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Kariyer Bağlılığı, Mesleki Bağlılık ve Örgütsel Bağlılığın Yaşam Tatmini Üzerindeki Etkisi: İş-Aile Çatışmasının Rolü

Yıl 2007, Sayı: 28, - , 01.05.2007


Bu çalışmada bireylerin mesleklerine, kariyerlerine ve örgütlerine bağlı olmalarının onların yaşam tatminlerini nasıl etkilediği ve bu etkileşimde iş-aile çatışmasının aracılık rolü ele alınmıştır. Antalya ve Nevşehir illerindeki turistik tesislerde 406 çalışan ile yapılan araştırmada bu üç bağlılık türünün yaşam tatmini ile pozitif yönlü ilişkiye sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Yapılan path analizi ile de üç bağlılık türünün yaşam tatmini üzerindeki dolaylı etkilerinin doğrudan etkilerinden daha yüksek olduğu yani, iş-aile çatışmasının etkileri daha da pozitifleştirici, anlamlı bir aracılık etkisine sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, iş-aile çatışmasının yaşam tatmini ile negatif yönlü bir ilişkiye sahip olduğu ve iş-aile çatışmasının yaşam tatminini negatif yönde etkilediği sonucu da bulgular arasında yer almıştır


  • ARTHUR, C.C.; D.T HALL ve B.S. LAWRENCE; (1989), “Generating New Directions in Career Theory: The Case For A Transdisciplinary Approach”, in Arthur, M.B.; D. T. Hall, ve B. S. Lawrence (Eds), Handbook of Career Theory, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ss. 7-25.
  • BLAU, G. J.; (1985), “The Measurement and Prediction of Career Commitment”, Journal of Occupational Psychology, 58, ss. 277- 288.
  • BRUCK, Carly S. ve D. A. TAMMY; (2003), “The Relationship Between Big Five Personality Traits, Negative Affectivity, Type A Behavior, and Work-Family Conflict”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63, ss.457- 472.
  • CAPPELLI, P. vd.; (1997), Change at Work, Oxford University Press, New York, NY.
  • CARSON, K. ve A. BEDEIAN; (1994). “Career Commitment: Construction of a Measure and Examination of Its Psychometric Properties”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 44, ss. 237–262.
  • CARSON, K. D.; P. P. CARSON; C. ROE; B. J. BIRKENMEIER ve J. S. PHILIS; (1999), “Four Commitment Profiles and Their Relationships to Empowerment, Service Recovery, and Work Attitudes”, Public Personnel Management, 28, ss. 1-13.
  • CHENG, E.W.L. ve D. C. K. HO (2001), “The Influence of Job and Career Attitudes on Learning Motivation And Transfer”, Career Development International, 6(1), ss. 20-7.
  • COLLARELLI S. ve R. BISOP; (1990), “Career Commitment: Functions, Correlates, and Management”, Group and Organization Studies, 15, ss. 158–176.
  • DASTMALCHIAN, A. B. ve R. ADAMSON; (1991). The Climate of Workplace Relations, London: Routledge.
  • DAVIS, K. ve J. W. NEWSTROM; (1989), Human Behavior at Work: Organizational Behavior (8th ed.), New York: McGraw Hill.
  • DIENER, E.; (1984), “Subjective Well-Being”, Psychologicial Bulletin, 95, No. 3, ss. 542-575.
  • DOCKERY, A.; (2004), Happiness, Life Satisfaction and The Role of Work: Evidence from Two Australian Surveys, Unpublished Mimeo.
  • DONOVAN, N. ve D. HALPERN; (2002), “Life Satisfaction” (Cabinet Office Strategy Unit, London), İnternet Adresi: ferences/socialcapital/papers.asp, Erişim tarihi: 10.11.2005.
  • DUBRIN, A. J.; (1997), Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior, South- Western College Publishing, Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • ERWIN, P. J. ve R. D. IVERSON; (1994), “Strategies in Absence Management”, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 32(3), ss.13-32.
  • FARREL, D. ve C. E. RUSBULT; (1981), “Exchange Variables as Predictors of Job Satisfaction, Job Commitment and Turnover: The Impact of Rewards, Costs, Alternatives and Investments”, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 28, ss. 78-95.
  • FRONE, M. R. ve M. L. COOPER; (1992), “Prevalence of Work-Family Conflict: Are Work and Family Boundraies Asymmetrically Permeable?” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13(7), December, ss. 723-729.
  • GEORGE, J. M. ve A. P. BRIEF; (1992), “Feeling Good-Doing Good: A Conceptual Analysis of The Mood at Work-Organizational Spontaneity Relationship”, Psychological Bulletin, 112, ss. 310-329.
  • GOULDNER, A. W.; (1957), “Cosmopolitans and Locals: Toward an Analysis of Latent Social Roles – I”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 2, ss. 281-306.
  • GREENHAUS, J. H.; K. M. COLLINS ve J. D. SHAW; (2003), “The Relation Between Work-Family Balance and Quality of Life”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63, ss. 510-531.
  • GREENHUAS, JH, G.A. CALLANAN ve V.M. GODSHALK, (2000), Career Management (Third ed.) Orlando FL: The Dryden Press.
  • GÜNEY, S; (2004), Açıklamalı Yönetim-Organizasyon ve Örgütsel Davra- nış Terimler Sözlüğü, Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • HALL, D. T. ve J. E. MOSS; (1998), “The New Protean Career Contract: Helping Organizations and Employees Adapt”, Organizational Dynamics, Winter, 26(3), ss. 22 - 37.
  • HANDY, C.; (1994), The Empty Raincoat, Hutchinson, London.,
  • HELLER, D.; T. A. JUDGE ve D. WATSON; (2002), “The Confounding Role of Personality and Trait Affectivity in The Relationship Between Job and Life Satisfaction”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23, ss. 815-835.
  • HERSCOVITCH, L. ve J. P. MEYER; (2002), “Commitment to Organizational Change: Extension of a Three-Component Model”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, ss. 474–487.
  • HILL, E. J.; (2005), “Work-Family Facilitation and Conflict, Working Fathers and Mothers, Work-family Stressors and Support”, Journal of Family Issues, 26(6,) September, ss. 793-819.
  • IVERSON, R. D. ve P. ROY; (1994), “A Causal Model of Behavioural Commitment: Evidence from a Study of Australian Blue-Collar Employees”, Journal of Management, 20(1), ss.15-41.
  • IVERSON, R. D.; (1992), Employee Intent to Stay: An Ampirical Test of Revision of The Price and Muiller Model, The University of Iowa.
  • IVERSON, R. D.; (1996), “Employees Acceptance of Organizational Change: The Role of Organizational Commitment”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 7(1), ss.122-149.
  • IVERSON, R. D.; S. J. DEERY ve P. J. ERWIN; (1995), “Absenteeism in the Health Services Sector: A Causal Model and Intervention Strategies”, AGPS, ss.257-294.
  • JUDGE, T. A.; E. A. LOCKE; C. C. DURHAM ve A. N. KLUGER; (1998), “Dispositional Effects on Job and Life Satisfaction: The Role of Core Evaluation”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, ss. 17-34.
  • JUDGE, T.A. ve E.A. LOCKE; (1993), “Effect of Dysfunctional Thuoguht Processes on Subjective Well-Being and Job Satisfaction”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, ss. 475-490.
  • KHAKOO, I. G.; (2004), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor December 14, Quality of Life: Satısfactıon & Its Subjectıve Determınants: İnternet Adresi: ects/project.imraan.khakoo.pdf, Erişim tarihi: 20.04.2007
  • KIESLER, C. A.; (1971), The Psychology of Commitment: Experiments Linking Behavior to Belief, Academic Press, New York, NY.
  • KIM, J. L. S. ve C. S. LING; (2001), “Work-Family Conflict of Women Entrepreneurs in Singapore”, Women in Management Review, 16(5), ss. 204-221.
  • KINNUNEN, U.; S. GEURTS ve S. MAUNO; (2004), “Work-to-Family Conflict and Its Relationship With Satisfaction and Well-Being: A One-Year Longitudinal Study on Gender Differences”, Work & Stres, January-March, 18(1), ss.1-22.
  • KREITNER, R. ve A. KINICKI; (2004), Organizational Behavior, Sixth Edition, Irwin McGraw Hill, New York.
  • LAWLER, E. E. (1971), Pay and Organizaitonal Effectiveness, New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • LEE, K.; J. CARSWELL ve N. ALLEN; (2000), “A Meta-Analytic Review of Occupational Commitment: Relations with Person and Work-Related Variables,” Journal of Applied Psychology, 85(5), ss. 799-811.
  • LEONG, C. S.; A. FURNHAM ve C. L. COOPER; (1996), “The Moderating Effect of Organisational Commitment on The Occupational Stress Outcome Relationship”, Human Relations, 49(10), ss.1345–1363.
  • LO, S.; (2003), “Perceptions of Work-Family Conflict Among Married Female Professionals in Hong Kong”, Personnel Review, 32(3), ss. 376-390.
  • LOHER, B. T.; R. A. NOE; N. L. MOELLER ve M. P. FITZGERALD; (1985), “A Meta Analysis of the Relation of Job Characteristics to Job Satisfaction”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 70(2), ss. 280-289.
  • LORENZ, E.H.; (1992), “Trust and The Flexible Firm: International Comparisons”, Industrial Relations, 31(3), ss. 455-472.
  • LOSCOCCO K. A. ve A. R.ROSCHELLE; (1991), “Influences on the Quality of Work and Nonwork Life: Two Decades in Review”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 39.
  • MADSEN, S. R.; (2003), “The Effects of Home-Based Teleworking on Work- Family Conflict”, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 14 (1), ss. 35-58.
  • MARCHESE, M. C.; G. BASSHAM ve J. RYAN; (2002), “Work Family Conflict: A Virtue Ethics Analysis”, Journal of Business Ethics, 40, ss. 145-154.
  • MARTIN, T.N.; (1979), “A Contextual Model of Employee Turnover Intentions”, Academy of Management Journal, 22, ss.313-324.
  • MELLOR, S., J.E. MATHIEU, J.L. FARELL ve S.G. ROGELBERG, (2001), Employee’s Nonwork Obligations and Organizational Commitments: A New Way to Look at the Relationships; Human Resources Management, 40(20), ss. 171-184.
  • MEYER, J. P. ve N.J. ALLEN; (1997), Commitment in the Workplace, Sage, Thousand Oaks.
  • MILLER, D.C.; (1991), Handbook of Research Design and Social Measurement, ed., CA: Sage Publications.
  • MORROW, P. C.; (1983), “Concept Redundancy in Organizational Research: The Case of Work Commitment”, Academy of Management Review, 8, ss. 486-500.
  • MOWDAY, R. T.; R. M. STEERS ve L. W. PORTER; (1979), “The Measurement of Organizational Commitment”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 14, ss. 244-247.
  • MOWDAY, R.; R. STEERS ve L. PORTER; (1982), “Employee-Organisation Linkages: The Psychology of Commitment”, Absenteeism and Turnover, Academic Press, London.
  • MUELLER, C.W., J.E. WALLACE, ve J.L. PRICE, (1992), "Employee Commitment: Resolving Some İssues", Work and Occupations, 19(3), ss. 211-36.
  • NADKARNI, S. ve B.W. STENING,; (1989), “Human Resource Management in Remote Communities”, Asia Pasific Human Resource Management, 27(3), ss.41-63.
  • NOLLEN, S. ve H. AXEL; (1996), Managing Contingent Workers, American Management, New York, NY.
  • NOOR, N. M.; (2004), “Work-Family Conflict, Work-and Family Role Salience, and Women’s Well-Being”, The Journal of Social Psychology, 144(4), ss. 389-405.
  • PARASURAMAN, S. ve C. A. SIMMERS; (2001), “Type of Employment, Work-Family Conflict and Well-Being: A Comparative Study”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 22, ss. 551-568.
  • PAVOT, W. ve E. DIENER; (1993), “Review of the Satisfaction with Life Scale”, Psychological Assessment, 5, ss. 164-172.
  • PRICE, J. L. ve C. W. MUELLER,; (1981), “A Causel Model of Turnover for Nurses”, Academy of Management Journal, 24, ss. 543-565.
  • SARIS, W.E.,A.C. SCHERPENZEEL, R. VEENHOVEN, ve B. BUNTING, (eds) (1996), “A Comparative Study of Satisfaction with Life in Europe” Eotvos University Press, Budapest, ss. 201-220.
  • SAVERY, L. K. ve P. D. SYME; (1996), “Organizational Commitment and Hospital Pharmacists”, Journal of Management Development, 15(1), ss. 14-22.
  • STEERS, R. (1977), "Antecedents and Outcomes of Organizational commitment", Administrative Science Quarterly, 22, ss.46-56.
  • VOYDANOFF, P.; (1988), “Work Role Characteristics, Family Structure Demands and Work Family Conflict”, Journal of Marriage and Family, 50, ss. 749-761.
  • VOYDANOFF, P.; (2005), “Work Demands and Work-to-Family and Family- to-Work Conflict: Direct and Indirect Relationships”, Journal of Family Issues, 26(6), September, ss.707-726.
  • WATSON, D.; J. W. PENNEBAKER ve R. FOLGER; (1987), “Beyond Negative Affectivity: Measuring Stress and Satisfaction in The Workplace”, Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 8, ss. 141-157.
  • WILLIAMS, L. J. ve J. T. HAZER; (1986), “Antecedents and Consequences of Satisfaction and Commitment in Turnover Models: A Reanalysis Using Latent Variable Structural Equation Methods”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 71, ss. 219-231.
Yıl 2007, Sayı: 28, - , 01.05.2007



  • ARTHUR, C.C.; D.T HALL ve B.S. LAWRENCE; (1989), “Generating New Directions in Career Theory: The Case For A Transdisciplinary Approach”, in Arthur, M.B.; D. T. Hall, ve B. S. Lawrence (Eds), Handbook of Career Theory, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ss. 7-25.
  • BLAU, G. J.; (1985), “The Measurement and Prediction of Career Commitment”, Journal of Occupational Psychology, 58, ss. 277- 288.
  • BRUCK, Carly S. ve D. A. TAMMY; (2003), “The Relationship Between Big Five Personality Traits, Negative Affectivity, Type A Behavior, and Work-Family Conflict”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63, ss.457- 472.
  • CAPPELLI, P. vd.; (1997), Change at Work, Oxford University Press, New York, NY.
  • CARSON, K. ve A. BEDEIAN; (1994). “Career Commitment: Construction of a Measure and Examination of Its Psychometric Properties”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 44, ss. 237–262.
  • CARSON, K. D.; P. P. CARSON; C. ROE; B. J. BIRKENMEIER ve J. S. PHILIS; (1999), “Four Commitment Profiles and Their Relationships to Empowerment, Service Recovery, and Work Attitudes”, Public Personnel Management, 28, ss. 1-13.
  • CHENG, E.W.L. ve D. C. K. HO (2001), “The Influence of Job and Career Attitudes on Learning Motivation And Transfer”, Career Development International, 6(1), ss. 20-7.
  • COLLARELLI S. ve R. BISOP; (1990), “Career Commitment: Functions, Correlates, and Management”, Group and Organization Studies, 15, ss. 158–176.
  • DASTMALCHIAN, A. B. ve R. ADAMSON; (1991). The Climate of Workplace Relations, London: Routledge.
  • DAVIS, K. ve J. W. NEWSTROM; (1989), Human Behavior at Work: Organizational Behavior (8th ed.), New York: McGraw Hill.
  • DIENER, E.; (1984), “Subjective Well-Being”, Psychologicial Bulletin, 95, No. 3, ss. 542-575.
  • DOCKERY, A.; (2004), Happiness, Life Satisfaction and The Role of Work: Evidence from Two Australian Surveys, Unpublished Mimeo.
  • DONOVAN, N. ve D. HALPERN; (2002), “Life Satisfaction” (Cabinet Office Strategy Unit, London), İnternet Adresi: ferences/socialcapital/papers.asp, Erişim tarihi: 10.11.2005.
  • DUBRIN, A. J.; (1997), Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior, South- Western College Publishing, Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • ERWIN, P. J. ve R. D. IVERSON; (1994), “Strategies in Absence Management”, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 32(3), ss.13-32.
  • FARREL, D. ve C. E. RUSBULT; (1981), “Exchange Variables as Predictors of Job Satisfaction, Job Commitment and Turnover: The Impact of Rewards, Costs, Alternatives and Investments”, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 28, ss. 78-95.
  • FRONE, M. R. ve M. L. COOPER; (1992), “Prevalence of Work-Family Conflict: Are Work and Family Boundraies Asymmetrically Permeable?” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13(7), December, ss. 723-729.
  • GEORGE, J. M. ve A. P. BRIEF; (1992), “Feeling Good-Doing Good: A Conceptual Analysis of The Mood at Work-Organizational Spontaneity Relationship”, Psychological Bulletin, 112, ss. 310-329.
  • GOULDNER, A. W.; (1957), “Cosmopolitans and Locals: Toward an Analysis of Latent Social Roles – I”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 2, ss. 281-306.
  • GREENHAUS, J. H.; K. M. COLLINS ve J. D. SHAW; (2003), “The Relation Between Work-Family Balance and Quality of Life”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63, ss. 510-531.
  • GREENHUAS, JH, G.A. CALLANAN ve V.M. GODSHALK, (2000), Career Management (Third ed.) Orlando FL: The Dryden Press.
  • GÜNEY, S; (2004), Açıklamalı Yönetim-Organizasyon ve Örgütsel Davra- nış Terimler Sözlüğü, Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • HALL, D. T. ve J. E. MOSS; (1998), “The New Protean Career Contract: Helping Organizations and Employees Adapt”, Organizational Dynamics, Winter, 26(3), ss. 22 - 37.
  • HANDY, C.; (1994), The Empty Raincoat, Hutchinson, London.,
  • HELLER, D.; T. A. JUDGE ve D. WATSON; (2002), “The Confounding Role of Personality and Trait Affectivity in The Relationship Between Job and Life Satisfaction”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23, ss. 815-835.
  • HERSCOVITCH, L. ve J. P. MEYER; (2002), “Commitment to Organizational Change: Extension of a Three-Component Model”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, ss. 474–487.
  • HILL, E. J.; (2005), “Work-Family Facilitation and Conflict, Working Fathers and Mothers, Work-family Stressors and Support”, Journal of Family Issues, 26(6,) September, ss. 793-819.
  • IVERSON, R. D. ve P. ROY; (1994), “A Causal Model of Behavioural Commitment: Evidence from a Study of Australian Blue-Collar Employees”, Journal of Management, 20(1), ss.15-41.
  • IVERSON, R. D.; (1992), Employee Intent to Stay: An Ampirical Test of Revision of The Price and Muiller Model, The University of Iowa.
  • IVERSON, R. D.; (1996), “Employees Acceptance of Organizational Change: The Role of Organizational Commitment”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 7(1), ss.122-149.
  • IVERSON, R. D.; S. J. DEERY ve P. J. ERWIN; (1995), “Absenteeism in the Health Services Sector: A Causal Model and Intervention Strategies”, AGPS, ss.257-294.
  • JUDGE, T. A.; E. A. LOCKE; C. C. DURHAM ve A. N. KLUGER; (1998), “Dispositional Effects on Job and Life Satisfaction: The Role of Core Evaluation”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, ss. 17-34.
  • JUDGE, T.A. ve E.A. LOCKE; (1993), “Effect of Dysfunctional Thuoguht Processes on Subjective Well-Being and Job Satisfaction”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, ss. 475-490.
  • KHAKOO, I. G.; (2004), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor December 14, Quality of Life: Satısfactıon & Its Subjectıve Determınants: İnternet Adresi: ects/project.imraan.khakoo.pdf, Erişim tarihi: 20.04.2007
  • KIESLER, C. A.; (1971), The Psychology of Commitment: Experiments Linking Behavior to Belief, Academic Press, New York, NY.
  • KIM, J. L. S. ve C. S. LING; (2001), “Work-Family Conflict of Women Entrepreneurs in Singapore”, Women in Management Review, 16(5), ss. 204-221.
  • KINNUNEN, U.; S. GEURTS ve S. MAUNO; (2004), “Work-to-Family Conflict and Its Relationship With Satisfaction and Well-Being: A One-Year Longitudinal Study on Gender Differences”, Work & Stres, January-March, 18(1), ss.1-22.
  • KREITNER, R. ve A. KINICKI; (2004), Organizational Behavior, Sixth Edition, Irwin McGraw Hill, New York.
  • LAWLER, E. E. (1971), Pay and Organizaitonal Effectiveness, New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • LEE, K.; J. CARSWELL ve N. ALLEN; (2000), “A Meta-Analytic Review of Occupational Commitment: Relations with Person and Work-Related Variables,” Journal of Applied Psychology, 85(5), ss. 799-811.
  • LEONG, C. S.; A. FURNHAM ve C. L. COOPER; (1996), “The Moderating Effect of Organisational Commitment on The Occupational Stress Outcome Relationship”, Human Relations, 49(10), ss.1345–1363.
  • LO, S.; (2003), “Perceptions of Work-Family Conflict Among Married Female Professionals in Hong Kong”, Personnel Review, 32(3), ss. 376-390.
  • LOHER, B. T.; R. A. NOE; N. L. MOELLER ve M. P. FITZGERALD; (1985), “A Meta Analysis of the Relation of Job Characteristics to Job Satisfaction”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 70(2), ss. 280-289.
  • LORENZ, E.H.; (1992), “Trust and The Flexible Firm: International Comparisons”, Industrial Relations, 31(3), ss. 455-472.
  • LOSCOCCO K. A. ve A. R.ROSCHELLE; (1991), “Influences on the Quality of Work and Nonwork Life: Two Decades in Review”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 39.
  • MADSEN, S. R.; (2003), “The Effects of Home-Based Teleworking on Work- Family Conflict”, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 14 (1), ss. 35-58.
  • MARCHESE, M. C.; G. BASSHAM ve J. RYAN; (2002), “Work Family Conflict: A Virtue Ethics Analysis”, Journal of Business Ethics, 40, ss. 145-154.
  • MARTIN, T.N.; (1979), “A Contextual Model of Employee Turnover Intentions”, Academy of Management Journal, 22, ss.313-324.
  • MELLOR, S., J.E. MATHIEU, J.L. FARELL ve S.G. ROGELBERG, (2001), Employee’s Nonwork Obligations and Organizational Commitments: A New Way to Look at the Relationships; Human Resources Management, 40(20), ss. 171-184.
  • MEYER, J. P. ve N.J. ALLEN; (1997), Commitment in the Workplace, Sage, Thousand Oaks.
  • MILLER, D.C.; (1991), Handbook of Research Design and Social Measurement, ed., CA: Sage Publications.
  • MORROW, P. C.; (1983), “Concept Redundancy in Organizational Research: The Case of Work Commitment”, Academy of Management Review, 8, ss. 486-500.
  • MOWDAY, R. T.; R. M. STEERS ve L. W. PORTER; (1979), “The Measurement of Organizational Commitment”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 14, ss. 244-247.
  • MOWDAY, R.; R. STEERS ve L. PORTER; (1982), “Employee-Organisation Linkages: The Psychology of Commitment”, Absenteeism and Turnover, Academic Press, London.
  • MUELLER, C.W., J.E. WALLACE, ve J.L. PRICE, (1992), "Employee Commitment: Resolving Some İssues", Work and Occupations, 19(3), ss. 211-36.
  • NADKARNI, S. ve B.W. STENING,; (1989), “Human Resource Management in Remote Communities”, Asia Pasific Human Resource Management, 27(3), ss.41-63.
  • NOLLEN, S. ve H. AXEL; (1996), Managing Contingent Workers, American Management, New York, NY.
  • NOOR, N. M.; (2004), “Work-Family Conflict, Work-and Family Role Salience, and Women’s Well-Being”, The Journal of Social Psychology, 144(4), ss. 389-405.
  • PARASURAMAN, S. ve C. A. SIMMERS; (2001), “Type of Employment, Work-Family Conflict and Well-Being: A Comparative Study”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 22, ss. 551-568.
  • PAVOT, W. ve E. DIENER; (1993), “Review of the Satisfaction with Life Scale”, Psychological Assessment, 5, ss. 164-172.
  • PRICE, J. L. ve C. W. MUELLER,; (1981), “A Causel Model of Turnover for Nurses”, Academy of Management Journal, 24, ss. 543-565.
  • SARIS, W.E.,A.C. SCHERPENZEEL, R. VEENHOVEN, ve B. BUNTING, (eds) (1996), “A Comparative Study of Satisfaction with Life in Europe” Eotvos University Press, Budapest, ss. 201-220.
  • SAVERY, L. K. ve P. D. SYME; (1996), “Organizational Commitment and Hospital Pharmacists”, Journal of Management Development, 15(1), ss. 14-22.
  • STEERS, R. (1977), "Antecedents and Outcomes of Organizational commitment", Administrative Science Quarterly, 22, ss.46-56.
  • VOYDANOFF, P.; (1988), “Work Role Characteristics, Family Structure Demands and Work Family Conflict”, Journal of Marriage and Family, 50, ss. 749-761.
  • VOYDANOFF, P.; (2005), “Work Demands and Work-to-Family and Family- to-Work Conflict: Direct and Indirect Relationships”, Journal of Family Issues, 26(6), September, ss.707-726.
  • WATSON, D.; J. W. PENNEBAKER ve R. FOLGER; (1987), “Beyond Negative Affectivity: Measuring Stress and Satisfaction in The Workplace”, Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 8, ss. 141-157.
  • WILLIAMS, L. J. ve J. T. HAZER; (1986), “Antecedents and Consequences of Satisfaction and Commitment in Turnover Models: A Reanalysis Using Latent Variable Structural Equation Methods”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 71, ss. 219-231.
Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Doç. Dr. Mahmut Özdevecioğlu Bu kişi benim

Arş. Gör. Aylin Aktaş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Sayı: 28

Kaynak Göster

APA Özdevecioğlu, D. D. M., & Aktaş, A. . G. . A. (2007). Kariyer Bağlılığı, Mesleki Bağlılık ve Örgütsel Bağlılığın Yaşam Tatmini Üzerindeki Etkisi: İş-Aile Çatışmasının Rolü. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(28).

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