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Badung İlçesi Kekeran Köyü, Endonezya'da Büyüme Geriliği Vakalarının Önlenmesinde Gençlik Entegre Sağlık Merkezi'nin Uygulanması

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 434 - 444, 10.10.2024


Amaç: Gençlik posyandu, evlilik öncesi bakım yoluyla büyüme geriliği yaygınlığını azaltabilecek bir gençlik güçlendirme faaliyetidir. Covid-19 pandemisi sırasında gençlik posyandusu uygulanmamıştır.
Araştırmanın amacı, gençlik posyandu faaliyetlerinin uygulanmasının girdi, süreç ve çıktısını belirlemek ve ergen kızların bilgi ve beslenme durumunu tespit etmektir.
Yöntemler: Bu araştırma, karma yöntem araştırmasıdır. Altı nitel araştırma bilgisi ve 32 nicel veri katılımcısı bulunmaktadır. Veriler, derinlemesine görüşmeler ve anketler yoluyla toplanmıştır. Araştırma veri analizi, betimsel analiz ve ergen kızların bilgi ve beslenme durumuna dair frekans verilerinin dağılımıdır.
Bulgular: Programın uygulanmasından elde edilen girdinin yeterli olduğunu, programın uygulanmasına ilişkin yönergelerin varlığı ve doğrulanmış fonların kullanımı, araçların ve kaynakların desteği açısından yeterli olduğunu göstermektedir. Çıktı, faaliyetlerin planlandığı gibi devam ettiğini, ancak katılımcı kapsamının hala %80 olduğunu göstermektedir. Gençlik posyandusu bilgisi kısmen iyi ve ergen kızların beslenme durumu çoğunlukla normaldir.
Sonuç: Program girdisi yeterlidir, süreç iyi işlemektedir ve yönetilmiştir. Covid-19 pandemisi sırasında düzeltilmesi gerekmektedir ve program çıktısı büyük ölçüde plana uygundur. Bilgi kısmen iyi ve beslenme durumu çoğunlukla normaldir.

Proje Numarası

JMHS-2023-129 - (331)


  • Agustina. (2019). Analisis pengetahuan terhadap kepatuhan remaja putri dalam mengkonsumsi tablet tambah darah untuk pencegahan dan penanggulangan anemia gizi besi. Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Masyarakat, 11(4), 269–276.
  • Aparna, D. (2017). A Study of Impact of Nutrition on Targeted Height among Adolescent Girls. 16(7), 27–32.
  • Asia, S. (2017). 1 st Southeast Asia.
  • Badan Litbangkes Kemenkes RI. (2018). Riskesdas 2018.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik. (2019). Laporan Pelaksanaan Integrasi Susenas Maret 2019 dan SSGBI Tahun 2019.
  • Balebu, DW, et al. (2019). Hubungan Pemanfaatan Posyandu Prakonsepsi dengan Status Gizi Wanita Prakonsepsi di Desa Lokus Stunting Kabupaten Banggai: The Relationship between the utilization of Posyandu Prakonsepsi and the Nutrition Status of Preconception Women in Stunting Locus, B. Public Health Journal, 1(1).
  • Baska, D. Y., Savitri, W., & Yulyana, N. (2023). The establishment of youth posyandu to increase adolescent’s productivity. DIKDIMAS : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2(1), 135–140.
  • Bundy, D. A. P., Silva, N. De, Horton, S., Patton, G. C., Schultz, L., & Jamison, D. T. (2016). Realizing Neglected Potential. 1–23.
  • Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Badung. (2021). Profil Kesehatan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Badung. Fitri Ayu Pertiwi, N., Fitriani, H., & Anjarwati. (2019). Causes and Impacts of unwanted pregnancy in adolescents. Healthy and Active Ageing, 1(1), 130–141.
  • International Food Policy Research Institute. (2016). The 2016 Global Nutrition Report. IFPRI.
  • Istri Yuliani, R. W. (2022). Prevention of Stunting with Teenagers’ First 8000 Days of Life Program Prevention of Stunting with Teenagers ’ First 8000 Days of Life Program Pencegahan Stunting Melalui Program 8000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan ( HPK ) oleh Remaja. August.
  • Kemenkes RI. (2014). Permenkes RI No 25 tahun 2014.
  • Kementerian PPN/Bappenas. (2018). Pedoman Pelaksanaan Intervensi penurunan Stunting Terintegrasi di Kabupaten /Kota.
  • Moediarso, B. N., Budiono, P. S., Fatihuddin, M. F., En, T. T. Z., Rantam, B. A., Gunawan, A. L., Diani, M. W., Mogi, A. K., Rahmi, K. A., Khoirunnisa, A., Rarasati, B. V., Purwati, C. H., Dewanti, L., & Nuswantoro, D. (2020). Differentiate Factors of pregnant women with chronic energy deficiency occurrence in Bajulmati Village, Wongsorejo District, Banyuwangi Regency 2019. Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research, 1(1), 24.
  • Nafisah, K. D., & Astuti, A. W. (2023). Association between adolescent pregnancy and stunting incidence: A Scoping review. Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia, 19(1), 42–49.
  • Nguyen, P. H., Gonzalez-casanova, I., Young, M. F., Truong, T. V., Hoang, H., Nguyen, H., Nguyen, S., Digirolamo, A. M., Martorell, R., & Ramakrishnan, U. (2017). Preconception micronutrient supplementation with iron and folic acid compared with folic acid alone affects linear growth and fine motor development at 2 years of age : A randomized controlled trial in Vietnam. Journal of Nutrition, 147(8), 1593–1601.
  • Nuraeni, R., Sari, P., Martini, N., Astuti, S., & Rahmiati, L. (2019). Peningkatan kadar hemoglobin melalui pemeriksaan dan pemberian tablet fe terhadap remaja yang mengalami anemia melalui “Gerakan Jumat Pintar.” Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat. Indonesian J. of Community Engagement, 5(2), 200.
  • Onis, M. De, & Branca, F. (2016). Review Article Childhood stunting : a global perspective. 12, 12–26.
  • Renyoet, B. S., Dary, D., & Nugroho, C. V. R. (2023). Literature review: Intervention on Adolescent girls in 8000 first days of life (HPK) as stunting prevention in future generations. Amerta Nutrition, 7(2), 295–306.
  • Renyoet, B. S., Dary, D., Vita, C., Nugroho, R., & Renyoet, B. S. (2023). Literature Review : Intervention on Adolescent Girls in 8000 First Days of Life ( HPK ) as Stunting Prevention in Future Generations Literatur Review : Intervensi pada Remaja Perempuan 8000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK) sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Stunting. 7(2), 295–306.
  • Sawaya, A. L., & Roberts, S. (2003). Stunting and future risk of obesity: principal physiological mechanisms. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 19(suppl 1), S21–S28.
  • Siswati, T., Olfah, Y., Widyawati, H.E., Rahmawati, A., Prayogi, A. S. (2024). Posyandu Prakonsepsi: Pemberdayaan Remaja dalam Mencegah Stunting Sejak Dini.
  • Siswati, T. (2018). Stunting. Husada Mandiri. SUPAS. (2015). SUPAS. penduduk-indonesia-hasil-supas-2015.html
  • Suratri, M. A. L., Putro, G., Rachmat, B., Nurhayati, Ristrini, Pracoyo, N. E., Yulianto, A., Suryatma, A., Samsudin, M., & Raharni. (2023). Risk factors for stunting among children under five years in the province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Indonesia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2).
  • Suryana, E. A., & Azis, M. (2023). The Potential of Economic Loss Due To Stunting. 8(1), 52–65. SUSENAS. (2018). SUSENAS. kesejahteraan-rakyat-2018.html
  • The National Development Planning Agency. (2020). National Strategy on The Prevention of Child Marriage. The National Development Planning Agency Republic of Indonesia, 78.
  • Yuliani, I., & Widaryanti, R. (2021). prevention of stunting with teenagers ’ first 8000 days of life program pencegahan stunting melalui program 8000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK) oleh Remaja. Prosiding Midwifery Science Session Prevention, August, 1–7.

Implementation of Youth Integrated Healthcare Center in the Prevention of Stunting Incidents in the Kekeran Village of Badung Regency, Indonesia

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 434 - 444, 10.10.2024


Objective: Youth posyandu is a youth empowerment activity that can reduce the prevalence of stunting through pre-marital care. At the time during the Covid 19 pandemic, youth posyandu was not carried out. The purpose of the research is to identify the input, process and output of the implementation of youth posyandu activities, and identify knowledge and nutritional status of the adolescent women.
Methods: This research is a mixed method research. Six qualitative research informants, and 32 quantitative data respondents. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and questionnaires. Research data analysis is descriptive analysis and distribution of frequency data knowledge and nutritional status of adolescent daughters.
Results: The results show that the input from the implementation of the program is sufficient, seen from the presence of the programme implementation guidelines and the use of the funds that have been verified, the support of means, resources. The output indicates that the activities are going as planned, but the coverage of the participants is still 80%. The knowledge of youth posyanduis partially good and the nutritional status of the teenage daughter is mostly normal.
Conclusion: The program input is sufficient, the process is running well, has managed. Should be corrected during the Covid 19 pandemic and the output of the program implementation is largely in line with the plan. Knowledge is partly good and nutritional status is mostly normal.

Etik Beyan

Ethical approval was issued on June 9 2023 with number LB.02.03/EA/KEPK/ 0613 / 2023.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası

JMHS-2023-129 - (331)


The author would like to express his thanks to family and co author that supported throughout the research process up to the preparation of the publication manuscript for this research


  • Agustina. (2019). Analisis pengetahuan terhadap kepatuhan remaja putri dalam mengkonsumsi tablet tambah darah untuk pencegahan dan penanggulangan anemia gizi besi. Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Masyarakat, 11(4), 269–276.
  • Aparna, D. (2017). A Study of Impact of Nutrition on Targeted Height among Adolescent Girls. 16(7), 27–32.
  • Asia, S. (2017). 1 st Southeast Asia.
  • Badan Litbangkes Kemenkes RI. (2018). Riskesdas 2018.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik. (2019). Laporan Pelaksanaan Integrasi Susenas Maret 2019 dan SSGBI Tahun 2019.
  • Balebu, DW, et al. (2019). Hubungan Pemanfaatan Posyandu Prakonsepsi dengan Status Gizi Wanita Prakonsepsi di Desa Lokus Stunting Kabupaten Banggai: The Relationship between the utilization of Posyandu Prakonsepsi and the Nutrition Status of Preconception Women in Stunting Locus, B. Public Health Journal, 1(1).
  • Baska, D. Y., Savitri, W., & Yulyana, N. (2023). The establishment of youth posyandu to increase adolescent’s productivity. DIKDIMAS : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2(1), 135–140.
  • Bundy, D. A. P., Silva, N. De, Horton, S., Patton, G. C., Schultz, L., & Jamison, D. T. (2016). Realizing Neglected Potential. 1–23.
  • Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Badung. (2021). Profil Kesehatan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Badung. Fitri Ayu Pertiwi, N., Fitriani, H., & Anjarwati. (2019). Causes and Impacts of unwanted pregnancy in adolescents. Healthy and Active Ageing, 1(1), 130–141.
  • International Food Policy Research Institute. (2016). The 2016 Global Nutrition Report. IFPRI.
  • Istri Yuliani, R. W. (2022). Prevention of Stunting with Teenagers’ First 8000 Days of Life Program Prevention of Stunting with Teenagers ’ First 8000 Days of Life Program Pencegahan Stunting Melalui Program 8000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan ( HPK ) oleh Remaja. August.
  • Kemenkes RI. (2014). Permenkes RI No 25 tahun 2014.
  • Kementerian PPN/Bappenas. (2018). Pedoman Pelaksanaan Intervensi penurunan Stunting Terintegrasi di Kabupaten /Kota.
  • Moediarso, B. N., Budiono, P. S., Fatihuddin, M. F., En, T. T. Z., Rantam, B. A., Gunawan, A. L., Diani, M. W., Mogi, A. K., Rahmi, K. A., Khoirunnisa, A., Rarasati, B. V., Purwati, C. H., Dewanti, L., & Nuswantoro, D. (2020). Differentiate Factors of pregnant women with chronic energy deficiency occurrence in Bajulmati Village, Wongsorejo District, Banyuwangi Regency 2019. Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research, 1(1), 24.
  • Nafisah, K. D., & Astuti, A. W. (2023). Association between adolescent pregnancy and stunting incidence: A Scoping review. Jurnal Promosi Kesehatan Indonesia, 19(1), 42–49.
  • Nguyen, P. H., Gonzalez-casanova, I., Young, M. F., Truong, T. V., Hoang, H., Nguyen, H., Nguyen, S., Digirolamo, A. M., Martorell, R., & Ramakrishnan, U. (2017). Preconception micronutrient supplementation with iron and folic acid compared with folic acid alone affects linear growth and fine motor development at 2 years of age : A randomized controlled trial in Vietnam. Journal of Nutrition, 147(8), 1593–1601.
  • Nuraeni, R., Sari, P., Martini, N., Astuti, S., & Rahmiati, L. (2019). Peningkatan kadar hemoglobin melalui pemeriksaan dan pemberian tablet fe terhadap remaja yang mengalami anemia melalui “Gerakan Jumat Pintar.” Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat. Indonesian J. of Community Engagement, 5(2), 200.
  • Onis, M. De, & Branca, F. (2016). Review Article Childhood stunting : a global perspective. 12, 12–26.
  • Renyoet, B. S., Dary, D., & Nugroho, C. V. R. (2023). Literature review: Intervention on Adolescent girls in 8000 first days of life (HPK) as stunting prevention in future generations. Amerta Nutrition, 7(2), 295–306.
  • Renyoet, B. S., Dary, D., Vita, C., Nugroho, R., & Renyoet, B. S. (2023). Literature Review : Intervention on Adolescent Girls in 8000 First Days of Life ( HPK ) as Stunting Prevention in Future Generations Literatur Review : Intervensi pada Remaja Perempuan 8000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK) sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Stunting. 7(2), 295–306.
  • Sawaya, A. L., & Roberts, S. (2003). Stunting and future risk of obesity: principal physiological mechanisms. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 19(suppl 1), S21–S28.
  • Siswati, T., Olfah, Y., Widyawati, H.E., Rahmawati, A., Prayogi, A. S. (2024). Posyandu Prakonsepsi: Pemberdayaan Remaja dalam Mencegah Stunting Sejak Dini.
  • Siswati, T. (2018). Stunting. Husada Mandiri. SUPAS. (2015). SUPAS. penduduk-indonesia-hasil-supas-2015.html
  • Suratri, M. A. L., Putro, G., Rachmat, B., Nurhayati, Ristrini, Pracoyo, N. E., Yulianto, A., Suryatma, A., Samsudin, M., & Raharni. (2023). Risk factors for stunting among children under five years in the province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Indonesia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2).
  • Suryana, E. A., & Azis, M. (2023). The Potential of Economic Loss Due To Stunting. 8(1), 52–65. SUSENAS. (2018). SUSENAS. kesejahteraan-rakyat-2018.html
  • The National Development Planning Agency. (2020). National Strategy on The Prevention of Child Marriage. The National Development Planning Agency Republic of Indonesia, 78.
  • Yuliani, I., & Widaryanti, R. (2021). prevention of stunting with teenagers ’ first 8000 days of life program pencegahan stunting melalui program 8000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK) oleh Remaja. Prosiding Midwifery Science Session Prevention, August, 1–7.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Ebelik
Bölüm Makaleler

Nı Wayan Suarniti 0000-0003-4248-021X

Nı Komang Erny Astiti Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-4106-9114

Ni Made Dwi Purnamayanti Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-3309-1952

I Gusti Agung Ayu Novya Dewi Bu kişi benim 0009-0005-5761-1974

I Nyoman Wirata Bu kişi benim 0009-0003-1640-0770

Proje Numarası JMHS-2023-129 - (331)
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 9 Ekim 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 10 Ekim 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Ağustos 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Suarniti, N. W., Erny Astiti, N. K., Dwi Purnamayanti, N. M., Novya Dewi, I. G. A. A., vd. (2024). Implementation of Youth Integrated Healthcare Center in the Prevention of Stunting Incidents in the Kekeran Village of Badung Regency, Indonesia. Ebelik Ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(3), 434-444.
AMA Suarniti NW, Erny Astiti NK, Dwi Purnamayanti NM, Novya Dewi IGAA, Wirata IN. Implementation of Youth Integrated Healthcare Center in the Prevention of Stunting Incidents in the Kekeran Village of Badung Regency, Indonesia. Ebelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. Ekim 2024;7(3):434-444. doi:10.62425/esbder.1417380
Chicago Suarniti, Nı Wayan, Nı Komang Erny Astiti, Ni Made Dwi Purnamayanti, I Gusti Agung Ayu Novya Dewi, ve I Nyoman Wirata. “Implementation of Youth Integrated Healthcare Center in the Prevention of Stunting Incidents in the Kekeran Village of Badung Regency, Indonesia”. Ebelik Ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 7, sy. 3 (Ekim 2024): 434-44.
EndNote Suarniti NW, Erny Astiti NK, Dwi Purnamayanti NM, Novya Dewi IGAA, Wirata IN (01 Ekim 2024) Implementation of Youth Integrated Healthcare Center in the Prevention of Stunting Incidents in the Kekeran Village of Badung Regency, Indonesia. Ebelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 7 3 434–444.
IEEE N. W. Suarniti, N. K. Erny Astiti, N. M. Dwi Purnamayanti, I. G. A. A. Novya Dewi, ve I. N. Wirata, “Implementation of Youth Integrated Healthcare Center in the Prevention of Stunting Incidents in the Kekeran Village of Badung Regency, Indonesia”, Ebelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 3, ss. 434–444, 2024, doi: 10.62425/esbder.1417380.
ISNAD Suarniti, Nı Wayan vd. “Implementation of Youth Integrated Healthcare Center in the Prevention of Stunting Incidents in the Kekeran Village of Badung Regency, Indonesia”. Ebelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 7/3 (Ekim 2024), 434-444.
JAMA Suarniti NW, Erny Astiti NK, Dwi Purnamayanti NM, Novya Dewi IGAA, Wirata IN. Implementation of Youth Integrated Healthcare Center in the Prevention of Stunting Incidents in the Kekeran Village of Badung Regency, Indonesia. Ebelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;7:434–444.
MLA Suarniti, Nı Wayan vd. “Implementation of Youth Integrated Healthcare Center in the Prevention of Stunting Incidents in the Kekeran Village of Badung Regency, Indonesia”. Ebelik Ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 434-4, doi:10.62425/esbder.1417380.
Vancouver Suarniti NW, Erny Astiti NK, Dwi Purnamayanti NM, Novya Dewi IGAA, Wirata IN. Implementation of Youth Integrated Healthcare Center in the Prevention of Stunting Incidents in the Kekeran Village of Badung Regency, Indonesia. Ebelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2024;7(3):434-4.

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