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A Cat Haemobartonellosis Case in Kayseri

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 131 - 135, 01.06.2010




  • Akkan HA, Karaca M, Tutuncu M, Özdal N, Yüksek N, Ağaoğlu Z, Değer S, 2005. Haemobartonellosis in Van cats. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 29: 709-712.
  • Bobade PA, Nash AS, 1987. A comparative study of the efficiency of acridine orange and some Romanovsky staining procedures in the demonstration of Haemobartonella felis in feline blood. Vet Parasitol, 26: 169-172.
  • Bobade PA, Nash AS, Rogerson P, 1988. Feline haematological and pathological studies in natural infections and the relationship to infection with feline leukaemia virus. Rec,122 (2): 32-36. clinical, Vet in Vet Rec,151 (3): 82-85. Israel and their
  • Holzworth J. 1956. Anemia in the cat. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 128(10):471-488.
  • Jensen WA, Lappin MR, Kamkar S, Reagan WJ, 2001. Use of a polymerase chain reaction assay to detect and differentiate two strains of Haemobartonella felis in naturally infected cats. Am J Vet Res, 62 : 604-608.
  • Kurtdede A, Ural K, 2004. Haemobartonellosis in Cats in Ankara, Turkey. Acta Vet Brno, 73 : 507-512.
  • Messick, JB, 2003. New perspectives about Hemotropic Haemobartonella and Eperythrozoon species) infections in dogs and cats. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, 33 (6): 1453-1465.
  • Seamer J, Douglas SW, 1959. A new blood parasite of British cats. Vet Rec, 71: 405-408. 15. Sykes, JE, 2003. Feline hemotropic mycoplasmosis (feline haemobartonellosis). Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, 33 (4): 773-789.
  • Tasker S, Lappin MR, 2001. Haemobartonella felis: Recent developments in diagnosis and treatment. J Fel Med Surg, 4: 3-11.
  • Turner CM,Bloxham PA,Cox FE,Turner CB, 1 9 8 6 . Haemobartonella felis.Vet Rec, 119 (21): 534- 5.
  • d i a g n o s i s o f
  • VanSteenhouse JL, Taboada J, Dorfman MI, 1995.Hemobartonella felis infection with atypical hematological abnormalities. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc, 31(2):165-169.
  • Willi B, Boretti FS, Tasker S, Meli ML, Wengi N, Reusch CE, Lutz H, Hofmann-Lehmann R, 2007a. hemoplasma: Molecular methods provide new insights. Vet Microbiol, 125 : 197-209. to
  • Willi B, Boretti FS, Meli ML, Bernasconi MV, Casati S, Hegglin D, Puorger M, Neimark H, Cattori V, Wengi N, Reusch CE, Lutz H, Hofmann-Lehmann R, 2007b. Realtime PCR investigation of potential vectors, reservoirs and shedding patterns of feline hemotropic mycoplasmas. Appl Environ Microbiol, 73 : 3798-3802. 21. Woods JE, Brewer MM, Hawley JR, Wisnewski N, Lappin MR, 2005. Evaluation of experimental transmission of Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum and Mycoplasma haemofelis by Ctenocephalides felis to cats. Am J Vet Res. 66 : 1008-1012.
  • Akkan HA, Karaca M, Tutuncu M, Özdal N, Yüksek N, Ağaoğlu Z, Değer S, 2005. Haemobartonellosis in Van cats. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 29: 709-712.
  • Bobade PA, Nash AS, 1987. A comparative study of the efficiency of acridine orange and some Romanovsky staining procedures in the demonstration of Haemobartonella felis in feline blood. Vet Parasitol, 26: 169-172.
  • Bobade PA, Nash AS, Rogerson P, 1988. Feline haematological and pathological studies in natural infections and the relationship to infection with feline leukaemia virus. Rec,122 (2): 32-36. clinical, Vet in Vet Rec,151 (3): 82-85. Israel and their
  • Holzworth J. 1956. Anemia in the cat. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 128(10):471-488.
  • Jensen WA, Lappin MR, Kamkar S, Reagan WJ, 2001. Use of a polymerase chain reaction assay to detect and differentiate two strains of Haemobartonella felis in naturally infected cats. Am J Vet Res, 62 : 604-608.
  • Kurtdede A, Ural K, 2004. Haemobartonellosis in Cats in Ankara, Turkey. Acta Vet Brno, 73 : 507-512.
  • Messick, JB, 2003. New perspectives about Hemotropic Haemobartonella and Eperythrozoon species) infections in dogs and cats. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, 33 (6): 1453-1465.
  • Seamer J, Douglas SW, 1959. A new blood parasite of British cats. Vet Rec, 71: 405-408. 15. Sykes, JE, 2003. Feline hemotropic mycoplasmosis (feline haemobartonellosis). Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, 33 (4): 773-789.
  • Tasker S, Lappin MR, 2001. Haemobartonella felis: Recent developments in diagnosis and treatment. J Fel Med Surg, 4: 3-11.
  • Turner CM,Bloxham PA,Cox FE,Turner CB, 1 9 8 6 . Haemobartonella felis.Vet Rec, 119 (21): 534- 5.
  • d i a g n o s i s o f
  • VanSteenhouse JL, Taboada J, Dorfman MI, 1995.Hemobartonella felis infection with atypical hematological abnormalities. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc, 31(2):165-169.
  • Willi B, Boretti FS, Tasker S, Meli ML, Wengi N, Reusch CE, Lutz H, Hofmann-Lehmann R, 2007a. hemoplasma: Molecular methods provide new insights. Vet Microbiol, 125 : 197-209. to
  • Willi B, Boretti FS, Meli ML, Bernasconi MV, Casati S, Hegglin D, Puorger M, Neimark H, Cattori V, Wengi N, Reusch CE, Lutz H, Hofmann-Lehmann R, 2007b. Realtime PCR investigation of potential vectors, reservoirs and shedding patterns of feline hemotropic mycoplasmas. Appl Environ Microbiol, 73 : 3798-3802. 21. Woods JE, Brewer MM, Hawley JR, Wisnewski N, Lappin MR, 2005. Evaluation of experimental transmission of Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum and Mycoplasma haemofelis by Ctenocephalides felis to cats. Am J Vet Res. 66 : 1008-1012.

Kayseri'de Bir Kedide Haemobartonellozis Olgusu

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 131 - 135, 01.06.2010


Olgunun materyalini Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi kliniklerine iştahsızlık, halsizlik, apati ve sarılık şikayetiyle getirilen, 3 yaşlı, erkek, sarman kedi oluşturdu. Yapılan klinik muayenede hayvanda şiddetli dehidrasyon, tümmukozalarda ve deride ikterus, apati, kene enfestasyonu belirlendi. Hematolojik muayenede; anisositosis,trombositopeni, makrositik hipokromik anemi, lökositozis, neutropeni, lenfositozis, monositozis, basofili ve serum biyokimyasal incelemesinde glukoz 176 mg/dl, BUN 140 mg/dl, kreatinin 5.2 mg/dl, AST 1822 U/L, ALT 2703 U/L, totalprotein 7.6 g/dl, total bilirubin 27.3 mg/dl, konjuge bilirubin 20.3mg/dl olarak belirlendi. Giemsa ile boyanan perifer kanfrotisinde Haemobartonella felis (Mycoplasma haemofelis) tanısı konuldu. Hasta, oksitetrasiklin(Pan-Terramycine flk.,Pfizer®) ile 10 gün süreyle tedavi edildi. Tedavi sonrası, klinik olarak hastanın iyileştiği ve hematolojik muayenede;eritrosit 3.90 x106/µl, lökosit 28.7x103/µl, neutrofil 17.7 x103/µl, lenfosit 6.5 x103/µl, serum biyokimyasal incelemesinde;glukoz 94 mg/dl, BUN 169 mg/dl, kreatinin 5.1mg/dl, AST 74 U/L, ALT 52 U/L, total protein 8.8 g/dl, total bilirubin 2.3mg/dl ve konjuge bilirubin 1.4 mg/dl olarak belirlendi. Sonuç olarak; değerlendirilen olgunun haemobartonellozis olduğutespit edildi. Kayseri’de belirlenen ilk haemobartonellozis olgusu olması nedeniyle bildiriminin yararlı olacağı kanısınavarıldı


  • Akkan HA, Karaca M, Tutuncu M, Özdal N, Yüksek N, Ağaoğlu Z, Değer S, 2005. Haemobartonellosis in Van cats. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 29: 709-712.
  • Bobade PA, Nash AS, 1987. A comparative study of the efficiency of acridine orange and some Romanovsky staining procedures in the demonstration of Haemobartonella felis in feline blood. Vet Parasitol, 26: 169-172.
  • Bobade PA, Nash AS, Rogerson P, 1988. Feline haematological and pathological studies in natural infections and the relationship to infection with feline leukaemia virus. Rec,122 (2): 32-36. clinical, Vet in Vet Rec,151 (3): 82-85. Israel and their
  • Holzworth J. 1956. Anemia in the cat. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 128(10):471-488.
  • Jensen WA, Lappin MR, Kamkar S, Reagan WJ, 2001. Use of a polymerase chain reaction assay to detect and differentiate two strains of Haemobartonella felis in naturally infected cats. Am J Vet Res, 62 : 604-608.
  • Kurtdede A, Ural K, 2004. Haemobartonellosis in Cats in Ankara, Turkey. Acta Vet Brno, 73 : 507-512.
  • Messick, JB, 2003. New perspectives about Hemotropic Haemobartonella and Eperythrozoon species) infections in dogs and cats. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, 33 (6): 1453-1465.
  • Seamer J, Douglas SW, 1959. A new blood parasite of British cats. Vet Rec, 71: 405-408. 15. Sykes, JE, 2003. Feline hemotropic mycoplasmosis (feline haemobartonellosis). Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, 33 (4): 773-789.
  • Tasker S, Lappin MR, 2001. Haemobartonella felis: Recent developments in diagnosis and treatment. J Fel Med Surg, 4: 3-11.
  • Turner CM,Bloxham PA,Cox FE,Turner CB, 1 9 8 6 . Haemobartonella felis.Vet Rec, 119 (21): 534- 5.
  • d i a g n o s i s o f
  • VanSteenhouse JL, Taboada J, Dorfman MI, 1995.Hemobartonella felis infection with atypical hematological abnormalities. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc, 31(2):165-169.
  • Willi B, Boretti FS, Tasker S, Meli ML, Wengi N, Reusch CE, Lutz H, Hofmann-Lehmann R, 2007a. hemoplasma: Molecular methods provide new insights. Vet Microbiol, 125 : 197-209. to
  • Willi B, Boretti FS, Meli ML, Bernasconi MV, Casati S, Hegglin D, Puorger M, Neimark H, Cattori V, Wengi N, Reusch CE, Lutz H, Hofmann-Lehmann R, 2007b. Realtime PCR investigation of potential vectors, reservoirs and shedding patterns of feline hemotropic mycoplasmas. Appl Environ Microbiol, 73 : 3798-3802. 21. Woods JE, Brewer MM, Hawley JR, Wisnewski N, Lappin MR, 2005. Evaluation of experimental transmission of Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum and Mycoplasma haemofelis by Ctenocephalides felis to cats. Am J Vet Res. 66 : 1008-1012.
  • Akkan HA, Karaca M, Tutuncu M, Özdal N, Yüksek N, Ağaoğlu Z, Değer S, 2005. Haemobartonellosis in Van cats. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 29: 709-712.
  • Bobade PA, Nash AS, 1987. A comparative study of the efficiency of acridine orange and some Romanovsky staining procedures in the demonstration of Haemobartonella felis in feline blood. Vet Parasitol, 26: 169-172.
  • Bobade PA, Nash AS, Rogerson P, 1988. Feline haematological and pathological studies in natural infections and the relationship to infection with feline leukaemia virus. Rec,122 (2): 32-36. clinical, Vet in Vet Rec,151 (3): 82-85. Israel and their
  • Holzworth J. 1956. Anemia in the cat. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 128(10):471-488.
  • Jensen WA, Lappin MR, Kamkar S, Reagan WJ, 2001. Use of a polymerase chain reaction assay to detect and differentiate two strains of Haemobartonella felis in naturally infected cats. Am J Vet Res, 62 : 604-608.
  • Kurtdede A, Ural K, 2004. Haemobartonellosis in Cats in Ankara, Turkey. Acta Vet Brno, 73 : 507-512.
  • Messick, JB, 2003. New perspectives about Hemotropic Haemobartonella and Eperythrozoon species) infections in dogs and cats. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, 33 (6): 1453-1465.
  • Seamer J, Douglas SW, 1959. A new blood parasite of British cats. Vet Rec, 71: 405-408. 15. Sykes, JE, 2003. Feline hemotropic mycoplasmosis (feline haemobartonellosis). Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, 33 (4): 773-789.
  • Tasker S, Lappin MR, 2001. Haemobartonella felis: Recent developments in diagnosis and treatment. J Fel Med Surg, 4: 3-11.
  • Turner CM,Bloxham PA,Cox FE,Turner CB, 1 9 8 6 . Haemobartonella felis.Vet Rec, 119 (21): 534- 5.
  • d i a g n o s i s o f
  • VanSteenhouse JL, Taboada J, Dorfman MI, 1995.Hemobartonella felis infection with atypical hematological abnormalities. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc, 31(2):165-169.
  • Willi B, Boretti FS, Tasker S, Meli ML, Wengi N, Reusch CE, Lutz H, Hofmann-Lehmann R, 2007a. hemoplasma: Molecular methods provide new insights. Vet Microbiol, 125 : 197-209. to
  • Willi B, Boretti FS, Meli ML, Bernasconi MV, Casati S, Hegglin D, Puorger M, Neimark H, Cattori V, Wengi N, Reusch CE, Lutz H, Hofmann-Lehmann R, 2007b. Realtime PCR investigation of potential vectors, reservoirs and shedding patterns of feline hemotropic mycoplasmas. Appl Environ Microbiol, 73 : 3798-3802. 21. Woods JE, Brewer MM, Hawley JR, Wisnewski N, Lappin MR, 2005. Evaluation of experimental transmission of Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum and Mycoplasma haemofelis by Ctenocephalides felis to cats. Am J Vet Res. 66 : 1008-1012.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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Ö. Aslan Bu kişi benim

A. İça Bu kişi benim

Y. Çam Bu kişi benim

M. Kibar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2010
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Haziran 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Aslan, Ö., İça, A., Çam, Y., Kibar, M. (2010). Kayseri’de Bir Kedide Haemobartonellozis Olgusu. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(2), 131-135.
AMA Aslan Ö, İça A, Çam Y, Kibar M. Kayseri’de Bir Kedide Haemobartonellozis Olgusu. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. Haziran 2010;7(2):131-135.
Chicago Aslan, Ö., A. İça, Y. Çam, ve M. Kibar. “Kayseri’de Bir Kedide Haemobartonellozis Olgusu”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 7, sy. 2 (Haziran 2010): 131-35.
EndNote Aslan Ö, İça A, Çam Y, Kibar M (01 Haziran 2010) Kayseri’de Bir Kedide Haemobartonellozis Olgusu. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 7 2 131–135.
IEEE Ö. Aslan, A. İça, Y. Çam, ve M. Kibar, “Kayseri’de Bir Kedide Haemobartonellozis Olgusu”, Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, c. 7, sy. 2, ss. 131–135, 2010.
ISNAD Aslan, Ö. vd. “Kayseri’de Bir Kedide Haemobartonellozis Olgusu”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 7/2 (Haziran 2010), 131-135.
JAMA Aslan Ö, İça A, Çam Y, Kibar M. Kayseri’de Bir Kedide Haemobartonellozis Olgusu. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2010;7:131–135.
MLA Aslan, Ö. vd. “Kayseri’de Bir Kedide Haemobartonellozis Olgusu”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 2, 2010, ss. 131-5.
Vancouver Aslan Ö, İça A, Çam Y, Kibar M. Kayseri’de Bir Kedide Haemobartonellozis Olgusu. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2010;7(2):131-5.