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Koç ve Boğa Abomazumunda Progesteron Reseptörünün İmmunlokalizasyonu

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 3, 162 - 169, 01.12.2019


Progesteron (P4) memeli ovaryumunda korpus luteum tarafından
hem dişi ve erkek üreme sistemlerinde hem de reprodüktif
olmayan doku ve organlarda çeşitli fonksiyonlar üstlenir. P4 hedef dokulardaki
etkilerini, progesteron reseptörü (PR) adı verilen spesifik hücre içi
reseptörler aracılığıyla gerçekleştirir. Çeşitli çalışmalar PR’lerinin hem
normal sağlıklı hem de kanserli mide dokularında eksprese edildiğini ve mide
mukozasının progesteronun eylemi için hedef doku olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. PR
ekspresyonu insan, fare, rat ve mongol gerbil midesinde rapor edilmesine rağmen
koç ve boğa midelerinde bu reseptörün varlığına dair çalışma bulunmamaktadır.
Sunulan çalışmanın amacı PR’ünün erişkin koç ve boğa abomazumlarının kardiya,
fundus ve pilorus bölgelerinde eksprese edilip edilmediğini, PR ekspresyonunun
mide bölümlerininin yapısal özelliklerine bağlı bir değişim gösterip
göstermediğini immunohistokimyasal yöntemle belirlemek ve PR’ünün olası rolünü
değerlendirmektedir. Çalışmamızda her iki türün abomazum bölümlerinde yüzey
epitel hücreleri hariç, foveola gastrika'yı örten epitel hücrelerinde ve lamina
propriyadaki bez epitel hücrelerinde PR’ünün çekirdekten ziyade sitoplazmik ve
membransel yerleşim gösterdiği tespit edildi. Koç abomazumunun kardiya
bölümünde de bulunduğu gözlenen pariyetal hücreler ile her iki türün fundus
bölgesindeki pariyetal hücrelerde PR immunreaksiyonunun kuvvetli sitoplazmik
olduğu gözlendi. Pilorus bölgesinde foveola gastrika epitel hücrelerinin ve
müköz bez epitel hücrelerinin bazal sitoplazmalarının ve lateral membranlarının
PR için pozitif boyanma sergiledikleri görüldü. Bunların yanı sıra koç ve boğa
abomazumlarının her üç bölümünde tunika muskularisi oluşturan düz kas
hücrelerinde, lamina propriya ve tunika muskularisdeki kan damarlarının endotel
ve düz kas hücrelerinde sitoplazmik PR immunoreaksiyonu tespit edildi. Sonuç
olarak bu bulgular progesteronun, koç ve boğa midelerinde çeşitli biyolojik
süreçleri PR’leri aracılığıyla düzenlediğinin önemli bir kanıtı olabilir. 


  • 1. Abid S, Gokral J, Maita A, meharji P, Kadam S, Pires E, Modi D. Altered expression of progesterone receptors in testis of infertile men. Reprod Biomed Online 2008; 17(2): 175-84.
  • 2. Anzaldua SR, Camacho-Arroyo I, Reyna-Neyra A, Perez- Martinez M, Cerbon M. Regional differences in expression of progesterone receptor in oviduct and uterus of rabbit during early pregnancy. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol 2007; 147(3): 685-90.
  • 3. Beato M, Herrlich P, Schutz G. Steroid hormone receptors: Many actors in search of a plot. Cell 1995; 83(6): 851-7.
  • 4. Bellance C, Khan JA, Meduri G, Guiochon-Mantel A, Lombès M, Loosfelt H. Progesterone receptor isoforms PRA and PRB differentially contribute to breast cancer cell migration through interaction with focal adhesion kinase complexes. Mol Biol Cell 2013; 24(9): 1363-74.
  • 5. Brinton RD, Thompson RF, Foy MR, Baudry M, Wang J, Finch CE, Morgan TE, Pike CJ, Mack WJ, Stanczyk FZ, Nilsen J. Progesterone receptors: Form and function in brain. Front Neuroendocrinol 2008; 29(2): 313-9.
  • 6. Bruce LA, Beshudi FM. Progesterone effects on three regional gastrointestinal tissues. Life Science 1979; 25(9): 729-34.
  • 7. Doglioni C, Gambacorta M, Zamboni G, Coggi G, Viale G. Immunocytochemical localization of progesterone receptors in endocrine cells of the human pancreas. Am J Pathol 1990; 137(5): 999-1005.
  • 8. Dressing GE, Goldberg JE, Charles NJ, Schwertfeger KL, Lange CA. Membrane progesterone receptor expression in mammalian tissues; a review of regulation and physiological implications. Steroids 2011; 76(1-2): 11-7.
  • 9. Eliakim R, Abulafia O, Sherer DM. Estrogen, progesterone and the gastrointestinal tract. J Reprod Med 2000; 45(10): 781-8.
  • 10. Gava N, Clarke CL, Byth K, Arnett-Mansfield RL, deFazio A. Expression of progesterone receptors A and B in the mouse ovary during the estrous cycle. Endocrinology 2004; 145(7): 3487-94.
  • 11. Gellersen B, Fernandes MS, Brosens JJ. Non-genomic progesterone actions in female reproduction. Hum Reprod Update 2009; 15(1): 119-38.
  • 12. Ingegno MD, Moner SR, Thelmo W, Greene GL, Davidian M, Jaffe BM, Pertschuk LP. Progesterone receptors in the human heart and great vessels. Lab Invest 1988; 59(3): 353-6.
  • 13. Kalkhoff RK. Metabolic effects of progesterone. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1982; 142(6): 735-8.
  • 14. Karakoç Z, Sagsöz H, Ketani MA. Mucin profiles of the abomasum in bulls and rams: A comparative study. Microsc Res Techniq 2016; 79(9): 856-68.
  • 15. Karat D, Brotherick I, Shenton BK, Scott D, Raimes SA, Griffin SM. Expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors in gastric cancer: A flow cytometric study. Br J Cancer 1999; 80(8): 1271-4.
  • 16. Le Goascogne C, Sananès N, Eychenne B, Gouézou M, Baulieu EE, Robel P. Androgen biosynthesis in the stomach: Expression of cytochrome P450 17 alpha-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase messenger ribonucleic acid and protein, and metabolism of pregnenolone and progesterone by parietal cells of the rat gastric mucosa. Endocrinology 1995; 136(4): 1744-52.
  • 17. Liu CY, Chen LB, Liu PY, Xie DP, Wang PS. Effects of progesterone on gastric emptying and intestinal transit in male rats. World J Gastroenterol 2002; 8(2): 338-41.
  • 18. Michaletz-Onody PA. Peptic ulcer disease in pregnancy. Gastroenterol Clin North Am 1993; 21(4): 817-26.
  • 19. Oettel M, Mukhopadhyay AK. Progesterone: The forgotten hormone in men? Aging Male 2002; 7(3): 236-57.
  • 20. Oshima CT, Wonraht DR, Catarino RM, Mattos D, Forones NM. Estrogen and progesterone receptors in gastric and colorectal cancer. Hepatogastroenterology 1999; 46(30): 3155-8.
  • 21. Ozfiliz N, Tutuncu Ş, Erdost H. Immunohistochemical distribution of ghrelin positive cells in the abomasum of sheep. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg 2011; 58(1): 61-4.
  • 22. Pfaffl MW, Lange IG, Meyer HH. The gastrointestinal tract as target of steroid hormone action: Quantification of steroid receptor mRNA expression (AR, ER, ER and PR) in 10 bovine gastrointestinal tract compartments by kinetic RT-PCR. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 2003; 84(2-3): 159-66.
  • 23. Quinkler M, Bumke-Vogt C, Meyer B, Bahr V, Oelkers W, Diederich S. The human kidney is a progesterone-metabolizing and androgen-producing organ. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003; 88(6): 2803-9.
  • 24. Saqui-Salces M, Rocha-Gutierrez BL, Barrios-Payan JA, Ruiz-Palacios G, Camacho-Arroyo I, Gamboa-Dominguez A. Effects of estradiol and progesterone on gastric mucosal response to early Helicobacter pylori infection in female gerbils. Helicobacter 2006; 11(2): 123-30.
  • 25. Saqui-Salces M, Neri-Gomez T, Gamboa-Dominguez A, Ruiz-Palaciaos G, Camacho-Arrovo I. Estrogen and progesterone receptor isoforms expression in the stomach of Mongolian gerbils. World J Gastroenterol 2008; 14(37): 5701-6.
  • 26. Shyamala G, Chou YC, Louie SG, Guzman RC, Smith GH, Nandi S. Cellular expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors in mammary glands: Regulation by hormones, development and aging. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 2002; 80(2): 137-48.
  • 27. Thomas P. Discovery of a new family of membrane progesterone receptors in vertebrates and detection of the alpha and beta subtypes in mouse brain, testis and uterus. Med Chem Res 2004; 13(3-4): 202-9.
  • 28. Ueyama T, Shirasawa N, Numazawa M, Yamada K, Shelangouski M, Ito T, Tsuruo Y. Gastric parietal cells: Potent endocrine role in secreting estrogen as a possible regulator of gastro-hepatic axis. Endocrinology 2002; 143(8): 3162-70.
  • 29. Wald A, Van Thiel DH, Hoechstetter L, Gavaler JS, Egler KM, Verm R, Scott L, Lester R. Gastrointestinal transit: The effect of the menstrual cycle. Gastroenterology 1981; 80(6): 1497-1500.
  • 30. You S, Zuo L, Varma V. Broad tissue expression of membrane progesterone receptor alpha in normal mice. J Mol Hist 2010; 41(2-3): 101-10.

The immunolocalization of Progestrone receptor in the abomasum of Ram and Bull

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 3, 162 - 169, 01.12.2019


Progesterone (P4), which is produced by the corpus
luteum in the mammalian ovary, undertakes various functions in both female and
male reproductive systems as well as non-reproductive tissues and organs. P4
effects the effects of target tissues via specific intracellular receptors
called progesterone receptor (PR). Several studies have demonstrated that PR is
expressed in both healthy and cancerous stomach tissues and that the gastric
mucosa is the target tissue for progesterone action. Although PR expression is
reported in human, mouse, rat and mongol gerbil stomach, there is no study of
the presence of this receptor in rams and bull abomasum. The purpose of the
present study was to investigate whether PR is expressed in adult ram and bull
abomasum, and whether the PR expression exhibits a change depending on the
structural properties of the abomasum regions, i.e. the cardia, fundus and
pylorus using immunohistochemistry, and to evaluate the possible function of PR
. In both species, the epithelial cells lining
the foveola gastrica and the epithelial gland cells in the lamina propria,
except for surface epithelial cells, exhibited cytoplasmic and membranous
immunostaining for PR. The parietal cells of the fundus region in the abomasum
of both species and of the cardia region of ram abomasum displayed strongly
cytoplasmic PR immunoreactivity. The basal cytoplasm and lateral membranes of
the epithelial cells in the foveola gastrica and the epithelial cells of mucous
gland in the pylorus region showed positive staining for PR. In addition,
cytoplasmic PR immunoreactivity was detected in the smooth muscle cells of
tunica muscularis and in the endothelial and smooth muscle cells of blood
vessels in the abomasum wall. As a result, these findings may be an important
proof that P4 regulates biologically distinct processes in abomasum of ram and
bull through the action of the PRs.


  • 1. Abid S, Gokral J, Maita A, meharji P, Kadam S, Pires E, Modi D. Altered expression of progesterone receptors in testis of infertile men. Reprod Biomed Online 2008; 17(2): 175-84.
  • 2. Anzaldua SR, Camacho-Arroyo I, Reyna-Neyra A, Perez- Martinez M, Cerbon M. Regional differences in expression of progesterone receptor in oviduct and uterus of rabbit during early pregnancy. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol 2007; 147(3): 685-90.
  • 3. Beato M, Herrlich P, Schutz G. Steroid hormone receptors: Many actors in search of a plot. Cell 1995; 83(6): 851-7.
  • 4. Bellance C, Khan JA, Meduri G, Guiochon-Mantel A, Lombès M, Loosfelt H. Progesterone receptor isoforms PRA and PRB differentially contribute to breast cancer cell migration through interaction with focal adhesion kinase complexes. Mol Biol Cell 2013; 24(9): 1363-74.
  • 5. Brinton RD, Thompson RF, Foy MR, Baudry M, Wang J, Finch CE, Morgan TE, Pike CJ, Mack WJ, Stanczyk FZ, Nilsen J. Progesterone receptors: Form and function in brain. Front Neuroendocrinol 2008; 29(2): 313-9.
  • 6. Bruce LA, Beshudi FM. Progesterone effects on three regional gastrointestinal tissues. Life Science 1979; 25(9): 729-34.
  • 7. Doglioni C, Gambacorta M, Zamboni G, Coggi G, Viale G. Immunocytochemical localization of progesterone receptors in endocrine cells of the human pancreas. Am J Pathol 1990; 137(5): 999-1005.
  • 8. Dressing GE, Goldberg JE, Charles NJ, Schwertfeger KL, Lange CA. Membrane progesterone receptor expression in mammalian tissues; a review of regulation and physiological implications. Steroids 2011; 76(1-2): 11-7.
  • 9. Eliakim R, Abulafia O, Sherer DM. Estrogen, progesterone and the gastrointestinal tract. J Reprod Med 2000; 45(10): 781-8.
  • 10. Gava N, Clarke CL, Byth K, Arnett-Mansfield RL, deFazio A. Expression of progesterone receptors A and B in the mouse ovary during the estrous cycle. Endocrinology 2004; 145(7): 3487-94.
  • 11. Gellersen B, Fernandes MS, Brosens JJ. Non-genomic progesterone actions in female reproduction. Hum Reprod Update 2009; 15(1): 119-38.
  • 12. Ingegno MD, Moner SR, Thelmo W, Greene GL, Davidian M, Jaffe BM, Pertschuk LP. Progesterone receptors in the human heart and great vessels. Lab Invest 1988; 59(3): 353-6.
  • 13. Kalkhoff RK. Metabolic effects of progesterone. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1982; 142(6): 735-8.
  • 14. Karakoç Z, Sagsöz H, Ketani MA. Mucin profiles of the abomasum in bulls and rams: A comparative study. Microsc Res Techniq 2016; 79(9): 856-68.
  • 15. Karat D, Brotherick I, Shenton BK, Scott D, Raimes SA, Griffin SM. Expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors in gastric cancer: A flow cytometric study. Br J Cancer 1999; 80(8): 1271-4.
  • 16. Le Goascogne C, Sananès N, Eychenne B, Gouézou M, Baulieu EE, Robel P. Androgen biosynthesis in the stomach: Expression of cytochrome P450 17 alpha-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase messenger ribonucleic acid and protein, and metabolism of pregnenolone and progesterone by parietal cells of the rat gastric mucosa. Endocrinology 1995; 136(4): 1744-52.
  • 17. Liu CY, Chen LB, Liu PY, Xie DP, Wang PS. Effects of progesterone on gastric emptying and intestinal transit in male rats. World J Gastroenterol 2002; 8(2): 338-41.
  • 18. Michaletz-Onody PA. Peptic ulcer disease in pregnancy. Gastroenterol Clin North Am 1993; 21(4): 817-26.
  • 19. Oettel M, Mukhopadhyay AK. Progesterone: The forgotten hormone in men? Aging Male 2002; 7(3): 236-57.
  • 20. Oshima CT, Wonraht DR, Catarino RM, Mattos D, Forones NM. Estrogen and progesterone receptors in gastric and colorectal cancer. Hepatogastroenterology 1999; 46(30): 3155-8.
  • 21. Ozfiliz N, Tutuncu Ş, Erdost H. Immunohistochemical distribution of ghrelin positive cells in the abomasum of sheep. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg 2011; 58(1): 61-4.
  • 22. Pfaffl MW, Lange IG, Meyer HH. The gastrointestinal tract as target of steroid hormone action: Quantification of steroid receptor mRNA expression (AR, ER, ER and PR) in 10 bovine gastrointestinal tract compartments by kinetic RT-PCR. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 2003; 84(2-3): 159-66.
  • 23. Quinkler M, Bumke-Vogt C, Meyer B, Bahr V, Oelkers W, Diederich S. The human kidney is a progesterone-metabolizing and androgen-producing organ. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003; 88(6): 2803-9.
  • 24. Saqui-Salces M, Rocha-Gutierrez BL, Barrios-Payan JA, Ruiz-Palacios G, Camacho-Arroyo I, Gamboa-Dominguez A. Effects of estradiol and progesterone on gastric mucosal response to early Helicobacter pylori infection in female gerbils. Helicobacter 2006; 11(2): 123-30.
  • 25. Saqui-Salces M, Neri-Gomez T, Gamboa-Dominguez A, Ruiz-Palaciaos G, Camacho-Arrovo I. Estrogen and progesterone receptor isoforms expression in the stomach of Mongolian gerbils. World J Gastroenterol 2008; 14(37): 5701-6.
  • 26. Shyamala G, Chou YC, Louie SG, Guzman RC, Smith GH, Nandi S. Cellular expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors in mammary glands: Regulation by hormones, development and aging. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 2002; 80(2): 137-48.
  • 27. Thomas P. Discovery of a new family of membrane progesterone receptors in vertebrates and detection of the alpha and beta subtypes in mouse brain, testis and uterus. Med Chem Res 2004; 13(3-4): 202-9.
  • 28. Ueyama T, Shirasawa N, Numazawa M, Yamada K, Shelangouski M, Ito T, Tsuruo Y. Gastric parietal cells: Potent endocrine role in secreting estrogen as a possible regulator of gastro-hepatic axis. Endocrinology 2002; 143(8): 3162-70.
  • 29. Wald A, Van Thiel DH, Hoechstetter L, Gavaler JS, Egler KM, Verm R, Scott L, Lester R. Gastrointestinal transit: The effect of the menstrual cycle. Gastroenterology 1981; 80(6): 1497-1500.
  • 30. You S, Zuo L, Varma V. Broad tissue expression of membrane progesterone receptor alpha in normal mice. J Mol Hist 2010; 41(2-3): 101-10.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Narin Liman 0000-0001-5489-2719

Ergül Ergen Bu kişi benim

Ural Kemal Kavraal Bu kişi benim

Zelal Karakoç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Ağustos 2018
Kabul Tarihi 15 Kasım 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Liman, N., Ergen, E., Kavraal, U. K., Karakoç, Z. (2019). Koç ve Boğa Abomazumunda Progesteron Reseptörünün İmmunlokalizasyonu. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(3), 162-169.
AMA Liman N, Ergen E, Kavraal UK, Karakoç Z. Koç ve Boğa Abomazumunda Progesteron Reseptörünün İmmunlokalizasyonu. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. Aralık 2019;16(3):162-169. doi:10.32707/ercivet.648519
Chicago Liman, Narin, Ergül Ergen, Ural Kemal Kavraal, ve Zelal Karakoç. “Koç Ve Boğa Abomazumunda Progesteron Reseptörünün İmmunlokalizasyonu”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 16, sy. 3 (Aralık 2019): 162-69.
EndNote Liman N, Ergen E, Kavraal UK, Karakoç Z (01 Aralık 2019) Koç ve Boğa Abomazumunda Progesteron Reseptörünün İmmunlokalizasyonu. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 16 3 162–169.
IEEE N. Liman, E. Ergen, U. K. Kavraal, ve Z. Karakoç, “Koç ve Boğa Abomazumunda Progesteron Reseptörünün İmmunlokalizasyonu”, Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, c. 16, sy. 3, ss. 162–169, 2019, doi: 10.32707/ercivet.648519.
ISNAD Liman, Narin vd. “Koç Ve Boğa Abomazumunda Progesteron Reseptörünün İmmunlokalizasyonu”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 16/3 (Aralık 2019), 162-169.
JAMA Liman N, Ergen E, Kavraal UK, Karakoç Z. Koç ve Boğa Abomazumunda Progesteron Reseptörünün İmmunlokalizasyonu. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2019;16:162–169.
MLA Liman, Narin vd. “Koç Ve Boğa Abomazumunda Progesteron Reseptörünün İmmunlokalizasyonu”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 16, sy. 3, 2019, ss. 162-9, doi:10.32707/ercivet.648519.
Vancouver Liman N, Ergen E, Kavraal UK, Karakoç Z. Koç ve Boğa Abomazumunda Progesteron Reseptörünün İmmunlokalizasyonu. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2019;16(3):162-9.