Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2021, , 130 - 137, 30.05.2021


Istanbul is a city of 16 million, accounting for almost a fifth of the population of Turkey, therefore providing quality drinking and use water is vital. To evaluate the results of drinking and city water analysis in Istanbul in 2017. This is a descriptive study using retrospective data. Inspection monitoring and control monitoring samples collected 748 monitoring points from 36 water plants around Istanbul in addition to Residual Chlorine measurement samples from 548 points. These samples were analyzed in Istanbul Public Health Reference Laboratories (HSL). Data analysis was carried in SPSS 21.0, statistical analysis were described as percentage, mean, standard deviation. Statistical significance was accepted as p<0.05 with a 95% confidence interval. Mean pH level in İstanbul’s drinking and usage water was 6.95±0.14 (min:6,62-max:7,28); mean Coliform Bacteria levels were 17.09±99.47 (min:0.00-622.00) /100 ml; mean conductivity was 376.22±78.52 (min: 282.06 max:613.73) μS/cm; mean Escherichia coli per. 3.13±18.98 (min:0,00-max:118.60); mean iron levels were 34.39±18.81 (min:6,79-max:103.70) μg/L. 90.2% of inspection monitoring samples, 96.9% of control monitoring samples, and 99.5% of residual chlorine analysis were at acceptable levels. Water quality analysis in Turkey is done by various organizations and multiple branches of government under national and international regulations. Monitoring and analysis procedures are independent of each other and currently, no integrated monitoring strategies are in place, although several actions on this front have started. An integrated system of data collection and analysis between all stakeholders is needed to increase time and workload efficiency in water quality evaluation.


  • 1. Canter LW, Knov RC, Fairchild DM. Groundwater Quality Protection, Lewis publishers Inc, London. 1987:257.
  • 2. Oparaocha ET, Iroegbu OC, Obi RK. Assessment of quality of drinking water sources in the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo state, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Biosciences. 2010;32:1964-76.
  • 3. Raut KS, Shinde SE, Pathan TS, Sonawane DI. Monthly variation of physicochemical parameters RavivarPeth Lake at Ambajogai Dist. Beed Marathwada Region, India. GJER. 2011;5(2):70-4.
  • 4. Anake WU, Ehi-Eromosele CO, Siyanbola TO, Edobor-Osoh A, Adeniyi IO, Taiwo OS. Physico-Chemical and Microbial Assessment of different Water Sources in Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. IJCR. 2013;5(7):1797-801.
  • 5. Oluyege JO, Olowomofe T, Abiodun OR. Microbial contamination of packaged drinking water in Ado-Ekiti Metropolis, South Western Nigeria. Am. J. Res. Commun. 2014;2(10):231-46.
  • 6. Izah SC, Srivastav AL. Level of arsenic in potable water sources in Nigeria and their potential health impacts: A review. J. Environ. Treat. Tech. 2015;3(1):15-24.
  • 7. Jimoh SO, Adesina AA. Incidence of Faecal Coliform in Well Water Obtained from Sabon-Gari Area, Osogbo. FUJNAS. 2012;1(1):49-54.
  • 8. Pritchard M, Makandawire T, O’Neill J. Biological, chemical and physical drinking water quality from shallow wells in Malawi: case study of Blantyre, Chiradzulu and Mulanje. Phys Chem Earth. 2007;32:1167-77.
  • 9. Rahmanian N, Ali SHB, Homayoonfard M, Ali NJ, Rehan M, Sadef Y, et al. Analysis of physicochemical parameters to evaluate the drinking water quality in the State of Perak, Malaysia. J Chem. 2015.
  • 10. Regulation on Water for Human Consumption (2005, 17 Şubat). Official newspaper (number: 25730). Available from: 2005/02/20050217-3.htm
  • 11. Istanbul Province Water Sanitation Program working procedures and principles in 2017 have been provided by Istanbul Provincial Health Dırectorate Environmental Health Department.
  • 12. Chinedu SN, Nwinyi OC, Oluwadamisi AY, Eze VN. Assessment of water quality in Canaanland, Ota, Southwest Nigeria. Agric. Biol J N Am. 2011;2(4):577-83.
  • 13. Moharana C, Chinmoy P, Nitin K. Potable water is a serious environmental issue: a special study on Umiam Area, of Ri-Bhoi District, Meghalaya, India. Int Res J Environment Sci. 2014;3(9):37-42.
  • 14. Fadaei A, Sadeghi M. Evaluation and assessment of drinking water quality in Shahrekord, Iran. Resources and Environment. 2014;4(3):168-172. doi:10.5923/
  • 15. Azaza FH, Ketata M, Bouhlila R, Gueddari M, Riberio L. Hydrogeochemical characteristics and assessment of drinking water quality in Zeuss–Koutine aquifer, southeastern Tunisia. Environ Monit Assess. 2011;174:283-98. doi:10.1007/s10661-010-1457-9.
  • 16. Shah MT, Ara J, Muhammad S, Khan S, Tariq S. Health risk assessment via surface water and sub-surface water consumption in the mafic and ultramafic terrain, Mohmand agency, northern Pakistan. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 2012;118:60-7.
  • 17. Mahmood W, Ismail AH, Shareef MA. Assessment of potable water quality in Balad city, Iraq. Materials Science and Engineering. 2019;518:1-10. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/518/2/022002.
  • 18. Bağdatlı MC, Kalıpcı E, İpek GG. Bilecik. Evaluation of Osmaneli district drinking and potable water in terms of quality parameters with Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Nevşehir Journal Science and Technology. 2017;6(ICAFOF 2017 Special Issue):149-62.
  • 19. Çavuş A, Atıcı AA, Şen F. Van - Investigation of water quality criteria of central drinking water. Yyu J Agr Sci. 2017;27(3):326-36.
  • 20. Heibati M, Stedmon CA, Strenroth K, Rauch S, Toljander J, Söderbergh MS, et al. Assessment of drinking water quality at the tap using fluorescence spectroscopy. Water Research. 2017 doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2017.08.020.
  • 21. Öziron K, Özdaoğan N. Investigation of trihalomethane formation in drinking water sources, European Journal of Science and Technology. 2019;17:776-85.
  • 22. Dedekayoğulları H, Önal A. Importance of water and water analysis in terms of environment-human health relationship. J Ist Faculty Med. 2009;72(2):65-70.
  • 23. Yardımumar Eren M, Sarıkaya HZ. A study on the iron-manganese problem in Istanbul water treatment plants. Journal of Water Pollution Control. 2002;12(2):17-23.


Yıl 2021, , 130 - 137, 30.05.2021


İstanbul, Türkiye nüfusunun yaklaşık beşte birini oluşturan 16 milyonluk bir şehirdir, bu nedenle kaliteli içme ve kullanma suyu sağlamak hayati önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada İstanbul ilindeki 2017 yılı içme kullanma sularının analiz sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma retrospektif verilerin kullanıldığı tanımlayıcı bir çalışmadır. İstanbul ilinde 36 noktada bulunan şebekelerden belirlenen 748 izleme noktasından Kontrol İzlem ve Denetim İzlem numunesi, 548 izleme noktasından Bakiye Klor Ölçümü numunesi alınarak, bir tanesi Anadolu yakasında iki tanesi Avrupa yakasında olmak üzere İstanbul Halk Sağlığı 1-2-3 No’lu Referans Laboratuvarlarında (HSL) analizleri yapılmaktadır. Veriler SPSS 21.0 paket programı ile değerlendirilmiş, istatistiksel analizlerde yüzde, aritmetik ortalama, standart sapma kullanılarak yorumlanmıştır. İstatistiklerde %95 güven aralığı ve anlamlılık düzeyi p<0,05 olarak kabul edilmiştir. Araştırmada İstanbul ilindeki içme kullanma sularındaki ph değeri ortalaması 6,95±0,15 (min: 6,62-maks: 7,28); Koliform bakteri değeri ortalaması 17,09±99,47 (min:0,00-622,00) /100 ml; iletkenlik değeri ortalaması 376,22±78,52 (min: 282,06- maks:613,73) μS/cm; Escherichia coli miktarı ortalaması 3,13±18,98 (min:0,00-maks:118,60); demir miktarı ortalaması 34,38±18,81 (min: 6,79-maks: 103,70) μg/L olarak saptanmıştır. Araştırmada yapılan denetim izlem sonuçlarının %90,2’si, kontrol izlemlerinin %96,9’u ve bakiye klor ölçümlerinin %99,5’u uygun saptanmıştır. Ülkemizde su kalitesi izleme çalışmaları, çeşitli kurum ve kuruluşlar tarafından ulusal ve uluslararası sorumluluklar kapsamında yürütülmektedir. Çalışmalar birbirinden bağımsız olup, henüz entegre bir kirlilik izleme stratejisi uygulanmamaktadır. Bu konuda ortak paydaşlar ile çeşitli çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Su kalitesi izleme çalışmalarını yürüten kurum ve kuruluşlar ile birbirine entegre ortak bir veri tabanı oluşturularak yapılan çalışmaların sonuçları paylaşıldığı takdirde zaman ve insan gücü kaybının da önüne geçilmiş olacaktır.


  • 1. Canter LW, Knov RC, Fairchild DM. Groundwater Quality Protection, Lewis publishers Inc, London. 1987:257.
  • 2. Oparaocha ET, Iroegbu OC, Obi RK. Assessment of quality of drinking water sources in the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo state, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Biosciences. 2010;32:1964-76.
  • 3. Raut KS, Shinde SE, Pathan TS, Sonawane DI. Monthly variation of physicochemical parameters RavivarPeth Lake at Ambajogai Dist. Beed Marathwada Region, India. GJER. 2011;5(2):70-4.
  • 4. Anake WU, Ehi-Eromosele CO, Siyanbola TO, Edobor-Osoh A, Adeniyi IO, Taiwo OS. Physico-Chemical and Microbial Assessment of different Water Sources in Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. IJCR. 2013;5(7):1797-801.
  • 5. Oluyege JO, Olowomofe T, Abiodun OR. Microbial contamination of packaged drinking water in Ado-Ekiti Metropolis, South Western Nigeria. Am. J. Res. Commun. 2014;2(10):231-46.
  • 6. Izah SC, Srivastav AL. Level of arsenic in potable water sources in Nigeria and their potential health impacts: A review. J. Environ. Treat. Tech. 2015;3(1):15-24.
  • 7. Jimoh SO, Adesina AA. Incidence of Faecal Coliform in Well Water Obtained from Sabon-Gari Area, Osogbo. FUJNAS. 2012;1(1):49-54.
  • 8. Pritchard M, Makandawire T, O’Neill J. Biological, chemical and physical drinking water quality from shallow wells in Malawi: case study of Blantyre, Chiradzulu and Mulanje. Phys Chem Earth. 2007;32:1167-77.
  • 9. Rahmanian N, Ali SHB, Homayoonfard M, Ali NJ, Rehan M, Sadef Y, et al. Analysis of physicochemical parameters to evaluate the drinking water quality in the State of Perak, Malaysia. J Chem. 2015.
  • 10. Regulation on Water for Human Consumption (2005, 17 Şubat). Official newspaper (number: 25730). Available from: 2005/02/20050217-3.htm
  • 11. Istanbul Province Water Sanitation Program working procedures and principles in 2017 have been provided by Istanbul Provincial Health Dırectorate Environmental Health Department.
  • 12. Chinedu SN, Nwinyi OC, Oluwadamisi AY, Eze VN. Assessment of water quality in Canaanland, Ota, Southwest Nigeria. Agric. Biol J N Am. 2011;2(4):577-83.
  • 13. Moharana C, Chinmoy P, Nitin K. Potable water is a serious environmental issue: a special study on Umiam Area, of Ri-Bhoi District, Meghalaya, India. Int Res J Environment Sci. 2014;3(9):37-42.
  • 14. Fadaei A, Sadeghi M. Evaluation and assessment of drinking water quality in Shahrekord, Iran. Resources and Environment. 2014;4(3):168-172. doi:10.5923/
  • 15. Azaza FH, Ketata M, Bouhlila R, Gueddari M, Riberio L. Hydrogeochemical characteristics and assessment of drinking water quality in Zeuss–Koutine aquifer, southeastern Tunisia. Environ Monit Assess. 2011;174:283-98. doi:10.1007/s10661-010-1457-9.
  • 16. Shah MT, Ara J, Muhammad S, Khan S, Tariq S. Health risk assessment via surface water and sub-surface water consumption in the mafic and ultramafic terrain, Mohmand agency, northern Pakistan. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 2012;118:60-7.
  • 17. Mahmood W, Ismail AH, Shareef MA. Assessment of potable water quality in Balad city, Iraq. Materials Science and Engineering. 2019;518:1-10. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/518/2/022002.
  • 18. Bağdatlı MC, Kalıpcı E, İpek GG. Bilecik. Evaluation of Osmaneli district drinking and potable water in terms of quality parameters with Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Nevşehir Journal Science and Technology. 2017;6(ICAFOF 2017 Special Issue):149-62.
  • 19. Çavuş A, Atıcı AA, Şen F. Van - Investigation of water quality criteria of central drinking water. Yyu J Agr Sci. 2017;27(3):326-36.
  • 20. Heibati M, Stedmon CA, Strenroth K, Rauch S, Toljander J, Söderbergh MS, et al. Assessment of drinking water quality at the tap using fluorescence spectroscopy. Water Research. 2017 doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2017.08.020.
  • 21. Öziron K, Özdaoğan N. Investigation of trihalomethane formation in drinking water sources, European Journal of Science and Technology. 2019;17:776-85.
  • 22. Dedekayoğulları H, Önal A. Importance of water and water analysis in terms of environment-human health relationship. J Ist Faculty Med. 2009;72(2):65-70.
  • 23. Yardımumar Eren M, Sarıkaya HZ. A study on the iron-manganese problem in Istanbul water treatment plants. Journal of Water Pollution Control. 2002;12(2):17-23.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Halk Sağlığı, Çevre Sağlığı
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Abdullah Emre Güner 0000-0001-8624-4468

Ayşe Emel Önal 0000-0001-8321-6517

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Mayıs 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Ocak 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Güner AE, Önal AE. İSTANBUL İLİ 2017 YILI İÇME VE KULLANMA SULARININ DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. ESTÜDAM Halk Sağlığı Dergisi. 2021;6(2):130-7.

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