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Bir Boer-Kıl Keçisi Melezi Keçide Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Olgusu

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 82 - 85, 15.04.2018


Bu olgu sunumunda bir keçide tespit edilen Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis enfeksiyonunun klinik muayene
ve mikrobiyolojik analiz sonuçlarının rapor edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Siirt Üniversitesi Keçi Uygulama ve Araştırma
Merkezi’nde ki iki yaşlı dişi Boer x Kıl Keçisi melezi bir keçide yapılan klinik muayeneler sonucunda sağ submandibular
ve prescpular lenf yumrusunda fluktuasyon kıvamlı portakal büyüklüğünde bir şişkinlik saptandı. Şişkinliğin punksiyonu
yapıldığında krema kıvamında hafif yeşilimsi pis kokulu bir içerik alındı. İçerikten alınan svap örneği Stuart transport
besiyeri içinde soğuk zincirde Uludağ Üniversitesi, Veteriner Fakültesi, Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı Laboratuvarı’na
gönderildi. Alınan svap örnekleri %7 koyun kanı katılmış kanlı agarına ekildi ve hem aerobik hem de mikroaerofilik
koşullar altında 24-48 saat boyunca 37°C'de inkübe edildi. Kolonilerin mikroskopik morfolojileri incelendikten sonra
kuşkulanılan faktörlere göre biyokimyasal testler yapıldı. Şüpheli bakteri izolatı Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
olarak tanımlandı ve ilk kez Boer x Kıl keçisi melezinde ortaya çıktığı görüldü.


  • 1. Adebe A, Sisay Tessema T. Determination of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis prevelance and antimicrobial suspectibility pattern of isolates from lymph nodes f sheep and goats at an organic export abattoir, Modjo, Ethiopia. Lett Appl Microbiol 2015; 61(5): 469-79.
  • 2. Al-Gaabary MH, Osman SA, Oreiby AF. Caseous lymphadenitis in sheep and goats: Clinical, epidemiological and preventive studies. Small Ruminant Res 2009; 87(1): 116-21.
  • 3. Cetinkaya B, Karahana M, Atila E, Kalina R, Baereb TD, Vaneechoutteb M. Identification of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis isolates from sheep and goats by PCR. Vet Microbiol 2002; 88(1): 75-83.
  • 4. Dorella FA, Pacheco LG, Seyffert N, Portela RW, Meyer R, Miyoshi A, Azevedo V. Antigens of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis and prospects for vaccine development. Expert Rev Vaccines 2009; 8(2): 205-13.
  • 5. İlhan Z. Koyunlarda Coynebacterium pseudotuberculosis’in ELISA ve Dot-Blot ELISA ile teşhisi. Turk J Vet Anim Sci 2003; 27(6): 1327-33.
  • 6. İlhan FS. Koyunların kazeöz lenfadenitis enfeksiyonunda patolojik bulgular. Van Vet J 2008; 19(1): 23-8.
  • 7. Kaba J, Kutschke L, Gerlach GF. Development of an ELISA for the diagnosis of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infections in goats. Vet Microbiol 2008; 78(2): 155-63.
  • 8. Kumar J, Singh F, Tripathi BN, Kumar R, Dixit SK, Sonawane GG. Epidemiological, bacteriological and molecular studies on caseous lymphadenitis in Sirohi goats of Rajasthan. Trop Anim Health Pro 2012; 44(7): 1319-22.
  • 9. Menzies PI, Hwanga YT, Prescott JF. Comparison of an interferon-gamma to a phospholipase D enziyme-linked immunosorbent asssay for diagnosis of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in ecperimentally infected goat. Vet Microbiol 2004; 100(1): 129-37.
  • 10. Pacheco LGC, Roberta RP, Thiago LPC, Fernanda AD, Robson CB, Renato C, Marci´Lio NLF, Se´Rgio CO, Roberto M, Francisco SFA, Anderson M, Vasco A. Multiplex PCR assay for identification of Croynebacterium pseudotuberculosis from pureceltures and for rapid detection of this pathogen in clinical samples. J Med Microbiol 2007; 56(4): 480-6.
  • 11. Quinn PJ, Markey BK, Leonard FC. Corynebacterium species. Fitzpatric ES. Hartigan PJ. eds. In: Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease. UK: John Willey& Sons LTD, 2004; pp. 207-12.
  • 12. Quinn PJ, Carter ME, Markey BK, Carter GR. Clinical Veterinary Microbiology. First Edition. London: Mosby International Limited, 1994; pp. 820-5.
  • 13. Sakmanoğlu A, Hadimli HH, Erganiş O, Pınarkara Y, Sayın Z, Kav K. Koyunlardan izole edilen Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis suşlarının identifikasyonu ve antibiyotiklere duyarlılıkları. Eurasian J Vet Sci 2015; 31(1): 116-21.
  • 14. Ural K, Haydardedeoglu AD, Cedden F, Guzel M, Ozyildiz Z, Cantekin Z. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in Saanen×Kilis crossbred (White) goats in Ankara, Turkey and effective kanamycin treatment: A prospective, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Small Ruminant Res 2008; 77(1): 84-8.
  • 15. Voigt K, Baird GJ, Munro F, Murraya F, Brülisauer F. Eradication of caseous lymphadenitis under extensive management conditions on a Scottish hill farm. Small Ruminant Res 2012; 106(1): 21-4.

Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Case in a Boer Goat X Turkish Hair Goat Crossbred

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 82 - 85, 15.04.2018


In this case report, it is intended to report the results of the clinical examination and microbiological analysis

of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection which was detected (determined) in a goat. At Goat Application and

Research Center at the University of Siirt, after the clinical examination carried out on a two-year-old female Boer goat

x Turkish Hair goat crossbred, orange sized lymph nodes in a fluctuating viscosity were found in the right submandibular

and left prescapular lymph nodules. Cream and slightly greenish malodorous content was taken from the lump from

puncture. Swab sample taken from the content was sent to the University of Uludag, Faculty of Veterinary, Microbiology

Laboratory in Stuart transport medium by cold chain. Swabs were inoculated onto % 7 sheep blood agar, and incubated

at 37°C for 24-48 hours in both aerobic and microaerophilic conditions. After the microscopic morphology of the

colonies was examined, biochemical tests were performed according to the suspected factors and the isolate of suspected

bacteria was defined as Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis which was first isolated from Boer goat x Turkish

Hair goat crossbred.


  • 1. Adebe A, Sisay Tessema T. Determination of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis prevelance and antimicrobial suspectibility pattern of isolates from lymph nodes f sheep and goats at an organic export abattoir, Modjo, Ethiopia. Lett Appl Microbiol 2015; 61(5): 469-79.
  • 2. Al-Gaabary MH, Osman SA, Oreiby AF. Caseous lymphadenitis in sheep and goats: Clinical, epidemiological and preventive studies. Small Ruminant Res 2009; 87(1): 116-21.
  • 3. Cetinkaya B, Karahana M, Atila E, Kalina R, Baereb TD, Vaneechoutteb M. Identification of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis isolates from sheep and goats by PCR. Vet Microbiol 2002; 88(1): 75-83.
  • 4. Dorella FA, Pacheco LG, Seyffert N, Portela RW, Meyer R, Miyoshi A, Azevedo V. Antigens of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis and prospects for vaccine development. Expert Rev Vaccines 2009; 8(2): 205-13.
  • 5. İlhan Z. Koyunlarda Coynebacterium pseudotuberculosis’in ELISA ve Dot-Blot ELISA ile teşhisi. Turk J Vet Anim Sci 2003; 27(6): 1327-33.
  • 6. İlhan FS. Koyunların kazeöz lenfadenitis enfeksiyonunda patolojik bulgular. Van Vet J 2008; 19(1): 23-8.
  • 7. Kaba J, Kutschke L, Gerlach GF. Development of an ELISA for the diagnosis of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infections in goats. Vet Microbiol 2008; 78(2): 155-63.
  • 8. Kumar J, Singh F, Tripathi BN, Kumar R, Dixit SK, Sonawane GG. Epidemiological, bacteriological and molecular studies on caseous lymphadenitis in Sirohi goats of Rajasthan. Trop Anim Health Pro 2012; 44(7): 1319-22.
  • 9. Menzies PI, Hwanga YT, Prescott JF. Comparison of an interferon-gamma to a phospholipase D enziyme-linked immunosorbent asssay for diagnosis of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in ecperimentally infected goat. Vet Microbiol 2004; 100(1): 129-37.
  • 10. Pacheco LGC, Roberta RP, Thiago LPC, Fernanda AD, Robson CB, Renato C, Marci´Lio NLF, Se´Rgio CO, Roberto M, Francisco SFA, Anderson M, Vasco A. Multiplex PCR assay for identification of Croynebacterium pseudotuberculosis from pureceltures and for rapid detection of this pathogen in clinical samples. J Med Microbiol 2007; 56(4): 480-6.
  • 11. Quinn PJ, Markey BK, Leonard FC. Corynebacterium species. Fitzpatric ES. Hartigan PJ. eds. In: Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Disease. UK: John Willey& Sons LTD, 2004; pp. 207-12.
  • 12. Quinn PJ, Carter ME, Markey BK, Carter GR. Clinical Veterinary Microbiology. First Edition. London: Mosby International Limited, 1994; pp. 820-5.
  • 13. Sakmanoğlu A, Hadimli HH, Erganiş O, Pınarkara Y, Sayın Z, Kav K. Koyunlardan izole edilen Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis suşlarının identifikasyonu ve antibiyotiklere duyarlılıkları. Eurasian J Vet Sci 2015; 31(1): 116-21.
  • 14. Ural K, Haydardedeoglu AD, Cedden F, Guzel M, Ozyildiz Z, Cantekin Z. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection in Saanen×Kilis crossbred (White) goats in Ankara, Turkey and effective kanamycin treatment: A prospective, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Small Ruminant Res 2008; 77(1): 84-8.
  • 15. Voigt K, Baird GJ, Munro F, Murraya F, Brülisauer F. Eradication of caseous lymphadenitis under extensive management conditions on a Scottish hill farm. Small Ruminant Res 2012; 106(1): 21-4.
Toplam 15 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Olgu Sunumu

Gülşah Akgül 0000-0003-4804-6502

Serpil Kahya Demirbilek 0000-0001-6138-7163

Özgür Yaşar Çelik 0000-0001-6365-2688

Kıvanç İrak

Mustafa Barış Akgül 0000-0002-9365-9925

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Nisan 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Mart 2017
Kabul Tarihi 17 Ekim 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Akgül, G., Kahya Demirbilek, S., Çelik, Ö. Y., İrak, K., vd. (2018). Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Case in a Boer Goat X Turkish Hair Goat Crossbred. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(1), 82-85.
AMA Akgül G, Kahya Demirbilek S, Çelik ÖY, İrak K, Akgül MB. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Case in a Boer Goat X Turkish Hair Goat Crossbred. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. Nisan 2018;15(1):82-85.
Chicago Akgül, Gülşah, Serpil Kahya Demirbilek, Özgür Yaşar Çelik, Kıvanç İrak, ve Mustafa Barış Akgül. “Corynebacterium Pseudotuberculosis Case in a Boer Goat X Turkish Hair Goat Crossbred”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 15, sy. 1 (Nisan 2018): 82-85.
EndNote Akgül G, Kahya Demirbilek S, Çelik ÖY, İrak K, Akgül MB (01 Nisan 2018) Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Case in a Boer Goat X Turkish Hair Goat Crossbred. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 15 1 82–85.
IEEE G. Akgül, S. Kahya Demirbilek, Ö. Y. Çelik, K. İrak, ve M. B. Akgül, “Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Case in a Boer Goat X Turkish Hair Goat Crossbred”, Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, c. 15, sy. 1, ss. 82–85, 2018.
ISNAD Akgül, Gülşah vd. “Corynebacterium Pseudotuberculosis Case in a Boer Goat X Turkish Hair Goat Crossbred”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 15/1 (Nisan 2018), 82-85.
JAMA Akgül G, Kahya Demirbilek S, Çelik ÖY, İrak K, Akgül MB. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Case in a Boer Goat X Turkish Hair Goat Crossbred. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2018;15:82–85.
MLA Akgül, Gülşah vd. “Corynebacterium Pseudotuberculosis Case in a Boer Goat X Turkish Hair Goat Crossbred”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 15, sy. 1, 2018, ss. 82-85.
Vancouver Akgül G, Kahya Demirbilek S, Çelik ÖY, İrak K, Akgül MB. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Case in a Boer Goat X Turkish Hair Goat Crossbred. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2018;15(1):82-5.