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Yıl 2021, , 20 - 28, 24.12.2021


Bu makalede germanyum izotopları için tek-A küresel ve deforme çekirdekler arasında izin verilen 𝛽± bozunmasının log(ft) değerleri incelenmiştir. Pyatov Metodu (PM) ve Şematik Model (SM)), parçacık-boşluk ve parçacık-parçacık kanallarındaki nükleonlar arasındaki şematik artık spin-izospin etkileşimi dahil olmak üzere GT şiddet dağılımları için kullanılmıştır. Parçacık-delik ve parçacık-parçacık etkileşim parametreleri sırasıyla X_ph^GT= 5.2 A^(0.7 ) MeV ve X_pp^GT= 0.58 A^(0.7 ) MeV ile hesaplanmıştır. Deforme olmuş Woods-Saxon potansiyeli, tek parçacık enerjilerinin ve dalga fonksiyonlarının hesaplanmasında kullanılmaktadır. Sonuçlar ayrıca, mümkün olan önceki deney değerleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır.

Destekleyen Kurum

Osmangazi Üniversitesi

Proje Numarası



  • [1] Taddeucci N., Goulding C.A., Carey T.A., Byrd R.C., Goodman C.D., Gaarde C., Larsen J., Horen D. ve Rapaport, J., The (p, n) reaction as a probe of beta decay strength. Nucl. Phys. A 1987, 469, 125-172.
  • [2] Anderson B.D., Tamimi N., Baldwin A.R., Eleasir M., Madey R., Manley D.M., Mostajabodda’vati M., Watson J.W., Zhang W.M., Foster C.C., Gamow–Teller strength in (p,n) reaction at 136 MeV on 20Ne, 24Mg and 28Si. Phys. Rev. C 1991, 43,1,50-58.
  • [3] El-Kateb S., Alford W.P., Abegg R., Azuma R.E., Brown, B.A., Celler A., Frekers D., Häusser, O., Helmer R., Henderson R.S., Hicks K.H., Jeppesen R., King J.D., Raywood K., Shute G.G., Spicer B.M., Trudel A., Vetterli M., Yen S., Spinisospin strength distributions for fp shell nuclei: results for the 55Mn(n,p), 56Fe(n,p), and 58Ni(n,p) reactions at 198 MeV. Phys. Rev. C1994, 49, 3128-3136.
  • [4] Fujita Y., Akimune H., Daito I., Fujimura H., Fujiwara M., Harakeh M.N., Inomata T., Jänecke, J., Katori K., Tamii A., Tanaka M., Ueno H., Yosoi M., Mirror-symmetry structure of A = 27, T= 1/2 nuclei studied through strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions. Phys. Rev. C 1999, 59, 90-100.
  • [5] Baumer C., Berg A.M. van den, Davids B., Frekers D., Frenne D. De, Grewe E.-W., Haefner P., Harakeh M.N., Hofmann F., Hunyadi M., Jacobs E., Junk B.C., Korff A., Langanke K., Martinez-Pinedo G., Negret A., Neumann-Cosel P. von, . Popescu L, Rakers S., Richter A., Wortche H.J., High-resolution study of the Gamow-Teller strength distribution in 51Ti measured through 51V(d, 2He)51Ti. Phys. Rev. C 2003, 68, 031303.
  • [6] Cole A.L., Akimune H., Austin Sam M., Bazin D., van den Berg A.M., Berg G.P.A., Brown J., Daito I., Fujita Y., Fujiwara M., Gupta S., Hara K., Harakeh M.N., Janecte J., Kawabata T., Nakamura T., Roberts D.A., Sherrill B.M., Steiner M., Ueno H., Zegers R.G.T., Measurement of the Gamow–Tellerstrength distribution in 58Co via the 58Ni (t, 3He) reaction at 115 MeV/nucleon. Phys. Rev. C 2006, 74, 034333.
  • [7] Rahman Muneeb Ur, The GT strength functions and associated weak decay rates in stellar matter, PhD thesis, GIK Enstitüsü Topi (KPK) Pakistan, 2007.
  • [8] Salamov D.I., Kucukbursa A., Maras I., Aygor H.A., Babacan T., Bircan H., Calculation of the log(ft) values for the allowed Gamow–Teller transitions in deformed nuclei using the basis of Woods–Saxon wave functions, Acta Phys. Slov 2003, 53, 307-319
  • [9] Cakmak S., Nabi, J.-U. Babacan T., Selam C., Study of Gamow– Teller transitions in isotopes of titanium within the quasi-particle random phase approximation, Astrophys. Space Sci.2014, 352, 645-663. [10] Salamov D.I. et al., Proceedings of Fifth Conference on Nuclear and Particle Physics (NUPPAC 05), vol. 361, Cairo, August 2006.
  • [11] Ikeda K.I., Collective Excitation of Unlike Pair States in Heavier Nuclei. Prog. Theor. Phys.1964, 31, 434-451.
  • [12] Cakmak, N., Unlu, S., Selam, C., Gamow–Teller 1+ states in 112–124Sb isotopes, Pramana J. Phys 2010, 75, 649–663.
  • [13] Selam, C., Babacan, T., Bircan, H., Aygor, H.A., Kucukbursa, A., Maras, I., The investigation of the log(ft) values for the allowed Gamow–Teller transitions of some deformed nuclei, Math. Comput. Appl. 2004, 9, 79–90.
  • [14] Babacan T., Salamov D.I., Kucukbursa A., Gamow–Teller 1+ states in 208Bi, Phys. Rev. C 2005, 71, 037303.
  • [15] Babacan T., Salamov D.I., Kucukbursa A., The investigation of the log(ft) values for the allowed Gamow–Teller transitions of some deformed nuclei, Math. Comput. Appl.2005, 10, 359-368.
  • [16] Junde H., Xiaolong H., J.K. Tuli, Nucl.Data Sheets 2005, 106, 159-250.
  • [17] Nesaraja C.D., Nuclear Data Sheets 2014, 115, 1-134.
  • [18] Abusaleem K., Singh B., Nuclear Data Sheets 2011, 112, 133-273.
  • [19] Negret A., Singh B., Nuclear Data Sheets 2013, 114, 841-1140.
  • [20] Singh B., Nica N., Nuclear Data Sheets 2012, 113, 1115-1314.
  • [21] Fuller G.M., Fowler W.A. and Newman M.J., Stellar weak-interaction rates for sd-shell nuclei. I. Nuclear matrix element systematics with application to 26Al and selected nuclei of importance to the supernova problem, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser.1980, 42, 447-473.
  • [22] Aufderheide M.B., Fushiki I., Woosley S.E., Stanford E. and Hartmann D.H., Search for important weak interaction nuclei in presupernova evolution, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 1994, 91, 389-417.
  • [23] Nabi J.-Un., Klapdor-Kleingrothaus H.V., Microscopic calculations of weak interaction rates of nuclei in stellar environment for A = 18 to 100, Eur. Phys. J. A 1999, 5, 337-339.
  • [24] Langanke K., Martínez-Pinedo G., Shell-model calculations of stellar weak interaction rates. II. Weak rates for nuclei in the mass range A = 45–65 in supernovae environments, Nucl. Phys. A 2000, 673, 481-508.


Yıl 2021, , 20 - 28, 24.12.2021


The log(ft) values of the allowed 𝛽± decay between odd-A spherical and deformed nuclei are studied for germanium isotopes in this paper. The Pyatov Method (PM) and the Schematic Model (SM)) are used to the GT strength distributions, including the schematic residual spin-isospin interaction between nucleons in the particle-hole and particle-particle channels. Particle-hole and particle-particle interaction parameters are calculated respectively with X_ph^GT= 5.2 A^(0.7 ) MeV and X_pp^GT= 0.58 A^(0.7 ) MeV. Deformed Woods-Saxon potential is used in calculations of single-particle energies and wave functions. The results are also compared with previous experiment values wherever available.

Proje Numarası



  • [1] Taddeucci N., Goulding C.A., Carey T.A., Byrd R.C., Goodman C.D., Gaarde C., Larsen J., Horen D. ve Rapaport, J., The (p, n) reaction as a probe of beta decay strength. Nucl. Phys. A 1987, 469, 125-172.
  • [2] Anderson B.D., Tamimi N., Baldwin A.R., Eleasir M., Madey R., Manley D.M., Mostajabodda’vati M., Watson J.W., Zhang W.M., Foster C.C., Gamow–Teller strength in (p,n) reaction at 136 MeV on 20Ne, 24Mg and 28Si. Phys. Rev. C 1991, 43,1,50-58.
  • [3] El-Kateb S., Alford W.P., Abegg R., Azuma R.E., Brown, B.A., Celler A., Frekers D., Häusser, O., Helmer R., Henderson R.S., Hicks K.H., Jeppesen R., King J.D., Raywood K., Shute G.G., Spicer B.M., Trudel A., Vetterli M., Yen S., Spinisospin strength distributions for fp shell nuclei: results for the 55Mn(n,p), 56Fe(n,p), and 58Ni(n,p) reactions at 198 MeV. Phys. Rev. C1994, 49, 3128-3136.
  • [4] Fujita Y., Akimune H., Daito I., Fujimura H., Fujiwara M., Harakeh M.N., Inomata T., Jänecke, J., Katori K., Tamii A., Tanaka M., Ueno H., Yosoi M., Mirror-symmetry structure of A = 27, T= 1/2 nuclei studied through strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions. Phys. Rev. C 1999, 59, 90-100.
  • [5] Baumer C., Berg A.M. van den, Davids B., Frekers D., Frenne D. De, Grewe E.-W., Haefner P., Harakeh M.N., Hofmann F., Hunyadi M., Jacobs E., Junk B.C., Korff A., Langanke K., Martinez-Pinedo G., Negret A., Neumann-Cosel P. von, . Popescu L, Rakers S., Richter A., Wortche H.J., High-resolution study of the Gamow-Teller strength distribution in 51Ti measured through 51V(d, 2He)51Ti. Phys. Rev. C 2003, 68, 031303.
  • [6] Cole A.L., Akimune H., Austin Sam M., Bazin D., van den Berg A.M., Berg G.P.A., Brown J., Daito I., Fujita Y., Fujiwara M., Gupta S., Hara K., Harakeh M.N., Janecte J., Kawabata T., Nakamura T., Roberts D.A., Sherrill B.M., Steiner M., Ueno H., Zegers R.G.T., Measurement of the Gamow–Tellerstrength distribution in 58Co via the 58Ni (t, 3He) reaction at 115 MeV/nucleon. Phys. Rev. C 2006, 74, 034333.
  • [7] Rahman Muneeb Ur, The GT strength functions and associated weak decay rates in stellar matter, PhD thesis, GIK Enstitüsü Topi (KPK) Pakistan, 2007.
  • [8] Salamov D.I., Kucukbursa A., Maras I., Aygor H.A., Babacan T., Bircan H., Calculation of the log(ft) values for the allowed Gamow–Teller transitions in deformed nuclei using the basis of Woods–Saxon wave functions, Acta Phys. Slov 2003, 53, 307-319
  • [9] Cakmak S., Nabi, J.-U. Babacan T., Selam C., Study of Gamow– Teller transitions in isotopes of titanium within the quasi-particle random phase approximation, Astrophys. Space Sci.2014, 352, 645-663. [10] Salamov D.I. et al., Proceedings of Fifth Conference on Nuclear and Particle Physics (NUPPAC 05), vol. 361, Cairo, August 2006.
  • [11] Ikeda K.I., Collective Excitation of Unlike Pair States in Heavier Nuclei. Prog. Theor. Phys.1964, 31, 434-451.
  • [12] Cakmak, N., Unlu, S., Selam, C., Gamow–Teller 1+ states in 112–124Sb isotopes, Pramana J. Phys 2010, 75, 649–663.
  • [13] Selam, C., Babacan, T., Bircan, H., Aygor, H.A., Kucukbursa, A., Maras, I., The investigation of the log(ft) values for the allowed Gamow–Teller transitions of some deformed nuclei, Math. Comput. Appl. 2004, 9, 79–90.
  • [14] Babacan T., Salamov D.I., Kucukbursa A., Gamow–Teller 1+ states in 208Bi, Phys. Rev. C 2005, 71, 037303.
  • [15] Babacan T., Salamov D.I., Kucukbursa A., The investigation of the log(ft) values for the allowed Gamow–Teller transitions of some deformed nuclei, Math. Comput. Appl.2005, 10, 359-368.
  • [16] Junde H., Xiaolong H., J.K. Tuli, Nucl.Data Sheets 2005, 106, 159-250.
  • [17] Nesaraja C.D., Nuclear Data Sheets 2014, 115, 1-134.
  • [18] Abusaleem K., Singh B., Nuclear Data Sheets 2011, 112, 133-273.
  • [19] Negret A., Singh B., Nuclear Data Sheets 2013, 114, 841-1140.
  • [20] Singh B., Nica N., Nuclear Data Sheets 2012, 113, 1115-1314.
  • [21] Fuller G.M., Fowler W.A. and Newman M.J., Stellar weak-interaction rates for sd-shell nuclei. I. Nuclear matrix element systematics with application to 26Al and selected nuclei of importance to the supernova problem, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser.1980, 42, 447-473.
  • [22] Aufderheide M.B., Fushiki I., Woosley S.E., Stanford E. and Hartmann D.H., Search for important weak interaction nuclei in presupernova evolution, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 1994, 91, 389-417.
  • [23] Nabi J.-Un., Klapdor-Kleingrothaus H.V., Microscopic calculations of weak interaction rates of nuclei in stellar environment for A = 18 to 100, Eur. Phys. J. A 1999, 5, 337-339.
  • [24] Langanke K., Martínez-Pinedo G., Shell-model calculations of stellar weak interaction rates. II. Weak rates for nuclei in the mass range A = 45–65 in supernovae environments, Nucl. Phys. A 2000, 673, 481-508.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Şadiye Çakmak 0000-0001-9256-0571

Proje Numarası 2018-2117
Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Çakmak, Ş. (2021). THE log(ft) VALUES IN SPHERICAL AND DEFORMED NUCLEI FOR SOME ODD-A GERMANIUM ISOTOPES. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler, 9(Iconat Special Issue 2021), 20-28.
AMA Çakmak Ş. THE log(ft) VALUES IN SPHERICAL AND DEFORMED NUCLEI FOR SOME ODD-A GERMANIUM ISOTOPES. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler. Aralık 2021;9(Iconat Special Issue 2021):20-28. doi:10.20290/estubtdb.1010127
Chicago Çakmak, Şadiye. “THE log(ft) VALUES IN SPHERICAL AND DEFORMED NUCLEI FOR SOME ODD-A GERMANIUM ISOTOPES”. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler 9, sy. Iconat Special Issue 2021 (Aralık 2021): 20-28.
EndNote Çakmak Ş (01 Aralık 2021) THE log(ft) VALUES IN SPHERICAL AND DEFORMED NUCLEI FOR SOME ODD-A GERMANIUM ISOTOPES. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler 9 Iconat Special Issue 2021 20–28.
IEEE Ş. Çakmak, “THE log(ft) VALUES IN SPHERICAL AND DEFORMED NUCLEI FOR SOME ODD-A GERMANIUM ISOTOPES”, Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler, c. 9, sy. Iconat Special Issue 2021, ss. 20–28, 2021, doi: 10.20290/estubtdb.1010127.
ISNAD Çakmak, Şadiye. “THE log(ft) VALUES IN SPHERICAL AND DEFORMED NUCLEI FOR SOME ODD-A GERMANIUM ISOTOPES”. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler 9/Iconat Special Issue 2021 (Aralık 2021), 20-28.
JAMA Çakmak Ş. THE log(ft) VALUES IN SPHERICAL AND DEFORMED NUCLEI FOR SOME ODD-A GERMANIUM ISOTOPES. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler. 2021;9:20–28.
MLA Çakmak, Şadiye. “THE log(ft) VALUES IN SPHERICAL AND DEFORMED NUCLEI FOR SOME ODD-A GERMANIUM ISOTOPES”. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler, c. 9, sy. Iconat Special Issue 2021, 2021, ss. 20-28, doi:10.20290/estubtdb.1010127.
Vancouver Çakmak Ş. THE log(ft) VALUES IN SPHERICAL AND DEFORMED NUCLEI FOR SOME ODD-A GERMANIUM ISOTOPES. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler. 2021;9(Iconat Special Issue 2021):20-8.