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Determination of the Relationship Between the Number of Clusters and Primary Bud Size in Vitis vinifera and Vitis labrusca Grapevines by Histological Sectioning Method

Yıl 2024, , 100 - 112, 28.03.2024


This study was conducted to reveal the relationship between the number of clusters and of primary buds size in dormant grapevine winter buds. In addition, it has been tried to determine how the size of the primary bud and the cluster primordials in it change according to the position on one-year-old shoots. In this study, Vitis vinifera L. cv. ‘Karaerik’ and Vitis labrusca L. cv. 'Ülkemiz' varieties was used. Primary buds are separated from other shoot beds (secondary and tertiary buds) with the a scalpel, and fixation, vacuuming, paraffin impregnation, paraffin embedding, freezing, sectioning and tissue staining were performed, respectively. The stained samples were examined microscopically, images were taken and these images were transferred to the computer and histological analyzes was made. In the study, it was determined that bud sizes including three clusters were statistically different (p < 0.05) from other bud sizes (without clusters, one cluster and two clusters of buds). It was determined that there were statistical differences between cultivars in terms of both bud size and the number of cluster. In addition, it was determined that the middle (0.77) buds of the ‘Karaerik’ variety contained more clusters than the basal (0.66) and apical (0.59) buds, whereas the apical (1.19) buds of ‘Ülkemiz’ variety contained more clusters than the basal (0.88) and middle (0.98) buds. It is very important to know the structural features of the buds in order to make the right pruning application suitable for the variety.


  • [1] Nadeem, M. A., Habyarimana, E., Çiftçi, V., Nawaz, M. A., Karaköy, T., Comertpay, G., Shahid, M. Q., Hatipoglu, R., Yeken, M. Z., Ali, F., Ercisli, S., Chung, G., Baloch, F. S., (2018) Characterization of genetic diversity in Turkish common bean gene pool using phenotypic and whole-genome DArTseq-generated silicoDArT marker information. PLoS ONE 13(10):e0205363.
  • [2] Colak, A. M., Kupe, M., Bozhuyuk, R. M., Ercisli, S., Gundogdu, M., (2019) Identification of some fruit characteristics in wild bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) accessions from Eastern Anatolia. Gesunde Pflanzen 70: 31-38.
  • [3] Grygorieva, Oç, Klymenko, Sç, Kuklina, A., Vinogradova, Y., Vergun, O., Sedlackova, V. H., Brindza, J., (2021) Evaluation of Lonicera caerulea L. genotypes based on morphological characteristics of fruits germplasm collection. Turk J Agric For 45: 850-860.
  • [4] Juric, S., Vlahovicek-Kahlina, K., Duralija, B., Maslov Bandic, L., Nekic, P., Vincekovic, M., (2021) Stimulation of plant secondary metabolites synthesis in soilless cultivated strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne) using zinc-alginate microparticles. Turk J Agric For 45: 324-334.
  • [5] Ozdemir, B., Okay, F. Y., Sarikamis, G., Ozmen, C. Y., Kibar, U., Ergul, A., (2021) Crosstalk between flowering and cold tolerance genes in almonds (Amygdalus spp.). Turk J Agric For 45(4): 484-494.
  • [6] Ercisli, S., Esitken, A., Turkkal, C., Orhan, E., (2005) The allelopathic effects of juglone and walnut leaf extracts on yield, growth, chemical and PNE composition of strawberry cv. Fern. Plant Soil Environ 51: 283-387.
  • [7] Erturk, Y., Ercisli, S., Cakmakci, R., (2012) Yield and growth response of strawberry to plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria inoculation. J Plant Nutr 35(6): 817-826.
  • [8] Doğan, H., Ercişli, S., Jurıkova, T., Temim, E., Leto, A., Hadziabulic, A., Zia-Ul-Haq, M., (2014) Physicochemical and antioxidant characteristics of fruits of cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) from Turkey. Oxidation Communications, 37(4).
  • [9] Kupe, M., Karatas, N., Unal, M. S., Ercisli, S., Baron, M., Sochor, J., (2021) Phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of peel, pulp and seed extracts of different clones of the Turkish grape cultivar ‘Karaerik’. Plants 10: 2154.
  • [10] Taskesenlioglu, M.Y., Ercisli , S., Kupe, M., Ercisli, N., (2022) History of grape in Anatolia and historical sustainable grape production in Erzincan agroecological conditions in Turkey. Sustainability 14: 1496.
  • [11] Mullins, M. G., Bouqueti A., Williamsi L. E., (1992) Biology of the grapevine. Cambridge University Press. England.
  • [12] Carmona, M. J., Chaïb, J., Martínez-Zapater, J.M., Thomas, M. R., (2008) A molecular genetic perspective of reproductive development in grapevine. J Exp Bot 59: 2579-2596.
  • [13] Morrison, J. C., Lodi, M., (1990) The development of primary bud necrosis in Thompson Seedless and Flame Seedless grapevines. Vitis 29: 133-144.
  • [14] Sabir, A., Tangolar, S., Buyukalaca, S., Kafkas, S., (2009) Ampelographic and molecular diversity among grapevine (Vitis spp.) cultivars. Czech J Genet Plant Breed 45: 160-168.
  • [15] Odabas, F., (1976) Determination of efficiency according to where the buds are located by examining the floral development periods of some important grape varieties grown in Erzincan. Atatürk Univ Pub 466: 130-141.
  • [16] Kismali, I., (1984) Research on winter bud yield of some table grape varieties. Turkey 2nd Symposium on Viticulture and Winemaking, Manisa, pp 35-48.
  • [17] Agaoglu, Y. S., (1999) Scientific and applied viticulture (grapevine biology). Ankara Univ Agric Fac Vol I. (pp 205-209). Kavaklıdere Educ Pub1, Ankara.
  • [18] Celik, H., Agaoglu, Y. S., Marasalı, B., Soylemezoglu, G., Fidan, Y., (1998) General viticulture. (1: 253-260). Sun Fidan Aş. Prof Books Series Ankara.
  • [19] Oraman, M. N., (1959) New viticulture. Ankara Univ Fac of Agric Publications 78: 298.
  • [20] Kupe, M., Ercisli, S., (2021) Determınatıon of the productivity and development status of the secondary buds in the Karaerik grape variety. XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium, pp 401. Book of Agrosym, Serbia.
  • [21] Alleweldt, G., Hofacker, W., (1975) Influence of environmental factors on bud burst flowering fertility and shoot growth of vines. Vitis 14: 103-115.
  • [22] Ilter, E., (1980) Studies on the effect of some chemical substances applied to leaves on winter bud efficiency. Ege Üniv Agric Pub 372: 132-133.
  • [23] Agaoglu, Y. S., Kara, Z., (1993) Research on determination of bud efficiency of some grape varieties grown in Tokat region. Turk J Agric For 17: 451-458.
  • [24] Agaoglu, Y. S., (1969) Comparative studies on the bud structures, floral growth periods of table grape varieties of Hasandede, Kalecik Karası, Papaz Karası, Öküzgözü and Furmint and the determination of pruning methods suitable for these varieties Ankara Univ Agric Fac Doctoral Thesis, Ankara.
  • [25] Zhang, J., Wu, X., Niu, R., Liu, Y., Liu, N., Xu, W., Wang, Y., (2012) Cold-resistance evaluation in 25 wild grape species. Vitis 51: 153-160.
  • [26] Carvalho, D. C. D., Silva, A. L. L. D., Schuck, M. R., Purcino, M., Tanno, G. N., Biasi, L. A., (2013) Fox grape cv. Bordô (Vitis labrusca L.) and grapevine cv. Chardonnay (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivated in vitro under different carbohydrates, amino acids and 6-Benzylaminopurine levels. Braz Arch Biol Technol 56: 191-201.
  • [27] Abe, L. T., Mota, R. V. D., Lajolo, F. M., Genovese, M. I., (2007). Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of Vitis labrusca and Vitis vinifera cultivars. Food Sci Tech 27: 394-400.
  • [28] Köse, B., (2014) Phenology and ripening of Vitis vinifera L. and Vitis labrusca L. varieties in the maritime climate of Samsun in Turkey's Black Sea Region. South African J Enol Vitic 35: 90-102.
  • [29] Gökdemir, N., (2016).- The effect of different doses of Boron application on yield, quality and leaf nutrient content of Isabella (V. Labrusca L.) grape variety. Ordu Üniv Inst of Sci Master's Thesis, Ordu.
  • [30] Kupe, M., (2021). Determination of freezing points of secondary buds in Vitis vinifera and Vitis labrusca. Int. J Agric Wildlife Sci 7: 217-221.
  • [31] Ferreira, G. M., Moreira, R.R., Jarek, T.M., Nesi, C.N, Biasi, L.A., May De Mio, L. L. (2022) Alternative control of downy mildew and grapevine leaf spot on Vitis labrusca. Australasian Plant Path 51: 193-201.
  • [32] Dardeniz, A., Kismali, I., (2005) Researchs on determining the bud fertility and obtaining optimum pruning levels in some table grape varieties, Ege Univ Fac Agric J 42: 1-10.
  • [33] Kupe, M, Kose, C., (2020) The relationship between bud size and exotherm formation in dormant buds of grapevine. Atatürk Univ J of Agric Fac 51: 243-248.
  • [34] Celik, H., Kose, B., Ates, S., Karabulut, B., (2015) Determination of bud fertility of foxy grape (Vitis labrusca L.) genotypes selected from Rize. Selçuk Univ Agric Food Sci J Special Issue 27: 238-245.
  • [35] Duncan, D. B., (1957) Multiple range tests for correlated and heteroscedastic means. Biometrics 13: 164-174.
  • [36] Balasubrahmanyam, V. R., Khanduja, S.D., (1977) Effect of the varying cane lengths on the fruiting potantial of Thompson Seedless vines. Indian J Hortic 34: 113-116.
  • [37] Kırdar, T., Odabas, F., (1992). A research on the determination of productivity status and yield potential estimation according to bud positions in some important grape varieties grown in Amasya. Ondokuzmayıs Univ J Fac Agric 7: 19-28
  • [38] Kara, Z., Beyoglu, N., (1995) A research on the determination of bud productivity of grape varieties grown in Konya province Beyşehir region. Turkey II. National Horticultural Congress, Cilt: II, (pp 524-528). Konya.
  • [39] Celik, H., (1999) Researches on the fruitfulness of some grape varieties grown in Amasya. Turk J Agric For 23: 685-690.
  • [40] Huglin, P., (1958) Recherches sur les Bourgeons de la vigne. initiation florale et developpement vegetatif. Ann Am él Plantes 8: 113-272.
  • [41] Sartorıus, O., (1968) Die Blütenknospen der reben. Weinwissenschaft 23: 309-338.
  • [42] Kupe, M., Kose, C., (2015) Determining suitable pruning level after winter frost damage in Karaerik grape cultivar. Atatürk Univ J Agric Fac 46: 21–28.
  • [43] Basaran, C., (2006). Relationships between grapevine performance and bud fertility, yield and berry qulity on Kalecik karası clones. Ankara Üniv Inst of Sci Master's Thesis, Ankara.
  • [44] Morrison, J. C., Lodi, M., (1990) The development of primary bud necrosis in Thompson Seedless and Flame Seedless grapevines. Vitis 29: 133-144.
  • [45] Karatas, H, Agaoglu, Y. S., (2005) Bud efficiency in grapevines. Alatarım 4: 13-22.
  • [46] Fidan, Y., (1966) Research on bud structures and crop status of table grape varieties.
  • [47] Oraman, M. N., Agaoglu, Y. S., (1969) A research on the relationship between morphological distinction and floral development phases, blossoming and ripening of grapes in some wine grape varieties grown in Ankara. Ankara Univ Fac Agric 19: 503-519.
  • [48] Lavee, S., (2000) Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) growth and performance in warm climates. In: Temperate Fruit Crops in Warm Climates Boston, (pp 343-366). London, England.
Yıl 2024, , 100 - 112, 28.03.2024



  • [1] Nadeem, M. A., Habyarimana, E., Çiftçi, V., Nawaz, M. A., Karaköy, T., Comertpay, G., Shahid, M. Q., Hatipoglu, R., Yeken, M. Z., Ali, F., Ercisli, S., Chung, G., Baloch, F. S., (2018) Characterization of genetic diversity in Turkish common bean gene pool using phenotypic and whole-genome DArTseq-generated silicoDArT marker information. PLoS ONE 13(10):e0205363.
  • [2] Colak, A. M., Kupe, M., Bozhuyuk, R. M., Ercisli, S., Gundogdu, M., (2019) Identification of some fruit characteristics in wild bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) accessions from Eastern Anatolia. Gesunde Pflanzen 70: 31-38.
  • [3] Grygorieva, Oç, Klymenko, Sç, Kuklina, A., Vinogradova, Y., Vergun, O., Sedlackova, V. H., Brindza, J., (2021) Evaluation of Lonicera caerulea L. genotypes based on morphological characteristics of fruits germplasm collection. Turk J Agric For 45: 850-860.
  • [4] Juric, S., Vlahovicek-Kahlina, K., Duralija, B., Maslov Bandic, L., Nekic, P., Vincekovic, M., (2021) Stimulation of plant secondary metabolites synthesis in soilless cultivated strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne) using zinc-alginate microparticles. Turk J Agric For 45: 324-334.
  • [5] Ozdemir, B., Okay, F. Y., Sarikamis, G., Ozmen, C. Y., Kibar, U., Ergul, A., (2021) Crosstalk between flowering and cold tolerance genes in almonds (Amygdalus spp.). Turk J Agric For 45(4): 484-494.
  • [6] Ercisli, S., Esitken, A., Turkkal, C., Orhan, E., (2005) The allelopathic effects of juglone and walnut leaf extracts on yield, growth, chemical and PNE composition of strawberry cv. Fern. Plant Soil Environ 51: 283-387.
  • [7] Erturk, Y., Ercisli, S., Cakmakci, R., (2012) Yield and growth response of strawberry to plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria inoculation. J Plant Nutr 35(6): 817-826.
  • [8] Doğan, H., Ercişli, S., Jurıkova, T., Temim, E., Leto, A., Hadziabulic, A., Zia-Ul-Haq, M., (2014) Physicochemical and antioxidant characteristics of fruits of cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) from Turkey. Oxidation Communications, 37(4).
  • [9] Kupe, M., Karatas, N., Unal, M. S., Ercisli, S., Baron, M., Sochor, J., (2021) Phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of peel, pulp and seed extracts of different clones of the Turkish grape cultivar ‘Karaerik’. Plants 10: 2154.
  • [10] Taskesenlioglu, M.Y., Ercisli , S., Kupe, M., Ercisli, N., (2022) History of grape in Anatolia and historical sustainable grape production in Erzincan agroecological conditions in Turkey. Sustainability 14: 1496.
  • [11] Mullins, M. G., Bouqueti A., Williamsi L. E., (1992) Biology of the grapevine. Cambridge University Press. England.
  • [12] Carmona, M. J., Chaïb, J., Martínez-Zapater, J.M., Thomas, M. R., (2008) A molecular genetic perspective of reproductive development in grapevine. J Exp Bot 59: 2579-2596.
  • [13] Morrison, J. C., Lodi, M., (1990) The development of primary bud necrosis in Thompson Seedless and Flame Seedless grapevines. Vitis 29: 133-144.
  • [14] Sabir, A., Tangolar, S., Buyukalaca, S., Kafkas, S., (2009) Ampelographic and molecular diversity among grapevine (Vitis spp.) cultivars. Czech J Genet Plant Breed 45: 160-168.
  • [15] Odabas, F., (1976) Determination of efficiency according to where the buds are located by examining the floral development periods of some important grape varieties grown in Erzincan. Atatürk Univ Pub 466: 130-141.
  • [16] Kismali, I., (1984) Research on winter bud yield of some table grape varieties. Turkey 2nd Symposium on Viticulture and Winemaking, Manisa, pp 35-48.
  • [17] Agaoglu, Y. S., (1999) Scientific and applied viticulture (grapevine biology). Ankara Univ Agric Fac Vol I. (pp 205-209). Kavaklıdere Educ Pub1, Ankara.
  • [18] Celik, H., Agaoglu, Y. S., Marasalı, B., Soylemezoglu, G., Fidan, Y., (1998) General viticulture. (1: 253-260). Sun Fidan Aş. Prof Books Series Ankara.
  • [19] Oraman, M. N., (1959) New viticulture. Ankara Univ Fac of Agric Publications 78: 298.
  • [20] Kupe, M., Ercisli, S., (2021) Determınatıon of the productivity and development status of the secondary buds in the Karaerik grape variety. XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium, pp 401. Book of Agrosym, Serbia.
  • [21] Alleweldt, G., Hofacker, W., (1975) Influence of environmental factors on bud burst flowering fertility and shoot growth of vines. Vitis 14: 103-115.
  • [22] Ilter, E., (1980) Studies on the effect of some chemical substances applied to leaves on winter bud efficiency. Ege Üniv Agric Pub 372: 132-133.
  • [23] Agaoglu, Y. S., Kara, Z., (1993) Research on determination of bud efficiency of some grape varieties grown in Tokat region. Turk J Agric For 17: 451-458.
  • [24] Agaoglu, Y. S., (1969) Comparative studies on the bud structures, floral growth periods of table grape varieties of Hasandede, Kalecik Karası, Papaz Karası, Öküzgözü and Furmint and the determination of pruning methods suitable for these varieties Ankara Univ Agric Fac Doctoral Thesis, Ankara.
  • [25] Zhang, J., Wu, X., Niu, R., Liu, Y., Liu, N., Xu, W., Wang, Y., (2012) Cold-resistance evaluation in 25 wild grape species. Vitis 51: 153-160.
  • [26] Carvalho, D. C. D., Silva, A. L. L. D., Schuck, M. R., Purcino, M., Tanno, G. N., Biasi, L. A., (2013) Fox grape cv. Bordô (Vitis labrusca L.) and grapevine cv. Chardonnay (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivated in vitro under different carbohydrates, amino acids and 6-Benzylaminopurine levels. Braz Arch Biol Technol 56: 191-201.
  • [27] Abe, L. T., Mota, R. V. D., Lajolo, F. M., Genovese, M. I., (2007). Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of Vitis labrusca and Vitis vinifera cultivars. Food Sci Tech 27: 394-400.
  • [28] Köse, B., (2014) Phenology and ripening of Vitis vinifera L. and Vitis labrusca L. varieties in the maritime climate of Samsun in Turkey's Black Sea Region. South African J Enol Vitic 35: 90-102.
  • [29] Gökdemir, N., (2016).- The effect of different doses of Boron application on yield, quality and leaf nutrient content of Isabella (V. Labrusca L.) grape variety. Ordu Üniv Inst of Sci Master's Thesis, Ordu.
  • [30] Kupe, M., (2021). Determination of freezing points of secondary buds in Vitis vinifera and Vitis labrusca. Int. J Agric Wildlife Sci 7: 217-221.
  • [31] Ferreira, G. M., Moreira, R.R., Jarek, T.M., Nesi, C.N, Biasi, L.A., May De Mio, L. L. (2022) Alternative control of downy mildew and grapevine leaf spot on Vitis labrusca. Australasian Plant Path 51: 193-201.
  • [32] Dardeniz, A., Kismali, I., (2005) Researchs on determining the bud fertility and obtaining optimum pruning levels in some table grape varieties, Ege Univ Fac Agric J 42: 1-10.
  • [33] Kupe, M, Kose, C., (2020) The relationship between bud size and exotherm formation in dormant buds of grapevine. Atatürk Univ J of Agric Fac 51: 243-248.
  • [34] Celik, H., Kose, B., Ates, S., Karabulut, B., (2015) Determination of bud fertility of foxy grape (Vitis labrusca L.) genotypes selected from Rize. Selçuk Univ Agric Food Sci J Special Issue 27: 238-245.
  • [35] Duncan, D. B., (1957) Multiple range tests for correlated and heteroscedastic means. Biometrics 13: 164-174.
  • [36] Balasubrahmanyam, V. R., Khanduja, S.D., (1977) Effect of the varying cane lengths on the fruiting potantial of Thompson Seedless vines. Indian J Hortic 34: 113-116.
  • [37] Kırdar, T., Odabas, F., (1992). A research on the determination of productivity status and yield potential estimation according to bud positions in some important grape varieties grown in Amasya. Ondokuzmayıs Univ J Fac Agric 7: 19-28
  • [38] Kara, Z., Beyoglu, N., (1995) A research on the determination of bud productivity of grape varieties grown in Konya province Beyşehir region. Turkey II. National Horticultural Congress, Cilt: II, (pp 524-528). Konya.
  • [39] Celik, H., (1999) Researches on the fruitfulness of some grape varieties grown in Amasya. Turk J Agric For 23: 685-690.
  • [40] Huglin, P., (1958) Recherches sur les Bourgeons de la vigne. initiation florale et developpement vegetatif. Ann Am él Plantes 8: 113-272.
  • [41] Sartorıus, O., (1968) Die Blütenknospen der reben. Weinwissenschaft 23: 309-338.
  • [42] Kupe, M., Kose, C., (2015) Determining suitable pruning level after winter frost damage in Karaerik grape cultivar. Atatürk Univ J Agric Fac 46: 21–28.
  • [43] Basaran, C., (2006). Relationships between grapevine performance and bud fertility, yield and berry qulity on Kalecik karası clones. Ankara Üniv Inst of Sci Master's Thesis, Ankara.
  • [44] Morrison, J. C., Lodi, M., (1990) The development of primary bud necrosis in Thompson Seedless and Flame Seedless grapevines. Vitis 29: 133-144.
  • [45] Karatas, H, Agaoglu, Y. S., (2005) Bud efficiency in grapevines. Alatarım 4: 13-22.
  • [46] Fidan, Y., (1966) Research on bud structures and crop status of table grape varieties.
  • [47] Oraman, M. N., Agaoglu, Y. S., (1969) A research on the relationship between morphological distinction and floral development phases, blossoming and ripening of grapes in some wine grape varieties grown in Ankara. Ankara Univ Fac Agric 19: 503-519.
  • [48] Lavee, S., (2000) Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) growth and performance in warm climates. In: Temperate Fruit Crops in Warm Climates Boston, (pp 343-366). London, England.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Bitki Morfolojisi ve Anatomisi
Bölüm Makaleler

Muhammed Küpe 0000-0002-7225-8065

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 27 Mart 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Mart 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Küpe, M. (2024). Determination of the Relationship Between the Number of Clusters and Primary Bud Size in Vitis vinifera and Vitis labrusca Grapevines by Histological Sectioning Method. Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology, 17(1), 100-112.