Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 31 Sayı: 2, 191 - 197, 11.08.2022
Aysun Ekşioğlu
Yeşim Yeşil
Esın Turfan
Bu çalışma ile ebelik öğrencilerinin hastanelerde bebek dostu uygulamalara yönelik düşünce ve deneyimlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma tanımlayıcı özellikte olup, Mayıs- Haziran 2019 tarihleri arasında uygulanmış, 255 öğrenci katılmıştır. Araştırma verileri, anket formu kullanılarak yüz yüze görüşme yöntemiyle toplanmıştır. Analizde tanımlayıcı istatistikler ve ki-kare analizi kullanılmıştır. Öğrencilerin %70’i uygulama yaptığı kurumun bebek dostu olduğunu bilmektedir. Öğrencilerin % 55.3’ü emzirme danışmanlığı konusunda kendisini yeterli hissetmektedir. Bebek dostu hastane girişimi ve on adım ilkesi konusunda yaklaşık %20’si; mama kodu konusunda ise %62.4’ü zayıf bilgi düzeyine sahiptir. Araştırmamızın sonuçları, gerek öğrencilerin bebek dostu uygulamalar konusunda eğitim yoluyla giderilebilecek eksikliklerinin belirlenmesi, gerekse de klinikte var olan aksaklıklara ışık tutması bakımından yararlı olmuştur. Sağlık alanında öğrenim gören öğrencilerin bebek dostu hastanelerde staj yapması ve bu uygulamaların içinde olması, emzirme dostu uygulamaları benimsemeleri açısından son derece önemli bir fırsat dönemidir.
Araştırmaya katılarak destek veren ve görüşlerini paylaşan tüm öğrencilere teşekkür ederiz.
- 1. Hansen K. Breastfeeding: a smart investment in people and in economies. The Lancet 2016; 387(10017): 416.
- 2. Schmied V, Gribble K, Sheehan A, et al. Ten steps climbing a mountain: a study of Australian health professionals' perceptions of implementing the baby-friendly health initiative to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. BMC Health Serv Res 2011; 11(1): 1-10.
- 3. Vasquez MJ, Berg OR. The Baby-Friendly journey in a US public hospital. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs 2012; 26(1): 37-46.
- 4. World Health Organization. Baby-friendly hospital initiative training course form aternity staff: trainer's guide. 2020. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/333676/9789240008892-eng.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y; Erişim Tarihi: 01.03.2021
- 5. World Health Organization. “Protecting, promoting and supporting breast-feeding: the special role of maternity services”. A joint WHO/UNICEF statement. Geneva.1989. (http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstre am/10665/39679/1/9241561300.pdf; Erişim Tarihi: 7.03.2020.
- 6. Çaylan N, Kılıç M, Tetik BK, ve ark. Türkiye'de Emzirmenin Teşviki ve Bebek Dostu Sağlık Kuruluşları: Programı Geliştirmek İçin Sistematik Bir Yaklaşım. Ankara Med J 2019; 19(1): 32-40.
- 7. T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı. Bebek dostu sağlık kuruluşları. Ankara: Genelge no: 2003/60, 2003.
- 8. American Academy of Pediatrics (APA). Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk. Pediatrics 2012; 129 (2): 827-841.
- 9. Smith J. Health Professional Knowledge of Breastfeeding. J Hum Lact 2009; 25 (3): 350- 358.
- 10. Bernaix L. Nurses’ attitudes, subjective norms, and behavioral intentions to ward support of breastfeeding mothers. J Hum Lact 2000; 16:201-209.
- 11. Britton C, Mc Cormick FM, Renfrew MJ, et al. Support for breastfeeding mothers. Cochrane Rev 2007;(3):1-40.
- 12. Ola Olorun F, Lawoyin TO. Health workers’ support for breast feeding in Ibadan, Nigeria. J Hum Lact 2006; 22:188-194.
- 13. Chrzan-Dętkoś M, Walczak-Kozłowska T, Pietkiewicz A, et al. Improvement of the breast feeding self-efficacy and postpartum mental health after lactation consultations–Observational study. Midwifery 2021; 94: 102905.
- 14. Camera M, Mascolo MR. Le competenze infermieristiche e ostetriche. [The nursing and mid wifery skills] Libreria Universitaria, Milano, 2012.
- 15. Dodgson JE, Tarrant M. Outcomes of a breast feding educational intervention for baccalaureate nursing students. Nurse Educ Today 2007; 27(8): 856-867.
- 16. Khriesat W, Kassab M, Bawady H, et al. Breast feding attitudes and knowledge among sixth year medical students in Jordan. Jordan Med J 2014; 171(3272): 1-13.
- 17. Reddin E, Pincombe J, Darbyshire P. Passiveresistance: Early experiences of mid wifery students/graduates and the Baby Friendly Health Initiative 10 steps to successful breast feeding. Women and Birth 2007; 20(2): 71-76.
- 18. Thorley V. The Tenth Step of the BFHI: What midwives need to know about optimal support for mothers, post-discharge. Midwifery 2015; 31(9): 829-833.
- 19. Kang NM, Song Y, Im EO. Korean university students’ knowledge and attitudes to ward breastfeeding: a questionnaire survey. Int J Nurs Stud 2005; 42(8): 863-870.
- 20. Angell C, Taylor AM. Alien knowledge: Preparing student midwives for learning about infant feeding—Education practice at a UK university. Nurse Educ Today 2013; 33(11): 1411-1415.
- 21. Darwent KL, Kempenaar LE. A comparison of breastfeeding women's, peer supporters' and student midwives' breastfeeding knowledge and attitudes. Nurse Educ Prac 2014; 14(3): 319-325.
- 22. Pekcan S, Karaoğlu N, Durduran Y ve ark. Mesleki Eğitim Sürecince Tıp Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Anne Sütü ve Bebek Dostu Hastane Bilgi Düzeyi. Selçuk Med J 2015;31(2): 57-61.
- 23. Cantrill RD, Creedy DK, Cooke M. How midwives learn about breastfeeding. Aust J Midwifery 2003;16(3):24-30.
- 24. Hellings P, Howe C. Breastfeeding knowledge and practice of pediatric nurse practitioners. J Pediatr Health Care 2004; 18(1): 8-14.
- 25. Durduran Y, Bodur S. İntörnlerin anne sütü ve bebek dostu hastane uygulaması ile ilgili bilgi ve farkındalık durumu. S.D.Ü. Tıp Fak. Derg 2013;20(1):23-26.
- 26. Onkolo SN, Ogbonna C. Knowledge, attitude and practice of health workers in Keffi local government hospitals regarding Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) practice. Eur J Clin Nutr 2002; 56:438-41.
- 27. Namutebi J, Nakanwagi H, Naluyima L, et al. Midwives’ Knowledge of Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative In Uganda. The Practising Midwife 2018; 25-29. Available at: https://ecommons.aku.edu/eastafrica_fhs_sonam/175
- 28. Yılmazbaş P, Keskindemirci G, Özbörü Ö, et al. A wareness and Attitudes of Health Workers About Breast feding and Baby Friendly Hospital Practices. Türkiye Klinikleri J Pediatr 2020; 29(3): 153-8.
- 29. Pound C, Ward N, Freuchet M, et al. Hospitalstaff'sperceptionswithregardstothebaby-friendly initiative. J Hum Lact 2016;32(4):648-57.
- 30. Lange G, Kennedy HP. Student perceptions of ideal and actual midwifery practice. J Midwifery Women's Health 2006; 51(2): 71-77.
- 31. Koç G, Şentürk-Erenel A, Eroğlu K. Üniversite Son Sınıf Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinin Eğitimleri Süresince Emzirme Konusunda Edindikleri Bilgi ve Deneyimler. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi 2018; 5(2):138-151.
- 32. Bosi ATB, Çoban T, Cebeci KG. Intern Hekimlerin Anne Sütü ve Emzirme Bilgi Durumlarının İncelenmesi. Sağlık ve Toplum 2020;30 (2): 140-147.
- 33. Kakrani VA, Rathod HK, Mammulwar MS, et al. Awareness about “Ten Steps for Successful Breastfeeding” among medical and nursing students. Int J Prev Med 2015;6: 40.
- 34. Lopes SDS, Laignier MR, Primo CC, et al. Baby-friendly hospital initiative: evaluation of the ten steps to successful breastfeeding. Rev Paul Pediatr 2013; 31(4): 488-493.
- 35. Esbati A, Taylor J, Henderson A, et al. Perspectives about the baby-friendly hospital/health initiative in Australia: an online survey. Int Breastfeed J 2020; 15: 1-15.
Yıl 2022,
Cilt: 31 Sayı: 2, 191 - 197, 11.08.2022
Aysun Ekşioğlu
Yeşim Yeşil
Esın Turfan
In this study, it was aimed to determine midwifery students’ thoughts and experiences of baby-friendly practices in hospitals. The study is descriptive and was implemented between May-June 2019, and 255 students participated. The study data were collected with the face-to-face interview method using the data collection tool to question the participating midwifery students’ characteristics and their views on baby-friendly practices. Descriptive statistics and Chi-Square analysis were used in data analysis. Of the students, 70% knew that the institution they performed their practices was baby-friendly. Of them, 55.3% thought that they were competent enough at providing breastfeeding counseling. Approximately 20% of students have poor knowledge about the baby-friendly hospital and the ten-step principle, and 62.4% about the formula code. The results of our study contributed to the determination of the student's deficiencies in baby-friendly practices that could be eliminated through education and shed light on the problems in the clinic. Healthcare students’ doing internships in baby-friendly hospitals and being involved in baby-friendly interventions provide an extremely important opportunity for them to adopt breastfeeding-friendly practices.
- 1. Hansen K. Breastfeeding: a smart investment in people and in economies. The Lancet 2016; 387(10017): 416.
- 2. Schmied V, Gribble K, Sheehan A, et al. Ten steps climbing a mountain: a study of Australian health professionals' perceptions of implementing the baby-friendly health initiative to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. BMC Health Serv Res 2011; 11(1): 1-10.
- 3. Vasquez MJ, Berg OR. The Baby-Friendly journey in a US public hospital. J Perinat Neonatal Nurs 2012; 26(1): 37-46.
- 4. World Health Organization. Baby-friendly hospital initiative training course form aternity staff: trainer's guide. 2020. https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/333676/9789240008892-eng.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y; Erişim Tarihi: 01.03.2021
- 5. World Health Organization. “Protecting, promoting and supporting breast-feeding: the special role of maternity services”. A joint WHO/UNICEF statement. Geneva.1989. (http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstre am/10665/39679/1/9241561300.pdf; Erişim Tarihi: 7.03.2020.
- 6. Çaylan N, Kılıç M, Tetik BK, ve ark. Türkiye'de Emzirmenin Teşviki ve Bebek Dostu Sağlık Kuruluşları: Programı Geliştirmek İçin Sistematik Bir Yaklaşım. Ankara Med J 2019; 19(1): 32-40.
- 7. T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı. Bebek dostu sağlık kuruluşları. Ankara: Genelge no: 2003/60, 2003.
- 8. American Academy of Pediatrics (APA). Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk. Pediatrics 2012; 129 (2): 827-841.
- 9. Smith J. Health Professional Knowledge of Breastfeeding. J Hum Lact 2009; 25 (3): 350- 358.
- 10. Bernaix L. Nurses’ attitudes, subjective norms, and behavioral intentions to ward support of breastfeeding mothers. J Hum Lact 2000; 16:201-209.
- 11. Britton C, Mc Cormick FM, Renfrew MJ, et al. Support for breastfeeding mothers. Cochrane Rev 2007;(3):1-40.
- 12. Ola Olorun F, Lawoyin TO. Health workers’ support for breast feeding in Ibadan, Nigeria. J Hum Lact 2006; 22:188-194.
- 13. Chrzan-Dętkoś M, Walczak-Kozłowska T, Pietkiewicz A, et al. Improvement of the breast feeding self-efficacy and postpartum mental health after lactation consultations–Observational study. Midwifery 2021; 94: 102905.
- 14. Camera M, Mascolo MR. Le competenze infermieristiche e ostetriche. [The nursing and mid wifery skills] Libreria Universitaria, Milano, 2012.
- 15. Dodgson JE, Tarrant M. Outcomes of a breast feding educational intervention for baccalaureate nursing students. Nurse Educ Today 2007; 27(8): 856-867.
- 16. Khriesat W, Kassab M, Bawady H, et al. Breast feding attitudes and knowledge among sixth year medical students in Jordan. Jordan Med J 2014; 171(3272): 1-13.
- 17. Reddin E, Pincombe J, Darbyshire P. Passiveresistance: Early experiences of mid wifery students/graduates and the Baby Friendly Health Initiative 10 steps to successful breast feeding. Women and Birth 2007; 20(2): 71-76.
- 18. Thorley V. The Tenth Step of the BFHI: What midwives need to know about optimal support for mothers, post-discharge. Midwifery 2015; 31(9): 829-833.
- 19. Kang NM, Song Y, Im EO. Korean university students’ knowledge and attitudes to ward breastfeeding: a questionnaire survey. Int J Nurs Stud 2005; 42(8): 863-870.
- 20. Angell C, Taylor AM. Alien knowledge: Preparing student midwives for learning about infant feeding—Education practice at a UK university. Nurse Educ Today 2013; 33(11): 1411-1415.
- 21. Darwent KL, Kempenaar LE. A comparison of breastfeeding women's, peer supporters' and student midwives' breastfeeding knowledge and attitudes. Nurse Educ Prac 2014; 14(3): 319-325.
- 22. Pekcan S, Karaoğlu N, Durduran Y ve ark. Mesleki Eğitim Sürecince Tıp Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Anne Sütü ve Bebek Dostu Hastane Bilgi Düzeyi. Selçuk Med J 2015;31(2): 57-61.
- 23. Cantrill RD, Creedy DK, Cooke M. How midwives learn about breastfeeding. Aust J Midwifery 2003;16(3):24-30.
- 24. Hellings P, Howe C. Breastfeeding knowledge and practice of pediatric nurse practitioners. J Pediatr Health Care 2004; 18(1): 8-14.
- 25. Durduran Y, Bodur S. İntörnlerin anne sütü ve bebek dostu hastane uygulaması ile ilgili bilgi ve farkındalık durumu. S.D.Ü. Tıp Fak. Derg 2013;20(1):23-26.
- 26. Onkolo SN, Ogbonna C. Knowledge, attitude and practice of health workers in Keffi local government hospitals regarding Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) practice. Eur J Clin Nutr 2002; 56:438-41.
- 27. Namutebi J, Nakanwagi H, Naluyima L, et al. Midwives’ Knowledge of Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative In Uganda. The Practising Midwife 2018; 25-29. Available at: https://ecommons.aku.edu/eastafrica_fhs_sonam/175
- 28. Yılmazbaş P, Keskindemirci G, Özbörü Ö, et al. A wareness and Attitudes of Health Workers About Breast feding and Baby Friendly Hospital Practices. Türkiye Klinikleri J Pediatr 2020; 29(3): 153-8.
- 29. Pound C, Ward N, Freuchet M, et al. Hospitalstaff'sperceptionswithregardstothebaby-friendly initiative. J Hum Lact 2016;32(4):648-57.
- 30. Lange G, Kennedy HP. Student perceptions of ideal and actual midwifery practice. J Midwifery Women's Health 2006; 51(2): 71-77.
- 31. Koç G, Şentürk-Erenel A, Eroğlu K. Üniversite Son Sınıf Hemşirelik Öğrencilerinin Eğitimleri Süresince Emzirme Konusunda Edindikleri Bilgi ve Deneyimler. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi 2018; 5(2):138-151.
- 32. Bosi ATB, Çoban T, Cebeci KG. Intern Hekimlerin Anne Sütü ve Emzirme Bilgi Durumlarının İncelenmesi. Sağlık ve Toplum 2020;30 (2): 140-147.
- 33. Kakrani VA, Rathod HK, Mammulwar MS, et al. Awareness about “Ten Steps for Successful Breastfeeding” among medical and nursing students. Int J Prev Med 2015;6: 40.
- 34. Lopes SDS, Laignier MR, Primo CC, et al. Baby-friendly hospital initiative: evaluation of the ten steps to successful breastfeeding. Rev Paul Pediatr 2013; 31(4): 488-493.
- 35. Esbati A, Taylor J, Henderson A, et al. Perspectives about the baby-friendly hospital/health initiative in Australia: an online survey. Int Breastfeed J 2020; 15: 1-15.