Rûhî, whose real name is Mustafa, was born in Kilis in 1133/1720-1721. It is known that he lived a bright life in the world of science and literature. He wrote poems in Turkish, Arabic and Persian. He used a humorous, punned and witty language in his poems. He died in Kilis, where he was born, in 1212/1797-98. Although it is stated in some sources that Mustafa Rûhî, who is both a scholar and a poet, has a divan, his divan has not been reached until today. Some of the poems of some poets who do not have a divan are in cluded in poetry majmuas. The poems of some poets whose divans have not survived even though they have a divan can be brought to light through these poetry majmuas. We came across some of the poems of Mustafa Rûhî, whose divan could not be reached yet in the poetry majmua registered in the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Atatürk Library with the number Mc_Yz_K_0168 and we determined that these poems have poems that were not known until now. In this research, firstly, information about the life and works of Mustafa Rûhî was given. In the aforementioned journal, belonging to Mustafa Rûhî unknown until now a gazel a muhammes and four tahmis have been transferred to the transcription alphabet.