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Bilgi Yönetiminde Bilgiyi Anlamak

Yıl 2008, Sayı: 30, 129 - 156, 01.07.2008


Bu çalışmada; veri-enformasyon-bilgi arasındaki ayrım ele alınarak, bilgi yönetiminde bilgi ve bilgi türlerinin gerçek anlamları üzerinde durulmuştur. Bireylerin ve örgütlerin günlük kullanımda, iş hayatında ve akademik hayatta veri, enformasyon ve bilgi kavramlarını çoğunlukla birbirine karıştırdıkları gözlenmektedir. Bu yüzden, bilgi kavramının doğru anlaşılması, onun kullanımını ve yönetimini daha etkin hale getirecektir. Oysa ki gerçekte, her bir kavramın anlam ve kullanım amacı bir birinden oldukça farklıdır. Örgütlerde bilgi yönetimini etkin hale getirmek, bilgi ve bilgi yönetiminden daha etkin sonuçlar almak için bu kavramların kullanım amacı ve yerini tespit etmek oldukça önemli olmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışma, bilgi yönetiminde bilgi ve bilgi türleri ile veri ve enformasyon kavramları arasındaki ayrımı ele alarak, bilgi yönetimi düşüncesine kavramsal bir çerçeve geliştirmeyi amaçlamıştır


  • AKGÜN, Ali E ve Halit KESKİN; (2003), “Sosyal Bir Etkileşim Süreci Olarak Bilgi Yönetimi ve Bilgi Yönetimi Süreci” Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(1), ss. 1-17.
  • BARUTÇUGİL, İsmet; (2002), Bilgi Yönetimi, Kariyer Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 231s.
  • BASADUR, Min ve Garry A. GELADE; (2006), “The Role of Knowledge Management In The Innovation Process”, Journal Compilation, 15(1), ss. 45-62.
  • BENNET, Roger ve Helen GABRIEL; (1999), “Organizational Factors and Knowledge Management within Large Marketing Departments: An Empirical Study”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 3(3), ss. 212-225.
  • BHATT, Ganesh D.; (2000), “Organizing Knowledge in the Knowledge Devel- opment Cycle”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 4(1), ss. 15- 26.
  • BRAKENSIEK, Fay C.; (2002), “Knowledge Management for EHS Profession- als”, Occupational Health-Safety, January, ss. 72-74.
  • BRELADE, Sue ve Christopher HARMAN; (2003), Pratical Guide to Knowl- edge Management, GBR: Thorogood, 90s.
  • CABRERA, Angel ve Elizabeth F. CABRERA; (2002), “Knowledge-Sharing Dilemmas”, Organizations Studies, 23(5), ss. 687-710.
  • CADDY, Ian; (2001), “Orphan Knowledge: The New Challenge for Knowledge Management”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2(3), ss. 236-245.
  • CELEP, Cevat ve Buket ÇETİN; (2003), Bilgi Yönetimi, Anı Yayıncılık, An- kara, 241s.
  • CHENG, Qianzhen; (2005), The Impact of Knowledge Creation And Utiliza- tion Processes on The Effectiveness of Innovation, A Thesis In The John Molson School Of Business, Concordia University, Canada, 147s.
  • CHRISTOPHER, Freeman; (1991), “Networks of Innovators: A Synthesis of Research Issues”, Research Policy, 20, ss. 499-514.
  • CORIAT, Benjamin; Fabienne ORSI ve Olivier WEINNSTEIN; (2003), “Does Biotech Reflect A New Science-Based Innovation Regime”, Industry and Innovation, 10(3), ss. 231-253.
  • CROOS, Rob ve Lee SPROULL; (2004), “More Than an Answer: Information Relationships for Actionable Knowledge”, Organization Science, (15)4, ss. 446-462.
  • DAVENPORT, Thomas H. ve Laurence PRUSAK; (2001), İş Dünyasında Bilgi Yönetimi (Çev.: Günhan Günay), Rota Yayınları, İstanbul, 256s.
  • DETIENNE, Kristen Bell ve Ann JACKSON; (2001), “Knowledge Manage- ment: Understanding Theory and Developing Strategy”, CR, 11(1), ss. 1-11.
  • DOSI, Giovanni; Patrick LRENA, ve Mauro Sylos LABINI; (2005), “Evaluat- ing and Comparing The Innovation Performance Of The United States And The European Union” Expert Report Prepared for the Trend Chart Policy Works, LEM, 43s.
  • DRUCKER, Peter F.; (1999), “Yeni Örgütün Ortaya Çıkışı”, Bilgi Yönetimi, (Çev.: Gündüz Bulut), MESS Yayın No:293, İstanbul. 202s.
  • GREENBERG, Jerald ve Robert A BARON; (2003), Behavior in Organiza- tions (Eighth Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 691s.
  • GUPTA, Babita; Iyer LAKSHMI ve Jay E ARONSON; (2000), “Knowledge Management: Practices and Challenge”, Industrial Management- Data Systems, 100/1, ss. 17-21.
  • GÜLEŞ, Hasan Kürşat ve Hasan BÜLBÜL; (2004), Yenilikçilik: İşletmeler İçin Stratejik Rekabet Aracı, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, İstanbul, 414s.
  • HARIHARAN, Misra Rama ve Manie KHANEJA; (2003), “E-Knowledge Management Framework for Government Organizations”, Informa- tion Systems Management, Spring, ss. 38-48.
  • HEY, Jonathan; (2004), “The Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom Chain: The Metaphorical Link, Instructors: Geoff Nunberg, Paul Duguid, December, 18s.
  • HUSSAIN, Fareed; LUCAS, C. ve ALI, M.A.; (2006), “Managing Knowledge Effectively”, Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, May. İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 26.04.2006.
  • IPE, Minu; (2003), The Praxis of Knowledge Sharing in Organizations: A Case Study, Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Minnesota, 258s.
  • JONES, Gareth R. ve Jennifer M.GEORGE; (2003), Contemporary Manage- ment, Mc Graw-Hill, Boston, 800s.
  • KARAKAYA, Abdullah; (2002), “İşletme Yönetiminde Stratejik Bilgi Kul- lanım Yönetimi Üzerine Bir Araştırma-KalDemir A.Ş. ve Bağlı Or- taklıklar”, 10. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F., 23-25 Mayıs, Antalya, ss. 303-320.
  • KERMALLY, Sultan; (2004), Gurus on People Management, Thorogood Publishing Ltd., London, 172s.
  • LUNDAVALL, Bengt Ake; (2007), “National Innovation Systems-Analytical Concept and Development Tool”, Industry and Innovation, 14(1), ss. 95-119.
  • LUNDAVALL, Bengt Ake; (1988), “Innovation as an Interactive Process: From User-Producer Interaction to the National System of Innovation”, iç. G. DOSI, C. FREEMAN, R. NELSON, G. SILVERBERG ve L. SOETE (Ed.), Technical Change and Economic Theory, London: Pinter, ss. 349-369.
  • MARCHAND, Donald A.; (1998), “Competing with Intellectual Capital”, iç. G. Von KROGH, J. ROOS ve D. KLEINE (Ed.), Knowing in Firms. SAGE Publications, London, 240s.
  • MARTENSSON, Maria; (2000). “A Critical Review of Knowledge Manage- ment as a Management Tool”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 4(3), ss. 204-216.
  • NGUYEN, Tin Van; (2002), Knowledge Management: Literature Review and Findings about Perceptions of Knowledge Transfer in Col- laboraative and Process-Oriented Teams, Ph.D. Dissertation, Pep- perdine University, 227s.
  • NICKOLS, Fred (2000), The Knowledge in Knowledge Management, The Distance Consulting Company, New Jersey, 12s.
  • NONAKA, Ikujiro; (1994), “A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation”, Organization Science, 5(1), ss. 14-37.
  • OYEYINKA, Banji Oyelaran; (2006), “Innovation Policies and Practices in Developing Countries: A Methodological Framework”, Policy and Science Program Area, Strategic Commissioned Paper, DRC In- novation, April, 55s.
  • PANDURANGA, Anantatmula Vittal S.; (2004), Criteria for Measuring Knowledge Management Efforts in Organizations, Ph.D. Disserta- tion, The Faculty of The School of Engineering and Applied Science of The George Washington University, 245s.
  • PARİKH, Mihir (2001), “Knowledge Management Framework for High-Tech Research and Development”, Engineering Management Journal, 13(3), ss. 27-33.
  • ROBBINS, Stephen P. and Mary COULTER; (2003), Management, Seventh Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 720s.
  • ROWLEY, Jennifer; (1999), “What is Knowledge Management?” Library Management, 20(8), ss. 416-419.
  • SARAH, Michaels; Nancy P. GOUCHER ve Dan MCCARTHY; (2006), “Con- sidering Knowledge Uptake within a Cycle of Transforming Data, In- formation and Knowledge”, Review of Policy Research, (23)1, ss. 267-279.
  • SMITH, Elizabeth A.; (2001), “The Role of Tacit and Explicit Knowledge In The Workplace”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 5(4), ss. 311-321.
  • STANKOSKY, Michael A.; (2004), Criteria for Measuring Knowledge Management Efforts in Organizations, Ph.D. Dissertation, The George Washington University, 245s.
  • STENMARK, Dick; (2002), “Information vs. Knowledge: The Role of Intranets in Knowledge Management”, Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii Inter- national Conference on System Sciences, 10s.
  • STEWART, Thomas A.; (1997), Entelektüel Sermaye- Kuruluşların Yeni Zenginliği, (Çev.: Nurettin Elhüseyni), BZD Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 339s.
  • ŞAMİLOĞLU, Famil; (2002), Entelektüel Sermaye, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara, 326s.
  • TEKİN, Mahmut; Hasan K. GÜLEŞ ve Tom BURGESS; (2000), Değişen Dünyada Teknoloji Yönetimi, Damla Ofset, Konya, 376s.
  • TERRA, Jose Claudio ve Terezinha ANGELONI; (2006), “Understanding the between Information Management and Knowledge Management”, Terra Forum Consultores, Toronto, Canada, İnternet Adresi;, Erişim Tarihi: 24.05.2006
  • TIWANA, Amrit; (2001), The Essential Guide to Knowledge Management E-Business And CRM Applications, Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Sad- dle River, NJ, 352s.
  • TUOMI, IIkka; (2000), “Data is more than Knowledge: Implications of the Re- versed Knowledge Hierarchy for Knowledge Management and Or- ganizational Memory”, Journal of Management Information Sys- tems, 16(3) ss. 103-118.
  • YENİÇERİ, Özcan; (2004), “Geleceği İnşa Edebilecek İki Soyut Stratejik Kay- nak: Öksüz Sermaye ve Suskun Yaratıcılık”, Standard Dergisi, 47(507), ss. 36-45.
Yıl 2008, Sayı: 30, 129 - 156, 01.07.2008



  • AKGÜN, Ali E ve Halit KESKİN; (2003), “Sosyal Bir Etkileşim Süreci Olarak Bilgi Yönetimi ve Bilgi Yönetimi Süreci” Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(1), ss. 1-17.
  • BARUTÇUGİL, İsmet; (2002), Bilgi Yönetimi, Kariyer Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 231s.
  • BASADUR, Min ve Garry A. GELADE; (2006), “The Role of Knowledge Management In The Innovation Process”, Journal Compilation, 15(1), ss. 45-62.
  • BENNET, Roger ve Helen GABRIEL; (1999), “Organizational Factors and Knowledge Management within Large Marketing Departments: An Empirical Study”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 3(3), ss. 212-225.
  • BHATT, Ganesh D.; (2000), “Organizing Knowledge in the Knowledge Devel- opment Cycle”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 4(1), ss. 15- 26.
  • BRAKENSIEK, Fay C.; (2002), “Knowledge Management for EHS Profession- als”, Occupational Health-Safety, January, ss. 72-74.
  • BRELADE, Sue ve Christopher HARMAN; (2003), Pratical Guide to Knowl- edge Management, GBR: Thorogood, 90s.
  • CABRERA, Angel ve Elizabeth F. CABRERA; (2002), “Knowledge-Sharing Dilemmas”, Organizations Studies, 23(5), ss. 687-710.
  • CADDY, Ian; (2001), “Orphan Knowledge: The New Challenge for Knowledge Management”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2(3), ss. 236-245.
  • CELEP, Cevat ve Buket ÇETİN; (2003), Bilgi Yönetimi, Anı Yayıncılık, An- kara, 241s.
  • CHENG, Qianzhen; (2005), The Impact of Knowledge Creation And Utiliza- tion Processes on The Effectiveness of Innovation, A Thesis In The John Molson School Of Business, Concordia University, Canada, 147s.
  • CHRISTOPHER, Freeman; (1991), “Networks of Innovators: A Synthesis of Research Issues”, Research Policy, 20, ss. 499-514.
  • CORIAT, Benjamin; Fabienne ORSI ve Olivier WEINNSTEIN; (2003), “Does Biotech Reflect A New Science-Based Innovation Regime”, Industry and Innovation, 10(3), ss. 231-253.
  • CROOS, Rob ve Lee SPROULL; (2004), “More Than an Answer: Information Relationships for Actionable Knowledge”, Organization Science, (15)4, ss. 446-462.
  • DAVENPORT, Thomas H. ve Laurence PRUSAK; (2001), İş Dünyasında Bilgi Yönetimi (Çev.: Günhan Günay), Rota Yayınları, İstanbul, 256s.
  • DETIENNE, Kristen Bell ve Ann JACKSON; (2001), “Knowledge Manage- ment: Understanding Theory and Developing Strategy”, CR, 11(1), ss. 1-11.
  • DOSI, Giovanni; Patrick LRENA, ve Mauro Sylos LABINI; (2005), “Evaluat- ing and Comparing The Innovation Performance Of The United States And The European Union” Expert Report Prepared for the Trend Chart Policy Works, LEM, 43s.
  • DRUCKER, Peter F.; (1999), “Yeni Örgütün Ortaya Çıkışı”, Bilgi Yönetimi, (Çev.: Gündüz Bulut), MESS Yayın No:293, İstanbul. 202s.
  • GREENBERG, Jerald ve Robert A BARON; (2003), Behavior in Organiza- tions (Eighth Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 691s.
  • GUPTA, Babita; Iyer LAKSHMI ve Jay E ARONSON; (2000), “Knowledge Management: Practices and Challenge”, Industrial Management- Data Systems, 100/1, ss. 17-21.
  • GÜLEŞ, Hasan Kürşat ve Hasan BÜLBÜL; (2004), Yenilikçilik: İşletmeler İçin Stratejik Rekabet Aracı, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, İstanbul, 414s.
  • HARIHARAN, Misra Rama ve Manie KHANEJA; (2003), “E-Knowledge Management Framework for Government Organizations”, Informa- tion Systems Management, Spring, ss. 38-48.
  • HEY, Jonathan; (2004), “The Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom Chain: The Metaphorical Link, Instructors: Geoff Nunberg, Paul Duguid, December, 18s.
  • HUSSAIN, Fareed; LUCAS, C. ve ALI, M.A.; (2006), “Managing Knowledge Effectively”, Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, May. İnternet Adresi:, Erişim Tarihi: 26.04.2006.
  • IPE, Minu; (2003), The Praxis of Knowledge Sharing in Organizations: A Case Study, Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Minnesota, 258s.
  • JONES, Gareth R. ve Jennifer M.GEORGE; (2003), Contemporary Manage- ment, Mc Graw-Hill, Boston, 800s.
  • KARAKAYA, Abdullah; (2002), “İşletme Yönetiminde Stratejik Bilgi Kul- lanım Yönetimi Üzerine Bir Araştırma-KalDemir A.Ş. ve Bağlı Or- taklıklar”, 10. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F., 23-25 Mayıs, Antalya, ss. 303-320.
  • KERMALLY, Sultan; (2004), Gurus on People Management, Thorogood Publishing Ltd., London, 172s.
  • LUNDAVALL, Bengt Ake; (2007), “National Innovation Systems-Analytical Concept and Development Tool”, Industry and Innovation, 14(1), ss. 95-119.
  • LUNDAVALL, Bengt Ake; (1988), “Innovation as an Interactive Process: From User-Producer Interaction to the National System of Innovation”, iç. G. DOSI, C. FREEMAN, R. NELSON, G. SILVERBERG ve L. SOETE (Ed.), Technical Change and Economic Theory, London: Pinter, ss. 349-369.
  • MARCHAND, Donald A.; (1998), “Competing with Intellectual Capital”, iç. G. Von KROGH, J. ROOS ve D. KLEINE (Ed.), Knowing in Firms. SAGE Publications, London, 240s.
  • MARTENSSON, Maria; (2000). “A Critical Review of Knowledge Manage- ment as a Management Tool”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 4(3), ss. 204-216.
  • NGUYEN, Tin Van; (2002), Knowledge Management: Literature Review and Findings about Perceptions of Knowledge Transfer in Col- laboraative and Process-Oriented Teams, Ph.D. Dissertation, Pep- perdine University, 227s.
  • NICKOLS, Fred (2000), The Knowledge in Knowledge Management, The Distance Consulting Company, New Jersey, 12s.
  • NONAKA, Ikujiro; (1994), “A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation”, Organization Science, 5(1), ss. 14-37.
  • OYEYINKA, Banji Oyelaran; (2006), “Innovation Policies and Practices in Developing Countries: A Methodological Framework”, Policy and Science Program Area, Strategic Commissioned Paper, DRC In- novation, April, 55s.
  • PANDURANGA, Anantatmula Vittal S.; (2004), Criteria for Measuring Knowledge Management Efforts in Organizations, Ph.D. Disserta- tion, The Faculty of The School of Engineering and Applied Science of The George Washington University, 245s.
  • PARİKH, Mihir (2001), “Knowledge Management Framework for High-Tech Research and Development”, Engineering Management Journal, 13(3), ss. 27-33.
  • ROBBINS, Stephen P. and Mary COULTER; (2003), Management, Seventh Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 720s.
  • ROWLEY, Jennifer; (1999), “What is Knowledge Management?” Library Management, 20(8), ss. 416-419.
  • SARAH, Michaels; Nancy P. GOUCHER ve Dan MCCARTHY; (2006), “Con- sidering Knowledge Uptake within a Cycle of Transforming Data, In- formation and Knowledge”, Review of Policy Research, (23)1, ss. 267-279.
  • SMITH, Elizabeth A.; (2001), “The Role of Tacit and Explicit Knowledge In The Workplace”, Journal of Knowledge Management, 5(4), ss. 311-321.
  • STANKOSKY, Michael A.; (2004), Criteria for Measuring Knowledge Management Efforts in Organizations, Ph.D. Dissertation, The George Washington University, 245s.
  • STENMARK, Dick; (2002), “Information vs. Knowledge: The Role of Intranets in Knowledge Management”, Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii Inter- national Conference on System Sciences, 10s.
  • STEWART, Thomas A.; (1997), Entelektüel Sermaye- Kuruluşların Yeni Zenginliği, (Çev.: Nurettin Elhüseyni), BZD Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 339s.
  • ŞAMİLOĞLU, Famil; (2002), Entelektüel Sermaye, Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara, 326s.
  • TEKİN, Mahmut; Hasan K. GÜLEŞ ve Tom BURGESS; (2000), Değişen Dünyada Teknoloji Yönetimi, Damla Ofset, Konya, 376s.
  • TERRA, Jose Claudio ve Terezinha ANGELONI; (2006), “Understanding the between Information Management and Knowledge Management”, Terra Forum Consultores, Toronto, Canada, İnternet Adresi;, Erişim Tarihi: 24.05.2006
  • TIWANA, Amrit; (2001), The Essential Guide to Knowledge Management E-Business And CRM Applications, Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Sad- dle River, NJ, 352s.
  • TUOMI, IIkka; (2000), “Data is more than Knowledge: Implications of the Re- versed Knowledge Hierarchy for Knowledge Management and Or- ganizational Memory”, Journal of Management Information Sys- tems, 16(3) ss. 103-118.
  • YENİÇERİ, Özcan; (2004), “Geleceği İnşa Edebilecek İki Soyut Stratejik Kay- nak: Öksüz Sermaye ve Suskun Yaratıcılık”, Standard Dergisi, 47(507), ss. 36-45.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Yrd. doç. Dr. Ufuk Durna Bu kişi benim

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Yavuz Demirel Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Sayı: 30

Kaynak Göster

APA Durna, Y. . . . . . D. . U., & Demirel, Y. . D. . D. . Y. (2008). Bilgi Yönetiminde Bilgiyi Anlamak. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi(30), 129-156.

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