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Kedi ve Köpeklerde Lens Hastalıklarının Tanısı, Medikal ve Operatif Tedavileri

Yıl 2021, , 152 - 165, 01.12.2021


Lens hastalıkları, körlüğün yaygın nedenlerindendir. Erken teşhis ve tedavi edilmediğinde görme kaybına neden olan bu hastalıklar, kedi ve köpeklerin yaşam standartlarını olumsuz etkileyen en önemli göz problemlerinden biridir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, kedi ve köpeklerde lens hastalıklarının ırk, yaş ve etiyolojik nedenlere göre dağılımı, bu hastalıkların tanı ve tedavisine etki eden durumları belirlemek, tedavi başarısını raporlamak ve verileri sunmaktır. Çalışmanın mater-yalini İstanbul Üniversitesi- Cerrahpaşa, Veteriner Fakültesi Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı'na getirilen ve lens hastalığı tanısı konulan farklı yaş, cinsiyet ve ırktan 17 kedi ve 28 köpek olmak üzere toplam 45 hasta oluşturdu. Anamnez, signale-ment, detaylı göz muayenesi, hastalığın tanısı ve diğer oküler ve sistemik hastalıklarla ilişkisi araştırılarak tedavi prose-dürleri belirlendi. Cerrahi tekniğin postoperatif sonuçları ve başarı oranları belirtildi. Tedaviden sonra hastalar düzenli aralıklarla kontrol edildi.


  • Arıcan M, Erol H, Parlak K, Kamış Ü, Yavru N. Com-parison of the effects of intraocular pressure with phacoemulsification and extra-capsular cataract extraction methods in dogs with cataract. EJVS 2014; 30(4): 188-94.
  • Bauer BS, Sandmeyer LS, Grahn BH. Diagnostic ophthalmology. Can Vet J 2015; 56: 519.
  • Bell CM, Pot SA, Dubielzig RR. Septic implantation syndrome in dogs and cats: A distinct pattern of endophthalmitis with lenticular abscess. Vet Oph-thalmol 2013; 16: 180-5.
  • Betschart S and Spiess B. Lens luxation in dogs: A retrospective study of 134 dogs (2000-2011). Arch Tierheilkd 2014; 156: 125-31.
  • Bulut O. 'Hydrophilic acrylic implant' usage and treat-ment results after cataract surgery with Phacoemul-sification Technique in dogs, Thesis, Adnan Men-deres Univ PHSI, Aydın 2016; pp. 26-35.
  • Donzel E, Arti L and Chahory S. Epidemiology and Clinical Presentation of Canine Cataracts in France: A retrospective study of 404 cases. Vet Ophthalmol 2017; 20: 131-9.
  • Dubois VD and Bastawrous A. N-acetylcarnosine (NAC) drops for age-related cataract. CDSR 2017; 2(6):1-16.
  • Engelhardt A, Stock KF, Hamann H, Brahm R, Grussendorf H, Rosenhagen CU, Distl O. A retro-spective study on the prevalence of primary cata-racts in two pedigrees from the German population of English Cocker Spaniels. Can Vet J 2008; 11: 215-21.
  • Gharahkhani P, O'Leary C, Duffy D, Bernays M, Ky-aw-Tanner M. Primary Lens Luxation in Australian Tenterfield and Miniature Bull Terriers is due to an old ADAMTS17 mutation and is an additive trait. OJGen 2012; 5(1):7-13.
  • Gilger BC. Textbook of Small Animal Surgery. Third Edition. USA: John Wiley and Sons, 2013; pp. 1402-16.
  • Lal M, Jhirwal SK, Bishnoi P, Soni KK. Surgical man-agement of bilateral hypermature cataract by Extra-capsular Cataract Extraction (ECCE) method using operating microscope in Cocker Spaniel dogs. Int J Environ Sci Technol 2017; 6: 872-6.
  • Lew M, Lew S, Drazek M, Pomianowski A. Penetrat-ing eye injury in a dog: a case report. Vet Med 2017; 60: 213-21.
  • Lim CC, Bakker SC, Waldner CL, Sandmeyer LS, Grahn BH Cataracts in 44 dogs (77 eyes): A com-parison of outcomes for no treatment, topical medi-cal management, or phacoemulsification with intra-ocular lens implantation. Can Vet J 2011; 52: 283.
  • Mitchell N. Lens disorders in dogs and cats. Ir. Vet. J 2013; 3: 332-339.
  • Montgomery KW, Labelle AL, Gemensky Metzler AJ. Trans corneal reduction of anterior lens luxation in dogs with lens instability: A retrospective study of 19 dogs (2010–2013). Vet Ophthalmol 2014; 17: 275-9.
  • Oberbauer AM, Hollingsworth SR, Belanger JM, Re-gan KR, Famula TR. Inheritance of cataracts and primary lens luxation in Jack Russell Terriers. Am J Vet Res 2008; 69(2): 222-7.
  • Özgencil FE. The results of phacofragmentation and aspiration surgery for cataract extraction in dogs. Turk J Vet Anim Sci 2005; 29: 165-73.
  • Patil VN, Patil PB, Parikh PV, Talekar SH, Patil DB, Kelawala NH, Seth M. Extra capsular cataract sur-gery in canine-a pictorial view. Int J Vet Sci 2014; 1(1):1-6.
  • Paulsen ME and Kass PH. Traumatic corneal lacera-tion with associated lens capsule disruption: A retro-spective study of 77 clinical cases from 1999 to 2009. Vet Ophthalmol 2012; 15: 355-68.
  • Payen G, Hänninen RL, Mazzucchelli S, Forman OP, Mellersh CS, Savoldelli M, Chahory S. Primary lens instability in ten related cats: Clinical and genetic considerations. JSAP 2011; 52(8): 402-10.
  • Ramani C, Ahirwar MK, Shafiuzama M, D’souza NJ, Nagarajan L. Incidence of cataract in dogs: A retro-spective study. TNJVAS 2013; 9: 231-3.
  • Sandmeyer LS, Bauer BS and Grahn BH. Diagnostic ophthalmology. Can Vet J 2011; 52: 1023-4.
  • Stuhr CM, Schilke HK and Forte C. Intracapsular lensectomy and sulcus intraocular lens fixation in dogs with primary lens luxation or subluxation. Vet Ophthalmol 2009; 12: 357-60.
  • Saroglu M, Erdikmen OD, Guzel O, Aydin D. Luxatio lentis in dogs: A case report. Vet Med 2007; 52(5): 213-21.
  • Thayananuphat A. Cataract. Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment. Proceedings of the Founteenth Chulalonkorn University Veterinary Conference CUVC. April, 20-22,2015; Bankok-Thailand.
  • Zhao L, Chen XJ, Zhu J, Xi YB, Yang X, Hu LD, Zhang K. Lanosterol reverses protein aggregation in cataracts. Nature 2015; 523(7562): 607-11.
  • Wilkie DA, Stone Hoy S, Gemensky Metzler A, Colitz CM. Safety study of capsular tension ring use in canine phacoemulsification and IOL implanta-tion. Vet Ophthalmol 2015;18(5): 409-15.
  • Williams DL and Munday P. The effect of a topical antioxidant formulation including N-acetyl carnosine on canine cataract: a preliminary study. Vet Oph-thalmol 2006; 9: 311-6.

Diagnosis, Medical and Operative Treatments of Lens Diseases in Cats and Dogs

Yıl 2021, , 152 - 165, 01.12.2021


Lens diseases are common causes of blindness. These diseases, which cause vision loss if not diagnosed and treated early, are among the most important eye problems that negatively affect the living standards of cats and dogs. The aim of this study was to determine the distribution of lens diseases among cats and dogs according to breed, age and etiological causes, determine the conditions affecting the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases, report the success of the treatment, and present the data. The study material consisted of a total of 45 patients, 17 cats and 28 dogs of different ages, sexes and breeds brought to Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Faculty of Veterinary Medi-cine, Department of Surgery and diagnosed with lens disease. After an anamnesis, signalement, a detailed eye exami-nation, the diagnosis of the disease and its relationship with other ocular and systemic diseases were investigated, treatment procedures were determined and performed. Postoperative results of the surgical technique and success rates were determined. Patients were checked at regular intervals after treatment.


  • Arıcan M, Erol H, Parlak K, Kamış Ü, Yavru N. Com-parison of the effects of intraocular pressure with phacoemulsification and extra-capsular cataract extraction methods in dogs with cataract. EJVS 2014; 30(4): 188-94.
  • Bauer BS, Sandmeyer LS, Grahn BH. Diagnostic ophthalmology. Can Vet J 2015; 56: 519.
  • Bell CM, Pot SA, Dubielzig RR. Septic implantation syndrome in dogs and cats: A distinct pattern of endophthalmitis with lenticular abscess. Vet Oph-thalmol 2013; 16: 180-5.
  • Betschart S and Spiess B. Lens luxation in dogs: A retrospective study of 134 dogs (2000-2011). Arch Tierheilkd 2014; 156: 125-31.
  • Bulut O. 'Hydrophilic acrylic implant' usage and treat-ment results after cataract surgery with Phacoemul-sification Technique in dogs, Thesis, Adnan Men-deres Univ PHSI, Aydın 2016; pp. 26-35.
  • Donzel E, Arti L and Chahory S. Epidemiology and Clinical Presentation of Canine Cataracts in France: A retrospective study of 404 cases. Vet Ophthalmol 2017; 20: 131-9.
  • Dubois VD and Bastawrous A. N-acetylcarnosine (NAC) drops for age-related cataract. CDSR 2017; 2(6):1-16.
  • Engelhardt A, Stock KF, Hamann H, Brahm R, Grussendorf H, Rosenhagen CU, Distl O. A retro-spective study on the prevalence of primary cata-racts in two pedigrees from the German population of English Cocker Spaniels. Can Vet J 2008; 11: 215-21.
  • Gharahkhani P, O'Leary C, Duffy D, Bernays M, Ky-aw-Tanner M. Primary Lens Luxation in Australian Tenterfield and Miniature Bull Terriers is due to an old ADAMTS17 mutation and is an additive trait. OJGen 2012; 5(1):7-13.
  • Gilger BC. Textbook of Small Animal Surgery. Third Edition. USA: John Wiley and Sons, 2013; pp. 1402-16.
  • Lal M, Jhirwal SK, Bishnoi P, Soni KK. Surgical man-agement of bilateral hypermature cataract by Extra-capsular Cataract Extraction (ECCE) method using operating microscope in Cocker Spaniel dogs. Int J Environ Sci Technol 2017; 6: 872-6.
  • Lew M, Lew S, Drazek M, Pomianowski A. Penetrat-ing eye injury in a dog: a case report. Vet Med 2017; 60: 213-21.
  • Lim CC, Bakker SC, Waldner CL, Sandmeyer LS, Grahn BH Cataracts in 44 dogs (77 eyes): A com-parison of outcomes for no treatment, topical medi-cal management, or phacoemulsification with intra-ocular lens implantation. Can Vet J 2011; 52: 283.
  • Mitchell N. Lens disorders in dogs and cats. Ir. Vet. J 2013; 3: 332-339.
  • Montgomery KW, Labelle AL, Gemensky Metzler AJ. Trans corneal reduction of anterior lens luxation in dogs with lens instability: A retrospective study of 19 dogs (2010–2013). Vet Ophthalmol 2014; 17: 275-9.
  • Oberbauer AM, Hollingsworth SR, Belanger JM, Re-gan KR, Famula TR. Inheritance of cataracts and primary lens luxation in Jack Russell Terriers. Am J Vet Res 2008; 69(2): 222-7.
  • Özgencil FE. The results of phacofragmentation and aspiration surgery for cataract extraction in dogs. Turk J Vet Anim Sci 2005; 29: 165-73.
  • Patil VN, Patil PB, Parikh PV, Talekar SH, Patil DB, Kelawala NH, Seth M. Extra capsular cataract sur-gery in canine-a pictorial view. Int J Vet Sci 2014; 1(1):1-6.
  • Paulsen ME and Kass PH. Traumatic corneal lacera-tion with associated lens capsule disruption: A retro-spective study of 77 clinical cases from 1999 to 2009. Vet Ophthalmol 2012; 15: 355-68.
  • Payen G, Hänninen RL, Mazzucchelli S, Forman OP, Mellersh CS, Savoldelli M, Chahory S. Primary lens instability in ten related cats: Clinical and genetic considerations. JSAP 2011; 52(8): 402-10.
  • Ramani C, Ahirwar MK, Shafiuzama M, D’souza NJ, Nagarajan L. Incidence of cataract in dogs: A retro-spective study. TNJVAS 2013; 9: 231-3.
  • Sandmeyer LS, Bauer BS and Grahn BH. Diagnostic ophthalmology. Can Vet J 2011; 52: 1023-4.
  • Stuhr CM, Schilke HK and Forte C. Intracapsular lensectomy and sulcus intraocular lens fixation in dogs with primary lens luxation or subluxation. Vet Ophthalmol 2009; 12: 357-60.
  • Saroglu M, Erdikmen OD, Guzel O, Aydin D. Luxatio lentis in dogs: A case report. Vet Med 2007; 52(5): 213-21.
  • Thayananuphat A. Cataract. Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment. Proceedings of the Founteenth Chulalonkorn University Veterinary Conference CUVC. April, 20-22,2015; Bankok-Thailand.
  • Zhao L, Chen XJ, Zhu J, Xi YB, Yang X, Hu LD, Zhang K. Lanosterol reverses protein aggregation in cataracts. Nature 2015; 523(7562): 607-11.
  • Wilkie DA, Stone Hoy S, Gemensky Metzler A, Colitz CM. Safety study of capsular tension ring use in canine phacoemulsification and IOL implanta-tion. Vet Ophthalmol 2015;18(5): 409-15.
  • Williams DL and Munday P. The effect of a topical antioxidant formulation including N-acetyl carnosine on canine cataract: a preliminary study. Vet Oph-thalmol 2006; 9: 311-6.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Aynur Demir Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-5471-1655

Oktay Düzgün Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-5407-5364

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Şubat 2021
Kabul Tarihi 9 Haziran 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Demir, A., & Düzgün, O. (2021). Diagnosis, Medical and Operative Treatments of Lens Diseases in Cats and Dogs. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(3), 152-165. https://doi.org/10.32707/ercivet.1015780
AMA Demir A, Düzgün O. Diagnosis, Medical and Operative Treatments of Lens Diseases in Cats and Dogs. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. Aralık 2021;18(3):152-165. doi:10.32707/ercivet.1015780
Chicago Demir, Aynur, ve Oktay Düzgün. “Diagnosis, Medical and Operative Treatments of Lens Diseases in Cats and Dogs”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 18, sy. 3 (Aralık 2021): 152-65. https://doi.org/10.32707/ercivet.1015780.
EndNote Demir A, Düzgün O (01 Aralık 2021) Diagnosis, Medical and Operative Treatments of Lens Diseases in Cats and Dogs. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 18 3 152–165.
IEEE A. Demir ve O. Düzgün, “Diagnosis, Medical and Operative Treatments of Lens Diseases in Cats and Dogs”, Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, c. 18, sy. 3, ss. 152–165, 2021, doi: 10.32707/ercivet.1015780.
ISNAD Demir, Aynur - Düzgün, Oktay. “Diagnosis, Medical and Operative Treatments of Lens Diseases in Cats and Dogs”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 18/3 (Aralık 2021), 152-165. https://doi.org/10.32707/ercivet.1015780.
JAMA Demir A, Düzgün O. Diagnosis, Medical and Operative Treatments of Lens Diseases in Cats and Dogs. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2021;18:152–165.
MLA Demir, Aynur ve Oktay Düzgün. “Diagnosis, Medical and Operative Treatments of Lens Diseases in Cats and Dogs”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 18, sy. 3, 2021, ss. 152-65, doi:10.32707/ercivet.1015780.
Vancouver Demir A, Düzgün O. Diagnosis, Medical and Operative Treatments of Lens Diseases in Cats and Dogs. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2021;18(3):152-65.