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Yıl 2024, , 63 - 69, 30.12.2024


Teknolojik gelişmeler ile ortaya çıkan inovasyonlar sonucunda yaşanan dijital dönüşüm gerek iş yaşamına gerekse toplumsal yaşama entegre edilerek küresel bir değişimi başlatmıştır. Kültürler bu değişime adapte olurken işletmeler de dijital teknolojilerin kullanılması ile iş süreçlerini yeniden yapılandırarak inovatif stratejiler geliştirmiştir. Dijital dönüşüm bir işletmenin iş modellerinin dijitalleşerek örgüt kültürünün dijital kültüre adapte olması ve stratejilerinin de yenilikçi olmasını ifade etmektedir. İnovasyon kabiliyeti ise işletmelerin yenilikçi ürün ve hizmetler geliştirerek uygulama yeteneğidir. Dijital dönüşüm ile aralarında güçlü bir bağ olan inovasyonun gerçekleştirilmesinde inovasyon kabiliyeti önemli bir gerekliliktir. Dijital dönüşüm işletmelere rekabet avantajı, verimlilik ve ekonomik büyüme sağlarken inovasyon kabiliyeti ise bu faydaları desteklemektedir. Bu bağlamda dijital dönüşüm ve inovasyon kabiliyeti arasındaki ilişki birbirini destekleyerek işletmelerin performanslarını olumlu yönde etkilemektedir. Bu araştırma dijital dönüşüm ve inovasyon kabiliyeti arasındaki ilişkileri literatürde yer alan farklı çalışmaların sonuçlarını bir araya getirerek bu iki kavram arasındaki ilişkiye dair etki büyüklüğünü ortaya koymayı hedefleyen meta-analiz yöntemi ile kapsamlı olarak ele alınmıştır. Yapılan çalışmada kapsama alınan çalışmalar arasında Web of Science, Google Scholar, Scopus, ProQuest, PubMed veri tabanlarından seçilen 5 eser uygun görülerek araştırmaya dâhil edilmiştir. Meta analiz sonucunda dijital dönüşüm ile inovasyon kabiliyeti arasında 0,234 değerinde ve düşük güçte bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir.

Etik Beyan

Araştırmada ikincil veriler kullanıldığından etik kurul iznine gerekmemektedir.

Destekleyen Kurum



  • [1] Allioui, H., and Mourdi, Y. (2023). Unleashing the potential of AI: Investigating cutting-edge technologies that are transforming businesses. International Journal of Computer Engineering and Data Science (IJCEDS), 3(2), 1-12.
  • [2] Appio, F. P., Frattini, F., Petruzzelli, A. M., & Neirotti, P. (2021). Digital Transformation and Innovation Management: A Synthesis of Existing Research and an Agenda for Future Studies. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 38(1), 4-20.
  • [3] Abdurrahman, A., Gustomo, A., and Prasetio, E. A. (2024). Impact of dynamic capabilities on digital transformation and innovation to improve banking performance: A TOE framework study. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 10(1), 100215.
  • [4] Adama, H. E., Popoola, O. A., Okeke, C. D., and Akinoso, A. E. (2024). Economıc Theory And Practıcal Impacts Of Dıgıtal Transformatıon In Supply Chaın Optımızatıon. International Journal of Advanced Economics, 6(4), Article 4.
  • [5] Akter, S., Hossain, M. A., Sajib, S., Sultana, S., Rahman, M., Vrontis, D., and McCarthy, G. (2023). A framework for AI-powered service innovation capability: Review and agenda for future research. Technovation, 125, 102768.
  • [6] Appio, F. P., Frattini, F., Petruzzelli, A. M., and Neirotti, P. (2021). Digital Transformation and Innovation Management: A Synthesis of Existing Research and an Agenda for Future Studies. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 38(1), 4-20.
  • [7] Bansal, A., Panchal, T., Jabeen, F., Mangla, S. K., and Singh, G. (2023). A study of human resource digital transformation (HRDT): A phenomenon of innovation capability led by digital and individual factors. Journal of Business Research, 157, 113611.
  • [8] Bayarçelik, E. B., Taşel, F., and Apak, S. (2014). A Research on Determining Innovation Factors for SMEs. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 150, 202-211.
  • [9] Bican, P. M., and Brem, A. (2020). Digital Business Model, Digital Transformation, Digital Entrepreneurship: Is There A Sustainable “Digital”? Sustainability, 12(13), Article 13.
  • [10] Bonnet, D., and Westerman, G. (2020). The New Elements of Digital Transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review, 62(2).
  • [11] Burström, T., Parida, V., Lahti, T., and Wincent, J. (2021). AI-enabled business-model innovation and transformation in industrial ecosystems: A framework, model and outline for further research. Journal of Business Research, 127, 85-95.
  • [12] Donges, A., Meier, J.-M., and Silva, R. C. (2023). The Impact of Institutions on Innovation. Management Science, 69(4), 1951-1974.
  • [13] Firmansyah, D., and Wahdiniwaty, R. (2023). Prediction of Innovation Capability: The Role of Mediation in the Relationship between Digital Transformation and Competitiveness with the PLS-SEM Model. International Journal of Management and Business Intelligence, 1(2), 125-142.
  • [14] Galanti, T., De Vincenzi, C., Buonomo, I., and Benevene, P. (2023). Digital Transformation: Inevitable Change or Sizable Opportunity? The Strategic Role of HR Management in Industry 4.0. Administrative Sciences, 13(2), Article 2.
  • [15] Goulart, V. G., Liboni, L. B., and Cezarino, L. O. (2022). Balancing skills in the digital transformation era: The future of jobs and the role of higher education. Industry and Higher Education, 36(2), 118-127.
  • [16] Gugler, K., Szücs, F., and Wohak, U. (t.y.). Start-up Acquisitions, Venture Capital and Innovation: A Comparative Study of Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft.
  • [17] Hanelt, A., Bohnsack, R., Marz, D., and Antunes Marante, C. (2021). A Systematic Review of the Literature on Digital Transformation: Insights and Implications for Strategy and Organizational Change. Journal of Management Studies, 58(5), 1159-1197.
  • [18] Ivančić, L., Vukšić, V., and Spremić, M. (2019). Mastering the Digital Transformation Process: Business Practices and Lessons Learned. Technology Innovation Management Review, 9(2), 36-50.
  • [19] Jin, S. H., and Choi, S. O. (2019). The Effect of Innovation Capability on Business Performance: A Focus on IT and Business Service Companies. Sustainability, 11(19), Article 19.
  • [20] Konsti-Laakso, S., Pihkala, T., and Kraus, S. (2012). Facilitating SME Innovation Capability through Business Networking. Creativity and Innovation Management, 21(1), 93-105.
  • [21] Kryvovyazyuk, I., Britchenko, I., Smerichevskyi, S., Kovalska, L., Dorosh, V., and Kravchuk, P. (2023). Digital Transformation and Innovation in Business: The Impact of Strategic Alliances and Their Success Factors. Ikonomicheski Izsledvania, 32(1), 3-17.
  • [22] Matarazzo, M., Penco, L., Profumo, G., and Quaglia, R. (2021). Digital transformation and customer value creation in Made in Italy SMEs: A dynamic capabilities perspective. Journal of Business Research, 123, 642-656.
  • [23] Miklosik, A., and Evans, N. (2020). Impact of Big Data and Machine Learning on Digital Transformation in Marketing: A Literature Review. IEEE Access, 8, 101284-101292. IEEE Access.
  • [24] Nambisan, S., Wright, M., and Feldman, M. (2019). The digital transformation of innovation and entrepreneurship: Progress, challenges and key themes. Research Policy, 48(8), 103773.
  • [25] Nasiri, M., Saunila, M., Ukko, J., Rantala, T., and Rantanen, H. (2023). Shaping Digital Innovation Via Digital-related Capabilities. Information Systems Frontiers, 25(3), 1063-1080.
  • [26] Opazo-Basáez, M., Vendrell-Herrero, F., Bustinza, O. F., Vaillant, Y., and Marić, J. (2023). Is digital transformation equally attractive to all manufacturers? Contextualizing the operational and customer benefits of smart manufacturing. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 53(4), 489-511.
  • [27] Plekhanov, D., Franke, H., and Netland, T. H. (2023). Digital transformation: A review and research agenda. European Management Journal, 41(6), 821-844.
  • [28] Prahalad, C. K., and Hamel, G. (1999). The Core Competence of the Corporation. İçinde Knowledge and Strategy. Routledge.
  • [29] Rehman, S. ur, Khan, S. N., Antohi, V. M., Bashir, S., Fareed, M., Fortea, C., and Cristian, N. P. (2024). Open innovation big data analytics and its influence on sustainable tourism development: A multi-dimensional assessment of economic, policy, and behavioral factors. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 10(2), 100254.
  • [30] Saunila, M. (2020). Innovation capability in SMEs: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 5(4), 260-265.
  • [31] Sewpersadh, N. S. (2023). Disruptive business value models in the digital era. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 12(1), 2.
  • [32] Sohu, J. M., Hongyun, T., Akbar, U. S., and Hussain, F. (2023). Digital Innovation, Digital Transformation, and Digital Platform Capability: Detrimental Impact of Big Data Analytics Capability on InnovationPerformance. International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 4(3),
  • [33] Sutrisno, S., Kuraesin, A. D., Siminto, S., Irawansyah, I., and Ausat, A. M. A. (2023). The Role of Information Technology in Driving Innovation and Entrepreneurial Business Growth. Jurnal Minfo Polgan, 12(1), 586-597.
  • [34] Şahin, Y. (2024). Dijital Liderlik ve İnovasyon Kabiliyeti Arasındaki İlişki Üzerine Bir Meta-Analiz Çalışması. International Journal of Social and Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR), 11(108), Article 108.
  • [35] Trischler, M. F. G., and Li-Ying, J. (2023). Digital business model innovation: Toward construct clarity and future research directions. Review of Managerial Science, 17(1), 3-32.
  • [36] Vaska, S., Massaro, M., Bagarotto, E. M., and Dal Mas, F. (2021). The Digital Transformation of Business Model Innovation: A Structured Literature Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
  • [37] Velinov, E., Kadłubek, M., Thalassinos, E., Grima, S., and Maditinos, D. (2023). Digital Transformation and Data Governance: Top Management Teams Perspectives. İçinde S. Grima, E. Thalassinos, M. Cristea, M. Kadłubek, D. Maditinos, and L. Peiseniece (Ed.), Digital Transformation, Strategic Resilience, Cyber Security and Risk Management (C. 111A, ss. 147-158). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • [38] von Leipzig, T., Gamp, M., Manz, D., Schöttle, K., Ohlhausen, P., Oosthuizen, G., Palm, D., and von Leipzig, K. (2017). Initialising Customer-orientated Digital Transformation in Enterprises. Procedia Manufacturing, 8, 517-524.
  • [39] Xu, X., Lu, Y., Vogel-Heuser, B., and Wang, L. (2021). Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0—Inception, conception and perception. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 61, 530-535.
  • [40] Zaoui, F., and Souissi, N. (2020). Roadmap for digital transformation: A literature review. Procedia Computer Science, 175, 621-628.
  • [41] Zhang, J., and Chen, Z. (2024). Exploring Human Resource Management Digital Transformation in the Digital Age. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 15(1), 1482-1498.
  • [42] Zheng, Y., Liu, J., and George, G. (2010). The dynamic impact of innovative capability and inter-firm network on firm valuation: A longitudinal study of biotechnology start-ups. Journal of Business Venturing, 25(6), 593-609.


Yıl 2024, , 63 - 69, 30.12.2024


Digital transformation as a result of innovations emerging with technological developments has initiated a global change by integrating into both business and social life. While cultures adapt to this change, businesses have developed innovative strategies by restructuring their business processes with the use of digital technologies. Digital transformation refers to the digitalisation of an enterprise's business models, the adaptation of the organisational culture to the digital culture and the innovation of its strategies. Innovation capability is the ability of businesses to develop and implement innovative products and services. Innovation capability is an important requirement in the realisation of innovation, which has a strong link with digital transformation. While digital transformation provides businesses with competitive advantage, efficiency and economic growth, innovation capability supports these benefits. In this context, the relationship between digital transformation and innovation capability supports each other and positively affects the performance of enterprises. This research examined the relationship between digital transformation and innovation capability comprehensively with the meta-analysis method, which aims to reveal the effect size of the relationship between these two concepts by bringing together the results of different studies in the literature. Among the studies included in the study, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Scopus, ProQuest, PubMed databases, 5 works were deemed appropriate and included in the research. As a result of the meta-analysis, a relationship between digital transformation and innovation capability with a value of 0.234 and low strength was determined.


  • [1] Allioui, H., and Mourdi, Y. (2023). Unleashing the potential of AI: Investigating cutting-edge technologies that are transforming businesses. International Journal of Computer Engineering and Data Science (IJCEDS), 3(2), 1-12.
  • [2] Appio, F. P., Frattini, F., Petruzzelli, A. M., & Neirotti, P. (2021). Digital Transformation and Innovation Management: A Synthesis of Existing Research and an Agenda for Future Studies. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 38(1), 4-20.
  • [3] Abdurrahman, A., Gustomo, A., and Prasetio, E. A. (2024). Impact of dynamic capabilities on digital transformation and innovation to improve banking performance: A TOE framework study. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 10(1), 100215.
  • [4] Adama, H. E., Popoola, O. A., Okeke, C. D., and Akinoso, A. E. (2024). Economıc Theory And Practıcal Impacts Of Dıgıtal Transformatıon In Supply Chaın Optımızatıon. International Journal of Advanced Economics, 6(4), Article 4.
  • [5] Akter, S., Hossain, M. A., Sajib, S., Sultana, S., Rahman, M., Vrontis, D., and McCarthy, G. (2023). A framework for AI-powered service innovation capability: Review and agenda for future research. Technovation, 125, 102768.
  • [6] Appio, F. P., Frattini, F., Petruzzelli, A. M., and Neirotti, P. (2021). Digital Transformation and Innovation Management: A Synthesis of Existing Research and an Agenda for Future Studies. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 38(1), 4-20.
  • [7] Bansal, A., Panchal, T., Jabeen, F., Mangla, S. K., and Singh, G. (2023). A study of human resource digital transformation (HRDT): A phenomenon of innovation capability led by digital and individual factors. Journal of Business Research, 157, 113611.
  • [8] Bayarçelik, E. B., Taşel, F., and Apak, S. (2014). A Research on Determining Innovation Factors for SMEs. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 150, 202-211.
  • [9] Bican, P. M., and Brem, A. (2020). Digital Business Model, Digital Transformation, Digital Entrepreneurship: Is There A Sustainable “Digital”? Sustainability, 12(13), Article 13.
  • [10] Bonnet, D., and Westerman, G. (2020). The New Elements of Digital Transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review, 62(2).
  • [11] Burström, T., Parida, V., Lahti, T., and Wincent, J. (2021). AI-enabled business-model innovation and transformation in industrial ecosystems: A framework, model and outline for further research. Journal of Business Research, 127, 85-95.
  • [12] Donges, A., Meier, J.-M., and Silva, R. C. (2023). The Impact of Institutions on Innovation. Management Science, 69(4), 1951-1974.
  • [13] Firmansyah, D., and Wahdiniwaty, R. (2023). Prediction of Innovation Capability: The Role of Mediation in the Relationship between Digital Transformation and Competitiveness with the PLS-SEM Model. International Journal of Management and Business Intelligence, 1(2), 125-142.
  • [14] Galanti, T., De Vincenzi, C., Buonomo, I., and Benevene, P. (2023). Digital Transformation: Inevitable Change or Sizable Opportunity? The Strategic Role of HR Management in Industry 4.0. Administrative Sciences, 13(2), Article 2.
  • [15] Goulart, V. G., Liboni, L. B., and Cezarino, L. O. (2022). Balancing skills in the digital transformation era: The future of jobs and the role of higher education. Industry and Higher Education, 36(2), 118-127.
  • [16] Gugler, K., Szücs, F., and Wohak, U. (t.y.). Start-up Acquisitions, Venture Capital and Innovation: A Comparative Study of Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft.
  • [17] Hanelt, A., Bohnsack, R., Marz, D., and Antunes Marante, C. (2021). A Systematic Review of the Literature on Digital Transformation: Insights and Implications for Strategy and Organizational Change. Journal of Management Studies, 58(5), 1159-1197.
  • [18] Ivančić, L., Vukšić, V., and Spremić, M. (2019). Mastering the Digital Transformation Process: Business Practices and Lessons Learned. Technology Innovation Management Review, 9(2), 36-50.
  • [19] Jin, S. H., and Choi, S. O. (2019). The Effect of Innovation Capability on Business Performance: A Focus on IT and Business Service Companies. Sustainability, 11(19), Article 19.
  • [20] Konsti-Laakso, S., Pihkala, T., and Kraus, S. (2012). Facilitating SME Innovation Capability through Business Networking. Creativity and Innovation Management, 21(1), 93-105.
  • [21] Kryvovyazyuk, I., Britchenko, I., Smerichevskyi, S., Kovalska, L., Dorosh, V., and Kravchuk, P. (2023). Digital Transformation and Innovation in Business: The Impact of Strategic Alliances and Their Success Factors. Ikonomicheski Izsledvania, 32(1), 3-17.
  • [22] Matarazzo, M., Penco, L., Profumo, G., and Quaglia, R. (2021). Digital transformation and customer value creation in Made in Italy SMEs: A dynamic capabilities perspective. Journal of Business Research, 123, 642-656.
  • [23] Miklosik, A., and Evans, N. (2020). Impact of Big Data and Machine Learning on Digital Transformation in Marketing: A Literature Review. IEEE Access, 8, 101284-101292. IEEE Access.
  • [24] Nambisan, S., Wright, M., and Feldman, M. (2019). The digital transformation of innovation and entrepreneurship: Progress, challenges and key themes. Research Policy, 48(8), 103773.
  • [25] Nasiri, M., Saunila, M., Ukko, J., Rantala, T., and Rantanen, H. (2023). Shaping Digital Innovation Via Digital-related Capabilities. Information Systems Frontiers, 25(3), 1063-1080.
  • [26] Opazo-Basáez, M., Vendrell-Herrero, F., Bustinza, O. F., Vaillant, Y., and Marić, J. (2023). Is digital transformation equally attractive to all manufacturers? Contextualizing the operational and customer benefits of smart manufacturing. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 53(4), 489-511.
  • [27] Plekhanov, D., Franke, H., and Netland, T. H. (2023). Digital transformation: A review and research agenda. European Management Journal, 41(6), 821-844.
  • [28] Prahalad, C. K., and Hamel, G. (1999). The Core Competence of the Corporation. İçinde Knowledge and Strategy. Routledge.
  • [29] Rehman, S. ur, Khan, S. N., Antohi, V. M., Bashir, S., Fareed, M., Fortea, C., and Cristian, N. P. (2024). Open innovation big data analytics and its influence on sustainable tourism development: A multi-dimensional assessment of economic, policy, and behavioral factors. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 10(2), 100254.
  • [30] Saunila, M. (2020). Innovation capability in SMEs: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 5(4), 260-265.
  • [31] Sewpersadh, N. S. (2023). Disruptive business value models in the digital era. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 12(1), 2.
  • [32] Sohu, J. M., Hongyun, T., Akbar, U. S., and Hussain, F. (2023). Digital Innovation, Digital Transformation, and Digital Platform Capability: Detrimental Impact of Big Data Analytics Capability on InnovationPerformance. International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences, 4(3),
  • [33] Sutrisno, S., Kuraesin, A. D., Siminto, S., Irawansyah, I., and Ausat, A. M. A. (2023). The Role of Information Technology in Driving Innovation and Entrepreneurial Business Growth. Jurnal Minfo Polgan, 12(1), 586-597.
  • [34] Şahin, Y. (2024). Dijital Liderlik ve İnovasyon Kabiliyeti Arasındaki İlişki Üzerine Bir Meta-Analiz Çalışması. International Journal of Social and Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR), 11(108), Article 108.
  • [35] Trischler, M. F. G., and Li-Ying, J. (2023). Digital business model innovation: Toward construct clarity and future research directions. Review of Managerial Science, 17(1), 3-32.
  • [36] Vaska, S., Massaro, M., Bagarotto, E. M., and Dal Mas, F. (2021). The Digital Transformation of Business Model Innovation: A Structured Literature Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
  • [37] Velinov, E., Kadłubek, M., Thalassinos, E., Grima, S., and Maditinos, D. (2023). Digital Transformation and Data Governance: Top Management Teams Perspectives. İçinde S. Grima, E. Thalassinos, M. Cristea, M. Kadłubek, D. Maditinos, and L. Peiseniece (Ed.), Digital Transformation, Strategic Resilience, Cyber Security and Risk Management (C. 111A, ss. 147-158). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • [38] von Leipzig, T., Gamp, M., Manz, D., Schöttle, K., Ohlhausen, P., Oosthuizen, G., Palm, D., and von Leipzig, K. (2017). Initialising Customer-orientated Digital Transformation in Enterprises. Procedia Manufacturing, 8, 517-524.
  • [39] Xu, X., Lu, Y., Vogel-Heuser, B., and Wang, L. (2021). Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0—Inception, conception and perception. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 61, 530-535.
  • [40] Zaoui, F., and Souissi, N. (2020). Roadmap for digital transformation: A literature review. Procedia Computer Science, 175, 621-628.
  • [41] Zhang, J., and Chen, Z. (2024). Exploring Human Resource Management Digital Transformation in the Digital Age. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 15(1), 1482-1498.
  • [42] Zheng, Y., Liu, J., and George, G. (2010). The dynamic impact of innovative capability and inter-firm network on firm valuation: A longitudinal study of biotechnology start-ups. Journal of Business Venturing, 25(6), 593-609.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Makaleler

Engin Karafakıoğlu 0000-0002-8308-4347

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 27 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 2 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Karafakıoğlu, E. (2024). DİJİTAL DÖNÜŞÜMÜN İNOVASYON KABİLİYETİNE ETKİSİ: META-ANALİTİK BİR ANALİZ. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(69), 63-69.

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