C. H. Schreuer, The ICSID Convention: A Commentary, 2nd ed., (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2009).
J. Crawford, K. Lee and E. Lauterpacht, ICSID Reports, (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2005).
L. Malintoppi, Provisional Measures in Recent JCSID Proceedings: What Parties
Request and What Tribunals Ojfer, in International Investment Law for the 21st
Century: Essays in Honour of Christoph Schreuer, (C. Binder, U. Kriebaum, A.
Reinisch, S. Wittich, ed., New York: Oxford University Press, 2009).
L. Rees, J. Paulson, N. Blackaby, Guide to ICSID Aıbitration, (The Netherlands:
Kluwer International, 2011 ).
L. Y. Fortier and O. Renault, inlerim Measures: An Arbitrator 's Provisional Views,
Fordham Law School Conference on International arbitration and Mediation, USA,
2008, (New York: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008).
Biwater Gauff (Tanzania) Ltd. v. United Republic of Tanzania, ICSID Case No.
Arb/05/22, Procedural Order N° 1, 31 March 2006.
Burlington Resources ine. and others v. Republic of Ecuador, ICSID Case No.
ARB/08/5, Procedural Order No. 1 on Burlington Oriente's Request for Provisional
Measures, 29 June 2009.
Cemex Caracas Investments B.V. and Cemex Caracas Ii Investments B.V. v Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case No. Arb/08/15, Decision on Provisional
Measures, 03 March 2010.
Emilio Agustin Maffezini v Kingdom of Spain, ICSID Case No. ARB/97/7, Procedural
OrderN° 2, 28 October 1999.
Libananco Holdings Co. v Republic of Turkey, (ICSID Case No. ARB/06/8), Decision
on Preliminary Issues, 28 June 2008.
Occidental Petroleum Corporation Occidental Exploration and Production Company v
The Republic of Ecuador, ICSID Case No. Arb/06/11, Decision on Provisional
Measures, 17 August 2007
Perenco Ecuador Ltd. v. Republic of Ecuador and Empresa Estatal Petrôleos Del
Ecuador, (ICSID Case No. ARB/08/6), Decision on Provisional Measures, 8 May
Phoenix Action v Czech Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/06/5, Decision on Provisional
Measures, 6 April 2007.
Flama Consortium Limited v Republic of Bulgaria, ICSID Case No. ARB/03/24, Order,
6 September 2005.
Provisional Measures in ICSID Proceedings F ocusing on Energy Related Disputes 173
Railroad Development Corporation v Republic of Guatemala, ICSID Case No.
Arb/07 /23, Decision on Provisional Measures, 15 October 2008.
RSM Production Cooperation v. Govermnent of Grenada, ICSID Case No. ARB/10/06,
Tribunal' s Decision on Respondent' s Application for Security for Costs, 14 October
Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited v Independent Power Tanzania Limited,
ICSID Case No ARB/98/8, Decision on Provisional Measures, 20 December 1999,
attached as Appendix A to the Final Award on 22 June 2001
Tokios Tokeles v. Ukraine, ICSID Case No. ARB/02/18, Procedural Order No. 1, 1 July
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of
Other States, (as amended and effective April 10, 2006).
ICSID Rules of Procedure for Arbitration Proceedings, (as amended and effective April
10, 2006).
Yayım yılı sebebiyle bu makalede öz bölümü bulunmamaktadır.
C. H. Schreuer, The ICSID Convention: A Commentary, 2nd ed., (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2009).
J. Crawford, K. Lee and E. Lauterpacht, ICSID Reports, (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2005).
L. Malintoppi, Provisional Measures in Recent JCSID Proceedings: What Parties
Request and What Tribunals Ojfer, in International Investment Law for the 21st
Century: Essays in Honour of Christoph Schreuer, (C. Binder, U. Kriebaum, A.
Reinisch, S. Wittich, ed., New York: Oxford University Press, 2009).
L. Rees, J. Paulson, N. Blackaby, Guide to ICSID Aıbitration, (The Netherlands:
Kluwer International, 2011 ).
L. Y. Fortier and O. Renault, inlerim Measures: An Arbitrator 's Provisional Views,
Fordham Law School Conference on International arbitration and Mediation, USA,
2008, (New York: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2008).
Biwater Gauff (Tanzania) Ltd. v. United Republic of Tanzania, ICSID Case No.
Arb/05/22, Procedural Order N° 1, 31 March 2006.
Burlington Resources ine. and others v. Republic of Ecuador, ICSID Case No.
ARB/08/5, Procedural Order No. 1 on Burlington Oriente's Request for Provisional
Measures, 29 June 2009.
Cemex Caracas Investments B.V. and Cemex Caracas Ii Investments B.V. v Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela, ICSID Case No. Arb/08/15, Decision on Provisional
Measures, 03 March 2010.
Emilio Agustin Maffezini v Kingdom of Spain, ICSID Case No. ARB/97/7, Procedural
OrderN° 2, 28 October 1999.
Libananco Holdings Co. v Republic of Turkey, (ICSID Case No. ARB/06/8), Decision
on Preliminary Issues, 28 June 2008.
Occidental Petroleum Corporation Occidental Exploration and Production Company v
The Republic of Ecuador, ICSID Case No. Arb/06/11, Decision on Provisional
Measures, 17 August 2007
Perenco Ecuador Ltd. v. Republic of Ecuador and Empresa Estatal Petrôleos Del
Ecuador, (ICSID Case No. ARB/08/6), Decision on Provisional Measures, 8 May
Phoenix Action v Czech Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/06/5, Decision on Provisional
Measures, 6 April 2007.
Flama Consortium Limited v Republic of Bulgaria, ICSID Case No. ARB/03/24, Order,
6 September 2005.
Provisional Measures in ICSID Proceedings F ocusing on Energy Related Disputes 173
Railroad Development Corporation v Republic of Guatemala, ICSID Case No.
Arb/07 /23, Decision on Provisional Measures, 15 October 2008.
RSM Production Cooperation v. Govermnent of Grenada, ICSID Case No. ARB/10/06,
Tribunal' s Decision on Respondent' s Application for Security for Costs, 14 October
Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited v Independent Power Tanzania Limited,
ICSID Case No ARB/98/8, Decision on Provisional Measures, 20 December 1999,
attached as Appendix A to the Final Award on 22 June 2001
Tokios Tokeles v. Ukraine, ICSID Case No. ARB/02/18, Procedural Order No. 1, 1 July
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of
Other States, (as amended and effective April 10, 2006).
ICSID Rules of Procedure for Arbitration Proceedings, (as amended and effective April
10, 2006).
Erbaşı, Aslıhan. “PROVISIONAL MEASURES IN ICSID PROCEEDINGS FOCUSING ON ENERGY RELATED DISPUTES”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 9, sy. 1 (Haziran 2014): 159-73.