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Functional response of Oenopia conglobata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) (Homoptera: Aphididae) in three different size arenas Üç farklı büyüklükteki alanda Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) (Homoptera: Aphididae) üzerinde beslenen Oenopia conglobata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)'nın işlevsel tepkisi

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 2, 91 - 100, 01.04.2005



  • Anonymous, 1998. Statistical analises software. User's manual, version 8.01. SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA.
  • Atlıhan, R., E. Denizhan & B. Yaşar, 1999. Effects of different preys on development and fecundity of Scymnus subvillosus Goeze (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Proc. IV Turkish National Congress of Biological Control (Adana, Turkey), 397-406 (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Atlıhan, R. & M. S. Özgökçe, 2002. Development, fecundity and prey consumption of Exochomus nigromaculatus feeding on Hyalopterus pruni. Phytoparasitica, 30 (5): 443-450.
  • Basky, Zs., 1982. Predators and parasites of Hyalopterus pruni and Hyalopterus amygdali populations living on peach, plum and reed. Acta Phyto. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, 17 (3-4): 311-316.
  • Blackman, R. L. & V. E. Eastop, 1984. Aphids on the world's crops: An identification and information guide. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. Çanakçıoğlu, H., 1975. The Aphidoidea of Turkey. The Forestry Faculty of Istanbul Univ., Publ. No: 189, Istanbul.
  • Dixon, A.F.G., 1987. The way of life of aphids: Host specificity, speciation and distribution. In: Minsk, A.K., Harrewijn, P. Systematics Vol. A Aphids Their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control (Eds.) Elsevier, Tokyo, 197-207.
  • Erol, T. & R. Atlıhan, 1995. Studies on the biology of Adalia fasciatopunctata revelierei (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feeding on some aphid species (Homoptera: Aphididae, Callaphididae). Turk. J. Entomol., 19 (4): 277-286 (Turkish, with English summary) . Erol, T. & B. Yasar, 1996. Studies on determination of harmful and beneficial fauna in the apple orchards in Van province. Turk. J. Entomol., 20 (4): 281-293. (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Fan, Y. & F. L. Petitt, 1994. Parameter estimation of the fonctional response. Environ. Entomol., 23: 785-794.
  • Frazer, B.D., 1988. Predators. In: Minsk, A.K., Harrewijn, P. (Eds.), Systematics Vol. A Aphids Their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control. Elsevier, Tokyo, pp 217-230.
  • Gitonga, L.M., W.A. Overholt, B. Löhr, J.K. Magambo & J.M. Mueke, 2002. Fuctional response of Orius albidipennis (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) to Megalurothrips sjostedti (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Biol. Control., 24: (1-6).
  • Heimpel, G.E. & J. A. Hough-Goldstein, 1994. Components of the fonctional response of Perillus bioculatus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Environ. Entomol., 23: 855-859.
  • Hodek, I., 1973. Biology of Coccinellidae. Junk, The Hague, the Netherlands.
  • Holling, C.S., 1959. The components of predation as revealed by a study of small mammalpredation European pine sawfly. Can Entomol., 91: 293-320.
  • Holling, C.S., 1966. The fuctional response of invertebrate predators to prey density. Mem. Entomol. Soc. Canada, 48: 1-86.
  • Iperti, G., 1999. Biodiversity of predaceus Coccinellidae in relation to bioindication and economic importance. Agriculture, Ecosys. Environ., 74: 323-342.
  • Kasap I. & B. Yasar, 1996. Studies on the life table of Exochomus nigromaculatus Goeze (Col.: Coccinellidae) feeding on Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffr.) (Hom.: Aphididae)
  • and Chaitophorus leucomelas Koch. (Hom.: Chaitophoridae). Proc. III. Turkish National Congress of Entomology (Ankara, Turkey), 675-681 (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Kaydan, M.B. & B. Yasar, 1999. The determining of the numerical and functional responses and the duration of resistance to hungry of Scymnus apetzi (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feeding on Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) (Hom.: Aphididae).
  • Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural, Yuzuncu Yıl University, 9: 29-35. (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Kumar, N., A. Kumar & C. P. M. Tripathi, 2002. Satiation time and appetive revival of Coccinella septempunctata L. (Col., Coccinellidae) a predator of Lipaphis erysimi Kalt. (Hom., Aphididae). J. Appl. Ent., 126: 46-49.
  • Luck, R. F., 1984. Principles of arthropod predation. In: C.B. Huffaker and R. I. Rabb, “Ecological Entomology” (Eds.), pp. 497-530. Wiley, NY.
  • Messina, F.J. & J. B. Hanks, 1998. Host plant alters the shape of the functional response of an aphid predator (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Environ. Entomol., 27: 1196- 1202.
  • Munyaneza, J. & J. J. Obrycki, 1997. Functional response of Coleomegilla maculata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) to Colorado potato beetle eggs (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Biol. Control., 8: 215-224.
  • Ofuya, T. & A. E. Akingbohungbe, 1988. Functional and numerical response of Cheilomenes lunata (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feeding on the cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch (Homoptera: Aphididae) Insect Sci. & Appl., 9 (4): 543-546.
  • Öncüer, C., 1991. A catalogue of the parasites and predators of insect pests of Turkey. Pub. No. 505, Agriculture Faculty, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Özgen, I. & B. Yaşar, 1999. Effect on different mating numbers on life table parameters of Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feeding on Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) (Homoptera: Aphididae). Proc. IV Turkish National Congress of Biological Control (Adana, Turkey), 385-396 (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Rogers, D., 1972. Random search and insect population models. J. Anim. Ecol., 41: 369- 383.
  • Shukla, A.N, R. Sing & C. Tripathi, 1990. Effect of predation period on the functional response of Coccinella septempunctata Linn. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) a predator of Lipaphis erysimi Kalt. (Hemiptera: Aphididae). J. Advan. Zool., 11 (1):, 27-32.
  • Toros, S., B. Yasar, M. S. Ozgokce, & I. Kasap, 1996. Studies on determination of Aphidoidea species in Van province. Proc. III Turkish National Entomological Congress (Ankara, Turkey), 549-556 (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Uygun, N., 1981. Taksonomische untersuchungen über die Coccinelliden fauna (Coleoptera) der Türkei. Çukurova University, Agricultural Faculty Publ. No: 157, Adana. (Turkish, with German summary).
  • Uygun, N. & R. Atlıhan, 2000. The effect of temparature on development and fecundity of Scymnus levaillanthi. Biol. Control., 45: 453-462.
  • Wang, J.J. & J. H. Tsai, 2001. Development and functional response of Coleophora inaequalis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feeding on brown citrus aphid, Toxoptera citricida (Homoptera: Aphididae). Agri. Forest. Entomol., 3: 65-69.
  • Wiedenmann, R.N. & R. J. O’Neil, 1991. Laboratory measurement of the functional response of Podisus maculiventris (Say) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Environ. Entomol., 20: 610-614.
  • Williams, F.M. & S. A. Juliano, 1996. Functional responses revised. Environ. Entomol., 25: 549-550.
  • Yaşar, B., M. S. Özgökce, 1994. The life tables of Hippodamia variegata (Goeze) and Synharmonia conglobata (L.) (Col.: Coccinellidae) feeding on Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) (Hom.: Aphididae) and their resisting period to hungry in laboratory conditions. Yuzuncu Yıl University, J. Agricultural Faculty, 4: 31- 44.
  • Yaşar, B., M. S. Özgökçe & I. Kasap, 1999. Investigations on the predator species belong to Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) family occurred in Van province. Proc. IV Turkish National Congress of Biological Control (Adana, Turkey), 445-454 (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Yaşar, B., E. Denizhan & G. Aydın, 2000. The determining of the numerical and development responses and resistance to starvation of Semiadalia undecimnotata (Schneider) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feeding on Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffr.)(Homoptera: Aphididae) Proc. IV Turkish National Entomological Congress (Aydın, Turkey), (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Zhao, D. & C. S. Holling, 1986. Studies on predation of the Coccinellid beetle, Scymnus hoffmanni Weise to cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover. I. Functional response of Scymnus hoffmanni to cotton aphid. Contributions from Shangei Institute of Entomology, 6: 43-57.

Üç farklı büyüklükteki alanda Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) (Homoptera: Aphididae) üzerinde beslenen Oenopia conglobata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)’nın işlevsel tepkisi

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 2, 91 - 100, 01.04.2005


Bu çalışmada Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy)’nin 20, 40, 80, 160 ve 320 av yoğunluklarında
6,8 ve 12 cm’lik petrilerde beslenen Oenopia conglobata (L)’nın işlevsel tepkisi
Üç farklı çapta petri kaplarında beslenen avcı böceğin tüm larva dönemlerinde
tükettikleri av sayıları arasında istatistiki olarak fark olmamasına karşılık, ergin dişilerde petri
çapı arttıkça tüketilen av sayısı da artmıştır. Avını yakalama süresi ve arama oranı larva
dönemleri arttıkça azalmış ve ergin dişide en az olmuştur. Petri çaplarına göre ise avını
yakalama süreleri arasında bir fark görülmezken, alan arttıkça avını arama oranı da artmıştır.


  • Anonymous, 1998. Statistical analises software. User's manual, version 8.01. SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA.
  • Atlıhan, R., E. Denizhan & B. Yaşar, 1999. Effects of different preys on development and fecundity of Scymnus subvillosus Goeze (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Proc. IV Turkish National Congress of Biological Control (Adana, Turkey), 397-406 (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Atlıhan, R. & M. S. Özgökçe, 2002. Development, fecundity and prey consumption of Exochomus nigromaculatus feeding on Hyalopterus pruni. Phytoparasitica, 30 (5): 443-450.
  • Basky, Zs., 1982. Predators and parasites of Hyalopterus pruni and Hyalopterus amygdali populations living on peach, plum and reed. Acta Phyto. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, 17 (3-4): 311-316.
  • Blackman, R. L. & V. E. Eastop, 1984. Aphids on the world's crops: An identification and information guide. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. Çanakçıoğlu, H., 1975. The Aphidoidea of Turkey. The Forestry Faculty of Istanbul Univ., Publ. No: 189, Istanbul.
  • Dixon, A.F.G., 1987. The way of life of aphids: Host specificity, speciation and distribution. In: Minsk, A.K., Harrewijn, P. Systematics Vol. A Aphids Their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control (Eds.) Elsevier, Tokyo, 197-207.
  • Erol, T. & R. Atlıhan, 1995. Studies on the biology of Adalia fasciatopunctata revelierei (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feeding on some aphid species (Homoptera: Aphididae, Callaphididae). Turk. J. Entomol., 19 (4): 277-286 (Turkish, with English summary) . Erol, T. & B. Yasar, 1996. Studies on determination of harmful and beneficial fauna in the apple orchards in Van province. Turk. J. Entomol., 20 (4): 281-293. (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Fan, Y. & F. L. Petitt, 1994. Parameter estimation of the fonctional response. Environ. Entomol., 23: 785-794.
  • Frazer, B.D., 1988. Predators. In: Minsk, A.K., Harrewijn, P. (Eds.), Systematics Vol. A Aphids Their Biology, Natural Enemies and Control. Elsevier, Tokyo, pp 217-230.
  • Gitonga, L.M., W.A. Overholt, B. Löhr, J.K. Magambo & J.M. Mueke, 2002. Fuctional response of Orius albidipennis (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) to Megalurothrips sjostedti (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Biol. Control., 24: (1-6).
  • Heimpel, G.E. & J. A. Hough-Goldstein, 1994. Components of the fonctional response of Perillus bioculatus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Environ. Entomol., 23: 855-859.
  • Hodek, I., 1973. Biology of Coccinellidae. Junk, The Hague, the Netherlands.
  • Holling, C.S., 1959. The components of predation as revealed by a study of small mammalpredation European pine sawfly. Can Entomol., 91: 293-320.
  • Holling, C.S., 1966. The fuctional response of invertebrate predators to prey density. Mem. Entomol. Soc. Canada, 48: 1-86.
  • Iperti, G., 1999. Biodiversity of predaceus Coccinellidae in relation to bioindication and economic importance. Agriculture, Ecosys. Environ., 74: 323-342.
  • Kasap I. & B. Yasar, 1996. Studies on the life table of Exochomus nigromaculatus Goeze (Col.: Coccinellidae) feeding on Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffr.) (Hom.: Aphididae)
  • and Chaitophorus leucomelas Koch. (Hom.: Chaitophoridae). Proc. III. Turkish National Congress of Entomology (Ankara, Turkey), 675-681 (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Kaydan, M.B. & B. Yasar, 1999. The determining of the numerical and functional responses and the duration of resistance to hungry of Scymnus apetzi (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feeding on Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) (Hom.: Aphididae).
  • Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural, Yuzuncu Yıl University, 9: 29-35. (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Kumar, N., A. Kumar & C. P. M. Tripathi, 2002. Satiation time and appetive revival of Coccinella septempunctata L. (Col., Coccinellidae) a predator of Lipaphis erysimi Kalt. (Hom., Aphididae). J. Appl. Ent., 126: 46-49.
  • Luck, R. F., 1984. Principles of arthropod predation. In: C.B. Huffaker and R. I. Rabb, “Ecological Entomology” (Eds.), pp. 497-530. Wiley, NY.
  • Messina, F.J. & J. B. Hanks, 1998. Host plant alters the shape of the functional response of an aphid predator (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Environ. Entomol., 27: 1196- 1202.
  • Munyaneza, J. & J. J. Obrycki, 1997. Functional response of Coleomegilla maculata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) to Colorado potato beetle eggs (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Biol. Control., 8: 215-224.
  • Ofuya, T. & A. E. Akingbohungbe, 1988. Functional and numerical response of Cheilomenes lunata (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feeding on the cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch (Homoptera: Aphididae) Insect Sci. & Appl., 9 (4): 543-546.
  • Öncüer, C., 1991. A catalogue of the parasites and predators of insect pests of Turkey. Pub. No. 505, Agriculture Faculty, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Özgen, I. & B. Yaşar, 1999. Effect on different mating numbers on life table parameters of Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feeding on Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) (Homoptera: Aphididae). Proc. IV Turkish National Congress of Biological Control (Adana, Turkey), 385-396 (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Rogers, D., 1972. Random search and insect population models. J. Anim. Ecol., 41: 369- 383.
  • Shukla, A.N, R. Sing & C. Tripathi, 1990. Effect of predation period on the functional response of Coccinella septempunctata Linn. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) a predator of Lipaphis erysimi Kalt. (Hemiptera: Aphididae). J. Advan. Zool., 11 (1):, 27-32.
  • Toros, S., B. Yasar, M. S. Ozgokce, & I. Kasap, 1996. Studies on determination of Aphidoidea species in Van province. Proc. III Turkish National Entomological Congress (Ankara, Turkey), 549-556 (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Uygun, N., 1981. Taksonomische untersuchungen über die Coccinelliden fauna (Coleoptera) der Türkei. Çukurova University, Agricultural Faculty Publ. No: 157, Adana. (Turkish, with German summary).
  • Uygun, N. & R. Atlıhan, 2000. The effect of temparature on development and fecundity of Scymnus levaillanthi. Biol. Control., 45: 453-462.
  • Wang, J.J. & J. H. Tsai, 2001. Development and functional response of Coleophora inaequalis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feeding on brown citrus aphid, Toxoptera citricida (Homoptera: Aphididae). Agri. Forest. Entomol., 3: 65-69.
  • Wiedenmann, R.N. & R. J. O’Neil, 1991. Laboratory measurement of the functional response of Podisus maculiventris (Say) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Environ. Entomol., 20: 610-614.
  • Williams, F.M. & S. A. Juliano, 1996. Functional responses revised. Environ. Entomol., 25: 549-550.
  • Yaşar, B., M. S. Özgökce, 1994. The life tables of Hippodamia variegata (Goeze) and Synharmonia conglobata (L.) (Col.: Coccinellidae) feeding on Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) (Hom.: Aphididae) and their resisting period to hungry in laboratory conditions. Yuzuncu Yıl University, J. Agricultural Faculty, 4: 31- 44.
  • Yaşar, B., M. S. Özgökçe & I. Kasap, 1999. Investigations on the predator species belong to Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) family occurred in Van province. Proc. IV Turkish National Congress of Biological Control (Adana, Turkey), 445-454 (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Yaşar, B., E. Denizhan & G. Aydın, 2000. The determining of the numerical and development responses and resistance to starvation of Semiadalia undecimnotata (Schneider) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) feeding on Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffr.)(Homoptera: Aphididae) Proc. IV Turkish National Entomological Congress (Aydın, Turkey), (Turkish, with English summary).
  • Zhao, D. & C. S. Holling, 1986. Studies on predation of the Coccinellid beetle, Scymnus hoffmanni Weise to cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover. I. Functional response of Scymnus hoffmanni to cotton aphid. Contributions from Shangei Institute of Entomology, 6: 43-57.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Bülent Yaşar Bu kişi benim

Şenay Özger Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2005
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Şubat 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Cilt: 29 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Yaşar, B. ., & Özger, Ş. . (2005). Üç farklı büyüklükteki alanda Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) (Homoptera: Aphididae) üzerinde beslenen Oenopia conglobata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)’nın işlevsel tepkisi. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 29(2), 91-100.
AMA Yaşar B, Özger Ş. Üç farklı büyüklükteki alanda Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) (Homoptera: Aphididae) üzerinde beslenen Oenopia conglobata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)’nın işlevsel tepkisi. TED. Nisan 2005;29(2):91-100.
Chicago Yaşar, Bülent, ve Şenay Özger. “Üç Farklı büyüklükteki Alanda Hyalopterus Pruni (Geoffroy) (Homoptera: Aphididae) üzerinde Beslenen Oenopia Conglobata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)’nın işlevsel Tepkisi”. Turkish Journal of Entomology 29, sy. 2 (Nisan 2005): 91-100.
EndNote Yaşar B, Özger Ş (01 Nisan 2005) Üç farklı büyüklükteki alanda Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) (Homoptera: Aphididae) üzerinde beslenen Oenopia conglobata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)’nın işlevsel tepkisi. Turkish Journal of Entomology 29 2 91–100.
IEEE B. . Yaşar ve Ş. . Özger, “Üç farklı büyüklükteki alanda Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) (Homoptera: Aphididae) üzerinde beslenen Oenopia conglobata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)’nın işlevsel tepkisi”, TED, c. 29, sy. 2, ss. 91–100, 2005.
ISNAD Yaşar, Bülent - Özger, Şenay. “Üç Farklı büyüklükteki Alanda Hyalopterus Pruni (Geoffroy) (Homoptera: Aphididae) üzerinde Beslenen Oenopia Conglobata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)’nın işlevsel Tepkisi”. Turkish Journal of Entomology 29/2 (Nisan 2005), 91-100.
JAMA Yaşar B, Özger Ş. Üç farklı büyüklükteki alanda Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) (Homoptera: Aphididae) üzerinde beslenen Oenopia conglobata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)’nın işlevsel tepkisi. TED. 2005;29:91–100.
MLA Yaşar, Bülent ve Şenay Özger. “Üç Farklı büyüklükteki Alanda Hyalopterus Pruni (Geoffroy) (Homoptera: Aphididae) üzerinde Beslenen Oenopia Conglobata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)’nın işlevsel Tepkisi”. Turkish Journal of Entomology, c. 29, sy. 2, 2005, ss. 91-100.
Vancouver Yaşar B, Özger Ş. Üç farklı büyüklükteki alanda Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy) (Homoptera: Aphididae) üzerinde beslenen Oenopia conglobata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)’nın işlevsel tepkisi. TED. 2005;29(2):91-100.