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Determination of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Some Medicinal Plants Grown in Şırnak Region of Turkey

Yıl 2019, , 628 - 638, 31.08.2019


In this study, fruits and leaves of non-wood forest
products  such as leaves and fruits of Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.), Celtis
Celtis aetnensis), Terebinth (Pistacia terebinthus L.), Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna), Sumac (Rhus Coriaria L.), Almond (Prunus dulcis), Bitter Almond (Amygdalus Amara), and Fennel (Foeniculum Vulgare) which are used for medical purposes in the village of
Akkoyunlu in Şırnak were investigated. Several analyzes have been used to
determine antioxidant activity of herbal products
. Flavonoids
and total phenolics ingredients of elected herbs were examined in the present
study. CUPRAC (Cupric Reducing Antioxidant Capacity) and FRAP (Ferric Reducing
Antioxidant Power) analyzes were utilized for measurement of antioxidant
capacity. In addition, antimicrobial capacity was determined by Minimum
Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) technique for each sample.

to the antioxidant results determined, among the samples examined fruit of the
sumac (Rhus
L.) plant has the best
antioxidant activity in almost all applied antioxidant analyzes.  On the other hand,
fruit of almond
(Prunus dulcis) was found
to show low
antioxidant activity
in almost all analyzes.


  • Amsterdam D. (1996). “Susceptibility testing of antimicrobials in liquid media, in: V. Lorian (Ed.), Antibiotics in Laboratory Medicine (4th ed.)”. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
  • Apak, R., Güçlü, K., Özyürek, M., Karademir, S.E. 2004. “Novel total antioxidant capacity index for dietary polyphenols and vitamins c and e, using their cupric ion reducing capability in the presence of neocuproine: cuprac method” J. Agr. Food Chem., 52, 7970-7981.
  • Barreca, D., Laganà, G., Leuzzi, U., Smeriglio, A., Trombetta, D., Bellocco, E. 2016. “Evaluation of the nutraceutical, antioxidant and cytoprotective properties of ripe pistachio (pistacia vera l., variety bronte) hulls” Food Chem., 196, 493-502.
  • Benzie, I.F, Szeto, Y.T. 1999. “Total antioxidant capacity of teas by the ferric reducing/antioxidant power assay” J. Agr. Food Chem., 47, 633-636.Chang, C.C., Yang, M.H., Wen, H.M., Chern, J.C. 2002. “Estimation of total flavonoid content in propolis by two complementary colorimetric methods” J. Food Drug Anal., 10, 178-182.
  • CLSI (2006). Performance standards for antimicrobial susceptibility testing, sixteenth ınformational supplement, CLSI document M100-S16. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute.
  • CLSI. (2002). Reference method for broth dilution antifungal susceptibility testing of yeast; Approved standard (2nd ed.). CLSI document M27-A2. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute.
  • Choi, F. M., Hwang, J. K. 2004. “Antiinflammatory, analgesi candanti oxidant activities of the fruit of foeniculum vulgare” Fitoterapia, 75(6), 557-565.Cowan, MM. 1999. “Plant products as antimicrobial agents” Clin. Microbial Rev., 12, 564-582.
  • Das, K., Tiwari, R., Shrivastava, D. 2010. “Techniques for evaluation of medicinal plant products as antimicrobial agent: current methods and future trends” J. Med. Plants Res., 4, 104-111.
  • Demiray, S., Pintado, M., Castro, P. 2009. “Evaluation of phenolic profiles and antioxidant activities of turkish medicinal plants: tilia argentea, crataegi folium leaves and polygonum bistorta roots” World Acad. Sci. Eng. Technol., 54, 312-317.
  • Dhingra, N., Kar, A., Sharma, R., Bhasin, S. 2017. “In-vitro antioxidative potential of different fractions from prunus dulcis seeds: vis a vis antiproliferative and antibacterial activities of active compounds” South African Journal of Botany, 108, 184-192.
  • Duru, M. E., Cakir, A., Kordali, S., Zengin, H., Harmandar M., Izumi, S., Hirata T. 2003. “Chemical composition and anti fungal properties of essential oils of three Pistaciaspecies” Fitoterapia, 74, 170–176
  • Huang D., Ou B., ve Prıor, R. 2005. “The chemistry behind antioxidant capacity assays” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53, 1841-1856.
  • Hussain, T., Arshad, M., Khan, S., Satar, H., Qureshi, M. S. 2011. “InVitro screening of methanol plant extracts for their antibacterial activity” Pak. J. Bot., 43, 531-538.
  • Ilcim, A., Digak, M. 1998. “The investigation of antimicrobial effect of some plant extract” Turk. J. Biol., 22, 119-126
  • Katalinic, V., Milos, M., Kulisic, T., Jukic, M. 2006. “Screening of 70 medicinal plant extracts for antioxidant capacity and total phenols” Food Chem., 94, 550-557.
  • Kossah, R., Zhang,H., Chen, W. 2011. “Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of chinese sumac (rhustyphina L.) fruit extract” Food Control, 22 (1), 128-132.
  • Njume,C., Afolayan, A. J., Ndip, R. N. 2009. “An overview of antimicrobial resistance and the future of medicinal plants in the treatment of helicobacter pylori infections” Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol, 3, 685-699.
  • Organization, W.H. (2001). WHO global strategy for containment of antimicrobial resistance.
  • Sekar, S., Kandavel, D. 2010. “Interaction of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (pgpr) and endophytes with medicinal plants - new avenues for phytochemicals” J. Phytology. 2, 91-100.
  • Shortle, E., O'Grady, M. N., Gilroy, D., Furey, A., Quinn, N., Kerry, J. P. 2014. “Influence of extraction technique on the anti-oxidative potential of hawthorn (crataegus monogyna) extracts in bovinemus clehomogenates” Meat Scienc., 98(4), 828-834.
  • Slinkard, K., Singleton, V.L. 1977. “Total phenol analysis: automation and comparison with manual methods“ Am. J. Enol. Viticult., 28, 49-55.
  • Souza, E. L., Stamford, T. L. M., Lima, E. O., Trajano, V. N., ve Filho, J. M. B., 2005. “Antimicrobial effectiveness of spices: an approach for use in food conservation systems” Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 48, 549-558.
  • Yıldız, G. (2013). “Pıstacıa Terebınthus (Menengiç) meyve ekstrelerinin ve menengiç kahvesinin total fenolik ve flavonoit madde kompozisyonlarının ve antioksidan etkilerinin karşılaştırılması” Erciyes Üniversitesi Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kayseri.
  • Zalibera, M., Stasko, A., Slebodova, A., Jancovicova, V., Cermakova, T., Brezova, V. 2008. “Antioxidant and radical-scavenging activities of slovak honeys-an electron paramagnetic resonance study” Food Chem., 110, 512–521.

Şırnak Bölgesi'ndeki Halk Arasında Tıbbi Amaçlı Kullanılan Bazı Bitkilerin Antioksidan Ve Biyolojik Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2019, , 628 - 638, 31.08.2019


Bu çalışmada, Şırnak ilinin
İdil ilçesine bağlı Akkoyunlu köyünde yetişen ve halk arasında tıbbi amaçlı
kullanılan; Antep Fıstığı (Pistacia vera L.), Dardağan (
), Menengiç (Pistacia
terebinthus L.
), Alıç (Crataegus monogyna), Sumak (Rhus Coriaria L.), Badem (Prunus dulcis), Acıbadem (Amygdalus Amara), ve Rezene Out
(Foeniculum Vulgare)
isimli odun dışı orman ürünlerinin meyveleri ve yaprakları incelenmiştir.
Bitki ekstraktlarının antioksidan içeriklerini belirlemek için çeşitli
yöntemler kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada seçilen bitkilerde toplam fenolik ve
flavonoid içerikleri incelenmiştir. Antioksidan aktivite tayini için FRAP
(Demir İndirgeme Antioksidan Gücü) ve CUPRAC (Bakır İndirgeyici Antioksidan
Kapasite) analizleri kullanılmıştır. Aynı zamanda her bir örneğin
antimikrobiyal aktivitesi
inhibisyon konsantrasyon (MİK) yöntemi ile


  • Amsterdam D. (1996). “Susceptibility testing of antimicrobials in liquid media, in: V. Lorian (Ed.), Antibiotics in Laboratory Medicine (4th ed.)”. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
  • Apak, R., Güçlü, K., Özyürek, M., Karademir, S.E. 2004. “Novel total antioxidant capacity index for dietary polyphenols and vitamins c and e, using their cupric ion reducing capability in the presence of neocuproine: cuprac method” J. Agr. Food Chem., 52, 7970-7981.
  • Barreca, D., Laganà, G., Leuzzi, U., Smeriglio, A., Trombetta, D., Bellocco, E. 2016. “Evaluation of the nutraceutical, antioxidant and cytoprotective properties of ripe pistachio (pistacia vera l., variety bronte) hulls” Food Chem., 196, 493-502.
  • Benzie, I.F, Szeto, Y.T. 1999. “Total antioxidant capacity of teas by the ferric reducing/antioxidant power assay” J. Agr. Food Chem., 47, 633-636.Chang, C.C., Yang, M.H., Wen, H.M., Chern, J.C. 2002. “Estimation of total flavonoid content in propolis by two complementary colorimetric methods” J. Food Drug Anal., 10, 178-182.
  • CLSI (2006). Performance standards for antimicrobial susceptibility testing, sixteenth ınformational supplement, CLSI document M100-S16. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute.
  • CLSI. (2002). Reference method for broth dilution antifungal susceptibility testing of yeast; Approved standard (2nd ed.). CLSI document M27-A2. Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute.
  • Choi, F. M., Hwang, J. K. 2004. “Antiinflammatory, analgesi candanti oxidant activities of the fruit of foeniculum vulgare” Fitoterapia, 75(6), 557-565.Cowan, MM. 1999. “Plant products as antimicrobial agents” Clin. Microbial Rev., 12, 564-582.
  • Das, K., Tiwari, R., Shrivastava, D. 2010. “Techniques for evaluation of medicinal plant products as antimicrobial agent: current methods and future trends” J. Med. Plants Res., 4, 104-111.
  • Demiray, S., Pintado, M., Castro, P. 2009. “Evaluation of phenolic profiles and antioxidant activities of turkish medicinal plants: tilia argentea, crataegi folium leaves and polygonum bistorta roots” World Acad. Sci. Eng. Technol., 54, 312-317.
  • Dhingra, N., Kar, A., Sharma, R., Bhasin, S. 2017. “In-vitro antioxidative potential of different fractions from prunus dulcis seeds: vis a vis antiproliferative and antibacterial activities of active compounds” South African Journal of Botany, 108, 184-192.
  • Duru, M. E., Cakir, A., Kordali, S., Zengin, H., Harmandar M., Izumi, S., Hirata T. 2003. “Chemical composition and anti fungal properties of essential oils of three Pistaciaspecies” Fitoterapia, 74, 170–176
  • Huang D., Ou B., ve Prıor, R. 2005. “The chemistry behind antioxidant capacity assays” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53, 1841-1856.
  • Hussain, T., Arshad, M., Khan, S., Satar, H., Qureshi, M. S. 2011. “InVitro screening of methanol plant extracts for their antibacterial activity” Pak. J. Bot., 43, 531-538.
  • Ilcim, A., Digak, M. 1998. “The investigation of antimicrobial effect of some plant extract” Turk. J. Biol., 22, 119-126
  • Katalinic, V., Milos, M., Kulisic, T., Jukic, M. 2006. “Screening of 70 medicinal plant extracts for antioxidant capacity and total phenols” Food Chem., 94, 550-557.
  • Kossah, R., Zhang,H., Chen, W. 2011. “Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of chinese sumac (rhustyphina L.) fruit extract” Food Control, 22 (1), 128-132.
  • Njume,C., Afolayan, A. J., Ndip, R. N. 2009. “An overview of antimicrobial resistance and the future of medicinal plants in the treatment of helicobacter pylori infections” Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol, 3, 685-699.
  • Organization, W.H. (2001). WHO global strategy for containment of antimicrobial resistance.
  • Sekar, S., Kandavel, D. 2010. “Interaction of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (pgpr) and endophytes with medicinal plants - new avenues for phytochemicals” J. Phytology. 2, 91-100.
  • Shortle, E., O'Grady, M. N., Gilroy, D., Furey, A., Quinn, N., Kerry, J. P. 2014. “Influence of extraction technique on the anti-oxidative potential of hawthorn (crataegus monogyna) extracts in bovinemus clehomogenates” Meat Scienc., 98(4), 828-834.
  • Slinkard, K., Singleton, V.L. 1977. “Total phenol analysis: automation and comparison with manual methods“ Am. J. Enol. Viticult., 28, 49-55.
  • Souza, E. L., Stamford, T. L. M., Lima, E. O., Trajano, V. N., ve Filho, J. M. B., 2005. “Antimicrobial effectiveness of spices: an approach for use in food conservation systems” Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 48, 549-558.
  • Yıldız, G. (2013). “Pıstacıa Terebınthus (Menengiç) meyve ekstrelerinin ve menengiç kahvesinin total fenolik ve flavonoit madde kompozisyonlarının ve antioksidan etkilerinin karşılaştırılması” Erciyes Üniversitesi Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kayseri.
  • Zalibera, M., Stasko, A., Slebodova, A., Jancovicova, V., Cermakova, T., Brezova, V. 2008. “Antioxidant and radical-scavenging activities of slovak honeys-an electron paramagnetic resonance study” Food Chem., 110, 512–521.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Şule Ceylan

Resul Yarar Bu kişi benim

Yasemin Camadan

Özlem Saral

Özge Özşen

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Ceylan, Ş., Yarar, R., Camadan, Y., Saral, Ö., vd. (2019). Determination of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Some Medicinal Plants Grown in Şırnak Region of Turkey. Erzincan University Journal of Science and Technology, 12(2), 628-638.