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Türkiye galerisineği faunasına katkılar ve bitki zararlıları ve yabancı ot zararlılarına yeni kayıtlar

Yıl 2015, , 159 - 169, 16.01.2015


Bu çalışma 2011- 2013 yılları arasında Muğla ilinde Agromyzidae familyası tür çeşitliliğini belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Galerisineği örnekleri tarım ve tarım dışı alanlardan atrap, malaise tuzağı ve kültüre alma yöntemi kullanılarak farklı lokasyonlardan toplanmışlardır. Çalışmanın sonucunda 7 cinse ait toplam 19 tür Türkiye faunası için yeni kayıt olarak bulunmuştur. Bu çalışma ile birlikte daha önce 189 olarak bilinen galerisineği tür sayısı 208’e yükselmiştir. Bulunan türlerden bazıları önemli kültür bitkisi zararlılarından ve bazıları da yabancı otların biyolojik kontrolünde kullanılma potansiyeline sahip olan türler olarak bilinmektedir. Bu türlerden 13 tanesi tarımsal üretimde zararlı iken 4 tanesi de yabancı ot kontrolünde potansiyeli olan türlerdir.


  • Andersen, A. 2012. On the Agromyzidae (Diptera) in Norway, Part 1. Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 59: 5-30.
  • Anonymous, 2009. Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, UN Convention of Biological Diversity Fourth National Report (Web page: (Date accessed: November, 2014).
  • Bruyn, L. De & M. Von. Tschirnhaus,1991. “Agromyzidae, 70: 151-154”. In: Catalogue of the Diptera of Belgium (Eds.: Grootaert P., L. de Bruyn & M. de Meyer). Studiedocumenten van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Brussel, 338 pp.
  • Černý, M. & B. Merz, 2005. New records of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from Switzerland. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 78: 337-348
  • Černý, M. & B. Merz, 2006. New records of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from the Palaearctic Region. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 79: 77-106.
  • Černý, M. & M. Vála, 2006. “New records of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from Cyprus, 33-42”. In: Dipterologica bohemoslovaca 13 (Ed.: J. Kinkorová). Acta Universitatis Carolinae Biologica, 50: 1-158.
  • Černý, M. & B. Merz, 2007. New records of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from the West Palaearctic Region, with an updated checklist for Switzerland. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 80: 107- 121.
  • Černý, M., 2001. Phytobia bohemica sp. n. from the Czech Republic (Diptera: Agromyzidae). Folia Heyrovskyana, 9: 57-63.
  • Černý, M., 2005a. Amauromyza (Amauromyza) maltensis sp. nov. (Diptera: Agromyzidae) with account of agromyzid mining flies from the Republic of Malta. Folia Heyrovskyana, 12: 85-104.
  • Černý, M., 2005b. A new species of Pseudonapomyza from Egypt, with notes on distrubition of some other Palearctic species of the genus (Diptera: Agromyzidae). Folia Facultates Scientiarium Naturalium Universitates Masarykianae Brunensis Biology, 109: 95-100.
  • Černý, M., 2005c. Additional notes on the fauna of Agromyzidae (Diptera) in Switzerland. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 112 (4): 771-805.
  • Černý, M., 2007a. Description of eight new species of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from North Korea, including new records. Studia Dipterologica, 14 (1): 209-229.
  • Černý, M., 2007b. New faunistic records of Agromyzidae Fallén (Diptera) from Andorra including descriptions of three new species. Boletín Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 41: 43-51.
  • Černý, M., 2009. New faunistic data on the Agromyzidae (Diptera) from the West Palaearctic Region. Klapalekiana, 45: 9-21.
  • Černý, M., 2011a. Agromyzidae (Diptera) in the vicinity of the Kerkini Lake with descriptions of eight new species from Greece. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 51 (1): 299-347.
  • Černý, M., 2011b. A review of the species of Cerodontha Rondani (Diptera: Agromyzidae) of Israel, with a new species of the subgenus Poemyza Hendel, 1931. Israel Journal of Entomology, 40: 117-143.
  • Černý, M., 2012. The fauna of Agromyzidae (Diptera) in the Gemer region (Central Slovakia), with descriptions of three new species from Slovakia. Časopis Slezského Zemského Muzea Opava (A), 61: 49-76.
  • Černý, M., 2013. Additional records of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from the West Palaearctic Region. Časopis Slezského Zemského Muzea Opava (A), 62: 281-288.
  • Černý, M., M. Vála, & M. Barták, 2001. “Agromyzidae, 105: 349-364”.In: Diptera in an Industrially Affected Region (North-Western Bohemia, Bílina and Duchcov Environs), II. (Eds.: Barták M. & J. Vaňhara). Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis: Biologia, 514 pp.
  • Çıkman, E. & M. Sasakawa, 2008. The Turkish Agromyzidae (Diptera), with descriptions of four new species. Entomological Science, 11: 81-86.
  • Çıkman, E. & M. Sasakawa, 2011. Contributions to the Agromyzidae (Diptera) fauna of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 35: 71-78.
  • Çıkman, E., 2012. Revised checklist of Turkish Agromyzidae (Diptera) with a new record. Turkish Bulletin of Entomology, 2 (3): 165-182.
  • Civelek, H. S. & M. R. Ulusoy, 2000. A new record for the Turkish leafminer fauna: Ophiomyia phaseoli (Tryon, 1895). Turkish Journal of Entomology, 24: 163-166.
  • Civelek, H. S., 1998. Systematic Studies on the Species of The Family Agromyzidae (Diptera) In Izmir Province. Ege University, Science Institute, PhD Thesis, Plant Protection Department, Bornova, Izmir, 187 pp.
  • Civelek, H. S., 2002. New records for the Turkish leafminer fauna from Western Turkey. Insecta Mundi, 16: 49-55.
  • Civelek, H. S., 2003. Checklist of Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Turkey, with a new record. Phytoparasitica, 31: 132-138.
  • Civelek, H. S., 2004. Two new records for the Turkish Agromyzidae (Diptera) fauna. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 28: 15-19.
  • Civelek, H. S., A. Tonguç, O. Özgül & O. Dursun, 2007. Contributions to the Turkish Agromyzidae (Diptera) fauna from Anatolian part of Turkey, with sixteen new records. Mitteilungendes Internationalen Entomologischen, 30: 21-28.
  • Civelek, H. S., E. Çıkman & O. Dursun, 2009. Revised checklist of Turkish Agromyzidae (Diptera) fauna of Turkey with 29 new records. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 33: 349-358.
  • Civelek, H. S., J. C. Deeming & F. Önder, 2000a. Some new records for Turkish leafminer (Diptera: Agromyzidae) fauna from Izmir province. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 24: 17-26.
  • Civelek, H. S., F. Önder & J. C. Deeming, 2000b. Two new records for the Turkish Amauromyza Hendel (Diptera: Agromyzidae) fauna from Aegean Region (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Entomology, 24: 83-86.
  • Civelek, H. S., O. Dursun, A. Eskin & G. Taç, 2008. A study on Agromyzidae (Diptera) fauna of Turkey and species list. Anadolu University, Journal of Science and Technology 9: 1-16.
  • Dursun, O., A. Eskin & T. Atahan, 2010. Contributions to the Turkish Agromyzidae(Diptera) fauna with ten new records, Turkish Journal of Entomology, 34 (3): 299-306.
  • Ellis, W.N.,2014. Leafminers and plant galls of Europe Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa.(Webpage: (Date accessed: November, 2014).
  • Gu, X., Z. Fan & M. Sasakawa, 1991. Descriptions of seven new species of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from China. Japanese Journal of Entomology, 59 (2): 331- 342.
  • Guglya Y. A., 2011. A study of the fauna of leaf-miner flies of subfamily Agromyzinae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) of Ukraine. Report 1. 28 new species for the fauna of Ukraine. The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette, 19 (2): 61-68.
  • Guglya Y. A., 2012. A study of the fauna of leaf-miner flies of subfamily Agromyzinae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) of Ukraine. Report 2. 14 new species for the fauna of Ukraine. The first record of Melanagromyza provecta (de Meijere, 1910) for Europe. The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette, 20 (2): 56-62.
  • Guglya Y. A., 2013 . Mining Flies of the Genus Ophiomyia (Diptera, Agromyzidae) of Eastern Ukraine and AdjacentTerritories: Review of Species with a Fasciculus, Vestnik zoologii, 47 (6): 9-31.
  • Kahanpää, J. 2014: “Checklist of the leafminers (Diptera, Agromyzidae) of Finland 291-303”. In: Checklist of the Diptera of Finland (Eds.: Kahanpää J & J. Salmela). ZooKeys 441, 408 pp.
  • Koçak, E., M. Sasakawa., 2010. Two Species of Melanagromyza (Diptera: Agromyzidae), with Descriptions of Immature Stages from Heracleum (Apıaceae) and New Records from Turkey. Entomological News, 121 (3): 262-266.
  • Kolpin, D. W., E. M. Thurman & S. M. Linhart, 1998. The environmental occurrence of herbicides: the importance of degradates in ground water. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 35: 385-390.
  • Martinez M., 2012. Fauna Europaea: Agromyzidae. In Pape T. (ed.): Fauna Europaea: Diptera, Flies. Fauna Europaea, version 2.4, Available from, (as of 18 February 2012).
  • Matteoni, J. A. & A. B. Broadbent, 1988. Wounds caused by Liriomyza trifolii (Diptera: Agromyzidae) as sites for infection of Chrysanthemum by Pseudomonas cichorii. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 10: 47- 52.
  • Ostrauskas, H., S. Pakalniškis& L. Taluntytė, 2003. The species composition of plant mining dipterous (Insecta: Diptera) of greenhouse surroundings in Lithuania. Ekologija (Vilnius), 3: 3-11.
  • Pakalniškis, S., 1992. Notes on Lithuanian Agromyzidae (Diptera) with the description of three species new to science. In New and Rare for Lithuania Insect Species. Records and descriptions of 1992. Vilnius, 47-55.
  • Pakalniškis, S., 1994. The Lithuanian Agromyzidae (Diptera). Descriptions of 6 new species and other notes. Acta Entomologica Lituanica, 12: 5–34.
  • Pakalniškis, S., 1996a. The Lithuanian Agromyzidae (Diptera). Descriptions of 4 new species and other notes. In Lietuvos entomologİ darbai, Vilnius, 17- 34.
  • Pakalniškis, S., 1996b. On the bionomics and knowledge of Agromyzidae (Diptera) feeding on plant stems. Ekologija, 3:36-42.
  • Pakalniškis, S., 2000. New data on the bionomics and distribution of Agromyzidae (Diptera) with the description of a new species. Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 10: 59-62.
  • Pitkin, B., 2014. The leaf and stem mines of British flies and other insects.(Web page: ) (Date accessed: November, 2014).
  • Robbins, J., 1991. The leaf miners of Warwickshire with notes on other species occurring in the Midlands. Warwickshire Museum, Market Place, Warwick, CV34 4SA, 182 pp.
  • Sasakawa, M., 1961. A Study of the Japanese Agromyzidae (Diptera). Pacific Insects, 3 (2-3): 307-472.
  • Sasakawa, M., 1997. Lauxaniidae and Agromyzidae (Diptera) of the Ryukyus. Esakia, 37: 141-148.
  • Scheirs, J, L. de, Bruyn & M. von Tschirnhaus, 1995. Agromyzidae (Diptera) of the nature reserve "Hobokense polder": faunistics and life-history aspects. Bulletinet Annales de la Société royale belge d’Entomologie, 131: 191-205.
  • Scheirs, J. & L. de. Bruyn, 1992. Leafminers (Diptera; Agromyzidae) of Phragmites australis in Belgium. Bulletin et Annales de la Société rylae belge d’Entomologie, 128: 310-315.
  • Scheirs, J., L. de. Bruyn & M. von Tschirnhaus, 1999. Agromyzidae (Diptera) of the nature reserve “Étang de Virelles”: faunistics and life-history aspects. Bulletinet Annales de la Société royale belge d’Entomologie, 135: 152-158.
  • Spencer, K. A., 1972. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects: Diptera Agromyzidae. Royal entomological society of London. Published by the Society and Sold at its Rooms, Queen's Gate, London,136 pp.
  • Spencer, K. A., 1976. The Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica, 5: Part 1 (1-304), Part 2 (305-606). Scandinavian Science Press Ltd., Klampenborg, Denmark, 606 pp.
  • Spencer, K. A., 1989. “Agromyzidae, 538-547”. In: Catalog of the Diptera of the Australasian and Oceanian Regions, (Ed.: N. L. Evenhuis). Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu. E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1156 pp.
  • Spencer, K. A., 1990. Host Specialization in the world Agromyzidae (Diptera). Series Entomologica 45: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dortrecht, The Holland, 444 pp.
  • Spencer, K. A.,1973. Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Economic Importance. Series Entomologica, 9, Dr. W. Junk, The Hague, The Netharlans, 418 pp.
  • Spencer,K. A., 1969. Notes on European Agromyzidae (Diptera). 2. Beiträge zur Entomologie, 19: 5-26.
  • Tewksbury, L., R. Casagrande, B. Blossey, P. Hafliger & M. Schwarzlander, 2002. Potential for biological control of Phragmites australis in north America. Biological Control, 23: 191-212.
  • Woodley, N. E. & D. H. Janzen, 1995. A new species of Melanagromyza (Diptera: Agromyzidae) mining leaves of Bromelia pinguin (Bromeliaceae) in a dry forest in Costa Rica. Journal of Natural History, 29: 1329-1337.
  • Yıldırım, E. M., A. Unay & H. S. Civelek, 2010. The effect of Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) on some leaf characteristics of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment, 8 (3&4): 839-841.
  • Zitter, T. A. & J. H. Tsai, 1977. Transmission of three potyviruses by the leafminer Liriomyza sativae (Diptera: Agromyzidae). Plant Disease Report, 61: 1025-1029.

Contributions to leafminer (Diptera: Agromyzidae) fauna and new records of plant pests and weeds in Turkey

Yıl 2015, , 159 - 169, 16.01.2015


This study was conducted between 2011- 2013 in Muğla province in Turkey to determine the biodiversity of family Agromyzidae. Specimens were collected from cultured and non-cultured plants by sweeping net, Malaise trap and rearing methods in different localities. Altogether 19 new records of Agromyzidae species for Turkey belonging to 7 genera were found. Number of Agromyzidae species increased from 189 species to 208 species as result of this study. Altogether 13 important actual or potential pests were identified among these newly found species and four of them have potential for the weed control. 


  • Andersen, A. 2012. On the Agromyzidae (Diptera) in Norway, Part 1. Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 59: 5-30.
  • Anonymous, 2009. Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, UN Convention of Biological Diversity Fourth National Report (Web page: (Date accessed: November, 2014).
  • Bruyn, L. De & M. Von. Tschirnhaus,1991. “Agromyzidae, 70: 151-154”. In: Catalogue of the Diptera of Belgium (Eds.: Grootaert P., L. de Bruyn & M. de Meyer). Studiedocumenten van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, Brussel, 338 pp.
  • Černý, M. & B. Merz, 2005. New records of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from Switzerland. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 78: 337-348
  • Černý, M. & B. Merz, 2006. New records of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from the Palaearctic Region. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 79: 77-106.
  • Černý, M. & M. Vála, 2006. “New records of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from Cyprus, 33-42”. In: Dipterologica bohemoslovaca 13 (Ed.: J. Kinkorová). Acta Universitatis Carolinae Biologica, 50: 1-158.
  • Černý, M. & B. Merz, 2007. New records of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from the West Palaearctic Region, with an updated checklist for Switzerland. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 80: 107- 121.
  • Černý, M., 2001. Phytobia bohemica sp. n. from the Czech Republic (Diptera: Agromyzidae). Folia Heyrovskyana, 9: 57-63.
  • Černý, M., 2005a. Amauromyza (Amauromyza) maltensis sp. nov. (Diptera: Agromyzidae) with account of agromyzid mining flies from the Republic of Malta. Folia Heyrovskyana, 12: 85-104.
  • Černý, M., 2005b. A new species of Pseudonapomyza from Egypt, with notes on distrubition of some other Palearctic species of the genus (Diptera: Agromyzidae). Folia Facultates Scientiarium Naturalium Universitates Masarykianae Brunensis Biology, 109: 95-100.
  • Černý, M., 2005c. Additional notes on the fauna of Agromyzidae (Diptera) in Switzerland. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 112 (4): 771-805.
  • Černý, M., 2007a. Description of eight new species of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from North Korea, including new records. Studia Dipterologica, 14 (1): 209-229.
  • Černý, M., 2007b. New faunistic records of Agromyzidae Fallén (Diptera) from Andorra including descriptions of three new species. Boletín Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 41: 43-51.
  • Černý, M., 2009. New faunistic data on the Agromyzidae (Diptera) from the West Palaearctic Region. Klapalekiana, 45: 9-21.
  • Černý, M., 2011a. Agromyzidae (Diptera) in the vicinity of the Kerkini Lake with descriptions of eight new species from Greece. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 51 (1): 299-347.
  • Černý, M., 2011b. A review of the species of Cerodontha Rondani (Diptera: Agromyzidae) of Israel, with a new species of the subgenus Poemyza Hendel, 1931. Israel Journal of Entomology, 40: 117-143.
  • Černý, M., 2012. The fauna of Agromyzidae (Diptera) in the Gemer region (Central Slovakia), with descriptions of three new species from Slovakia. Časopis Slezského Zemského Muzea Opava (A), 61: 49-76.
  • Černý, M., 2013. Additional records of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from the West Palaearctic Region. Časopis Slezského Zemského Muzea Opava (A), 62: 281-288.
  • Černý, M., M. Vála, & M. Barták, 2001. “Agromyzidae, 105: 349-364”.In: Diptera in an Industrially Affected Region (North-Western Bohemia, Bílina and Duchcov Environs), II. (Eds.: Barták M. & J. Vaňhara). Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis: Biologia, 514 pp.
  • Çıkman, E. & M. Sasakawa, 2008. The Turkish Agromyzidae (Diptera), with descriptions of four new species. Entomological Science, 11: 81-86.
  • Çıkman, E. & M. Sasakawa, 2011. Contributions to the Agromyzidae (Diptera) fauna of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 35: 71-78.
  • Çıkman, E., 2012. Revised checklist of Turkish Agromyzidae (Diptera) with a new record. Turkish Bulletin of Entomology, 2 (3): 165-182.
  • Civelek, H. S. & M. R. Ulusoy, 2000. A new record for the Turkish leafminer fauna: Ophiomyia phaseoli (Tryon, 1895). Turkish Journal of Entomology, 24: 163-166.
  • Civelek, H. S., 1998. Systematic Studies on the Species of The Family Agromyzidae (Diptera) In Izmir Province. Ege University, Science Institute, PhD Thesis, Plant Protection Department, Bornova, Izmir, 187 pp.
  • Civelek, H. S., 2002. New records for the Turkish leafminer fauna from Western Turkey. Insecta Mundi, 16: 49-55.
  • Civelek, H. S., 2003. Checklist of Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Turkey, with a new record. Phytoparasitica, 31: 132-138.
  • Civelek, H. S., 2004. Two new records for the Turkish Agromyzidae (Diptera) fauna. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 28: 15-19.
  • Civelek, H. S., A. Tonguç, O. Özgül & O. Dursun, 2007. Contributions to the Turkish Agromyzidae (Diptera) fauna from Anatolian part of Turkey, with sixteen new records. Mitteilungendes Internationalen Entomologischen, 30: 21-28.
  • Civelek, H. S., E. Çıkman & O. Dursun, 2009. Revised checklist of Turkish Agromyzidae (Diptera) fauna of Turkey with 29 new records. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 33: 349-358.
  • Civelek, H. S., J. C. Deeming & F. Önder, 2000a. Some new records for Turkish leafminer (Diptera: Agromyzidae) fauna from Izmir province. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 24: 17-26.
  • Civelek, H. S., F. Önder & J. C. Deeming, 2000b. Two new records for the Turkish Amauromyza Hendel (Diptera: Agromyzidae) fauna from Aegean Region (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Entomology, 24: 83-86.
  • Civelek, H. S., O. Dursun, A. Eskin & G. Taç, 2008. A study on Agromyzidae (Diptera) fauna of Turkey and species list. Anadolu University, Journal of Science and Technology 9: 1-16.
  • Dursun, O., A. Eskin & T. Atahan, 2010. Contributions to the Turkish Agromyzidae(Diptera) fauna with ten new records, Turkish Journal of Entomology, 34 (3): 299-306.
  • Ellis, W.N.,2014. Leafminers and plant galls of Europe Bladmineerders en plantengallen van Europa.(Webpage: (Date accessed: November, 2014).
  • Gu, X., Z. Fan & M. Sasakawa, 1991. Descriptions of seven new species of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from China. Japanese Journal of Entomology, 59 (2): 331- 342.
  • Guglya Y. A., 2011. A study of the fauna of leaf-miner flies of subfamily Agromyzinae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) of Ukraine. Report 1. 28 new species for the fauna of Ukraine. The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette, 19 (2): 61-68.
  • Guglya Y. A., 2012. A study of the fauna of leaf-miner flies of subfamily Agromyzinae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) of Ukraine. Report 2. 14 new species for the fauna of Ukraine. The first record of Melanagromyza provecta (de Meijere, 1910) for Europe. The Kharkov Entomological Society Gazette, 20 (2): 56-62.
  • Guglya Y. A., 2013 . Mining Flies of the Genus Ophiomyia (Diptera, Agromyzidae) of Eastern Ukraine and AdjacentTerritories: Review of Species with a Fasciculus, Vestnik zoologii, 47 (6): 9-31.
  • Kahanpää, J. 2014: “Checklist of the leafminers (Diptera, Agromyzidae) of Finland 291-303”. In: Checklist of the Diptera of Finland (Eds.: Kahanpää J & J. Salmela). ZooKeys 441, 408 pp.
  • Koçak, E., M. Sasakawa., 2010. Two Species of Melanagromyza (Diptera: Agromyzidae), with Descriptions of Immature Stages from Heracleum (Apıaceae) and New Records from Turkey. Entomological News, 121 (3): 262-266.
  • Kolpin, D. W., E. M. Thurman & S. M. Linhart, 1998. The environmental occurrence of herbicides: the importance of degradates in ground water. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 35: 385-390.
  • Martinez M., 2012. Fauna Europaea: Agromyzidae. In Pape T. (ed.): Fauna Europaea: Diptera, Flies. Fauna Europaea, version 2.4, Available from, (as of 18 February 2012).
  • Matteoni, J. A. & A. B. Broadbent, 1988. Wounds caused by Liriomyza trifolii (Diptera: Agromyzidae) as sites for infection of Chrysanthemum by Pseudomonas cichorii. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 10: 47- 52.
  • Ostrauskas, H., S. Pakalniškis& L. Taluntytė, 2003. The species composition of plant mining dipterous (Insecta: Diptera) of greenhouse surroundings in Lithuania. Ekologija (Vilnius), 3: 3-11.
  • Pakalniškis, S., 1992. Notes on Lithuanian Agromyzidae (Diptera) with the description of three species new to science. In New and Rare for Lithuania Insect Species. Records and descriptions of 1992. Vilnius, 47-55.
  • Pakalniškis, S., 1994. The Lithuanian Agromyzidae (Diptera). Descriptions of 6 new species and other notes. Acta Entomologica Lituanica, 12: 5–34.
  • Pakalniškis, S., 1996a. The Lithuanian Agromyzidae (Diptera). Descriptions of 4 new species and other notes. In Lietuvos entomologİ darbai, Vilnius, 17- 34.
  • Pakalniškis, S., 1996b. On the bionomics and knowledge of Agromyzidae (Diptera) feeding on plant stems. Ekologija, 3:36-42.
  • Pakalniškis, S., 2000. New data on the bionomics and distribution of Agromyzidae (Diptera) with the description of a new species. Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 10: 59-62.
  • Pitkin, B., 2014. The leaf and stem mines of British flies and other insects.(Web page: ) (Date accessed: November, 2014).
  • Robbins, J., 1991. The leaf miners of Warwickshire with notes on other species occurring in the Midlands. Warwickshire Museum, Market Place, Warwick, CV34 4SA, 182 pp.
  • Sasakawa, M., 1961. A Study of the Japanese Agromyzidae (Diptera). Pacific Insects, 3 (2-3): 307-472.
  • Sasakawa, M., 1997. Lauxaniidae and Agromyzidae (Diptera) of the Ryukyus. Esakia, 37: 141-148.
  • Scheirs, J, L. de, Bruyn & M. von Tschirnhaus, 1995. Agromyzidae (Diptera) of the nature reserve "Hobokense polder": faunistics and life-history aspects. Bulletinet Annales de la Société royale belge d’Entomologie, 131: 191-205.
  • Scheirs, J. & L. de. Bruyn, 1992. Leafminers (Diptera; Agromyzidae) of Phragmites australis in Belgium. Bulletin et Annales de la Société rylae belge d’Entomologie, 128: 310-315.
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Toplam 66 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Oktay Dursun

Hasan Civelek

Miroslav Bartak Bu kişi benim

Stepan Kubik

Eyüp Yıldırım

Milos Cerny

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Ocak 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Ocak 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015

Kaynak Göster

APA Dursun, O., Civelek, H., Bartak, M., Kubik, S., vd. (2015). Contributions to leafminer (Diptera: Agromyzidae) fauna and new records of plant pests and weeds in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 39(2), 159-169.
AMA Dursun O, Civelek H, Bartak M, Kubik S, Yıldırım E, Cerny M. Contributions to leafminer (Diptera: Agromyzidae) fauna and new records of plant pests and weeds in Turkey. TED. Haziran 2015;39(2):159-169. doi:10.16970/ted.19978
Chicago Dursun, Oktay, Hasan Civelek, Miroslav Bartak, Stepan Kubik, Eyüp Yıldırım, ve Milos Cerny. “Contributions to Leafminer (Diptera: Agromyzidae) Fauna and New Records of Plant Pests and Weeds in Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Entomology 39, sy. 2 (Haziran 2015): 159-69.
EndNote Dursun O, Civelek H, Bartak M, Kubik S, Yıldırım E, Cerny M (01 Haziran 2015) Contributions to leafminer (Diptera: Agromyzidae) fauna and new records of plant pests and weeds in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Entomology 39 2 159–169.
IEEE O. Dursun, H. Civelek, M. Bartak, S. Kubik, E. Yıldırım, ve M. Cerny, “Contributions to leafminer (Diptera: Agromyzidae) fauna and new records of plant pests and weeds in Turkey”, TED, c. 39, sy. 2, ss. 159–169, 2015, doi: 10.16970/ted.19978.
ISNAD Dursun, Oktay vd. “Contributions to Leafminer (Diptera: Agromyzidae) Fauna and New Records of Plant Pests and Weeds in Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Entomology 39/2 (Haziran 2015), 159-169.
JAMA Dursun O, Civelek H, Bartak M, Kubik S, Yıldırım E, Cerny M. Contributions to leafminer (Diptera: Agromyzidae) fauna and new records of plant pests and weeds in Turkey. TED. 2015;39:159–169.
MLA Dursun, Oktay vd. “Contributions to Leafminer (Diptera: Agromyzidae) Fauna and New Records of Plant Pests and Weeds in Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Entomology, c. 39, sy. 2, 2015, ss. 159-6, doi:10.16970/ted.19978.
Vancouver Dursun O, Civelek H, Bartak M, Kubik S, Yıldırım E, Cerny M. Contributions to leafminer (Diptera: Agromyzidae) fauna and new records of plant pests and weeds in Turkey. TED. 2015;39(2):159-6.