AASL/AECT (American Association of School Librarias and Association for Educational Communication and Technology). (1998). Information literacy standarts for student learning. American Library Association, Chicago.
Adıgüzel, A. (2005). Avrupa Birliğine uyum sürecinde öğretmen niteliklerinde yeni bir boyut:bilgi okuryazarlığı (A new dimension of teacher character’s of adaptation process on European Association). Milli Eğitim ( Education of National). 33, 167. [Online] Retrieved on 28 May 2006 at URL: http://yayim.meb.gov.tr/dergiler/167/orta3-adiguzel.htm.
ALA (American Library Association). ( 1989). Presidential Committee on information literacy. FINAL REPORT. Association of College and Research Libraries. [Online] Retrieved on 02-June-2006 at URL: http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlpubs/whitepapers/presidential.htm.
ALA (American Library Association). ( 2000). Information literacy: A position paper on information problem solving. American Library Association. [Online] Retrieved on 02-June-2006 at URL: http://www.ala.org/aasl/positions/PS-infolit.html.
ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries). (2000). Information literacy compentency standarts for higher education . Association of College and Research Libraries. [Online] Retrieved on 22-May-2006 at http://www.ala.org/acrl/ilintro.html.
Allen, L. (2000). Information literacy in higher education : a revolution in learning. Professional and Social Aspects of Information Services: INFO 520. [Online] Retrieved on 18-MAY-2006 at URL: http://www.pages.drexel.edu./∼la35/Information_Literacy_in_Higher_Eduucation.html.
Australian University Librarians. (2001). Information literacy standards . Canberra Council of Australian University Librarians , ISBN 0868036951. [Online] Retrieved on 19-Aprıl-2006 at URL: http://www.anu.edu.au/caul/caul-doc/publications.html
Barton, H. (2000). Information literacy: learning how to learn. [Online] Retrieved on 24- May-2006 at URL: http://www.ri.net/RITTI_Fellows/Barton/infolit.html.
Breveik, P. S. (1982) Planning The Library Instruction Program. ALA, Chicago.
Bruce, C. (1999). Seven faces of ınformation literacy in higher Education. [Online] Retrieved on 26-May-2006 at URL: http://sky.qut.edu.au/InfoSys/bruce/iinflit/faces/faces1.htm.
Carr, J. A. (1998). Information literacy and teacher education”. ERIC Clearinghouse on Teaching and Teacher Education. ED: 424231. [Online] Retrieved on 24-May-2006 at URL: http://www.ericdigests.org/1999-2/information.htm.
Crouse, W. F. & Kasbohm, K. E. (2004). Information literacy in teacher education: a collaborative model. Educational Forum. [Online] Retrieved on 08-July-2006 at URL:http://www.finderticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa4013/is_200410/ai_n9437816/print.
Dewald, N., Scholz-Crane, A. Booth, A., & Levine, C. (2000). Information literacy at a distance: ınstructional design ıssues. Journal of Academic Librarianship. (EJ611710). 26 (1), 33-44.
Donaldson, K. A. (2000). Library research success: designingan online tutorial to teaching formation literacy skills to first – year students. The Internet and Higher Education. 2 (4), 237 – 251.
Donnelly, K.M. (1998). Learning from the teaching libraries”. American Libraries. 29 (11), 47.
Doyle, C. S. (1992). Outcome measures for information literacy within national education goals of 1990. Final Report to National Forum on Information Literacy. Summary of Findings, NY:ED: 351033, ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology.
Doyle, C. S. (1994). Information literacy in an information society. ERIC Digest EDO-IR- 94- Syracuse, NY: ED 372 756 , ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology.
Frantz, P. (2002). “A Scenario-based approach to credit course instruction”. Reference Services Review, 30(1), 37-42.
Fullerton, A. & Leckie, G. J. Information literacy and higher education. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. 70 (33), 190-206.
Güven, M. (2004). Öğrenme Stilleri Ile Öğrenme Stratejileri Arasındaki Ilişki (The Relationship Between of Learning Styles and Learning Straregies) . Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü (Institute of Educational Sciences in Anadolu University), Eskişehir.
Kasowitz – Scheer, A. (2002). Information literacy instruction in higher education: trend and issues. ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology Syracuse NY. . ED: 465375. [Online] Retrieved on 29-May-2006 at URL:
Kurbanoğlu, S. & Akkoyunlu, B. (2001). Öğrencilere bilgi okuryazarlığı becerilerinin kazandırılması üzerine bir çalışma (A study of students to bring information literacy skills). Journal of Education Faculty in Hacettepe University. 21,.82 –87.
Ocotillo Report’94 (1994). . Information literacy. prep. Committee Report, Ed. : Linda Evans. Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI) Maricopa County Community College District, Arizona.
O'Hanlon, N. (1988). The role of library research instruction in developing teachers' problem solving skills. Journal of Teacher Education, EJ 392 976 . 39(6), 44-49.
Özer, B. (1998). Öğrenmeyi Öğretme (Learning to Teaching). Ayhan Hakan (Ed.). Eğitim Bilimlerinde Yenilikler (Innovation of Educational Sciences). Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi İlköğretim Öğretmenliği Lisans Tamamlama Programı (Programmes Integration Licence of Primary Education on Distance Education Faculty in Anadolu University) , Eskişehir. 146-164.
Paykoç, F. (2004). Avrupa birliği sürecinde eğitim ve öğretmen ( Education and teacher process on European Association) . 24 Kasm 2004 . ODTÜ, Ankara. [Online] Retrieved on 28-May-2006 at: http://www.fedu.medu.edu.tr/documents/Fersun Paykoç.ppt
Polat, Ç. (2005). Üniversitelerde kütüphane merkezli bilgi okuryazarlığı programlarının geliştirilmesi: Hacettepe Üniversitesi örneği (The curriculum development of information literacy in library based on universities: Hacettepe University for Example) . Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Haccetepe University, Ankara, Turkey.
Radcliff, C. (2005). What we talk about when we talk about ‘information literacy. The Collection Connection, Spring, 2005. [Online] Retrieved on 20-May-2006 at: http://www.westga.edu/∼library/colcon/spring05/infolit.htm.
Riedling, A. M. (2002). Learning to learn: a guide to becoming information literate. Neal –Shuman Press, New York.
Sağlam, M. (1999). Avrupa Ülkelerinin Eğitim Sistemleri (Education Systems of European Countries). Anadolu University, Eskişehir.
Sağlam, M. & Kürüm, D. (2005). Türkiye ve Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinde öğretmen eğitiminde yapısal düzenlemeler ve öğretmen adaylarının seçimi (The election of teacher candidates and structural regulation in teacher education on European Association and Turkey) . Education of National. 33, 167. [Online] Retrieved on 25 May 2006 at URL: http://yayim.meb.gov.tr/dergiler/167/ındex3-kurum.htm
SCANS (1991). What work requires of schools: A SCANS Report for American 2000. The Secratary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills, U. S. Department of Labor. [Online] Retrieved on 27-May-2006 at URL: http://www.uni.edu/darrow/frames/scans.html.
Shinew , D. M. & Walter, S. (2003). Information Literacy For Educators Professional Knowledge For An Information Age. The Haworth Press, Inc., New York, USA.
Spitzer, K.L., Eisenberg, M. B. & Lowe, C. A. (1998). Information literacy: essential skills for the information age. Syracuse, ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology IR -104, New York.
Tonta, Y. (2002). Bilgi erişim sorunları ve internet. kütüphanecilikte yeni gelişmeler,
kavramlar , olgular(The fact, concept, new developing on internet libraries and
problems of arrival information). 37. Kütüphane Haftası Bildiri Kitapları ( 37.
Libraries Week Declaration Books). 26 March – 1 April 2001, 52 –62, Ankara.
TÜSİAD (1999). Türkiye’de mesleki ve teknik eğitimin yeniden yapılandırılması (The developing of occupational and tecnical education in Turkey). Turkish Industrialist and Businessman of Association ve İşadamları Derneği Report Number: TY/184/1999. [Online] Retrieved on 24-May-2006 at URL: http://www.tusiad.org/turkish/rapor/mesleki/mesleki02-1.pdf.
Vander Meer, P. F. (2000). Pushing the limits: creative web use in libraries related to instruction. Research Strategies, 17 (4), 237 –256.
Weston, C., Gandell, T., McAlpine, L. & Finkelstein, A. (1999). Designing instruction for the context of online learning. The Internet and Higher Education, 2(1), 35- 44
Son yıllarda, çağdaş toplumdaki bireylerin sahip olması gereken önemli özelliklerden birisi de bilgi okuryazarlığıdır. Bilgi okuryazarlığı, bilgiyi etkili biçimde yönetebilme becerisidir. Bu becerinin içerisinde, her türlü bilgiye ulaşma, bu bilgilerin içinden gerekli olanları ayırt etme, kendi bilgileri ile birleştirme, değerlendirme, kullanma ve yeniden düzenleme yer almaktadır. Bu beceriler, öğrenmeyi öğrenme becerileri olarak da görülebilir. Bu beceriler, öğrencilere öğretmenler tarafından kazandırılabilir. Ancak, öğretmenlerin bilgiyi bulma ve kullanma becerilerini öğrencilerine kazandırabilmeleri için kendilerinin de bu konuda yeterli olmaları, başka bir deyişle bilgi okuryazarı olmaları gereklidir. Bu nedenle öğretmenlerin de bilgi okuryazarlığı konusunda eğitilmeleri gereklidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, alanyazına dayalı olarak, bilgi çağı ile birlikte üzerinde sıkça durulan bilgi okuryazarlığı, öğrenmeyi öğrenme ve öğretmen eğitimi kavramlarının bir ilişki ağı içerisinde ele alınıp, öğretmen eğitimi programlarında bilgi okuryazarlığının nasıl ele alınabileceğinin irdelenmesidir
AASL/AECT (American Association of School Librarias and Association for Educational Communication and Technology). (1998). Information literacy standarts for student learning. American Library Association, Chicago.
Adıgüzel, A. (2005). Avrupa Birliğine uyum sürecinde öğretmen niteliklerinde yeni bir boyut:bilgi okuryazarlığı (A new dimension of teacher character’s of adaptation process on European Association). Milli Eğitim ( Education of National). 33, 167. [Online] Retrieved on 28 May 2006 at URL: http://yayim.meb.gov.tr/dergiler/167/orta3-adiguzel.htm.
ALA (American Library Association). ( 1989). Presidential Committee on information literacy. FINAL REPORT. Association of College and Research Libraries. [Online] Retrieved on 02-June-2006 at URL: http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlpubs/whitepapers/presidential.htm.
ALA (American Library Association). ( 2000). Information literacy: A position paper on information problem solving. American Library Association. [Online] Retrieved on 02-June-2006 at URL: http://www.ala.org/aasl/positions/PS-infolit.html.
ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries). (2000). Information literacy compentency standarts for higher education . Association of College and Research Libraries. [Online] Retrieved on 22-May-2006 at http://www.ala.org/acrl/ilintro.html.
Allen, L. (2000). Information literacy in higher education : a revolution in learning. Professional and Social Aspects of Information Services: INFO 520. [Online] Retrieved on 18-MAY-2006 at URL: http://www.pages.drexel.edu./∼la35/Information_Literacy_in_Higher_Eduucation.html.
Australian University Librarians. (2001). Information literacy standards . Canberra Council of Australian University Librarians , ISBN 0868036951. [Online] Retrieved on 19-Aprıl-2006 at URL: http://www.anu.edu.au/caul/caul-doc/publications.html
Barton, H. (2000). Information literacy: learning how to learn. [Online] Retrieved on 24- May-2006 at URL: http://www.ri.net/RITTI_Fellows/Barton/infolit.html.
Breveik, P. S. (1982) Planning The Library Instruction Program. ALA, Chicago.
Bruce, C. (1999). Seven faces of ınformation literacy in higher Education. [Online] Retrieved on 26-May-2006 at URL: http://sky.qut.edu.au/InfoSys/bruce/iinflit/faces/faces1.htm.
Carr, J. A. (1998). Information literacy and teacher education”. ERIC Clearinghouse on Teaching and Teacher Education. ED: 424231. [Online] Retrieved on 24-May-2006 at URL: http://www.ericdigests.org/1999-2/information.htm.
Crouse, W. F. & Kasbohm, K. E. (2004). Information literacy in teacher education: a collaborative model. Educational Forum. [Online] Retrieved on 08-July-2006 at URL:http://www.finderticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa4013/is_200410/ai_n9437816/print.
Dewald, N., Scholz-Crane, A. Booth, A., & Levine, C. (2000). Information literacy at a distance: ınstructional design ıssues. Journal of Academic Librarianship. (EJ611710). 26 (1), 33-44.
Donaldson, K. A. (2000). Library research success: designingan online tutorial to teaching formation literacy skills to first – year students. The Internet and Higher Education. 2 (4), 237 – 251.
Donnelly, K.M. (1998). Learning from the teaching libraries”. American Libraries. 29 (11), 47.
Doyle, C. S. (1992). Outcome measures for information literacy within national education goals of 1990. Final Report to National Forum on Information Literacy. Summary of Findings, NY:ED: 351033, ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology.
Doyle, C. S. (1994). Information literacy in an information society. ERIC Digest EDO-IR- 94- Syracuse, NY: ED 372 756 , ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology.
Frantz, P. (2002). “A Scenario-based approach to credit course instruction”. Reference Services Review, 30(1), 37-42.
Fullerton, A. & Leckie, G. J. Information literacy and higher education. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. 70 (33), 190-206.
Güven, M. (2004). Öğrenme Stilleri Ile Öğrenme Stratejileri Arasındaki Ilişki (The Relationship Between of Learning Styles and Learning Straregies) . Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü (Institute of Educational Sciences in Anadolu University), Eskişehir.
Kasowitz – Scheer, A. (2002). Information literacy instruction in higher education: trend and issues. ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology Syracuse NY. . ED: 465375. [Online] Retrieved on 29-May-2006 at URL:
Kurbanoğlu, S. & Akkoyunlu, B. (2001). Öğrencilere bilgi okuryazarlığı becerilerinin kazandırılması üzerine bir çalışma (A study of students to bring information literacy skills). Journal of Education Faculty in Hacettepe University. 21,.82 –87.
Ocotillo Report’94 (1994). . Information literacy. prep. Committee Report, Ed. : Linda Evans. Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI) Maricopa County Community College District, Arizona.
O'Hanlon, N. (1988). The role of library research instruction in developing teachers' problem solving skills. Journal of Teacher Education, EJ 392 976 . 39(6), 44-49.
Özer, B. (1998). Öğrenmeyi Öğretme (Learning to Teaching). Ayhan Hakan (Ed.). Eğitim Bilimlerinde Yenilikler (Innovation of Educational Sciences). Anadolu Üniversitesi Açıköğretim Fakültesi İlköğretim Öğretmenliği Lisans Tamamlama Programı (Programmes Integration Licence of Primary Education on Distance Education Faculty in Anadolu University) , Eskişehir. 146-164.
Paykoç, F. (2004). Avrupa birliği sürecinde eğitim ve öğretmen ( Education and teacher process on European Association) . 24 Kasm 2004 . ODTÜ, Ankara. [Online] Retrieved on 28-May-2006 at: http://www.fedu.medu.edu.tr/documents/Fersun Paykoç.ppt
Polat, Ç. (2005). Üniversitelerde kütüphane merkezli bilgi okuryazarlığı programlarının geliştirilmesi: Hacettepe Üniversitesi örneği (The curriculum development of information literacy in library based on universities: Hacettepe University for Example) . Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Haccetepe University, Ankara, Turkey.
Radcliff, C. (2005). What we talk about when we talk about ‘information literacy. The Collection Connection, Spring, 2005. [Online] Retrieved on 20-May-2006 at: http://www.westga.edu/∼library/colcon/spring05/infolit.htm.
Riedling, A. M. (2002). Learning to learn: a guide to becoming information literate. Neal –Shuman Press, New York.
Sağlam, M. (1999). Avrupa Ülkelerinin Eğitim Sistemleri (Education Systems of European Countries). Anadolu University, Eskişehir.
Sağlam, M. & Kürüm, D. (2005). Türkiye ve Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinde öğretmen eğitiminde yapısal düzenlemeler ve öğretmen adaylarının seçimi (The election of teacher candidates and structural regulation in teacher education on European Association and Turkey) . Education of National. 33, 167. [Online] Retrieved on 25 May 2006 at URL: http://yayim.meb.gov.tr/dergiler/167/ındex3-kurum.htm
SCANS (1991). What work requires of schools: A SCANS Report for American 2000. The Secratary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills, U. S. Department of Labor. [Online] Retrieved on 27-May-2006 at URL: http://www.uni.edu/darrow/frames/scans.html.
Shinew , D. M. & Walter, S. (2003). Information Literacy For Educators Professional Knowledge For An Information Age. The Haworth Press, Inc., New York, USA.
Spitzer, K.L., Eisenberg, M. B. & Lowe, C. A. (1998). Information literacy: essential skills for the information age. Syracuse, ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology IR -104, New York.
Tonta, Y. (2002). Bilgi erişim sorunları ve internet. kütüphanecilikte yeni gelişmeler,
kavramlar , olgular(The fact, concept, new developing on internet libraries and
problems of arrival information). 37. Kütüphane Haftası Bildiri Kitapları ( 37.
Libraries Week Declaration Books). 26 March – 1 April 2001, 52 –62, Ankara.
TÜSİAD (1999). Türkiye’de mesleki ve teknik eğitimin yeniden yapılandırılması (The developing of occupational and tecnical education in Turkey). Turkish Industrialist and Businessman of Association ve İşadamları Derneği Report Number: TY/184/1999. [Online] Retrieved on 24-May-2006 at URL: http://www.tusiad.org/turkish/rapor/mesleki/mesleki02-1.pdf.
Vander Meer, P. F. (2000). Pushing the limits: creative web use in libraries related to instruction. Research Strategies, 17 (4), 237 –256.
Weston, C., Gandell, T., McAlpine, L. & Finkelstein, A. (1999). Designing instruction for the context of online learning. The Internet and Higher Education, 2(1), 35- 44
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ESBD Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu tarafından tescil edilmiştir. Marka No:2011/119849.