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Yıl 2009, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 3 - 20, 30.06.2009


As of the publication date, this article does not have an abstract section.


  • A Study of UK Nationalised Industries: Their Role in the Economy and Control in the Future, Appendix Volume, Her Majesty's Stationary Office, London 1976.
  • Beesley, Michael Edwin, Privatization: Reflections on UK Experience. in Beesley, Michael Edwin, (Ed.), Privatization, Regulation and Deregulation, Routledge, 2nd Edition, London 1997, pp. 43-57.
  • Bishop, Matthew - Kay, John, Does Privatization Work? Lessons from the UK, London Business School, London 1988.
  • Castles, Francis G, The Decision to Nationalize, in Nationalized lndustries, The Open University, Buckinghamshire 1972.
  • Chesshire, John, UK Electricity Supply under Public Ownership. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 14-39.
  • Chick, Martin, lndustrial Policy in Britain 1945-1951: Economic Planning, Nationalisation and the Labour Governments, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1998.
  • Clegg, Hugh Armstrong - Chester, Theodore Edward, The Future of Nationalization, Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1955.
  • Cm. 322, Privatising Electricity: The Government' s Proposals for the Privatisation of the Electricity Supply lndustry in England and Wales, February 1988.
  • Cmnd. 9672, Report of the Committee of lnquiry into the Electricity Supply lndustry- the Herbert Report, HMSO, January 1956.
  • Electricity Supply in Great Britain: A Chronology - From the Beginnings of the lndustry to 31 December 1972, Electricity Council, London 1973.
  • Gray, Philip - Helm, Dieter - Powell, Andrew, Competition Versus Regulation in British Electricity Generation. in MacKerron, Gordon - Pearson, Peter (Eds.), The UK Energy Experience: A Model or A Warning?, lmperial College Press, London 1996, pp. 201-220.
  • Hannah, Leslie, Electricity Before Nationalisation: A Study of the Development of the Electricity Supply lndustry in Britain to 1948, The Macmillan Press Ltd., London 1979.
  • Heald, David, The United Kingdom: Privatisation and lts Political Context. in Vickers, John - Wright, Vincent (Eds.), The Politics of Privatisation in Western Europe, Frank Cass, London 1989.
  • Jennings, David, Corporate Planning: Post-Privatization Change in a UK Electricity Utility, Utilities Policy, vol. 8, 1999, issue 4, pp. 223-232.
  • Johnson, Christopher, The Economics of Britain's Electricity Privatization. in Johnson, Christopher (Ed.), Privatization and Ownership (Lloyds Bank Annual Review), volume 1, Pinter Publishers, London and New York 1988, pp. 60-76.
  • Kavanagh, Dennis - Richards, David - Smith, Martin - Geddes, Andrew, British Politics, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006.
  • Kavanagh, Dennis, The Reordering of British Politics: Politics After Thatcher, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1997.
  • Kelf-Cohen, Reuben, British Nationalisation: 1945-1973, Macmillan, London 1973.
  • Lee, Geoff, Privatisation. in Jones, Bill (Ed.), Political lssues in Britain Today, Manchester University Press, Manchester 1999.
  • Littlechild, Stephen C, Office of Electricity Regulation: The New Regulatory Framework for Electricity. in Veljanovski, Cento (Ed.), Regulators and the Market: An Assessment of the Growth of Regulation in the UK, The lnstitute of Economic Affairs, London 1991, pp. 107-118.
  • Megginson, William L. - Netter, Jeffry M, History and Methods of Privatization. in Parker, David - Saal, David (Eds.), lnternational Handbook on Privatization, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham 2003, pp. 25-40.
  • Megginson, William L. - Netter, Jeffry M, History and Methods of Privatization. in Parker, David - Saal, David (Eds.), lnternationalHandbook on Privatization, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited , Cheltenham 2003, pp. 25-40.
  • Newbery, David M. - Green, Richard, Regulation, Public Ownership and Privatisation of the English Electricity lndustry. in Gilbert, Richard J. - Kalın, Edward P. (Eds.), lnternational Comparisons of Electricity Regulation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1996, pp. 25-81.
  • Park, Patricia P, Energy Law and the Environment, Taylor & Francis, London and New York 2002.
  • Parker, Mike, General Conclusions and Lessons. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 295-304.
  • Prosser, Tony - Moran, Michael, Privatization and Regulatory Change: The Case of Great Britain. in Moran, Michael & Prosser, Tony (Eds.). Privatization and Regulatory Change in Europe, Open University Press, Buchingham and Philadelphia 1994, pp. 35-49.
  • Roberts, Jane - Elliot, David - Houghton, Trewor, Privatising Electricity: The Politics of Power, Belhaven Press, London and New York 1991.
  • Robson, William A, Nationalized lndustry and Public Ownership, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London 1962.
  • Saal, David, Restructuring, Regulation and the Liberalization of Privatized Utilities in the UK. in Parker, David - Saal, David (Eds.), lnternational Handbook on Privatization, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham 2003, pp. 560-582.
  • Steel, David R. - Heald, David A, Privatising Public Enterprise: An Analysis of the Government Case, The Political Quarterly, vol. 53, 1982, issue, 3, pp. 333-349.
  • Surrey, John, lntroduction. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 3-13.
  • Swann, Dennis, The Retreat of the State: Deregulation and Privatisation in the UK and US, Harvester, London 1988.
  • Taverne, Dick - Liddle, Roger, Preface. in Vickers, John - Yarrow, George (Eds.), Privatization and the Natural Monopolies, Public Policy Centre, London 1985, pp. vii-ix.
  • Thomas, David, The Union Response to Denationalization. in Steel, David - Heald, David (Eds.), Privatizing Public Enterprises, Royal lnstitute of Public Administration, London 1984, pp. 59-75.
  • Thomas, Steve, Strategic Government and Corporate lssues. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 255- 291.
  • Thomas, Steve, The Privatisation of the Electricity Supply lndustry. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 40-63.
  • Tivey, Leonard, Nationaliation in British lndustry, Jonathan Cape Ltd., London 1973.
  • Veljanovski, Cento, The Future of lndustry Regulation in the UK: A Report of an lndependent lnquiry, European Policy Forum for British and European Market Studies, London 1993.
  • Veljanovski, Cento, The Regulation Game. in Veljanovski, Cento (Ed.), Regulators and the Market: An Assesment of the Growth of Regulation in the UK, The lnstitute ofEconomic Affairs, London 1991, pp. 3-28.
  • Vickers, John - Yarrow, George, Privatisation: An Economic Analysis. MiT Press, London 1988.
  • Webb, Michael, Privatization of the Electricity and Gas lndustries. in Steel, David - Heald, David (Eds.), Privatizing Public Enterprises, Royal lnstitute of Public Administration, London 1984, pp. 87-100.
  • Yarrow, George, Privatization, Restructuring, and Regulatory Reform in Electricity Supply. in Bishop, Matthew - Kay, John - Mayer, Colin (Eds.), Privatization & Economic Performance, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1995, pp. 62-88.
  • Yarrow, George, Regulation and Competition in the Electricity Supply lndustry. in Kay, John - Mayer, Colin - Thompson, David (Eds.), Privatisation and Regulation: The UK Experience, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1989, pp. 189-209.


Yıl 2009, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 3 - 20, 30.06.2009


As of the publication date, this article does not have an abstract section.


  • A Study of UK Nationalised Industries: Their Role in the Economy and Control in the Future, Appendix Volume, Her Majesty's Stationary Office, London 1976.
  • Beesley, Michael Edwin, Privatization: Reflections on UK Experience. in Beesley, Michael Edwin, (Ed.), Privatization, Regulation and Deregulation, Routledge, 2nd Edition, London 1997, pp. 43-57.
  • Bishop, Matthew - Kay, John, Does Privatization Work? Lessons from the UK, London Business School, London 1988.
  • Castles, Francis G, The Decision to Nationalize, in Nationalized lndustries, The Open University, Buckinghamshire 1972.
  • Chesshire, John, UK Electricity Supply under Public Ownership. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 14-39.
  • Chick, Martin, lndustrial Policy in Britain 1945-1951: Economic Planning, Nationalisation and the Labour Governments, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1998.
  • Clegg, Hugh Armstrong - Chester, Theodore Edward, The Future of Nationalization, Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1955.
  • Cm. 322, Privatising Electricity: The Government' s Proposals for the Privatisation of the Electricity Supply lndustry in England and Wales, February 1988.
  • Cmnd. 9672, Report of the Committee of lnquiry into the Electricity Supply lndustry- the Herbert Report, HMSO, January 1956.
  • Electricity Supply in Great Britain: A Chronology - From the Beginnings of the lndustry to 31 December 1972, Electricity Council, London 1973.
  • Gray, Philip - Helm, Dieter - Powell, Andrew, Competition Versus Regulation in British Electricity Generation. in MacKerron, Gordon - Pearson, Peter (Eds.), The UK Energy Experience: A Model or A Warning?, lmperial College Press, London 1996, pp. 201-220.
  • Hannah, Leslie, Electricity Before Nationalisation: A Study of the Development of the Electricity Supply lndustry in Britain to 1948, The Macmillan Press Ltd., London 1979.
  • Heald, David, The United Kingdom: Privatisation and lts Political Context. in Vickers, John - Wright, Vincent (Eds.), The Politics of Privatisation in Western Europe, Frank Cass, London 1989.
  • Jennings, David, Corporate Planning: Post-Privatization Change in a UK Electricity Utility, Utilities Policy, vol. 8, 1999, issue 4, pp. 223-232.
  • Johnson, Christopher, The Economics of Britain's Electricity Privatization. in Johnson, Christopher (Ed.), Privatization and Ownership (Lloyds Bank Annual Review), volume 1, Pinter Publishers, London and New York 1988, pp. 60-76.
  • Kavanagh, Dennis - Richards, David - Smith, Martin - Geddes, Andrew, British Politics, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006.
  • Kavanagh, Dennis, The Reordering of British Politics: Politics After Thatcher, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1997.
  • Kelf-Cohen, Reuben, British Nationalisation: 1945-1973, Macmillan, London 1973.
  • Lee, Geoff, Privatisation. in Jones, Bill (Ed.), Political lssues in Britain Today, Manchester University Press, Manchester 1999.
  • Littlechild, Stephen C, Office of Electricity Regulation: The New Regulatory Framework for Electricity. in Veljanovski, Cento (Ed.), Regulators and the Market: An Assessment of the Growth of Regulation in the UK, The lnstitute of Economic Affairs, London 1991, pp. 107-118.
  • Megginson, William L. - Netter, Jeffry M, History and Methods of Privatization. in Parker, David - Saal, David (Eds.), lnternational Handbook on Privatization, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham 2003, pp. 25-40.
  • Megginson, William L. - Netter, Jeffry M, History and Methods of Privatization. in Parker, David - Saal, David (Eds.), lnternationalHandbook on Privatization, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited , Cheltenham 2003, pp. 25-40.
  • Newbery, David M. - Green, Richard, Regulation, Public Ownership and Privatisation of the English Electricity lndustry. in Gilbert, Richard J. - Kalın, Edward P. (Eds.), lnternational Comparisons of Electricity Regulation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1996, pp. 25-81.
  • Park, Patricia P, Energy Law and the Environment, Taylor & Francis, London and New York 2002.
  • Parker, Mike, General Conclusions and Lessons. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 295-304.
  • Prosser, Tony - Moran, Michael, Privatization and Regulatory Change: The Case of Great Britain. in Moran, Michael & Prosser, Tony (Eds.). Privatization and Regulatory Change in Europe, Open University Press, Buchingham and Philadelphia 1994, pp. 35-49.
  • Roberts, Jane - Elliot, David - Houghton, Trewor, Privatising Electricity: The Politics of Power, Belhaven Press, London and New York 1991.
  • Robson, William A, Nationalized lndustry and Public Ownership, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London 1962.
  • Saal, David, Restructuring, Regulation and the Liberalization of Privatized Utilities in the UK. in Parker, David - Saal, David (Eds.), lnternational Handbook on Privatization, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham 2003, pp. 560-582.
  • Steel, David R. - Heald, David A, Privatising Public Enterprise: An Analysis of the Government Case, The Political Quarterly, vol. 53, 1982, issue, 3, pp. 333-349.
  • Surrey, John, lntroduction. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 3-13.
  • Swann, Dennis, The Retreat of the State: Deregulation and Privatisation in the UK and US, Harvester, London 1988.
  • Taverne, Dick - Liddle, Roger, Preface. in Vickers, John - Yarrow, George (Eds.), Privatization and the Natural Monopolies, Public Policy Centre, London 1985, pp. vii-ix.
  • Thomas, David, The Union Response to Denationalization. in Steel, David - Heald, David (Eds.), Privatizing Public Enterprises, Royal lnstitute of Public Administration, London 1984, pp. 59-75.
  • Thomas, Steve, Strategic Government and Corporate lssues. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 255- 291.
  • Thomas, Steve, The Privatisation of the Electricity Supply lndustry. in Surrey, John (Ed.), The British Electricity Experiment: Privatization: The Record, the lssues, the Lessons, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London 1996, pp. 40-63.
  • Tivey, Leonard, Nationaliation in British lndustry, Jonathan Cape Ltd., London 1973.
  • Veljanovski, Cento, The Future of lndustry Regulation in the UK: A Report of an lndependent lnquiry, European Policy Forum for British and European Market Studies, London 1993.
  • Veljanovski, Cento, The Regulation Game. in Veljanovski, Cento (Ed.), Regulators and the Market: An Assesment of the Growth of Regulation in the UK, The lnstitute ofEconomic Affairs, London 1991, pp. 3-28.
  • Vickers, John - Yarrow, George, Privatisation: An Economic Analysis. MiT Press, London 1988.
  • Webb, Michael, Privatization of the Electricity and Gas lndustries. in Steel, David - Heald, David (Eds.), Privatizing Public Enterprises, Royal lnstitute of Public Administration, London 1984, pp. 87-100.
  • Yarrow, George, Privatization, Restructuring, and Regulatory Reform in Electricity Supply. in Bishop, Matthew - Kay, John - Mayer, Colin (Eds.), Privatization & Economic Performance, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1995, pp. 62-88.
  • Yarrow, George, Regulation and Competition in the Electricity Supply lndustry. in Kay, John - Mayer, Colin - Thompson, David (Eds.), Privatisation and Regulation: The UK Experience, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1989, pp. 189-209.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Kamu Hukuku

Cemil Kaya

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Kaya, Cemil. “THE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY INDUSTRY IN THE UK: THE WINDS OF CHANGE - FROM LIBERALIZATION TO REGULATION”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 4, sy. 1 (Haziran 2009): 3-20.

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