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Yıl 1985, Sayı: 7, 125 - 138, 01.01.1985


Markowit/.'in portföy modelinden başlayıp, Finansal Varlıkları Fiyatlama Modeline kadar olan gelişmeler kısaca izah edilmiş ve bu modelin hazırlanmasında kullanılan varsayımlar üzerinde yapılan çalışmalar dikkate alınarak, modelin eleştirisi yapılmıştır.


  • Black, Fisher. .Capital Market Equilibrium vvith Restricted Borrowing». Journal of Business, Vol: 45, July 1972, pp. 444 - 454 Black F Jensen, M.C. and Scholes, M., «The Cap.tal Asset PncıngModeT tL Empirical Tesis», in M.C. Jensen (Ed.), Studles in the Theory of Capital Markets, New York : Pıaeger, 1972, pp. 79-121.
  • Cohen, Kalman J. and Pogue. Jerry A.. «An Empirical Evaluat.on of Altema-tive Portfolio - Selection Models», Journal of Business, Vol: XL, No. 2. April 1967. pp. 166 - 193. . , ..
  • Douglas, G.W„ «Risk in the Equity Markets: An Empirical Appratsa1 of Market Efficiency», Yalc Economic Essays, Vol: 9, Sprıng 1969, pp. 3-45. Hadavvay, Samuel C. Jr„ «The Zero • Beta Portfolio and Intcrtemporal Asset Pricing», September 1976, Journal of Finance.
  • Haeerman, Robert L. and Kim, E. Han. «Capital Asset Pricing wıth Pnce Le-vel Changes», Journal of Financial and Quantitatlve Analysls, September 1976, pp. 381 -391. ..
  • Jensen, Michael C., «Capital Markets: Theory and Evıdence», Bell Journal, Autumn 1972, pp. 357 - 398. .,.
  • Lintner, John, «Security Prices, Risk, and Maximal Gaıns from Dıversıfıca-tion», Journal of Finance, December 1965, pp. 587 - 615.
  • Lintner, John. «The Aggrcgation of Investors’ Di verse Judgments and Prefe-rences in Pcrfcctly Competitive Security Markets», Journal of Financial and Ouantitatlve Analysls, December 1969, pp. 347 - 400.
  • Markowitz. Harry M., «Portfolio Selection», Journal of Finance, March 1952, Markovvitz, Harry M., Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diverslflcation of Invest-ment, Nevv York : John VViley and Sons, Inc., 1959.
  • Merton, R.C., «An Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model», Econometrlca, September 1973, pp. 867 - 887.
  • Miller, Merton H. and Scholes, Myron, «Rates of Retum in Relation to Risk: A Re - Esamination of Some Recent Findings», in Studles in the Theory of Capital Markets, cd. M.C. Jensen, N.Y.: Praeger, 1972.
  • Mossin, J., «Equilibrium in a Capital Asset Market», Econometrica, October 1966, pp. 768-783.
  • Sharpc, VVilliam F.. «A Simplified Model for Portfolio Analysis». Management Science, Vol: IX, No: 2, January 1963, pp. 277-293.
  • Sharpe VVilliam F., «Capital Asset Prices: A Theory of Market Equilibrium under Conditions of Risk», Journal of Finance, September 1964, pp442.
  • Sharpe, VVilliam F., Portfolio Theory and Capital Markets, New York : McGravv Hill, Inc., 1970.
  • Stone, Bemell K., «Systematic Interest - Rate Risk in a T\vo - Index Model of Retums», Journal of Financial and Quantitatlve Analysls, Vol: 9, November 1974, pp. 709-721.
  • Tobin, James, «Liquidity Preference as Behavior Tovvards Risk», Review of Economic Studles, Vol: 25, February 1958, pp. 65 - 85.


Yıl 1985, Sayı: 7, 125 - 138, 01.01.1985


Markowit/.'in portföy modelinden başlayıp, Finansal Varlıkları Fiyatlama Modeline kadar olan gelişmeler kısaca izah edilmiş ve bu modelin hazırlanmasında kullanılan varsayımlar üzerinde yapılan çalışmalar dikkate alınarak, modelin eleştirisi yapılmıştır.


  • Black, Fisher. .Capital Market Equilibrium vvith Restricted Borrowing». Journal of Business, Vol: 45, July 1972, pp. 444 - 454 Black F Jensen, M.C. and Scholes, M., «The Cap.tal Asset PncıngModeT tL Empirical Tesis», in M.C. Jensen (Ed.), Studles in the Theory of Capital Markets, New York : Pıaeger, 1972, pp. 79-121.
  • Cohen, Kalman J. and Pogue. Jerry A.. «An Empirical Evaluat.on of Altema-tive Portfolio - Selection Models», Journal of Business, Vol: XL, No. 2. April 1967. pp. 166 - 193. . , ..
  • Douglas, G.W„ «Risk in the Equity Markets: An Empirical Appratsa1 of Market Efficiency», Yalc Economic Essays, Vol: 9, Sprıng 1969, pp. 3-45. Hadavvay, Samuel C. Jr„ «The Zero • Beta Portfolio and Intcrtemporal Asset Pricing», September 1976, Journal of Finance.
  • Haeerman, Robert L. and Kim, E. Han. «Capital Asset Pricing wıth Pnce Le-vel Changes», Journal of Financial and Quantitatlve Analysls, September 1976, pp. 381 -391. ..
  • Jensen, Michael C., «Capital Markets: Theory and Evıdence», Bell Journal, Autumn 1972, pp. 357 - 398. .,.
  • Lintner, John, «Security Prices, Risk, and Maximal Gaıns from Dıversıfıca-tion», Journal of Finance, December 1965, pp. 587 - 615.
  • Lintner, John. «The Aggrcgation of Investors’ Di verse Judgments and Prefe-rences in Pcrfcctly Competitive Security Markets», Journal of Financial and Ouantitatlve Analysls, December 1969, pp. 347 - 400.
  • Markowitz. Harry M., «Portfolio Selection», Journal of Finance, March 1952, Markovvitz, Harry M., Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diverslflcation of Invest-ment, Nevv York : John VViley and Sons, Inc., 1959.
  • Merton, R.C., «An Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing Model», Econometrlca, September 1973, pp. 867 - 887.
  • Miller, Merton H. and Scholes, Myron, «Rates of Retum in Relation to Risk: A Re - Esamination of Some Recent Findings», in Studles in the Theory of Capital Markets, cd. M.C. Jensen, N.Y.: Praeger, 1972.
  • Mossin, J., «Equilibrium in a Capital Asset Market», Econometrica, October 1966, pp. 768-783.
  • Sharpc, VVilliam F.. «A Simplified Model for Portfolio Analysis». Management Science, Vol: IX, No: 2, January 1963, pp. 277-293.
  • Sharpe VVilliam F., «Capital Asset Prices: A Theory of Market Equilibrium under Conditions of Risk», Journal of Finance, September 1964, pp442.
  • Sharpe, VVilliam F., Portfolio Theory and Capital Markets, New York : McGravv Hill, Inc., 1970.
  • Stone, Bemell K., «Systematic Interest - Rate Risk in a T\vo - Index Model of Retums», Journal of Financial and Quantitatlve Analysls, Vol: 9, November 1974, pp. 709-721.
  • Tobin, James, «Liquidity Preference as Behavior Tovvards Risk», Review of Economic Studles, Vol: 25, February 1958, pp. 65 - 85.
Toplam 16 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

İ.hakkı Sönmez Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 1985
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1985 Sayı: 7

Kaynak Göster

APA Sönmez, İ. (1985). THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL AND THE EFFECT OF INTEREST RATE MOVEMENTS ON IT. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(7), 125-138.

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