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Yıl 2006, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 1, 142 - 151, 01.02.2006


In this study, a review of work done on machining errors and compensation strategies in CNC turning is presented. Many important factors like machining conditions and cutting tools, machine tool accuracy, workpiece materials etc. play role on the machining errors. The compensation strategies are arranged as three main model such as Geometric-thermal, Geometric adaptive control and Open modular control. The majority of error compensation studies is focused to Geometric adaptive control techniques. But applicability of these techniques is not at the desired level. The Open modular control model has some advantage in case of control units are open loop and have NT based operation system. Then it is clearly shown the error compensation techniques will be greatly improved if the new generation control units are open loop and updatable PCs.


  • Topal E.S., BSD Tornalamada Kesme Kuvveti Esaslı İşleme Hatasının İncelenmesi ve Bilgisayar Desteğiyle Düzeltilmesi, Doktora Tezi, Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kayseri, 2003
  • Ramesh, R., Mannan M.A., Poo, A.N., Error Compensation in machine Tools- a review Part I: Geometric, cutting Force Induced and Fixture-Dependent Errors, Int. Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacfacture, 40, 1235-1256, 2000
  • Chun, F., Radial Error Feedback Geometric Adaptive Control for Bar Turning in CNC Turning Centers, PhD Thesis, The Florida State University, Florida, 2000
  • Liu, Z.Q., Venuvinod, P.K., Error Compensation in CNC Turning Solely from Dimensional Measurements Previously Machined Parts, CIRP Annals- Manufacturing Technology, 48, 429-432, 1999
  • Ramesh, R., Mannan M.A., Poo, A.N., Error Compensation in Machine Tools –– a Review: Part II: thermal errors, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 40 (9), 1257-1284, 2000
  • Du, Z. C., Yang, J. G., Yao, Z. Q., Xue, B. Y., Modeling approach of regression orthogonal experiment design for the thermal error compensation of a CNC turning center, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 129 (1-3), 619-623, 2002
  • Schmitz, T., Ziegert, J., Dynamic Evaluation of Spatial CNC Contouring Accuracy, Precision Engineering, Volume 24, (2), 99-118, 2000
  • Jywe, W., Liu, C., Verification and Evaluation Method For Volumetric and Positional Errors of CNC Machine Tools, International Journal of Machine Tools And Manufacture, Volume 40, Issue (13), 1899-1911, 2000
  • Ni, J., CNC Machine Accuracy Enhancement Through Real-time error Compansation, ASME Transactions Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 119, 717-724, 1997
  • Chungchoo, C., Saini, D.,On-Line Tool Wear Estimation in CNC Turning Operations Using Fuzzy Neural Network Model, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Volume 42(1), 29-40, 2002
  • Lechniak, Z., Werner, A., Skalski, K., Kedzior, K., Methodology of Off-Line Software Compensation for Errors in The Machining Process on The CNC Machine Tool, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 76, (1-3), 42-48, 1998
  • Schmitz, T., Ziegert, J., Examination of surface location error due to phasing of cutter vibrations, Precision Engineering, Volume 23, (2), 51-62, 1999
  • Yang, S., Yuan, J., Ni, J., Real-time Cutting Force Induced Error Compensation on a Turning Center, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 37 (11), 1597–1610, 1997
  • Baron, L., Mayer, J. R. R., Cloutier, G., Phan, A.V., Finite Element and Experimental Studies of Diameter Errors in Cantilever Bar Turning, unpublished, Monreal, Canada, 2003
  • Ni, J., Wu, S. M., An On-line Measurement Technique for Machine Volumetric Error Compensation, ASME Transactions Journal of Engineering for Industry 115, 85-92, 1993
  • Mou, J., Liu, C. R., An Adaptive Metodology for Machine Tool Error Correction, ASME Transactions Journal of Engineering for Industry, 117 389-399, 1995
  • Veldhuis, S. G., Elbestawi, M. A., Modeling and Compensation for Five Axis Machine Tool Errors, ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering, PED-Vol 68-2 827-839, 1994
  • Srinivasa, N., Ziegert, J.C., Prediction of Thermally Induced Time-Variant Machine Tool Error Maps Using a Fuzzy Artmap Neural Network, ASME Transactions Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 119, 626-630, 1997
  • Hatamura, Y., Nagao, T., Mitsuishi, M., Kato, K., Taguchi, S., Okumura, T., Nakagawa, G., Sugishita, H., Development ofan Intelligent Machining Centre Incorporating Active Compensation for Thermal Distortion, Annals of CIRP 42/1, 549-552, 1993
  • Segonds, S., Lagarrigue, P., Redonnet, J. M., Rubio, W., Compensation for Machining Defects Due to Spindle Dilatation, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 41, 1439–1454, 2001
  • Szafarczyk, M., Misiewski, M., Automatic measurement and correction of workpiece diameter on NC centre lathe, Annals of CIRP 32/1, 305-308, 1983
  • Fan, K. C., Chao, Y. H., In-process Dimensional Control of the Workpiece During Turning, Precision Engineering, 13 (1) , 1991
  • Phan, A.V., Cloutier, G., Mayer, J. R. R., Finite-element model with closed-form solutions to workpiece deflections in turning, International Journal of Production Research, 37, (17), 4039-4051, 1999
  • Cloutier, G., Mayer, J. R. R., Phan, A.V., Singularity Function Representation in Obtaining Closed-Form Solutions to Workpiece Deflections in Turning Multi-Diameter Bars, Computer Modeling And Simulation in Engineering 4, 133-137, 1999
  • Phan, A.V., Cloutier, G., Mayer, J. R. R., A Finite-element model for Predicting Tapered Workpiece Deflections İn Turning, Computer Modeling And Simulation in Engineering 4 (2), 138-142, 1999
  • Mayer, J. R. R., Phan, A.V., Cloutier, G., Prediction of Diameter Errors in Bar Turning: a Computationally effective Model, Applied Mathematical Modeling, 24 943-956, 2000
  • Qiang, L. Z., Finite Difference Calculations of the Deformations of Multi-diameter Workpieces During Turning, Jurnal of Material Processing Technology, 98, 310-316, 2000
  • Palla, N., Khirishnaswami, P., Lei, S., Xin, X., An Amprical Study of Diametral Variations in Turning, Kansas State University, Manhattan, USA
  • Taylor, C.M., Yager, T. J., Caille, R. P., Walker, S. R., Open Modular Architecture Controls At GM Powertrain, GM Powertrain Group Manufacturing Engineering Controls Council, Open_at_GMPTG.pdf, 2003
  • Frampton, N., Tsao, J., Yen, J., Hard Real-time Extensions of Windows NT© Evaluation Report,, 2003
  • Chrysler, Ford G. M., Requirements of Open, Modular Architecture Controllers for Applications in the Automotive Industry, Version 1.1,, 1994


Yıl 2006, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 1, 142 - 151, 01.02.2006


Bu çalışmada bilgisayar sayısal denetimli (BSD) tornalama işleminde iş parçası çapında ortaya çıkan boyutsal hatalar ve düzeltme stratejilerine ilişkin bir derleme çalışması sunulmuştur. İşleme hatalarının ortaya çıkışında kesme takımları, işleme şartları, tezgah hassasiyeti, iş parçası malzemesi ve geometrisi gibi birçok önemli faktör rol oynamaktadır. Düzeltme stratejileri ise Geometrik-ısıl, Geometrik adaptif kontrol ve Açık modüler olmak üzere üç ana model olarak gelişmiştir. Hata düzeltme çalışmalarının çoğunlukla Geometrik adaptif kontrol teknikleri üzerine yoğunlaştığı ve bu alanda önemli gelişmeler sağlandığı görülmekle birlikte sonuçların uygulanabilirliği halen istenilen düzeyde değildir. Açık modüler kontrol modeli ise kontrol ünitelerinin NT tabanlı işletim sistemli ve açık kontrol devreli olduğu durumlarda çok avantajlıdır. Bu durumda yeni nesil kontrol ünitelerinin açık çevrimli ve güncellenebilir Pc’lerden oluşmasının hata düzeltme çalışmalarında büyük gelişme sağlayacağı açıktır.


  • Topal E.S., BSD Tornalamada Kesme Kuvveti Esaslı İşleme Hatasının İncelenmesi ve Bilgisayar Desteğiyle Düzeltilmesi, Doktora Tezi, Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kayseri, 2003
  • Ramesh, R., Mannan M.A., Poo, A.N., Error Compensation in machine Tools- a review Part I: Geometric, cutting Force Induced and Fixture-Dependent Errors, Int. Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacfacture, 40, 1235-1256, 2000
  • Chun, F., Radial Error Feedback Geometric Adaptive Control for Bar Turning in CNC Turning Centers, PhD Thesis, The Florida State University, Florida, 2000
  • Liu, Z.Q., Venuvinod, P.K., Error Compensation in CNC Turning Solely from Dimensional Measurements Previously Machined Parts, CIRP Annals- Manufacturing Technology, 48, 429-432, 1999
  • Ramesh, R., Mannan M.A., Poo, A.N., Error Compensation in Machine Tools –– a Review: Part II: thermal errors, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 40 (9), 1257-1284, 2000
  • Du, Z. C., Yang, J. G., Yao, Z. Q., Xue, B. Y., Modeling approach of regression orthogonal experiment design for the thermal error compensation of a CNC turning center, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 129 (1-3), 619-623, 2002
  • Schmitz, T., Ziegert, J., Dynamic Evaluation of Spatial CNC Contouring Accuracy, Precision Engineering, Volume 24, (2), 99-118, 2000
  • Jywe, W., Liu, C., Verification and Evaluation Method For Volumetric and Positional Errors of CNC Machine Tools, International Journal of Machine Tools And Manufacture, Volume 40, Issue (13), 1899-1911, 2000
  • Ni, J., CNC Machine Accuracy Enhancement Through Real-time error Compansation, ASME Transactions Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 119, 717-724, 1997
  • Chungchoo, C., Saini, D.,On-Line Tool Wear Estimation in CNC Turning Operations Using Fuzzy Neural Network Model, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Volume 42(1), 29-40, 2002
  • Lechniak, Z., Werner, A., Skalski, K., Kedzior, K., Methodology of Off-Line Software Compensation for Errors in The Machining Process on The CNC Machine Tool, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 76, (1-3), 42-48, 1998
  • Schmitz, T., Ziegert, J., Examination of surface location error due to phasing of cutter vibrations, Precision Engineering, Volume 23, (2), 51-62, 1999
  • Yang, S., Yuan, J., Ni, J., Real-time Cutting Force Induced Error Compensation on a Turning Center, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 37 (11), 1597–1610, 1997
  • Baron, L., Mayer, J. R. R., Cloutier, G., Phan, A.V., Finite Element and Experimental Studies of Diameter Errors in Cantilever Bar Turning, unpublished, Monreal, Canada, 2003
  • Ni, J., Wu, S. M., An On-line Measurement Technique for Machine Volumetric Error Compensation, ASME Transactions Journal of Engineering for Industry 115, 85-92, 1993
  • Mou, J., Liu, C. R., An Adaptive Metodology for Machine Tool Error Correction, ASME Transactions Journal of Engineering for Industry, 117 389-399, 1995
  • Veldhuis, S. G., Elbestawi, M. A., Modeling and Compensation for Five Axis Machine Tool Errors, ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering, PED-Vol 68-2 827-839, 1994
  • Srinivasa, N., Ziegert, J.C., Prediction of Thermally Induced Time-Variant Machine Tool Error Maps Using a Fuzzy Artmap Neural Network, ASME Transactions Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 119, 626-630, 1997
  • Hatamura, Y., Nagao, T., Mitsuishi, M., Kato, K., Taguchi, S., Okumura, T., Nakagawa, G., Sugishita, H., Development ofan Intelligent Machining Centre Incorporating Active Compensation for Thermal Distortion, Annals of CIRP 42/1, 549-552, 1993
  • Segonds, S., Lagarrigue, P., Redonnet, J. M., Rubio, W., Compensation for Machining Defects Due to Spindle Dilatation, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 41, 1439–1454, 2001
  • Szafarczyk, M., Misiewski, M., Automatic measurement and correction of workpiece diameter on NC centre lathe, Annals of CIRP 32/1, 305-308, 1983
  • Fan, K. C., Chao, Y. H., In-process Dimensional Control of the Workpiece During Turning, Precision Engineering, 13 (1) , 1991
  • Phan, A.V., Cloutier, G., Mayer, J. R. R., Finite-element model with closed-form solutions to workpiece deflections in turning, International Journal of Production Research, 37, (17), 4039-4051, 1999
  • Cloutier, G., Mayer, J. R. R., Phan, A.V., Singularity Function Representation in Obtaining Closed-Form Solutions to Workpiece Deflections in Turning Multi-Diameter Bars, Computer Modeling And Simulation in Engineering 4, 133-137, 1999
  • Phan, A.V., Cloutier, G., Mayer, J. R. R., A Finite-element model for Predicting Tapered Workpiece Deflections İn Turning, Computer Modeling And Simulation in Engineering 4 (2), 138-142, 1999
  • Mayer, J. R. R., Phan, A.V., Cloutier, G., Prediction of Diameter Errors in Bar Turning: a Computationally effective Model, Applied Mathematical Modeling, 24 943-956, 2000
  • Qiang, L. Z., Finite Difference Calculations of the Deformations of Multi-diameter Workpieces During Turning, Jurnal of Material Processing Technology, 98, 310-316, 2000
  • Palla, N., Khirishnaswami, P., Lei, S., Xin, X., An Amprical Study of Diametral Variations in Turning, Kansas State University, Manhattan, USA
  • Taylor, C.M., Yager, T. J., Caille, R. P., Walker, S. R., Open Modular Architecture Controls At GM Powertrain, GM Powertrain Group Manufacturing Engineering Controls Council, Open_at_GMPTG.pdf, 2003
  • Frampton, N., Tsao, J., Yen, J., Hard Real-time Extensions of Windows NT© Evaluation Report,, 2003
  • Chrysler, Ford G. M., Requirements of Open, Modular Architecture Controllers for Applications in the Automotive Industry, Version 1.1,, 1994
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA83DN85ES
Bölüm Makale

Eyyüp Sabri Topal Bu kişi benim

Can Çoğun Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2006
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2006 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Topal, E. S., & Çoğun, C. (2006). BSD TORNALAMADA İŞLEME HATALARI VE DÜZELTME STRATEJİLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR DERLEME ÇALIŞMASI. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(1), 142-151.
AMA Topal ES, Çoğun C. BSD TORNALAMADA İŞLEME HATALARI VE DÜZELTME STRATEJİLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR DERLEME ÇALIŞMASI. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. Şubat 2006;22(1):142-151.
Chicago Topal, Eyyüp Sabri, ve Can Çoğun. “BSD TORNALAMADA İŞLEME HATALARI VE DÜZELTME STRATEJİLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR DERLEME ÇALIŞMASI”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 22, sy. 1 (Şubat 2006): 142-51.
EndNote Topal ES, Çoğun C (01 Şubat 2006) BSD TORNALAMADA İŞLEME HATALARI VE DÜZELTME STRATEJİLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR DERLEME ÇALIŞMASI. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 22 1 142–151.
IEEE E. S. Topal ve C. Çoğun, “BSD TORNALAMADA İŞLEME HATALARI VE DÜZELTME STRATEJİLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR DERLEME ÇALIŞMASI”, Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 22, sy. 1, ss. 142–151, 2006.
ISNAD Topal, Eyyüp Sabri - Çoğun, Can. “BSD TORNALAMADA İŞLEME HATALARI VE DÜZELTME STRATEJİLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR DERLEME ÇALIŞMASI”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 22/1 (Şubat 2006), 142-151.
JAMA Topal ES, Çoğun C. BSD TORNALAMADA İŞLEME HATALARI VE DÜZELTME STRATEJİLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR DERLEME ÇALIŞMASI. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2006;22:142–151.
MLA Topal, Eyyüp Sabri ve Can Çoğun. “BSD TORNALAMADA İŞLEME HATALARI VE DÜZELTME STRATEJİLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR DERLEME ÇALIŞMASI”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 22, sy. 1, 2006, ss. 142-51.
Vancouver Topal ES, Çoğun C. BSD TORNALAMADA İŞLEME HATALARI VE DÜZELTME STRATEJİLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR DERLEME ÇALIŞMASI. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2006;22(1):142-51.

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