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Determination of β-Sitosterol in Alchemilla caucasica Buser by GC-MS Method

Yıl 2018, , 149 - 157, 31.08.2018


In this study, it was aimed to
develop a method for the determination of β-sitosterol by gas
chromatography-mass spectrometry method in Alchemilla
Buser. For β-sitosterol, selected ion monitoring and electron
ionization modes were used. Calibration linearity of the devoloped method was
obtained at 1-100 μg/mL concentration for β-sitosterol. The intra-day and
inter-day precision value for β-sitosterol was less than 4.99%. The accuracy of
the method was observed to be better than 4.60%. The detection and
quantification limits for β-sitosterol were found 0.05 and 0.15 μg/mL,
respectively. The amount of  β-sitosterol
in A. caucasica plant was found to be
22.6 μg/1.0 mg with percent recovery 2.26% for β-sitosterol. Also, this method
can be used for the determination of β-sitosterol in A. caucasica plant.


  • Awad, A.B., Chan, K.C., Downie, A.C., Fink, C.S. 2000. Peanuts as a source of beta sitosterol, a sterol with anticancer properties. Nutrition and Cancer, 36, 238-241. Aviram, M. 2000. Review of human studies on oxidative damage and antioxidative damage and antioxidant protection related to cardiovascular disease. Free Radical Research, 33, 585-597.
  • Davis, P.H. 1972. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Edinburgh University Press, 4, 88.
  • Falchero, L., Coppa, M., Fossi, A., Lombardi, G., Ramella, D., Tava A. 2009. Essential oil composition of lady's mantle (Alchemilla xanthochlora Rothm.) growing wild in Alpine pastures. Natural Product Research, 23, 1367-1372. Filipek, J. 1992. Effect of Alchemilla xantochlora Water Extract on Lipid Peroxidation and Superoxide Anion Scavenging Activity. Pharmazie, 47, 717-718.
  • Fraile, L., Crisci, E., Córdoba, L., Navarro, M.A., Osada, J., Montoya, M. 2012. Immunomodulatory properties of beta-sitosterol in pig immune responses. International Immunopharmacology, 13, 316-321.
  • Guidance for Industry Bioanalytical Method Validation. 2001. US Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. Rockville, MD.
  • Ho, Y., Lee, Y.L., Hsu, K.Y. 1995. Determination of (+) -catechin in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography using fluorescence detection. Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications, 665, 383-389.
  • Ibrahim, T.A. 2012. Chemical composition and biological activity of extracts from Salvia bicolor Desf. growing in Egypt. Molecules, 17, 11315-11334.
  • Igwe, O.U., Okwu, D.E. 2013. GC-MS evaluation of bioactive compounds and antibacterial activity of the oil fraction from the seeds of Brachystegia eurycoma (HARMS). Asian Journal of Plant Science and Research, 3(2), 47-54.
  • Jonadet, M., Meunier, M.T., Villie, F., Bastide, J.P., Lamaison, J.L. 1986. "Flavonoids extracted from Ribes nigrum L. and Alchemilla vulgaris L.: 1. In vitro inhibitory activities on elastase, trypsin and chymotrypsin. 2. Angioprotective activities compared in vivo. Journal of Pharmacology, 17, 21-27.
  • Jonathan, G., Ohimain, E., Kigigha, L. 2007. Antagonistic effects of extracts of some Nigerian higher fungi against selected microorganisms. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, 2, 364-368.
  • Kathirvel, A., Sujatha, V. 2016. Phytochemical studies, antioxidant activities and identification of active compounds using GC-MS of Dryopertis cochleota leaves. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 9, 1435-1442.
  • Kaya, B., Menemen, Y., Saltan, F.Z. 2012. Flavonoids in the endemic species of Alchemilla L., (section Alchemilla L. subsection Calycanthum Rothm. ser. elatae Rothm.) from North-East Black sea region in Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 44, 595-597.
  • Kpoviéssi, D.S., Gbaguidi, F., Gbénou, J., Accrombessi, G., Moudachirou, M., Rozet, E., Hubert, P., Quetin-Leclercq, J. 2008. Validation of a method for the determination of sterols and triterpenes in the aerial part of Justicia anselliana (Nees) T. Anders by capillary gas chromatography. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 48, 1127-1135.
  • Kumar, V., Parmar, N.S. 2003. Herbs: A potential source for the development of new pytomedicinals. Pharmacological Reviews, 1, 59-63.
  • Makau, J.N., Watanabe, K., Kobayashi, N. 2013. Anti-influenza activity of Alchemilla mollis extract: Possible virucidal activity against influenza virus particles. Drug Discoveries Therapeutics, 7, 189-195.
  • Martelanc, M., Vovk, I., Simonovska, B. 2009. Separation and identification of some common isomeric plant triterpenoids by thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 14, 145-152.
  • Matthaus, B., Ozcan M.M. 2014. Fatty acid, tocopherol and squalene contents of Rosaceae seed oils. Botanical Studies, 55, 1-6.
  • Mukherjee, P.K. 2002. Quality control of herbal drugs. An approach to evaluation of botanicals. Business Horizons Pharmaceutical Publishers.
  • Owen, R.W., Giacosa, W.E., Hull, R., Haubner, B.S., Bartsh, H. 2000. The antioxidant/anticancer potential of phenolic compounds isolated from olive oil. European Journal of Cancer, 36, 1235-1247.
  • Schimmer, O., Lindenbaum, M. 1995. Tannins with antimutagenic properties in the herb of Alchemilla species and Potentilla anserina. Planta Medica, 61, 141-145.
  • Yilmaz, B., Arslan, S., Akba, V. 2009. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method for determination of metoprolol in the patients with hypertension. Talanta, 80, 346-351.
  • Zuo, Y., Wang, C., Zhan, J. 2002. Separation, Characterization and Quantitation of Benzoic and Phenolic Antioxidants in American Cranberry Fruit by GC−MS. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50, 3789-3794.

Determination of β-Sitosterol in Alchemilla caucasica Buser by GC-MS Method

Yıl 2018, , 149 - 157, 31.08.2018


Bu çalışmada Alchemilla caucasica bitkisinde
β-sitosterol’ün gaz kromatografisi-kütle spektrometri yöntemiyle belirlenmesi
için bir yöntem geliştirmesi amaçlandı. β-sitosterol için, seçilmiş iyon
görüntüleme ve elektron iyonizasyon modları kullanıldı. Geliştirilen yöntemin
doğrusal aralığı β-sitosterol için 1-100 μg/mL olarak elde edildi. β-sitosterol
için gün-içi ve günler-arası kesinlik değerinin %4.99'dan daha düşüktü.
Yöntemin doğruluğunun %4.60'dan daha iyi olduğu görüldü. Gözlenebilme ve miktar
tayin sınırları β-sitosterol için sırasıyla 0.05 ve 0.15 μg/mL olarak bulundu. A. caucasica bitkisinde β-sitosterol
miktarı 2.26%’lık geri kazanımıyla 22.6 μg/1.0 mg olarak bulundu. Öyle ki bu
yöntem, A. caucasica bitkisinde
β-sitosterol’ün tayini için de kullanılabilir.


  • Awad, A.B., Chan, K.C., Downie, A.C., Fink, C.S. 2000. Peanuts as a source of beta sitosterol, a sterol with anticancer properties. Nutrition and Cancer, 36, 238-241. Aviram, M. 2000. Review of human studies on oxidative damage and antioxidative damage and antioxidant protection related to cardiovascular disease. Free Radical Research, 33, 585-597.
  • Davis, P.H. 1972. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Edinburgh University Press, 4, 88.
  • Falchero, L., Coppa, M., Fossi, A., Lombardi, G., Ramella, D., Tava A. 2009. Essential oil composition of lady's mantle (Alchemilla xanthochlora Rothm.) growing wild in Alpine pastures. Natural Product Research, 23, 1367-1372. Filipek, J. 1992. Effect of Alchemilla xantochlora Water Extract on Lipid Peroxidation and Superoxide Anion Scavenging Activity. Pharmazie, 47, 717-718.
  • Fraile, L., Crisci, E., Córdoba, L., Navarro, M.A., Osada, J., Montoya, M. 2012. Immunomodulatory properties of beta-sitosterol in pig immune responses. International Immunopharmacology, 13, 316-321.
  • Guidance for Industry Bioanalytical Method Validation. 2001. US Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. Rockville, MD.
  • Ho, Y., Lee, Y.L., Hsu, K.Y. 1995. Determination of (+) -catechin in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography using fluorescence detection. Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications, 665, 383-389.
  • Ibrahim, T.A. 2012. Chemical composition and biological activity of extracts from Salvia bicolor Desf. growing in Egypt. Molecules, 17, 11315-11334.
  • Igwe, O.U., Okwu, D.E. 2013. GC-MS evaluation of bioactive compounds and antibacterial activity of the oil fraction from the seeds of Brachystegia eurycoma (HARMS). Asian Journal of Plant Science and Research, 3(2), 47-54.
  • Jonadet, M., Meunier, M.T., Villie, F., Bastide, J.P., Lamaison, J.L. 1986. "Flavonoids extracted from Ribes nigrum L. and Alchemilla vulgaris L.: 1. In vitro inhibitory activities on elastase, trypsin and chymotrypsin. 2. Angioprotective activities compared in vivo. Journal of Pharmacology, 17, 21-27.
  • Jonathan, G., Ohimain, E., Kigigha, L. 2007. Antagonistic effects of extracts of some Nigerian higher fungi against selected microorganisms. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, 2, 364-368.
  • Kathirvel, A., Sujatha, V. 2016. Phytochemical studies, antioxidant activities and identification of active compounds using GC-MS of Dryopertis cochleota leaves. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 9, 1435-1442.
  • Kaya, B., Menemen, Y., Saltan, F.Z. 2012. Flavonoids in the endemic species of Alchemilla L., (section Alchemilla L. subsection Calycanthum Rothm. ser. elatae Rothm.) from North-East Black sea region in Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 44, 595-597.
  • Kpoviéssi, D.S., Gbaguidi, F., Gbénou, J., Accrombessi, G., Moudachirou, M., Rozet, E., Hubert, P., Quetin-Leclercq, J. 2008. Validation of a method for the determination of sterols and triterpenes in the aerial part of Justicia anselliana (Nees) T. Anders by capillary gas chromatography. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 48, 1127-1135.
  • Kumar, V., Parmar, N.S. 2003. Herbs: A potential source for the development of new pytomedicinals. Pharmacological Reviews, 1, 59-63.
  • Makau, J.N., Watanabe, K., Kobayashi, N. 2013. Anti-influenza activity of Alchemilla mollis extract: Possible virucidal activity against influenza virus particles. Drug Discoveries Therapeutics, 7, 189-195.
  • Martelanc, M., Vovk, I., Simonovska, B. 2009. Separation and identification of some common isomeric plant triterpenoids by thin-layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 14, 145-152.
  • Matthaus, B., Ozcan M.M. 2014. Fatty acid, tocopherol and squalene contents of Rosaceae seed oils. Botanical Studies, 55, 1-6.
  • Mukherjee, P.K. 2002. Quality control of herbal drugs. An approach to evaluation of botanicals. Business Horizons Pharmaceutical Publishers.
  • Owen, R.W., Giacosa, W.E., Hull, R., Haubner, B.S., Bartsh, H. 2000. The antioxidant/anticancer potential of phenolic compounds isolated from olive oil. European Journal of Cancer, 36, 1235-1247.
  • Schimmer, O., Lindenbaum, M. 1995. Tannins with antimutagenic properties in the herb of Alchemilla species and Potentilla anserina. Planta Medica, 61, 141-145.
  • Yilmaz, B., Arslan, S., Akba, V. 2009. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method for determination of metoprolol in the patients with hypertension. Talanta, 80, 346-351.
  • Zuo, Y., Wang, C., Zhan, J. 2002. Separation, Characterization and Quantitation of Benzoic and Phenolic Antioxidants in American Cranberry Fruit by GC−MS. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50, 3789-3794.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Esen Sezen Karaoğlan 0000-0002-9098-9021

Bilal Yılmaz

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Sezen Karaoğlan, E., & Yılmaz, B. (2018). Determination of β-Sitosterol in Alchemilla caucasica Buser by GC-MS Method. Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology, 11(2), 149-157.