedenselliği reddetti-ği hususunda hemfikirdir. B. Abra-hamov'a göre, bu yanlış bir kanıdır ve onun eserlerinde Eş'ariyye ile uyuşmayan fikir ve argümanları barındıran pek çok örnek vardır. Gazali'nin nedenselliğe tamamen karşı olduğu görüşü onun eserleri-nin dikkatli bir incelemesi netice-sinde değişebilecektir.
- ALON, İlai, “Al-Ghazali on Causality”, Journal of Ihe American Oriental Society, 100, 1980, ss. 397-405.
- AL-BAGHDADİ, Usul al-din, İstanbul, 1928.
- COURTENAY, J., “The Critique on Natural Causality in the Mutakallimun and nominalism”, The Harvard Theological Review, 66, 1973
- FAKHRY, M., Islamic Occasionalism, London, 1958
- FRANK, R. M., “Kalam and Philosophy, A Perspective from one Problem”, in Islamic Philosophical Theology, ed. P. Morewedge, Albany, 1979
- Gazali, Makâsıdu‟l felasife, ed. S. Dünya, Kahire,
- GARDET, L., “al-Asma' al-husna”, EI², cilt I, ss. 714-717.
- ...“Al-Kada‟ Wa‟l Kadar”,EI², vol. IV, ss. 365-36. Cf. Tehafüt, ss. 529-530. İng. çev. S. van den Bergh, ss. 323-324. Fakhry, a.g.e.,
- s. 126, n. 2. Courtenay, a.g.e., 87. Goodman, a.g.e., s. 111f. Değerli katkıları
- için Prof. S. Pines‟a teşekkür etmek istiyorum.
- GOODMAN, L. E., “Did al-Ghazali deny Causality”, Studia Islamica, 47, 1978, ss. 83-120
- GHAZALİ, el-Maksadü‟l esna fi şerhi esmaillahi‟l-hüsna, ed. Muhammad Mustafa Abu al-„Ala, Kahire, tarihsiz.
- ...İhya‟ulumi‟d- din, Kahire, 1967-68.
- ....el İktisad fi‟l İ‟tikad, Kahire, tarihsiz.
- ...Makâsıdu‟l felasife, ed. S. Dünya, Kahire, tarihsiz.
- ..Kitab-u‟l erbain‟in, Kahire, tarihsiz.
- LANE, E. W., An Arabic-English Lexicon, Book I, Part I-VIII, London 1863-1865,
- MACDONALD, D. B., “Continuous Re-Creation and Atomic Time in Muslim Scholastic Theology”, Isis, 9,1927.
- MADELUNG, W., Der Imam al-Qasim ibn Ibrahim und die Glaubenslehre der Zaiditen, Berlin, 1965.
- MARMURA, M. E., “Ghazali and Demonstrative Science”, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 3, 1965.
- İBN MEYMUN, Delaletu‟l hairin, ed. ve Fransızcaya tercüme eden S. Munk, Paris 1856, rep. Osnabrück, 1964.
- NETTLER, H. L., “Ibn Khaldun‟s Proof for God‟s Unity: A Problematic Passage in the Muqaddimah”, Jerusalem, Studies in Arabic and Islam I, 1979
- ORMSBY, E. L., An Islamic Version of Theodicy: The Dispute over al- Ghazdli‟s “Best of all Possible Worlds”, unpublished D. thesis, University Micro Inter. Ann Arbor, 1983.
- İBN RÜŞD, Tehafüt et-tehafüt, ed. M. Bouyges, Bibliothega Arabica Scholasticorum, vol. III, Beyrut, 1930.
- ... Menahic el-edille, ed. Mahmud Kasira, Kahire, 1969.
- SCHWARZ, M. “Acquisition (Kasb) in Early Kalam”, in Islamic Philosophy and The Classical Tradition, ed. S. M. Stern, A. Hourani, V. Brown, Oxford, 1972,
- ... “The Letter of al-Hasan al-Basri”, Oriens, 20,967, ss. 20-21.
- PİNES, S., Beitrage zur islamischen Alomenlehre, Berlin, 1936.
- TAYLOR, Richard. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. P. Edwards, New York, London 1967.
- WATT, W. M., The Formative Period of Islamic Thought, Edinburgh 1973.
- WENSİNCK, J., La Pensee de Ghazali, Paris, 1950.
- WOLFSON, H. A., The Philosophy of the Kalam, Cambridge, Mass. 1976.
- ...“The Hatirani in the Kalam and Ghazali as Inner Motive Powers of Human Actions”, Studies in Mysticism and Religion, presented to G. G. Scholem, Jerusalem, 1967.
- ... Religious Philosophy: A group of Essays, New York, 1965.
- ... Repercussions of the Kalam in Jewish Philosophy, Cambridge, Mass. 1979.
- ... “Judah Halevi on Causality and Miracles”, Meyer Waxman Jubilee Volume, Chicago, 1966.