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Comparative Studies on Vaccination of dogs With Avianized Kelev Virus and unactivated Semple Vaccine

Yıl 1968, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 5-6, 10 - 22, 01.12.1968


Avianized Kelev and inactivated Semple rables Vaccines comparativly
tested on 20 dogs, older than six months: In this experiment 10 dogs were vaccinated with Kelev vaccine 2.5 ml intramuscularly
Another 10 dogs were inoculated twice, at ten days interval
with a dose of 10 ml inactiveted Semple vaccine. A serum- neutralization
test was carried out on these dogs before and at 1 st, 3 rd,
6 the and 12 th months after vaccination. Only the Nr. 1 dog serum
had prevaccination antibodies.
Revaccination carried out on 5 dogs from each group at the
end of sixth month of the first vaccaination.
(Table: I and II) showing the results of serum neutralization
The neutralizing antibodies of Kelev vaccine established in 2
dogs in the first month, in S dogs in the third month, and in 9
dogs at the end of sixth months of the vaccination. The revaccinated
5 dogs showed some rising titers of antibodies. After twelve
months, all the sera contained a certain amount of antibidies excpt Nr. 16.
We obtained the following results with the Semple vaccine
test: Antibodies demonstrated in 3 dogs after one month, in 3 dogs
after three months and in 4 dogs after six months of vaccination.
Three out of 5 revaccinated animals gave the high antibody titers.
With- this test only 4 revaccinated dogs gave antibodies at the end
of twelve months.
It was understood that one dose of Kelev vaccine produce antibodies
for one year.


  • 1. Almassy, n:. and Szabo Szuc3, J. : Some Properties of Rabies Virus Propagated in Embryonated Eggs. Mag. Allator. Lapja., 16, 91-93, (1961).
  • 2. Anderson, G. R., Schnurrenberger, P. R. : Avian Eınbryo Rabies Immünization. I Duck-Embryo Vaccine Administered Intradermally in Man. Amer. J. Hyg., 71, 158-167, (1960) .
  • 3. Atanasiu, P., et Al. : Rabies Neutralizing Antibody Response to Different Schedules of Serum and Vaccine Inoculations in Nonexposed Persons. Part II. Bull. Wld Hlth. Org., 17, 911-932, (1957) .
  • 4. Atanas~u, P., et Al.: Rabies Neutralizing Antibody Response to Different Schadules of Serum and Vaccine Inoculations in Nonexposed Persons. Part III. Bu ll. Wld. Hlth. Org., 25, 103/ 114, (1961).
  • 5. Bindrich, H. and n:uwert, E. : Immünization Dogs Against Rabies Before and After Infection. Arclı. Exp. Vet. Med., 14, 676, (1960).
  • 6., L. : Surviral of the Pasteur Fixed Rabies Virus in Fnienolizedll'ermi- Semple Vaccine and its Relation to Immunogenic!ty. Ann. Soc. Belge. Med. Trop., 39, 275-280, (1959).
  • 7. Burkhart, R. L., Jervis, G. A. and U:oprowski, H. : Fostvaccinal Paralys!s and Demyelination in the Dog F'ollowing Antirabtes Vaccination. Vet. Med., 45, 31, (1950).
  • 8. Cabasso, V. J., et Al. : Tissue-Culture Rabies Vacc:ine Flury LEP in Dogs. Amer. J. Vet. Res., 26, 24-32, (1965).
  • 9. Carneiro, V., Black, J., li:oprowski, H. : Rabies in Cattle. V. immunization of Cattle in Brazil Aga!nst Exposure to street Virus of Vampire Bat Origin. Jour. Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc., 127, 336, (1955) .
  • 10. Dean, D. J ., Evans, W. M. : Studi:es on the Low Egg Passage Flury Strain of Modified Live Rabies virus Produced in Embryonating Chicken Eggs and Tissue Culture. Amer. J. Vet. Rec., 25, 756-768, (1964).
  • 11. Fermi,: L. Metodi Fermi, Institute Sieroterapico Milanese, Milan, (1925) . «Citb in Rooyen V. and Rhodes A. J., Virus Dieseases of Man. New York, (1948).
  • 12. Gomez, C. Blaclc, J., n:oprowski, H. : Rabies in Cattıe. III. Comparatives Studies on Vaccination of Cattle in Colombia with Flury Viru;; and Chloroforın- Inactivated Vaccine. Jour . .Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc., 127, 360 1955).
  • 13. Habel, K. : Ha bel Test for Po ten ey. Laboratory Techni~ues ın Rabies, World Health Organization: Monograph Series. No. 23, 140, (1966).
  • 14. Huygoieıı, C. and Mortelmans, J. : Virus Neutralizing Antibodies in Cattle and Sheep Inoculated with Fluı·y Strain of Rabies Virus. Bııll . Soc. Pat. Exot., 52 , 747-751, (1959)
  • 15. Kalmar, E.: Personal Communication. (1961) .
  • 16. Kaplan, M. H., Coor, Y., Tierkel, E. S. : The use of Avianized Rabies Vaccine ın Dogs in Israel. W. H. O. Expert Committe on Rabıes Report on the Second Session, Rep. Ser. No. 41, (1953) .
  • 17. Romarov, A. and Kornstein, K.: Studies on the Patogenicity of an Avianized Street Rabies Virus. The Cornı:ll Veterinarian, XLIII, 344, (1953).
  • 18. Komarov, A. and Hornstein, R. : Reaction of Cattle to Vaccination with Rabies Virus Strain «Kelev». W. H. O. Expert Committce on Rabies, R~p . Ser. No. 72, (1956) .
  • 19. Roprowski, H.: Chicken- Embryo Vaccine. Laboratory. T2ch :ı iques in Rabies, W. H. O. Monogroph Series, No. 23, Cenova,, (1966).
  • 20. l{oprowski, H. an<l Black, J.: Studies on Chick- Embryo Adapted Rabies Virus II. Pathogenicity for Dogs and use of Egg- Adapted Strains for Vaccination Purposes. Jour. Immuno!., 64, 185- 19ô, (1950).
  • 21. Koprowski, H., Blad<, J ., Johnson, W. P. : Rabies in C:ıttle, IV. Vaocination of Cattle with High Egg - Passage, Chicken Embryo - Adapted Rabies Virus. Jour. Amer. Vet. Med. Ass c., 127, 363, (1955).
  • 22. Koprowsl<i, H. and Cox, H. R. : Studies on Chick- Embryo Adaptcd Rabies Virus. I. Culture Chara.cteristics and Pathogenicity. Jour. lmnıunol. , 60, 533, (1948) .
  • 23. Pastew·, L., Cha""berJand, C.E., and RotLx, M. : Nouvell Communica.tion sur la Rage. C. R. Acad. Sci., 98, 457, (1884). «cftb in Rooyen V. and RHodes A. J., Virus of Man. New York, (1948).
  • 24. Roed, L. J., and Mueııch, H. : Determination of 50 % eiıd- Pointsı by the Method of Reed and Muench. Amer. J . Hyg., 27, 493, (1938) . << cite» in Laborato.ry Techniques in RabiP.s. W. H. O. Monograph Series. No. 23, 149, (1966) .
  • 25. Remlinger, P. : Les Vaccines Pasteuriıe ns et le Vaccin Flury Vaccination des Animaux. Bull. Oft. Anter. Epizoo., XLV, (1956) .dans la592-600,
  • 26. Rooyen, v. and Rhodes, A. J.: Virus Di.ıoeases. of Man . 832, New York, (1948).
  • 27. Semple, D. Sel. Mem. Med. Sanit. Dept. India. No. 44, (1911). «ci te» in Rooyen, V. and Rhodas, A. J., Virus· Diseases of Man. 832, New York, (1948).
  • 28. '.ficrkel, E . S., Et al. : Prcliıninary Observation in the Comparative Prophilactic Vaccination of Dogs Against Rabies with Liviııg Virus Vacne: ı and Phenolizcd Vaccine. Amer. J. Vet. Res., 10, 361- 367, (1949).
  • 29. VeGraraghaveıı , N., and Subrahmanjan, T. P. : Duratin of immunity to Reinfectio:ı in Genie - Pigs Treeted with Antirabies 8eruın and Vac ciıı'~ and the Value of Booster of· Vaccine in Re - Tretment. Bul!. Wld. Health. Oı,g . , 29, 511 - 514, ( 1963).
  • 30. World Health Organization Expert Comınittee on Rahies. Rep . S :.r. No. 146, (1960).
  • 31. Wiktor, T. J., Fernandes, M. V., and, H. : CultUvation of Rabies Virus in Humen Diplo!d Cell Strain VI - 38. Jour. !mmunol., 93, 353- 361, (1964) .

Avianize Kelev Kuduz Aşısı ile Semple Tipi Kuduz Aşısının Köpeklerde Meydana Getirdiği Muafiyetin Serolajik Olarak Tesbiti

Yıl 1968, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 5-6, 10 - 22, 01.12.1968


Altı aylıktan büyük 20 köpek üzerinde avianize Kelev ve inaktiv
Semple aşıları mukayeseli olarak denendi. 10 köpeğe adele içi 2,5
ml Kelev aşısı, 10 köpeğe deri altı yoluyla 10 gün ara ile iki defada
10'ar ml Semple aşısı verildi. Bu köpeklerde aşılamadan evvel
ve · aşılandıktan sonra 1 ci. 3 üncü, 6 ncı ve 12 nci aylar kan a'lınarak
serum nötralizasyon testi yapıldı. Aşılamadan önce alınan serumlardan sadece 1 numaralı köpekte antikor tesbit edildi. Her iki gruptan beşer adet köpek aşılamanın altıncı ayında birer doz aşı ile revaksine edildi.
Serum Nötralizasyon testinin sonuçları (Cetvel: I ve II) de görülmektedir.
Kelev aşısında, nötralizan antikor aşılamanın birinci ayında
iki, üçüncü ayında beş, altıncı ayında dokuz köpekte tesbit edildi.
Revaksineden sonra beş köpeğin antikor titrelerinde biraz yükselme,
onikinci ay alınan serumlarda ise 16 numaralı köpek müstesna
diğer dokuz köpekte antikor mevcut olduğu görüldü.
Semple aşısında, aşılamanın birinci ayında üç, üçüncü ayında
üç, altıncı ayında ise dört köpekte antikor tesbit edilmiş, altıncı
ayda epruve edilen beş köpekten bilhassa üç adedinü1 kanındaki
antikor titresi çok yükselmiş, onikinci ay serumlarında sadece
revaksine edilenlerden dört adedinde antikor tesbit edilebilmiş,
diğerlerinde kayda değer birşey bulunamamıştır.
Bu deneme göstermiştir ki Kelev aşısının bir dozu köpeklerde,
bir sene devam eden antikor tevlit etmektedir.


  • 1. Almassy, n:. and Szabo Szuc3, J. : Some Properties of Rabies Virus Propagated in Embryonated Eggs. Mag. Allator. Lapja., 16, 91-93, (1961).
  • 2. Anderson, G. R., Schnurrenberger, P. R. : Avian Eınbryo Rabies Immünization. I Duck-Embryo Vaccine Administered Intradermally in Man. Amer. J. Hyg., 71, 158-167, (1960) .
  • 3. Atanasiu, P., et Al. : Rabies Neutralizing Antibody Response to Different Schedules of Serum and Vaccine Inoculations in Nonexposed Persons. Part II. Bull. Wld Hlth. Org., 17, 911-932, (1957) .
  • 4. Atanas~u, P., et Al.: Rabies Neutralizing Antibody Response to Different Schadules of Serum and Vaccine Inoculations in Nonexposed Persons. Part III. Bu ll. Wld. Hlth. Org., 25, 103/ 114, (1961).
  • 5. Bindrich, H. and n:uwert, E. : Immünization Dogs Against Rabies Before and After Infection. Arclı. Exp. Vet. Med., 14, 676, (1960).
  • 6., L. : Surviral of the Pasteur Fixed Rabies Virus in Fnienolizedll'ermi- Semple Vaccine and its Relation to Immunogenic!ty. Ann. Soc. Belge. Med. Trop., 39, 275-280, (1959).
  • 7. Burkhart, R. L., Jervis, G. A. and U:oprowski, H. : Fostvaccinal Paralys!s and Demyelination in the Dog F'ollowing Antirabtes Vaccination. Vet. Med., 45, 31, (1950).
  • 8. Cabasso, V. J., et Al. : Tissue-Culture Rabies Vacc:ine Flury LEP in Dogs. Amer. J. Vet. Res., 26, 24-32, (1965).
  • 9. Carneiro, V., Black, J., li:oprowski, H. : Rabies in Cattle. V. immunization of Cattle in Brazil Aga!nst Exposure to street Virus of Vampire Bat Origin. Jour. Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc., 127, 336, (1955) .
  • 10. Dean, D. J ., Evans, W. M. : Studi:es on the Low Egg Passage Flury Strain of Modified Live Rabies virus Produced in Embryonating Chicken Eggs and Tissue Culture. Amer. J. Vet. Rec., 25, 756-768, (1964).
  • 11. Fermi,: L. Metodi Fermi, Institute Sieroterapico Milanese, Milan, (1925) . «Citb in Rooyen V. and Rhodes A. J., Virus Dieseases of Man. New York, (1948).
  • 12. Gomez, C. Blaclc, J., n:oprowski, H. : Rabies in Cattıe. III. Comparatives Studies on Vaccination of Cattle in Colombia with Flury Viru;; and Chloroforın- Inactivated Vaccine. Jour . .Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc., 127, 360 1955).
  • 13. Habel, K. : Ha bel Test for Po ten ey. Laboratory Techni~ues ın Rabies, World Health Organization: Monograph Series. No. 23, 140, (1966).
  • 14. Huygoieıı, C. and Mortelmans, J. : Virus Neutralizing Antibodies in Cattle and Sheep Inoculated with Fluı·y Strain of Rabies Virus. Bııll . Soc. Pat. Exot., 52 , 747-751, (1959)
  • 15. Kalmar, E.: Personal Communication. (1961) .
  • 16. Kaplan, M. H., Coor, Y., Tierkel, E. S. : The use of Avianized Rabies Vaccine ın Dogs in Israel. W. H. O. Expert Committe on Rabıes Report on the Second Session, Rep. Ser. No. 41, (1953) .
  • 17. Romarov, A. and Kornstein, K.: Studies on the Patogenicity of an Avianized Street Rabies Virus. The Cornı:ll Veterinarian, XLIII, 344, (1953).
  • 18. Komarov, A. and Hornstein, R. : Reaction of Cattle to Vaccination with Rabies Virus Strain «Kelev». W. H. O. Expert Committce on Rabies, R~p . Ser. No. 72, (1956) .
  • 19. Roprowski, H.: Chicken- Embryo Vaccine. Laboratory. T2ch :ı iques in Rabies, W. H. O. Monogroph Series, No. 23, Cenova,, (1966).
  • 20. l{oprowski, H. an<l Black, J.: Studies on Chick- Embryo Adapted Rabies Virus II. Pathogenicity for Dogs and use of Egg- Adapted Strains for Vaccination Purposes. Jour. Immuno!., 64, 185- 19ô, (1950).
  • 21. Koprowski, H., Blad<, J ., Johnson, W. P. : Rabies in C:ıttle, IV. Vaocination of Cattle with High Egg - Passage, Chicken Embryo - Adapted Rabies Virus. Jour. Amer. Vet. Med. Ass c., 127, 363, (1955).
  • 22. Koprowsl<i, H. and Cox, H. R. : Studies on Chick- Embryo Adaptcd Rabies Virus. I. Culture Chara.cteristics and Pathogenicity. Jour. lmnıunol. , 60, 533, (1948) .
  • 23. Pastew·, L., Cha""berJand, C.E., and RotLx, M. : Nouvell Communica.tion sur la Rage. C. R. Acad. Sci., 98, 457, (1884). «cftb in Rooyen V. and RHodes A. J., Virus of Man. New York, (1948).
  • 24. Roed, L. J., and Mueııch, H. : Determination of 50 % eiıd- Pointsı by the Method of Reed and Muench. Amer. J . Hyg., 27, 493, (1938) . << cite» in Laborato.ry Techniques in RabiP.s. W. H. O. Monograph Series. No. 23, 149, (1966) .
  • 25. Remlinger, P. : Les Vaccines Pasteuriıe ns et le Vaccin Flury Vaccination des Animaux. Bull. Oft. Anter. Epizoo., XLV, (1956) .dans la592-600,
  • 26. Rooyen, v. and Rhodes, A. J.: Virus Di.ıoeases. of Man . 832, New York, (1948).
  • 27. Semple, D. Sel. Mem. Med. Sanit. Dept. India. No. 44, (1911). «ci te» in Rooyen, V. and Rhodas, A. J., Virus· Diseases of Man. 832, New York, (1948).
  • 28. '.ficrkel, E . S., Et al. : Prcliıninary Observation in the Comparative Prophilactic Vaccination of Dogs Against Rabies with Liviııg Virus Vacne: ı and Phenolizcd Vaccine. Amer. J. Vet. Res., 10, 361- 367, (1949).
  • 29. VeGraraghaveıı , N., and Subrahmanjan, T. P. : Duratin of immunity to Reinfectio:ı in Genie - Pigs Treeted with Antirabies 8eruın and Vac ciıı'~ and the Value of Booster of· Vaccine in Re - Tretment. Bul!. Wld. Health. Oı,g . , 29, 511 - 514, ( 1963).
  • 30. World Health Organization Expert Comınittee on Rahies. Rep . S :.r. No. 146, (1960).
  • 31. Wiktor, T. J., Fernandes, M. V., and, H. : CultUvation of Rabies Virus in Humen Diplo!d Cell Strain VI - 38. Jour. !mmunol., 93, 353- 361, (1964) .
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Bilimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mükerrem Güley Bu kişi benim

Mehmet Toker Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1968
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1968
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1968 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 5-6

Kaynak Göster

APA Güley, M., & Toker, M. (1968). Avianize Kelev Kuduz Aşısı ile Semple Tipi Kuduz Aşısının Köpeklerde Meydana Getirdiği Muafiyetin Serolajik Olarak Tesbiti. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 3(5-6), 10-22.