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Ankara ve civar vilayetleri tavuklarında bulduğumuz helmintler üzerinde araştırmalar

Yıl 1960, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 37 - 44, 01.03.1960


Paraziter hastalıklarla mücadelede başarı sağlamak, evvel§. canlılarda
yaşıyan parazitlerin tesbiti, biyolojilerinin aydınlatılması, muhitle
olan münasebetlerinin tetkiki ve nihayet profilaktik ve terapötik
tedbirlere müracaat etmekle mümkün olur.
Sayısı 25 milyonu aşan ve memleketimiz iktisadiyatında günden
güne ehemmiyeti artan kümes hayvanlarında, paraziter fona henüz
tam manasile tesbit edilmiş olmadığından bu mevzuda bir araştırma
yapmayı gayeye hizmet eder ümidile faydalı bulduk.


  • Akpın a r, A. c. (1952) Worlds polutry Sci. Jour. 9 (9) 252- 254.
  • Alien, R. W., Wehr, E. E . (1942) Ohio S ta te Med. Journal, 9 (2) , 72 - 73 .
  • Anon (1945) Agr. E xp Station, 1942- 1944, 105- 107.
  • Barboni (1937) Clinica· Veterina ria, 60, 5!://'.
  • Barger, E . H . and Card L . E . (1944) U . S. armed Forces Institute, Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Baudet, E . A. R. F . (1929) Ferd. Enke. Stuttgart.
  • Belding, D. L . (1952) Textbook of Clinical Parasitology. Appleton- Centry Crofts, !ne. New York.
  • Bisbocci , G. (1938) Nouva Ercola ni, 43, 29.0- 314, 319 - 326.
  • Borlwwska, Trippenbach, BJ. u. H . Szwepjkowski (1950) Proc. II. Meeting Polish P a rasitol. Soc. held in Pulawy 10- ll. VI. 1950, s. 137.
  • Cameron , T. W. M. (1951) The parasites of Domestic Animals. A. 8. C. Black, London
  • Cram, E. B. and Jones, M. F. (1929) The North American Vet. 10 (2), 49 - 51.
  • Cram , B. Eloise (1936) U . S. D. A. Techn;ca l Fulletin No. 516.
  • Enigk. K. (1935 ) Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Tierheil, 69, 6. Heft 410- 438.
  • K (1936) Arch. Tierheilkd., 70, 439 - 448.
  • K. (1947) Dtsch. Tierarztl. Wschr., 1947, 86- 89.
  • K. (1953) Dtsch. Tierarztl. Wschr., 1953, 131- 132.
  • Ergün, H .. Merdivenci, A. (1953) Türk. Vet. Hek. Der . Dergisi J . 23, 80- 81.
  • Frenzen, K. (1955) Zeits chr. f . Parasitenkd. 17, 93- 105.
  • Grassi. B. U . G. Rovelli (1889) Zbl. I . Orig .. 5, 370- 377, 401 - 410.
  • Gu tberlet, J. F . (1916) Tra nsact. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 35, 23 - 44.
  • Guthrie, J . E., Harwond, P . D. (1842) Journa l of P a rasitology 28 (6), 24-25.
  • Ha ll, J. W., Wehr, E . E. (1953) Farmers Bulletin No. 1659. U. S. D . A,
  • Harwood, P . D., Guth:rie, .J. E .. (1944) Parasitol. Vol. 30. No. 3, 143 - 152.
  • Hungerford, T. G. (1955) The Austr. Vet. Jour. Vol. 31, No. ll, 275.
  • Jones. M. (1930) J . Parasitol. 16, 158.
  • M. (1931) J . Parasitol. 17, 234.
  • M. a . M. W. Horsfall (1935) J . Parasitol 21, 442- 443 .
  • Joyeux. C. (1920) Bul! Biol. France et Belge, Suppl ll. Kra use, C. (1925) Berl. Tierarztl. Wschr. 41. 262- 263.
  • Kuprowski , M. (1950) Med. Weteryn. 6, 461 - 463.
  • M. (1955 ) Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych. 67, 69- 103.
  • Kurtpınar, H ., Ergün. H., Merdivenci, A. (1953) Türk. Vet. Hek. Der. Dergisi. 90- 91, '755- 762.
  • (1954) Türkiye Ziraat Mecmua si' 16, 25 - 29.
  • Lesbouyries, G. (1941) La Pathologie des Oiseaux.
  • Levine, P . P . (1936) Cornell Yeterinarian 26, 119- 120.43
  • Lühe. M, (ı911) Acanthocephalus In : Brauer, A. Die Sü13wasserfauna Deutshlands. Heft ı6, Jena ı91ı .
  • Madsen, H. (ı952) Danish Review of Game Biology V o. ı. Part. 3, ı- 42.
  • Meyer, A. (ı933) Acanthocephala In : Dr. H. G. Branns Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs. 4. Bd. 2. Abt, 2. Buch Leipzig ı933.
  • Morgan, D. O. (ı932) Journal Helmin, ıo. ı83- ı94 .
  • Morgan, B. B., Hawkins, P. A. (ı949) Veterinary Helminthology. Burgess Pub. Cm. Minneapolis.
  • Mönning, H . O. (ı947) Veterinary Helminthology and Entomology_ Balliere, Tindall Cox.
  • Neveu- Lemaire, M. (ı936) Traite d'Helminthologie medicale et veterinaire. Vigot Freres, Paris.
  • Nickel, E. A. (ı953) Dtsch. Ti e rarztı. Wschr. 5/ 6, 71- 77.
  • Nöller, W. (ı926) Sitzungsber. Ges naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, ı926 . 8- 9.
  • Nöller, W., Wagner, O. (ı923) Beri. Tierarztl. Wschr. 44.
  • Orosz, D. (ı93ı) Vet. Med. Dissertation, Budapest.
  • Oytun, H Ş. (ı953) Genel Parazitoloji ve Helmintholoji, Ankara Üniversitesi Basım evi.
  • Pallaske, G. (ı949) Tierarztı . Umschau, ı949, 298- 302.
  • ?rice, E. W. (ıS48) Trematodes of poultry In : Biester, H. -E. Schwarte, L. H.;
  • Diseases of Poultry. Iowa State Coll., Press Ames Iowa.
  • Ransom, B. S. (ı905) 21. Annuıı:ı Report Bureau of An, Industry for the Year
  • ı905. Wash. Gov. Printing office, 268- 285,
  • Roach, R. W. (ı!l43) Vet. Record 55 (27) 265- 266.
  • Roberts, F. H. s. (ı937) Austral. J . exper. Biol. Med. Sci. ıs. 429- 439.
  • Schell, Stewart, c. (ı95ı) Journal Paras.37 (3) 326.
  • Solowiow, P. (ı911) Helminthologische Beobachtungen: Cestodes Avium. Zbl. Bakt. I. Orig. 60, 93 - 93.
  • Sprehn, C. E. (ı932) Lehrbuch der Helminthologie Berlin, Verlag von Gebr. Borntrager.
  • Tinaz, A., Kurtpınar, H. (ı950) Türk. Vet, Hek. Der. Dergisi J . 20, 45-46.
  • Todd, A. C. (ı946) Trans of Amer. Mic. Soc. 65, 228- 236.
  • Todd, A. C., Hollingsworth, K. P . (ı952) Exper Parasitol. ı , 303.
  • Wardle, R. A. and Mc Leod, J , A. (ı952) The Zoology of Tapeworms. The University of Minnesota Press.
  • Wehr, E . E . and Alien, R. w. (ı945) Proc. Of the Helm. Soc. of Wash. ı2,No : ı, ı2- ı4 .
  • Wehr, E. E. (ı948) Nematodes and Acanthocepha1ids of Poultry In : Biester
  • H. E . Schwarte, L. H . Diseases of Poultry. )Iowa State Coll. Press. Ames.Iowa.
  • Wetzel, R. (ı933) Dtsch. Tie rarztı . Wschr. 41 (3·0) 465- 467.
  • R, (ı936) Ber. VI. Weltgeflügelkongr. 1936, Bd. 6, S. ı77 -ı80.
  • Wright, W. H., Harwood, P . D. (ı950) Anthelmintic Medication for Nematodes of Poultry. In : Christie, J. R., An Introduction Nematology, Seetion II.Part. II.
Yıl 1960, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 37 - 44, 01.03.1960


The complete digestive tract of 2367 chickens from Ankara and its surroundings

were examined for helminths. Heterakis gallinae was found in

64,9 %, Raillietina echinobothridia in 45,1 '%, Raillietina cesticillus in 39,5 '%,

Ascaridia g. in 33,,1 %. Subulura diff. in 21 ,0 %, Capillaria caud. in 18,7 %.

Capillaria retusa in 3,2 %, Choanotaenia infundibulum in 3.0 %. Trichostrongylus

tenuis in 0.2 %. Capillaria annulata, Gongylyonema ingluvicola. Centrorhynchus

sp. and Echinostoma revolutum in 0,04 '% each. Ammong these helminths

Trichostrongilus tenuis, Gonglionema ingluvicola, Capillaria anulata, Capillaria

caudinflata, Capillaria retusa, Centrorhynchus spec. and Echinostoma revolutum

were faund for the first time in Turkey,


  • Akpın a r, A. c. (1952) Worlds polutry Sci. Jour. 9 (9) 252- 254.
  • Alien, R. W., Wehr, E. E . (1942) Ohio S ta te Med. Journal, 9 (2) , 72 - 73 .
  • Anon (1945) Agr. E xp Station, 1942- 1944, 105- 107.
  • Barboni (1937) Clinica· Veterina ria, 60, 5!://'.
  • Barger, E . H . and Card L . E . (1944) U . S. armed Forces Institute, Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Baudet, E . A. R. F . (1929) Ferd. Enke. Stuttgart.
  • Belding, D. L . (1952) Textbook of Clinical Parasitology. Appleton- Centry Crofts, !ne. New York.
  • Bisbocci , G. (1938) Nouva Ercola ni, 43, 29.0- 314, 319 - 326.
  • Borlwwska, Trippenbach, BJ. u. H . Szwepjkowski (1950) Proc. II. Meeting Polish P a rasitol. Soc. held in Pulawy 10- ll. VI. 1950, s. 137.
  • Cameron , T. W. M. (1951) The parasites of Domestic Animals. A. 8. C. Black, London
  • Cram, E. B. and Jones, M. F. (1929) The North American Vet. 10 (2), 49 - 51.
  • Cram , B. Eloise (1936) U . S. D. A. Techn;ca l Fulletin No. 516.
  • Enigk. K. (1935 ) Arch. Wiss. Prakt. Tierheil, 69, 6. Heft 410- 438.
  • K (1936) Arch. Tierheilkd., 70, 439 - 448.
  • K. (1947) Dtsch. Tierarztl. Wschr., 1947, 86- 89.
  • K. (1953) Dtsch. Tierarztl. Wschr., 1953, 131- 132.
  • Ergün, H .. Merdivenci, A. (1953) Türk. Vet. Hek. Der . Dergisi J . 23, 80- 81.
  • Frenzen, K. (1955) Zeits chr. f . Parasitenkd. 17, 93- 105.
  • Grassi. B. U . G. Rovelli (1889) Zbl. I . Orig .. 5, 370- 377, 401 - 410.
  • Gu tberlet, J. F . (1916) Tra nsact. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 35, 23 - 44.
  • Guthrie, J . E., Harwond, P . D. (1842) Journa l of P a rasitology 28 (6), 24-25.
  • Ha ll, J. W., Wehr, E . E. (1953) Farmers Bulletin No. 1659. U. S. D . A,
  • Harwood, P . D., Guth:rie, .J. E .. (1944) Parasitol. Vol. 30. No. 3, 143 - 152.
  • Hungerford, T. G. (1955) The Austr. Vet. Jour. Vol. 31, No. ll, 275.
  • Jones. M. (1930) J . Parasitol. 16, 158.
  • M. (1931) J . Parasitol. 17, 234.
  • M. a . M. W. Horsfall (1935) J . Parasitol 21, 442- 443 .
  • Joyeux. C. (1920) Bul! Biol. France et Belge, Suppl ll. Kra use, C. (1925) Berl. Tierarztl. Wschr. 41. 262- 263.
  • Kuprowski , M. (1950) Med. Weteryn. 6, 461 - 463.
  • M. (1955 ) Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych. 67, 69- 103.
  • Kurtpınar, H ., Ergün. H., Merdivenci, A. (1953) Türk. Vet. Hek. Der. Dergisi. 90- 91, '755- 762.
  • (1954) Türkiye Ziraat Mecmua si' 16, 25 - 29.
  • Lesbouyries, G. (1941) La Pathologie des Oiseaux.
  • Levine, P . P . (1936) Cornell Yeterinarian 26, 119- 120.43
  • Lühe. M, (ı911) Acanthocephalus In : Brauer, A. Die Sü13wasserfauna Deutshlands. Heft ı6, Jena ı91ı .
  • Madsen, H. (ı952) Danish Review of Game Biology V o. ı. Part. 3, ı- 42.
  • Meyer, A. (ı933) Acanthocephala In : Dr. H. G. Branns Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs. 4. Bd. 2. Abt, 2. Buch Leipzig ı933.
  • Morgan, D. O. (ı932) Journal Helmin, ıo. ı83- ı94 .
  • Morgan, B. B., Hawkins, P. A. (ı949) Veterinary Helminthology. Burgess Pub. Cm. Minneapolis.
  • Mönning, H . O. (ı947) Veterinary Helminthology and Entomology_ Balliere, Tindall Cox.
  • Neveu- Lemaire, M. (ı936) Traite d'Helminthologie medicale et veterinaire. Vigot Freres, Paris.
  • Nickel, E. A. (ı953) Dtsch. Ti e rarztı. Wschr. 5/ 6, 71- 77.
  • Nöller, W. (ı926) Sitzungsber. Ges naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, ı926 . 8- 9.
  • Nöller, W., Wagner, O. (ı923) Beri. Tierarztl. Wschr. 44.
  • Orosz, D. (ı93ı) Vet. Med. Dissertation, Budapest.
  • Oytun, H Ş. (ı953) Genel Parazitoloji ve Helmintholoji, Ankara Üniversitesi Basım evi.
  • Pallaske, G. (ı949) Tierarztı . Umschau, ı949, 298- 302.
  • ?rice, E. W. (ıS48) Trematodes of poultry In : Biester, H. -E. Schwarte, L. H.;
  • Diseases of Poultry. Iowa State Coll., Press Ames Iowa.
  • Ransom, B. S. (ı905) 21. Annuıı:ı Report Bureau of An, Industry for the Year
  • ı905. Wash. Gov. Printing office, 268- 285,
  • Roach, R. W. (ı!l43) Vet. Record 55 (27) 265- 266.
  • Roberts, F. H. s. (ı937) Austral. J . exper. Biol. Med. Sci. ıs. 429- 439.
  • Schell, Stewart, c. (ı95ı) Journal Paras.37 (3) 326.
  • Solowiow, P. (ı911) Helminthologische Beobachtungen: Cestodes Avium. Zbl. Bakt. I. Orig. 60, 93 - 93.
  • Sprehn, C. E. (ı932) Lehrbuch der Helminthologie Berlin, Verlag von Gebr. Borntrager.
  • Tinaz, A., Kurtpınar, H. (ı950) Türk. Vet, Hek. Der. Dergisi J . 20, 45-46.
  • Todd, A. C. (ı946) Trans of Amer. Mic. Soc. 65, 228- 236.
  • Todd, A. C., Hollingsworth, K. P . (ı952) Exper Parasitol. ı , 303.
  • Wardle, R. A. and Mc Leod, J , A. (ı952) The Zoology of Tapeworms. The University of Minnesota Press.
  • Wehr, E . E . and Alien, R. w. (ı945) Proc. Of the Helm. Soc. of Wash. ı2,No : ı, ı2- ı4 .
  • Wehr, E. E. (ı948) Nematodes and Acanthocepha1ids of Poultry In : Biester
  • H. E . Schwarte, L. H . Diseases of Poultry. )Iowa State Coll. Press. Ames.Iowa.
  • Wetzel, R. (ı933) Dtsch. Tie rarztı . Wschr. 41 (3·0) 465- 467.
  • R, (ı936) Ber. VI. Weltgeflügelkongr. 1936, Bd. 6, S. ı77 -ı80.
  • Wright, W. H., Harwood, P . D. (ı950) Anthelmintic Medication for Nematodes of Poultry. In : Christie, J. R., An Introduction Nematology, Seetion II.Part. II.
Toplam 66 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Bilimleri
Bölüm Tam Sayı

Hüseyin Ergün Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 1960
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Mart 1960
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1960 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ergün, H. (1960). Ankara ve civar vilayetleri tavuklarında bulduğumuz helmintler üzerinde araştırmalar. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 1(1), 37-44.