Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2014, , 59 - 72, 15.04.2014



  • Akgun, S. (2004). Ilkogretim sekizinci sinifta ogrenim gormekte olan roman cocuklarin bir ust ogrenime devam etmelerini etkileyen faktorler (Antalya Zeytinkoy Ornegi). Yayinlanmamis yuksek lisans tezi. Konya: Selcuk Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu.
  • Akkan, B. E., Deniz, M. B. ve Ertan, M. (2011). Sosyal dislanmanin roman halleri. Istanbul: Punto Baski Cozumleri.
  • Aspy, C. B., Oman, R. F., Vesely, S. K., McLeroy, K., Rodine, S., and Marshall, L. (2004). Adolescent violence: The protective effects of youth assets. Journal of Counseling and Development, 82, 269-277.
  • Askin, U. (2011). Kuresellesme surecinde Turkiye’de yasayan romanlarin sosyo-ekonomik durumlari ve beklentileri: Izmir Ili orneginde bir alan arastirmasi. Yayinlanmamis doktora tezi. Ankara: Ankara Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu.
  • Aylar, E. (2006). Gorki toplulugu uzerine bir arastirma. Egitimde Kalite Yaklasimlari Dersi. Ankara: Ankara Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Enstitusu.
  • Bayraktar Akkaya, O. (2011). Cingeneler: "Baska bir dunyanin insanlari". Global Media Journal. 1 (2), 121-136.
  • Bedmar, V. L. and Leon, N. T. (2012). Lifelong learning of gypsy women in Spain. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 3119-3123.
  • Cigez, A. S. and Lopez, R. G. (1999). Gypsy children's schooling and intercultural attitudes in Spain. European Journal of Intercultural Studies, 10 (2), 207-217.
  • Cozma,T., Cucos, C., and Momanu, M. (2000). The education of Roma children in Romania: description, difficulties, solutions. Intercultural Education, 11 (3), 281-288.
  • Cagdas, A. ve Secer, Z. (2011). Anne-baba egitimi. Ankara: Egiten Kitap.
  • Dominguez, S. P. (1999). Teachers' attitudes about the integration of Roma: The case of Spain. Intercultural Education, 10 (2), 219-231.
  • Enache, R. (2012). Educational intervention for a group of socially disadvantaged pre-schoolers from Constanta, Romania. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 4995-4999.
  • Erdeniz, G. (2005). Risk altindaki cocuklar egitim atolyesi-I. Istanbul. Retrieved on 11.10.2010, from
  • Eren, Z. C. (2008). Imagining and positioning gypsiness a case study of gypsy/roma from Izmir, Tepecik. Unpublished thesis. Ankara: Middle East Technical University. (12.28.2013).
  • Fraser, N and Honneth, A. (2003). Redistribution or recognition?: A political-philosophical exchange. Translated by Joel Golb, James Ingram and Christiane Wilke. London: Verso.
  • Gokcen, S. ve Oney, S. (2008). “Turkiye’de Romanlar ve Milliyetcilik”, Ebru Uzpeder, Savelina Danova/Roussinova, Sevgi Ozcelik ve Sinan Gokcen (Eds.). Biz Buradayiz! Turkiye’de Romanlar, Ayrimci Uygulamalar ve Hak Mucadelesi. Istanbul: Mart Matbaacilik.
  • Karabacak, N. (2013). “Turk Egitim Sisteminde suc sorunu ve sucun psiko-sosyal boyutlari”. 5. Uluslararasi Risk Altinda ve Korunmasi Gereken Cocuklar Sempozyumu, Antalya: Bildiri Ozet Kitabi.
  • Kaplan, B., Isik Caliskan, Z., Gurbuz, D., Goktas, N., ve Ozdil, K. (2013). Nevsehir Il Merkezinde suca suruklenen ve suc magduru olan cocuklara genel bir bakis. 5. Uluslararasi Risk Altinda ve Korunmasi Gereken Cocuklar Sempozyumu, Antalya: Bildiri Ozet Kitabi.
  • Koptekin, D. (2013). Roman cocuklarin kendi kimliklerini tanimlama bicimleri: Izmir Tepecik Ornegi. Yayinlanmamis yuksek lisans tezi. Izmir: Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Enstitusu.
  • Kuguoglu, I. (2013). “Suc isleyen cocuklarin algilamasina gore toplumdaki sosyal kurumlarin suca yonelmede etkililik duzeyi”. 5. Uluslararasi Risk Altinda ve Korunmasi Gereken Cocuklar Sempozyumu, Antalya: Bildiri Ozet Kitabi.
  • Kyuchukov, H. (2000). Transformative education for Roma (Gypsy) children: an insider's view. Intercultural Education, 11(3), 273-280.
  • Lovrich, N., Thomas, A., and Marshall, W. (2013). “Insights from the history of U.S. Efforts to legislate, adjudicate and enforce protections against child abuse”. 5. Uluslararasi Risk Altinda ve Korunmasi Gereken Cocuklar Sempozyumu, Antalya: Bildiri Ozet Kitabi.
  • McDonald, C. (1999). Roma in the Romanian Educational System: Barriers and leaps of faith. European Journal of Intercultural Studies, 10 (2), 183-200.
  • MEB, (2013). 0-36 Ay cocuklari icin egitim programi ile butunlestirilmis aile destek egitim rehberi (Ebader), Egitimci kitabi, Ankara.
  • Ozdemir, S., Sezgin, F., Sirin, H., Karip, E. ve Erkan, S. (2010). Ilkogretim okulu ogrencilerinin okul iklimine iliskin algilarini yordayan degiskenlerin incelenmesi. Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 38, 213-224.
  • Ozkan, A. R. (2013). Turkiye cingeneleri. (05.27.2013).
  • Smith, T. (1997). Recognising Difference: the Romani 'Gypsy' child socialization and education process. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 18 (2), 243-256.
  • Suntekin, C. (2008). Roman cocuklarin gozuyle ailelerin islevselligi: Tarlabasi Ornegi. Yayinlanmamis yuksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Hacettepe Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu.
  • Sahinli, K. (2013). “Familial factors affecting entrainment child crime”. 5. Uluslararasi Risk Altinda ve Korunmasi Gereken Cocuklar Sempozyumu, Antalya: Bildiri Ozet Kitabi.
  • Trentin, R., Monaci, M. G., De Lume, and Zanon, O. (2006). Scholastic integration of gypsies in Italy teachers’ attitudes and experience. School Psychology International, 27 (1), 79-103.
  • Ugurlu, O. (2013). Donusen kentlerde Cingene olmak: Izmit ornegi. Mulkiye Dergisi. 37 (1), 71-104.
  • UNICEF, (2009). Retrieved on 11.10.2009, from /pc/ge17.html
  • UNICEF, (2012). Kent ortamlarinda Roman cocuklar. Retrieved on 07.12.2012, from
  • Yildirim, A. ve Simsek, H. (2006). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Arastirma Yontemleri. (Altinci Baski). Ankara: Seckin Yayinevi.
  • Yilmaz, H. (2007). Sevgili Anne ve Babacigim, Lutfen Bu Kitabi Okur musunuz!. (27. Baski). Konya: Cizgi Kitabevi.

A Study on the Mothers of Roma Children Who Are a Risk Group

Yıl 2014, , 59 - 72, 15.04.2014


This study aims to define Roma mothers’ views regarding their children’s education and their tendency towards crime. The study is based on an illustrative case study method. The participants of this study are mothers of Roma children between the ages of 4 and 6 who live in Konya, Turkey—more specifically in the Yenimahalle neighborhood in the town of Karatay—and who do not attend any preschool programs. As a data collection tool, a questionnaire prepared by the researchers is employed, while in data analysis, descriptive analysis is used. The Roma mothers articulated that they want their children to have education and jobs; that they do not want their children to suffer in the same way they did; that the Roma culture prevents children’s education and therefore the mothers prefer to send their children to private schools, boarding schools or to schools far away from their neighborhoods by taking school buses; that they want their children to be judges, lawyers, nurses and teachers. The mothers stated that they meet the basic needs of their children; that they watch TV together and/or do housework together with their children. They also said that when their children commit a crime, they beat their children; they get angry with them and scold and/or complain to their fathers. They finally added that they can take measures for the children’s not committing a crime by talking to the children or by scolding them. Additionally, Roma mothers state that by taking the case to the fathers they can prevent their children from committing crimes.


  • Akgun, S. (2004). Ilkogretim sekizinci sinifta ogrenim gormekte olan roman cocuklarin bir ust ogrenime devam etmelerini etkileyen faktorler (Antalya Zeytinkoy Ornegi). Yayinlanmamis yuksek lisans tezi. Konya: Selcuk Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu.
  • Akkan, B. E., Deniz, M. B. ve Ertan, M. (2011). Sosyal dislanmanin roman halleri. Istanbul: Punto Baski Cozumleri.
  • Aspy, C. B., Oman, R. F., Vesely, S. K., McLeroy, K., Rodine, S., and Marshall, L. (2004). Adolescent violence: The protective effects of youth assets. Journal of Counseling and Development, 82, 269-277.
  • Askin, U. (2011). Kuresellesme surecinde Turkiye’de yasayan romanlarin sosyo-ekonomik durumlari ve beklentileri: Izmir Ili orneginde bir alan arastirmasi. Yayinlanmamis doktora tezi. Ankara: Ankara Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu.
  • Aylar, E. (2006). Gorki toplulugu uzerine bir arastirma. Egitimde Kalite Yaklasimlari Dersi. Ankara: Ankara Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Enstitusu.
  • Bayraktar Akkaya, O. (2011). Cingeneler: "Baska bir dunyanin insanlari". Global Media Journal. 1 (2), 121-136.
  • Bedmar, V. L. and Leon, N. T. (2012). Lifelong learning of gypsy women in Spain. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 3119-3123.
  • Cigez, A. S. and Lopez, R. G. (1999). Gypsy children's schooling and intercultural attitudes in Spain. European Journal of Intercultural Studies, 10 (2), 207-217.
  • Cozma,T., Cucos, C., and Momanu, M. (2000). The education of Roma children in Romania: description, difficulties, solutions. Intercultural Education, 11 (3), 281-288.
  • Cagdas, A. ve Secer, Z. (2011). Anne-baba egitimi. Ankara: Egiten Kitap.
  • Dominguez, S. P. (1999). Teachers' attitudes about the integration of Roma: The case of Spain. Intercultural Education, 10 (2), 219-231.
  • Enache, R. (2012). Educational intervention for a group of socially disadvantaged pre-schoolers from Constanta, Romania. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 4995-4999.
  • Erdeniz, G. (2005). Risk altindaki cocuklar egitim atolyesi-I. Istanbul. Retrieved on 11.10.2010, from
  • Eren, Z. C. (2008). Imagining and positioning gypsiness a case study of gypsy/roma from Izmir, Tepecik. Unpublished thesis. Ankara: Middle East Technical University. (12.28.2013).
  • Fraser, N and Honneth, A. (2003). Redistribution or recognition?: A political-philosophical exchange. Translated by Joel Golb, James Ingram and Christiane Wilke. London: Verso.
  • Gokcen, S. ve Oney, S. (2008). “Turkiye’de Romanlar ve Milliyetcilik”, Ebru Uzpeder, Savelina Danova/Roussinova, Sevgi Ozcelik ve Sinan Gokcen (Eds.). Biz Buradayiz! Turkiye’de Romanlar, Ayrimci Uygulamalar ve Hak Mucadelesi. Istanbul: Mart Matbaacilik.
  • Karabacak, N. (2013). “Turk Egitim Sisteminde suc sorunu ve sucun psiko-sosyal boyutlari”. 5. Uluslararasi Risk Altinda ve Korunmasi Gereken Cocuklar Sempozyumu, Antalya: Bildiri Ozet Kitabi.
  • Kaplan, B., Isik Caliskan, Z., Gurbuz, D., Goktas, N., ve Ozdil, K. (2013). Nevsehir Il Merkezinde suca suruklenen ve suc magduru olan cocuklara genel bir bakis. 5. Uluslararasi Risk Altinda ve Korunmasi Gereken Cocuklar Sempozyumu, Antalya: Bildiri Ozet Kitabi.
  • Koptekin, D. (2013). Roman cocuklarin kendi kimliklerini tanimlama bicimleri: Izmir Tepecik Ornegi. Yayinlanmamis yuksek lisans tezi. Izmir: Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Enstitusu.
  • Kuguoglu, I. (2013). “Suc isleyen cocuklarin algilamasina gore toplumdaki sosyal kurumlarin suca yonelmede etkililik duzeyi”. 5. Uluslararasi Risk Altinda ve Korunmasi Gereken Cocuklar Sempozyumu, Antalya: Bildiri Ozet Kitabi.
  • Kyuchukov, H. (2000). Transformative education for Roma (Gypsy) children: an insider's view. Intercultural Education, 11(3), 273-280.
  • Lovrich, N., Thomas, A., and Marshall, W. (2013). “Insights from the history of U.S. Efforts to legislate, adjudicate and enforce protections against child abuse”. 5. Uluslararasi Risk Altinda ve Korunmasi Gereken Cocuklar Sempozyumu, Antalya: Bildiri Ozet Kitabi.
  • McDonald, C. (1999). Roma in the Romanian Educational System: Barriers and leaps of faith. European Journal of Intercultural Studies, 10 (2), 183-200.
  • MEB, (2013). 0-36 Ay cocuklari icin egitim programi ile butunlestirilmis aile destek egitim rehberi (Ebader), Egitimci kitabi, Ankara.
  • Ozdemir, S., Sezgin, F., Sirin, H., Karip, E. ve Erkan, S. (2010). Ilkogretim okulu ogrencilerinin okul iklimine iliskin algilarini yordayan degiskenlerin incelenmesi. Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 38, 213-224.
  • Ozkan, A. R. (2013). Turkiye cingeneleri. (05.27.2013).
  • Smith, T. (1997). Recognising Difference: the Romani 'Gypsy' child socialization and education process. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 18 (2), 243-256.
  • Suntekin, C. (2008). Roman cocuklarin gozuyle ailelerin islevselligi: Tarlabasi Ornegi. Yayinlanmamis yuksek lisans tezi. Ankara: Hacettepe Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu.
  • Sahinli, K. (2013). “Familial factors affecting entrainment child crime”. 5. Uluslararasi Risk Altinda ve Korunmasi Gereken Cocuklar Sempozyumu, Antalya: Bildiri Ozet Kitabi.
  • Trentin, R., Monaci, M. G., De Lume, and Zanon, O. (2006). Scholastic integration of gypsies in Italy teachers’ attitudes and experience. School Psychology International, 27 (1), 79-103.
  • Ugurlu, O. (2013). Donusen kentlerde Cingene olmak: Izmit ornegi. Mulkiye Dergisi. 37 (1), 71-104.
  • UNICEF, (2009). Retrieved on 11.10.2009, from /pc/ge17.html
  • UNICEF, (2012). Kent ortamlarinda Roman cocuklar. Retrieved on 07.12.2012, from
  • Yildirim, A. ve Simsek, H. (2006). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Arastirma Yontemleri. (Altinci Baski). Ankara: Seckin Yayinevi.
  • Yilmaz, H. (2007). Sevgili Anne ve Babacigim, Lutfen Bu Kitabi Okur musunuz!. (27. Baski). Konya: Cizgi Kitabevi.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Diğer ID JA23AJ75KV
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Maide Orcan Bu kişi benim

Canan Yildiz Cicekler Bu kişi benim

Ramazan Ari Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Nisan 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014

Kaynak Göster

APA Orcan, M., Cicekler, C. Y., & Ari, R. (2014). A Study on the Mothers of Roma Children Who Are a Risk Group. European Journal of Educational Research, 3(2), 59-72.
AMA Orcan M, Cicekler CY, Ari R. A Study on the Mothers of Roma Children Who Are a Risk Group. eujer. Nisan 2014;3(2):59-72. doi:10.12973/eu-jer.3.2.59
Chicago Orcan, Maide, Canan Yildiz Cicekler, ve Ramazan Ari. “A Study on the Mothers of Roma Children Who Are a Risk Group”. European Journal of Educational Research 3, sy. 2 (Nisan 2014): 59-72.
EndNote Orcan M, Cicekler CY, Ari R (01 Nisan 2014) A Study on the Mothers of Roma Children Who Are a Risk Group. European Journal of Educational Research 3 2 59–72.
IEEE M. Orcan, C. Y. Cicekler, ve R. Ari, “A Study on the Mothers of Roma Children Who Are a Risk Group”, eujer, c. 3, sy. 2, ss. 59–72, 2014, doi: 10.12973/eu-jer.3.2.59.
ISNAD Orcan, Maide vd. “A Study on the Mothers of Roma Children Who Are a Risk Group”. European Journal of Educational Research 3/2 (Nisan 2014), 59-72.
JAMA Orcan M, Cicekler CY, Ari R. A Study on the Mothers of Roma Children Who Are a Risk Group. eujer. 2014;3:59–72.
MLA Orcan, Maide vd. “A Study on the Mothers of Roma Children Who Are a Risk Group”. European Journal of Educational Research, c. 3, sy. 2, 2014, ss. 59-72, doi:10.12973/eu-jer.3.2.59.
Vancouver Orcan M, Cicekler CY, Ari R. A Study on the Mothers of Roma Children Who Are a Risk Group. eujer. 2014;3(2):59-72.