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Poecilimon cervus Karabağ, 1950 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) yumurta yapısı ve ultrastrüktürel özellikleri

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 4, 549 - 556, 01.08.2012



  • Arbogast, R. T. & R. V. Byrd, 1982. The egg of the cadelle, Tenebroides mauritanicus (L.) (Coleoptera: Trogositidae): Fine structure of the chorion. Entomological News, 93 (3): 61-66.
  • Barbier, R. & G. Chauvin, 1974. Ultrastructure et rôle des aéropyles et des enveloppes de I'oeuf de Galleria mellonella. Journal of Insect Physiology, 20: 809-820.
  • Buckner, J. S., T. P. Freeman, R. L. Ruud, C. C. Chu & T. J. Henneberry, 2002. Characterization and functions of the whitefly egg pedicel. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 49 (1): 22-33.
  • Bundy, C. S. & J. E. McPherson, 2005. Morphological examination of the egg of Mecidea major (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Southwestern Entomologist, 30 (1): 41-45.
  • Candan, S., 1998a. Palomena prasina (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) yumurtalarının dış morfolojisi. Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11 (4): 791-800.
  • Candan, S., 1998b. Piezodorus lituratus (F.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) yumurtalarının dış morfolojisi. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 22 (4): 307-313.
  • Candan, S. & Z. Suludere, 1999a. External morphology of eggs of Carpocoris pudicus (Poda, 1761) (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 1 (2): 21-26.
  • Candan, S. & Z. Suludere, 1999b. Chorionic structure of Graphosoma lineatum (Linneaus, 1758) (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 1 (3): 1-7.
  • Candan, S. & Z. Suludere, 2000. External morphology of eggs of Carpocoris fuscispinus (Boheman, 1851) (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13 (2): 485-491.
  • Candan, S. & Z. Suludere, 2006. Chorion morphology of eggs of Aelia albovittata Fieber, 1868 and Aelia rostrata Boheman, 1852 (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 8 (1): 61-71.
  • Candan, S. & Z. Suludere, 2010. Surface morphology of eggs of Apodiphus amygdale (Germar, 1817) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Turkish Journal of Entomology, 34 (1): 67-74.
  • Candan, S., Z. Suludere, A. Hasbenli, N. Çağıran, R. Lavigne & A. Scarbrough, 2004. Ultrastructure of the chorion of Dioctria flavipennis Meigen, 1820 (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae) compared with those of fourteen Asilid species from the Mid-Atlantic Region of North America. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 106 (4): 811-825.
  • Carcupino, M. & A. Lucchi, 1995. Eggshell fine structure of Bradysia aprica (Winnertz) (Diptera: Sciaridae). International Journal of Insect Morphology & Embryology, 24 (1): 109-117.
  • Clark Sellick, J. T., 1988. The capitula of phasmid eggs: an update with a review of the current state of phasmid ootaxonomy. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 93 (3): 273-282.
  • Clark Sellick, J. T., 1997. Descriptive terminology of the phasmid egg capsule, with an extended key to the phasmid genera based on egg structure. Systematic Entomology, 22: 97-122.
  • Çıplak, B. & A. Demirsoy, 1996. Caelifera (Orthoptera: Insecta) alttakımının Türkiye’deki endemizm durumu. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 20 (3): 241-246.
  • Çıplak, B., A. Demirsoy, B. Yalım & H. Sevgili, 2002. Türkiye Orthoptera (= Düzkanatlılar = Çekirgeler) Faunası. Genel Zoocoğrafya ve Türkiye Zoocoğrafyası: Hayvan Coğrafyası (ed. A. Demirsoy), 5. baskı, Meteksan A.Ş., Ankara, 681-707.
  • Demirsoy, A., S. Salman & H. Sevgili, 2002. Novadrymadusa, a new genus of bushcricket with a new species and notes on related genera (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Journal of Orthoptera Research, 11: 175-183.
  • Demirsoy, A., 2006. Yaşamın Temel Kuralları, Omurgasızlar/Böcekler (Entomoloji), Cilt II-Kısım II. Meteksan A. Ş., Çankaya, Ankara, 941 s.
  • Fausto, A. M., M. Maroli & M. Mazzini, 1991. Ootaxonomy investigation of three sandfly species (Diptera: Psychodidae) from Italy. Parasitologia, 33 (Suppl.): 225-228.
  • Fausto, A. M., M. Maroli & M. Mazzini, 1992. Ootaxonomy and eggshell structure of Phlebotomus sandflies. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 6 (3): 201-208.
  • Fausto, A. M., D. M. Feliciangeli, M. Maroli & M., Mazzini, 2001. Ootaxonomic investigation of five Lutzomyia species (Diptera, Psychodidae) from Venezuela. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 96 (2): 197-204 .
  • Fehrenbach, H., 1995. Egg-shells of Lepidoptera. Fine structure and phylogenetic implications. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 234 (1): 19-41.
  • Gaino, E., C. Belfiore, M. Mazzini, 1987. Ootaxonomic investigation of the Italian species of the genus Electrogena (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae)”, Bollettino di Zoologia, 54 (2): 169-175.
  • Hartley, J. C., 1961. The shell of Acridid eggs. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 102 (2): 249-255.
  • Hartley, J. C., 1962. The egg of Tetrix (Tetrigidae, Orthoptera), with a discussion on the probable significance of the anterior horn. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 103 (2): 253-259.
  • Hartley, J. C., 1971. The respirotary system of the egg-shell of Homorocoryphus nitidulus vicinus (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae). The Journal of Experimental Biology, 55:165-176.
  • Hasbenli, A., Z. Suludere, S. Candan & F. Bayrakdar, 2008. Chorionic structure of the eggs of five Laphriinae species (Diptera: Asilidae) from Turkey . Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 10 (3): 47-60.
  • Heller, K. G., O. Korsunovskaya, D.R. Ragge, V. Vedenina, F. Willemse, R.D. Zhantiev, & L. Frantsevich, 1998. Check-list of European Orthoptera. Articulata 7: 1-61.
  • Hinton, H. E., 1981. Biology of Insect Eggs, Volume II. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 778 s.
  • Jahn, T. L., 1935. The nature and permeability of the grasshopper egg membranes. II. The chemical composition of the membranes. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine . N. Y., 33: 159.
  • Karabağ, T., 1950. Five new species of Poecilimon Fischer (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) from Turkey. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series B, Taxonomy, 19: 150-155.
  • Marini, M. & G. Campadelli, 1994. Ootaxonomy of Goniini (Diptera Tachinidae) with microtype eggs. Bollettino di Zoologia, 61 (3): 271-283.
  • Matesco, V. C., B. B. R. J. Furstenau, J. L. C. Bernardes,. C. F. Schwertner & J. Grazia, 2009. Morphological features of the eggs of Pentatomidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Zootaxa, 1984: 1-30.
  • Mazzini, M., 1978. Fine structure of the insect micropyle-IV. Identification of Orthopteran Tettigonioidea eggs by the examination of chorion structures. Redia, 59: 109-134.
  • Sahlen, G., 1995. Transmission electron microscopy of the eggshell in five damselflies (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae, Megapodagrionidae, Calopterygidae). Odonatologica, 24 (3): 311-318.
  • Salkeld, E. H. 1983. A catalogue of the eggs of some Canadian Geometridae (Lepidoptera), with comments. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, 126: 3-271.
  • Salkeld, E. H. 1984. A Catalogue of the eggs of some Canadian Noctuidae (Lepidoptera). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, 127: 1-167.
  • Sarashina, I., T. Mito, M. Saito, H. Uneme, K. Miyawaki, Y. Shinmyo, H. Ohuchi & S. Noji, 2005. Location of micropyles and early embryonic development of the two-spotted cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (Insecta, Orthoptera). Development Growth & Differentiation, 47: 99-108.
  • Shuzi, R., 1985. Fine surface structure of eggs and classification of five species of Coptosoma Laporte. La Animala Mondo, 2 (3-4): 235-243.
  • Slifer, E. H. & S. S. Sekhon, 1963. The fine structure of the membranes which cover the egg of the grasshopper, Melanoplus differentialis, with special reference to the hydropyle. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 104: 321-334.
  • Suludere, Z., S. Candan & Y. Kalender, 1999. Chorionic sculpturing in eggs of six species of Eurydema (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae): A scanning electron microscope investigation. Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 1 (2): 27-56.
  • Suludere, Z., S. Candan, Y. Kalender & A. Hasbenli, 2000. Ultrastructure of the chorion of Machimus rusticus (Meigen, 1820) (Diptera, Asilidae). Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 2 (2): 63-71.
  • Suludere, Z., S. Canbulat & S. Candan, 2009. External morphology of eggs of Macronemurus bilineatus and Megistopus flavicornis (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae): A scanning electron microscopy study. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 33 (4): 387-392.
  • Şahin, İ., K. Bitmiş & O. Erman, 2004. Pezodrymadusa lata (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)’nın dişi üreme sistemindeki anatomik ve histolojik yapısı. Fırat Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 16 (1): 17-24.
  • Ünal, 2011. Turkish Orthoptera Site. (Web sayfası: (Erişim tarihi: Ocak, 2012).
  • Viscuso, R., G. Longo & A. Giuffrida, 1990. Ultrastructural features of chorion and micropyles in eggs of Eyprepocnemis plorans (Orthoptera, Acrididae). Bollettino di Zoologia, 57: 303-308.

Structure of the egg of Poecilimon cervus Karabağ, 1950 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) and ultra structural features

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 4, 549 - 556, 01.08.2012


Bu çalışmada, bir Tettigoniidae (Orthoptera) türü olan Poecilimon cervus Karabağ yumurta yapısı taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM) ve geçirmeli elektron mikroskobu (TEM) kullanılarak incelenmiştir. P. cervus bireyleri Kargasekmez’de, (Kızılcahamam, Ankara) bulunan meşe ormanlarından 2009 yılında toplanmış ve yumurtalar labaratuvar şartlarında elde edilmiştir. P. cervus yumurtaları yaklaşık 3,4 x 1,3 mm büyüklüğünde, bilateral simetrili ve uzamış oval yapıdadır. Yumurta üzerinde belirgin koryonik çokgen desenlenmeleri bulunmaktadır. Posterior kutba yakın bölgedeki mikropilar alanda 9-18 mikropil açıklığı bulunmaktadır. Anterior kutuptan posterior kutba kadar bir kaburga bölgesi tüm yumurtayı mikropil alanı haricinde sarmaktadır. Yumurta koryonu dıştan içe doğru ekzokoryon ve endokoryon tabakalarından oluşmaktadır. Ekzokoryon çok sayıda koryonik sütunlar ve hava odalarına sahiptir. Sütunların içerisinde ekzokoryon ve endokoryon arasındaki bağlantıyı sağlayan ince kanallar bulunmaktadır. Endokoryon tabakası por kanalları taşıyan daha sıkı bir tabakadır. Endokoryonun alt yüzeyinde tek sıralı kısa sütunlu ince bir tabaka bulunmaktadır


  • Arbogast, R. T. & R. V. Byrd, 1982. The egg of the cadelle, Tenebroides mauritanicus (L.) (Coleoptera: Trogositidae): Fine structure of the chorion. Entomological News, 93 (3): 61-66.
  • Barbier, R. & G. Chauvin, 1974. Ultrastructure et rôle des aéropyles et des enveloppes de I'oeuf de Galleria mellonella. Journal of Insect Physiology, 20: 809-820.
  • Buckner, J. S., T. P. Freeman, R. L. Ruud, C. C. Chu & T. J. Henneberry, 2002. Characterization and functions of the whitefly egg pedicel. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 49 (1): 22-33.
  • Bundy, C. S. & J. E. McPherson, 2005. Morphological examination of the egg of Mecidea major (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Southwestern Entomologist, 30 (1): 41-45.
  • Candan, S., 1998a. Palomena prasina (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) yumurtalarının dış morfolojisi. Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11 (4): 791-800.
  • Candan, S., 1998b. Piezodorus lituratus (F.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) yumurtalarının dış morfolojisi. Türkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 22 (4): 307-313.
  • Candan, S. & Z. Suludere, 1999a. External morphology of eggs of Carpocoris pudicus (Poda, 1761) (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 1 (2): 21-26.
  • Candan, S. & Z. Suludere, 1999b. Chorionic structure of Graphosoma lineatum (Linneaus, 1758) (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 1 (3): 1-7.
  • Candan, S. & Z. Suludere, 2000. External morphology of eggs of Carpocoris fuscispinus (Boheman, 1851) (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 13 (2): 485-491.
  • Candan, S. & Z. Suludere, 2006. Chorion morphology of eggs of Aelia albovittata Fieber, 1868 and Aelia rostrata Boheman, 1852 (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 8 (1): 61-71.
  • Candan, S. & Z. Suludere, 2010. Surface morphology of eggs of Apodiphus amygdale (Germar, 1817) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Turkish Journal of Entomology, 34 (1): 67-74.
  • Candan, S., Z. Suludere, A. Hasbenli, N. Çağıran, R. Lavigne & A. Scarbrough, 2004. Ultrastructure of the chorion of Dioctria flavipennis Meigen, 1820 (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae) compared with those of fourteen Asilid species from the Mid-Atlantic Region of North America. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 106 (4): 811-825.
  • Carcupino, M. & A. Lucchi, 1995. Eggshell fine structure of Bradysia aprica (Winnertz) (Diptera: Sciaridae). International Journal of Insect Morphology & Embryology, 24 (1): 109-117.
  • Clark Sellick, J. T., 1988. The capitula of phasmid eggs: an update with a review of the current state of phasmid ootaxonomy. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 93 (3): 273-282.
  • Clark Sellick, J. T., 1997. Descriptive terminology of the phasmid egg capsule, with an extended key to the phasmid genera based on egg structure. Systematic Entomology, 22: 97-122.
  • Çıplak, B. & A. Demirsoy, 1996. Caelifera (Orthoptera: Insecta) alttakımının Türkiye’deki endemizm durumu. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 20 (3): 241-246.
  • Çıplak, B., A. Demirsoy, B. Yalım & H. Sevgili, 2002. Türkiye Orthoptera (= Düzkanatlılar = Çekirgeler) Faunası. Genel Zoocoğrafya ve Türkiye Zoocoğrafyası: Hayvan Coğrafyası (ed. A. Demirsoy), 5. baskı, Meteksan A.Ş., Ankara, 681-707.
  • Demirsoy, A., S. Salman & H. Sevgili, 2002. Novadrymadusa, a new genus of bushcricket with a new species and notes on related genera (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Journal of Orthoptera Research, 11: 175-183.
  • Demirsoy, A., 2006. Yaşamın Temel Kuralları, Omurgasızlar/Böcekler (Entomoloji), Cilt II-Kısım II. Meteksan A. Ş., Çankaya, Ankara, 941 s.
  • Fausto, A. M., M. Maroli & M. Mazzini, 1991. Ootaxonomy investigation of three sandfly species (Diptera: Psychodidae) from Italy. Parasitologia, 33 (Suppl.): 225-228.
  • Fausto, A. M., M. Maroli & M. Mazzini, 1992. Ootaxonomy and eggshell structure of Phlebotomus sandflies. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 6 (3): 201-208.
  • Fausto, A. M., D. M. Feliciangeli, M. Maroli & M., Mazzini, 2001. Ootaxonomic investigation of five Lutzomyia species (Diptera, Psychodidae) from Venezuela. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 96 (2): 197-204 .
  • Fehrenbach, H., 1995. Egg-shells of Lepidoptera. Fine structure and phylogenetic implications. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 234 (1): 19-41.
  • Gaino, E., C. Belfiore, M. Mazzini, 1987. Ootaxonomic investigation of the Italian species of the genus Electrogena (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae)”, Bollettino di Zoologia, 54 (2): 169-175.
  • Hartley, J. C., 1961. The shell of Acridid eggs. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 102 (2): 249-255.
  • Hartley, J. C., 1962. The egg of Tetrix (Tetrigidae, Orthoptera), with a discussion on the probable significance of the anterior horn. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 103 (2): 253-259.
  • Hartley, J. C., 1971. The respirotary system of the egg-shell of Homorocoryphus nitidulus vicinus (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae). The Journal of Experimental Biology, 55:165-176.
  • Hasbenli, A., Z. Suludere, S. Candan & F. Bayrakdar, 2008. Chorionic structure of the eggs of five Laphriinae species (Diptera: Asilidae) from Turkey . Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 10 (3): 47-60.
  • Heller, K. G., O. Korsunovskaya, D.R. Ragge, V. Vedenina, F. Willemse, R.D. Zhantiev, & L. Frantsevich, 1998. Check-list of European Orthoptera. Articulata 7: 1-61.
  • Hinton, H. E., 1981. Biology of Insect Eggs, Volume II. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 778 s.
  • Jahn, T. L., 1935. The nature and permeability of the grasshopper egg membranes. II. The chemical composition of the membranes. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine . N. Y., 33: 159.
  • Karabağ, T., 1950. Five new species of Poecilimon Fischer (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) from Turkey. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series B, Taxonomy, 19: 150-155.
  • Marini, M. & G. Campadelli, 1994. Ootaxonomy of Goniini (Diptera Tachinidae) with microtype eggs. Bollettino di Zoologia, 61 (3): 271-283.
  • Matesco, V. C., B. B. R. J. Furstenau, J. L. C. Bernardes,. C. F. Schwertner & J. Grazia, 2009. Morphological features of the eggs of Pentatomidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Zootaxa, 1984: 1-30.
  • Mazzini, M., 1978. Fine structure of the insect micropyle-IV. Identification of Orthopteran Tettigonioidea eggs by the examination of chorion structures. Redia, 59: 109-134.
  • Sahlen, G., 1995. Transmission electron microscopy of the eggshell in five damselflies (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae, Megapodagrionidae, Calopterygidae). Odonatologica, 24 (3): 311-318.
  • Salkeld, E. H. 1983. A catalogue of the eggs of some Canadian Geometridae (Lepidoptera), with comments. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, 126: 3-271.
  • Salkeld, E. H. 1984. A Catalogue of the eggs of some Canadian Noctuidae (Lepidoptera). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, 127: 1-167.
  • Sarashina, I., T. Mito, M. Saito, H. Uneme, K. Miyawaki, Y. Shinmyo, H. Ohuchi & S. Noji, 2005. Location of micropyles and early embryonic development of the two-spotted cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (Insecta, Orthoptera). Development Growth & Differentiation, 47: 99-108.
  • Shuzi, R., 1985. Fine surface structure of eggs and classification of five species of Coptosoma Laporte. La Animala Mondo, 2 (3-4): 235-243.
  • Slifer, E. H. & S. S. Sekhon, 1963. The fine structure of the membranes which cover the egg of the grasshopper, Melanoplus differentialis, with special reference to the hydropyle. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 104: 321-334.
  • Suludere, Z., S. Candan & Y. Kalender, 1999. Chorionic sculpturing in eggs of six species of Eurydema (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae): A scanning electron microscope investigation. Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 1 (2): 27-56.
  • Suludere, Z., S. Candan, Y. Kalender & A. Hasbenli, 2000. Ultrastructure of the chorion of Machimus rusticus (Meigen, 1820) (Diptera, Asilidae). Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 2 (2): 63-71.
  • Suludere, Z., S. Canbulat & S. Candan, 2009. External morphology of eggs of Macronemurus bilineatus and Megistopus flavicornis (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae): A scanning electron microscopy study. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 33 (4): 387-392.
  • Şahin, İ., K. Bitmiş & O. Erman, 2004. Pezodrymadusa lata (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae)’nın dişi üreme sistemindeki anatomik ve histolojik yapısı. Fırat Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 16 (1): 17-24.
  • Ünal, 2011. Turkish Orthoptera Site. (Web sayfası: (Erişim tarihi: Ocak, 2012).
  • Viscuso, R., G. Longo & A. Giuffrida, 1990. Ultrastructural features of chorion and micropyles in eggs of Eyprepocnemis plorans (Orthoptera, Acrididae). Bollettino di Zoologia, 57: 303-308.
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

İrmak Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Zekiye Suludere Bu kişi benim

Selami Candan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2012
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Şubat 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 36 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, İ. ., Suludere, Z. . . ., & Candan, S. . (2012). Structure of the egg of Poecilimon cervus Karabağ, 1950 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) and ultra structural features. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 36(4), 549-556.
AMA Yılmaz İ, Suludere Z, Candan S. Structure of the egg of Poecilimon cervus Karabağ, 1950 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) and ultra structural features. TED. Ağustos 2012;36(4):549-556.
Chicago Yılmaz, İrmak, Zekiye Suludere, ve Selami Candan. “Structure of the Egg of Poecilimon Cervus Karabağ, 1950 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) and Ultra Structural Features”. Turkish Journal of Entomology 36, sy. 4 (Ağustos 2012): 549-56.
EndNote Yılmaz İ, Suludere Z, Candan S (01 Ağustos 2012) Structure of the egg of Poecilimon cervus Karabağ, 1950 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) and ultra structural features. Turkish Journal of Entomology 36 4 549–556.
IEEE İ. . Yılmaz, Z. . . . Suludere, ve S. . Candan, “Structure of the egg of Poecilimon cervus Karabağ, 1950 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) and ultra structural features”, TED, c. 36, sy. 4, ss. 549–556, 2012.
ISNAD Yılmaz, İrmak vd. “Structure of the Egg of Poecilimon Cervus Karabağ, 1950 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) and Ultra Structural Features”. Turkish Journal of Entomology 36/4 (Ağustos 2012), 549-556.
JAMA Yılmaz İ, Suludere Z, Candan S. Structure of the egg of Poecilimon cervus Karabağ, 1950 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) and ultra structural features. TED. 2012;36:549–556.
MLA Yılmaz, İrmak vd. “Structure of the Egg of Poecilimon Cervus Karabağ, 1950 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) and Ultra Structural Features”. Turkish Journal of Entomology, c. 36, sy. 4, 2012, ss. 549-56.
Vancouver Yılmaz İ, Suludere Z, Candan S. Structure of the egg of Poecilimon cervus Karabağ, 1950 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) and ultra structural features. TED. 2012;36(4):549-56.