Araştırma Makalesi
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Evaluation of Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid Biochemistry, Cytology and Haematological Parameters in Head-and-Eye Form of Malignant Catarrhal Fever in Cattle

Yıl 2023, , 86 - 93, 01.08.2023


In this study, it was aimed to examine the biochemical changes, hematological changes and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cytology and blood serum of cattle with head-eye form of Malignant Catarrhal Fever (MCF). For this pur- pose, 22 cattle diagnosed with "head-eye form" of MCF and clinically healthy 10 cattle were evaluated. Blood and cere- brospinal fluid (CSF) were collected from all cattle. In sera, AST, urea, glucose, CK (P<0.05), LDH levels (P<0.01) were found be high, ALT, ALP, cholesterol (P<0.05), Ca, total protein (P<0.01) and Mg, albumine and Fe levels (P<0.001) were found to be low in MCF group when compared to the control group. In CSF, Ca (P<0.01) and total protein levels (P<0.001) were found high glucose level (P<0.05) was found low in MCF group when compared to the control group. In haematology, some parameters were determined to be different between the groups. In cytological results of CSF in MCF group, polymorphonuclear leucocytes, lymphocytes, erytrocytes, macrophages and plasma cells were determined. In conclusion, since there were a limited number of studies examining biochemical, cytologic and hematological results of MCF especially in CSF, the results from our study were thought to be important for future stud- ies in which viral diseases affects the nervous system of cattles.


  • Abate O, BolloE, Lotti D, Bo S. Cytological, immuno- cytochemical and biochemical cerebrospinal fluid investigation in selected central nervous system disorders of dogs. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B 1998; 45(2): 73-85.
  • Andrews AH. System and other conditions. Andrews AH. Blowey RW. Boyd H. Eddy RG. eds. In: Bo- vine Medicine Disaese and Husbandry of Cattle. Second Edition. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Science Ltd, 2004; pp. 935-6.
  • Crawford TB, O’toole D, H Li. Malignant catarrhal fever. Howard JL. Smith RA. eds. In: Current Vet- erinary Theraphy Food Animal Practice. Forth Edi- tion. Philadelphia, USA: Saunders, 1999; pp.307- 9.
  • Cunha CW, Gailbreath KL, O'toole D, Knowles DP,Schneider DA, White SN, Taus NS, Davies CJ, Davis WC, Li H. Ovine herpesvirus 2 infection in American bison: Virus and host dynamics in the development of sheep-associated malignant ca- tarrhal fever. Vet Microbiol 2012; 159(3-4): 307-19.
  • Çitil M, Karapehlivan M, Güneş V, Atakişi E, Uzlu E. Konzentrationen der sialinsauren und auswegahl- ten biochemischen parametern bei kalbern mit dem verdacht auf septikamie. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 2004; 10(1): 19-22.
  • Dabak M, Bulut H. Outbreak of malignant catarrhal fever in cattle in Turkey. Vet Rec 2003; 152(8): 240-1.
  • Dabak M, Dabak DO, Karapınar T, Bulut H. Vitamin D status in cattle with malignant catarrhal fever. J Vet Med Sci 2012; 74(1): 125-8.
  • Dettwiler M, Stahel A, Kruger S, Gerspach C, Braun U, Engels M, Hilbe M. A possible case of caprine- associted malignant catarrhal fever in a domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Swizerland. BMC Vet Res 2011; 7(78): 1-6.
  • Dewals BG, Vanderplasschen A. Malignant catarrhal fever induced by Alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 is characterized by an expansion of activated CD3+CD8+CD4- T cells expressing a cytotoxic phenotype in both lymphoid and nonlymphoid tis- sues. Vet Res 2011; 42(1): 95.
  • Di Terlizzi, R, Platt S. The function, composition and anaysis of cerebrospinal fluid incompanion ani- mals: Part I-Function and composition. Vet J 2006; 172: 422-31.
  • Erkılıç EE, Öğün M, Kırmızıgül AH, Adalı Y, Ermutlu CŞ, Eroğlu HA, Kükürt A, Çitil M, Uzlu E. Determination of some oxidative stress and inflammation markers in serum, blood and CSF in cattle with head-eye form of malignant catarrhal fever. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 2017; 23(4): 515-9.
  • Headley SA, Pimentel LA, Oliveira VH, Toma HS, Alfieri AF, Carvalho AM, Dos Santos MD, Alfieri AA. Transplacental transmission of ovine herpesvi- rus 2 in cattle with sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever. J Comp Pathol 2015; 153(4): 206- 11.
  • Hill FI, Arthur DJ, Thompson J. Malignant catarrhal fever in a swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calf in New Zealand. NZ Vet J 1993; 41(1): 35-8.
  • Insernhagen AJ, Cosenza M, Da Costa MC, Medici KC, Balarin MR, Bracarense AP, Alfieri AA, Lisboa JA. Asymptomatic encephalitis in calves experi- mentally infected with bovine herpesvirus-5. Can Vet J 2011; 52(12): 1312-8.
  • Kırbaş A, Oruç E, Özkanlar Y, Sözdutmaz I, Aktaş MS, Sağlam YS. Sheep-associated malignant ca- tarrhal fever: First report in a calf in Northeastern Turkey. Isr J Vet Med 2013; 68(3): 195-200.
  • Lankester F, Russell,GC, Lugelo A, Ndabigaye A, Mnyambwa N, Keyyu J, Kazwala R, Grant D, Per- cival A, Deane D, Haig DM, Cleaveland S. A field vaccine trial in Tanzania demonstrates partial pro- tection against malignant catarrhal fever in cattle. Vaccine 2016; 34(6): 831-8.
  • Liggit HD, DeMartini JC. The pathomorphology of malignant catarrhal fever, I-Generalized Lymphoid Vasculitis. Vet Pathol 1980a; 17(1): 58-72.
  • Liggit HD, DeMartini JC. The pathomorphology of malignant catarrhal fever, II-Multisystemic Epitheli- al Lesions. Vet Pathol 1980b; 17(1): 73-83.
  • Masters AM, Galvin DA, Cousins DV. Sequence vari- ation at a BmyI/RsaI restriction site in ovine herpes virus 2. Mol Cell Probes 2003; 17(5): 211-4.
  • Metzler AE. The malignant catarrhal fever complex. Comp Immun Microbiol Infect Dis1991; 14(2): 107- 24.
  • Muller-Doblies UU, Li H, Hauser Adler H, Ackermann M. Field validation of laboratory tests for clinical diagnosis of sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever. J Clin Microbiol 1998; 36(10): 2970-2.
  • Pandey P, Jha B, Shrestha A. Cytological and bio- chemical profile of cerebrospinal fluid from menin- gitis patients. ACCLM 2015; 1(1): 2-5.
  • Radostits OM, Gay CC, Hinchcliff KW, Constable PD, eds. Viral diseases characterized by alimentary tract signs. In: Veterinary Medicine, A textbook of the diseases of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses. Tenth Edition. UK: Elsevier, 2007; pp.1245 -8.
  • Roizman B, Desrosiers RC, Fleckenstein B, Lopez C, Minson AC, Studdert MJ. The family herpesviri- dea: An update. Arch Virol1992; 123(3-4): 425-9.
  • Russell GC, Stewart JP, Haig DM. Malignant catarrh- al fever: A review. Vet Journal 2009; 179(3): 324- 35.
  • Rutter N, Smales OR. Calcium, magnesium and glu- cose levels in blood and CSF of children with fe- brile convulsions. Arch Dis Child 1976; 51(2): 141- 3.
  • Sambrook J, Fritch EF, Maniatis T, eds. Molecular Cloning: A Manual. Second Edition. New York, USA: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1989.
  • Scott PR. Cerebrospinal fluid collection and analysis in suspected sheep neurological disease. Small Rumin Res 2010; 92: 96-103.
  • Smith BP. Malignant Catarrhal Fever. In: Large Ani- mal Internal Disease, Second Edition. USA, Mos- by, 1996; pp.814-6.
  • Sri Rekha P, Sarada U, Venkateswarlu U, Reddi Narseh P. Study of biochemical profile in viral meningitis. IOSR-JDMS 2015; 14(3): 45-7.
  • Stokol T, Divers TJ, Arrigan JW, McDonough SP. Cerebrospinal fluid findings in cattle with central nervous system disorders: A retrospective study of 102 cases (1990-2008). Vet Clin Pathol 2009; 38 (1): 103-12.

Coryza Gangrenosa Bovum’un Baş-Göz Formu Belirlenen Sığırlarda Kan ve Beyin Omurilik Sıvısı Biyokimyası, Sitolojisi ve Hematolojik Parametrelerin Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2023, , 86 - 93, 01.08.2023


Bu çalışmada, coryza gangrenosa bovum’un (CGB) baş-göz formu belirlenen sığırların beyin omurilik sıvısı (BOS) ve kan serumlardaki biyokimyasal değişiklikler, hematolojik değişiklikler ve BOS'un sitolojik olarak incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla CGB’nin baş-göz formu belirlenen 22 adet sığır ve klinik olarak sağlıklı 10 adet sığırdan kan ve beyin omurilik sıvısı (BOS) alınmıştır. CGB grubunun kan serumlardaki AST, üre, glukoz, CK (P<0.05), LDH düzeyleri (P<0.01), ALT, ALP, kolesterol (P<0.05), Ca, total protein (P<0.01) ve Mg değerleri kontrol grubuna göre yüksek, albümin ve Fe düzeyleri (P<0.001) ise düşük bulunmuştur. CGB gurubundaki sığırların BOS'larında Ca (P<0.01) ve total protein düzeyleri (P<0.001) yüksek, glukoz düzeyleri (P<0.05) ise kontrol grubuna göre düşük olarak belirlenmiştir. Hematolojik bazı parametrelerde de gruplar arasında farklılık görülmüştür. CGB gurubundaki sığırların BOS'larında yapılan sitolojik incelemelerde, sitolojik lamlarda polimorfonükleer lökositler, lenfositler, eritrositler, mak- rofajlar ve plazma hücreleri belirlenmiştir.Sonuç olarakCGB’da, özellikle BOS'ta sitolojik ve biyokimyasal, ayrıca kanda biyokimyasal ve hematolojik sonuçları bir arada inceleyen sınırlı sayıda çalışma olduğundan, çalışmamızdan elde edilen sonuçların sığırların sinir sistemini etkileyebilenviral hastalıklarda gelecekte yapılacak çalışmalar için önemli bir
veri oluşturabileceği düşünülmüştür.


  • Abate O, BolloE, Lotti D, Bo S. Cytological, immuno- cytochemical and biochemical cerebrospinal fluid investigation in selected central nervous system disorders of dogs. Zentralbl Veterinarmed B 1998; 45(2): 73-85.
  • Andrews AH. System and other conditions. Andrews AH. Blowey RW. Boyd H. Eddy RG. eds. In: Bo- vine Medicine Disaese and Husbandry of Cattle. Second Edition. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Science Ltd, 2004; pp. 935-6.
  • Crawford TB, O’toole D, H Li. Malignant catarrhal fever. Howard JL. Smith RA. eds. In: Current Vet- erinary Theraphy Food Animal Practice. Forth Edi- tion. Philadelphia, USA: Saunders, 1999; pp.307- 9.
  • Cunha CW, Gailbreath KL, O'toole D, Knowles DP,Schneider DA, White SN, Taus NS, Davies CJ, Davis WC, Li H. Ovine herpesvirus 2 infection in American bison: Virus and host dynamics in the development of sheep-associated malignant ca- tarrhal fever. Vet Microbiol 2012; 159(3-4): 307-19.
  • Çitil M, Karapehlivan M, Güneş V, Atakişi E, Uzlu E. Konzentrationen der sialinsauren und auswegahl- ten biochemischen parametern bei kalbern mit dem verdacht auf septikamie. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 2004; 10(1): 19-22.
  • Dabak M, Bulut H. Outbreak of malignant catarrhal fever in cattle in Turkey. Vet Rec 2003; 152(8): 240-1.
  • Dabak M, Dabak DO, Karapınar T, Bulut H. Vitamin D status in cattle with malignant catarrhal fever. J Vet Med Sci 2012; 74(1): 125-8.
  • Dettwiler M, Stahel A, Kruger S, Gerspach C, Braun U, Engels M, Hilbe M. A possible case of caprine- associted malignant catarrhal fever in a domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Swizerland. BMC Vet Res 2011; 7(78): 1-6.
  • Dewals BG, Vanderplasschen A. Malignant catarrhal fever induced by Alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 is characterized by an expansion of activated CD3+CD8+CD4- T cells expressing a cytotoxic phenotype in both lymphoid and nonlymphoid tis- sues. Vet Res 2011; 42(1): 95.
  • Di Terlizzi, R, Platt S. The function, composition and anaysis of cerebrospinal fluid incompanion ani- mals: Part I-Function and composition. Vet J 2006; 172: 422-31.
  • Erkılıç EE, Öğün M, Kırmızıgül AH, Adalı Y, Ermutlu CŞ, Eroğlu HA, Kükürt A, Çitil M, Uzlu E. Determination of some oxidative stress and inflammation markers in serum, blood and CSF in cattle with head-eye form of malignant catarrhal fever. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 2017; 23(4): 515-9.
  • Headley SA, Pimentel LA, Oliveira VH, Toma HS, Alfieri AF, Carvalho AM, Dos Santos MD, Alfieri AA. Transplacental transmission of ovine herpesvi- rus 2 in cattle with sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever. J Comp Pathol 2015; 153(4): 206- 11.
  • Hill FI, Arthur DJ, Thompson J. Malignant catarrhal fever in a swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calf in New Zealand. NZ Vet J 1993; 41(1): 35-8.
  • Insernhagen AJ, Cosenza M, Da Costa MC, Medici KC, Balarin MR, Bracarense AP, Alfieri AA, Lisboa JA. Asymptomatic encephalitis in calves experi- mentally infected with bovine herpesvirus-5. Can Vet J 2011; 52(12): 1312-8.
  • Kırbaş A, Oruç E, Özkanlar Y, Sözdutmaz I, Aktaş MS, Sağlam YS. Sheep-associated malignant ca- tarrhal fever: First report in a calf in Northeastern Turkey. Isr J Vet Med 2013; 68(3): 195-200.
  • Lankester F, Russell,GC, Lugelo A, Ndabigaye A, Mnyambwa N, Keyyu J, Kazwala R, Grant D, Per- cival A, Deane D, Haig DM, Cleaveland S. A field vaccine trial in Tanzania demonstrates partial pro- tection against malignant catarrhal fever in cattle. Vaccine 2016; 34(6): 831-8.
  • Liggit HD, DeMartini JC. The pathomorphology of malignant catarrhal fever, I-Generalized Lymphoid Vasculitis. Vet Pathol 1980a; 17(1): 58-72.
  • Liggit HD, DeMartini JC. The pathomorphology of malignant catarrhal fever, II-Multisystemic Epitheli- al Lesions. Vet Pathol 1980b; 17(1): 73-83.
  • Masters AM, Galvin DA, Cousins DV. Sequence vari- ation at a BmyI/RsaI restriction site in ovine herpes virus 2. Mol Cell Probes 2003; 17(5): 211-4.
  • Metzler AE. The malignant catarrhal fever complex. Comp Immun Microbiol Infect Dis1991; 14(2): 107- 24.
  • Muller-Doblies UU, Li H, Hauser Adler H, Ackermann M. Field validation of laboratory tests for clinical diagnosis of sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever. J Clin Microbiol 1998; 36(10): 2970-2.
  • Pandey P, Jha B, Shrestha A. Cytological and bio- chemical profile of cerebrospinal fluid from menin- gitis patients. ACCLM 2015; 1(1): 2-5.
  • Radostits OM, Gay CC, Hinchcliff KW, Constable PD, eds. Viral diseases characterized by alimentary tract signs. In: Veterinary Medicine, A textbook of the diseases of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses. Tenth Edition. UK: Elsevier, 2007; pp.1245 -8.
  • Roizman B, Desrosiers RC, Fleckenstein B, Lopez C, Minson AC, Studdert MJ. The family herpesviri- dea: An update. Arch Virol1992; 123(3-4): 425-9.
  • Russell GC, Stewart JP, Haig DM. Malignant catarrh- al fever: A review. Vet Journal 2009; 179(3): 324- 35.
  • Rutter N, Smales OR. Calcium, magnesium and glu- cose levels in blood and CSF of children with fe- brile convulsions. Arch Dis Child 1976; 51(2): 141- 3.
  • Sambrook J, Fritch EF, Maniatis T, eds. Molecular Cloning: A Manual. Second Edition. New York, USA: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1989.
  • Scott PR. Cerebrospinal fluid collection and analysis in suspected sheep neurological disease. Small Rumin Res 2010; 92: 96-103.
  • Smith BP. Malignant Catarrhal Fever. In: Large Ani- mal Internal Disease, Second Edition. USA, Mos- by, 1996; pp.814-6.
  • Sri Rekha P, Sarada U, Venkateswarlu U, Reddi Narseh P. Study of biochemical profile in viral meningitis. IOSR-JDMS 2015; 14(3): 45-7.
  • Stokol T, Divers TJ, Arrigan JW, McDonough SP. Cerebrospinal fluid findings in cattle with central nervous system disorders: A retrospective study of 102 cases (1990-2008). Vet Clin Pathol 2009; 38 (1): 103-12.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Veteriner Bilimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Erdoğan Uzlu Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-3064-6633

Ekin Emre Erkılıç Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-2461-5598

Yasemen Adalı Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-8004-7364

Metin Öğün Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-2599-8589

Kezban Can Şahna Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-9211-5419

Nilhan Eryeğen Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-8509-3442

Hüseyin Avni Eroğlu Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-1040-3255

Hasan Abaylı Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-2116-105X

Celal Şahin Ermutlu Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-8923-7682

Ali Haydar Kırmızıgül Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-9283-1391

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Ocak 2023
Kabul Tarihi 3 Nisan 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Uzlu, E., Erkılıç, E. E., Adalı, Y., Öğün, M., vd. (2023). Evaluation of Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid Biochemistry, Cytology and Haematological Parameters in Head-and-Eye Form of Malignant Catarrhal Fever in Cattle. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(2), 86-93.
AMA Uzlu E, Erkılıç EE, Adalı Y, Öğün M, Can Şahna K, Eryeğen N, Eroğlu HA, Abaylı H, Ermutlu CŞ, Kırmızıgül AH. Evaluation of Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid Biochemistry, Cytology and Haematological Parameters in Head-and-Eye Form of Malignant Catarrhal Fever in Cattle. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. Ağustos 2023;20(2):86-93. doi:10.32707/ercivet.1332128
Chicago Uzlu, Erdoğan, Ekin Emre Erkılıç, Yasemen Adalı, Metin Öğün, Kezban Can Şahna, Nilhan Eryeğen, Hüseyin Avni Eroğlu, Hasan Abaylı, Celal Şahin Ermutlu, ve Ali Haydar Kırmızıgül. “Evaluation of Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid Biochemistry, Cytology and Haematological Parameters in Head-and-Eye Form of Malignant Catarrhal Fever in Cattle”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 20, sy. 2 (Ağustos 2023): 86-93.
EndNote Uzlu E, Erkılıç EE, Adalı Y, Öğün M, Can Şahna K, Eryeğen N, Eroğlu HA, Abaylı H, Ermutlu CŞ, Kırmızıgül AH (01 Ağustos 2023) Evaluation of Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid Biochemistry, Cytology and Haematological Parameters in Head-and-Eye Form of Malignant Catarrhal Fever in Cattle. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 20 2 86–93.
IEEE E. Uzlu, “Evaluation of Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid Biochemistry, Cytology and Haematological Parameters in Head-and-Eye Form of Malignant Catarrhal Fever in Cattle”, Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, c. 20, sy. 2, ss. 86–93, 2023, doi: 10.32707/ercivet.1332128.
ISNAD Uzlu, Erdoğan vd. “Evaluation of Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid Biochemistry, Cytology and Haematological Parameters in Head-and-Eye Form of Malignant Catarrhal Fever in Cattle”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 20/2 (Ağustos 2023), 86-93.
JAMA Uzlu E, Erkılıç EE, Adalı Y, Öğün M, Can Şahna K, Eryeğen N, Eroğlu HA, Abaylı H, Ermutlu CŞ, Kırmızıgül AH. Evaluation of Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid Biochemistry, Cytology and Haematological Parameters in Head-and-Eye Form of Malignant Catarrhal Fever in Cattle. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2023;20:86–93.
MLA Uzlu, Erdoğan vd. “Evaluation of Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid Biochemistry, Cytology and Haematological Parameters in Head-and-Eye Form of Malignant Catarrhal Fever in Cattle”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 20, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 86-93, doi:10.32707/ercivet.1332128.
Vancouver Uzlu E, Erkılıç EE, Adalı Y, Öğün M, Can Şahna K, Eryeğen N, Eroğlu HA, Abaylı H, Ermutlu CŞ, Kırmızıgül AH. Evaluation of Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid Biochemistry, Cytology and Haematological Parameters in Head-and-Eye Form of Malignant Catarrhal Fever in Cattle. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2023;20(2):86-93.