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Yıl 2002, Sayı: 18, 87 - 95, 30.06.2002


The factor price equalization theorem States that trade in commodities through their indirect effects on factor prices tends to equalize factor revvards internationally although it is most unlikely to happen in the real world. Thus, this paper estimates factor price convergence rather than factor-price equalization in the sixteen European countries. First, graphical presentation of the data shows the convergence of factor prices during the sample period. Then, the statistically significant and negative coefficient for trade openness provides considerable evidence for the empirical relevance of the factor price convergence theorem, at least in the Europe-16. Conditional on the FPE theorem holds, we also distinguish between “high wage” countries and “low wage” countries.


  • BHAGWATI, Jagdish, The Püre Theory of International Trade,
  • Economic Journal, 1964, 74: 1-78.
  • CAVES, Richard E., and Ronald W. Jones, (1985). World Trade and Payments, Little, Brown and Company: Boston.
  • ETHIER, Wilfred J., (1995). Modern International Economics, Third Edition, W .W. Norton and Company, Inc: New York.
  • GREMMEN, Hans J., Testing the Factor Price Equalization in the EC: An Alternative Approach. Journal of Common Market Studies 23 (March 1985): 278-286.
  • INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, International Financial Statistics, various issues.
  • LEAMER, Edvvard E., (1993). The Mexico-U.S. Free Trade Agreement.
  • In Peter M. Garber (Ed.), Cambridge and London: MIT Press.
  • LEAMER, Edward E., (1995). The Heckscher-Ohlin Model in Theory and Practice. Princeton Studies in International Finance, No.77, February 1995. .
  • LEAMER, Edward E., and James Levinshon., (1995). International Trade Theory: The Evidence. In G. Grossman., and K. Rogoff (Eds.), Handbook of International Economics, Vol. III, Elsevier Science B.V: 1341-75.
  • MOKHTARI, Monouchehr, and Farhad Rassekh., The Tendency towards Factor Price Equalization among OECD Countries. The Revievv of Economics and Statistics, 1989:636-42.
  • OHLIN, Bertil., (1952). Interregional and International Trade,
  • Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT, Yearly Lahor Force Statistics, various issues.
  • ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT, National Accounts Statistics, various issues.
  • SAMUELSON, Paul A., International Trade and the Equalisation of Factor Prices, The Economic Journal, (June 1948): 163-184.
  • SAMUELSON, Paul A., International Factor-Price Equalisation Önce Again, The Economic Journal, (June 1949): 181-197.
  • SAMUELSON, Paul A., Ohlin Was Right! Swedish Journal of Economics 73 (December 1971):365-84.
  • TOVIAS, Alfred., Testing the Factor Price Equalization in the ECC. Journal of Common Market Studies 20 (June 1982): 375-88.
  • UNITED NATIONS, Statistical Yearbook, various issues.


Yıl 2002, Sayı: 18, 87 - 95, 30.06.2002


The factor price equalization theorem States that trade in commodities through their indirect effects on factor prices tends to equalize factor revvards internationally although it is most unlikely to happen in the real world. Thus, this paper estimates factor price convergence rather than factor-price equalization in the sixteen European countries. First, graphical presentation of the data shows the convergence of factor prices during the sample period. Then, the statistically significant and negative coefficient for trade openness provides considerable evidence for the empirical relevance of the factor price convergence theorem, at least in the Europe-16. Conditional on the FPE theorem holds, we also distinguish between “high wage” countries and “low wage” countries.


  • BHAGWATI, Jagdish, The Püre Theory of International Trade,
  • Economic Journal, 1964, 74: 1-78.
  • CAVES, Richard E., and Ronald W. Jones, (1985). World Trade and Payments, Little, Brown and Company: Boston.
  • ETHIER, Wilfred J., (1995). Modern International Economics, Third Edition, W .W. Norton and Company, Inc: New York.
  • GREMMEN, Hans J., Testing the Factor Price Equalization in the EC: An Alternative Approach. Journal of Common Market Studies 23 (March 1985): 278-286.
  • INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, International Financial Statistics, various issues.
  • LEAMER, Edvvard E., (1993). The Mexico-U.S. Free Trade Agreement.
  • In Peter M. Garber (Ed.), Cambridge and London: MIT Press.
  • LEAMER, Edward E., (1995). The Heckscher-Ohlin Model in Theory and Practice. Princeton Studies in International Finance, No.77, February 1995. .
  • LEAMER, Edward E., and James Levinshon., (1995). International Trade Theory: The Evidence. In G. Grossman., and K. Rogoff (Eds.), Handbook of International Economics, Vol. III, Elsevier Science B.V: 1341-75.
  • MOKHTARI, Monouchehr, and Farhad Rassekh., The Tendency towards Factor Price Equalization among OECD Countries. The Revievv of Economics and Statistics, 1989:636-42.
  • OHLIN, Bertil., (1952). Interregional and International Trade,
  • Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT, Yearly Lahor Force Statistics, various issues.
  • ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT, National Accounts Statistics, various issues.
  • SAMUELSON, Paul A., International Trade and the Equalisation of Factor Prices, The Economic Journal, (June 1948): 163-184.
  • SAMUELSON, Paul A., International Factor-Price Equalisation Önce Again, The Economic Journal, (June 1949): 181-197.
  • SAMUELSON, Paul A., Ohlin Was Right! Swedish Journal of Economics 73 (December 1971):365-84.
  • TOVIAS, Alfred., Testing the Factor Price Equalization in the ECC. Journal of Common Market Studies 20 (June 1982): 375-88.
  • UNITED NATIONS, Statistical Yearbook, various issues.
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Halit Yanıkkaya Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2002
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2002 Sayı: 18

Kaynak Göster

APA Yanıkkaya, H. (2002). TESTING THE FACTOR PRICE EQUALIZATION THEOREM IN THE SIXTEEN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(18), 87-95.

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