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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 88, 1506 - 1519, 20.10.2023


Although there is a vast literature on the nexus between religion and suicide, there is yet no study that examines the relationship between religious affiliation and suicide rate at the global level. Besides, there is scarce empirical literature that investigates the influence of Islam, Christianity, and its denominations on suicide. In order to address fill these gaps, this article explores the relationship between religious affiliation and the suicide rate in all countries around the world. By constructing a comprehensive dataset through the Association of Religion Data Archives and the World Health Organization, we look at the relationship between religiously affiliated populations and suicide rates, then consider the homogenized religious affiliation index (HRAI), in order to measure the impact of religious affiliation on suicide rate at the country level. Our analysis shows that, as the Islamic population increases, the suicide rate decreases, whereas as the Christian population increases, the suicide rate increases. Nevertheless, HRAI is negatively related to the suicide rate. Furthermore, the analysis on the denominations ascertains that Catholicism is more likely to decrease the suicide rate than Protestantism. Finally, it is shown that religious commitment is more significant than religious practice and affiliation in decreasing the suicide rate.


  • Colucci, E., & Martin, G. (2008). Religion and spirituality along the suicidal path. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 38(2), 229-244.
  • Dervic, K., Oquendo, M. A., Grunebaum, M. F., Ellis, S., Burke, A. K., & Mann, J. J. (2004). Religious Affiliation and Suicide Attempt. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161(12), 2303–2308.
  • Durkheim, E. (1897). Suicide: A Study in Sociology. Routledge.
  • Eskin, M., Baydar, N., El-Nayal, M., Asad, N., Noor, I. M., Rezaeian, M., Abdel-Khalek, A. M., Al Buhairan, F., Harlak, H., Hamdan, M., Mechri, A., Isayeva, U., Khader, Y., Khan, A., Al Sayyari, A., Khader, A., Behzadi, B., Öztürk, C. Ş., Agha, H., … Khan, M. M. (2020). Associations of religiosity, attitudes towards suicide and religious coping with suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in 11 Muslim countries. Social Science & Medicine, 265, 113390.
  • Gearing, R. E., & Alonzo, D. (2018). Religion and Suicide: New Findings. Journal of Religion and Health, 57(6), 2478–2499.
  • Hsieh, N. (2017). A Global Perspective on Religious Participation and Suicide. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 58(3), 322–339.
  • Ineichen, B. (1998). The influence of religion on the suicide rate: Islam and Hinduism compared. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 1(1), 31–36.
  • Kranitz, L., Abrahams, J., Spiegel, D., & Keith-Speigel, P. (1968). Religious beliefs of suicidal patients. Psychological Reports, 22(3), 936.
  • Lawrence, R. E., Oquendo, M. A., & Stanley, B. (2016). Religion and Suicide Risk: A Systematic Review. Archives of Suicide Research, 20(1), 1–21.
  • Morselli, E. A. (1882). Suicide: An essay on comparative moral statistics. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co.
  • Pope, W., & Danigelis, N. (1981). Sociology’s “One Law”. Social Forces, 60(2), 495–516.
  • Sabriseilabi, S., & Williams, J. (2022). Dimensions of religion and attitudes toward euthanasia. Death Studies, 46(5), 1149–1156.
  • Shah, A., & Chandia, M. (2010). The relationship between suicide and Islam: A cross-national study. Journal of Injury & Violence Research, 2(2), 93–97.
  • Simpson, M. E., & Conklin, G. H. (1989). Socioeconomic Development, Suicide and Religion: A Test of Durkheim’s Theory of Religion and Suicide. Social Forces, 67(4), 945–964.
  • Sisask, M., Värnik, A., Kotildelves, K., Bertolote, J. M., Bolhari, J., Botega, N. J., Fleischmann, A., Vijayakumar, L., & Wasserman, D. (2010). Is Religiosity a Protective Factor Against Attempted Suicide: A Cross-Cultural Case-Control Study. Archives of Suicide Research, 14(1), 44–55.
  • Spoerri, A., Zwahlen, M., Bopp, M., Gutzwiller, F., Egger, M., & for the Swiss National Cohort Study. (2010). Religion and assisted and non-assisted suicide in Switzerland: National Cohort Study. International Journal of Epidemiology, 39(6), 1486–1494.
  • Stack, S. (1983). The Effect of Religious Commitment on Suicide: A Cross-National Analysis. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24(4), 362–374.
  • Stack, S. (2000). Suicide: A 15-Year Review of the Sociological Literature Part I: Cultural and Economic Factors. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 30(2), 145–162.
  • Stack, S., & Kposowa, A. J. (2011). Religion and Suicide Acceptability: A Cross-National Analysis. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 50(2), 289–306.
  • Stack, S., & Wasserman, I. (1992). The Effect of Religion on Suicide Ideology: An Analysis of the Networks Perspective. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 31(4), 457–466.
  • Stark, R. (1996). Religion as context: Hellfire and delinquency one more time. Sociology of religion, 57(2), 163-173.
  • World Health Organization. (2021). Suicide Worldwide in 2019: Global Health Estimates.
  • Torgler, B., & Schaltegger, C. (2014). Suicide and Religion: New Evidence on the Differences Between Protestantism and Catholicism. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 53(2), 316–340.


Yıl 2023, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 88, 1506 - 1519, 20.10.2023


Din ve intihar arasındaki ilişki konusunda geniş bir literatür olmasına rağmen, dinsel bağlılık ile intihar oranı arasındaki ilişkiyi küresel düzeyde inceleyen bir çalışma henüz bulunmamaktadır. Bunun yanında, İslam, Hristiyanlık ve mezheplerinin intihar üzerindeki etkisini araştıran çok az sayıda ampirik çalışma bulunmaktadır. Literatürdeki bu boşlukları doldurmak isteyen bu makale, tüm dünya ülkelerinde dinsel bağlılık ile intihar oranı arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktadır. Bu makale kapsamında, Din Veri Arşivleri Derneği ve Dünya Sağlık Örgütü aracılığıyla kapsamlı bir veri seti oluşturarak, dini bağlılığı olan nüfuslar ile intihar oranı arasındaki ilişkiye bakıyoruz, ardından ülke düzeyinde dini inançların intihar üzerindeki etkisini ölçmek için homojenleştirilmiş dini bağlılık indeksini (HRAI) ele alıyoruz. Analizimiz, Müslüman nüfus arttıkça intihar oranının azaldığını, Hristiyan nüfus arttıkça intihar oranının arttığını göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte, homojenleştirilmiş dini bağlılık indeksi ile intihar oranı arasında negatif ilişki bulunmuştur. Ayrıca mezhepler üzerinde yapılan analiz, Katolikliğin Protestanlığa göre intihar oranını düşürme olasılığının daha yüksek olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Son olarak, intihar oranını azaltmakta dini sadakatin, dini uygulama ve bağlılıktan daha önemli olduğu gösterilmektedir.


  • Colucci, E., & Martin, G. (2008). Religion and spirituality along the suicidal path. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 38(2), 229-244.
  • Dervic, K., Oquendo, M. A., Grunebaum, M. F., Ellis, S., Burke, A. K., & Mann, J. J. (2004). Religious Affiliation and Suicide Attempt. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161(12), 2303–2308.
  • Durkheim, E. (1897). Suicide: A Study in Sociology. Routledge.
  • Eskin, M., Baydar, N., El-Nayal, M., Asad, N., Noor, I. M., Rezaeian, M., Abdel-Khalek, A. M., Al Buhairan, F., Harlak, H., Hamdan, M., Mechri, A., Isayeva, U., Khader, Y., Khan, A., Al Sayyari, A., Khader, A., Behzadi, B., Öztürk, C. Ş., Agha, H., … Khan, M. M. (2020). Associations of religiosity, attitudes towards suicide and religious coping with suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in 11 Muslim countries. Social Science & Medicine, 265, 113390.
  • Gearing, R. E., & Alonzo, D. (2018). Religion and Suicide: New Findings. Journal of Religion and Health, 57(6), 2478–2499.
  • Hsieh, N. (2017). A Global Perspective on Religious Participation and Suicide. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 58(3), 322–339.
  • Ineichen, B. (1998). The influence of religion on the suicide rate: Islam and Hinduism compared. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 1(1), 31–36.
  • Kranitz, L., Abrahams, J., Spiegel, D., & Keith-Speigel, P. (1968). Religious beliefs of suicidal patients. Psychological Reports, 22(3), 936.
  • Lawrence, R. E., Oquendo, M. A., & Stanley, B. (2016). Religion and Suicide Risk: A Systematic Review. Archives of Suicide Research, 20(1), 1–21.
  • Morselli, E. A. (1882). Suicide: An essay on comparative moral statistics. London: C. Kegan Paul & Co.
  • Pope, W., & Danigelis, N. (1981). Sociology’s “One Law”. Social Forces, 60(2), 495–516.
  • Sabriseilabi, S., & Williams, J. (2022). Dimensions of religion and attitudes toward euthanasia. Death Studies, 46(5), 1149–1156.
  • Shah, A., & Chandia, M. (2010). The relationship between suicide and Islam: A cross-national study. Journal of Injury & Violence Research, 2(2), 93–97.
  • Simpson, M. E., & Conklin, G. H. (1989). Socioeconomic Development, Suicide and Religion: A Test of Durkheim’s Theory of Religion and Suicide. Social Forces, 67(4), 945–964.
  • Sisask, M., Värnik, A., Kotildelves, K., Bertolote, J. M., Bolhari, J., Botega, N. J., Fleischmann, A., Vijayakumar, L., & Wasserman, D. (2010). Is Religiosity a Protective Factor Against Attempted Suicide: A Cross-Cultural Case-Control Study. Archives of Suicide Research, 14(1), 44–55.
  • Spoerri, A., Zwahlen, M., Bopp, M., Gutzwiller, F., Egger, M., & for the Swiss National Cohort Study. (2010). Religion and assisted and non-assisted suicide in Switzerland: National Cohort Study. International Journal of Epidemiology, 39(6), 1486–1494.
  • Stack, S. (1983). The Effect of Religious Commitment on Suicide: A Cross-National Analysis. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24(4), 362–374.
  • Stack, S. (2000). Suicide: A 15-Year Review of the Sociological Literature Part I: Cultural and Economic Factors. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 30(2), 145–162.
  • Stack, S., & Kposowa, A. J. (2011). Religion and Suicide Acceptability: A Cross-National Analysis. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 50(2), 289–306.
  • Stack, S., & Wasserman, I. (1992). The Effect of Religion on Suicide Ideology: An Analysis of the Networks Perspective. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 31(4), 457–466.
  • Stark, R. (1996). Religion as context: Hellfire and delinquency one more time. Sociology of religion, 57(2), 163-173.
  • World Health Organization. (2021). Suicide Worldwide in 2019: Global Health Estimates.
  • Torgler, B., & Schaltegger, C. (2014). Suicide and Religion: New Evidence on the Differences Between Protestantism and Catholicism. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 53(2), 316–340.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ekonomi, Sosyoloji
Bölüm Makaleler

İbrahim Kuran 0000-0002-4739-2828

Emre Özer 0000-0001-9407-5270

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 15 Eylül 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Ekim 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Şubat 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 88

Kaynak Göster

APA Kuran, İ., & Özer, E. (2023). THE RELATIONSHIP RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION AND SUICIDE: A STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AT THE GLOBAL LEVEL. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 22(88), 1506-1519.


Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.

ESBD Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu tarafından tescil edilmiştir. Marka No:2011/119849.