Araştırma Makalesi
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Evaluation of a Newly Planned Intersection with Micro-Simulation

Yıl 2018, , 550 - 559, 30.12.2018


The number of vehicles registered to traffic in
Erzurum is 114,044 according to the data of 2017 (TUIK). Erzurum is one of the
largest cities in the Eastern Anatolia Region. At the same time, as it is one
of the attraction centers of the region, the seasonal increase in the number of
vehicles is by 17.61%. Although this number increases by an average of 2.8%
each year, the capacities of existing roads remain constant. This result leads
the current roads to become inadequate, and along with an increase in traffic
density, the travel time, delays, exhaust emissions and fuel consumption are
increased. In addition, recent studies have shown that approximately 52% of the
traffic accidents occurred in urban centers in Turkey occur at the junctions.In
this study, the effect of a junction planned by the 12th Regional Directorate
of Highways on the environmental and regional traffic was investigated. The
planned junction is on the Erzurum-Bingöl state road and the point connecting
Atatürk University Campus to this road. The current and new situation are
modelled on the VISSIM micro-simulation program and the travel time, delay,
queue lengths, CO, NOx, VOC and fuel consumption are compared with each other.
According to the micro-simulation analyses results, a reduction of 35% for
travel time and delays, 83% for queue lengths and 23% for exhaust emissions were


  • Alkheder, S. 2017. Learning from the past: traffic safety in the eyes of affected local community in Abu Dhabi City, United Arab Emirates. Transportation Letters, 9(1), 20-38.
  • Alomari, A. H., Al-Deek, H., Sandt, A., Rogers Jr, J. H.,Hussain, O. 2016. Regional evaluation of bus rapid transit with and without transit signal priority. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board(2554), 46-59.
  • Bartin, B., Mudigonda, S.,Ozbay, K. 2007. Impact of electronic toll collection on air pollution levels: Estimation using microscopic simulation model of large-scale transportation network. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2011), 68-77.
  • Bloomberg, L.,Dale, J. 2000. Comparison of VISSIM and CORSIM traffic simulation models on a congested network. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (1727), 52-60.
  • Esawey, M. E.,Sayed, T. 2011. Unconventional USC intersection corridors: evaluation of potential implementation in Doha, Qatar. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 45(1), 38-53.
  • Fellendorf, M.,Vortisch, P. (2001). Validation of the microscopic traffic flow model VISSIM in different real-world situations. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Board 80th Annual meeting.
  • Gomes, G., May, A.,Horowitz, R. 2004. Congested freeway microsimulation model using VISSIM. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (1876), 71-81.
  • Hallmark, S., Fitzsimmons, E., Isebrands, H.,Giese, K. 2010. Roundabouts in signalized corridors: evaluation of traffic flow impacts. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2182), 139-147.
  • Heaslip, K., Jain, M.,Elefteriadou, L. 2011. Estimation of arterial work zone capacity using simulation. Transportation Letters, 3(2), 123-134.Karakikes, I., Spangler, M.,Margreiter, M. 2016. Motorway Network Simulation Using Bluetooth Data. Transport and Telecommunication Journal, 17(3), 242-251.
  • Laufer, J. (2007). Freeway capacity, saturation flow and the car following behavioural algorithm of the VISSIM microsimulation software. Paper presented at the 30th Australasian Transport Research Forum.
  • Lidbe, A. D., Hainen, A. M.,Jones, S. L. 2017. Comparative study of simulated annealing, tabu search, and the genetic algorithm for calibration of the microsimulation model. Simulation, 93(1), 21-33.
  • Murat, Y. S., Arslan, T., Cakici, Z.,Akçam, C. 2015. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) based Decision Support System for Urban Intersections in Transportation Planning. Using Decision Support Systems for Transportation Planning Efficiency. sl: United States of America by Engineering Science Reference, 203-202.
  • Park, B.,Schneeberger, J. 2003. Microscopic simulation model calibration and validation: case study of VISSIM simulation model for a coordinated actuated signal system. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board(1856), 185-192.
  • Pilko, H., Mandžuka, S.,Barić, D. 2017. Urban single-lane roundabouts: A new analytical approach using multi-criteria and simultaneous multi-objective optimization of geometry design, efficiency and safety. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 80, 257-271.
  • Shankar, K. R., Prasad, C.,Reddy, T. 2013. Evaluation of Area Traffic Management Measures Using Microscopic Simulation Model. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 104, 815-824.
  • Siddharth, S.,Ramadurai, G. 2013. Calibration of VISSIM for Indian heterogeneous traffic conditions. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 104, 380-389.Smith, M. C., Sadek, A. W.,Huang, S. 2008. Large-scale microscopic simulation: toward an increased resolution of transportation models. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 134(7), 273-281.
  • Song, G., Yu, L.,Zhang, Y. 2012. Applicability of traffic microsimulation models in vehicle emissions estimates: Case study of VISSIM. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board(2270), 132-141.
  • Stevanovic, J., Stevanovic, A., Martin, P. T.,Bauer, T. 2008. Stochastic optimization of traffic control and transit priority settings in VISSIM. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 16(3), 332-349.
  • Sun, D. J., Zhang, L.,Chen, F. 2013. Comparative study on simulation performances of CORSIM and VISSIM for urban street network. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 37, 18-29.
  • Tianzi, C., Shaochen, J.,Hongxu, Y. 2013. Comparative study of VISSIM and SIDRA on signalized intersection. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 96, 2004-2010.Xu, T., Moon, D. H.,Baek, S. G. 2012. A simulation study integrated with analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in an automotive manufacturing system. Simulation, 88(4), 450-463.
  • Zhao, Y.,Sadek, A. W. 2012. Large-scale agent-based traffic micro-simulation: Experiences with Model refinement, calibration, validation and application. Procedia Computer Science, 10, 815-820.

Yeni Yapılması Planlanan bir Kavşağın Mikro-Simülasyon ile Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2018, , 550 - 559, 30.12.2018


Erzurum’da trafiğe kayıtlı
araç sayısı 2017 yılı (TUİK) verilerine göre, 114.044’tür. Erzurum, Doğu
Anadolu Bölgesinin en büyük şehirlerinden biridir. Aynı zamanda, bölgenin
cazibe merkezlerinden biri olduğu için, araç sayısındaki mevsimsel artış%
17.61'dir. Bu sayı her yıl ortalama %2,8 artmasına rağmen, mevcut yolların
kapasiteleri sabit kalmaktadır. Bu sonuç, yolların yetersiz kalmasına neden
olmakta, trafik yoğunluğunun artmasıyla birlikte, seyahat süresi, gecikme ve
egzoz emisyonlarının artmasını da beraberinde getirmektedir. Buna ek olarak,
yapılan araştırmalar, Türkiye’de şehir merkezlerinde meydana gelen trafik
kazalarının yaklaşık %52’sinin kavşaklarda meydana geldiğini göstermektedir. Bu
çalışmada, Karayolları 12. Bölge Müdürlüğü tarafından yapılması planlanan bir
kavşağın çevre ve bölge trafiğine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Yapılması düşünülen
kavşak, Erzurum-Bingöl devlet yolu üzerinde ve Atatürk Üniversitesi Kampüsünü
bu yola bağlayan nokta üzerindedir. Mevcut ve yeni durum, VISSIM
mikro-simülasyon programı ile modellenmiş ve seyahat süresi, gecikme, kuyruk
uzunlukları ile CO, NOx, VOC ve yakıt tüketimleri karşılaştırılmıştır.
Mikro-simülasyon analiz sonuçlarına göre, seyahat süresi ve gecikmelerde %35,
kuyruk uzunluklarında %83, egzoz emisyonlarında ise yaklaşık %23’e varan
oranlarda azalma gözlenmiştir.


  • Alkheder, S. 2017. Learning from the past: traffic safety in the eyes of affected local community in Abu Dhabi City, United Arab Emirates. Transportation Letters, 9(1), 20-38.
  • Alomari, A. H., Al-Deek, H., Sandt, A., Rogers Jr, J. H.,Hussain, O. 2016. Regional evaluation of bus rapid transit with and without transit signal priority. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board(2554), 46-59.
  • Bartin, B., Mudigonda, S.,Ozbay, K. 2007. Impact of electronic toll collection on air pollution levels: Estimation using microscopic simulation model of large-scale transportation network. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2011), 68-77.
  • Bloomberg, L.,Dale, J. 2000. Comparison of VISSIM and CORSIM traffic simulation models on a congested network. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (1727), 52-60.
  • Esawey, M. E.,Sayed, T. 2011. Unconventional USC intersection corridors: evaluation of potential implementation in Doha, Qatar. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 45(1), 38-53.
  • Fellendorf, M.,Vortisch, P. (2001). Validation of the microscopic traffic flow model VISSIM in different real-world situations. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Board 80th Annual meeting.
  • Gomes, G., May, A.,Horowitz, R. 2004. Congested freeway microsimulation model using VISSIM. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (1876), 71-81.
  • Hallmark, S., Fitzsimmons, E., Isebrands, H.,Giese, K. 2010. Roundabouts in signalized corridors: evaluation of traffic flow impacts. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (2182), 139-147.
  • Heaslip, K., Jain, M.,Elefteriadou, L. 2011. Estimation of arterial work zone capacity using simulation. Transportation Letters, 3(2), 123-134.Karakikes, I., Spangler, M.,Margreiter, M. 2016. Motorway Network Simulation Using Bluetooth Data. Transport and Telecommunication Journal, 17(3), 242-251.
  • Laufer, J. (2007). Freeway capacity, saturation flow and the car following behavioural algorithm of the VISSIM microsimulation software. Paper presented at the 30th Australasian Transport Research Forum.
  • Lidbe, A. D., Hainen, A. M.,Jones, S. L. 2017. Comparative study of simulated annealing, tabu search, and the genetic algorithm for calibration of the microsimulation model. Simulation, 93(1), 21-33.
  • Murat, Y. S., Arslan, T., Cakici, Z.,Akçam, C. 2015. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) based Decision Support System for Urban Intersections in Transportation Planning. Using Decision Support Systems for Transportation Planning Efficiency. sl: United States of America by Engineering Science Reference, 203-202.
  • Park, B.,Schneeberger, J. 2003. Microscopic simulation model calibration and validation: case study of VISSIM simulation model for a coordinated actuated signal system. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board(1856), 185-192.
  • Pilko, H., Mandžuka, S.,Barić, D. 2017. Urban single-lane roundabouts: A new analytical approach using multi-criteria and simultaneous multi-objective optimization of geometry design, efficiency and safety. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 80, 257-271.
  • Shankar, K. R., Prasad, C.,Reddy, T. 2013. Evaluation of Area Traffic Management Measures Using Microscopic Simulation Model. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 104, 815-824.
  • Siddharth, S.,Ramadurai, G. 2013. Calibration of VISSIM for Indian heterogeneous traffic conditions. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 104, 380-389.Smith, M. C., Sadek, A. W.,Huang, S. 2008. Large-scale microscopic simulation: toward an increased resolution of transportation models. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 134(7), 273-281.
  • Song, G., Yu, L.,Zhang, Y. 2012. Applicability of traffic microsimulation models in vehicle emissions estimates: Case study of VISSIM. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board(2270), 132-141.
  • Stevanovic, J., Stevanovic, A., Martin, P. T.,Bauer, T. 2008. Stochastic optimization of traffic control and transit priority settings in VISSIM. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 16(3), 332-349.
  • Sun, D. J., Zhang, L.,Chen, F. 2013. Comparative study on simulation performances of CORSIM and VISSIM for urban street network. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 37, 18-29.
  • Tianzi, C., Shaochen, J.,Hongxu, Y. 2013. Comparative study of VISSIM and SIDRA on signalized intersection. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 96, 2004-2010.Xu, T., Moon, D. H.,Baek, S. G. 2012. A simulation study integrated with analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in an automotive manufacturing system. Simulation, 88(4), 450-463.
  • Zhao, Y.,Sadek, A. W. 2012. Large-scale agent-based traffic micro-simulation: Experiences with Model refinement, calibration, validation and application. Procedia Computer Science, 10, 815-820.
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Halim Ferit Bayata 0000-0001-8274-8888

Osman Ünsal Bayrak 0000-0003-4039-1248

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Bayata, H. F., & Bayrak, O. Ü. (2018). Yeni Yapılması Planlanan bir Kavşağın Mikro-Simülasyon ile Değerlendirilmesi. Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology, 11(3), 550-559.