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Yıl 2015, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 55, 125 - 138, 14.05.2015


Since there is a fierce competition in retail sector, the retailers try to provide a competitive advantage against their competitors with manufacturing their own branded products along the site of establishment, product range and service quality. The purpose of this study is to research the attitudes of Turkish consumers on private branded products and to guide retailers on factors that will be considered in terms of customer satisfaction while creating their own branded products. The survey on study is conducted to find out the attitudes of consumers, who life in Turkey, on private labelled products and the factors that affects these attitudes and taken by 475 people reside in Istanbul and after editing the survey, 415 surveys are analysed. The analysis showed that the price and value awareness of customers, the image of retailer and the affection of promotional product affect attitudes on private label products positively but the risk that participants perceive on private label products, has majorly negative effects on attitudes on private label products. However, the analysis show that gender, marital status and income factors on demographic factors affect the attitudes of customers on private label products


  • Baltas, G. “Determinants of Store Brand Choice: A Behavioral Analysis”. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 6(5), (1997):315-316.
  • Baltas, G. ve Argouslidis, P. C. “Consumer characteristics and demand for store brands”. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 35(5), (2007):328–341.
  • Batra, R. ve Sinha, I. “Consumer-Level Factors Moderating the Success of Private Label Brands”, Journal of Retailing, 76(2), (2000):175-180.
  • Berman, B. (1996). Marketing Channels, New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Burton, S., Lichtenstein , D R., Netemeyer, R. G ve Garretson, J. A. “A Scale for Measuring Attitude Toward Private Label Products and an Examination of Its Psychological and Behavioral Correlates”. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 26(4), (1998):293-306.
  • Dhar, S. K. ve Hoch S. J. “Why Store Penetration Varies by Retailer”. Marketing Science, 16(3), (1997):208-227.
  • Dick, A.S., Jain, A.K. ve Richardson, P. “Correlates of Store Brand Proneness: Some Empirical Observations”. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 4(4), (1995):15-22.
  • Fernie, J. ve Pierrel, F. R. A. “Own Branding in UK and French Grocery Markets”. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 5(3), (1996):48-59.
  • Garretson, J. A., Fisher D. ve Burton S. “Antecedents of Private Label Attitude and National Brand Promotion Attitude: Similarities and Differences”. Journal of Retailing, 78(2), (2002):91-99.
  • Gegez, E. (2010). Pazarlama Araştırmaları. İstanbul: Beta Basım.
  • Hawkins, D. I., Best, R. J. ve Coney, K. A. (2004). Consumer Behavior Building Marketing Strategy. Nineth Edition, USA: McGraw-Hill, Irwin.
  • Hoch, S. J. “How Should National Brands Think About Private Labels”. Sloan Management Review, 37(2), (1996):89-101.
  • Hoch, S. ve Banerji, S. “When Do Private Labels Succeed?”. Sloan Management Review, 34(4), (1993):57-95.
  • Jin, B. ve Suh, Y.G. “Integrating effect of consumer perception factors in predicting private brand purchase in Korean discount store context”. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22(2), (2005):62-71.
  • Jacoby, J. Ve Mazursky, D. “Linking brand and retailer images – do the potential risks outweigh the potential benefits?”. Journal of Retailing, 60(2), (1984):105-122.
  • Jacoby, J. ve Kaplan, L. B. “The Components of Perceived Risk”, M. Venkatesan, ed. in Proceedings, Third Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research”. College Park, MD: Association for Consumer Research, (1972) 382–393.
  • Kılıç, S. “Gıda Perakendecilerinin Özel Markalı Ürünleri Geliştirme Amaçları Ve Özel Markalı Ürünlere Bakış Açıları”. Business And Economics Journal, 2, (2011):173-188.
  • Lamb, C. W., Hair F. ve Macdaniel C. (1992). Principles of Marketing, South-Western Publishing Co. Cicinnati, .
  • Lauer, A. (2001). Vertriebsschienenprofilierung durch Handelsmarken, theoretische Analyse und empirische Bestandsaufnahme im deutschen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel. Deutscher Universitätsverlag, Wiesbaden.
  • Lichtenstein, D. R.,. Ridgway, N. M., ve Netemeyer, R. G. “Price Perceptions and Consumer Shopping Behavior: A Field Study”. Journal of Marketing Research, 30 (May), (1993):234- 245.
  • Marshall, D., Lin, C.Y. ve Dawson, J. “Consumer attitudes towards a European retailer's private brand food products: an integrated model of Taiwanese consumers”. Journal of Marketing Management, 25(9-10), (2009):875-891.
  • Martineau P. “The Personality of The Retail Store”, Harvard Business Review, 36(Ocak-Şubat), (1958):47 – 55.
  • Quelch J. A. ve Harding D. “Brands Versus Private Labels: Fighting to Win”. Harvard Business Review, 74(Ocak-Şubat), (1996):100-105.
  • Richardson, P. S. “Are Store Brands Perceived to be Just Another Brand”. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 6(6), (1997):388-404.
  • Richardson, P.S., Dick, A.S. and Jain, A.K. “Extrinsic and intrinsic cue effects on perceptions of store brand quality”. Journal of Marketing, 58(4), (1994):28-37
  • Sayman, S. ve Raju, J. S. “How Category Characteristics Affect the Number of Store Brands Offered by The Retailer: A Model and Empirical Analysis”. Journal of Retailing, 80(4), (2004):279-287.
  • Sethuraman, R. ve Mittelstaedt, J. “Coupons and Private Label: A Cross- Category Analysis of Grocery Products”, Psychology and Marketing, 9(6), (1992):487- 500.
  • Sethuraman, R. Ve Cole, C. “Factors influencing the price premiums that consumers pay for national brands over store brands”. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 8(4), (1999):340-351.
  • Tamilia, R. D., Corriveau G. ve Arguedas L.E. (2000). Understanding the Significance of Private Brands with Particular Reference to the Canadian Grocery Market. Business Strategy Department, University of Quebec in Montreal, Working Paper 11, Canada.
  • Yaraş. E. "Tüketicilerin Fiyat Algılamalarına Yönelik Bir Araştırma". Sosyal Ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(15), (2008):281-300.
  • Yeniçeri, T. (2004). Tüketicilerin Mağaza Markalı Ürünlerin Kalitesini Algılamalarında Mağaza İmajının Rolü, (yayınlanmamış doktora tezi), İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler E


Yıl 2015, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 55, 125 - 138, 14.05.2015


Perakendeci işletmeler, perakende sektöründeki yoğun rekabet nedeni ile kuruluş yeri, ürün çeşitleri, hizmet kalitesi ve fiyat gibi seçeneklerin yanı sıra kendi markalı ürünlerini de üreterek rakiplerine karşı rekabet avantajı sağlamaya çalışmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmanın amacı, tüketicilerin özel markalı ürünlere yönelik tutumlarını araştırmak ve perakendecilere, kendi markalı ürünlerini oluştururken, tüketicilerde tatmini sağlaması açısından dikkate alacakları unsurları belirleyebilmelerinde kendilerine yol gösterebilmektir. Çalışmaya yönelik hazırlanan anket, Türkiye’de ikamet eden tüketicilerin özel markalı ürünlere yönelik tutumlarını ve hangi faktörlerin bu tutumları etkilediğini ortaya çıkarmak amacıyla İstanbul’da yaşayan  457 kişiye uygulandı ve anketler edit edildikten sonra kalan 415 anket analize tabi tutuldu. Yapılan analizler sonucunda tüketicilerin fiyat bilincinin, değer bilincinin, perakendeci imajının, promosyonlara düşkünlüğünün özel markalara yönelik tutumlarını olumlu olarak etkilediği ancak katılımcıların özel markalı ürünlere yönelik algıladıkları riskin, özel markalı ürünlere yönelik tutumları üzerinde kuvvetli derecede negatif etkisi olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca yapılan analizler sonucunda demografik faktörlerden cinsiyet, medeni durumun ve gelirin tüketicilerin özel markalara yönelik tutumlarında etkili olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Baltas, G. “Determinants of Store Brand Choice: A Behavioral Analysis”. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 6(5), (1997):315-316.
  • Baltas, G. ve Argouslidis, P. C. “Consumer characteristics and demand for store brands”. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 35(5), (2007):328–341.
  • Batra, R. ve Sinha, I. “Consumer-Level Factors Moderating the Success of Private Label Brands”, Journal of Retailing, 76(2), (2000):175-180.
  • Berman, B. (1996). Marketing Channels, New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Burton, S., Lichtenstein , D R., Netemeyer, R. G ve Garretson, J. A. “A Scale for Measuring Attitude Toward Private Label Products and an Examination of Its Psychological and Behavioral Correlates”. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 26(4), (1998):293-306.
  • Dhar, S. K. ve Hoch S. J. “Why Store Penetration Varies by Retailer”. Marketing Science, 16(3), (1997):208-227.
  • Dick, A.S., Jain, A.K. ve Richardson, P. “Correlates of Store Brand Proneness: Some Empirical Observations”. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 4(4), (1995):15-22.
  • Fernie, J. ve Pierrel, F. R. A. “Own Branding in UK and French Grocery Markets”. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 5(3), (1996):48-59.
  • Garretson, J. A., Fisher D. ve Burton S. “Antecedents of Private Label Attitude and National Brand Promotion Attitude: Similarities and Differences”. Journal of Retailing, 78(2), (2002):91-99.
  • Gegez, E. (2010). Pazarlama Araştırmaları. İstanbul: Beta Basım.
  • Hawkins, D. I., Best, R. J. ve Coney, K. A. (2004). Consumer Behavior Building Marketing Strategy. Nineth Edition, USA: McGraw-Hill, Irwin.
  • Hoch, S. J. “How Should National Brands Think About Private Labels”. Sloan Management Review, 37(2), (1996):89-101.
  • Hoch, S. ve Banerji, S. “When Do Private Labels Succeed?”. Sloan Management Review, 34(4), (1993):57-95.
  • Jin, B. ve Suh, Y.G. “Integrating effect of consumer perception factors in predicting private brand purchase in Korean discount store context”. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22(2), (2005):62-71.
  • Jacoby, J. Ve Mazursky, D. “Linking brand and retailer images – do the potential risks outweigh the potential benefits?”. Journal of Retailing, 60(2), (1984):105-122.
  • Jacoby, J. ve Kaplan, L. B. “The Components of Perceived Risk”, M. Venkatesan, ed. in Proceedings, Third Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research”. College Park, MD: Association for Consumer Research, (1972) 382–393.
  • Kılıç, S. “Gıda Perakendecilerinin Özel Markalı Ürünleri Geliştirme Amaçları Ve Özel Markalı Ürünlere Bakış Açıları”. Business And Economics Journal, 2, (2011):173-188.
  • Lamb, C. W., Hair F. ve Macdaniel C. (1992). Principles of Marketing, South-Western Publishing Co. Cicinnati, .
  • Lauer, A. (2001). Vertriebsschienenprofilierung durch Handelsmarken, theoretische Analyse und empirische Bestandsaufnahme im deutschen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel. Deutscher Universitätsverlag, Wiesbaden.
  • Lichtenstein, D. R.,. Ridgway, N. M., ve Netemeyer, R. G. “Price Perceptions and Consumer Shopping Behavior: A Field Study”. Journal of Marketing Research, 30 (May), (1993):234- 245.
  • Marshall, D., Lin, C.Y. ve Dawson, J. “Consumer attitudes towards a European retailer's private brand food products: an integrated model of Taiwanese consumers”. Journal of Marketing Management, 25(9-10), (2009):875-891.
  • Martineau P. “The Personality of The Retail Store”, Harvard Business Review, 36(Ocak-Şubat), (1958):47 – 55.
  • Quelch J. A. ve Harding D. “Brands Versus Private Labels: Fighting to Win”. Harvard Business Review, 74(Ocak-Şubat), (1996):100-105.
  • Richardson, P. S. “Are Store Brands Perceived to be Just Another Brand”. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 6(6), (1997):388-404.
  • Richardson, P.S., Dick, A.S. and Jain, A.K. “Extrinsic and intrinsic cue effects on perceptions of store brand quality”. Journal of Marketing, 58(4), (1994):28-37
  • Sayman, S. ve Raju, J. S. “How Category Characteristics Affect the Number of Store Brands Offered by The Retailer: A Model and Empirical Analysis”. Journal of Retailing, 80(4), (2004):279-287.
  • Sethuraman, R. ve Mittelstaedt, J. “Coupons and Private Label: A Cross- Category Analysis of Grocery Products”, Psychology and Marketing, 9(6), (1992):487- 500.
  • Sethuraman, R. Ve Cole, C. “Factors influencing the price premiums that consumers pay for national brands over store brands”. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 8(4), (1999):340-351.
  • Tamilia, R. D., Corriveau G. ve Arguedas L.E. (2000). Understanding the Significance of Private Brands with Particular Reference to the Canadian Grocery Market. Business Strategy Department, University of Quebec in Montreal, Working Paper 11, Canada.
  • Yaraş. E. "Tüketicilerin Fiyat Algılamalarına Yönelik Bir Araştırma". Sosyal Ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(15), (2008):281-300.
  • Yeniçeri, T. (2004). Tüketicilerin Mağaza Markalı Ürünlerin Kalitesini Algılamalarında Mağaza İmajının Rolü, (yayınlanmamış doktora tezi), İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler E
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm İktisat

Baran Arslan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Mayıs 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Mayıs 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 55

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Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.

ESBD Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu tarafından tescil edilmiştir. Marka No:2011/119849.