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Hârezmî’nin Eserlerinin İstanbul Yazmaları

Yıl 1987, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 7, 163 - 186, 04.01.1987




  • 1 . Sezgin F., Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums. Bd. 6. Astronom ie bis ca. 430 H ., Leiden 1978.
  • 2. Muhammad ibn Mûsâ al-K hwârizm î, K 1200-letiyu so dnya rozhderıiya (T o the 1200 anniversary o f the birthday) Ed. by A . P. Youschkevitch, Moscovv: N auka 1983. In Russian.
  • 3 . Krause M ., Stambuler Handschrifteıı Islamischer Mathematiker. Quellen and Studierı zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Astronomie und Physik, A bt. B. 1936, Bd. 3, S. 437-532.
  • 4 . Dold-Sam plonius Y ., Book o f Assumption bu Aqâtun. T ext-critical edition, Amsterdam 1977.
  • 5 . Matvievskaya G . P., Rosenfeld B. A ., Matematiki i astronomy musulmanskogo srednevekovya i İh trudy (V III-X V II vv.) (M athem aticians and astronomers o f m edievel İslam and their works (8th-i7th cc.), 3 volumes, Moscovv: N auka 1983. In Russian.
  • 6. Thâbitibn Qurra, Matematicheskie traktaty (M athem atical treatises), Nauchnoe nasledstvo, vol. 8, Moscovv: Nauka 1984. In Russian.
  • 7 . King D. A ., Al-Khwârizmî and neııı trends in mathematical astronomy in the ninth century. T h e H agop K evorkian Çenter for N ear Eastern Studies. O ccasional papers, No. 2, Nevv Y o rk 1983.
  • 8. Frank J. “ Die Vervvendung des Astrolabe nach A l-Khwârizmî” Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Natunvissenschaften und Medizin, N o. 3, Erlangen 1922.
  • 9 . Al-Khwârizmî Muhammad, Matematicheskie traktaty (Mathem atical treatises), Ed. by S. H . Sirazhdinoy, Tashkent: Fan 1983. In Russian.
  • 10. Aş-Şûfî ‘Abdu’r-Rahmân b. ‘Umar, Kitâb al-amal asturlâb. Ed. M . Abdul Mu ’id Khan, H yderabad 1962.
  • 11 . Berunî A b u R ayhan (Al-Bîrûnî A b û ’r-R eyhân), Kanon Mas'uda (al-Q ânûn al-M as’ûdî), Part 1, (Translated by P. G . Bulgakov, B. A . Rosenfeld and M . M . Rozhanskaya) Izbrannye trudy (Selected vvorks), vol. 5, Part I, Tashkent: Fan 1973. In Russian.
  • 12. Ptolemaus C l., Handbuch der Astronomie Übers. K . M anitius, Vorvvort und Berichtigungen von O . Neugebauer. Bd. 1, L eipzig 1963.
  • 13. Istoriya matematiki s drevneyskih vremen do nachala novogo memeni (The history o f m athematics from the deep antiquity to the beginning o f nevv ages). — Istoriya matematiki s drevneyskih vremen do nachala X IX stoletiya (The history o f mathematics from the deep antiquity to the beginning o f the X I X th century). V o l. 1. Ed. by A . P. Youschkevitch, Moscovv: N auka, 1970. In Russian.
  • 14. Hans von Mzik, Das Kitâb Şûrat al-ard des Abû G a f ar Muhammad ibn Mûsâ al-Huwârizmî, L eip zig 1962.

İstanbul Manuscripts of Al-Khwârizmîs Treatises

Yıl 1987, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 7, 163 - 186, 04.01.1987




  • 1 . Sezgin F., Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums. Bd. 6. Astronom ie bis ca. 430 H ., Leiden 1978.
  • 2. Muhammad ibn Mûsâ al-K hwârizm î, K 1200-letiyu so dnya rozhderıiya (T o the 1200 anniversary o f the birthday) Ed. by A . P. Youschkevitch, Moscovv: N auka 1983. In Russian.
  • 3 . Krause M ., Stambuler Handschrifteıı Islamischer Mathematiker. Quellen and Studierı zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Astronomie und Physik, A bt. B. 1936, Bd. 3, S. 437-532.
  • 4 . Dold-Sam plonius Y ., Book o f Assumption bu Aqâtun. T ext-critical edition, Amsterdam 1977.
  • 5 . Matvievskaya G . P., Rosenfeld B. A ., Matematiki i astronomy musulmanskogo srednevekovya i İh trudy (V III-X V II vv.) (M athem aticians and astronomers o f m edievel İslam and their works (8th-i7th cc.), 3 volumes, Moscovv: N auka 1983. In Russian.
  • 6. Thâbitibn Qurra, Matematicheskie traktaty (M athem atical treatises), Nauchnoe nasledstvo, vol. 8, Moscovv: Nauka 1984. In Russian.
  • 7 . King D. A ., Al-Khwârizmî and neııı trends in mathematical astronomy in the ninth century. T h e H agop K evorkian Çenter for N ear Eastern Studies. O ccasional papers, No. 2, Nevv Y o rk 1983.
  • 8. Frank J. “ Die Vervvendung des Astrolabe nach A l-Khwârizmî” Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Natunvissenschaften und Medizin, N o. 3, Erlangen 1922.
  • 9 . Al-Khwârizmî Muhammad, Matematicheskie traktaty (Mathem atical treatises), Ed. by S. H . Sirazhdinoy, Tashkent: Fan 1983. In Russian.
  • 10. Aş-Şûfî ‘Abdu’r-Rahmân b. ‘Umar, Kitâb al-amal asturlâb. Ed. M . Abdul Mu ’id Khan, H yderabad 1962.
  • 11 . Berunî A b u R ayhan (Al-Bîrûnî A b û ’r-R eyhân), Kanon Mas'uda (al-Q ânûn al-M as’ûdî), Part 1, (Translated by P. G . Bulgakov, B. A . Rosenfeld and M . M . Rozhanskaya) Izbrannye trudy (Selected vvorks), vol. 5, Part I, Tashkent: Fan 1973. In Russian.
  • 12. Ptolemaus C l., Handbuch der Astronomie Übers. K . M anitius, Vorvvort und Berichtigungen von O . Neugebauer. Bd. 1, L eipzig 1963.
  • 13. Istoriya matematiki s drevneyskih vremen do nachala novogo memeni (The history o f m athematics from the deep antiquity to the beginning o f nevv ages). — Istoriya matematiki s drevneyskih vremen do nachala X IX stoletiya (The history o f mathematics from the deep antiquity to the beginning o f the X I X th century). V o l. 1. Ed. by A . P. Youschkevitch, Moscovv: N auka, 1970. In Russian.
  • 14. Hans von Mzik, Das Kitâb Şûrat al-ard des Abû G a f ar Muhammad ibn Mûsâ al-Huwârizmî, L eip zig 1962.
Toplam 14 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Erdem

A. A. Ahmedov Bu kişi benim

J. Ad-dabbagh Bu kişi benim

B. A. Rosenfeld Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 4 Ocak 1987
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1987 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 7

Kaynak Göster

APA Ahmedov, A. A., Ad-dabbagh, J., & Rosenfeld, B. A. (1987). İstanbul Manuscripts of Al-Khwârizmîs Treatises. Erdem, 3(7), 163-186.

ERDEM Dergisi TR Dizin, MLA International Bibliography, EBSCOhost, SOBIAD, ASI (Advanced Science Index) İSAM, DAVET, AYK Dergi Dizini ve Academindex tarafından dizinlenmektedir.

ERDEM Journal is indexed by TR Dizin, MLA International Bibliography, EBSCOhost, SOBIAD, ASI (Advanced Science Index) ISAM, DAVET, AYK Journal Index and Academindex.