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Konut Alanı Yer Seçimi ve Hanehalkı Hareketliliğine Yönelik Kuramsal Bir İnceleme

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 21, 73 - 95, 01.12.2006


Kentsel gelişme ve işlevsel farklılaşma değişen kent yapısının tanımlanmasına dönük araştırmaları beraberinde getirmiştir. Arazi değerlerinin ve kullanımının mekansal dağılımına dönük ilk çalışmaların yerini, kent büyüklüğü, arazinin kullanımı, yoğunluk, ulaşım, arsa değeri, yer seçimi, konut yoğunluğu, hanehalkı sosyo-ekonomik yapısı ve yerleşme eğilimleri gibi konular almıştır. Bu makalede kentsel alan kullanımı ve yoğunluk kavramlarının ele alındığı Alonso tipi modellerle geliştirilen, daha sonra davranışsal yaklaşımlarla birleştirilen ve pazar mekanizması içinde değerlendirilen konut yer seçimi ve hareketlilik modelleri incelenmektedir. Yapılan araştırmalar hanehalkının konut, konut çevresi ve hanehalkı özelliklerinin konut çevresi seçiminde belirleyici olduğunu göstermektedir. Literatür incelemesi eleştirel bir yaklaşımla ele alınmakta ve konut alanında yer seçimi ve hanehalkı hareketliliği ile ilgili modellerin başarılı ve başarısız olduğu noktalar tartışılmaktadır


  • Alonso, W., Location and Land Use, Harward University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1964.
  • Amato, P., A Comparisan: Population Densities, Land Values and Socio Economics Class in Four Latin American Cities, Land Economics, 41, 4, 447-502, 1970.
  • Anas, A., A Probabilistic Approach to The Structure of Rental Housing Markets, Journal of Urban Economics, 7, 225-247, 1980.
  • Anas, A., From Physical to Economic Urban Models: The Lowry Framework Revisited, Advances in Urban System Modelling, Edited by Hutchınson B., Batty, M., Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North- Holland, 163-171, 1986.
  • Anas, A., Taste Heterogeneity and Urban Spatial Structure: The Logit Model and Monocentric Theory Reconciled, Journal of Urban Economics, 28, 318- 353, 1990.
  • Anas, A. and Dendrinos, D., The New Urban Economic: A Brief Survey, in Essays in Mathematical Land Use Theory, Lexington Books, 1976.
  • Bach, R.L. and Smith, J.S., Community Satisfaction, Expectations of Moving, and Migration, Demography, 14, 147-167, 1977.
  • Bartel, A.P., The Migration Decision: What Role Does Job Mobility Play?, The American Economic Review, 69, 775-786, 1979.
  • Batty, M., Mackie, S. The Calibration of Gravity, Entropy and Related Models of Spatial Interaction, Environment and Planning A, 4, 205-233, 1972.
  • Bertuglia, C.S., Leonardi, G. v.d., “ An Historical Review of Approaches to Ur- ban Modelling”, Urban Systems: Contemporary Approaches to Modelling, Ed: Bertuglia, C.S. and v.d., London, New York, Sydney, 8-40, 1987.
  • Bölen, F., Giritilioğlu, C., v.d., İstanbul Metropoliten Alanında İskan Yoğunlukla- rı ve Arazi Değerlerinin Mekansal Dağılım Modeli, Proje No:İNTAG -401, İstanbul, 1993.
  • Bruin, M.J. and Cook, C.C., Understanding Constraints and Residential Satisfaction Among Low-Income Single-Parent Families, Environment and Behavior, 29, 532-552, 1997.
  • Bussiere, R. and Snickars, F., Derivation of The Exponential Model By An Entropy Maximising Method, Environment and Planning A, 295-301, 1970.
  • Cadwallader, M., Migration and Residential Mobility, The University of Wisconsin Press, London, England, 1992.
  • Capozza, R.D. and Helsley, R.W., The Fundamentals of Land Prices and Urban Growth, Journal of Urban Economics, 26, 295-296, 1989.
  • Clark, W.A.V. and Onaka, J.L., Life Cycle and Housing Adjustment as Explanations of Residential Mobility, Urban Studies, 20, 47-57, 1983.
  • Clark, W.A.V., and Deurloo, M.C., Tenure Changes in The Context of Micro- Level Family and Macro-Level Economic Shifts, Urban Studies, 31, 137- 155, 1994.
  • Clark, W.A.V. ve Davies, S., Elderly Mobility and Mobility Outcomes, Research on Aging, 12, 430-463, 1990.
  • Chapin, F.S. Jr., Urban Land Use Planning, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1965.
  • Clark, W.A.V. and Drever, A.I., Residential Mobility in a Constrained Housing Market: Implications for Ethnic Populations in Germany, Environment and Planning A, 32, 833-846, 2000.
  • Clark, W.A.V. and Van Lierop, W.F.J., Residential Mobility and Household Location Modelling, Urban Economics I, in Elsevier Science Handbook of Regional and Urban Publishers BV, Ed. P.Nijkamp, North Holland, 97- 132, 1986.
  • Clark, W.A.V. and White, Modelling Elderly Mobility, Environment and Planning A, 22, 909-924, 1990.
  • Craig, J.St and Edwars, M, Racial Differences in Intra Urban Residential Mobility, Urban Affairs Review, 30, 709-730, 1995.
  • Dinler, Z., Bölgesel İktisat, Ekin Kitabevi ,1994.
  • Ersoy, M., The Political Economy of Urban Areas, ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi, Ankara, 1978.
  • Forrester, J.W., Urban Dynamics, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1969.
  • Goodman, J.L. Jr., Housing Consumption Disequilibrium and Local Residential Mobility, Environment and Planning A, 8, 855-874, 1976.
  • Giuliano, G., New Directions for Understanding Transportation and Land Use, Environment and Planning A, 145-160, 1989.
  • Hanushek, E.A. and Quigley, J. M., An Explicit Model of Intra-Metropolitan Mobility, Land Economics, 54.4., 411-429, 1978.
  • Huff, J.O., Clark, W A.V, Cumulative Stress and Cumulative Inertia, A Behavioral Model of The Decision to Move, Environment and Planning A, 10, 1101-1119, 1978.
  • Kan., K.,. Expected and unexpected residential mobility, Journal of Urban Economics, 45, 72-96, 1999.
  • Kendig, H.L., Housing Careers, Life Cycle and Residential Mobility: Implications for The Housing Market, Urban Studies, 21, 271-283, 1984.
  • Kılınçaslan, İ., Kentleşmenin Ekonomik Yönleri, İTÜ Matbaası, İstanbul, 2002.
  • Kocatürk, F. Kayseri’de Konut Alanlarının Yer Seçimi ve Hanehalkı Hareketlili- ği, Doktora Tezi, İ.T.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 2003.
  • Landale, N.S. and Guest, A.M., Constraints, Satisfaction, and Residential Mobility: Speare’s Model Reconsidered, Demography, 22, 199-222, 1985.
  • Levine, J., Rethinking Accessibility and Jobs-Housing Balance, Journal of The American Planning Association, 64, 133-150, 1998.
  • Lu, M., Analyzing Migration Decision Making: Relationships Between Residential Satisfaction, Mobility İntentions, and Moving Behavior, Environment and Planning A, 30,1473-1495, 1997.
  • Lu, M., Determinants of Residential Satisfaction: Ordered Logit V.S. Regression Models, Growth and Change, 30, 264-288, 1999.
  • Maclennan, D., Housing Economics, Longman Group Limited, London and New York, 1982.
  • Mıyao, T., Dynamic Urban Models, Household Location Modelling, Economics, II, in Elsevier Science Handbook of Regional and Urban Publishers BV, pp. 901-920, Ed. North Holland, 1986.
  • Mills, E.S., The Measurement and Determinants of Suburbanization, Journal of Urban Economics, 32, 377-387, 1991.
  • Muth, R.F., Cities and Housing, Chicago: University of Chicago Pres, 1969.
  • Newling, B., Urban Growth and Spatial Structure: Mathematical Models and Emprical Evidence, Geographical Review, 56, 213-238, 1966.
  • Newman, S.J. and Duncan, G.J., Residential Problems, Dissatisfaction and Mobility, APA Journal, Nisan, 154-166, 1979.
  • Onaka, J.L. A Multiple- Attribute Housing Disequilibrium Model of Residential Mobility, Environment And Planning A, 15, 751-765,1983.
  • Ohls, J.C. ve Pines, D., Discontinuous Urban Development and Economic Efficiency, Land Economics, 51, 224-262, 1975.
  • Ottensmann, J.R., Urban Suprawl, Land Values and The Density of Development, Land Economics, 53, 389-400, 1977.
  • Parr, J.B., A Population Density Approach to Regional Spatial Structure, Urban Studies, 22, 289-303, 1985.
  • Parr, J.B., The Regional Density Function: An Application of The Concept In Planning, Town Planning Review, 57, 319-349, 1986.
  • Pawson, H. and Bramley, G., Understanding Recent Trends in Residential Mobility in Council Housing in England, Urban Studies, 37, 1231-1260, 2000.
  • Peiser, R.B., Density and Urban Suprawl, Land Economics, 65, 193-204, 1989.
  • Pickvance, C.G., Life-Cycle, Housing Tenure and Intra-Urban Residential Mobility: A Causal Model, Sociological Review, 21, 279-297, 1973.
  • Pickvance, C.G., Life Cycle, Housing Tenure and Residential Mobility: A Path Analytic Approach, Urban Studies, 11, 171-187, 1974.
  • Schnare, A.B. and MacRae, D., The Dynamics of Neighbourhood Change, Urban Studies, 15, 327-331, 1978.
  • Sheppard, E., “A Marxian Model of The Geography of Production and Transportation In Urban and Regional Systems”, Urban Systems, Ed: Bertuglia, C.S. and v.d., London, New York, Sydney, 12-40, 1987.
  • Sheppard, S., Hedonic analysis of housing markets, Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, in Elsevier Science B.V., , Ed. Mills, E.S. and Cheshire, P., North-Holland, 1595-1635, 1999.
  • Smith, B.E., A Review of Monocentric Urban Density Analysis, Journal of Planning Literature, 12, 115-136, 1997.
  • Speare, A.Jr., Residential Satisfaction as an İntervening Variable in Residential Mobility, Demography, 11, 173-188, 1974.
  • Wilson, A.G., The Spatial Distribution of Activities, Urban and Regional Models in Geography and Planning, John Way&Sons Ltd, 1974.
  • Treadway, R.C., Social Components of Metropolitan Population Densities, Demography, 6, 55-741969.
  • Wetzel, J.N., Schools.and Housing Values: Comment, Land Economics, 59, 132- 134, 1983.
  • Yirmibeşoğlu, F., İstanbul’da İskan Alanlarının Yerseçiminde Hanehalkı Nitelik- leri ve Konut Talebi, Doktora Tezi, İ.T.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstan- bul, 1997.

A Contextual Study on Housing Location and Household Mobility

Yıl 2006, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 21, 73 - 95, 01.12.2006


Urban development and functional differentiation made the efforts for defining the urban structure necessary. Therefore, the preliminary studies of spatial diffusion of land value and land usage gave way to subjects such as; urban sizeland use, density, transportation, the plot of land value, location, housing density, household and its socioeconomic structure, and location tendencies. This article studies the models of residentiallocation and mobility, which are developed after the Alonso models of urban land use and density, and intermingled with attitudal approaches and evaluated within the market conditions. The studies show that household, house and environmental characteristics are influential on the preference of housing environment. The evaluation of the literature is taken with a critical approach and success and failure of each model on the residential location and household mobility are discussed


  • Alonso, W., Location and Land Use, Harward University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1964.
  • Amato, P., A Comparisan: Population Densities, Land Values and Socio Economics Class in Four Latin American Cities, Land Economics, 41, 4, 447-502, 1970.
  • Anas, A., A Probabilistic Approach to The Structure of Rental Housing Markets, Journal of Urban Economics, 7, 225-247, 1980.
  • Anas, A., From Physical to Economic Urban Models: The Lowry Framework Revisited, Advances in Urban System Modelling, Edited by Hutchınson B., Batty, M., Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North- Holland, 163-171, 1986.
  • Anas, A., Taste Heterogeneity and Urban Spatial Structure: The Logit Model and Monocentric Theory Reconciled, Journal of Urban Economics, 28, 318- 353, 1990.
  • Anas, A. and Dendrinos, D., The New Urban Economic: A Brief Survey, in Essays in Mathematical Land Use Theory, Lexington Books, 1976.
  • Bach, R.L. and Smith, J.S., Community Satisfaction, Expectations of Moving, and Migration, Demography, 14, 147-167, 1977.
  • Bartel, A.P., The Migration Decision: What Role Does Job Mobility Play?, The American Economic Review, 69, 775-786, 1979.
  • Batty, M., Mackie, S. The Calibration of Gravity, Entropy and Related Models of Spatial Interaction, Environment and Planning A, 4, 205-233, 1972.
  • Bertuglia, C.S., Leonardi, G. v.d., “ An Historical Review of Approaches to Ur- ban Modelling”, Urban Systems: Contemporary Approaches to Modelling, Ed: Bertuglia, C.S. and v.d., London, New York, Sydney, 8-40, 1987.
  • Bölen, F., Giritilioğlu, C., v.d., İstanbul Metropoliten Alanında İskan Yoğunlukla- rı ve Arazi Değerlerinin Mekansal Dağılım Modeli, Proje No:İNTAG -401, İstanbul, 1993.
  • Bruin, M.J. and Cook, C.C., Understanding Constraints and Residential Satisfaction Among Low-Income Single-Parent Families, Environment and Behavior, 29, 532-552, 1997.
  • Bussiere, R. and Snickars, F., Derivation of The Exponential Model By An Entropy Maximising Method, Environment and Planning A, 295-301, 1970.
  • Cadwallader, M., Migration and Residential Mobility, The University of Wisconsin Press, London, England, 1992.
  • Capozza, R.D. and Helsley, R.W., The Fundamentals of Land Prices and Urban Growth, Journal of Urban Economics, 26, 295-296, 1989.
  • Clark, W.A.V. and Onaka, J.L., Life Cycle and Housing Adjustment as Explanations of Residential Mobility, Urban Studies, 20, 47-57, 1983.
  • Clark, W.A.V., and Deurloo, M.C., Tenure Changes in The Context of Micro- Level Family and Macro-Level Economic Shifts, Urban Studies, 31, 137- 155, 1994.
  • Clark, W.A.V. ve Davies, S., Elderly Mobility and Mobility Outcomes, Research on Aging, 12, 430-463, 1990.
  • Chapin, F.S. Jr., Urban Land Use Planning, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1965.
  • Clark, W.A.V. and Drever, A.I., Residential Mobility in a Constrained Housing Market: Implications for Ethnic Populations in Germany, Environment and Planning A, 32, 833-846, 2000.
  • Clark, W.A.V. and Van Lierop, W.F.J., Residential Mobility and Household Location Modelling, Urban Economics I, in Elsevier Science Handbook of Regional and Urban Publishers BV, Ed. P.Nijkamp, North Holland, 97- 132, 1986.
  • Clark, W.A.V. and White, Modelling Elderly Mobility, Environment and Planning A, 22, 909-924, 1990.
  • Craig, J.St and Edwars, M, Racial Differences in Intra Urban Residential Mobility, Urban Affairs Review, 30, 709-730, 1995.
  • Dinler, Z., Bölgesel İktisat, Ekin Kitabevi ,1994.
  • Ersoy, M., The Political Economy of Urban Areas, ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi, Ankara, 1978.
  • Forrester, J.W., Urban Dynamics, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1969.
  • Goodman, J.L. Jr., Housing Consumption Disequilibrium and Local Residential Mobility, Environment and Planning A, 8, 855-874, 1976.
  • Giuliano, G., New Directions for Understanding Transportation and Land Use, Environment and Planning A, 145-160, 1989.
  • Hanushek, E.A. and Quigley, J. M., An Explicit Model of Intra-Metropolitan Mobility, Land Economics, 54.4., 411-429, 1978.
  • Huff, J.O., Clark, W A.V, Cumulative Stress and Cumulative Inertia, A Behavioral Model of The Decision to Move, Environment and Planning A, 10, 1101-1119, 1978.
  • Kan., K.,. Expected and unexpected residential mobility, Journal of Urban Economics, 45, 72-96, 1999.
  • Kendig, H.L., Housing Careers, Life Cycle and Residential Mobility: Implications for The Housing Market, Urban Studies, 21, 271-283, 1984.
  • Kılınçaslan, İ., Kentleşmenin Ekonomik Yönleri, İTÜ Matbaası, İstanbul, 2002.
  • Kocatürk, F. Kayseri’de Konut Alanlarının Yer Seçimi ve Hanehalkı Hareketlili- ği, Doktora Tezi, İ.T.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 2003.
  • Landale, N.S. and Guest, A.M., Constraints, Satisfaction, and Residential Mobility: Speare’s Model Reconsidered, Demography, 22, 199-222, 1985.
  • Levine, J., Rethinking Accessibility and Jobs-Housing Balance, Journal of The American Planning Association, 64, 133-150, 1998.
  • Lu, M., Analyzing Migration Decision Making: Relationships Between Residential Satisfaction, Mobility İntentions, and Moving Behavior, Environment and Planning A, 30,1473-1495, 1997.
  • Lu, M., Determinants of Residential Satisfaction: Ordered Logit V.S. Regression Models, Growth and Change, 30, 264-288, 1999.
  • Maclennan, D., Housing Economics, Longman Group Limited, London and New York, 1982.
  • Mıyao, T., Dynamic Urban Models, Household Location Modelling, Economics, II, in Elsevier Science Handbook of Regional and Urban Publishers BV, pp. 901-920, Ed. North Holland, 1986.
  • Mills, E.S., The Measurement and Determinants of Suburbanization, Journal of Urban Economics, 32, 377-387, 1991.
  • Muth, R.F., Cities and Housing, Chicago: University of Chicago Pres, 1969.
  • Newling, B., Urban Growth and Spatial Structure: Mathematical Models and Emprical Evidence, Geographical Review, 56, 213-238, 1966.
  • Newman, S.J. and Duncan, G.J., Residential Problems, Dissatisfaction and Mobility, APA Journal, Nisan, 154-166, 1979.
  • Onaka, J.L. A Multiple- Attribute Housing Disequilibrium Model of Residential Mobility, Environment And Planning A, 15, 751-765,1983.
  • Ohls, J.C. ve Pines, D., Discontinuous Urban Development and Economic Efficiency, Land Economics, 51, 224-262, 1975.
  • Ottensmann, J.R., Urban Suprawl, Land Values and The Density of Development, Land Economics, 53, 389-400, 1977.
  • Parr, J.B., A Population Density Approach to Regional Spatial Structure, Urban Studies, 22, 289-303, 1985.
  • Parr, J.B., The Regional Density Function: An Application of The Concept In Planning, Town Planning Review, 57, 319-349, 1986.
  • Pawson, H. and Bramley, G., Understanding Recent Trends in Residential Mobility in Council Housing in England, Urban Studies, 37, 1231-1260, 2000.
  • Peiser, R.B., Density and Urban Suprawl, Land Economics, 65, 193-204, 1989.
  • Pickvance, C.G., Life-Cycle, Housing Tenure and Intra-Urban Residential Mobility: A Causal Model, Sociological Review, 21, 279-297, 1973.
  • Pickvance, C.G., Life Cycle, Housing Tenure and Residential Mobility: A Path Analytic Approach, Urban Studies, 11, 171-187, 1974.
  • Schnare, A.B. and MacRae, D., The Dynamics of Neighbourhood Change, Urban Studies, 15, 327-331, 1978.
  • Sheppard, E., “A Marxian Model of The Geography of Production and Transportation In Urban and Regional Systems”, Urban Systems, Ed: Bertuglia, C.S. and v.d., London, New York, Sydney, 12-40, 1987.
  • Sheppard, S., Hedonic analysis of housing markets, Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, in Elsevier Science B.V., , Ed. Mills, E.S. and Cheshire, P., North-Holland, 1595-1635, 1999.
  • Smith, B.E., A Review of Monocentric Urban Density Analysis, Journal of Planning Literature, 12, 115-136, 1997.
  • Speare, A.Jr., Residential Satisfaction as an İntervening Variable in Residential Mobility, Demography, 11, 173-188, 1974.
  • Wilson, A.G., The Spatial Distribution of Activities, Urban and Regional Models in Geography and Planning, John Way&Sons Ltd, 1974.
  • Treadway, R.C., Social Components of Metropolitan Population Densities, Demography, 6, 55-741969.
  • Wetzel, J.N., Schools.and Housing Values: Comment, Land Economics, 59, 132- 134, 1983.
  • Yirmibeşoğlu, F., İstanbul’da İskan Alanlarının Yerseçiminde Hanehalkı Nitelik- leri ve Konut Talebi, Doktora Tezi, İ.T.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstan- bul, 1997.
Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA77MP88UH
Bölüm Makaleler / Articles

Füsun KOCATÜRK Özçan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2006
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2006
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2006 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 21

Kaynak Göster

APA Özçan, F. K. (2006). Konut Alanı Yer Seçimi ve Hanehalkı Hareketliliğine Yönelik Kuramsal Bir İnceleme. Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1(21), 73-95.

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