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Problems of Gifted and Talented Students Regarding Cursive Handwriting: Parent Opinions

Yıl 2018, , 295 - 301, 15.04.2018


We are living in an age where knowledge is
rapidly produced and consumed. In this period, the future of the individual and
the society depends on accessing, using and producing information. This
situation requires a qualified education and first literacy teaching which is
the foundation of it. Primary school is the foundation of everything; likewise,
the first literacy learning is the foundation of learning (Gunes, Uysal and
Tac, 2016). First literacy is to create a new communication and interaction
channel for the individual by teaching the symbols of humankind that it created
in ten thousand years. Education performs a great miracle by making a
seven-year old child comprehend this script that humankind developed in ten
thousand years within a seven- or eight-month period (Guleryuz, 2001). It is
desired for and expected of the children who start the first grade in primary
school at the level of illiteracy to reach the level of basic literacy with
qualified first literacy education under the supervision of an effective
program, equipped teacher (Sagirli, 2015). Education in cursive handwriting in
our country has started in Ataturk era. Ataturk demonstrated examples of the
New Turkish Latin Letters on the blackboard with the cursive handwriting.
Elderly and young people of the generation of Ataturk era have learned the
cursive handwriting very well and used for many years. Many documents of that
period such as diplomas, identity cards, registry of deeds etc. have been
prepared with cursive handwriting in a clear, cursive and aesthetic form
(Gunes, 2006). In our country, it has been decided to start the first literacy
education with the cursive handwriting under the scope of the 2004 draft
program. For nearly thirteen years, our students are becoming literate with
cursive handwriting. There are many studies in literature that examine the
opinions of teachers, students, and parents about the cursive handwriting. The
aim of the concerned study is to express the view from the perspective of the
parents of the gifted and talented students on the practice of cursive
handwriting in first literacy education. Within the scope of the research,
interviews were conducted with the parents of the gifted and talented students
and their opinions were taken about starting the first literacy with the
practice of the cursive handwriting. All of the parents are the parents of
gifted and talented children who are attending primary school. The data
collected during the 2016-2017 academic year have been obtained by face-to-face
interviews. The answers of the parents are recorded and then reported.
Screening model is used in the study that is designed by content analysis. The
research is a qualitative study. Recommendations are brought at the end of the


  • Afat, N. (2017). Ustun Zekâli ve Ozel Yetenekli Bireylerin Egitiminde Destek Egitim Odalarinin Incelenmesi [Examination of Resourse Rooms in the Training of Gifted and Talented Individuals]. Researcher: Social Science Studies, 5(9), 294-303
  • Altintas, E., & Ilgun, S. (2016). Ogretmenlerin Ustun Zekali Ogrencilerin Egitimine Yonelik Dusunce ve Onerileri [The Ideas and Suggestions of Teachers About Education of Gifted Students]. Turkish Studies, 11(14), 895-914. Doi number: 10.7827/TurkishStudies.9901
  • Bas, O. (2015). Ilkokuma ve yazma ogretiminde ustun zekali ve yetenekli cocuklarin durumu [The situation of the supreme intelligence and talented children in the teaching of reading and writing]. In O.  Yilar (Ed.). Ilkokuma ve Yazma Ogretimi [Reading and Writing Teaching] (pp. 285-297). Ankara: Pegem..
  • Bilim ve Sanat Merkezleri Yonergesi [Science and Art Centers Instructions] (2009). Retrieved from
  • Cigerci, C. Z. (2006). Ustun yetenekli olan ve olmayan ergenlerde benlik saygisi, baskalarinin algilamasi ve psikolojik belirtiler arasindaki iliskiler: Fen lisesi ve duz lise karsilastirmasi [Relationships between self-esteem and perceptions and psychological manifestations of adolescents with and without talented faculty: The comparison between high school and high school]. Unpublished Master's Thesis,  Sakarya University.
  • Clark, B. (2015). Ustun Zekali Olarak Buyumek Evde ve Okulda Cocuklarin Potansiyellerini Gelistirmek (Improving the Potential of Children at Home and in School by Buying Intelligent Intelligence). (Eighth Edition, F. Kaya & U. Ogurlu Trans. Ed.) Ankara: Nobel.
  • Davis, G. A. (2014). Ustun Yetenekli Cocuklar ve Egitimi Ogretmenler ve Ebeveynler Icin El Kitabi (Skilled Children and Education Teachers and Parents Handbook). (M. Isik Koc Trans.) Istanbul: Ozgur.
  • Ekmekci, V. (2015). Elestirel Yazma [Critical Writing]. In A. Karaduz (Ed.). Elestirel Dil Becerileri Kuram ve Uygulama [Critical Language Skills Theory and Practice] (pp. 173-190). Ankara: Pegem.
  • Faragher, S. (2014). Understanding Assessment in Primary Education. Los Angeles, LA: SAGE.
  • Goodnough, K. (2001). Enhancing professional knowledge: A case study of an elementary teacher. Canadian Journal of Education, 26(2), 218-236.
  • Guleryuz, H. (2001). Turkce Programlandirilmis Ilkokuma Yazma Ogretimi [Programmed Reading and Writing]. Ankara: Pegem.
  • Gunes, F. (2006). Nicin Bitisik Egik Yazi? (Why cursive handwriting?). MEB Bilim ve Aklin Aydinliginda Egitim Dergisi [MEB Science and Intelligence in Education Journal], 71 (1), 17-19.
  • Gunes, F., Uysal, H., & Tac, I. (2016). Ilkokuma Yazma Ogretimi Sureci: Ogretmenim Bana Okuma Yazmayi Ogretir Misin? [The Process of Early Reading and Writing: My Teacher, Can You Teach Me How to Read and Write?]. Egitim Kuram ve Uygulama Arastirmalari Dergisi (Journal of Educational Theory and Practice Research), 2(2): 23-33.
  • Gur, C. (2011). Ustun yetenekli cocuklarin karsilastigi sosyal ve duygusal problemler ve bu problemlerin cozumune iliskin oneriler: Arkadas edinme sorunu, alay edilme, anksiyete-endiseler ve asiri mukemmeliyetcilik uzerine bir calisma [Social and emotional comparison of superior children's children problems and problems related to these problem solutions: the question from friendship, submission, anxiety-indexes and a study on excellent excellence], 2nd International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 27-29 April 2011, Antalya, Turkey.
  • Kadioglu Ates, H. (2016). Ses Temelli Cumle Yontemine Gore Ilkogretim Birinci Sinif Ogrencilerinin Yazma Hizi [The Writing Speed of First Graders’ Students According to Phonetic Based Sentences Construction Method]. Eurasian Academy of Sciences Social Sciences Journal, 8, 188‐199.
  • Kadioglu Ates, H. (2015). Ilkokul Birinci Sinif Ogrencilerinin Bitisik Egik Yazilarinin Yazma Ozelliklerinin Iliskileri Acisindan Incelenmesi [Examination of the relationship of writing features of primary class students’ cursive handwriting]. Akademik Sosyal Arastirmalar Dergisi (The Journal of Academic Social Science), 3 (17), 200-219.
  • Kadioglu Ates, H., & Kadioglu, S. (2017). Turkiye’de 2005-2015 Yillari Arasinda Ilk Okuma Yazma Alaninda Yapilan Lisansustu Calismalarin Degerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of the postgraduate studies on teaching reading and writing in the first grade of elementary school in Turkey between 2005 and 2015].  Akademik Sosyal Arastirmalar Dergisi (The Journal of Academic Social Science), 5(39), 301-318.
  • Marianetti, G. (2016). Literacy Strategies to Challenge Advanced Readers. Unpublished Master's Theses, The College at Brockport, State University of New York, USA.
  • Ogurlu, U., Sevgi Yalin, H., & Yavuz Birben, F. (2015). Ustun Yetenekli Cocuklarin Mukemmeliyetcilik Ozelliklerinin Aile Tutumu Ile Iliskisi [The relationship between perfectionism of gifted students and parental attitude], Turkish Studies, 10(7), 751-764. doi number: 10.7827/TurkishStudies.8314
  • Oznacar, M. D., & Bildiren, A. (2016). Ustun Zekali Ogrencilerin Egitimi ve Egitsel  Bilim Etkinlikleri [Gifted and Talented Students' Education and Educational Science Activities]. (2. Edition) Ankara: Ani.
  • Robinson, A., Shore, B. M., & Enersen, D. L. (2014). Ustun Zekalilar Egitiminde En Iyi Uygulamalar Kanit Temelli Bir Kilavuz (Best Practices in the Training of Intelligent Intelligence A Guide Based on Evidence). Uzeyir OGURLU & Fatih KAYA (Ceviri editorleri) (Translated edits). Ankara: Nobel.
  • Sagirli, M. (2015). Ilkokuma Yazma Ogretiminin Onemi, Amaci ve Birinci Sinif Ogretmenligi (Advancement of Primary Reading Writing Teaching, Elementary and First Class Teaching) Omer Yilar (Editor) Ilkokuma ve Yazma Ogretimi (First Reading Writing) in 1-30. Ankara: Pegem.
  • Potur, O. (2016). Elestirel Okuryazarlik [Critical literacy]. In A. KARADUZ (Ed.). Elestirel dil Becerileri Kuram ve Uygulama [Theory and Practice of Critical Language Skills]  (pp.35-65). Ankara: Pegem.
  • Troxclair, D. A. (2013). Preservice teacher attitudes towards giftedness. Roeper Review, 5(1), 58–64. Doi: 10.1080/02783193.2013.740603
  • Ummanel, A. & Gurkan, T. (2017). Okul Oncesi Ogretmen Adaylarinin Ozel Egitimle Ilgili Bazi Kavramlara Yonelik Goruslerinin Incelenmesi [An examination of preschool teacher candidates’ opinions on some concepts regarding special education]. Turkish Studies, 12(17), 477-500.  doi: 10.7827/TurkishStudies.11975
  • Webb, J.,  Gore, J. L., Amend, E. R. & DeVries, A. R. (2016). Ustun Yetenekli Cocuklar Uzmanlar ve Aileler Icin El Kitabi [Handicapped Children for Experts and Families]. (B. Uyaroglu & B. Bulbun Akti, Trans.) Ankara: Ani.
  • Yilar, R. (2015). Ses Temelli Cumle Yontemi ile Ilkokuma ve Yazma Ogretimi [First Reading and Writing Teaching with Sound Based Cumle Method]. In O. Yilar (Ed.).  Ilkokuma ve Yazma Ogretimi [First Reading Writing] (pp. 183-186). Ankara: Pegem.
Yıl 2018, , 295 - 301, 15.04.2018



  • Afat, N. (2017). Ustun Zekâli ve Ozel Yetenekli Bireylerin Egitiminde Destek Egitim Odalarinin Incelenmesi [Examination of Resourse Rooms in the Training of Gifted and Talented Individuals]. Researcher: Social Science Studies, 5(9), 294-303
  • Altintas, E., & Ilgun, S. (2016). Ogretmenlerin Ustun Zekali Ogrencilerin Egitimine Yonelik Dusunce ve Onerileri [The Ideas and Suggestions of Teachers About Education of Gifted Students]. Turkish Studies, 11(14), 895-914. Doi number: 10.7827/TurkishStudies.9901
  • Bas, O. (2015). Ilkokuma ve yazma ogretiminde ustun zekali ve yetenekli cocuklarin durumu [The situation of the supreme intelligence and talented children in the teaching of reading and writing]. In O.  Yilar (Ed.). Ilkokuma ve Yazma Ogretimi [Reading and Writing Teaching] (pp. 285-297). Ankara: Pegem..
  • Bilim ve Sanat Merkezleri Yonergesi [Science and Art Centers Instructions] (2009). Retrieved from
  • Cigerci, C. Z. (2006). Ustun yetenekli olan ve olmayan ergenlerde benlik saygisi, baskalarinin algilamasi ve psikolojik belirtiler arasindaki iliskiler: Fen lisesi ve duz lise karsilastirmasi [Relationships between self-esteem and perceptions and psychological manifestations of adolescents with and without talented faculty: The comparison between high school and high school]. Unpublished Master's Thesis,  Sakarya University.
  • Clark, B. (2015). Ustun Zekali Olarak Buyumek Evde ve Okulda Cocuklarin Potansiyellerini Gelistirmek (Improving the Potential of Children at Home and in School by Buying Intelligent Intelligence). (Eighth Edition, F. Kaya & U. Ogurlu Trans. Ed.) Ankara: Nobel.
  • Davis, G. A. (2014). Ustun Yetenekli Cocuklar ve Egitimi Ogretmenler ve Ebeveynler Icin El Kitabi (Skilled Children and Education Teachers and Parents Handbook). (M. Isik Koc Trans.) Istanbul: Ozgur.
  • Ekmekci, V. (2015). Elestirel Yazma [Critical Writing]. In A. Karaduz (Ed.). Elestirel Dil Becerileri Kuram ve Uygulama [Critical Language Skills Theory and Practice] (pp. 173-190). Ankara: Pegem.
  • Faragher, S. (2014). Understanding Assessment in Primary Education. Los Angeles, LA: SAGE.
  • Goodnough, K. (2001). Enhancing professional knowledge: A case study of an elementary teacher. Canadian Journal of Education, 26(2), 218-236.
  • Guleryuz, H. (2001). Turkce Programlandirilmis Ilkokuma Yazma Ogretimi [Programmed Reading and Writing]. Ankara: Pegem.
  • Gunes, F. (2006). Nicin Bitisik Egik Yazi? (Why cursive handwriting?). MEB Bilim ve Aklin Aydinliginda Egitim Dergisi [MEB Science and Intelligence in Education Journal], 71 (1), 17-19.
  • Gunes, F., Uysal, H., & Tac, I. (2016). Ilkokuma Yazma Ogretimi Sureci: Ogretmenim Bana Okuma Yazmayi Ogretir Misin? [The Process of Early Reading and Writing: My Teacher, Can You Teach Me How to Read and Write?]. Egitim Kuram ve Uygulama Arastirmalari Dergisi (Journal of Educational Theory and Practice Research), 2(2): 23-33.
  • Gur, C. (2011). Ustun yetenekli cocuklarin karsilastigi sosyal ve duygusal problemler ve bu problemlerin cozumune iliskin oneriler: Arkadas edinme sorunu, alay edilme, anksiyete-endiseler ve asiri mukemmeliyetcilik uzerine bir calisma [Social and emotional comparison of superior children's children problems and problems related to these problem solutions: the question from friendship, submission, anxiety-indexes and a study on excellent excellence], 2nd International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 27-29 April 2011, Antalya, Turkey.
  • Kadioglu Ates, H. (2016). Ses Temelli Cumle Yontemine Gore Ilkogretim Birinci Sinif Ogrencilerinin Yazma Hizi [The Writing Speed of First Graders’ Students According to Phonetic Based Sentences Construction Method]. Eurasian Academy of Sciences Social Sciences Journal, 8, 188‐199.
  • Kadioglu Ates, H. (2015). Ilkokul Birinci Sinif Ogrencilerinin Bitisik Egik Yazilarinin Yazma Ozelliklerinin Iliskileri Acisindan Incelenmesi [Examination of the relationship of writing features of primary class students’ cursive handwriting]. Akademik Sosyal Arastirmalar Dergisi (The Journal of Academic Social Science), 3 (17), 200-219.
  • Kadioglu Ates, H., & Kadioglu, S. (2017). Turkiye’de 2005-2015 Yillari Arasinda Ilk Okuma Yazma Alaninda Yapilan Lisansustu Calismalarin Degerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of the postgraduate studies on teaching reading and writing in the first grade of elementary school in Turkey between 2005 and 2015].  Akademik Sosyal Arastirmalar Dergisi (The Journal of Academic Social Science), 5(39), 301-318.
  • Marianetti, G. (2016). Literacy Strategies to Challenge Advanced Readers. Unpublished Master's Theses, The College at Brockport, State University of New York, USA.
  • Ogurlu, U., Sevgi Yalin, H., & Yavuz Birben, F. (2015). Ustun Yetenekli Cocuklarin Mukemmeliyetcilik Ozelliklerinin Aile Tutumu Ile Iliskisi [The relationship between perfectionism of gifted students and parental attitude], Turkish Studies, 10(7), 751-764. doi number: 10.7827/TurkishStudies.8314
  • Oznacar, M. D., & Bildiren, A. (2016). Ustun Zekali Ogrencilerin Egitimi ve Egitsel  Bilim Etkinlikleri [Gifted and Talented Students' Education and Educational Science Activities]. (2. Edition) Ankara: Ani.
  • Robinson, A., Shore, B. M., & Enersen, D. L. (2014). Ustun Zekalilar Egitiminde En Iyi Uygulamalar Kanit Temelli Bir Kilavuz (Best Practices in the Training of Intelligent Intelligence A Guide Based on Evidence). Uzeyir OGURLU & Fatih KAYA (Ceviri editorleri) (Translated edits). Ankara: Nobel.
  • Sagirli, M. (2015). Ilkokuma Yazma Ogretiminin Onemi, Amaci ve Birinci Sinif Ogretmenligi (Advancement of Primary Reading Writing Teaching, Elementary and First Class Teaching) Omer Yilar (Editor) Ilkokuma ve Yazma Ogretimi (First Reading Writing) in 1-30. Ankara: Pegem.
  • Potur, O. (2016). Elestirel Okuryazarlik [Critical literacy]. In A. KARADUZ (Ed.). Elestirel dil Becerileri Kuram ve Uygulama [Theory and Practice of Critical Language Skills]  (pp.35-65). Ankara: Pegem.
  • Troxclair, D. A. (2013). Preservice teacher attitudes towards giftedness. Roeper Review, 5(1), 58–64. Doi: 10.1080/02783193.2013.740603
  • Ummanel, A. & Gurkan, T. (2017). Okul Oncesi Ogretmen Adaylarinin Ozel Egitimle Ilgili Bazi Kavramlara Yonelik Goruslerinin Incelenmesi [An examination of preschool teacher candidates’ opinions on some concepts regarding special education]. Turkish Studies, 12(17), 477-500.  doi: 10.7827/TurkishStudies.11975
  • Webb, J.,  Gore, J. L., Amend, E. R. & DeVries, A. R. (2016). Ustun Yetenekli Cocuklar Uzmanlar ve Aileler Icin El Kitabi [Handicapped Children for Experts and Families]. (B. Uyaroglu & B. Bulbun Akti, Trans.) Ankara: Ani.
  • Yilar, R. (2015). Ses Temelli Cumle Yontemi ile Ilkokuma ve Yazma Ogretimi [First Reading and Writing Teaching with Sound Based Cumle Method]. In O. Yilar (Ed.).  Ilkokuma ve Yazma Ogretimi [First Reading Writing] (pp. 183-186). Ankara: Pegem.
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Hatice Kadioglu Ates

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Nisan 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Kadioglu Ates, H. (2018). Problems of Gifted and Talented Students Regarding Cursive Handwriting: Parent Opinions. European Journal of Educational Research, 7(2), 295-301.
AMA Kadioglu Ates H. Problems of Gifted and Talented Students Regarding Cursive Handwriting: Parent Opinions. eujer. Nisan 2018;7(2):295-301. doi:10.12973/eu-jer.7.2.295
Chicago Kadioglu Ates, Hatice. “Problems of Gifted and Talented Students Regarding Cursive Handwriting: Parent Opinions”. European Journal of Educational Research 7, sy. 2 (Nisan 2018): 295-301.
EndNote Kadioglu Ates H (01 Nisan 2018) Problems of Gifted and Talented Students Regarding Cursive Handwriting: Parent Opinions. European Journal of Educational Research 7 2 295–301.
IEEE H. Kadioglu Ates, “Problems of Gifted and Talented Students Regarding Cursive Handwriting: Parent Opinions”, eujer, c. 7, sy. 2, ss. 295–301, 2018, doi: 10.12973/eu-jer.7.2.295.
ISNAD Kadioglu Ates, Hatice. “Problems of Gifted and Talented Students Regarding Cursive Handwriting: Parent Opinions”. European Journal of Educational Research 7/2 (Nisan 2018), 295-301.
JAMA Kadioglu Ates H. Problems of Gifted and Talented Students Regarding Cursive Handwriting: Parent Opinions. eujer. 2018;7:295–301.
MLA Kadioglu Ates, Hatice. “Problems of Gifted and Talented Students Regarding Cursive Handwriting: Parent Opinions”. European Journal of Educational Research, c. 7, sy. 2, 2018, ss. 295-01, doi:10.12973/eu-jer.7.2.295.
Vancouver Kadioglu Ates H. Problems of Gifted and Talented Students Regarding Cursive Handwriting: Parent Opinions. eujer. 2018;7(2):295-301.