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On the Historical Development of the Western Studies of Islamic History

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 11, 89 - 124, 20.09.2019


The historical development of the Western
studies of Islamic history can be distinguished into four distinct phases. The
first phase is the “theological-polemical refutation” period. The works of this
period were not based on the authentic source material; rather they aimed to
show reaction to Islam as a newly emerging religion. This is followed by a
period of descriptive studies that tend to give a coherent picture in line with
the traditional accounts of the Muslim scholars. The third is the period of the
critical analysis of the classical Islamic sources. The fourth and final phase
is described as the period of “revisionist” scholars. Some of them maintain the
view that the early history of Islam can scarcely be derived from Muslim
sources which they regard as the product of salvation history while the others
lean exclusively on the external sources of non-Muslims. The main objective of this
survey is to provide a panoramic exposition into the studies of the
representatives of these various approaches with regard to the early period of
Islamic history.


  • Ali, Mohar, The Qur’an and the Orientalists: an axamination of their main theories and assumptions. Inswich: Jam`iyat 'Ihyaa' Minhaaj al-Sunnah, 2004.
  • Asfarudddin, Asma, The First Muslims: History and Memory. London: Oneworld Publications, 2013.
  • Avcı, Remzi, Alman Oryantalizmi: Carl Heinrich Becker ve Martin Hartmann Örneğinde Osmanlı Toplum ve Söylemi. Doktora Tezi, Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi. Mardin 2018.
  • Bennett, Clinton, In Search of Muhammad. London and New York, 1988.
  • Brown, Jonathan A.C., Hadith Muhammad’s Legacy in the Medieval and Modern World. Oxford: One World, 2009.
  • Buaben, Jabal M., Image of the Prophet Muhammad in the West. Leicester: Islamic Foundation, 1996.
  • Calder, Norman, “The Barahima: Literary Construct and Historical Reality”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (BSOAS) 57 (1994): 40-51.
  • Conrad, Lawrence I., “Abraha and Muhammad: Some Observations apropos of Chronology and Literary Topoi in the Early Arabic Historical Tradition”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (BSOAS) 50 (1987): 225-240.-------,“The Conquest of Arwad: A Source-Critical Study in the Historiography of the Early Medieval Near East”. The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East, Studies in Antiquity and Early Islam. Ed. Averil Cameron, and Lawrence I. Conrad. 317-40. Princeton: The Darwin Press, 1992.-------,“Editor’s Introduction”. The Earliest Biographies of the Prophet and Their Authors, Josef Horovitz. xv-xvi. Princeton-New Jersey: The Darwin Press.
  • Crone, Patricia, Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam. Perinceton: Princeton University Press, 1987.-------, Slaves on Horses: The Evolution of the Islamic Polity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980.
  • Daniel, Norman, Islam and the West: The making of an image. 2nd Edition. Oxford, 1993.
  • Donner, Fred M., Narratives of Islamic Origins. Princeton-New York: The Darwin Press, 1998.-------, “Modern Approaches to Early Islamic History”. The New Cambridge History of Islam. Ed. C. Robinson, 1: 625-647. Cambridge, 2011.--------,“The Study of Islam’s Origins since W. Montgomery Watt’s Publications”., (Erişim: 07.02.2019).
  • Gibbon, Edward, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. London, 1782.
  • Goldziher, Ignaz, “Historiography in Arabic Literature”. Gesammelte Schriften. Ed. Joseph De Somogyi. III: 359-394. Leiden, 1967.
  • Gökkır, Bilal, Western Attitudes to the Origins of the Qur'an: Theological and Linguistic Approaches of Twentieth-Century English-Speaking Scholars from William Muir to William Montgomery Watt. Doktora Tezi, The University of Manchester, Department of Middle Eastern Studies, 2002.
  • Görke Adreas – Schoeler Gregor, “Reconstruction Early Sīra Texts: The Higra in the Corpus of ‘Urwa b. al- Zubayr”. Der Islam 82/2 (2005): 209-220.
  • Görke, Andreas, “Tarihi Bir Şahsiyet Olarak Hz. Muhammed’in Araştırılmasında Beklentiler ve Sınırlar”. Trc. Fatma Kızıl. Yalova Üniversitesi İslamî İlimler Fakültesi Dergisi 1/1 (2015): 207-219.
  • Hatiboğlu, İbrahim, “Yakındoğu Seyahatine Dair Eserler Bağlamında Ignaz Goldziher ve İlk İslam Dünyası Tecrübesi”. Oryantalizmi Yeniden Okumak, Batı’da İslam Çalışmaları Sempozyumu. Ed. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Aydınlı. 153-158. Ankara: DİB Yayınları, 2003.
  • Hawting, Gerald R., “John Wansbrough, Islam, and Monotheism”. Islamic Origins Reconsidered: John Wansbrough and the Study of Early Islam, Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, Ed. Herbert Berg. 23-38. Berlin-New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1997.------, The Idea of Idolatry and the Emergence of Islam: From Polemic to History. Cambridge: Cambridge Univesity Press, 2002.
  • Hopwood, Derek, “An Approach to Islamic History”. British Society for Middle Eastern Studies 7 (1980): 24-38.
  • Horovitz, Josef , The Earliest Biographies of the Prophet and Their Authors. Princeton-New Jersey: The Darwin Press, 2002.
  • Hourani, Albert, Batı Düşüncesinde İslam. Trc. Celal A. Kanat, İstanbul: Pınar Yayınları, 1994.
  • Hoyland, Robert O., “The Earliest Christian Writings on Muhammad: an Appraisal”. The Biography of Muhammad. Ed. Harald Motzki. 276-295. Leiden, 2000.
  • Humphreys, R. Stephen, Islamic History: A Framework for Inquiry. London, 1991.
  • Ibn Warraq (ed.), The Quest for the Historical Muhammad. New York: Prometheus Books, 2000.
  • Jeffery, Arthur , “The Quest for Historical Muhammad”. The Quest for Historical Muhammad. Ed. and Trans. Ibn Warraq. 327-48. New York: Prometheus Books, 2000.
  • Jones, Charles E., “Obituary of John Wansbrough”. Times, June 14, 2002.
  • Khir, Bustami M. S, “Islamic Studies Within Islam: Definition, Approaches and Challenges of Modernity”. Journal of Beliefs&Values 58/3 (2007): 257-266.
  • Kızıl, Fatma, Müşterek Râvi Teorisi ve Tenkidi. İstanbul: İsam Yayınları, 2013.
  • Koren, Judith & Nevo, Yehuda D. “Methodological Approaches to Islamic Studies”. Der Islam 68 (1991): 87-125.
  • Kurt, Rudolph, “Wellhausen as an Arabist: Julius Wellhausen and his Prolegomena to the History of Israel”. Semia 25 (1983: 111-115.
  • Lewis, Bernard, “The Study of Islam”. Encounter 38 (1972): 31-41.------, Islam and the West. New York, 1993.
  • Lings, Martin, Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources. New York: Inner Traditions International Ltd. and Herrtfordshire, UK: George Alan and Unvin, 1983.Martin, Richard C., “İslam Çalışmalarının Tarihi”. Batı’da Din Çalışmaları. Trc. Ömer Mahir Alper.199-219. İstanbul: Medipol Yayınları, 2002.
  • Mojaddedi, Jawid A., “Taking Islam Seriously: The Legacy of John Wansbrough”. Journal of Semitic Studies (JSS) 45 (2000): 103-114.
  • Momigliano, Arnaldo “Gibbon’s Contribution to Historical Method”. Historia 2 (1954): 450-63.
  • Morony, Michael G., “Review of Hagarism”. Journal of Near Eastern Studies (JNES) 41/2 (1982: 157-159.
  • Motzki, Harald The Biography of Muhammad: The Issue of Sources. Leiden, 2000.-------, “The Collection Of The Qur'an: A Reconsideration Of The Western Views in Light of Recent Methodological Developments”. Der Islam 78 (2001): 1-34.------, “The Murder of Ibn Abī l-Huqayq: On the Origin and Reliability of Some Mahgāzī-Reports”. The Biography of Muhammad: The Issues of the Sources. Ed. Harald Motzki. 170-239. Leiden: Brill 2000.
  • Nevo, Yehuda, Crossroads to Islam: The Origins of the Arab Religion and the Arab State. Amherst-New York: Prometheus Books, 2003.
  • Noth, Albrecht, The Early Arabic Historical Tradition, A Source Critical Study. Trans. Michael Bonner. Princeton: The Darwin Press, 1994.
  • Peters, Frank E., “The Quest of Historical Muhammad”. International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (IJMES) 23 (1991): 291-315.
  • Rodinson, Maxime, “A Critical Survey of Modern Studies on Muhammad”. Studies on Islam, Ed. M. Swartz. 23-85. New York, 1981.
  • Rogerson, John, Old Testament Criticism in the Nineteenth Century England and Germany. London, 1984.
  • Rubbin, Uri, The Eye of the Beholder: The Life of Muhammad as Viewed by the Early Muslims. Princeton: The Darwin Press, 1995.
  • Saifullah, M. S. M. and Ahmed Mansur, “Nevo & Negev Inscriptions: The Use & Abuse of the Evidence”. (Erişim: 25.04.2019).
  • Schimmel, Annemarie, And Muhammad Is His Messenger: The Veneration of the Prophet in Islamic Piety. Chapple Hill: North Caroline University Press, 2014.
  • Schwartz, Regina, The Book and the Text; The Bible and Literary Criticism. Cambridge: Basil Blackwell, 1990.
  • Schacht, Joseph, "On Musa b. 'Uqba's 'Kitâb al-Maghâzî'". Acta Orientalia 21 (1949: 288-300.------, "The Kitâb at-Tarikh of Khalifa b. Khayyât". Arabica 16 (1969): 79-81.-------, The Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1975.------, “A Revaluation of Islamic Traditions”, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (JRAS) 2 (1949): 143-154.
  • Southern, R.W., Western Views of Islam in the Middle Ages. Cambridge, 1962.
  • Stodolsky, Muhammed Volkan Yıldıran, “A‘zamî'nin Müsteşriklere Yaklaşımı: Dinler ve Kültürler Arası Yöntem Farkları ve Kullanımları”. Uluslararası Muhammed Mustafa el-A‘zamî Sempozyumu. Yayınlanmamış Tebliğ Metni. İstanbul- 19-20 Aralık 2018: 1-6.
  • Tasseron, Ella Landau, “Process of redaction: The case of the Tamīmite delegation to the Prophet Muḥammad”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (BSOAS) 49 (1986): 253–70.
  • Tolan (ed), John Victor. Medieval Christian Perceptions of Islam: a Book of Essays. New York: Garland, 1996.
  • Van Ess, Joseph, “Review of Hagarism”. The Times Literary Supplement, 7 July 1978: 998.
  • Wansbrough, John, Quranic Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977.------, The Sectarian Milieu: Content and Composition Of Islamic Salvation History. Oxford University Press, 1978.
  • Watt, W. Montgomery, “The Reliability of Ibn Isḥāq’s Sources”. Early Islam: Collected Articles. Edinburgh: University Press, 1990.-------, Muhammad at Mecca. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1953.-------, Muhammad at Medina. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1956.
  • Weil, Gustave , Die poetische Literatur der Araber vor und unmittelbar nach Momammed, Eine historisch-kritische Skizze. Stuttgard and Tubingen, 1837.
  • Yapp, Malcolm, “John E. Wansbrough”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (BSOAS) 57 (1994): 1-9.

İslâm Tarihi Çalışmalarının Batı’daki Tarihsel Gelişimi Üzerine

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 11, 89 - 124, 20.09.2019


Batı’da İslâm tarihi
çalışmalarının gelişim seyri dört farkı dönemler halinde incelenebilir.
, teolojik-polemiksel reddiyeler dönemidir. Bu döneme ait eserler
kaynaklara dayalı bilgilerden yoksun olup, daha ziyâde, İslâm'a bir din olarak
tepki göstermeyi amaçlayan çalışmalardır. Bunu klasik İslâm kaynaklarında
sunulan bilgilere bağlı olarak bir anlatı ortaya koymayı amaçlayan tasvirci
çalışmalar dönemi takip etmiştir. Üçüncüsü, klasik İslâm kaynaklarının
eleştirel analizini önceleyen çalışmaların yapıldığı dönemdir. Dördüncü ve
sonuncusu ise tarih inşâsında kurtuluş tarihinin ürünü olarak kabul ettikleri
İslâmî kaynakların güvenilir olmadığını savunan revizyonistlerin öne çıktığı
dönemdir. Revizyonist yaklaşımı benimseyenlerin bir kısmı, İslâmî kaynakları yalnızca
edebî tahlillere elverişli metinler olarak görürken, bir kısmı da erken dönem
İslâm tarihine ilişkin yapılacak çalışmaların daha ziyade gayrimüslimlere ait
hâricî kaynakları esas alması gerektiğini savunmuşlardır. Bu makalenin temel
amacı, bu farklı dönemlerin belli başlı temsilcilerini referans alarak Batı’da
erken dönem İslâm tarihine ilişkin yapılan çalışmaların tarihi seyri hakkında
genel bir panorama çizmektir.


  • Ali, Mohar, The Qur’an and the Orientalists: an axamination of their main theories and assumptions. Inswich: Jam`iyat 'Ihyaa' Minhaaj al-Sunnah, 2004.
  • Asfarudddin, Asma, The First Muslims: History and Memory. London: Oneworld Publications, 2013.
  • Avcı, Remzi, Alman Oryantalizmi: Carl Heinrich Becker ve Martin Hartmann Örneğinde Osmanlı Toplum ve Söylemi. Doktora Tezi, Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi. Mardin 2018.
  • Bennett, Clinton, In Search of Muhammad. London and New York, 1988.
  • Brown, Jonathan A.C., Hadith Muhammad’s Legacy in the Medieval and Modern World. Oxford: One World, 2009.
  • Buaben, Jabal M., Image of the Prophet Muhammad in the West. Leicester: Islamic Foundation, 1996.
  • Calder, Norman, “The Barahima: Literary Construct and Historical Reality”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (BSOAS) 57 (1994): 40-51.
  • Conrad, Lawrence I., “Abraha and Muhammad: Some Observations apropos of Chronology and Literary Topoi in the Early Arabic Historical Tradition”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (BSOAS) 50 (1987): 225-240.-------,“The Conquest of Arwad: A Source-Critical Study in the Historiography of the Early Medieval Near East”. The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East, Studies in Antiquity and Early Islam. Ed. Averil Cameron, and Lawrence I. Conrad. 317-40. Princeton: The Darwin Press, 1992.-------,“Editor’s Introduction”. The Earliest Biographies of the Prophet and Their Authors, Josef Horovitz. xv-xvi. Princeton-New Jersey: The Darwin Press.
  • Crone, Patricia, Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam. Perinceton: Princeton University Press, 1987.-------, Slaves on Horses: The Evolution of the Islamic Polity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980.
  • Daniel, Norman, Islam and the West: The making of an image. 2nd Edition. Oxford, 1993.
  • Donner, Fred M., Narratives of Islamic Origins. Princeton-New York: The Darwin Press, 1998.-------, “Modern Approaches to Early Islamic History”. The New Cambridge History of Islam. Ed. C. Robinson, 1: 625-647. Cambridge, 2011.--------,“The Study of Islam’s Origins since W. Montgomery Watt’s Publications”., (Erişim: 07.02.2019).
  • Gibbon, Edward, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. London, 1782.
  • Goldziher, Ignaz, “Historiography in Arabic Literature”. Gesammelte Schriften. Ed. Joseph De Somogyi. III: 359-394. Leiden, 1967.
  • Gökkır, Bilal, Western Attitudes to the Origins of the Qur'an: Theological and Linguistic Approaches of Twentieth-Century English-Speaking Scholars from William Muir to William Montgomery Watt. Doktora Tezi, The University of Manchester, Department of Middle Eastern Studies, 2002.
  • Görke Adreas – Schoeler Gregor, “Reconstruction Early Sīra Texts: The Higra in the Corpus of ‘Urwa b. al- Zubayr”. Der Islam 82/2 (2005): 209-220.
  • Görke, Andreas, “Tarihi Bir Şahsiyet Olarak Hz. Muhammed’in Araştırılmasında Beklentiler ve Sınırlar”. Trc. Fatma Kızıl. Yalova Üniversitesi İslamî İlimler Fakültesi Dergisi 1/1 (2015): 207-219.
  • Hatiboğlu, İbrahim, “Yakındoğu Seyahatine Dair Eserler Bağlamında Ignaz Goldziher ve İlk İslam Dünyası Tecrübesi”. Oryantalizmi Yeniden Okumak, Batı’da İslam Çalışmaları Sempozyumu. Ed. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Aydınlı. 153-158. Ankara: DİB Yayınları, 2003.
  • Hawting, Gerald R., “John Wansbrough, Islam, and Monotheism”. Islamic Origins Reconsidered: John Wansbrough and the Study of Early Islam, Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, Ed. Herbert Berg. 23-38. Berlin-New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1997.------, The Idea of Idolatry and the Emergence of Islam: From Polemic to History. Cambridge: Cambridge Univesity Press, 2002.
  • Hopwood, Derek, “An Approach to Islamic History”. British Society for Middle Eastern Studies 7 (1980): 24-38.
  • Horovitz, Josef , The Earliest Biographies of the Prophet and Their Authors. Princeton-New Jersey: The Darwin Press, 2002.
  • Hourani, Albert, Batı Düşüncesinde İslam. Trc. Celal A. Kanat, İstanbul: Pınar Yayınları, 1994.
  • Hoyland, Robert O., “The Earliest Christian Writings on Muhammad: an Appraisal”. The Biography of Muhammad. Ed. Harald Motzki. 276-295. Leiden, 2000.
  • Humphreys, R. Stephen, Islamic History: A Framework for Inquiry. London, 1991.
  • Ibn Warraq (ed.), The Quest for the Historical Muhammad. New York: Prometheus Books, 2000.
  • Jeffery, Arthur , “The Quest for Historical Muhammad”. The Quest for Historical Muhammad. Ed. and Trans. Ibn Warraq. 327-48. New York: Prometheus Books, 2000.
  • Jones, Charles E., “Obituary of John Wansbrough”. Times, June 14, 2002.
  • Khir, Bustami M. S, “Islamic Studies Within Islam: Definition, Approaches and Challenges of Modernity”. Journal of Beliefs&Values 58/3 (2007): 257-266.
  • Kızıl, Fatma, Müşterek Râvi Teorisi ve Tenkidi. İstanbul: İsam Yayınları, 2013.
  • Koren, Judith & Nevo, Yehuda D. “Methodological Approaches to Islamic Studies”. Der Islam 68 (1991): 87-125.
  • Kurt, Rudolph, “Wellhausen as an Arabist: Julius Wellhausen and his Prolegomena to the History of Israel”. Semia 25 (1983: 111-115.
  • Lewis, Bernard, “The Study of Islam”. Encounter 38 (1972): 31-41.------, Islam and the West. New York, 1993.
  • Lings, Martin, Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources. New York: Inner Traditions International Ltd. and Herrtfordshire, UK: George Alan and Unvin, 1983.Martin, Richard C., “İslam Çalışmalarının Tarihi”. Batı’da Din Çalışmaları. Trc. Ömer Mahir Alper.199-219. İstanbul: Medipol Yayınları, 2002.
  • Mojaddedi, Jawid A., “Taking Islam Seriously: The Legacy of John Wansbrough”. Journal of Semitic Studies (JSS) 45 (2000): 103-114.
  • Momigliano, Arnaldo “Gibbon’s Contribution to Historical Method”. Historia 2 (1954): 450-63.
  • Morony, Michael G., “Review of Hagarism”. Journal of Near Eastern Studies (JNES) 41/2 (1982: 157-159.
  • Motzki, Harald The Biography of Muhammad: The Issue of Sources. Leiden, 2000.-------, “The Collection Of The Qur'an: A Reconsideration Of The Western Views in Light of Recent Methodological Developments”. Der Islam 78 (2001): 1-34.------, “The Murder of Ibn Abī l-Huqayq: On the Origin and Reliability of Some Mahgāzī-Reports”. The Biography of Muhammad: The Issues of the Sources. Ed. Harald Motzki. 170-239. Leiden: Brill 2000.
  • Nevo, Yehuda, Crossroads to Islam: The Origins of the Arab Religion and the Arab State. Amherst-New York: Prometheus Books, 2003.
  • Noth, Albrecht, The Early Arabic Historical Tradition, A Source Critical Study. Trans. Michael Bonner. Princeton: The Darwin Press, 1994.
  • Peters, Frank E., “The Quest of Historical Muhammad”. International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (IJMES) 23 (1991): 291-315.
  • Rodinson, Maxime, “A Critical Survey of Modern Studies on Muhammad”. Studies on Islam, Ed. M. Swartz. 23-85. New York, 1981.
  • Rogerson, John, Old Testament Criticism in the Nineteenth Century England and Germany. London, 1984.
  • Rubbin, Uri, The Eye of the Beholder: The Life of Muhammad as Viewed by the Early Muslims. Princeton: The Darwin Press, 1995.
  • Saifullah, M. S. M. and Ahmed Mansur, “Nevo & Negev Inscriptions: The Use & Abuse of the Evidence”. (Erişim: 25.04.2019).
  • Schimmel, Annemarie, And Muhammad Is His Messenger: The Veneration of the Prophet in Islamic Piety. Chapple Hill: North Caroline University Press, 2014.
  • Schwartz, Regina, The Book and the Text; The Bible and Literary Criticism. Cambridge: Basil Blackwell, 1990.
  • Schacht, Joseph, "On Musa b. 'Uqba's 'Kitâb al-Maghâzî'". Acta Orientalia 21 (1949: 288-300.------, "The Kitâb at-Tarikh of Khalifa b. Khayyât". Arabica 16 (1969): 79-81.-------, The Origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1975.------, “A Revaluation of Islamic Traditions”, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (JRAS) 2 (1949): 143-154.
  • Southern, R.W., Western Views of Islam in the Middle Ages. Cambridge, 1962.
  • Stodolsky, Muhammed Volkan Yıldıran, “A‘zamî'nin Müsteşriklere Yaklaşımı: Dinler ve Kültürler Arası Yöntem Farkları ve Kullanımları”. Uluslararası Muhammed Mustafa el-A‘zamî Sempozyumu. Yayınlanmamış Tebliğ Metni. İstanbul- 19-20 Aralık 2018: 1-6.
  • Tasseron, Ella Landau, “Process of redaction: The case of the Tamīmite delegation to the Prophet Muḥammad”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (BSOAS) 49 (1986): 253–70.
  • Tolan (ed), John Victor. Medieval Christian Perceptions of Islam: a Book of Essays. New York: Garland, 1996.
  • Van Ess, Joseph, “Review of Hagarism”. The Times Literary Supplement, 7 July 1978: 998.
  • Wansbrough, John, Quranic Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977.------, The Sectarian Milieu: Content and Composition Of Islamic Salvation History. Oxford University Press, 1978.
  • Watt, W. Montgomery, “The Reliability of Ibn Isḥāq’s Sources”. Early Islam: Collected Articles. Edinburgh: University Press, 1990.-------, Muhammad at Mecca. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1953.-------, Muhammad at Medina. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1956.
  • Weil, Gustave , Die poetische Literatur der Araber vor und unmittelbar nach Momammed, Eine historisch-kritische Skizze. Stuttgard and Tubingen, 1837.
  • Yapp, Malcolm, “John E. Wansbrough”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (BSOAS) 57 (1994): 1-9.
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Yaşar Çolak 0000-0002-7932-6155

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Eylül 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 8 Mayıs 2019
Kabul Tarihi 12 Temmuz 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 11

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Çolak, Yaşar. “İslâm Tarihi Çalışmalarının Batı’daki Tarihsel Gelişimi Üzerine”. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 6/11 (Eylül 2019), 89-124.

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Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (ESOGUIFD) Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.