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Türkiye’nin Orta ve Güney Anadolu Bölgesi’nde bulunan buğday ve mısır depolarındaki zararlılarda tespit edilen entomopatojen funguslar

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 40 Sayı: 3, 0 - 0, 28.07.2016


Türkiye’nin Orta ve Güney Anadolu Bölgesi’ndeki buğday ve mısır depolarında tahıl zararlılarının doğal olarak bulunan fungal patojenleri, çeşitli böcek örnekleme yöntemleri kullanılarak belirlenmiş ve teşhis edilmiştir. 2013 yılı haziran – kasım aylarında beş ilde (Şanlıurfa, Kahramanmaraş, Adana, Mersin ve Konya) depolar, sonda kullanarak, tuzak yerleştirerek ve gözlemle örneklenmiştir. Ölü böceklerden elde edilen entomopatojen funguslar genomik DNAnın ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 bölgesi sekanslanarak tür seviyesinde teşhis edilmiştir. İzole edilen üç türün büyük çoğunluğu Beauveria bassiana (97 izolat) olup bunu Purpureocillium lilacinum (20 izolat) izlemiştir. Üçüncü tür ise Beauveria varroae (9 izolat)’dir ve depo zararlılarından ilk kayıttır. Tüm izolatların 35’i Tribolium spp., 29’u Sitophilus spp., 24’ü Cryptolestes ferrugineus, 22’si Rhyzopertha dominica, 8’i Oryzaephilus surinamensis, 4’ü Trogoderma granarium, 3’ü Latheticus oryzae ve birisi bir Cryptophagidae türünden izole edilmiştir. Depolanmış tahıl zararlılarında fungal enfeksiyonlar örnekleme zamanına göre önemli ölçüde değişmemiş, en yoğun olarak iller arasında Adana’da ve türler arasında da Tribolium türlerinde bulunmuştur. Sonda ile alınan tahıl örneklerinde fungal enfeksiyon daha yoğun tespit edilmiştir, ancak ürün cinsinin önemli bir etkisi belirlenmemiştir. Sonuçlar, entomopatojen fungusların düşük yoğunlukla dağılım gösterdiğini, ve lokasyon ile örnekleme tekniğinin fungus izolasyonunu etkileyebileceğini ortaya koymuştur. Bu ekosisteminde daha fazla çalışma yapılarak depolanmış tahıl zararlılarının mücadelesindeki kullanımlarını geliştirmek için önemli bilgilere ulaşılabilecektir.


  • Akbar, W., J. C. Lord, J. R. Nechols & R. W. Howard, 2004. Diatomaceous earth increases the efficacy of Beauveria bassiana against Tribolium castaneum larvae and increases conidia attachment. Journal of Economic Entomology, 97: 273-280.
  • Arthur, F. H., 1996. Grain protectants: current status and prospects for the future. Journal of Stored Products Research, 32: 293-302.
  • Athanassiou, C. G., N. G. Kavallieratos, B. J. Vayias, J. B. Tsakiri, N. H. Mikeli, C. M. Meletsis & Z. Tomanovic, 2008. Persistence and efficacy of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) and diatomaceous earth against Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleoptera: Bostrchidae) on wheat and maize. Crop Protection, 27: 1303-1311.
  • Athanassiou, C. G. & T. Steenberg, 2007. Insecticidal effect of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) in combination with three diatomaceous earth formulations against Sitophilus granarius (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Biological Control, 40: 411-416.
  • Athanassiou, C. G. & N. E. Palyvos, 2006. Laboratory evaluation of two diatomaceous earth formulations against Blattisocius keegani Fox (Mesostigmata, Ascidae) and Cheyletus malaccensis Oudemans (Prostigmata: Cheyletidae). Biological Control, 38: 350-355.
  • Barra, P., L. Rosso, A. Nesci & M. Etcheverry, 2013. Isolation and identification of entomopathogenic fungi and their evaluation against Tribolium confusum, Sitophilus zeamais, and Rhyzopertha dominica in stored maize. Journal of Pest Science, 86: 217-226.
  • Cherry, A. J., P. Abalo & K. Hell, 2005. A laboratory assessment of the potential of different strains of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin and Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) to control Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) in stored cowpea. Journal of Stored Products Research, 41: 295-309.
  • Ferizli, A. G., G. Beris & E. Baspinar, 2005. Mortality and F1 production of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) on wheat treated with diatomaceous earth; impact of biological and environmental parameters on efficacy. Journal of Pest Science, 78: 231-238.
  • Gorham, J. R., 1991. Insect and Mite Pests in Food: An Illustrated Key. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook Number 655. 767 pp.
  • Haq, T., N. F. Usmani & T. Abbas, 2005. Screeening of plant leaves as grain protectants against Tribolium castaneum during storage. Journal of Botany, 37: 149-153.
  • Humber, R. A., 1997. “Fungi: Identification, 153-185”. In: Manual of Techniques in Insect Pathology (Ed: L. A. Lacey). Academic Press, UK, 409 pp.
  • Khashaveh, A. & H. S. Chelav, 2013. Laboratory bioassay of Iranian isolates of entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorokin (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) against two species of storage pest. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, 78: 35-40.
  • Lacey, L. A. & W. M. Brooks, 1997. “Initial Handling and Diagnosis of Diseased Insects, 1-15”. In: Manual of Techniques in Insect Pathology (Ed: L. A. Lacey). Academic Press, UK, 409 pp.
  • Luangsa-ard, J., J. Houbraken, T. van Doorn, S. Hong, A. M. Borman, N. L. Hywel-Hones & R. A. Samson, 2011. Purpureocillium, a new genus for the medically important Paecilomyces lilacinus. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 321: 141-149.
  • Michalaki, M. P., C. G. Athanassiou, N. G. Kavallieratos, Y. A. Batta & G. N. Balotis, 2006. Effectiveness of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschinkoff) Sorokin applied alone or in combination with diatomaceous earth against Tribolium confusum Du Val larvae: Influence of temperature, relative humidity and type of commodity. Crop Protection, 25: 418-425.
  • Michalaki, M. P., C. G. Athanassiou, T. Teenberg & C.Th. Buchelos, 2007. Effect of Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (Wise) Brown and Smith (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) alone or in combination with diatomaceous earth against Tribolium confusum Jacquelin du Val (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Biological Control, 40: 280-286.
  • Moino, Jr A., S. B. Alves & R. M. Pereira, 1998. Efficacy of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin isolates for control of stored-grain pests. Journal of Applied Entomology, 122: 301-305.
  • Moore, D., J. C. Lord & S. M. Smith, 2000. “Pathogens, 193-227”. In: Alternatives to Pesticides in Stored-Product IPM (Eds: B. H. Subramanyam & D. W. Hagstrum). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht Netherlands, 437 pp.
  • Odour, G. I., S. M. Smith, E. A. Chandi, L. W. Karanja, J. O. Agano & D. Moore, 2000. Occurrence of Beauveria bassiana on insect pests of stored maize in Kenya. Journal of Stored Products Research, 36: 177-185.
  • Padin, S., G. D. Bello & M. Fabrizio, 2002. Grain loss caused by Tribolium castaneum, Sitophilus oryzae and Acanthoscelides obtectus in stored durum wheat and beans treated with Beauveria bassiana. Journal of Stored Products Research, 38: 69-74.
  • Pedrini, N., A. Ortiz-Urquiza, C. Huarte-Bonnet, Y. Fan, M. P. Juarez, N. O. Keyhani, 2015. Tenebrionid secretions and a fungal benzoquione form competing components of an arms race between a host and pathogen. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112: E3651-E3660.
  • Ortiz-Urquiza, A. & N. O. Keyhani, 2013. Action on the surface: Entomopathogenic fungi versus the insect cuticle. Insects, 4: 357-374.
  • Ortiz-Urquiza, A. & N. O. Keyhani, 2015. Stress response signaling and virulence: Insights from entomopathogenic fungi. Current Genetics, 61: 239-249.
  • Rees, D., 2004. Insects of Stored Products. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood Australia, 192 pp.
  • Rehner, S. A., A. M. Minnis, G. Sung, J. J. Luangsa-ard, L. Devotto & R. A. Humber, 2011. Phylogeny and systematics of the anamorphic, entomopathogenic genus Beauveria. Mycologia, 103: 1055-1073.
  • Riasat, T., W. Wakil, M. Ashfaq & S. T. Sahi, 2011. Effect of Beauveria bassiana mixed with diatomaceous earth on mortality, mycosis and sporulation of Rhyzopertha dominica on stored wheat. Phytoparasitica, 39: 325-331.
  • Riasat, T., W. Wakil, M. Yasin & Y. J. Kwon, 2013. Mixing of Isaria fumosorosea with enhanced diatomaceous earth and bitterbarkomycin for control of Rhyzopertha dominica. Entomological Research, 43: 215-223.
  • Rice, W. C. & R. R. Cogburn, 1999. Activity of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana against three coleopteran pests of stored grain. Journal of Economic Entomology, 92: 691-694.
  • Sewify, G. H., H. A. El Shabrawy, M. E. Eweis & M. H. Naroz, 2014. Efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae for controlling certain stored product insects. Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 24: 191-196.
  • Shafighi, Y., M. Ziaee & Y. Ghosta, 2014. Diatomaceous earth used against insect pests, applied alone or in combination with Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana. Journal of Plant Protection Research, 54: 62-66.
  • Shams, G., M. H. Safaralizadeh, S. Imani, M. Shojai & S. Aramideh, 2011. A laboratory assessment of the potential of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana (Beauvarin) to control Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and Sitophilus granarius (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). African Journal of Microbiology Research, 5: 1192-1196.
  • Sirohi, S. K., P. K. Choudhury, S. S. Dagar, A. K. Puniya, D. Singh, 2013. Isolation, characterization and fibre degradation potential of anaerobic rumen fungi from cattle. Annals of Microbiology, 63: 1187-1194.
  • Stejskal, V., J. Hubert, R. Aulicky & Z. Kucerova, 2015. Overview of present and past and pest-associated risks in stored food and feed products: European perspective. Journal of Stored Products Research, 64: 122-132.
  • Wakefield, M. E., P. D. Cox, D. Moore, M. Aquino de Muro & B. A. Bell, 2005. “Mycopest: results and perspectives, 17-27”. Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of COST Action 842 Working Group IV, Locorotondo, Italy. 70 pp.
  • Wakefield, M. E., 2006. “Factors affecting storage insect susceptibility to the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana, 855-862”. Proceedings of the 9th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection, 15-18 October 2006, Brazil.
  • Wakil, W. & M. U. Ghazanfar, 2010. Entomopathogenic fungus as a biological control agent against Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae) on stored wheat. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 43: 1236-1242.
  • Wakil, W. & T. Schmitt, 2014. Field trials on the efficacy of Beauveria bassiana, diatomaceous earth and Imidacloprid for the protection of wheat grains from four major stored grain insect pests. Journal of Stored Products Research, 64: 160-167.
  • Wakil, W., M. U. Ghazanfar & M. Yasin, 2014. Naturally occurring entomopathogenic fungi infecting stored grain insect species in Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Insect Science,14: 182. DOI: 10.1093/jisesa/ieu044.
  • Wakil, W., T. Riasat, M. U. Ghazanfar, Y. J. Kwon & F. A. Shaheen, 2011. Aptness of Beauveria bassiana and enhanced diatomaceous earth (DEBBM) for control of Rhyzopertha dominica F. Entomological Research, 41: 233-241.
  • White, T. J., T. Bruns, S. Lee & J. Taylor, 1990. “Amplification and Direct Sequencing of Fungal Ribosomal RNA Genes for Phylogenetics, 315-322”. In: PCR Protocols: A Guide to Methods and Applications (Eds: M. A. Innis, D. H. Gelfand, J. J. Sninsky & T. J. White). Academic Press, San Diego, 482 pp.

Occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi on insect pests of stored wheat and maize in Central and South Anatolia in Turkey

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 40 Sayı: 3, 0 - 0, 28.07.2016


Naturally occurring fungal pathogens of stored-grain insect pests were identified and quantified using different insect sampling techniques in wheat and maize storage facilities in Central and South Anatolia in Turkey. Storage facilities were sampled by probing, trapping and visual inspection in five cities (Şanlıurfa, Kahramanmaraş, Adana, Mersin and Konya) from June to November 2013. Entomopathogenic fungi recovered from dead insects were identified to species level by sequencing the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of the genomic DNA. Of the three species isolated, the majority were Beauveria bassiana (97 isolates), followed by Purpureocillium lilacinum (20 isolates). The third species, Beauveria varroae (9 isolates), is the first record on stored-product pest insects. Thirty-five isolates were from Tribolium spp., 29 from Sitophilus spp., 24 from Cryptolestes ferrugineus, 22 from Rhyzopertha dominica, 8 from Oryzaephilus surinamensis, 4 from Trogoderma granarium, 3 from Latheticus oryzae and 1 from a species of Cryptophagidae. The fungal infection of stored-grain pests did not vary significantly according to the time of sampling. A higher frequency of occurrence was recorded for Adana than the other cities and for Tribolium species than the other hosts. Grain samples taken by probing resulted in a higher frequency of fungal infection, but commodity type did not have a significant effect. The results demonstrated that (1) entomopathogenic fungi occurred at a low frequency, and (2) location, together with sampling technique, can affect their recovery. Further exploration of this ecosystem could yield important information for improving their use for management of stored-grain pests.


  • Akbar, W., J. C. Lord, J. R. Nechols & R. W. Howard, 2004. Diatomaceous earth increases the efficacy of Beauveria bassiana against Tribolium castaneum larvae and increases conidia attachment. Journal of Economic Entomology, 97: 273-280.
  • Arthur, F. H., 1996. Grain protectants: current status and prospects for the future. Journal of Stored Products Research, 32: 293-302.
  • Athanassiou, C. G., N. G. Kavallieratos, B. J. Vayias, J. B. Tsakiri, N. H. Mikeli, C. M. Meletsis & Z. Tomanovic, 2008. Persistence and efficacy of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) and diatomaceous earth against Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleoptera: Bostrchidae) on wheat and maize. Crop Protection, 27: 1303-1311.
  • Athanassiou, C. G. & T. Steenberg, 2007. Insecticidal effect of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) in combination with three diatomaceous earth formulations against Sitophilus granarius (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Biological Control, 40: 411-416.
  • Athanassiou, C. G. & N. E. Palyvos, 2006. Laboratory evaluation of two diatomaceous earth formulations against Blattisocius keegani Fox (Mesostigmata, Ascidae) and Cheyletus malaccensis Oudemans (Prostigmata: Cheyletidae). Biological Control, 38: 350-355.
  • Barra, P., L. Rosso, A. Nesci & M. Etcheverry, 2013. Isolation and identification of entomopathogenic fungi and their evaluation against Tribolium confusum, Sitophilus zeamais, and Rhyzopertha dominica in stored maize. Journal of Pest Science, 86: 217-226.
  • Cherry, A. J., P. Abalo & K. Hell, 2005. A laboratory assessment of the potential of different strains of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin and Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) to control Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) in stored cowpea. Journal of Stored Products Research, 41: 295-309.
  • Ferizli, A. G., G. Beris & E. Baspinar, 2005. Mortality and F1 production of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) on wheat treated with diatomaceous earth; impact of biological and environmental parameters on efficacy. Journal of Pest Science, 78: 231-238.
  • Gorham, J. R., 1991. Insect and Mite Pests in Food: An Illustrated Key. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook Number 655. 767 pp.
  • Haq, T., N. F. Usmani & T. Abbas, 2005. Screeening of plant leaves as grain protectants against Tribolium castaneum during storage. Journal of Botany, 37: 149-153.
  • Humber, R. A., 1997. “Fungi: Identification, 153-185”. In: Manual of Techniques in Insect Pathology (Ed: L. A. Lacey). Academic Press, UK, 409 pp.
  • Khashaveh, A. & H. S. Chelav, 2013. Laboratory bioassay of Iranian isolates of entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorokin (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) against two species of storage pest. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, 78: 35-40.
  • Lacey, L. A. & W. M. Brooks, 1997. “Initial Handling and Diagnosis of Diseased Insects, 1-15”. In: Manual of Techniques in Insect Pathology (Ed: L. A. Lacey). Academic Press, UK, 409 pp.
  • Luangsa-ard, J., J. Houbraken, T. van Doorn, S. Hong, A. M. Borman, N. L. Hywel-Hones & R. A. Samson, 2011. Purpureocillium, a new genus for the medically important Paecilomyces lilacinus. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 321: 141-149.
  • Michalaki, M. P., C. G. Athanassiou, N. G. Kavallieratos, Y. A. Batta & G. N. Balotis, 2006. Effectiveness of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschinkoff) Sorokin applied alone or in combination with diatomaceous earth against Tribolium confusum Du Val larvae: Influence of temperature, relative humidity and type of commodity. Crop Protection, 25: 418-425.
  • Michalaki, M. P., C. G. Athanassiou, T. Teenberg & C.Th. Buchelos, 2007. Effect of Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (Wise) Brown and Smith (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) alone or in combination with diatomaceous earth against Tribolium confusum Jacquelin du Val (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Biological Control, 40: 280-286.
  • Moino, Jr A., S. B. Alves & R. M. Pereira, 1998. Efficacy of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin isolates for control of stored-grain pests. Journal of Applied Entomology, 122: 301-305.
  • Moore, D., J. C. Lord & S. M. Smith, 2000. “Pathogens, 193-227”. In: Alternatives to Pesticides in Stored-Product IPM (Eds: B. H. Subramanyam & D. W. Hagstrum). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht Netherlands, 437 pp.
  • Odour, G. I., S. M. Smith, E. A. Chandi, L. W. Karanja, J. O. Agano & D. Moore, 2000. Occurrence of Beauveria bassiana on insect pests of stored maize in Kenya. Journal of Stored Products Research, 36: 177-185.
  • Padin, S., G. D. Bello & M. Fabrizio, 2002. Grain loss caused by Tribolium castaneum, Sitophilus oryzae and Acanthoscelides obtectus in stored durum wheat and beans treated with Beauveria bassiana. Journal of Stored Products Research, 38: 69-74.
  • Pedrini, N., A. Ortiz-Urquiza, C. Huarte-Bonnet, Y. Fan, M. P. Juarez, N. O. Keyhani, 2015. Tenebrionid secretions and a fungal benzoquione form competing components of an arms race between a host and pathogen. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112: E3651-E3660.
  • Ortiz-Urquiza, A. & N. O. Keyhani, 2013. Action on the surface: Entomopathogenic fungi versus the insect cuticle. Insects, 4: 357-374.
  • Ortiz-Urquiza, A. & N. O. Keyhani, 2015. Stress response signaling and virulence: Insights from entomopathogenic fungi. Current Genetics, 61: 239-249.
  • Rees, D., 2004. Insects of Stored Products. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood Australia, 192 pp.
  • Rehner, S. A., A. M. Minnis, G. Sung, J. J. Luangsa-ard, L. Devotto & R. A. Humber, 2011. Phylogeny and systematics of the anamorphic, entomopathogenic genus Beauveria. Mycologia, 103: 1055-1073.
  • Riasat, T., W. Wakil, M. Ashfaq & S. T. Sahi, 2011. Effect of Beauveria bassiana mixed with diatomaceous earth on mortality, mycosis and sporulation of Rhyzopertha dominica on stored wheat. Phytoparasitica, 39: 325-331.
  • Riasat, T., W. Wakil, M. Yasin & Y. J. Kwon, 2013. Mixing of Isaria fumosorosea with enhanced diatomaceous earth and bitterbarkomycin for control of Rhyzopertha dominica. Entomological Research, 43: 215-223.
  • Rice, W. C. & R. R. Cogburn, 1999. Activity of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana against three coleopteran pests of stored grain. Journal of Economic Entomology, 92: 691-694.
  • Sewify, G. H., H. A. El Shabrawy, M. E. Eweis & M. H. Naroz, 2014. Efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae for controlling certain stored product insects. Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 24: 191-196.
  • Shafighi, Y., M. Ziaee & Y. Ghosta, 2014. Diatomaceous earth used against insect pests, applied alone or in combination with Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana. Journal of Plant Protection Research, 54: 62-66.
  • Shams, G., M. H. Safaralizadeh, S. Imani, M. Shojai & S. Aramideh, 2011. A laboratory assessment of the potential of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana (Beauvarin) to control Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and Sitophilus granarius (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). African Journal of Microbiology Research, 5: 1192-1196.
  • Sirohi, S. K., P. K. Choudhury, S. S. Dagar, A. K. Puniya, D. Singh, 2013. Isolation, characterization and fibre degradation potential of anaerobic rumen fungi from cattle. Annals of Microbiology, 63: 1187-1194.
  • Stejskal, V., J. Hubert, R. Aulicky & Z. Kucerova, 2015. Overview of present and past and pest-associated risks in stored food and feed products: European perspective. Journal of Stored Products Research, 64: 122-132.
  • Wakefield, M. E., P. D. Cox, D. Moore, M. Aquino de Muro & B. A. Bell, 2005. “Mycopest: results and perspectives, 17-27”. Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of COST Action 842 Working Group IV, Locorotondo, Italy. 70 pp.
  • Wakefield, M. E., 2006. “Factors affecting storage insect susceptibility to the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana, 855-862”. Proceedings of the 9th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection, 15-18 October 2006, Brazil.
  • Wakil, W. & M. U. Ghazanfar, 2010. Entomopathogenic fungus as a biological control agent against Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae) on stored wheat. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 43: 1236-1242.
  • Wakil, W. & T. Schmitt, 2014. Field trials on the efficacy of Beauveria bassiana, diatomaceous earth and Imidacloprid for the protection of wheat grains from four major stored grain insect pests. Journal of Stored Products Research, 64: 160-167.
  • Wakil, W., M. U. Ghazanfar & M. Yasin, 2014. Naturally occurring entomopathogenic fungi infecting stored grain insect species in Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Insect Science,14: 182. DOI: 10.1093/jisesa/ieu044.
  • Wakil, W., T. Riasat, M. U. Ghazanfar, Y. J. Kwon & F. A. Shaheen, 2011. Aptness of Beauveria bassiana and enhanced diatomaceous earth (DEBBM) for control of Rhyzopertha dominica F. Entomological Research, 41: 233-241.
  • White, T. J., T. Bruns, S. Lee & J. Taylor, 1990. “Amplification and Direct Sequencing of Fungal Ribosomal RNA Genes for Phylogenetics, 315-322”. In: PCR Protocols: A Guide to Methods and Applications (Eds: M. A. Innis, D. H. Gelfand, J. J. Sninsky & T. J. White). Academic Press, San Diego, 482 pp.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Kubilay Er

Hasan Tunaz

Ceyda Ücük Bu kişi benim

Cebrail Barış

Ali Arda Işıkber

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Temmuz 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Mart 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 40 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Er, M. K., Tunaz, H., Ücük, C., Barış, C., vd. (2016). Occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi on insect pests of stored wheat and maize in Central and South Anatolia in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 40(3).
AMA Er MK, Tunaz H, Ücük C, Barış C, Işıkber AA. Occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi on insect pests of stored wheat and maize in Central and South Anatolia in Turkey. TED. Ağustos 2016;40(3).
Chicago Er, Mehmet Kubilay, Hasan Tunaz, Ceyda Ücük, Cebrail Barış, ve Ali Arda Işıkber. “Occurrence of Entomopathogenic Fungi on Insect Pests of Stored Wheat and Maize in Central and South Anatolia in Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Entomology 40, sy. 3 (Ağustos 2016).
EndNote Er MK, Tunaz H, Ücük C, Barış C, Işıkber AA (01 Ağustos 2016) Occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi on insect pests of stored wheat and maize in Central and South Anatolia in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Entomology 40 3
IEEE M. K. Er, H. Tunaz, C. Ücük, C. Barış, ve A. A. Işıkber, “Occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi on insect pests of stored wheat and maize in Central and South Anatolia in Turkey”, TED, c. 40, sy. 3, 2016.
ISNAD Er, Mehmet Kubilay vd. “Occurrence of Entomopathogenic Fungi on Insect Pests of Stored Wheat and Maize in Central and South Anatolia in Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Entomology 40/3 (Ağustos 2016).
JAMA Er MK, Tunaz H, Ücük C, Barış C, Işıkber AA. Occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi on insect pests of stored wheat and maize in Central and South Anatolia in Turkey. TED. 2016;40.
MLA Er, Mehmet Kubilay vd. “Occurrence of Entomopathogenic Fungi on Insect Pests of Stored Wheat and Maize in Central and South Anatolia in Turkey”. Turkish Journal of Entomology, c. 40, sy. 3, 2016.
Vancouver Er MK, Tunaz H, Ücük C, Barış C, Işıkber AA. Occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi on insect pests of stored wheat and maize in Central and South Anatolia in Turkey. TED. 2016;40(3).