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Yıl 2009, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 28, 20 - 39, 01.02.2009




  • Aksoy, N. (2008). Multigrade schooling in Turkey: an overview. International Journal of Educational Development, 28, 2, 218-228.
  • Allen, J. (1997). Enhancing the effectiveness of single-teacher schools and multi-grade classes. Retrieved April 20, 2007, from /125917eo.pdf.
  • Ankara University. (2007). Ankara üniversitesi eğitim bilimleri fakültesinden çalıştay eğitim bilimleri bakış açısıyla eğitim fakülteleri ve akreditasyon [Faculties of education and accreditation from the perspective of workshop educational sciences from Ankara University faculty of educational sciences]. Retrieved May 27, 2007, from Ankara University website:
  • Aydın, A. (1997). Birleştirilmiş sınıf sosyal bilgiler dersi amaçlarının gerçekleşme düzeyi [Level of realization of objectives of multigrade classrooms social sciences course]. (Master’s thesis, Gazi University, Ankara).
  • Birch, I., & Lally, M.(1995). Multigrade teaching in primary schools. UNESCO: Asia-Pacific Centre of Educational Innovation for Development. Retrieved May 20, 2007, from UNESCO website:
  • Ceylan, S., & Demirkaya, H. (2006). Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının sınıf öğretmenliği programı ve program dahilinde sunulan hizmetler konusundaki memnuniyet düzeyleri [Class trainee teachers’ satisfaction levels regarding class teaching program and the services provided as part of the program]. MAKÜ Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 7, 12, 146-160.
  • Cornish, L. (2006). Parents’ views of composite classes in an Australian primary school. The Australian Educational Researcher, 33, 2, 123-142.
  • Council of Higher Education. (2007). Sınıf öğretmenliği lisans programı ders içerikleri [Course contents of Class teaching undergraduate program]. Retrieved May 1, 2007, from Council of Higher Education website:
  • Cummings, W. K. (1986). Low-Cost primary education: Implementing an innovation in six nations. Retrieved April 1, 2007, from Institute of Education, University of London website: Cummings (Abstract).
  • ENQA. (2005). Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European higher education area. Retrieved November 15, 2007, from Main_doc/050221_ENQA_report.pdf.
  • Erdem, A. R., Kamacı, S., & Aydemir, T. (2005). Birleştirilmiş sınıfları okutan sınıf öğretmenlerinin karşılaştıkları sorunlar: Denizli örneği [Problems encountered by teachers of multigrade classrooms: Denizli case]. Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama, 1, 1-2, 3-13.
  • Eurydice. (2006). Quality assurance in teacher education in Europe. Retrieved December 24, 2007, from
  • Feldman, J., & P. Gray. (1999). Some educational benefits of freely chosen age mixing among children and adolescents. Retrieved April 21, 2007, from content/uploads/ 2007 /02/age-mixing.doc.
  • Gaustad, J. (1997). Building support for multiage education. Retrieved April 21, 2007, from ERIC Data base ED 409 604. (Abstract).
  • Gayfer, M. (Ed). (1991). The multi-grade classroom: Myth and reality. Retrived December 24, 2007, from: =PA1&dq=The+Multi-Age+Classroom:+Myth+and+Reality.+A+Canadian+Study,+ Gayfer&ots=U0nTAgYi-E&sig=VibxpvITT6bDjsgP9qmR2oCjwiw#PPP7,M1. (Book abstract).
  • Gibson, I., W. (1994). Policy, practice, and need in the professional preparation of teachers for rural teaching. Journal of Research in Rural Education, Spring, 10, 1, 68-77. Retrieved March 16, 2007, from,n1,p68-77,Gibson.pdf.
  • Grippin P. C., Sarachan-Deily, A.B., Medved, R. M., & Lyon, P. E. (1985). How far is the ivory tower from reality in preparing teachers for rural settings? Journal of Research in Rural Education, 2, 4,147-150. Retrieved February 23, 2007, from,n4,p147- 150,Grippin.pdf.
  • Jakobson, E.(2007).Teachers' views of multigrade classes. Estonian case. A part of doctoral thesis. University of Tartu. (Unpublished manuscript).
  • Juvane, V. (2005). Redefining the role of multi-grade teaching. ADEA working group on the teaching profession.
  • Retrieved May 21, 2007, from
  • Kalaoje, E. (2002). Viewpoints on village shools and their development. University of Oulu Publication of the Kajaani Department of Teacher Education, Research Reports 21/2002. (Reproduction).
  • Kannapel, P. J., & DeYoung, A. J. (1999). The rural School Problem in 1999: a review and critiqe of the literature. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 15, 2, 67-79. Retrieved 24 February, 2007, from,n2,p67-79,Kannapel.pdf.
  • Kavak, Y., Aydın, A., & Altun. S. A. (2007). Öğretmen yetiştirme ve eğitim fakülteleri 1982– 2007[Faculties of teacher training and education 1982-2007]. Retrieved January 15, 2008, from Council of Higher Education website: pdf.
  • Kline, R. (2002). A model for ımproving rural schools:Escuela Nueva in Colombia and Guatemala. Current Issues in Comparative Education. 2, 2, 171-180.
  • Little, A. (2001). Multigrade teaching: towards an international research and policy agenda. International Journal of Educational Development. 21, 6, 481-497.
  • Little, A. W. (Ed). (2006). Education for all and multigrade teaching: Challenges and opportunities, London: Springer, 2006. (Abstract).
  • Little, A.W., & Pridmore, P. (2004). The MUSE training programme: A final evaluation. Retrieved March 25, 2007, from Institute of Education, University of London website:
  • Little, A. W., Pridmore, P., Bajracharya, H., & Vithanapathirana, M. (2005). Learning and teaching in multigrade settings (LATIMS). Retrieved March 21, 2007, from Institute of Education, University of London website: fulltextLATIMSfinalreport.pdf.
  • Lockheed, M. E., & Verspoor, A. M.(1991). Improving primary education in developing countries. Retrieved March 20, 2007, from Institute of Education, University of London website: (Abstract).
  • bibliography%20H-M.doc#Lockheed
  • Lungwanga, G. (1989). Multigrade schools in Zambian primary education: a report on the pilot schools in Mkushi district. Retrieved October 10, 2007, from Institute of Education, University of London website: wangwa, 1989. (Abstract).
  • MEB. (2007). Taşımalı ilköğretim uygulaması [Mobile primary school project]. Retrieved November 25, 2007, from The Ministery of Education website: pages.php?page=sube&id=.
  • Ministry of Education of Ontario. (2007). Combined Grades. Retrieved December 1, 2007, from
  • Mason, D. W. A., & Burns, R. B. (1996). Simply no worse and simply no better, may simply be wrong: a critique of Veenman's conclusion about multigrade classes. Review of Educational Rresearch, 66, 3, 307-322.
  • Moon, B., Vlasceanu, L., & Barrows, L. C. (eds). (2003). Institutional approaches to teacher education within higher education in Europe: current models and new developments. Retrieved May 15, 2007, from UNESCO CEPES website:
  • Özben, K. (1997). Birleştirilmiş sınıf uygulamasında karşılaşılan sorunlar [Problems encountered in multigrade classroom practices]. (Master’s thesis, Pamukkale University, Denizli).
  • Özyürek, M. (2007). 09 Kasım 2007 tarihinde milli eğitim bakanlığı bütçesi üzerine konuşma [Speech on Budget of the Ministry of National Education on 09 November 2007]. Retrieved December 27, 2007, from The Constitution of The Republic of Turkey website:
  • Psacharopoulos, G., Rojas, C., & Velez, E. (1993). Achievement evaluation of Colombia’s Escuela Nueva: is multigrade the answer?. Retrieved March 20, 2007, from The World Bankwebsite: 92/04/01/000009265_3961002224506/Rendered/PDF/multi_page.pdf .
  • Russell, V. J., Kenneth, J. R., & Peter, W. H. (1998). Effects of multigrade classes on student progress in literacy and numeracy: quantitative evidence and perceptions of teachers and school leaders. (Procedings from Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education).
  • Son, V.T., Nga, B. P., Kich, P. V., My, D. T., & Pridmore, P. (2002). Renovating the teaching of health in multigrade primary schools. A teacher’s guide to health in natural and social sciences (grades 1,2,3) and science (grade 5). Retrieved March 15, 2007, Institute of Education, University of London website: /multigrade /fulltext /RenTeach-COMPLETE.pdf.
  • Storey, J. V. (1993). “Factors, issues, and problems in the recruitment and retention of teachers for rural schools”. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 9, 3, 160-169. Retrieved March 15, 2007, from,n3,p160-169,Storey.pdf.
  • Şahin, A. E. (2003). Birleştirilmiş sınıflar uygulamasına ilişkin öğretmen görüşleri [Teacher views about multigrade classroom practices]. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğiim Fakültesi Dergisi. Retrieved January 1, 2008, fromİ% 20EKBER% 20ŞAHİN.pdf.
  • Thomas, C., & Shaw, C. (1992). Issues in the development of multigrade schools. Retrieved March 16, 2009, from http://www- 41971/Rendered/PDF/multi_page.pdf.
  • Uçar, G. (1997). Birleştirilmiş sınıflar fen bilgisi dersi ışık ünitesinde öğrenci başarısına öğrencilerin çalışma alışkanlıkları ve öğretmenlerin ders işleme yöntemlerinin etkisi [Effects of student study habits and teacher’s instructional method on student achievement in natular sciences unit on light in multigrade classrooms]. (Master’s thesis, Marmara University, Ankara).
  • UNESCO. (1981). Education of disadvantaged groups and multiple class teaching: studies and ınnovatives approaches. Retrieved April 17, 2007, from Institute of Education, University of London website: Z.doc#UNESCOAPEID. (Abstract).
  • UNESCO. (1982). Multiple class teaching and education of disadvantaged groups. national studies: India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Republic of Korea. Retrieved April 17, 2007, Institute of Education, University of London website: Z.doc#UNESCOAPEIDmultiple. (Abstract).
  • UNESCO. (1988). Multiple class teaching in primary schools: a methodological guide. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from Institute of Education, University of London website: %20N- Z.doc#UNESCOAPEIDmultclass. (Abstract).
  • UNESCO (1989). Multigrade teaching in single teacher primary schools. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from Institute of Education, University of London website: Z.doc#UNESCOmultigrade. (Abstract).
  • Veenman, S. (1995). Cognitive and noncognitive effects of multigrade and multi-age classes: a best- evidence synthesis. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from s%20of%20multigrade%20and%20multi.doc.
  • Veenman, S. (1996). Effects of multigrade and multi-age classes reconsidered. Review of Educational Studies, 11, 3, 171–180.
  • Vincent, S., & Ley, J. L. (eds). (1999). Book 1: Review of the research on multigrade instruction. The multigrade classroom: a resource handbook for small, rural schools. Retrieved April 24, 2007, from
  • Wilson, V. (2003). All in together? An overview of the literature on composite classes. Retrieved April 15, 2007, from University of Glasgow website: resreport/pdf/113.pdf.
  • Yarrow, A., Ballantyne, R., Hansford, B., Herschell, P., & Millwater, J. (1999). Teaching in rural and remote schools: a literature review. Teaching and Teacher Education. 15, 1, 1-13. (Abstract).
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2006) Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri [Qualitative research methods in social sciences]. 5. Basım. Ankara: Seçkin Kitabevi.
  • Yıldız, M. (2005). Birleştirilmiş sınıf öğretmenlerinin birleştirilmiş sınıf uygulamasına ilişkin görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of views of multigrade class teachers about multigrade class practices]. (Master’s thesis, Gazi University, Ankara).


Yıl 2009, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 28, 20 - 39, 01.02.2009


Birleştirilmiş sınıf, öğretmenlerin çalışma konusunda çok sıcak bakmadığı bir öğretim uygulamasıdır. Mesleğe birleştirilmiş sınıflarda öğretmen olarak başlama olasılığı yüksek olan öğretmen adaylarının mezun olacakları eğitim fakültesinin bir paydaşı olarak bu konuda kendilerine, fakülteye ve ilgili öğretim programına dönük görüşleri kurumsal işleyiş ve izlenilen eğitim programları hakkında geri bildirim niteliği taşımaktadır. Buna göre araştırmada, öğretmen adaylarından birleştirilmiş sınıflarda öğretmen olma konusunda kendilerine, mezun olacağı eğitim fakültesine ve Birleştirilmiş Sınıflarda Öğretim dersine ilişkin görüşleri tanımlanmaya çalışılmıştır. Betimsel nitelikteki araştırmada veriler, sınıf arkadaşları tarafından öğretmenlik mesleğinde iyi olmaya aday olarak gösterilen üçü kadın olmak üzere toplam sekiz öğretmen adayından odak grup görüşme yoluyla elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda adaylar, birleştirilmiş sınıflarda öğretmenlik yapmanın zor ancak olanaksız olmadığını, kendilerini bu göreve yetiştirme konusunda eğitim fakültesini yetersiz bulduğunu ve Birleştirilmiş Sınıflarda Öğretim ders öğretim programının daha işlevsel olabileceğini belirtmişlerdir


  • Aksoy, N. (2008). Multigrade schooling in Turkey: an overview. International Journal of Educational Development, 28, 2, 218-228.
  • Allen, J. (1997). Enhancing the effectiveness of single-teacher schools and multi-grade classes. Retrieved April 20, 2007, from /125917eo.pdf.
  • Ankara University. (2007). Ankara üniversitesi eğitim bilimleri fakültesinden çalıştay eğitim bilimleri bakış açısıyla eğitim fakülteleri ve akreditasyon [Faculties of education and accreditation from the perspective of workshop educational sciences from Ankara University faculty of educational sciences]. Retrieved May 27, 2007, from Ankara University website:
  • Aydın, A. (1997). Birleştirilmiş sınıf sosyal bilgiler dersi amaçlarının gerçekleşme düzeyi [Level of realization of objectives of multigrade classrooms social sciences course]. (Master’s thesis, Gazi University, Ankara).
  • Birch, I., & Lally, M.(1995). Multigrade teaching in primary schools. UNESCO: Asia-Pacific Centre of Educational Innovation for Development. Retrieved May 20, 2007, from UNESCO website:
  • Ceylan, S., & Demirkaya, H. (2006). Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının sınıf öğretmenliği programı ve program dahilinde sunulan hizmetler konusundaki memnuniyet düzeyleri [Class trainee teachers’ satisfaction levels regarding class teaching program and the services provided as part of the program]. MAKÜ Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 7, 12, 146-160.
  • Cornish, L. (2006). Parents’ views of composite classes in an Australian primary school. The Australian Educational Researcher, 33, 2, 123-142.
  • Council of Higher Education. (2007). Sınıf öğretmenliği lisans programı ders içerikleri [Course contents of Class teaching undergraduate program]. Retrieved May 1, 2007, from Council of Higher Education website:
  • Cummings, W. K. (1986). Low-Cost primary education: Implementing an innovation in six nations. Retrieved April 1, 2007, from Institute of Education, University of London website: Cummings (Abstract).
  • ENQA. (2005). Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European higher education area. Retrieved November 15, 2007, from Main_doc/050221_ENQA_report.pdf.
  • Erdem, A. R., Kamacı, S., & Aydemir, T. (2005). Birleştirilmiş sınıfları okutan sınıf öğretmenlerinin karşılaştıkları sorunlar: Denizli örneği [Problems encountered by teachers of multigrade classrooms: Denizli case]. Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama, 1, 1-2, 3-13.
  • Eurydice. (2006). Quality assurance in teacher education in Europe. Retrieved December 24, 2007, from
  • Feldman, J., & P. Gray. (1999). Some educational benefits of freely chosen age mixing among children and adolescents. Retrieved April 21, 2007, from content/uploads/ 2007 /02/age-mixing.doc.
  • Gaustad, J. (1997). Building support for multiage education. Retrieved April 21, 2007, from ERIC Data base ED 409 604. (Abstract).
  • Gayfer, M. (Ed). (1991). The multi-grade classroom: Myth and reality. Retrived December 24, 2007, from: =PA1&dq=The+Multi-Age+Classroom:+Myth+and+Reality.+A+Canadian+Study,+ Gayfer&ots=U0nTAgYi-E&sig=VibxpvITT6bDjsgP9qmR2oCjwiw#PPP7,M1. (Book abstract).
  • Gibson, I., W. (1994). Policy, practice, and need in the professional preparation of teachers for rural teaching. Journal of Research in Rural Education, Spring, 10, 1, 68-77. Retrieved March 16, 2007, from,n1,p68-77,Gibson.pdf.
  • Grippin P. C., Sarachan-Deily, A.B., Medved, R. M., & Lyon, P. E. (1985). How far is the ivory tower from reality in preparing teachers for rural settings? Journal of Research in Rural Education, 2, 4,147-150. Retrieved February 23, 2007, from,n4,p147- 150,Grippin.pdf.
  • Jakobson, E.(2007).Teachers' views of multigrade classes. Estonian case. A part of doctoral thesis. University of Tartu. (Unpublished manuscript).
  • Juvane, V. (2005). Redefining the role of multi-grade teaching. ADEA working group on the teaching profession.
  • Retrieved May 21, 2007, from
  • Kalaoje, E. (2002). Viewpoints on village shools and their development. University of Oulu Publication of the Kajaani Department of Teacher Education, Research Reports 21/2002. (Reproduction).
  • Kannapel, P. J., & DeYoung, A. J. (1999). The rural School Problem in 1999: a review and critiqe of the literature. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 15, 2, 67-79. Retrieved 24 February, 2007, from,n2,p67-79,Kannapel.pdf.
  • Kavak, Y., Aydın, A., & Altun. S. A. (2007). Öğretmen yetiştirme ve eğitim fakülteleri 1982– 2007[Faculties of teacher training and education 1982-2007]. Retrieved January 15, 2008, from Council of Higher Education website: pdf.
  • Kline, R. (2002). A model for ımproving rural schools:Escuela Nueva in Colombia and Guatemala. Current Issues in Comparative Education. 2, 2, 171-180.
  • Little, A. (2001). Multigrade teaching: towards an international research and policy agenda. International Journal of Educational Development. 21, 6, 481-497.
  • Little, A. W. (Ed). (2006). Education for all and multigrade teaching: Challenges and opportunities, London: Springer, 2006. (Abstract).
  • Little, A.W., & Pridmore, P. (2004). The MUSE training programme: A final evaluation. Retrieved March 25, 2007, from Institute of Education, University of London website:
  • Little, A. W., Pridmore, P., Bajracharya, H., & Vithanapathirana, M. (2005). Learning and teaching in multigrade settings (LATIMS). Retrieved March 21, 2007, from Institute of Education, University of London website: fulltextLATIMSfinalreport.pdf.
  • Lockheed, M. E., & Verspoor, A. M.(1991). Improving primary education in developing countries. Retrieved March 20, 2007, from Institute of Education, University of London website: (Abstract).
  • bibliography%20H-M.doc#Lockheed
  • Lungwanga, G. (1989). Multigrade schools in Zambian primary education: a report on the pilot schools in Mkushi district. Retrieved October 10, 2007, from Institute of Education, University of London website: wangwa, 1989. (Abstract).
  • MEB. (2007). Taşımalı ilköğretim uygulaması [Mobile primary school project]. Retrieved November 25, 2007, from The Ministery of Education website: pages.php?page=sube&id=.
  • Ministry of Education of Ontario. (2007). Combined Grades. Retrieved December 1, 2007, from
  • Mason, D. W. A., & Burns, R. B. (1996). Simply no worse and simply no better, may simply be wrong: a critique of Veenman's conclusion about multigrade classes. Review of Educational Rresearch, 66, 3, 307-322.
  • Moon, B., Vlasceanu, L., & Barrows, L. C. (eds). (2003). Institutional approaches to teacher education within higher education in Europe: current models and new developments. Retrieved May 15, 2007, from UNESCO CEPES website:
  • Özben, K. (1997). Birleştirilmiş sınıf uygulamasında karşılaşılan sorunlar [Problems encountered in multigrade classroom practices]. (Master’s thesis, Pamukkale University, Denizli).
  • Özyürek, M. (2007). 09 Kasım 2007 tarihinde milli eğitim bakanlığı bütçesi üzerine konuşma [Speech on Budget of the Ministry of National Education on 09 November 2007]. Retrieved December 27, 2007, from The Constitution of The Republic of Turkey website:
  • Psacharopoulos, G., Rojas, C., & Velez, E. (1993). Achievement evaluation of Colombia’s Escuela Nueva: is multigrade the answer?. Retrieved March 20, 2007, from The World Bankwebsite: 92/04/01/000009265_3961002224506/Rendered/PDF/multi_page.pdf .
  • Russell, V. J., Kenneth, J. R., & Peter, W. H. (1998). Effects of multigrade classes on student progress in literacy and numeracy: quantitative evidence and perceptions of teachers and school leaders. (Procedings from Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education).
  • Son, V.T., Nga, B. P., Kich, P. V., My, D. T., & Pridmore, P. (2002). Renovating the teaching of health in multigrade primary schools. A teacher’s guide to health in natural and social sciences (grades 1,2,3) and science (grade 5). Retrieved March 15, 2007, Institute of Education, University of London website: /multigrade /fulltext /RenTeach-COMPLETE.pdf.
  • Storey, J. V. (1993). “Factors, issues, and problems in the recruitment and retention of teachers for rural schools”. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 9, 3, 160-169. Retrieved March 15, 2007, from,n3,p160-169,Storey.pdf.
  • Şahin, A. E. (2003). Birleştirilmiş sınıflar uygulamasına ilişkin öğretmen görüşleri [Teacher views about multigrade classroom practices]. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğiim Fakültesi Dergisi. Retrieved January 1, 2008, fromİ% 20EKBER% 20ŞAHİN.pdf.
  • Thomas, C., & Shaw, C. (1992). Issues in the development of multigrade schools. Retrieved March 16, 2009, from http://www- 41971/Rendered/PDF/multi_page.pdf.
  • Uçar, G. (1997). Birleştirilmiş sınıflar fen bilgisi dersi ışık ünitesinde öğrenci başarısına öğrencilerin çalışma alışkanlıkları ve öğretmenlerin ders işleme yöntemlerinin etkisi [Effects of student study habits and teacher’s instructional method on student achievement in natular sciences unit on light in multigrade classrooms]. (Master’s thesis, Marmara University, Ankara).
  • UNESCO. (1981). Education of disadvantaged groups and multiple class teaching: studies and ınnovatives approaches. Retrieved April 17, 2007, from Institute of Education, University of London website: Z.doc#UNESCOAPEID. (Abstract).
  • UNESCO. (1982). Multiple class teaching and education of disadvantaged groups. national studies: India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Republic of Korea. Retrieved April 17, 2007, Institute of Education, University of London website: Z.doc#UNESCOAPEIDmultiple. (Abstract).
  • UNESCO. (1988). Multiple class teaching in primary schools: a methodological guide. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from Institute of Education, University of London website: %20N- Z.doc#UNESCOAPEIDmultclass. (Abstract).
  • UNESCO (1989). Multigrade teaching in single teacher primary schools. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from Institute of Education, University of London website: Z.doc#UNESCOmultigrade. (Abstract).
  • Veenman, S. (1995). Cognitive and noncognitive effects of multigrade and multi-age classes: a best- evidence synthesis. Retrieved April 10, 2007, from s%20of%20multigrade%20and%20multi.doc.
  • Veenman, S. (1996). Effects of multigrade and multi-age classes reconsidered. Review of Educational Studies, 11, 3, 171–180.
  • Vincent, S., & Ley, J. L. (eds). (1999). Book 1: Review of the research on multigrade instruction. The multigrade classroom: a resource handbook for small, rural schools. Retrieved April 24, 2007, from
  • Wilson, V. (2003). All in together? An overview of the literature on composite classes. Retrieved April 15, 2007, from University of Glasgow website: resreport/pdf/113.pdf.
  • Yarrow, A., Ballantyne, R., Hansford, B., Herschell, P., & Millwater, J. (1999). Teaching in rural and remote schools: a literature review. Teaching and Teacher Education. 15, 1, 1-13. (Abstract).
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2006) Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri [Qualitative research methods in social sciences]. 5. Basım. Ankara: Seçkin Kitabevi.
  • Yıldız, M. (2005). Birleştirilmiş sınıf öğretmenlerinin birleştirilmiş sınıf uygulamasına ilişkin görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of views of multigrade class teachers about multigrade class practices]. (Master’s thesis, Gazi University, Ankara).
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2009
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Eylül 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 28

Kaynak Göster

APA Sa, R. (2009). BECOMING A TEACHER IN MULTIGRADE CLASSES. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(28), 20-39.


Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.

ESBD Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu tarafından tescil edilmiştir. Marka No:2011/119849.