The Effect of Post-Mastectomy Concept Map Education on Patients' Discharge Training Satisfaction Levels: A Randomized Controlled Study
Yıl 2025,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 11 - 19, 26.03.2025
Vesile Eskici İlgin
Ayşegül Yayla
Rumeysa Lale Toraman
Büşra Çelik
Objective: To determine the effect of the education given with the concept map after mastectomy on the satisfaction level of the patients' discharge training.
Methods: The research was carried out in the Breast and Endocrine Surgery Clinic of the University Hospital located in a province in eastern Türkiye. The research was conducted using a randomized controlled experimental research model. 66 patients (33 experimental group, 33 control group) were included in the study. The patients in the experimental group were given discharge training with a concept map. “Descriptive Characteristics Form” and “Discharge Training Satisfaction Scale” were used to collect data. In the evaluation of the data; number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square, independent sample t-test and Cronbach Alpha Confidence Coefficient were used.
Results: There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of introductory features. In the study, it was determined that 57.6% of the patients in the experimental group were married, 81.8% had a nuclear family structure, 69.7% of the patients in the control group were married and 72.7% had a nuclear family structure. The mean scores of the patients in the experimental group were found to be significantly higher than the patients in the control group (p<.05).
Conclusion: It was found that the average score of the discharge training satisfaction scale of the patients who received discharge training with the concept map was higher than the control group. For this reason, it is recommended to expand the use of the discharge training given with the concept map after mastectomy.
- Aein, F., & Aliakbari, F. (2017). Effectiveness of concept mapping and traditional linear nursing care plans on critical thinking skills in clinical pediatric nursing course. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 6(1), 13.
- Alacacıoğlu, A.. Ülger, E.. Varol, U., Yıldız, İ., Salman, T., Bayoğlu, V., Dirican, A., Akyol, M., Yıldız, Y., & Küçükzeybek, Y. (2014). Effects of tamoxifen on premenopausal breast cancer patients in terms of anxiety. depression. quality of life and sexual satisfaction. Acta Oncologica Turcica, 47(3), 1-8.
- Alhan, D., Şahin, İ. , Özer, F. , Zor, F. , Nişancı, M. , Öztürk, S. , Eski, M. , & Işık, S. (2012). Our ten years experience in breast reconstruction. Turkish Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 20(1), 1-6.
- Ben-Morderchai, B., Herman, A., Kerzman, H., & Irony, A. (2010). Structured discharge education improves early outcome in orthopedic patients. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 14(2), 66-74.
- Bilik, Ö. (2017). Travel to home from the clinic: home care of the surgery patients. Journal of Ege University Nursing Faculty, 33(1), 134-147.
- Bol, P., Gül, N., & Erbaycu, A. E. (2015). The assessment of patient satisfaction associated with the whole steps of health service processes in a training and research hospital. Pamukkale Medical Journal, (2), 110-122.
- Bray, F., Laversanne, M., Sung, H., Ferlay, J., Siegel, R. L., Soerjomataram, I., & Jemal, A. (2024). Global cancer statistics 2022: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 74(3), 229-263.
- Büyükakincak, Ö., Akyol, Y., Özen, N., Ulus, Y., Cantürk, F., Tander, B., Büyükakıncak, S., Bilgici, A., & Kuru, Ö. (2013). Breast Cancer Surgery: Is it a Problem for the Upper Extremity? Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 59(4).
- Cohen, J. (2013). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Routledge.
- Cook, L. K., Dover, C., Dickson, M., & Colton, D. L. (2012). From care plan to concept map: A paradigm shift. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 7(3), 88-92.
- Coskun, H., Senture, C., & Ustunsoz, A. (2018). The effectiveness of discharge training for patients after cardiac surgery. Rehabilitation Nursing, 43(2), 95-102.
- Çapık, C. (2014). Statistical power analysis and ıt’s use in nursing studies: Basic information. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences, 17(4), 268-274.
- Dil, S., & Oz, F. (2016). Effects of applied interactive teaching strategies on self awareness and communication management course to nursing students. Çankırı Karatekin University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 7(1), 843-862.
- Dil, S., & Öz, F. (2014). A teaching strategy in nursing: Using concept mapping. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing, 1(1), 81-89.
- Erdem, E., Efe, Y. S., Başdaş, Ö., Bayat, M., Korkmaz, Z., & Uslu, N. (2017). The effect of concept mapping on problem solving and critical thinking of nursing students. Journal of Health Sciences, 26(2), 147-152.
- Faul, F., Erdfelder, E., Lang, A.-G., & Buchner, A. (2007). G* Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social. behavioral. and biomedical sciences. Behavior Research Methods, 39(2), 175-191.
- Faydalı, S., & Bayraktar, N. (2011). Determination of post-discharge knowledge levels of burn patients and their relatives. Journal of Research and Devolopment in Nursing, 13(1), 47-60.
- Fırat, S., & Öztunç, G. (2019). The effect of education given to patients with total laryngectomy on self-care. Cukurova Medical Journal, 44(3), 911-921.
- Galvin, E. C., Wills, T., & Coffey, A. (2017). Readiness for hospital discharge: A concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(11), 2547-2557.
- Gerdeman, J. L., Lux, K., & Jacko, J. (2013). Using concept mapping to build clinical judgment skills. Nurse Education in Practice, 13(1), 11-17.
- Gülşen, M., & Akansel, N. (2018). Autologous breast reconstructions and nursing care. Journal of Academic Research in Nursing, 4(1), 45-51.
- Gümüş, M., Yaz, Ş. B., & Şenol, S. (2020). The pediatric ulcerative colitis concept map and pediatric care. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 9(3), 318-323.
- Hashemi, S.-M., Rafiemanesh, H., Aghamohammadi, T., Badakhsh, M., Amirshahi, M., Sari, M., Behnamfar, N., & Roudini, K. (2020). Prevalence of anxiety among breast cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Breast Cancer, 27, 166-178.
- Hu, R., Gu, B., Tan, Q., Xiao, K., Li, X., Cao, X., Song. T.. & Jiang, X. (2020). The effects of a transitional care program on discharge readiness. transitional care quality. health services utilization and satisfaction among Chinese kidney transplant recipients: A randomized controlled trial. Int J Nurs Stud, 110, 103700.
- Kazanç, Ş., Koçyiğit, H., & Guler, N. (2023). The relationship between learning needs and anxiety levels of patients with mastectomy. Journal of Ege University Nursing Faculty, 39(2), 193-202.
- Kimiafar, K., Sarbaz, M., Sales, S. S., Esmaeili, M., & Ghazvini, Z. J. (2016). Breast cancer patients' information needs and information-seeking behavior in a developing country. The Breast, 28, 156-160.
- Koçan, S., & Gürsoy, A. (2016). Body image of women with breast cancer after mastectomy: A qualitative research. The Journal of Breast Health, 12(4), 145.
- Kurt, H., Keşkek, Ş. Ö., Cil, T., & Canataroğlu, A. (2013). Complementary/alternative therapies in patients with breast cancer. Turkish Journal of Oncology, 28(1), 10-15.
- Liu, L., Wu, Y., Cong, W., Hu, M., Li, X., & Zhou, C. (2021). Experience of women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy: a systematic review of qualitative research. Quality of Life Research, 30, 1249-1265.
- Meşe, S., & Köşgeroğlu, N. (2021). Development of discharge training satisfaction scale for surgical patients. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Nursing Sciences, 13(4).
- Mohammadi, S., Zabolypour, S., Ghaffari, F., & Arazi, T. (2019). The effect of family-oriented discharge program on the level of preparedness for care-giving and stress experienced by the family of stroke survivors. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal, 17(2), 113-120.
- Naoum, G. E., Salama, L., Niemierko, A., Vieira, B. L., Belkacemi, Y., Colwell, A. S., Winograd, J., Smith, B., Ho, A., & Taghian, A. G. (2020). Single stage direct-to-implant breast reconstruction has lower complication rates than tissue expander and implant and comparable rates to autologous reconstruction in patients receiving postmastectomy radiation. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 106(3), 514-524.
- Neto, M. S., de Aguiar Menezes, M. V., Moreira, J. R., Garcia, E. B., Abla, L. E., & Ferreira, L. M. (2013). Sexuality after breast reconstruction post mastectomy. Aesthetic Plast Surg, 37(3), 643-647.
- Odigie, V. I., Tanaka, R., Yusufu, L. M., Gomna, A., Odigie, E. C., Dawotola, D.A., & Margaritoni, M. (2010). Psychosocial effects of mastectomy on married African women in Northwestern Nigeria. Psychooncology, 19(8), 893-897.
- Okanlı, A. (2011). The psychosocial effects of mastectomy in women. Journal of Human Sciences, 8(1).
Pallant, J. (2020). SPSS survival manual: A step by step guide to data analysis using IBM SPSS. McGraw-hill education (UK).
- Pourbalouch, O., Navidian, A., & Askari, H. (2019). Assessing the impact of telenursing on self-care in hemodialysis patients: a clinical trial study. Medical-Surgical Nursing Journal, 8(4).
- Saeidifard, F., Heidari, K., Foroughi, M., & Soltani, A. (2014). Concept mapping as a method to teach an evidence-based educated medical topic: a comparative study in medical students. J Diabetes Metab Disord, 13(1), 86.
- Soyer, Ö., Dönmez, Y. C., & Van Giersbergen, M. Y. (2018). Determination of patient learning needs of surgical patients. DEUHFED, 11(3), 200-208.
- Şahin, S. Y., İyigün, E., & Açıkel, C. (2015). Determination of the information needs of patients having undergone colorectal cancer surgery. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 14(5).
- Topuz, A., Durna, Z., & Gamze Temiz, B. (2021). Evaluation of training requirements in patients undergoing breast surgery. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 14(3), 1852-1870.
- Tuna, Z., & Celik, S. S. (2014). Discharge training and counseling: Functional autonomy and post-discharge problems of elderly patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 22(3), 570-576.
- Ursavaş, F. E., Karayurt, Ö., & İşeri, Ö. (2014). Nursing Approach Based on Roy Adaptation Model in a Patient Undergoing Breast Conserving Surgery for Breast Cancer. Journal of Breast Health, 10(3).
- Waniga, H. M., Gerke, T., Shoemaker, A., Bourgoine, D., & Eamranond, P. (2016). The Impact of Revised Discharge Instructions on Patient Satisfaction. J Patient Exp, 3(3), 64-68.
- Yeşilyurt, D. S., & Fındık, Ü. Y. (2016). Informational needs of postmastectomy patients. The Journal of Breast Health, 12(4), 155.
- Yutmaz, F. (2018). Mastectomy Before The Given Video-Assisted Education. Postoperative Pain. Anxiety And The Effect of The Patient's Comfort [Master's degree. Institute of Health Sciences ]. Manisa. Turkey.
The Effect of Post-Mastectomy Concept Map Education on Patients' Discharge Training Satisfaction Levels: A Randomized Controlled Study
Yıl 2025,
Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 11 - 19, 26.03.2025
Vesile Eskici İlgin
Ayşegül Yayla
Rumeysa Lale Toraman
Büşra Çelik
Objective: To determine the effect of the education given with the concept map after mastectomy on the satisfaction level of the patients' discharge training.
Methods: The research was carried out in the Breast and Endocrine Surgery Clinic of the University Hospital located in a province in eastern Türkiye. The research was conducted using a randomized controlled experimental research model. 66 patients (33 experimental group, 33 control group) were included in the study. The patients in the experimental group were given discharge training with a concept map. “Descriptive Characteristics Form” and “Discharge Training Satisfaction Scale” were used to collect data. In the evaluation of the data; number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square, independent sample t-test and Cronbach Alpha Confidence Coefficient were used.
Results: There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of introductory features. In the study, it was determined that 57.6% of the patients in the experimental group were married, 81.8% had a nuclear family structure, 69.7% of the patients in the control group were married and 72.7% had a nuclear family structure. The mean scores of the patients in the experimental group were found to be significantly higher than the patients in the control group (p<.05).
Conclusion: It was found that the average score of the discharge training satisfaction scale of the patients who received discharge training with the concept map was higher than the control group. For this reason, it is recommended to expand the use of the discharge training given with the concept map after mastectomy.
- Aein, F., & Aliakbari, F. (2017). Effectiveness of concept mapping and traditional linear nursing care plans on critical thinking skills in clinical pediatric nursing course. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 6(1), 13.
- Alacacıoğlu, A.. Ülger, E.. Varol, U., Yıldız, İ., Salman, T., Bayoğlu, V., Dirican, A., Akyol, M., Yıldız, Y., & Küçükzeybek, Y. (2014). Effects of tamoxifen on premenopausal breast cancer patients in terms of anxiety. depression. quality of life and sexual satisfaction. Acta Oncologica Turcica, 47(3), 1-8.
- Alhan, D., Şahin, İ. , Özer, F. , Zor, F. , Nişancı, M. , Öztürk, S. , Eski, M. , & Işık, S. (2012). Our ten years experience in breast reconstruction. Turkish Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 20(1), 1-6.
- Ben-Morderchai, B., Herman, A., Kerzman, H., & Irony, A. (2010). Structured discharge education improves early outcome in orthopedic patients. International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing, 14(2), 66-74.
- Bilik, Ö. (2017). Travel to home from the clinic: home care of the surgery patients. Journal of Ege University Nursing Faculty, 33(1), 134-147.
- Bol, P., Gül, N., & Erbaycu, A. E. (2015). The assessment of patient satisfaction associated with the whole steps of health service processes in a training and research hospital. Pamukkale Medical Journal, (2), 110-122.
- Bray, F., Laversanne, M., Sung, H., Ferlay, J., Siegel, R. L., Soerjomataram, I., & Jemal, A. (2024). Global cancer statistics 2022: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 74(3), 229-263.
- Büyükakincak, Ö., Akyol, Y., Özen, N., Ulus, Y., Cantürk, F., Tander, B., Büyükakıncak, S., Bilgici, A., & Kuru, Ö. (2013). Breast Cancer Surgery: Is it a Problem for the Upper Extremity? Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 59(4).
- Cohen, J. (2013). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Routledge.
- Cook, L. K., Dover, C., Dickson, M., & Colton, D. L. (2012). From care plan to concept map: A paradigm shift. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 7(3), 88-92.
- Coskun, H., Senture, C., & Ustunsoz, A. (2018). The effectiveness of discharge training for patients after cardiac surgery. Rehabilitation Nursing, 43(2), 95-102.
- Çapık, C. (2014). Statistical power analysis and ıt’s use in nursing studies: Basic information. Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences, 17(4), 268-274.
- Dil, S., & Oz, F. (2016). Effects of applied interactive teaching strategies on self awareness and communication management course to nursing students. Çankırı Karatekin University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 7(1), 843-862.
- Dil, S., & Öz, F. (2014). A teaching strategy in nursing: Using concept mapping. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing, 1(1), 81-89.
- Erdem, E., Efe, Y. S., Başdaş, Ö., Bayat, M., Korkmaz, Z., & Uslu, N. (2017). The effect of concept mapping on problem solving and critical thinking of nursing students. Journal of Health Sciences, 26(2), 147-152.
- Faul, F., Erdfelder, E., Lang, A.-G., & Buchner, A. (2007). G* Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social. behavioral. and biomedical sciences. Behavior Research Methods, 39(2), 175-191.
- Faydalı, S., & Bayraktar, N. (2011). Determination of post-discharge knowledge levels of burn patients and their relatives. Journal of Research and Devolopment in Nursing, 13(1), 47-60.
- Fırat, S., & Öztunç, G. (2019). The effect of education given to patients with total laryngectomy on self-care. Cukurova Medical Journal, 44(3), 911-921.
- Galvin, E. C., Wills, T., & Coffey, A. (2017). Readiness for hospital discharge: A concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(11), 2547-2557.
- Gerdeman, J. L., Lux, K., & Jacko, J. (2013). Using concept mapping to build clinical judgment skills. Nurse Education in Practice, 13(1), 11-17.
- Gülşen, M., & Akansel, N. (2018). Autologous breast reconstructions and nursing care. Journal of Academic Research in Nursing, 4(1), 45-51.
- Gümüş, M., Yaz, Ş. B., & Şenol, S. (2020). The pediatric ulcerative colitis concept map and pediatric care. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences, 9(3), 318-323.
- Hashemi, S.-M., Rafiemanesh, H., Aghamohammadi, T., Badakhsh, M., Amirshahi, M., Sari, M., Behnamfar, N., & Roudini, K. (2020). Prevalence of anxiety among breast cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Breast Cancer, 27, 166-178.
- Hu, R., Gu, B., Tan, Q., Xiao, K., Li, X., Cao, X., Song. T.. & Jiang, X. (2020). The effects of a transitional care program on discharge readiness. transitional care quality. health services utilization and satisfaction among Chinese kidney transplant recipients: A randomized controlled trial. Int J Nurs Stud, 110, 103700.
- Kazanç, Ş., Koçyiğit, H., & Guler, N. (2023). The relationship between learning needs and anxiety levels of patients with mastectomy. Journal of Ege University Nursing Faculty, 39(2), 193-202.
- Kimiafar, K., Sarbaz, M., Sales, S. S., Esmaeili, M., & Ghazvini, Z. J. (2016). Breast cancer patients' information needs and information-seeking behavior in a developing country. The Breast, 28, 156-160.
- Koçan, S., & Gürsoy, A. (2016). Body image of women with breast cancer after mastectomy: A qualitative research. The Journal of Breast Health, 12(4), 145.
- Kurt, H., Keşkek, Ş. Ö., Cil, T., & Canataroğlu, A. (2013). Complementary/alternative therapies in patients with breast cancer. Turkish Journal of Oncology, 28(1), 10-15.
- Liu, L., Wu, Y., Cong, W., Hu, M., Li, X., & Zhou, C. (2021). Experience of women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy: a systematic review of qualitative research. Quality of Life Research, 30, 1249-1265.
- Meşe, S., & Köşgeroğlu, N. (2021). Development of discharge training satisfaction scale for surgical patients. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Nursing Sciences, 13(4).
- Mohammadi, S., Zabolypour, S., Ghaffari, F., & Arazi, T. (2019). The effect of family-oriented discharge program on the level of preparedness for care-giving and stress experienced by the family of stroke survivors. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal, 17(2), 113-120.
- Naoum, G. E., Salama, L., Niemierko, A., Vieira, B. L., Belkacemi, Y., Colwell, A. S., Winograd, J., Smith, B., Ho, A., & Taghian, A. G. (2020). Single stage direct-to-implant breast reconstruction has lower complication rates than tissue expander and implant and comparable rates to autologous reconstruction in patients receiving postmastectomy radiation. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 106(3), 514-524.
- Neto, M. S., de Aguiar Menezes, M. V., Moreira, J. R., Garcia, E. B., Abla, L. E., & Ferreira, L. M. (2013). Sexuality after breast reconstruction post mastectomy. Aesthetic Plast Surg, 37(3), 643-647.
- Odigie, V. I., Tanaka, R., Yusufu, L. M., Gomna, A., Odigie, E. C., Dawotola, D.A., & Margaritoni, M. (2010). Psychosocial effects of mastectomy on married African women in Northwestern Nigeria. Psychooncology, 19(8), 893-897.
- Okanlı, A. (2011). The psychosocial effects of mastectomy in women. Journal of Human Sciences, 8(1).
Pallant, J. (2020). SPSS survival manual: A step by step guide to data analysis using IBM SPSS. McGraw-hill education (UK).
- Pourbalouch, O., Navidian, A., & Askari, H. (2019). Assessing the impact of telenursing on self-care in hemodialysis patients: a clinical trial study. Medical-Surgical Nursing Journal, 8(4).
- Saeidifard, F., Heidari, K., Foroughi, M., & Soltani, A. (2014). Concept mapping as a method to teach an evidence-based educated medical topic: a comparative study in medical students. J Diabetes Metab Disord, 13(1), 86.
- Soyer, Ö., Dönmez, Y. C., & Van Giersbergen, M. Y. (2018). Determination of patient learning needs of surgical patients. DEUHFED, 11(3), 200-208.
- Şahin, S. Y., İyigün, E., & Açıkel, C. (2015). Determination of the information needs of patients having undergone colorectal cancer surgery. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin, 14(5).
- Topuz, A., Durna, Z., & Gamze Temiz, B. (2021). Evaluation of training requirements in patients undergoing breast surgery. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 14(3), 1852-1870.
- Tuna, Z., & Celik, S. S. (2014). Discharge training and counseling: Functional autonomy and post-discharge problems of elderly patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 22(3), 570-576.
- Ursavaş, F. E., Karayurt, Ö., & İşeri, Ö. (2014). Nursing Approach Based on Roy Adaptation Model in a Patient Undergoing Breast Conserving Surgery for Breast Cancer. Journal of Breast Health, 10(3).
- Waniga, H. M., Gerke, T., Shoemaker, A., Bourgoine, D., & Eamranond, P. (2016). The Impact of Revised Discharge Instructions on Patient Satisfaction. J Patient Exp, 3(3), 64-68.
- Yeşilyurt, D. S., & Fındık, Ü. Y. (2016). Informational needs of postmastectomy patients. The Journal of Breast Health, 12(4), 155.
- Yutmaz, F. (2018). Mastectomy Before The Given Video-Assisted Education. Postoperative Pain. Anxiety And The Effect of The Patient's Comfort [Master's degree. Institute of Health Sciences ]. Manisa. Turkey.